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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180822 08:00:00

rob: sarah sanders defending the epic move donald trump just made. "fox and friends first" starts right now. good wednesday morning to you. rob: a lot going on. we begin with a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged with murder after confessing to kidnapping kim jong un one. the mexican man detailing the final and terrifying moments to police. rob: the suspects prepared to face a judge. >> reporter: a tragic end to a story we have been closely following for five weeks, 20-year-old mollie tibbetts found dead in a cornfield not far from her hometown of brooklyn, iowa. and illegal immigrant admits to kidnapping, killing and dumping her lifeless body after following her on a run on july 18th. here he is, kim jong un to claims he blacked out and came to when he found molly's body in the trunk of his car, surveillance video helped crack the case. >> we were able to track his pattern and the roots he took and found mollie tibbetts running on this video and we were able to determine she was found in a cornfield and there were cornstalks placed over the top of her. jillian: a local dairy farmer says he passed a background check even though he was in the us illegally for twee 7 years. the small iowa community is shaken up about it. >> it is a gloomy feeling, not knowing her personally, it is upsetting because it is such a small town and small community that you don't think that will happen. you feel less safe than normal. >> reporter: molly's family and friends were devastated, they were holding out hope she would return home alive. >> every parent's nightmare, so A precursor to Fox News's morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. illegally in our country. the immigration laws are such a disgrace, we are getting them changed, we have to get more republican. >> reporter: lawmakers nationwide demanding justice for mollie tibbetts. mike pence tweeting we commend this swift action by local state and federal investigators working in iowa in apprehending an illegal immigrant who is charged with first-degree murder. justice will be served. we will never forget mollie tibbetts. offered prayers from molly's family and friends. as california gubernatorial candidate john cox slams democrats for their open border policy saying, quote, those who want to abolish ice need to consider the consequences of their rash proposal. the mollie tibbetts case is one more tragic example of a senseless loss that should never have happened similar to kate steinle's heartbreaking death in san francisco, she was caught farm. this is the pig farmer. he was considered something of a suspect or person of interest for the time being, that shirt was never confirmed to have been mollie tibbetts's and we still don't know if it was but he is no longer a suspect. you see the pig farm here where mollie tibbetts was last seen going for that run. we advance further, august 14th, maybe a week ago, we home on five locations, you can see them over here, some farmland, a truckstop, a carwash, this is everything started to narrow down and they thought they hold it to a certain location and as we move forward august 21st yesterday the body which has been confirmed to be mollie tibbetts was found in the cornfield the number of miles from where she was seen so you see why it was so hard to find this young girl's body because the surgery was so big being so far away. even with the search for it is hard to search that much area and we have more on this coming up. shannon: donald trump slamming robert mueller investigation is two former members of his inner circle take a big legal hit. the president's lawyer says the paul manafort and michael cohen news does not threaten the white house. jenkins live in washington with the latest fallout. >> reporter: it is not good news for the white house, two major development, first in the trial of the president's former campaign chairman paul manafort guilty him eight counterattacks and bank fraud, almost certainly significant prison time. the jury deadlocking on ten other counts, none of the counts related to the president or his campaign. then came this, the president's personal lawyer, eight charges of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance charges from has many payments to two alleging affairs with the president that he denied, cohen agreeing to jail time in the plea deal and his lawyer making serious threats but this is just the beginning. >> mister cohen has knowledge of certain suspects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows. >> the president's attorney we should the statement there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president in the government's charges against mister cohen. the president addressed the news before and during the rally in west virginia. >> doesn't involve me but i still feel it is a sad thing that happened. has nothing to do with russian collusion. fake news of the russian witchhunt, we have a whole big combination. where is the collusion. >> democrats were quick to react. rob: ted williams has been working the scene for weeks and joins us live from iowa next. has alzheimer's. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you're gonna love what it does for you too. 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[ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. order your superbeets today. call... or visit... remains were found by law enforcement after having been led here by an illegal immigrant who had been in this country for at least four to twee 7 years, working as a migrant worker. jillian: you were at the scene, you went to the vigil, got an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. help us understand approximately how far that cornfield is where her body was found from the pig farm a lot of the focus was on and the boyfriend's house where she left to go to that jog. >> reporter: the actual farm is five miles from where her remains were found. the home in brooklyn is 12 miles >> reporter: absolutely. this was excellent police work. what they did was get surveillance tape of various homes in the area and the surveillance tape showed mollie tibbetts running and this black car stalking her and as a result they were able to come upon this guy, kim jong un to. it was at the same stage that cristhian bahena rivera confessed he had something to do with this and took them to the area over my shoulder where her remains were found. jillian: do we know she had any interaction with this suspect? if he followed her on a jog before? >> that is part of the investigation by law enforcement and they are trying to determine what was the relationship, if he knew mollie tibbetts. it has been alleged that his daughter or mother may have had some contact on facebook with mollie tibbetts. this investigation is just beginning. we are trying to determine if this guy has been involved in other murders, and -- >> wouldn't surprise me at all. rob: thank you so much, live from the cornfield where the body was found yesterday. >> violence surging in chicago, 350 murders this year with no signs of slowing down. how can police keep the city safe. it starts with gangs. >> no old white man can stop you. >> some brand-new proof that politics and entertainment don't really mix, the all-time lows. while i was in the navy, i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn't have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. jillian: heartbroken father breaking down in tears as a judge reads charges against his son-in-law accused of murdering his pregnant wife and, those charges indicate christopher watts may have killed his kids before his wife came home from a trip, her body found buried in a colorado oil field, watts claims his wife strangled the girls after asking for divorce and he killed her out of rage. he is not entered a plea and could face the death penalty if convicted. rob: the final two fugitives wanted for ambushing undercover detectives, alexander the jesus and omar hall behind bars, the third suspect was arrested over the weekend. hiring 25 rounds, two detective stopped at red lights having two weeks to go in new jersey. they escaped with minor injuries, all three blue blue charged with attempted murder. police do not have a motive for this random shooting. >> violence ramping up with 350 murders so far this year. >> please working to crack down on the deadly street gangs turning the windy city into a war zone. what do we know about these gangs and what else needs to be done? jillian: judge anthony napolitano, the only republican in the city council, and thank you for joining us. you worry about police burnout -- >> thank you for having me. numbers a little off, 375 homicides in chicago. the scarier number would be 1090 people shot in the city of chicago. take the number and continue how many have been shot at so those numbers could be dramatic. that is the fact that people don't know about they don't know what is going on right now. it is scary. rob: it really is. most of this is centered on the south side of the city. you are the loan republican in chicago it sounds like. you are in a very blue place. what is the issue with the leadership in the city. what are they not doing right? i am sure there are a lot of criticisms. >> i have some union strength in me but the biggest problem in chicago is a state attorney's office celebrating catch and release system, touting how many people are in the system every day, these are career criminals. the next biggest issue we are fighting with is issues putting time and energy into looking for more oversight on the chicago police officers. we have approximately tween 9 different oversight committees that overlook everything police officers doing looking to add more. the thing we are not doing is putting oversight and accountability on communities. everyone knows what is done for pandering purposes. unless we start holding communities accountable for what is going on for the 1090 people shot, 375 homicides, you can't go after the police like they are not doing their jobs. these officers in chicago are dying to be the best they can, for end -- jillian: how do you put a end to crime in chicago? seems we have this conversation almost weekly now. >> the biggest thing is officers right now are so afraid to be the police. criminal elements in chicago know what is going on with police officers. they know all these officers are so fearful of doing their job, not being protected by the city of chicago coming out, lawsuits of an illegal stop. officers are what i touted from day one, have -- they don't want that. they want to be proactive. if you don't feel you have the backing of your city, not just downtown but chicago, you can't do your job. committal know that. when i was a street officer you had tween 9 of every ten guns laid up and hidden somewhere on the street, 9 of every 10 guns driving around because the criminal element those police officers are too afraid to put a stop because they will end up in the next lawsuit. rob: so much scrutiny on the police for everything they do but where's the accountability on communities rampant in crime and gang violence. thanks for your time this morning, appreciate it. jillian: fox news alert, lawmakers demanding answers after an illegal immigrant is charged with killing mollie tibbetts. how can democrats keep supporting calls to abolish ice after this? rob: legal immigrants in this country, a blue wave in november could lead to a crime wave and he joins us next. >> illegal immigrant confesses to killing mollie tibbetts. lawmakers demanding justice. >> kim reynolds tweeting we are heartbroken and angry that a broken immigration system a lot of predator like this to live in our community and we will do all we can to bring justice to mollie tibbetts's,. shannon: greg abbott tweeting in part this is why so many are angry about sanctuary cities in texas band sanctuary cities, it is about safety. rob: here to weigh in his peter lamarche. thank you for coming back this morning. when you see people screaming about sanctuary cities and are so offended by the idea of deporting illegal immigrants out of this country that they go to the extent of protecting criminals from immigration and customs enforcement. it is wanting to protect somebody who has never broken the law but they are protecting people who broke the law from customs enforcement and then see a story like this, it boggles the mind. >> what is happening is people came to the united states illegally, yet we are not holding them responsible for what they conduct here. we are promoting chaos. they commit suicide, as a civilization we are on the verge of committing suicide following elected representatives instead of representing you and i, representing illegals. they are demonizing ice instead of protecting the citizenry, or supposed to do that. giving illegals more rights than you and i. shouldn't even be here discussing this to the kate steinle case. when was the last time the democrats, the media took a position on this and demand our elected representatives change these laws that are hurting you and i and our towns. jillian: the mayor of philadelphia dancing and excitement over the fact philadelphia became a sanctuary city. in the commercial break, in this country it pays to be illegal. >> i live in connecticut. they give you a drivers license, all the benefits, greater benefits than my family and i get and have no responsibility whatsoever. we are enticing people to come to the united states for the benefit to them. on the other hand we are afraid to allow law enforcement agencies to get the job done. you name it. federal agency being paid -- the legal guy who comes to the united states, lives in our community for almost eight years and killed this beautiful woman, this beautiful girl, they will never see that girl again. >> wonder what happened and -- >> the separation of the miners a few weeks ago. we had liberals accusing the president of being a racist, enough so. congress should allow the president to enforce the law. >> the ultimate case of irony, called the president a nazi and called to abolish ice, ice just yesterday deported a nazi from queens, new york back to germany or to germany, he was a polish citizen when he committed his crimes, lives in the united states for 70 years, known about this guy, the president comes in, goes fast with the new ambassador. >> involved in 1993, the other administration -- 2003. donald trump came to office and made it a priority that an unstable human being should be removed from the united states. we have the proper screening allowing the ones who come to the united states to become americans, tell us the truth, embrace the values they have embraced instead of coming here illegally after committing horrible crimes and come over here on the fake pretense of becoming an american citizen, it is wrong. rob: millions of people are waiting in line to come the right way. thank you so much. appreciate your time. breaking overnight, wanting to bomb an army base, admit to supporting isis, documents reveal he would watch videos of the headings and suicide bombings for hours every day. the fbi says he met with undercover agency believed were isis members pledging his allegiance while kissing and isis flag. the attorney said he will plead guilty but may be suffering from mental illness. jillian: we could be closer to ending the 17 year war in afghanistan. taliban terrorists will head to russia for peace talks. other countries including china, pakistan and iran will be there, face-to-face talks with the terror group is not expected at the september 4th meeting. we now know the name of the american soldier killed in a helicopter crash interact. chief warrant officer taylor calvinus was on his life, at the.when the chopper went down after an isis raid, the crash is under investigation. enemy fire was ruled out as the cause. the 34-year-old leaves behind a wife and two children. rob: donald trump takes aim at andrew cuomo's america was never that great gas at his west virginia rally, saying it could be the democrats new slogan. >> new york's democrat governor andrew cuomo even declared that america was never great. tell that to our great soldiers. his comments insult generations of brave americans whose blood, sweat and tears build our magnificent country. america was never great. that is the democrats new theme. rob: the president of the democratic new york governor have been in a sparring match for days now. it appears kevin hart's decision slammed the president during mtv music awards, did not please many americans. >> i look at this like it is game day, do not worry, at this game you guys are allowed to kneel, you never know what will happen at the vma, bad language, people running to the bathroom to send out crazy tweets, basically like a day at the white house. rob: for the second straight year the vmas have the smallest audience ever drawing just 2.2 million viewers and a 1.1 rating with adults ranging from 18 to 49. that is a 23% drop from last year's 5.36 million viewers, that is more than that. the previous record low we might have some numbers but the point is it was an abysmal showing, some sad ratings for something with that much-hyped. jillian: 20 minutes until the top of the hour, sarah sanders sounding off about deporting the former nazi guard. that is not all she is praising, she shut down democrats with one tweet. rob: just in time for back-to-school, nationwide epipen shortage leaving parents scrambling. a pregnant woman getting high to treat morning sickness. doctor nicole safire coming up with what you need to know next. ♪ rob: welcome back. sarah sanders saluting her boss and customs enforcement for a job well done. the white house press secretary tweeting for many years a nazi labor camp guard had been living in new york, a terrible injustice. past administrations failed to deport him. today donald trump got the job done. ice has removed this despicable nazi from our great country. ice does deported pauli to germany, the last known nazi collaborator in the united states. 