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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180130 22:30:00

accountable treats during the last days of a carnival at its peak that we turn out eight to ten thousand free teleport they. got about it antonio salvatore sam runs one of the city's best known pastry shops he also makes enough a carnival favorite golani or angel wings ribbons of dough twisted deep fried and dusted with powdered sugar critelli are said to have originated in venice you can have a plain all filled for instance with chocolate was a bio name unlike custard. only possibility for me yet if the know is similar to what. it contains not as a bag some baked so there's a hollow space inside. the sea operates is what it looks like inside. it up a good old living. and that is much want to be one with build its creed it will. look i believe that. these are jeff i'm at a not for calorie counters but after to repose like a lot of thinking we do in the county about the edge over construction a wider range of anything live in the past. and people who just couldn't get enough in the evening. can come back for more the next morning the water parades go on for two days. antonio salvatore's that also enjoys the opening festivities even if he's hardly got time for him. or for the richard the departed fortunately our big shop is working at full tilt i must get back and see the gladly and free telly turned out well in the cities bakeries and cafes are braced for an onslaught of sweet tooth ravenous. fratelli are just as much a part of con. well here is the costumes and mosques. and when you smell it too when you taste it it's carnival it's not carnival without. the sea and defend its conical last for seventeen days and it is usual it's a feast for censors. certainly looks like a fun party there in venice in the mean time the dutch royal family is also in a cellar retore mood as queen beatrix gets ready to mark a milestone birthday she's turning eighty and can boast a lifetime of experience beatrix retired from her royal duties as queen five years ago passing the torch on to her son villa but that doesn't mean she's disappeared from the hearts and minds of her fellow dutch citizens who. the few macqueen of the netherlands is new with the dutch a reputation as very disciplined and dedicated means she still held in high regard . beatrix was born general thirty first nine hundred thirty eight the first daughter of queen yawn of the netherlands and prince ben a childhood in canadian exile during the war and that home was happy we knew yana gave her and her three sisters the freedom to be children and i don't criticize any other royal houses talked some of condescendingly of the bicycle monarchy they'd see queen beatrix as mother riding around on a bike the worlds were very touchy i very close to the people. even as crown princess beatrix made it clear that she had her own ideas and the will to act on them for example with her choice of a husband in one thousand nine hundred sixty five she got engaged to german diplomatic klaus for moms back they married the following year not saddam. but dutch popular sentiment. as against welcoming the german into the royal house the festivities were overshadowed by street protests but in time prince klaus became a real favorite with the dutch the couple have three sons. one thousand nine hundred eighty beatrix his mother queen yana became. beatrix ring the queen for thirty three years at first she willed political influence and responsibility for forming new government later these powers were curtailed by parliament. in the beginning of her reign people found that she was meddlesome just didn't just watching every detail everything on politics alone and they didn't like that too much because and she looked a bit at a distance you know it drops. to near to me but that changed over the tauren one especially with her. personal tragedies and a whole lot of. the first personal tragedy came in october two thousand and two when her husband prince klaus of the netherlands died after a long battle with illness this was a severe blow to the queen. she suffered another tragedy in twenty twelve when her second son freezone was buried in an avalanche while skiing and spent months in a coma you know because twenty thirteen the royal house announced prince freeserve died it was a difficult time for the royal family. but the accident of prince freezer was admired quite a people in the middle as she stood and we re sort of tragedy in iraq calls but she hold all. and she went all go to work and be just as folks that she was. before. it wasn't long before beatrix had resumed her facial duties in full. in twenty thirteen at the age of seventy five beatrix passed the crown on to her eldest son much as she had received it from her mother in one thousand nine hundred eighty it is meant to toast with complete confidence i shall be handing the sovereign's office over to my son prince villa alexander on april thirtieth it's from one year. for the first time in over a century a man ascended the dutch throne king alexander will go to year for it's a great honor to succeed my mother and for us to serve our country with motivation many of them all seem to have to hating princes beatrix has been helping out the royal couple as official appearances. and she had a daughter in law queen maxima another most popular members of the dutch boyle family doesn't trust us what's characteristic of beatrix is this great love she had for her husband and has her family in this country among the steadfastness she has she's always been a great personality. one of president sky. above old princess beatrix is enjoying her retirement and spending more time with her family . and speaking of royalty british prince william and his wife kate are in sweden bidders visiting their swedish counterparts and taking in some sport also trees in a warsaw are experiencing their fifteen minutes of fame plus quite a gem has been found in russia more on those stories coming up in today's express. on tuesday prince william and his wife catherine the duchess of cambridge flew to sweden's capital stall