According to the staff report, the project includes a reduction in lanes at Bay Avenue approaches to simplify driver navigation, creation of bulb outs also known as sidewalk extensions that seek to shorten pedestrian crossing distances along with additional striping and a wider buffer area for bicycles.
"I think it would be a good idea to work at the speed of safety instead of the speed of government and doing something like (this) is positive," said Councilmember Joe Clarke at the Dec. 14 meeting. Clarke is also a member of the ad hoc subcommittee steering the improvement effort. "As long as we can incorporate it with our overall plan, I think it's a great idea."
Is it more dangerous today to be a pedestrian than in years past? Or for a bicyclist (we’ll leave out e-bike riders, who have become the targets of pedestrian complaints due to riding on sidewalks at relatively high rates of speed)?" the Editorial Board writes. "Both groups would almost certainly testify, yes, it is."