130 illegal immigrants including children as young as 4 years old were busted in arizona, they were abandoned by smugglers several miles from the mexican border. the caravan includes people from guatemala and honduras, el salvador and mexico. they are in ice custody facing deportation. jillian: a dangerous epipen shortage, parents scrambling to get there hands on the life-saving medication as their children head back to school. joining us to tell us about it is doctor nicole safire. what to parents need to know about this? >> reporter: everyone scrambling to make sure they have new epipens. there are severe allergic reactions. they expire every years of people have to renew them every year but we are seeing a shortage. they discussed the fda approved generic that is not available yet, still dealing with a shortage. they haven't given a firm date but possibly in october. what you can do is contact mylan, you can contact them and they can help you get one in the fda just extended the expiration date on some of the current epipens. not everyone about the epi junior. go to the website and you may be able to use that epipen after it expired. jillian: low carb diet, people think this is an easy way to lose pounds, eating more vegetables and grains, not so much. you will love this one being a vegetarian. low carb diets are a great way to lose weight but a huge study out of the national institute of health showed u-shaped result, low carb and high carb, higher mortality, earlier death. they broke down the low-carb diet because everyone likes to be healthy. they show people who substitute protein with only animal meats had higher mortality, a lot of plant-based derivatives meant tofu and everything else, lower mortality. if you go low-carb do it with land-based proteins as well. >> that is what i do. the next thing is we talked about this yesterday. a lot of people have a hard time understanding this story that a new study finds pregnant women use marijuana to treat morning sickness, one in 10 in california. is this safe? >> it is not so hard to wrap your head around people wanting to take it for severe nausea. we are giving medicinal marijuana to cancer patients so we know it has anti-nausea but additional marijuana is different from street marijuana. we are seeing synthetic marijuana killing people. the american medical association thing do not smoke marijuana because many studies show detrimental effects. jillian: medical marijuana when pregnant is a no-no. don't do it. thank you very much. lot of stuff. it is 13 after the top of the hour, russian hackers caught red-handed targeting the upcoming midterms. how the trump administration for the kremlin unnoticed. no secret prince harry once kids but won't have custody, the reason why coming up. ♪ (woman) learned to play an instrument. learned a second language. applied to college. applied for a loan. started a business. started a blog. shared a picture. shared a moment. turn your wish list into a checklist. learn more. do more. share more. at home, with internet essentials. >> let's talk about what facebook has uncovered, they removed 650 pages and accounts linked to russia and iran. they are coordinated in authentic behavior that included sharing of misleading political information, this is something facebook has come under fire for following the 2016 presidential election and they have taken steps to read the platform of this type of activity especially ahead of the midterm elections. in addition to facebook finding this information, twitter may have removed 284 accounts with this kind of misleading political information. a lot of is happening before the midterm elections. jillian: we need a new mode of transportation because flying is ridiculously expensive. let us know because united is finding another way to charge passengers, this time for preferred seats. you won't get any special perks with this preferred seat, no extra legroom, you will just be sitting near the front of the plane. you won't have to walk down the aisle as far, you will be one of the first off the plane after business class, economy class and preferred seats but you will be paying more for this little perk, this is something american airline 10 delta do this, charging you more to sit near the front of the plane. not sure how much united will charge customers. they haven't said that but this will be implement it later this year. jillian: is that 3 minutes going to matter? >> i agree with you. rob: they just a few in an overhead bin. did you know that? >> did you fit? >> i got a bit claustrophobic. thank you very much. aretha franklin reportedly left no will for her $80 million estate. press reports her four sons listed themselves if interested parties and could split the money and property legally. the queen of soul died after battling pancreatic cancer, she was 76 years old. jillian: a bizarre twist of royalty, megan markel and prince harry won't have custody of their own kids, a royal expert ruling the queen illegal custody due to an ancient law. of the queen passes away custody will be passed to the new sovereign prince charles. the same rule applies to william and kate middleton's children. rob: weird royal -- so many of them. time for the good, the bad and the ugly. after spending nearly 30 hours, i can already hear this, trapped underneath the house. [cheers] rob: colorado firefighters pooling the to safety. she got stuck when chasing a rabbit around the yard. jillian: a mom put a sticky note on her baby's head, saying she should dress more like a girl. this photo of baby clementine going viral on line. her parents say her clothes are her older brother's hand-me-downs. rob: this is a bizarre one. the ugly. ten sports car drivers ticketed for driving too slow clogging both lanes, angry drivers called state troopers after they were unable to pass by. jillian: if you drive slow you want everybody to see it. rob: got the windows down. jillian: a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged in the brutal murder of mollie tibbetts. liberal laws under fire for the iowa student's tragic death. rob: former nypd commissioner ted williams joining us in the next hour of "fox and friends first". - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged with


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180822 07:00:00

A recap of the day's headlines and a look at what's in store for tomorrow. >> reporter: breaking tonight dramatic developments in the michael cohen case, could be the most erratic of all because it could be more damaging to donald trump, he was directly implicated unlike the paul manafort case that has nothing to do with the president or the 2016 campaign. that may explain why the president's initial comments, he leaned in proving he said it was a witch hunt, he said nothing on cohen who will get present time between 43, and 63 month on charges of bank fraud and tax evasion and campaign finance charges that seem to point to the president. rudy giuliani said the opposite in a written statement, that there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president of the government charges against mister cohen. it is clear mister cohen's actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over significant time but cohen's plea deal alleges he broke the law to influence the 2016 election on behalf of an unnamed candidate and one of cohen's attorneys, lanny davis, said the day he stood up and testified under oath that donald trump directed him to commit a crime by making payments to two women for the principal purpose of influencing an election, why wouldn't they be a crime for donald trump? a reference to payments of two women who alleged affairs with the president that he vehemently denied, stormy deal daniels and karen mcdougall, contradicting what giuliani told fox in may that no campaign finance law was written. >> a stormy daniels moment, which is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. that money was not campaign money. i am giving you a fact you don't know. it is not campaign money, no campaign finance violations. >> that raises questions, the president or anyone else will be implicated. the civil case stormy daniels's lawyer, he tweeted this will have the stamina to do in a civil case and to proceed with the next related deposition of the president under oath about what he knew and when he knew it and what he did about it. and the president talked to a special counsel, a civil suit in the apollo jones case, that sparked bill clinton's impeachment, they are hoping nothing like that happens here. >> guilty on eight counts of bank and tax fraud with the of the ten judges the jury could not reach an agreement. >> even with eight guilty charges paul manafort could spend the rest of his life behind bars. a federal jury found him guilty on eight of 18 charges, 5 counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud, and altogether of a former trump campaign chairman is facing 80 years in prison which would be a life sentence for the 69-year-old. it was a mistrial on those charges after the jury wrote a note saying after exhausting all options we are not able to reach consensus on ten of the counts. manafort stonefaced, and for the second trial. >> mister manafort disappointed of not getting acquittals all the way through or complete bank fraud, or you can look at it in context which is what you have been saying, the special counsel has been off course from where he originally started and what he was supposed to be looking at and it had nothing to do with russia or collusion or all the points everybody has been making but the reality is eight out of 18 counts, this judge will do the sentencing. sentencing is up to the judge. and sentencing guidelines are advisory, not mandatory. it will be interesting to see what judge ellis comes up with. all the stuff about 80 years is a little silly and overblown because under the guidelines you group everything together you come up with one unified branch. >> it will be significant considering his age and he is facing another trial in dc. michael cohen was once the president's personal attorney, by his own and many other accounts. he entered into a deal, he agreed to plead guilty to eight felony charges and agreed to jail time but what is the agreement to cooperate with folks putting these cases together, he avoided the trial and doesn't give additional dirt on the president. what do you make of that? alan dershowitz said it directly touches the president. >> mister cohen flipping, not good for the president, it is a tempest in a teapot, talking about glorified jaywalking here, it certainly has nothing to do with russia. i get why this is salacious and the press loves it, you have payments going to playboy models and a porn star. i get the issue but with respect to the collusion investigation and special counsel, this entire thing is relatively meaningless unless mister cohen has additional information we don't know about yet but presidents don't get impeached for campaign-finance violations, typically as a slap on the wrist, a fine. you have to judge the credibility of who we are talking about. mister cohen, it is the true issue in this case. >> dershowitz come in not exactly the idea witness, you mentioned he may have other things he wants to share with prosecutors. here is what lanny davis, michael cohen's attorney, said about what he might have to offer. >> i can tell you mister cohen has knowledge of certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel and he is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows not just about the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to collude and corrupt the american democracy system in the 2016 election which the trump tower meeting was all about. shannon: what message are they sending tonight? >> today was fascinating because there is no cooperation agreement, but these hockey analogies slammed the president with michael cohen saying he directed me to do as my colleague brilliantly said, minor technical violation and now all of a sudden he is the best deal of credibility the minute he says something inside trump. we believe every word he says. the point is an is laughable. to the southern district of new york, we will see if it goes back to mueller. it is interesting. shannon: stormy daniels's attorney, michael avenatti, says this will lift a civil case and permit us to proceed with the next indicted deposition of trump under oath about what he knew, when he knew it and what he did about it. we will disclose it to the public. how quickly does the president end up being in this case? >> that makes no sense, no reason this would expedite anything. a lawyer has the same credibility as mister cohen which is as good as o.j. simpson. i would take it with a pound of salt. i don't think it makes a difference with respect to when or if the president will be deposed. >> i like the elevation of a grain of salt to a pound of salt. i don't see that that list stays in the civil case or opens the door to a quick deposition. i agree that i think he is puffing. shannon: both of you feel puffed today. we will wait and see how the ripples come from this, thank you for your time. also today the sentencing hearing for trump's national security adviser michael flynn was once again delayed for the fourth time. remember flynn pleading guilty in december to one count of lying to federal investigators about conversations with russian ambassador, both sides will provide a status report within 30 days. indicted on charges of illegally converting $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses and filing false records. according to the indictment duncan hunter, republican, paid for family holidays and tuition and dental work, donald trump's nominee to be the next up in court justice judge brett kavanaugh continues making the rounds on capitol hill. he had two high profile meetings, one with potential swing votes, susan collins and the other with chuck schumer, the pair discussed a major concern on the left. >> we talked about whether he considered monroe to be settled, he says he agreed to justice roberts said at his nomination hearing in which he said that. >> collins did not say whether she will support -- the meeting with cavanagh refused to answer basic questions saying he did not tell him roe v wade was settled law. the search for missing iowa college student mollie tibbetts comes to a tragic end, a suspect is in custody. >> homeland security investigations, he is an illegal alien, and has been in this area for 47 years. >> angel mom agnes joins us knowing firsthand what the mollie tibbetts families going through, her son was killed by an illegal immigrant gang member, next. an illegal immigrant gang member, next. the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. and now there's a new way to smooth. introducing new venus platinum. a premium metal handle boosts control... to reveal up to 100% smooth skin. venus when the guy in frontd down the highway slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ >> shannon: fox news alert. investigators in iowa say they >> investigators in iowa believe