count right away they took in a game of sandy similar to hockey throwing a couple to feel. but unity to try it out for themselves. even though catherine's expecting her first child in april william and catherine will spend a total of four days travelling around sweden and norway. in poland's capital warsaw a sculptor has created a fairy tale square from tree trunks the figures were inspired by a children's t.v. show called nice shot tech or teddy floppy ear the series has run since the one nine hundred fifty s. and the chief cult status among poles i'm say is about ski carved out several familiar characters with a chainsaw so you some of your so many amazing emotions of joy expressed by the inhabitants. really emotional wow moments what. someone finally thought of soup or how beautiful something like that remains in my memory you don't know but isn't. the trunks are from trees that have been damaged in a storm last year and were due to be cut down. an enormous emerald has been discovered in russia's ural mountains the arm can't gemstone and weighs over one and a half kilos and is fourteen centimeters in length it's the largest stone on earth at the mine in a decade. we immediately realized the size of the stone the world it's estimated to be was nearly sixty thousand europe's urals mark the border between asia and europe known for the high concentration of gems arms. the german painter sebastian shridhar is attracting more and more attention on the international art scene and as one gallery director puts it schrader as works are firmly set in the in-between transition meaning his figures are captured. both the before and after while the berlin artist paints with or oil on canvas and his subjects are mostly men in dramatic poses we met up with him in a studio in berlin to talk more about his style. sebastian scada is searching for the secrets of paintings using to follow the latest trends the young artist works like an old master he has faith in the power of painting. as a painting should stand on its i have no concept or no message i don't think something up and then follow that through the fool instead i supply one part of the time and then try to get another part to come on its or something icon figure out which ones we could float over the i leave things to chance. or for that secretly i hope that the pictures are smarter than i am but more goes into them that i never even thought was good. for him is like an adventure a journey taken with paint and canvas sebastian scott has often surprised himself with how his works turned out but he's a master with brushes and paint and retains a close connection to the history of the. early work was cold spots or black square. this is a convenient wooden models of things combined at the bottom with his figure in a melancholy pose which has a tinge of alaric you know about him to be might say it was in part the melancholy attitude towards modernism for lost some tired i would. define convention taking it easy doing things that make no sense postcard us pictures our country midges to today's hectic world their images of rebellion. for me it was important that there be a kind of refusal implicit in a questioning of why people are always so faggotry of these days where there's no alternative and almost always going to just start to not be a part of it off but to stick with what is important to you in this one but then brought. to justice. ironically these pictures of denial are especially popular in places of prosperity felix robbins is a wealthy entrepreneur based in london and a collector of sebastian charters works. there is a link between what we've got from the past and the answer of today and. so we kind of need to. work for contemporary works of today that reflect today and sebastian falls right in back of your of message in quality and. fits in with the rest germany changing is enjoying a boom abroad especially works from what's become known as the new like six school sebastien child has also benefiting from this success even though he studied art and berlin not like his pictures are always set in closed undefinable spaces like figures or group painting the men depicted in them are being used in intense light . does is not responsible whist i consciously avoid using the illusion of space there are always two dimensional going to it will never see a german forest apparent as a background in my works it's the avoidance of telling a story and shrinking things somehow. but that's what it's creating a free out trickle stage and concentrating on schuman existence. idle people. in sébastien squat as new as works they begin to disintegrate instead of illustration these works border on obstruction. the artist has a chronic liar and an age of uncertainty wandering between painting traditions between representation and abstraction pursuing but one passion the play with shape and color and accepting the result whatever it turns out to be. every week we bring you five fun facts and our series high five and today we are going to take a look at some of the more unexpected activities that can be enjoyed underwater so grab your wetsuit and snorkel and let's dive in here are. five activities you probably never thought could be done underwater. musicians performing in front of an audience is like taking a plunge into cold water but that's literally the case for a danish group between music creators of the uk was sonic project number five in a list of unusual underwater activities is playing music. each musician occupies his or her own tongue here they hold their breath and move as if in slow motion their instruments are all custom made from metals that i am prone to rust. watching fish swim around an aquarium isn't the most exciting and stamens but looking at plants in an aquarium is really plumbing the depths of number four in our list of activities that can also be performed on the water is gardening. to skating is the name of this and leisure activity in which fish only gets in the way to go to create beautiful underwater landscapes in an aquarium. most people get dressed for dinner not undress but then this restaurant in brussels is no ordinary