U.S. Politics and the Financing of Political Groups in Cuba
La Joven Cuba [
Young Cuba] so that a U.S. audience can get a sense of this important discussion taking place in Cuba.
Author’s Note – This is a translation of an article that appeared in Spanish on February 17, 2021 in
La Joven Cuba, a left-wing critical blog and one of the most important in Cuba, as a contribution to the ongoing debates among Cuban critics, dissidents and oppositionists about U.S. financing of Cuban political groups. The Cuban government has so far failed to entirely control the Internet, which remains the main outlet for critical political views in the island. – SF
The next several days will be filled with postmortems about the shocker among pro-Trump Latinos in Florida@realcpaz called it last week: https://t.co/yo2uOea6Cn John Hendrickson (@JohnGHendy) November 4, 2020
Yglesias/Vox on topic BEFORE the election
Some of us were writing about Trump’s resilience with Hispanic voters back in early July, without even the benefit of speaking to any real voters. https://t.co/d4K865LZ3n Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) November 5, 2020
Still the best opinion piece that explains rising nonwhite support for Trump. Left of center analysts often see nonwhites as victimized stereotypes, have ignored the data and refused to talk to nonwhites outside of the highly educated prep school bubble https://t.co/ZQjAjcsC1o