they found the body of the 20-year-old college student who has been missing for a month and have a suspect in custody, an illegal immigrant who has likely been in the area at least four years. live in montezuma, iowa the latest in the mollie tibbetts case. >> reporter: police found that body hidden in a cornfield not far from this location, they did not identify the condition of the body, we don't know an official cause of death, there's an are tipsy schedules, and it but it could be a long time before we get the results. christian -- cristhian bahena rivera is charged in the death of mollie tibbetts. and led them to the cornfield 13 miles from mollie tibbetts's hometown and in the cornfield they found the body of mollie tibbetts. police say cristhian bahena rivera admitted he chased mollie tibbetts while she was out of her dog, she became afraid and asked rivera to get away from her and said she was going to get out her phone and call police. rivera says he blacked out and doesn't know what happened next and came to in this rural area. investigators said they used additional footprint to establish their timeline extracting information, and molly was jogging at rivera's black malibu carland them. he confessed to dumping her body at a cornfield. >> donald trump touched on the mollie tibbetts case at his rally in west virginia. >> you heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from mexico and you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman. should have never happened. illegally in our country. we have had a huge impact but the laws are so bad, the immigration laws are such a disgrace, we are getting them changed. >> agnes who lost her son to an illegal immigrant shares her perspective and the retired tenant randy sutton offers us perspective. what was your perspective on this case? >> heartbroken. my heart goes out to the family. this is an outrage, a crime that never should have happened. of the politicians would secure the borders and start deporting illegal aliens maybe molly would still be alive today. this is unacceptable, and except about. shannon: you are illegal immigrant, your son was later killed. the illegal immigrants gang member is something you made an important cause for several years. >> absolutely. it is not about my son, and this is about protecting our country, protecting its citizens, what a disappointment it has been to know so many families are heartbroken forever to follow in my path and this should never have happened my son and thousands of other families, we need to protect our own. >> according to the sworn affidavit, rivera says she grabbed her phone and said i'm going to call the police, rivera said he panicked, got mad and then, quote, blocked his memory which is what he does when he gets upset and doesn't remember anything after that until he came to an intersection. he states he made a u-turn, back to an entrance to a field and what to a driveway, to cornfield, he noticed there was an earpiece from headphones in his lap and that is how he realized he put her in the trunk. what do you do with this case? >> it is nonsense of course. he gave a little bit of information to the police, to bring that this is the conclusion, led to where the body was, and conveniently blacked out before the assault and didn't remember anything, that is nonsense and i sure he remembers everything. this tragic story, what it does reveal is the amazing police work that was done to bring this case to a conclusion. >> surveillance tapes, spotting his car, i have to wonder will they look at other cases? hard to believe that we could happen, this could be the first time you engage in this behavior. and back in this area. >> there will be the federal bureau of investigation is involved in this case, a tremendous database with all unsolved crimes, they look at the end of the suspect did, compared to other unsolved homicide and determine if this is the first major crime, or if there were other abductions. my guess is when they do the autopsy, there was other crimes committed. >> a lot of folks saying there is no way this should be political. the president should be talking about it at his rally, not walls. there are reports we have been trying to confirm, that there are allegations, a farm owned by someone with deep gop connections in iowa. is it dangerous to make that initiative at this point? >> know. this is an issue and we need to make this a big issue. we formed a group of angel families to bring to light these types of crimes, this is not an isolated case, to circumvent the biased liberal media that is lying and not covering these stories. how many more are we going to sacrifice? this is not a political issue. we need to enforce immigration laws and deport illegal aliens starting with criminals. this shouldn't be any leeway for them. >> why? >> how many more do we need to lose? how many need to be destroyed like mine and thousands of others? how many? donald trump is on the right track. we need to build a wall, enforce immigration laws and deport criminal illegal aliens which i don't care if he was a really good guy, he obviously wasn't. he took a precious life. shannon: no one can speak to it better than you. issues of enforcement, whether ice committed detailer on this accused suspect as what happens from here. how difficult is it for local and state law enforcement in finding a balance, when you have a case like this where this guy has been here illegally 7 years. >> ice has obtained a detainer. this is not political in the sense that democrats and republicans are at odds about this particular crime. the fact of the matter is this is a public safety issue as it has always been but it has been politicized. congress unfortunately has not done their job. the president is doing the best he can with the tools that are there. this insanity with this hatred for ice and what they do is nothing short of madness. protecting the people is what law enforcement does. ice is part of that apparatus. the men and women that do that job are incredibly dedicated and for them to be vilified by the media and democratic politicians who seemingly don't care about innocent victims is something i find up lawrence. shannon: a conversation that will get heated up because unfortunately in this case, thank you for sharing your perspective, good to have you with us. coming up donald trump, call country, a rowdy rally to celebrate his move to rollback obama era call regulations and the big announcements about plans for midterm campaigning. >> i'm going to be going down as many days as i can and i'm allowed to. spinal disorders, stenosis, and other painful back problems. our medical grade knee braces are specially designed for those with osteoarthritis and general knee pain and weakness. our accredited staff will handle all the medicare paperwork for you, and best of all, your brace ships directly to your home absolutely free. do you qualify for a medicare covered back or knee brace? 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fox news politics editor, editor of the halftime report and west virginia and crystal are well joins me to discuss. you are eminently qualified. >> a politics editor from west virginia cannot do this. shannon: let's play what the president had to say about you checking on this, about bringing back the coal industry by rolling back federal regulations. >> the coal industry is back. when i came here originally west virginia frankly was down and out. it was not doing exactly well. one of the last. a few months ago, west virginia with a per capita basis is one of the most successful gdp states in our union so we went from being down and out to one of the most successful in the union. very close to the top. >> he absolutely killed it in west virginia in 2016 and now they have a critical senate race and he knows this is an issue that turns a lot of heads. >> he is beloved in west virginia. i have never seen in my lifetime a politician west virginians responded to and connected as much as donald trump. i think west virginia went for him by 40 points or so and they are going to do it again. i wish what he said about the economy in west virginia was true. it is not. west virginia is nowhere near the top about gdp, it is a very poor state but a very proud state. when he talks about the coal industry and bringing cold back that is not what is going to happen but he is harkening to a past west virginians are proud of. the salesmanship, making an emotional connection because west virginia thinks of itself back in the days, the 1950s and 60s when it was the blast furnace for american industrial growth, power for all these things which we should also remember this. i like to blame washington as much as any living human being, but when it comes to the coal industry wasn't washington that killed the coal industry in the united states, it was cheap natural gas. decades of environmental regulations were in place, fracking revolutionized the american economy, changed the way we are doing everything, cheap natural gas became available, too much for coal and the main feedstock to get the job done. here we are. shannon: we talk about how the popular the president is winning by 40 points during the presidential election. joe manchin in west virginia and across the board people love joe manchin. how does this play in the senate race? joe manchin cuts across a lot of areas. >> including this, back some on trade, supreme court nominees and on and on and will continue to demonstrate the ideological flexibility that is the hallmark of his successful career in west virginia. i have never seen them connect as much as they do donald trump. you are looking at number 2. >> running against him, a lot of heat on mister manchin. the brett kavanaugh situation, many hot topics, he looks at a tough race. >> he will say i am voting for brett cavanagh. >> a lot of love there. no doubt about it. so many of these in west virginia. thanks for being with us. ice finally supports a 95-year-old nazi concentration camp guard, sent back to germany. details coming up next. ur marrie that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice. but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. >> shannon: visits fox news alert. facebook announcing tonight's are moving more than 600 accounts, pagers, groups from outside saying they are linked >> fox news alert, pages and d groups from its site saying they are linked to iran, russia and have coordinated inauthentic behavior including sharing of political material. in a statement from the social network giant, facebook says the activity originated in iran. they have not concluded the review of the material. one of the last known nazi guards living in the us get deported, that story tops where in the world. after a judge ordered him deported in 2004, former nazi labor camp guard, 95-year-old holly was taken by ice agents from his new york home and sent to germany. he confessed to being a guard who worked at the front nikki concentration camp where thousands were shot to death in a single day. they deny a list of farms to be seized from white farmers but they began the targeted seizure two farms, the owners were often one 10th of the value of the land but turned down the government offer. officials tell johannesburg-based newspaper city press the seizures are, quote, tied to addressing the injustices of the past. rocking eastern venezuela today, the quake was felt as far away as colombia's capital, cause significant damage to one of caracas's tallest buildings, the unfinished skyscraper known as the tower of david, the top 5 unfinished floors partially collapsed. flexing muscles for the world unveiling a new 20 to fighter jet, president rouhani touted the aircraft on state television thing it would enhance iran's capabilities and fronting washington. if you could have a sitdown interview with god, what would you ask? that is the premise of a new movie? find out what todd starnes would ask when we return? l treatment. here, you will too. your oil change comes with a tire rotation as well. ooo! i could put that on an airplane banner. our $19.99 oil change also includes a tire rotation. book an appointment online. boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. so, howell...going? we had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice. but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. >> thanks for having me. it was interesting because it presents god not as a genie, a fairy godmother, but as someone sitting down with the reporter and engaging in conversation. the filmmakers that made this movie said they want people to know questions are okay. it is important to me, i have questions, i struggle sometimes, we all wonder why bad things happen to good people. that film works through it and the moment in the film i felt was empowering and inspiring the character of god said to the reporter you have more power than you realize. it was motivating that we can make a difference in the world, even though we may not have the answer god is with us, loves us and is with us every step of the way. i thought it was awesome. >> one of the actors as i want to be involved in projects that uplift and inspire and entertain. not as effective as you continuously had people over the head with a message and introduced messaging and positive messaging through storytelling. we are seeing more movies like this, the audiences are turning out, they want to see this stuff. >> moms and dads want to go to movies with the whole family, sit down and watch these movies in the living room and they want this family experience and you said something important. this is not about something people on the head with the bible, but weaving stories of faith into modern life and the experiences we all have and that is why these movies are resonating because they are so well done and the message is so powerful. >> adam talks about the fact that people act shocked, these movies are doing so well. he says the word surprise should be retired. we should be able to remember we had 6 or 7 of these movies that made 50 or $60 million for an 8 to $10 million movie, that is a great return on investment, hollywood has a short-term memory on that. >> excellent point. there was an audience out there hungry for this type of content and i can't stress enough that these films are cast well, well directed, well produced, good stories, these are good films that happen to have a neat message. >> kevin sorbo got involved in several of these faith-based movies who talked about the fact in the beginning it was hard to get people on board and now they do private financing as people are stepping up and movie studios are stepping up. if there is money to be made, they will get involved. >> the challenge is there is an aversion to christianity in hollywood but when you look at the big studios they are looking at the bottom line and they see the numbers, i can only imagine that beautiful christmas film that came out, the star, those are powerful movies, well done. at the end of the day they are packing those theaters and that is what it is about. shannon: if you could ask got a question and i believe you can, what is at the top of your list? >> two little boys, they want to know why the dinosaurs missed the arc and didn't get on but the tigers still made it, they want to know why saturn has rings. i get a lot of those questions which i want to know that too. i'm looking for that. >> i want to know if the lord loves chick-fil-a as much as i do and i have a question about the view. was that a global punishment for all of us? mosquitoes. what is up with mosquitoes? >> as someone who lives in florida i have a question about other critters too. this movie is running again tomorrow night on limited release. people check it out whether they have faith or not. an interesting question. we had an update in the wyoming primaries, the gop primary election for governor, the state treasurer, mark gordon, is projected to be the winner, you may recognize that. a very vocal donor and very involved in gop politics, finishing second tonight in wyoming and heads to the big race, the general election in the fall. our midnight hero is chief officer taylor galvano who was killed sunday night in a helicopter crash in a rack. we want you to know about it. he was 34 years old with a wife and two children, service in the army as an aircraft mechanic in 2009 and he deployed tween 9 times, voluntary service. we salute you. your families in our thoughts and prayers and all the other men and women serving and their families. most-watched, most trusted and most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. i am shannon bream. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. order now at gillette. the best a man can get. who would have guessed? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180822 09:00:00