establishment. a third spot in a ranking of unusual underwater activities it's going out to eat the po is a restaurant located five meters under water in this round capsule form a food is served by waves indicting costumes. these works of art are enough to take your breath away especially if your forgotten your oxygen tank in second place and a visit to one on the water museum. the museum atlantico nice off the coast of the spanish i don't up lines or rules of. it's europe's only underwater sculpture museum the brainchild of british artist jason the cat tale of the art works change with time and creates an artificial reef that attracts marine life. this couple is ready to take the plunge but weeks after they come to already own number one activity you probably never thought could be done under water is getting married exchanging vows on the water has become a worldwide trend. this couple is getting hitched at an aquarium in london though the minister and against three main on dry land the benefits of marrying in water the groom can easily sweep his bride of her feet but there are drawbacks to. this couple had to fend off an attack from a jealous or perhaps just hungry on the. right and finally isn't it the case that you always lose something when you go on vacation and if it's your camera then it's especially heartbreaking because you lose all of those fantastic moments that you documented well last september a ten year old boy lost his camera while on vacation with his parents on the british coast but thanks to the efforts of the german maritime search and rescue service and with a little help on the internet this story. has a very happy ending. this is the moment ten year old william has been waiting for he's travelled all the way from a small town in eastern england to the wagners see in northern germany. after finds or germany and taking a ferry to the island of. he and his family are walking seven kilometers through the mud flats to their destination the little island or holiday of the hawk and all this just to retrieve a camera because it really is special now but. last year from my great friend that so it's very special to. last september william and his parents were visiting a bay on the eastern coast of england while playing william sent his action cam down on a stone and forgot it. it got washed away and embarked on a journey across the north sea the german maritime search and rescue service reconstructed its route they figure the camera had traveled some one hundred kilometers before washing up on suit of august two months later because the memory card was still intact local residents were able to post the video material on the internet and the search for the owner of the gap german and english media began reporting on the find which is how a friend of william's parents heard about it something to remember because you know he can get all our friends at work and his friends at school and his teaches they're all very interested so he can take this back. and the memories and of course the video from the program so you can share when he's older he can say this is the adventure i was all here. for the weekend to be that it was me being there day and her partner holders prayer zuda hawks only residents but williams camera was found by hold his father whole and who was on the island helping out. a goof. thank you. thank you a little bit. this is a good. time stone and william and i'm teasing question cam have been reunited. with. her feet. because this is a great day today because they really didn't have to tell me it was that time but they did so when they see about. it's a happy ending to a real life adventure for william and his camera rescued from the fallen city. what a great story and photos we have received lots from you thanks to a contest we have running this week or in the spirit of carnival we wanted to know what your favorite costume is lots of you send in photos i think from your hollowing outfits while this contest is still going on so you have a chance to send us in your answer to our website and if you do so you can win a euro max watch and there it is. and with that it is time to say good bye from me and of course from the rest of the crew here at your own acts as always thanks for tuning in and we will see you right back here again tomorrow. on the next edition of here on max you might think contemporary art is all freshly new but many works are already suffering wear and tear especially those made in synthetic materials art restorers are rushing to preserve them aren't getting treatment tomorrow on your own max. thank. you for. the. take the play bridge for tests trying. to draw on. when i'm travelling i like to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to date on the latest news and events. and d.-w. makes that part of travelling easy because it's available and thousands of her talents resorts and cruise ships worldwide. or have you found the domain signing send us a picture that shows the w. in your room you can remember a prize or two d. w. dot com travel quids earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas that protect the climate boost clean energy solutions and reforestation. using interactive content to inspire people to take action of global ideas the multimedia environment series on d.w. . play. to muck up the been to. before. cut. through thank.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180805 13:30:00

