They rate schools all across the country and state-by-state on college readiness, college curriculum breadth, state assessment proficiency, state assessment performance, reading and math performance, reading and math proficiency and graduation rates among other key indicators.
Each year the State of Connecticut is kind enough to drop the sales tax for a whole week to save us some money. Oh yeah, it's a huge windfall, we get just over 6% off anything under $100. Isn't that kind of the overlords that run this state? The sales tax free week runs from Sunday August 20th until Saturday August 26th.
Your head hurts, you're nauseous, tired and everything feels foggier than it should. Most people would do just about anything to end the feeling and that includes ditching their careful diet in favor of a greasier, more irresponsible meal.
Recently, I shared study results that said CT is one of the worst states in America for retirement and now this. Wallet Hub did their annual study on Taxpayer Return on Investment and the Nutmeg State ranks
All those shiny bright words make it sound like they might know what they are talking about, but their recent study results indicate otherwise. Niche just put out their 2023 Best Places to Live in CT list and the Hat City got the the s - end of the stick.