A precursor to Fox News's morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. swift action by local, state and federal investigators working in iowa in apprehending and illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder. now justice will be served. we will never forget mollie tibbetts. and offered prayers for mollie tibbetts's molly and -- family and friends. this as john cox slams democrats for their open border policy saying, quote, close who want to abolish ice need to consider the consequences of their proposal. the mollie tibbetts case is one more tragic example of a senseless loss that should have never happened similar to kate steinle's heartbreaking death in san francisco. kate steinle was shot and killed by an illegal immigrants on a san francisco year in 2015. the gunman was acquitted of murder and manslaughter. rob: this has been a 5-week story with mollie tibbetts, 5 weeks of torture for the family firm in this area not far away from where mollie tibbetts was last seen jogging in the heart of that town. this pig farmer becomes a person of interest in the case and that didn't pan out after that. he was let go and no longer investigated after that point. we are not sure if that shirt was mollie tibbetts's, doesn't was. august 14th investigators honing in on five different locations, some farmland they were looking at last week, a truckstop of interest, carwash and the boyfriend's home where mollie tibbetts was saying when the boyfriend was out of town, these are the points of interest and as we go along finally yesterday, august 21, '12 miles from where mollie tibbetts was last seen is where she was found in this cornfield. her body found, that young man leading police to the body of the 20-year-old girl. jillian: thanks. donald trump slamming robert mueller's investigation is two former members of his inner circle take a big legal hit. the president's lawyer says the paul manafort and michael cohen news does not threaten the white house. griff jenkins has the latest fallout. >> reporter: not good news for the white house, two major developments, the former campaign chairman paul manafort guilty on eight counterattacks and bank fraud, carrying significant present time, the jury deadlocking on ten accounts resulting in a mistrial. 18 total counts related to the president or the campaign but then came this, the president's former personal lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to eight charges of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance charges stemming from hush money payments to two women alleging of the corruption and commonality at the heart of the inner circle. manafort's sentencing is next wednesday. he faces another trial, cohen's sentencing in mid-december. rob: lots more to come. jillian: democrats claiming victory calling it the worst day of the trump presidency. rob: harvey dylan, a lawyer and california are in c committeewoman is criticizing the left for what she considers its desperation to find a criminal link between cohen and manafort and the president. >> we don't see anything about the president, about russian collusion or anything other than irregularities in his taxes and statements the banks but 0 to do with the president and undercores, wouldn't have been prosecuted, it is part of the narrative of an unfair witchhunt. a couple things in mind about michael cohen, when facing 60 years in prison and the alternative is 5 years in prison and you can get that five year deal if you say a couple things that aren't crimes are crimes and pin them on the president, the overwhelming power of the prosecutors in the situations and every situation of federal prosecution has led to this result. jillian: manafort african trial will begin in washington next month in connection to time in the trump campaign. republican congressman duncan hunter and his wife appearing tomorrow and campaign corruption charges. the california congressman and his wife margaret are accused of using $250,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses in covering it up. they spend money on vacations and family travel. hunter's lawyer says the indictment is politically motivated. billionaire falls short in his bid for governor, the republican donor got a late endorsement from donald trump that was beaten by mark gordon in the gop primary. incumbent republican senator john barajas go held off his challengers earning 65% of the vote. rob: a case that captivated the country taking a tragic turn. and illegal immigrant charged with the murder of mollie tibbetts. jillian: our next guest calls in a clear demonstration of the lawless left. nypd commissioner bernard kerrick is here next. mother...nature! ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? 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[ coughs ] ♪ ♪ [ screams ] ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa. your one item would be the name your price tool? it helps people save on car insurance. why wouldn't it save me? why? what would you bring? a boat. huh. jillian: welcome back. fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged with murder after the body of mollie tibbetts is found in a cornfield in iowa. rob: a man living in iowa for the past four to twee 7 years as a migrant worker. can tougher immigration laws have prevented this killing? jillian: bernard carrots, thank you for being with us unfortunately under the circumstances. what will it take for immigration laws to change and prevent things like this? >> it has to change. we have to know who is coming into the country, where they are once they are here, once they are vetted. you let the wrong people into the country, this is the type of thing that happens. the frightening thing about this is if the democrats have their way in november or the 2020 elections they are going to open the borders, they are going to let people in like this and something else is pretty frightening for me. last night i watched a lot of the coverage on this issue in the mainstream media other than fox, being criticized for covering this story, the story should be covered, one of the main focal points of the national news and nobody is looking at it. rob: this has become such a political issue in this country. ten years ago this was a pragmatic bipartisan fact that you can't have illegal immigration in a country. both sides agreed on it. >> forget five years ago, five years ago, president obama said you can't have people come into this country illegally stay here. got to protect the borders. president obama was saying it. rob: what changed? >> donald trump got elected and democrats hatred for this man has given them this thing in their head, everything he says, anything he wants to do, anything he wants to do to protect this country they are against. jillian: how do we move forward as a country? >> the president has to focus on what he wants to do and that is build a wall, enhance ice, enhance border control and democrats have their way they want to eliminate ice which is completely bizarre. rob: all the leftists calling for the abolishment of ice, they probably didn't have much issue with ice doing what it did yesterday in queens which was deporting what we believe to be the last known nazi collaborator in the country, 95-year-old man who as a young man worked with the nazis, this man is deported to germany, likely face charges when he gets there. this is immigration and customs enforcement. >> and an order by the president to get him out of the country. he is not supposed to be here. a direct order from the president and out he went. he should have been deported a long time ago. jillian: going back, a lot of people hoped after the kate steinle situation that opinions would change, minds would change on borders and immigration. do you see the mollie tibbetts case as something that changes people's minds? >> people are stuck, there is political polarization that has them in this mode where they don't care what happens, they despise the president and don't give a damn who gets killed, what happens, just ignore it. rob: no matter what he says, makes no sense. interesting idea, thank you. jillian: 18 after the hour, russian hackers caught targeting the midterms. how the trump administration put the kremlin on notice. rob: sarah sanders sounding off, immigration and customs enforcement, for deporting that former nazi guard, stay tuned. ♪ we are the champions ♪ that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new ii and the nazis. >> a hurricane bears down is a category 5 storm, look at this, nasa releasing a 3-d map as it approaches the island. rob: it is a beast and it is headed for hawaii, a monster storm and it will make landfall. >> this is the strongest storm to come in this close proximity to hawaii, category 5, doesn't go higher than that, 160 mile-per-hour sustained winds, not a lot of time for people to make their final preparations but we need people to do so, we have hurricane watch is in effect and that is as perfect as a category 5 storm can get. let's look at the tropical storm models. most of the men agreement that it comes at least very close to the islands, watching honolulu for a landfall this weekend and there is the track. it will make a north northwestern curve in the next 24 to 48 hours. the devastating part of the storm will be the rainfall. because of the mountainous terrain it will squeeze that moisture upwards of two feet of rain and this could be devastating. last time they saw a category of this strength was three decades ago. people will tell you that was a devastating, catastrophic storm. i'm so concerned for these vulnerable islands. there is a forecast rainfall, in some cases over two feet of rain, winds in excess of 80, 90 miles an hour and some of these, where we have the mountainous terrain the mudslides, potential for catastrophic flooding, this is going to be a huge story that we will watch. it doesn't get stronger than that. >> already hit by volcanoes. jillian: foxbusiness alert, russia caught red-handed trying to hack the upcoming midterms. rob: tracy carrasco here with we accounts facebook just suspended. >> reporter: facebook says it was flagged by a cyber security firm about all of this but they suspended 652 pages, accounts and groups for coordinated inauthentic behavior spreading this misleading political information, accounts from russia and iran and this is the second time in a month facebook has suspended a number of accounts. last month they suspended 32 of these accounts for the same reason but facebook has been criticized since the 2016 presidential election because they have been trying to take some efforts to make sure this activity doesn't happen on this platform. jillian: they say intimidation is the sincerest form of flattery, the same as chester chito. >> reporter: imitation. rob: you said intimidation. >> reporter: pepsico's frito-lay division make chitos accusing a new competitor of trademark violations. you can see this on your screen. peteohs a thin orange colored snack but they are made from peas and lentils, the bags are similar. the names sound the same but the cease-and-desist letter to the company that makes peteohs claiming their name, their logo which is a part friend and their slogan which is tigers live longer than cheetahs may be a direct aim at chester the cheetahs take away from the brand. rob: that is the most sincere form of flattery. they are made of peas? >> reporter: peas and lentils. rob: sounds terrible. jillian: fox news alert, charged with the murder of mollie tibbetts, lawmakers demanding justice. rob: ted williams has been working the scene, live in iowa at the cornfield. ♪ rob: greg abbott weighing in on the immigration policy, this is why so many americans are angry about sanctuary cities, why texas band sanctuary cities. jillian: let's bring in ted williams who has been out there at the scene for weeks talking to police officers for weeks, joins us from brooklyn, iowa, right? john topsy is scheduled for today. what we know is when the medical examiner came out here and picked up the remains out here, i 12 miles outside brooklyn where the remains of mollie tibbetts were found. the autopsy, the medical examiner will conduct an autopsy, they want to determine the manner and cause of death. they know the manner of death is homicide but what they don't know is actually the cause of death. rob: when you look at how the case develops for a few weeks, there weren't many leads. there was hope that she was still alive and all of a sudden the right surveillance video is found and picked up this black car following mollie tibbetts as she is jogging and this young man gets out of the car and confronts her and we go from there. it is a testament to how important surveillance video is and the need for all of it. these cameras need to be everywhere. >> absolutely. surveillance video cameras help out tremendously law enforcement in finding mollie tibbetts. what law enforcement was able to do, actually saw the black chevy following her. they saw this person get out and from what we have been told this guy ran alongside of mollie tibbetts. at some point she said leave me alone. i will call the police and this guy, this illegal immigrant in this country illegally wound up harming mollie tibbetts from all indications. those are the allegations out there. jillian: in recent weeks we learned authorities zeroed in on a number of places including the boyfriend's home, the pig farm, carwash and truck stop and one other location. do you know of any connection between any of these places and the suspect and the cornfield where she was found? >> reporter: at this stage law enforcement has not let that information out. they did put out that information early on but as rob said, the actual videotape, video footage of that vehicle that led them to this guy, kim jong un to, a migrant -- cristhian bahena rivera, and illegal immigrant. that is where the investigation took off and where he led them to the location i am now standing and that is when they found the body of mollie tibbetts. rob: there was so much hope she might be found alive. her father holding out hope, police indicating, hopes dashed with the discovery of her body. thanks, appreciate it. jillian: sarah sanders praising her boss and ice for a job well done, the press secretary tweeting for many years a nazi forced labor camp guard was living in new york, terrible injustice. past administrations failed to deport him, donald trump got the job done. ice has removed this despicable nazi from our great country, ice has deported him to germany, the last known nazi collaborator in the us. a hard-working father breaking down in tears as a judge raise charges against his son-in-law accused of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters, indicating christopher watts may have killed his kids before his wife came home from a trip, her body found buried in the colorado oil field. watts claims his wife strangled the girls after asking for divorce and he killed her out of rage. he has not entered a plea and could face the death penalty if convicted. rob: a police helicopter crashes and breaks apart trying to take off in a parking lot. there it goes. you can see the chopper struggling to stay near, trying to lift off and then topples over onto the ground. the blade is destroyed, most of helicopter gets damaged, this was at a training center, the department blames powerful straight-line winds for the crash, the pilot was seriously injured but is recovering, should eventually be okay. the faa investigating after a jet makes an emergency landing, the claim was bound for london but two tires blue out moment after it took off. >> we just thought tire blue. >> we won't declare an emergency, but we would like to head back. rob: scary stuff trying to land without the tires. the reverend his entourage landed safely at a new york airport, just won song of the year at the music video awards. coming up, major developments but still no evidence of collusion at this point. two of donald trump's former top advisers convicted of fraud and other things but these are crimes that have not much to do with russia collusion. jillian: the left, and a major win for mueller's team. and attorney saying not so fast, coming right back. dear foremothers, your society 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story, we're happy to have a seat at yours. sargento. we're real cheese people. justice roberts said. >> he did not say that to me. conservative justices have a habit of saying something is set in law during their confirmation and then overturning it. >> schumer has spoken out against brett kavanaugh and calling a confirmation swing vote. former house it aid avoids jail after his lawyers complained donald trump was mean to him. sentenced to 3 months of supervised release for making false statements to get a loan. the president criticizing him on social media for being a pakistani spy. 