eleven years ago she and her husband had originally set out to see the world on their sailboat but once they stopped off in samarkand they knew they'd found a new home. and all our flour comes from france they are better to my husband makes everything by hand with no artificial color but our baked goods are made only according to traditional recipe. that scene was in. the customers who are every bit as demanding as in paris the baker says and they pay in euro's. to george this is the culture of the antilles a blend of the caribbean and europe. so. that's a blend that elsewhere in the lesser antilles includes the british too just a twenty minute boat ride away is a population nearly fifteen thousand just deserted beach is an excellent bram stoker in his novel dracula i recently went on a discovery tour in romania to find out how much of the dracula story is based on truth. this is brand council in romania otherwise known as dracula's castle it's one of romania's major landmarks and tourist destinations located in the small town of brown some two hundred kilometers north of the capital bucharest people flock here from all over the world to catch a glimpse into the gruesome world of vampires. after a very long journey i have finally arrived at brand castle here in romania and this place boasts six hundred forty years of history but it is most well known as the home of count accurate blood sucking count of transylvania now although i know this story is based on fiction i have come well prepared i have novel dr heard about this story from hungary and teach it a friend the thing is so he took our princess story into. as for me i think of the one of the famous vampire but in fact stoker never visited romania or brand council his book is based on a description of the castle and an illustration of vailable to him at the time but what about vlad the impaler was he ever here during his reign of terror the council does indeed have examples of medieval torture methods used back then so just what is this going to hurt the further from that of. this is one of the first mechanized torture instruments they were used on suspected witches thieves traitors and the like. you have to make it. so so yeah that we don't want to do that the real dracula used surplus problems but fact more fiction it's grand council and the story of dracula the vampire that seemed to interest tourists the most. do you think it's. harry here it's a bit scary especially the torture. that's the most scary discount and it goes it's ever lasting popularity to bram stoker. so my tour of bring castle is coming to an end and my impression of this place is that it's really just full of history it's really not that scary although i don't think i would want to be here after dark and just in case there are any evil spirits to ward off i will keep this garlic necklace close they have but it's time to say divided now from dracula's castle. and i make my way out of bran before it gets dark when the vampires begin their nightly meetings. and you can see i made it back very helpfully i had a great way to see europe is by train and currently fifteen thousand young people are doing this free of charge they all took part in a special draw to qualify for the free tickets for the project was the idea of two activists from berlin since two thousand and fifteen they've been lobbying politicians to issue all eighteen year olds free travel to promote international understanding we accompanied the young scot on the first stage of his interrelate trip. traveling to prague by train. student aid and gibson from edinburgh has embarked on an intra led venture cross europe. he's fascinated by prague stunning old town and of course no visit to the czech capital is complete without seeing the famous fourteenth century charles bridge. even says some things remind him of his native edinburgh. a lot of street music and artists a lot of and so on. but i think prague is. it's very different i think actually nicer than i expected i think yeah the buildings are really amazing when you see with your own eyes. so very i think it's worse to come because it's lighter in person. this interest take it has been paid for by the european union. after even proposed to travel reach unsuccessfully answer to your a coup is a cheery picked him along with fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety nine other lucky eighteen year olds from the e.u. to embark on this unique trip through europe. the free interest program is the idea of martin spear and vincent him on the hill who lobbied brussels to introduce a travel programme for young europeans. the intro ticket itself has been around since one nine hundred seventy two. motion shapira and vincent a man would have been a free travel across the continent can help youngsters overcome stereotypes about the european neighbors. that's what the two of them experienced when they themselves went on an intellect fancher years ago. these are. great hospitality we were in people's homes for dinner. cities were visiting at the time. some would even let others know we were coming to the city a lot of those work he moments for us all the new connections those new friendships that we struck up to us that really felt like europe. have a place we got a whole new perspective on europe and truly understand that europe is not so much about its laws or politics but about the diversity of its people hard. many of the lucky fifteen thousand teens are sharing their travel experiences on social media describing their encounters with the europeans but does this actually help forge a sense of european identity. critics point out that it does little good if all these young travelers do is part of the nicer way. atum gibson for his past that's valid to spend time exploring the history of the countries he visits in prague museum of communism and is in learns about the emergence of the former czechoslovakia and its times to the soviet union. he's one aware that after breaks that other british youngsters like him will no longer have an opportunity to win a free internet ticket. he's deeply disappointed with the outcome of the referendum . i think a lot of people voted blindly initially and they didn't really know what they were buzzing about they were kind of following government propaganda like communism actually. and then it's time for a cold beer. this is after all the home country of the pirs not. after two days in prague it's time for aden gibson to move on in trail could be described as a kind of speed dating that here you've barely gotten to know place and you're confronted with another stranger. and quite often you travel alone which is just what eighteen year old. can really meet someone. other solo travelers. actually made maybe make some difference over the way you can actually have a very good time traveling solo so i would recommend. the next