's lawyers say that is punishment enough. he works for democrat debbie wasserman schultz before he was banned from the network, was criticized for not firing him immediately. rob: michael cohen has cut a deal, longtime attorney for donald trump agreeing to pleads guilty to eight counsel financial crimes, he could face 63 months in jail. joining me to discuss this and the manafort case, alex sawyer. thanks for coming on this morning. the cohen case is more interesting because it does have ties to the president potentially and we are talking seventh and eighth counts. let's look at what he is charged with. tax evasion 5 counts, federal income, making a false statement or financial institution, bank fraud, not a big deal but the extent of campaign contributions causing an unlawful corporate contribution is what he says he did at the suggestion of donald trump and could be trouble. >> it is cohen's word against the president, we will see if there is written evidence, another recording:may have to show that the president is implicated in this. there will be a question about whether this was a donation in terms of benefiting donald trump's campaign or if this was for the personal benefit, making sure his family wasn't embarrassed, that sort of thing. that is the question of the intent of the payment. rob: a big story, saying i don't want to mess up my marriage. might not have had anything to do with the campaign and hard to prove beyond reasonable doubt it was about the campaign. what we are talking about is $300,000 used to pay two women the president allegedly had affairs with years and years before this, money was funneled through the national enquirer, this actually has the media's full attention but still a great distance from the narrative of the president and vladimir putin colluding together to steal the united states election, talking about the president having an affair ten years ago. >> you are right and donald trump was a celebrity, there could have been other payments made prior, obviously a suggestion, no proof of that but if they can point to that and say it happened in the past, women have come out, hedge money paid prior to him being a candidate, that shows this payment could have been routine, this is what michael cohen did to the president, this was not for the benefit of the campaign. at the same time you have the president looking at this, nothing to do with russia or colluding with vladimir putin, the mueller probe should end. the cohen please, nothing to do with russia, manafort's conviction, nothing to do with his time serving donald trump's campaign. rob: the two biggest cases, put your best foot forward and part manafort convicted 8 of 18 charges, financial crimes, bank fraud trying to get loans, nothing to do with russian collusion, nothing to do with the president. >> what you have politics coming into play, the dnc send emails trying to fund raise off of manafort's conviction that this is proof the mueller investigation has credibility, that it should continue and 14 months led to this and this is the first one, multiple convictions, definitely a stretch. you pointed to michael cohen's situation, nothing at this point puts the president in hot water and in terms of any indictment, a lot of legal experts say the doj's opinion suggest this would be after he leaves office. rob: the point of this was russia and russian collusion. that is why bob mueller has his job. thank you so much. jillian: it is 14 minutes until the top of the hour. let's check in with ainsley ehrhardt for what is coming up on "fox and friends". >> reporter: down here in dc interviewing the president live, an exclusive interview, we will take it after the show and show it to you tomorrow. a lot of questions, we will ask what happened with manafort and cohen and find out what the president says about that, did he direct them to pay off those women are not? we will ask about mollie tibbetts who was killed by an undocumented immigrant, 24 years old and get his reaction. tommy laren will react to the news of the day, greg jarrett, paul manafort, alan dershowitz will be on the show in former ice director thomas homan, ask him about mollie tibbetts so stay with us, a packed show from 6:00 to 9:00. rob: thank you so much and when we come back, governor cuomo thinks america was never that great. what do millennials think? >> do you think there was a time when america was great? >> not particularly. >> i have to agree with governor cuomo. jillian: the man who hit the streets of new york to find out. he is live and walking our way coming up. ♪ orted accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new if you spit blood you may have gum problems,s and could be on the journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. >> new york governor andrew cuomo feeling back lash for taking this cheap shot at our country. >> we are not going to make america great again. it was never that great. rob: campus reform media director phillips went to the streets to see if millennials agreed. jillian: joins us now with the results. >> after those comments a lot of americans assumed that was just governor cuomo, he is crazy, most people don't feel that way but a lot of americans especially of my generation agree. they view patriotism as supporting trump, they don't have context. people would be shocked by what they see here. >> do you think america has ever been truly great? >> i don't believe america has been great for all folks ever even today. i would have to agree with governor cuomo. >> do you think there was a time when america was great? >> not particularly. >> reporter: it goes on and on. one person said america has been great all the time because we are so exceptional. that stems from two things, one in the classroom, complete lack of american exceptionalism, student after student say my professor, my teacher never teach why we are great. the other things there is a pressure where students are afraid of being viewed as patriotic because they feel they are endorsing everything our country has done through history. you can admit our faults but understand the unique efforts that made us great. jillian: how did it get to this point? >> reporter: a lot of it is partisan politics. many on the left especially allow their patriotism to be dictated by who is in power. during president obama's in your conservatives on the right, their levels of patriotism did not decline at all. now that donald trump is in power liberal patriotic levels have been going down. it has to do with who is in power. it is -- if you come out against america, a problem that needs to be addressed. you can't expect people to defend our greatness if they don't think we are great to begin with. rob: you feel it too. there is this suppression, this fear among people that even liking this country you might be labeled like the far left so often wants to do, a racist. you are a piece of trash if you like the american flag. >> we did the same 4 july. person after person said what is there to be proud of and what is going on? a lot of people don't have a context of history or a realization of the circumstances or principles we have, how much better we are than every other country. jillian: go back years, i was raised in a family where you watched the news at night and see what is going on across the world and across the country but now so many are in their phones all time, on twitter you can get a lot of news but you think people aren't understanding and seeing what is going on outside our country? >> reporter: there is a biased view of america being given to people especially twitter and social media, negative about america all the time especially under donald trump but eight years of president obama made it seem being american was something to be apologetic about, went around the world apologizing, there is a lot we should be ashamed of and a lot of people came of age with president obama making it seem there is something they should be sorry for, being an american and donald trump saying we should be proud of american history and heritage and history, there's a lag where people are shaking off what president obama thought. rob: travel the world, talk to people and find out how good we have it here. i go to so many places, you talk to the people and they are envious of the situation, the opportunities this country provides and you learn a lot all over the world. that is how you learn. appreciate your time. 55 minutes after the hour, teaching respect and those who put their lives on the line to protect our flag, how young children are learning a lesson from veterans. jillian: he stole $4000 from a church but immediately felt bad. the note he left behind, the change of heart, we will tell you about it. . . how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we're changing with contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at you are free to go. tide and downy together. jillian: full-time fotime for t, the bad and the ugly. taking time to flag etiquette. learn to race raise and fold the flag. rob: pray for me brothers. that's the note a crook left at a church after roning it the guy caught on camera stealing $4,000 worth of electronics in connecticut. jillian: a suspected drunk driver beach dwellers before crashing wave. abandoned on a south san


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180823 04:00:00

and say "if you are in our country illegally, a single crime is too many." talk about adding outrage to insults. already breaking our laws, and then committing crimes. and there are an awful lot of crimes committed by people here illegally, and by non-citizens more broadly. the u.s. sentencing commission says 44% of all federal inmates are non-citizens. that's a huge number. why wouldn't we be upset by that? >> yeah, so, that federal data is only for federal prisoners, as you probably know. >> tucker: that's right. >> federal prisoners account for fewer than 10% of all prisoners in the united states, and that's not representative of other crimes. i'll give you an example -- in 2016, almost 18,000 homicide convictions in the united states, but only 85 through the federal court because they simply don't prosecute homicide. so if you want to take a look nationwide at convictions and incarcerations of people by immigration status, that's a much better way to do it. >> tucker: well, you can't. no. it would be. hold on, it would be. it would be, but we don't have those data. the most comprehensive data we have are from the federal native-born americans in 2016. >> tucker: i understand that, and i'm glad, but, hold on. murder is not the only crime. so you had 71,000 americans die last year of drug ods. the majority of opiates, heroin, come through mexico. so, mexican drug trafficking, conducted largely by people here illegally, is not a small thing at all and results in a lot of deaths. they're not counted as homicides, but they are, in effect, homicides. to listen to you, it's like we don't have a right to be worried about that. >> there are people who are dying as a result of prohibition. they absolutely do, but a lot of those problems are as a result of prohibition, just like people who died from alcohol poisoning during the prohibition in the 1930s. >> tucker: actually, they are dying because of the drug ods. actually, alex, people still die of cirrhosis and alcohol is legal. if you get so libertarian that you get demented -- >> so are you in favor of prohibition? >> tucker: okay, i'm not in favor of prohibition. i'm merely pointing out that these drugs come from mexico, and we have a right to be upset. are you bothered by the fact that this guy used a fake federal i.d. for a number of years? >> of course. >> tucker: okay, but why is it that apologists for illegal immigration like yourself gloss over that? if i use a fake i.d. if i show up and i'm hired under another name and a fake social security number, i go to jail for that. but it's totally cool when illegals do it because why? because they work for the companies that give you money? is that why? what is the answer? >> no, tucker. the problem is a lot of bad federal laws incentivize identity theft. >> tucker: so it's the law's fault. >> if you have to have a piece of paper in order to get a job in this country, then people are going to steal those pieces of paper in order to get it. it's going to create a black market. >> tucker: oh, so we're blaming the law. >> this goes back to the prohibition point. if you make illegal what people want, they're going to forge these documents in order to get what they want. >> tucker: okay, so if you want to reduce crime, make things legal. but you're not really answering my question, which is why should i live in a country where, as a citizen, i am gravely and profoundly punished for identity theft, but over 10 million illegals are not? and people like you don't think they should be? but i am punished for that. if i were to use someone else's identity -- >> have you committed identity theft? >> tucker: i certainly haven't, because i would be punished for it. and i don't want to -- >> a lot of people are punished for identity theft, native and immigrants. what are you talking about? >> tucker: more than 10 million people are living and working in this country using fake federal identification. they are not punished for that. you don't think they should be punished for it. i would be punished if i did it. do you see the double standard? you defend the rights of people who aren't even citizens, and actual citizens like me would go to jail for it. do you see why that might grate on us a little bit? >> i don't think that native-born americans or foreign-born people should have to prove and ask the government for permission by showing a piece of paper to get a job. >> tucker: how about flying on an airplane? >> that's not what this country is about, asking for permission and showing a government piece of paper. >> tucker: slow down, how about flying on an airplane? how about operating a motor vehicle? those require state government ids. should we get rid of drivers licenses, too? >> well, some ids are necessary to protect people if you're going to harm somebody. >> tucker: oh, sure. oh, okay. >> how does me working at a movie theater or working at a nursery damage other people like that? >> tucker: but it's cool when illegals use fake drivers' licenses. okay. >> i'm not sure about drivers licenses, but when it comes -- why do i have to ask permission from the federal government to get a job, tucker? why do you want me to do that? where does it say that in the constitution that i have to do that? >> tucker: why to drive a car? >> that's on the state level, tucker. >> tucker: i'm not going to argue with you about ids. i'm just saying, there's one standard for people here illegally, they have champions like you, and american citizens don't. and that's annoying to normal people. that's all i'm saying. >> tucker, every law you want to use to punish illegal immigrants is going to be used against native-born americans, too. i have to fill out these stupid forms whenever i get a job because nativists want me to, to prove that i'm legally eligible to work in the united states. if e-verify isn't effective, my job -- >> tucker: we're out of time. right. alex, thanks. instead of protecting america from potentially dangerous illegal immigrants one of the illegal immigrants one of the left's top political priorities is abolishing ice, the agency of course tasked with removal of dangerous immigrants violating our laws from this country. >> ice is never welcome here! >> and as a candidate for ag i feel like it's really important to speak out to abolish ice. >> we should protect families that need our help and that is not what ice is doing today and that's why i believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works. >> abolish -- >> ice! >> abolish -- >> ice! >> tucker: a lot of concern for the families of illegal aliens. not much concern for the family of mollie tibbetts. former acting director of ice joins us tonight. thank you very much for coming on. let's just get to the practical part. there is a way of building on the left. i think it's