stops for aid in vienna but it has and. he'll visit for european countries in two weeks and take lots of fresh impressions home to edinburgh. and you can follow his travels on our instagram site ok this is he is the mother of all invention but for you tube or an inventor i've been miranda his main goal is just to have fun miranda invents all sorts of objects from remote controlled beach cars to giant printers his inventions don't always serve a purpose but they have gained a large following on you tube we caught up with ivan miranda in action in spain. hi everyone we had a going to make my dad go in. and attack with colorful kind of. the. ukulele from a three d. printer. red beach bug that floats. well almost. these are all creations by spanish inventor even the runner up here using san sebastian bay at six thirty in the morning along with them is one of the contraptions he's designed to assemble themselves. if that's what i want them in but i do this is a robot that can write anything i want in the sound. and yet i built it because i want to get what we're going to doesn't have a purpose in itself. but when i have an idea and i kid i have to do something with it i want to how. the inventor film toussaint drawing robots first test run and uploaded it on through to you tube. within four weeks the video got more than two hundred thirty thousand hits the robot's writing was upside down at first but ebon loved it anyway. so. and this is our it looks right side up. to really be able to use the beach as his drawing board miranda had to get there early that's when the tide is low in the sand especially smooth and no sunbathers or swimmers have left any footprints yet oh wait if there's no getting out of it if anybody got it draws and writes everything i want in the sun that is so cold. when he's not testing his creations in the sand iran is tinkering with them in his workshop in the middle of san sebastian. today he's repairing his remote control tank. now thirty eight he's been fascinated by electronic and digital gadgetry since he was a kid. in addition to his part time office job the family man can now learn a living from clips like these he thinks being a you tuber is the best job ever. and i think. he said i had to give it this time because a legitimate project that would be so serious we said it would take all the fun out of it. i get in contrast i can crush my tank and i can make it loud foster i didn't read anything i want and they gave me to go to something i think that's what people like about my videos give it a look at it without it. he has almost seventy thousand subscribers on youtube and they like the videos where everything goes wrong. the sound. before he takes his writing robot out on the beach she programs the kind of lettering he wants. he drives inventions have a short lifespan he can't store them in a small workshop anyway usually either gives them away or has to scrap them. from the drawing board to completion a turkey farm to render three weeks to make his writing robot this time news printing a very special message on the beach in san sebastian. art when it's hot outside the appetite tends to weigh in so fish is always a good summer alternative to a hearty meal for today's our card we're going to sample a specialty from northern spain as is raw salt cod served in the salad perfect for this time of year during at some a vacation by the mediterranean night if he seems to go down best. he can be found among the old cuisine dishes served at the sunday boss questran in a form on a street name the next demand. shafik tacoma is favorite dish is a salt called salad simple yet sophisticated i mean for me memories play an important role in dining when you eat something that's top quality and at the same time it reminds you of your childhood and that's the best central experience you're going to have. for your. taste ponse have already learned there's a now trying to. not pure emotions about it makes dining out experience but i. tend to call my spies the vegetables from my salad at the street markets in. a nearby town of land as smart as sweet green onions bell peppers and green beans. then he heads for a fish store that only sells salted and dried cars present a few using a traditional method to contact almost no fat so much of soups the salt completely through the poles and the fish doesn't spoil. the muslim but i will buy this piece here the mid section from the back of this will be it's been soaked in water for five days and then another two days with the water being changed three or four times a day to draw out the salt. you know and i yelled and now it's become quite a bit thicker again as it is to take this piece here it's got its original coloring back and it's ready tailored to another color. you know you're very much selling his card is a staple in catalan cuisine it's eaten fried steam it'll roll it was once considered a poor man's food but now it features on the menus in top class restaurants back in the restaurant it doesn't take long to make the sound it. cut the green onions marinate them away cherry even into and set them aside. diced the tomatoes and green belt have. quickly blanch the fat. challenge them into cold water and come into slices. now the fish by hand. almost but again you do it by hand because you have to set. right the fish from the wind and fibers running through it and then you enter into it. you want to get rid of them to make the fish clean and transparent like that but i guess. that's a lot of work but it produces a wonderful purity a flavor that it is. going to want to get to where that. makes the vegetables in a ball. dress the salted fish with china blossoms and on the foil. ideally stener it with a fork. now it's time to serve the sounds may s. for layout that's the tomato and the fish and then the rest of the vegetables. when a fish is deep frozen to preserve it and as it is done nowadays that changes the tank but i'm pilot remembers what it once knew that's rooted in our memory it's not like there's a lesson all of us never forget it was the authentic tanks to fix he was one of them and that's why soldier called as a part of the go make cooking today help. song contest salad a traditional dish from catalonia that's achieved cult status. and quite different from what regular we. are that we come to the end of the show don't forget to keep up with us on facebook for all of us here you know max thanks for watching three against him. the be. the boss the be. the but. the but. the but. the be. the best. the the. highly toxic ammunition scratches on the bottom of the sea. agent orange in the mists of vietnam. during in particular matter on the ground all over iraq. just to support. a race against time to get over it be too late the coming nation sublist to come. just small d. w. . fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world. here's what's coming up. on. the bar here on a mission such as tube smart women who espouse smart trucks and smart street should . alleging this and by no means missed out on a brain christening dangerous stunt. double made fun by. a news analyst committed she's not seen the unsub. sax solo so-called take heads up the food is consumed boost side by the flame. play. people have put big dreams on the big screen. and movie magazine on the w. . time for an upgrade. how about furniture that grows all by itself a house with no roof. or design highlights you can make yourself. trends tips and tricks that will turn your home to something special. upgrade yourself with g.w.'s interior design channel on you tube. his reputation murderer klug arsonist. played tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to just get a bad press. rebound historians are reexamining his case for rethinking the rochas


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181030 00:30:00

the people here don't have a clue about that feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in every day looking for justice and equality. under the skin of russia's women starts nov thirteenth on w. . hi everyone welcome to a new week of your romance i'm your host meghan lee we've got an exciting lineup for you today here's a look at what's in store. for colorful creations where french fashion designer simone portia still finds inspiration. in classical cartoon the next adventure of a belgian comic book character who is set in court for east berlin. place of pilgrimage we discover the spanner city of santiago de compostela. we start off today show with a young french designer who has no doubt become the darling of the international fashion scene simone port made a name for himself already in two thousand and ten at the age of twenty when he started his own label his designs are quintessentially french emphasizing femininity well this year he introduced mini handbags which became a must have after superstars like riana were spotted carrying them we caught up with jacques morris in paris to find out what is next for him. simone needs. the designer has been making waves in paris with his laid back approach with every season he creates new fashion imagery . for me an image is always the best way to express something even as a young boy i started making films then i went on to design clothes so it's always about creating an image to express something. each of his collections will be flex a part of his life and opens a new chapter in his biography. there was a lot that inspired me to design fashion especially the desire to tell a story this is when i lost my mom i decided to tell the story of all women who were like her. while. one result of that was his fashion film directed by gordon funk steiner it features young cousins walking past very modeling his designs dancing to music. videos in a single sequence in ten or. although the sunnier climes of the south are a big source of inspiration mrs career took him to the parents of a young age. the self-taught designer soon earned his place in the fashion world winning the special jury l v m h prize in twenty fifteen. paris is the fashion capital par excellence there's no other city like it when i was young or i once heard someone say if you make a name for yourself in paris and the whole world will know your name. i and the french capital was happy to oblige allowing you to showcase his designs at the city's famous picasa museum it formed a stunning backdrop for his spring twenty eighteen collection. soon. because a. picasso was the first painter that i discovered who really in the. asked me i've always been a fan of his work i don't know if you can find a lot of picasso in my designs his way of life his colors. cmon. the museum represents the south of france where he is often found new answers to the all important question what is beauty. ever to set up for is a w.t. for me is poetry which can mean many things it's the poetry of a moment when you're taking it in you can't control it you can only perceive it it's very personal. because so also loved the mediterranean thank you guys it's fine you're revealing. it was in his own city of musée in the south of france that the designer unveiled his first collection of men's fashion on the beach at. his colorful easygoing creations include floral elements the flexing mediterranean paintings which. shocked me is this collection also in capsule eight his particular idea of a masculine image one that he's known since childhood. the gift. should all be devalued it's a dumb q i wanted to talk about this male image that inspired me the typical man from are saying with all the cliches that's what i wanted to talk about it so. each of his collection tells a specific scheme and artistic idea just twenty seventeen women's collection for example sported a very different look inspired by folks from the performance. you need to fill. i look at the. types of women one may be more of a tease time who is close to nature a spanish work that you might find in south america is well. spent and then there's this woman from the riviera that you might meet in monaco who has a certain cosmopolitan sophistication. kick a couple of the crew are pretty sophisticated. and it's the riviera that was the focus of his latest collection for spring summer twenty nineteen showcased in the gardens of the italian embassy in paris once again the young