possible, probably likely that democrats take the house of representatives. it will be a move to abolish ice. what would happen if that were successful? >> the president's right, it equals open borders. if you enter this country illegally and happen to get by the border patrol no one is looking for you. if you get arrested by the border patrol and get released because you are waiting to see a judge and you don't show up in court or you show up in court and get an order of removal and don't leave mike over half a million that currently exist in this country, no one is looking for you. if you get a visa to come visit and you don't leave, no one is looking for you. the president's right, abolishing ice equals open borders. tries predators will be at arrested. less children will be safe from child predators? >> tucker: let's say you work for ice, and you did of course, you ran it. you are a federal law enforcement agent and you turn on the television and elected officials are calling you racist, they're comparing you to the nazis, saying your job should be eliminated because you are criminal. what's that like? >> it's insulting. they are pointing a finger. they are vilifying them for enforcing laws that congress enacted. i'm a native new yorker and i'm disgusted by the governor of new york. i've done more for the safety and security of new york state by arresting 5,000 criminal aliens off the street in new york. they also concentrated criminals, but you can't come into our jail. it's a ridiculous argument. but they are not going to bully ice for not doing our jobs. i had protesters at my house two weeks after i retire. they are not going to shut me up. i'm going to keep fighting this fight and we will prove to the american people that ice is a very important agency that does a lot of important -- i said last year prevented 8,000 people from getting a visa to come to this country that had derogatory information to harm this country. ice arrested drug traffickers, gone traffickers, drugs. they saved almost 1,000 children from child predators. ice is an agency full of patriots that protect this nation. >> tucker: i think normal people understand that. thanks very much for coming on. >> you're welcome, thank you. >> tucker: the left doesn't want a debate over statues. they don't want a democratic process to decide what happens to controversial statues, and said they sent the mob. so in north carolina they got their way, the used violence. we will discuss the growing threat of leftist mob violence to our democracy next. ♪ ♪ experience the great lengths we go to in testing our performance line. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2018 is 300 and is 300 all wheel drive for these terms. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. to me, he's, phil micwell, dad.o golfer. so when his joint pain from psoriatic arthritis got really bad, it scared me. and what could that pain mean? 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but tell me what you think when you watch that video. >> i am outraged that as a veteran of the civil rights movement we fought to fulfill the dream of america. it we supported our founding values and our principles and we also didn't destroy anything in the name of justice. for those people out there who are supposed to be heirs of that legacy, they are a fraud. i am against taking those statures down. to remember something that doesn't mean that you are celebrating it. the jewish people brought the holocaust museum because they said it's important to remember it. as a christian, we remember the cross not because it celebratesi roman oppression. because it is victory over death that we celebrate,ma resurrecti. it is important to apply your own narrative to the symbols but i think what is being done there is an outrage and these are anarchists. they are not freedom fighters. and those of us in the civil rights movement should speak out against this outrage. >> tucker: so you are sayingt that having the statue up is not a celebration of the confederacy. it's a way for the rest of us to remember what it was in the triumph over it by thecy united states. >> that's right. it's also being just misused byw members of the left to really j denigrate the values of this nation. that's what it is. and they are using race, but what it does also is deflect attention away from the more critical issues that we are facing, particularly in black america where we have more blacks killed in one year than were killed in 70 years -- lynched in 70 years. between 1873-1950, 4,000 blacks were lynched brutally but 6,000 blacks were killed in one year. if taking a confederate statute down does nothing towards saving a life in chicago but we are talking about statues and not the realities that are confronting thousands of people who are losing their lives today.ea that's where we ought to be putting our time and attention.l >> tucker: exactly. and none of these people care at all.pu thank you very much. it's an honor to have you tonight. >> thank you. >> tucker: a lot happened today with michael cohen. we will discuss the guilty plea of president trump's personal attorney and what it means. stay tuned. ♪ are you done yet? 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>> it is extortion and i have no problem with the president's sex life. i think only melania should have a problem with it, if she does. but what the president is being accused of is directing michael cohen to commit a federal election crime, which is a felony. if that is true, this is something congress should investigate. >> tucker: it may or may notot be a federal election crime. it may or may not be a felony. most are civil offenses, as you know. let's get back to the core event here. stormy daniels apparently sent to donald trump through his attorney, "give me money or i will embarrass you." you just conceded that is extortion. if that happened to you, i think you would consider it extortion. i know i would if it happened to me. why do we not consider it extortion in this case? why are we celebrating her lawyer, celebrating her? you just said it was extortion. shouldn't someone get on this? >> i don't know that stormywy daniels said "give me money or i will tell." i think stormy daniels said "i will tell," and the president said "wait, let me give you money so you don't tell," which is what happened with catherine mcdougall, and which may have happened with others, and i think we are going to find out. we won't wait, stop for one second here. so you are saying what we already know, which is she took money in order to remain silent, which means that if she hadn't taken money -- she talked anyway of course, but the application -- trump doesn't like to spend money on anything, as you know.a the cheapest man in the world. >> she didn't stay quiet very >> tucker: but the deal was extortion. i'm not defending this. i don't think the president is telling the truth about it. i think it probably did have a relationship with her. but it stillll extortion. so why are we excusing that? it's a sincere question. >> tucker, it's extortion if she asked him for the money. it's not extortion if he offere her the money. let's be clear here. in the president of the united states -- the crime is not extortion, the crime is directing someone to commit a crime. and who knows what else we are going to find out. >> tucker: let me just ask you, the idea here, and it's a stupid idea i would say, is that this was a campaign contribution and so the implication is it had come out that trump had a relationship with a porn people would have been totally shocked and wouldn't have voted for him because that just doesn't sound like the donald trump they knew. that's ridiculous, actually. this wasn't a campaign contribution. this was hush money paid to a porn star and that's what it is. it's not a crime, it's embarrassing. honestly. >> according to what we heard in court yesterday, according to what we heard in court yesterday, the president was concerned that this and other things would come out and he directed michael cohen to commit a campaign finance violation. that is different than collecting a little bit too much money. he himself directed -- >> tucker: i got it. i read the newspapers. i watch all the other channels. how was it a campaign finance violation? speak slowly so i can understand. how was this a campaign donation? this is a payment to a former girlfriend. how was that a campaign donation? >> anything gained of value in a campaign is a campaign donation. that is very clear in campaign finance law. information -- and particularly giving money to somebody. giving money to somebody for something of value is over the limit. >> tucker: no it's not. >> it is. >> tucker: what you just said is factually untrue. if i run for office -- let me finish my sentence. if i run for office i do not relinquish my right to make money. if i mow your lawn and i'm running for the senate and you pay me for that, that's not a campaign contribution.nn not all money a candidate takes is it a campaign contribution. how is a payment to an old girlfriend a campaign contribution? it's not. how? 15 seconds, explain it. >> michael cohen paid that money to avoid the embarrassment the last stage of the campaign. at the direction of the candidate if that's true. and if that happens that is a o campaign finance violation. and it is particularly egregious if the candidate himself directed it. >> tucker: but of course he directed it. i don't care what they say, of course he did. he's a married man with kids. t he still slept with a porn star. he's guilty of doing what like 50 people i know have done. he's done something awful and you pay the person off. it's incredibly common, as you know. he was a candidate that he still has a wife and kids. i was at a campaign contribution? it's not. it's an effort to keep your girlfriend from talking. >> there is a lawyer who went in federal court yesterday and swore an oath that it was for the campaign. that is what the president is dealing with and that's what congress should be investigating right now. >> tucker: they should impeach him then. >> congress should do its job and get to the bottom of it. >> tucker: we already got to the bottom of it! he paid off his girlfriend and he got caught! that's the bottom of it!t it so dumb i can even deal withw it. >> i don't think it's the bottom, i think it's just the c surface. >> tucker: there's more, there's more.. he paid off his girlfriend, there is no more. south africans government -- based on their stand don't like skin color. does our government care? they applaud it. the state department just released an unbelievable statement and we will share that with you next. it is going to make you mad. it should make you mad. ♪ like this cuddeback black flash game camera for only $75. and these keen men's waterproof hiking boots for under $90. ♪ ♪ they're the moderne stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. the difference you feel is a night... and day. feel the difference at our labor day sales event, purchase a tempur-pedic luxe, elite, or breeze mattress and enjoy up to $550 off. or get a free adjustable base upgrade. find your exclusive retailer at we called over to the state department for comment on south africa's land seizures, which should be getting worldwide attention because they are immoral, but are getting basically none, and the state department replied with what is honestly an unbelievable statement. we are going to quote it for you at length. here it is. "we are aware of these reports and have been following this i issue very closely for some time. south africa is a strongep democracy with resilientnt institutions, including a free press and an independent judiciary. south africans are grappling with the difficult issue of land reform through an open process including public hearings, broad-based consultations, and active civil society engagement. president ramaphosa has pledged that the land reform process will follow the rule of law anda its implementation will not adversely affect economic growth, agricultural production, or food security." the state department does not mention that by following the rule of law he has changed the country's constitution to make it possible to steal land from people because they are the wrong skin color. in other words, nothing to seeit here, says mike pompeo's state department. it's totally okay for south africans to steal property for racist reasons because there are "a strong democracy" and held "public hearings." criminals take note, startt rubbing state department employees on the way to work, by their logic they will be okay with it because it's democracy. marian tupy spent a lot of time studying that country in the region. now looks at the center for global liberty and prosperity. we talked with him about this recently. here's our conversation. >> tucker: i thought the whole point of the new southre africa and the reason the rest of usve were excited to see it in 1994, take shape is because it rejected racial discrimination, and get the government is now embracing it, or am i missing something? >> no. in a free and civilized society we don't take people's stuff on the basis of the color of their skin. it was wrong when it took place in the apartheid. it is wrong now, and it be a tragedy if south africa were to repeat the same mistakes it did in the past. >> tucker: so there are really two levels here, first is the more level and you and i are in agreement that it's always wrong to punish people for what they look like, but second is the effect that it will have. we saw something similar to this happen in neighboring zimbabwe. what happened when land was seized there on the basis of skin color? >> 18 years ago the governing party of zimbabwe was threatened with electoral loss and in order to shore up its support amongst the electorate it decided to expropriate the farmers of zimbabwe. what that led to, aside from horrific violence, was a total economic collapse of the country. half a century of economic growth was wiped out in zimbabwe was wiped out because of this particular policy. the country experienced hyperinflation had to abandon its currency. the country's unemployment rate was roughly 90%. life expectancy plummeted. child mortality increased. and, of course, the agricultural production has collapsed and hunger ensued. >> tucker: so the western media, particularly the media of the united states has resolutely ignored this. it didn't just happen today. at this has been unfolding over a period ofn years. the trump administration has not weighed in on this.. how should the u.s. administration respond to this human rights tragedy that we are watching unfold? >> the first thing that needs to be made clear is to denounce the policy. t the administration needs to make it very clear that it is both immoral because it targets a specific group of people, and i thought we were beyond that, and secondly, that it could be economically destructive. we need to make it very clear where we stand. secondly, the south african government needs to be aware that the law, the african growth and opportunity act, under which south africa trades with the united states, requires the president of the united states to expel countries that do not respect property rights and due process. so the south african government needs to be aware that if it changes the constitution and it legalizes what is essentially theft of private property, it will be kicked out of agoa andga further negative economic consequences will ensue. >> tucker: why would former president barack obama just several weeks ago publicly praise and racist, why would he do that? >> a lot of people hope that ramaphosa is playing some sort of a three-dimensional chess. that he is just trying to appease the far left of histh political party and the far left in the country, but ultimately he doesn't really believe in what he explicitly says he believes. ramaphosa has said that by expropriating the farmland, the privately owned farm land in south africa he's going to create the garden of eden in south africa. he's going to turn south africa into hell, just like zimbabwe is a complete catastrophe. if so barack obama should pick up the phone, call cyril ramaphosa and tell him that if he wants to continue to enjoy the good press he's been having, he needs to reverse policy that he has set and behave in accordance with normal rules that define and characterize free countries. >> tucker: i wish he had said that in public when he had the chance. but of course he didn't, being a coward. thank you for your deep knowledge on the subject. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: so that's a tragedy. you just heard that. keep in mind our state department right now supports race-based land seizures. we hope the policy changes. we will be keeping abreast of it obviously. ahead we have no information on the illegal immigrant suspected of murdering mollie tibbetts. we will have it for you after the break. ♪ 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. like these for only $2 or less i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. beginning. >> today rivera's employees at a farm not far from here retracted their initial statement and now say that they did not use the federal e-verify system to screen rivera, and that he is not the man they thought he was. also, today a federal immigration official telling fox news that rivera never submitted a daca request and has no record of any immigration status in this country. earlier today cristhian rivera was led into the courthouse in prison garb and shackles. i was able to ask him if he killed mollie tibbetts, and he did not respond and remained stone-faced. in court, his defense requested the media be banned today arguing the case has become too political. even the president has commented on the case. the judge denied the request to ban the media today. representatives from the mexican consulate were in the courtroom and they tell fox news afterward they felt rivera was treated fairly. tonight rivera is being held on $5 million bond. tucker? >> tucker: matt finn for us tonight. thank you. all summer they have blasted the administration for temporarily separating immigrant families at the border. >> unimaginably they have ripped children away from their parents. >> it is inhumane, it is cruel. >> when you take children away and separate families you are doing the complete opposite of the values of this nation. >> those children should be with their moms and their >> does the president think of children as accessories and not central to the purpose of family sanctity in our country?hi >> tucker: okay, the left says it's deeply opposed to splitting up families, so where the even more horrified watching an american citizen permanently separated from her family by an illegal alien? on cnn senator elizabeth warren provided a very clear answer, no. if the real problem, she said, his family separations of illegal aliens. watch. >> i'm so sorry for the family here and i know this is hard not only for the family, but for the people in her community, people throughout iowa. but one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. >> tucker: where real problems are. mary mendoza is the mother of police sergeant brandon mendoza who was killed by an illegal immigrant and she joins us tonight. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: when you hear a politician say someone died and that's sad, but the real problem is how we treat people trying to sneak in illegally, what's your response to that? >> i was disgusted by senator elizabeth warren, and what i want to say to her is stop lying to the american people. if you don't care what is happening to the victims of illegal alien crime. because if you did he would be standing up for us and you wouls be doing something about it. we have pleaded with these politicians to do something to protect american citizens and they are ramping up their protection of illegal alien criminals. and i just want to say, there are so many victims, tucker, and when you think of courtney in texas and her husband and two children were killed in the illegal alien got two years. when you of sanders cohan and carlos wolf in maryland were killed on the side of the road, $140 for each of the men he killed and that's the only punishment he got. is this what an american life is worth? to our politicians and fellow americans who don't understand the disgusting narrative that is happening in our country? and this has become political because it's the very politicians who were elected into office who are not doing ap dang thing about this and they are ignoring the american people crying for help and they are stepping over dead american bodies in their rush to protect illegal alien criminals. >> tucker: i don't think you're overstating that.he i agree with everything you said and i'm really sad about it and i'm sad that you felt of the sting of these insane policies. thank you very much for joining us. >> i want to say that my heart goes out to the tibbetts familyy and god bless them and i know what they are experiencing tonight and i'm heartbroken. >> tucker: it's unimaginable. thank you very much.em >> thank you. >> tucker: one school district says, keep in mind is at' revolution going on so you will be shocked by this, students can wear basically whatever they want because dress codes are sexist. any dress code of any kind. cathy areu will lead us through the mass of sexism and dress codes next. ♪ who was alzheimer's. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. - [announcer] check out our huge selection of custom apparel for every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at you'll even get free shipping. the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ when the guy in frontd down the highway slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? 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>> absolutely, i'm definitely for this. aren't you? >> tucker: i'm trying to think think it through. if there's no dress code -- if dress codes are inherently sexist, then why are we allowed to tell kids to wear anything at all? w >> the girls felt that they were being objectified with the dress code. g that's what they were saying at this particular school district. they were saying the shorts were too short, that that was a concern. that they were being told that the uniforms would cover their a body parts because their body parts are distracting, that a female's body is distracting. legs are legs. why would a girl's legs be more distracting than a boy's leg? so by removing the -- >> tucker: i don't know if that's a sincere question or not but let me just take it to the next stage and asked why shouldn't girls be allowed to come to school topless? >> exactly. why are boys allowed on track teams allowed to run topless and women are not allowed to be topless? in europe women are topless and it's no problem because women are not as objectified as they are in this puritan country of ours. >> tucker: obviously you've never been to europe if you are saying that. the opposite is true, but whatever. >> because in europe the women are topless on the beaches, butc not here. here it's considered illegal. >> tucker: but not typically in the classrooms. >> not in the classroom setting. not at starbucks, but inas commercials. you would find people topless ia commercials, shampoo commercials in europe. because it's normal and it's nom distracting. a woman's body is not only an object, it's not just sexual. >> tucker: try that in downtown rome and then call me, get back to me and tell me how that works for you. if there is no dress code, would you have a problem with kids coming to school, anglo kids, in a sombrero or a kimono?ng or a in seal fur inuit outfit? would that -- is cultural appropriation the one exception? >> if it distracts from education, they are not allowing it. if it doesn't distract, they are allowing it. it's a democracy actually. >> tucker: just to be clear -- schools are not democracies, they are authoritariant institutes. topless, okay, sombrero, not okay. right? >> who's to say that parts of the body are okay and parts are


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180823 09:00:00

A precursor to Fox News's morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. this is why he did that, why he won. the american people rejected more of this, more blood on politicians hand, the democrats want this issue politically more than they want a solution and that is a factor. if i was advising this president i would say tell mitch mcconnell to go nuclear. national security issue, simple majority of the senate for border security. rob: the president asking congress to provide $5 billion next year to start building that wall along the southern border. donald trump approving a disaster declaration of hawaii braces for hurricane lane. incredible video showing a weather plane flying directly into the eye of that category 4 storm with winds of 150 mph. also some stunning video of the hurricane, that is the plane flying into the storm and video that will be tested but there is still blood in the water but the president saying he did nothing wrong and we hear his side of the story for the first time in an exclusive interview with ainsley. >> did you know about the payment? >> later on i knew. you have to understand, what he did and the one thing out of campaign-finance is a big thing, much bigger thing, didn't come out of the campaign? it didn't come on the campaign, it came from me. i tweeted about it, about the payments. they didn't come out of campaign. my first question when i heard about it was did they come out of the campaign? that could be a little dicey. they didn't come out of the campaign. it is not even a campaign violation. >> reporter: differing opinions, lanny davis says the law doesn't make a decision whether it comes from a campaign or personal funds and the president was the one who directed the payments. >> members of his campaign, members of the trump organization all document that the money was paid before the election and prosecutors brought charges that mister cohen was motivated for political reasons to pay hush money and mister trump is named as the person who directed and coordinated it. >> reporter: he mentioned sharks, democrats on the wasting no time blasting the president as a co-conspirator with talk of impeachment and calling for brett kavanaugh's supreme court nominee hearing to be postponed. >> this nomination is now tainted because the president who nominated him, brett cavanagh, implicated in a criminal conspiracy. >> he did not drain the swamp, he made it more rigid and more fetid. there is a cesspool around this president. >> reporter: chuck grassley says it out in front of her again and again and she still said she had reasonable doubt. 11 of the 12 jurors including yourself would have convicted him on all 18? >> yes. rob: one holdout. they found him guilty on eight counts of fraud related charges. jillian: republican congressman duncan hunter and his wife indicted on fraud charges and set to face a judge today, the california representative slamming the prosecution is a witchhunt saying, quote, the fact is there is a culture operating in the justice department that is politically motivated. a couple is accused of using $250,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses and covering it up. donald trump's supreme court nominee meeting with more senators from capitol hill. brett kavanaugh will speak with cory booker and lisa murkowski who is considered a swing vote for his nomination. several democrats including chuck schumer want to delay brett kavanaugh's confirmation hearing scheduled for next month saying the convictions of paul manafort and michael cohen should take priority over his hearings but republicans say that doesn't concern lawmakers. 11 minutes after the hour. slipping through the cracks, the illegal immigrants accused of murdering mollie tibbetts lived in the us for years. is a time for tougher border security? our next guest says donald trump is the only one to give the victims a voice. rob: the school is charged with students together confiscated cell phones back. stay tuned. ♪ insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ as king midas, i here, you will too.nt. your oil change comes with a tire rotation as well. ooo! i could put that on an airplane banner. our $19.99 oil change also includes a tire rotation. book an appointment online. rob: slipping through the cracks, the local immigrant -- legal immigrant charged with the murder of mollie tibbetts had a fake id and social security number and worked in iowa for 7 years. jillian: we need tougher vetting, the executive director of conservative hispanic society here to react, thanks for joining us. what do you make of the fact he had this stuff on him claiming to be someone else and able to work for years? >> no big surprise. we have a complete underground in the united states that has grown up in the last 40 or 50 years of individuals being able to scan the system once they are in. my belief is he should never have been allowed to get into the united states to begin with to present his phony papers. i know our businesses have some culpability here but the exclusive responsibly in my mind rests on the 535 individuals in that congress and any particular president at any given time and it seems for the first time in my memory we have a president committed to stopping illegal immigration. i just wish the rest of congress would get on board. rob: i want to harp on one thing. the social security card, he had a social security number. how is that possible? even if you have somebody who died, the name won't matchup. how does that work? >> reporter: my understanding, a press conference with the owner of the farm in question, it was alleged he was misrepresenting himself as whoever that social security card belonged to. i recall some years back the social security administration putting out a memo, over a decade ago, 9 million social security guards in this country that didn't match the individual they were supposed to be with. at the same time our federal government was saying we have no way of locating illegal aliens in the united states, it is complete rubbish. we have not had commitment to stop this. i like what the president said. we have a young lady separated from her family. i see no protests from democrats or republicans. that shameful statement from elizabeth warren yesterday as she pivoted from the loss of this family to say the real tragedy of illegal aliens being separated from their children as they go through the legal system and forget in america we don't punish children when their parents break the law. jillian: what needs to be done about all this? >> i wish the republicans would actually live up to their hype for a change. it was suggested mitch mcconnell actually get serious and bypass the obstructionist democrats and get something done for the american people for a change but right now it seems most of washington dc, the entirety of the democrat party and alarming number of republicans are arrayed toward rights to come to the united states. i really think there ought to be a concentration on finally stopping illegal immigration and reforming legal immigration. it can be done with a proper commitment. rob: interesting when you look at it, talking amnesty for illegal immigrants in this country you are watching so many areas near this country, this crisis in venezuela, the country exploding and a real cartel and violence problem in mexico and other central american countries coming up through mexico, if you open the borders it could be a land rush. with all -- >> it already is a land rush. the excuse used around the world saying there is oppression, coming to america a huge draw, that doesn't necessitate that you have the right to do so. we need a set of legislators on both sides of the political aisle put american citizens of all races, colors and creeds first before the needs of individuals, once they establish that we have secure borders and start to legally put people into the united states that we can that things like what happened in iowa don't happen again. jillian: appreciate it. 19 after the hour, raging flames more dangerous thanks to verizon. the cell phone company coming under fire for putting firefighters lives in jeopardy. rob: the sky is the limit for this 90-year-old. how former president george hw bush inspired an epic birthday celebration. ♪ i'm free ♪ freefalling ♪ got directions to the nightclub here. and if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. man: tom's my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house... tom: it's a $10 cover? oh, okay. didn't see that on the website. he's been acting more and more like his dad. come on, guys! jump in! the water's fine! tom pritchard. how we doin'? hi, there. tom pritchard. can we get a round of jalapeño poppers for me and the boys, please? i've been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so... progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from an allergy pill? flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. flonase. and watch whatever you buy. wherever you are. head to to start watching. simple to rent, easy to buy, awesome to go. rob: a firestorm over this one, education secretary betsydevos using federal funds to buy guns for teachers according to the new york times. fox news reached out to the department of education for response, quote, the department is constantly considering and evaluating policy issues particularly related to school safety. neither the secretary nor the department issues opinions on hypothetical scenarios. jillian: instead of paying with detentions and will pay with cold hard cash together cell phones back. >> i don't want to hear -- i went to hear the amount. jillian: students at a central texas will district have to pay $10 to get their phones back if they are taken during class. the district voted it was not harsh enough for students, the money collected will go to charity. we think. it is crazy. rob: the thing about kids with phones. jillian: verizon slow down firefighters internet speeds as they battle huge flames in california. rob: tracy carrasco is here with the shocking admission from verizon. >> reporter: verizon said it was a mistake slowing down the wireless data speeds of california firefighters as they were battling the largest fire in california state history. verizon said it happens because the department plan only allowed a limited amount of high-speed wireless data. the santa clara fire department chief said this had a significant impact on how they fight this fire or handle this emergency, the crisis they are in, they asked verizon to lift the data caps but verizon said it was a customer service error that has nothing to do with net neutrality. the rollback people were wondering about, verizon saying it didn't have to do with that. jillian: big bang theory no longer. >> reporter: is coming to a end in may, the most-watched comedy on television. after 12 seasons, 279 shows, it will stop at the end of may. the new season to start back up septa the 24th. this has been on cbs for many years and once it leaves it will leave a big hole in the lineup. cbs is unveiling three new comedies this fall, one being the revival of murphy brown which will take the place of big bang theory, one of their biggest shows. rob: when it came out i don't want to watch a show about a bunch of nerds and i turned it on and it is hilarious. 25 after the hour, paul manafort and michael cohen facing a hard time as a democratic it aid facing the same charges got a slap on the wrist. jillian: is it about getting to the president? a political strategist wants to know. john podesta, hillary clinton herself, live next, the unequal application of the law. ♪ with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. until i held her.age. managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority. i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. 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a category 4 storm begins to run into upper-level winds that will weaken it a bit. and when your mind up with honolulu, down to a category one storm. a powerful storm but weakening and that is good news. where will it track? several forecast models here, this is tough because it is making a big sharp turn. these are our spaghetti plots giving all possible paths, some turning out to see before landfall, some taking you all the way to landfall. that is something we are paying attention to in 18 hours. whether it makes landfall or not it is a big system. we have hurricane warnings and watches across the island, the big island of hawaii could be seeing areas of 15 to 20 inches of rain. this is a major system. whether or not it makes landfall this will be one we will be talking about impacting the islands in the next couple days. jillian: we will see whether reports. counterproductive and senseless, russian president vladimir putin slamming un sanctions against his country, the words after the trump administration put more penalties on russia following a wave of cyberattacks, vladimir putin blaming the administration for sanctions after saying last month's meeting with the president was positive. the former nsa worker with classified information to the media faces the longest sentence ever for the crime. the reality winner pleaded guilty to emailing documents about russian election meddling to a news outlet, the plea deal calls for five years in prison, prosecutors want the maximum 10 year punishment. the man who sold ammo to the los angeles massacre faces new charges, accused of manufacturing ammo without a license. earlier this year he was charged with manufacturing armor piercing bullets. investigators say they found bullets with his figure prints on them in the las vegas government's room. he will be in court next month. vice president mike pence help the congressman ex-wife who tripped getting on air force to. the vp was walking away from the plane when belinda culberson fell to the ground. she wasn't hurt and got back up. rob: three criminals, two different outcomes, paul manafort and michael cohen facing years of imprisonment for financial crimes. former house it aid who worked for debbie wasserman schultz pleading guilty to bank fraud and was let go with a slap on the wrist. are they just going after the president at this point? it seems clear they are. joining 3 to 5 years for what he is facing at this point. that is part of a plea deal. and and then you are have on the right, the democratic it aid. and manafort, who gets 80 years, you get 15 years in this country. >> even more troubling, and and illegally accessing members of congress, some sat on house until. as you put up a graphic, and unequal application in the law in the united states. and we have a try for catered legal system. and the right political connections with a series of suggestions for you can put an email server in, classified information and no consequences for that. if you are a powerful federal bureaucrat you can perjure yourself, you can spy on congress, you can abuse your office and your untouchable. you might get bad contracts for student news outlets and a third set of laws for people like us, if we mishandled one piece of classified information, if we have the wrong political connections. and get our doors knocked down. it doesn't look like there is a rule of law, we have arbitrary law. we need to get past this illusion that this has anything to do with anything. the left is still furious it lost the 2016 election and the only thing donald trump is guilty of is he won an election he wasn't supposed to win. rob: he said the same thing. attorneys have completely different views on this. alan dershowitz last night said there is no crime for the president because he paid this money, this $280,000 in hush money to these girls to protect even if it was protecting the election and helping him when it is his money and his campaign, he can spend as much as he wants, nobody think michael cohen is going to cough up 300 grand for a client. so where's the crime? >> more important we have gone through this with the john edwards case from the 2008 election in which $1 million of actual campaign funds were used as hush money for his mistress and 0 convictions. the ftc said no charges were to be brought against the campaign. we have gone through this and the john edwards case was more serious because it was campaign funds and alan dershowitz but more importantly the former head of the ftc bradley smith also said there is no crime, no felony, no campaign violation. rob: they hope to get more out of cohen and manafort and someone will sing on something because right now it doesn't sound like they got it. thank you for your help. jillian: 37 after the hour, student vandals intensifying war on confederate statutes. our next guest, a student in the university of north carolina says this anarchy has no place in a civil society, how she is calling out the irony behind the unlawful antics. rob: patriotic attacks working outrage where dozens of american flags honoring loved ones were mowed down. ♪ woman 3: this is my body of proof. man 2: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 4: ...with humira. woman 5: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. woman 6: need more proof? woman 7: ask your rheumatologist about humira. man 1: what's your body of proof? international flights, your face is your boarding pass and id. in a pilot program at lax cameras use facial recognition to match passengers unique features to government pictures on file from passports. >> the algorithms are so sophisticated, over 99% of the time are testing. jillian: most passengers were impressed. >> it wouldn't recognize me but it did. >> so far it seems these do make it easier for people to board. some critics people may be sacrificing privacy or convenience. >> the technology would be used beyond the current scope, facial recognition will migrate across federal law enforcement putting privacy of law-abiding americans at risk. >> reporter: customs and border protection maintains the software safe and secure in the long with facial scans of those, generating a biometric record of exit. passengers who feel those might be more like big brother cannot doubt in a traditional way but customs and border protection says biometric is the future and hope to have the technology installed at airports around the country within four years. in san jose, claudia cowan, fox news. rob: when asked about the murder of mollie tibbetts elizabeth one quick to flip the switch. jillian: complaining about the treatment of illegal immigrants instead. >> this is hard not only for the family but people in the community and throughout iowa. one of the things we have to remember is we need immigration system that is effective, that focuses on the real problems. separating the mother from a baby does not make the country safer. rob: lawrence jones has a reaction to what warren had to say. >> people on the left are so focused on illegals but not american citizens. this is why i see them not able to do well in the midterms. the opportunity to say i am upset too. they say no, this president is against illegals, we don't want to enrage people. jillian: we asked what you said and most of you seem to agree. rob: this woman has taken stupid to a whole new level. she and nancy pelosi are the best thing that ever happened to the republican party. jillian: andrew says backlash shouldn't be building, she said what the left believes, illegal immigrants to be above american citizens. they don't like america or americans. rob: what a stupid thing to say at a time like this. remember when hillary clinton took a shot at call minors? >> we are going to put a lot of call minors and call companies out of business. rob: didn't work so well for hillary clinton as she didn't get the election. jillian: nancy pelosi didn't seem to learn from that. >> senator bird's coal powered plant, that is going to go. with all due respect to west virginia we are not going to have a coal powered plant. jillian: this after the trump administration rolled back obama era rules for call fire power plants as a job saver. ainsley ehrhardt getting an exclusive sitdown with donald trump. a sneak peek of that. down to dc, sat down with the president's talk about the big news of the day, michael cohen. what the president know about the payments. paul manafort, asked if he was going to pardon him, jeff sessions, rumors he could be firing jeff sessions after the midterms. we asked about the media. many editorial pages across the country writing that the president is the enemy of the people or the press is the enemy of the people, that is what they thought the president felt about the media. this is a clip of a response. >> is the press the enemy of the people? >> not at all but the fake news is in the fake news is comprised of a big chunk. what is the chunk? 80%. it is a lot. if i do something well it is not reported. other -- the new york times cannot write a good story about me. they are crazed, they are like lunatics. >> we asked about mollie tibbetts, what he thinks about ice and how the abolish ice movement is spreading across the country and the midterms, democrats impeachment push, it was a fairly long interview, from 6:00 to 9:00. jillian: a 3-hour show, plenty of time, thanks so much. we will be right back. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ as king midas, i here, you will too.nt. your oil change comes with a tire rotation as well. ooo! i could put that on an airplane banner. our $19.99 oil change also includes a tire rotation. book an appointment online. brewery donating sales to planned parenthood. the great purpose church in santa cruz, california says they are feminists and believe jesus was too. 30% to 60% to charity like planned parenthood. sometime next year. an attack on patriotism. a lawn crew accused of mowing down american flags in a pennsylvania cemetery. each flag honoring fallen heroes buried on the ground. the cemetery cutting ties with the landscaping company after the incident. the company says it will replace the flags while making sure they don't do this again. >> monument madness. taking 3 consecutive confederate statues after the silence a memorial stop at the university of north carolina. here to weigh in his campus correspondent, thank you for joining us, maggie, we appreciate it. what do you think? should the statues remain? should we be erasing history? >> thank you for having me. one thing we cannot condone is mob rule that took pl. monday night, students, staff and community members allowed anarchy rule on our campus was in this country we have a democratic process and the statute should have been removed. jillian: at least 30 cities removed confederate monuments so far. the case you are talking about, the statue as i understand has been under constant police surveillance after being vandalized in recent months. it is one of those things you look at and don't police have more important things they need to be doing other than guarding the statues because people are being so violence against them? >> i was walking across the other day and thought two police officers standing, this is not an issue that affects the university of north carolina but an issue going on across the country and the leadership institute campus reform has covered stories like that. jillian: a lot of people make arguments for reasons they don't want these statues to exist, why they don't want them displayed in public but don't you think there is something to be said about learning from our history and not repeating certain things we have done in history? >> of course, definitely. i believe the protesters the other night felt removing the statue could he race that history like we were talking about. one thing that cannot be ignored is unc have history regarding the confederacy and racism but one thing we can do is learn from that history, encourage a dialogue on campus, free speech and learn from each other. jillian: what is your message for the protesters? >> my message for the protesters would be you should feel lucky no one was injured. there was a threat to student safety that night. if they wanted the statue removed it should have been done lawfully. jillian: you were walking on campus the other day when you saw police officers guarding one of the statues, what have you heard around campus? >> around campus i have heard a vocal minority that people are happy the statue was taken down but i have heard from just as many people that the protesters that were there the other day were students that, this community members should not feel they have to walk past the statue every day. jillian: thank you for your time and insights, appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. rob: 54 after the hour, taking a leap of faith, the epic birthday celebration for a 90-year-old grandmother inspired by a former president. jillian: seeing red about playing his songs. the demands the front runner is making to the president. ♪ ns with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new police. jillian: good, bad and the ugly. start with the good. a sky diving grandma. check it out. that's dotty ringing in 90th birthday by jumping out of a plane in michigan. she took the leap after seeing former president george h.w. bush do it. that's awesome. rob: he can do. i can do. that's crazy. steven tyler wants president trump to stop playing aerosmith songs at rallies. ♪ ♪ living on the edge. >> send ago cease and desist order to the president after playing living on the edge. he doesn't let anybody use his songs without his permission especially politicians. jillian: no shirt, no


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