designer brought a taste of the south to the french capital to see mom pull off a shock muse is surely destined for greatness. all right from one talented french menchu another look at zach a is an award winning filmmaker whose work is now on display in northern germany more on this latest exhibition at the top of today's express. museum in the german city of braman is offering a spectacular nature experience it's multimedia exhibition on antarctica shows footage and photos by oscar winning filmmaker kid he and his team spent forty five days capturing the extraordinary diversity of this icy continent surrounded by huge video screens and soames recorded directly on site visitors are invited to dive into a unique ecosystem. the czech republic has been celebrating one hundred years since the founding of czechoslovakia the confederation was formed at the end of world war one after the collapse of austria hungary in one thousand nine hundred ninety three czechoslovakia divided into two new countries the czech republic and slovakia the national museum in prague also reopened in time for this in turn a wreath. after undergoing extensive renovation to festivities ended on sunday with the huge fireworks display in prague. over the weekend the future metro station in downtown berlin was converted into a makeshift art gallery on display were more than thirty five works by german painter christopher dame food for over ten years the artist chronicled the dismantling of former east germany seat of parliament the palace of the republic and the rebuilding of the old berlin city palace and its place the result was a series of paintings. we turn our attention now to a cartoon classic if you grew up in europe then you are certainly for mayor wispy who a belgian comic book character now he was a originally an elevator operator and a bell boy at the fictional hotel and at some point he became a reporter will now as the comic strip turns eighty years old viru is back on the beat with his latest adventure taking him to nineteen eighties east berlin. east berlin one thousand nine hundred eighty eight east germany is broke but then. to the rescue in a dire emergency it's another case for speed this time the little bell boy from belgium winds up in germany. it's a minor sensation spirit who has never been here before. felix germann alias flix is the author. he's one of germany's most sought after comic artists he was chosen as the first german ever to create an edition of the franco belgian classic for the eightieth anniversary edition of spiritual. his early in his set just before the fall of the berlin wall in one thousand nine hundred nine a significant time in german history and yet the president wasn't specific enough for what's happening in berlin now is happening in other european cities too but the divided city was something very special and when it all ended and ended peacefully that's worth telling stories about especially nowadays. east germany appears washed out ingrained in oppressive images. it's a personal view that doesn't sugarcoat the reality unusual for a comic book series it's normally full of humor and slapstick. every joke has to be on point. it calls for a highly sensitive touch along with the courage to make mistakes flicks points out spit was border crossing as an example. in the us and is wrong in the first version i wrote the border patrol officers were always giving funny answers to whatever city home and found. eventually i realized it doesn't work that way it probably wasn't like that so now in the book version they keep their mouth shut and it comes across far more menacing we just don't know if they're taking all this seriously or wonder why they're waving them through something about it is funny and the border crossing is what sets the tone for this book is a. his little helper spits the squirrel and the reporter funtime zero are looking for a missing friend in east berlin they fall into the hands of the communist secret police. manages to escape and meets the tennis playing chimpanzee boris the comic picks up on past motifs with deliberate references to the present like a recent election campaign slogan. it is it is people who are if you watch the spear who series you can see lots of tributes to secret agent thrillers and science fiction movies and planting these elements in the story is fun if you use germany offer such fertile ground for all sorts of tongue in cheek gags and elements that might seem a bit augie status. east germany and spain who they compliment each other very well out of. school discovers what he believes to be a secret weapon underneath east berlin television tower. east german leader harry shauna hopes it will save his regime from bankruptcy. in the meantime funtime zero is tortured by his own cousin does the officer it's on top feel flicks shows this in a full page illustration and smashes a longstanding taboo. not officially there was no torture in east germany but they did have psychological torture that since no torture may be shown in a young people's comic book like a good alternative was to show this light torture which actually wasn't supposed to exist either but we can show it in the comic and that gives it a fairly high degree of realism only in the school. flicks has an east german story of his own to tell his mother's family defected to the west in the one nine hundred fifty s. . they rarely spoke about their past in east germany and his mother still has major problems with the fact that flicks now lives in eastern for lent. i've noticed that it's still hard for her to come to berlin and experience the whole border situation even now with the boarders gone and it's had a lasting effect on her and of course that's had an effect on me and my children as well it's strange when the kids ask why can't i just come and see us and i say oh it's not all that easy for grandma. it's remarkable that felix was able to create such an accurate picture of east germany even though he only knows it from stories . that also gives the spirit series a new level of quality. in france spiro enjoys cult status now the comic book series could also gain more fans in germany. the first edition was sold out immediately. now sales have passed the thirty thousand mark an unusual for a comic book. and they're still going strong. history of things people who finally getting to make a german speaker who had a lot to do with luck and persistence for the people from the publishers met three and a half years ago and the eightieth anniversary was coming up they had to do something for it so they put their heads together and asked where's people who hadn't ben yet and we came up with germany and germany is associated with berlin and that's when the title spew who in berlin a volved and everyone thought that sounded awesome on skin guy. spiro in berlin is the current exciting episode of the cult comic book series with a german twist. back to reality now and we are heading to spain thanks to a viewer request from colombia hair myname of the not from cali would like to know more about the spanish city of santiago to come. bustelo now for hundreds of years countless pilgrims have made their way on foot to the city to pay homage to the painter and st james whose remains are believed to be here will now adays travellers of every background head to santiago de compostela to simply explore the region and discover its natural beauty. the munty to go solo or hill of joy offers many pilgrims on the way of st james the first glimpse of their final destination santiago de compostela. last year more than three hundred thousand people joined the pilgrimage to this city in northwestern spain. the journey officially ends at the cathedral of santiago de compostela the crypt of the eleventh century building is said to contain the remains of st james the apostle. in one thousand nine hundred five the cathedral and old town of santiago de compostela were declared a unesco world heritage site the pilgrimage attracts people from all walks of life . and i'm not how i have a plan it is a little bit of damage it's more learning about myself than the people that we meet in. my stocking i've got no idea what's been happening in the world for the past month. and that's ok. because these groups have spent the last month walking and i've heard nothing about anything else but the world is still here you know. in fifteen zero nine a hospital was opened right next to the cathedral on the plaza to oprah. it was designed to treat exhausted pilgrims today the building houses a luxury hotel. that has four cloisters linking the different parts of the complex. pilgrims who can afford to stay here pay upwards of two hundred euros a night for a double room. it's a far cry from the modest conditions once offered by the hospital in the early sixteenth century. pretty much the first to the pilgrim state in the cathedral but there were a lot of infections. the smell was terrible so the decision was taken to build what was then one of the most important hospitals to treat the pilgrims and to provide them with accommodation to. come into. the hotel has continued one standing tradition the first ten pilgrims to arrive each day are given a free meal to qualify they have to get a voucher from the pilgrims reception office it's only open to those who've completed the pilgrimage. the simple lunch is then served in one of the hotels two restaurants. there is a table we're making couldn't. come another but we still have a lot in common it is not easy for us to get there now in a minute or two because we've all been on coming so we've got nothing common and nothing to talk about and advice to give each other a future coming. some five kilometers away from the historic city center is the so-called deletion city of culture the huge complex perched on top of monte gaius was opened in two thousand and eleven although not all the buildings are finished it was designed by u.s. architect peter eisenman. the project has come under fire as its way over budget building work was stopped in two thousand and thirteen. but art and architecture fans will love it nonetheless. the finished parts of the complex include a museum a theater and an archive it's scheduled to be finished in two thousand and twenty. back in santiago de compostela old town locals tourists and pilgrims can choose from hundreds of restaurants bars and cafes. is located in a small side street. here chef conde galvan cooks up traditional delicacies there's no go miles. deletion cuisine has been subject to many different influences. but it's also very simple. our ingredients are fresh from the sea our from local farms are. not a product and we try to process them as little as possible the kind of. medium a person. one of his specialities his muscles with sea urchin grow in a white wine and onion sauce and those who still have the energy after walking the way of st james entering the city can ply all the evening away in the alleyways of the old town of santiago de compostela. time now for something more to and for this week's series indulging experiments we are taking a look at unusual calling area concepts and first up is the. well one restaurant owner in amsterdam is such a huge fan of those that he has dedicated his entire establishment to it here's a closer look. at. these dishes are works of art that are feasts for the eyes as well as the palate. the awful condo is the star in this restaurant dedicated to discovering new uses for the trendy fruit the oval condo shows atop foodies paterno amsterdam and since it opened in april twenty seventh teen it's been trending high on social media and is packed with customers every day. we're standing here and there's a thirty year waiting life so that's that's that's new for me like i never wait for a tree or a stroke. for ocado frowns it's a paradise here the green super food is the star of the show. the menu even features green shakes and judging by the prevalence of smartphones every customer seems to be an impromptu food blogger. the avocado show is the. in child of cohen around marketing manager ron sims. but this is not for budget diners an avocado sandwich will set you back twelve year olds fifty a salad or a burger cost fifty. food bloggers in here really love the fancy this is we have boyfriends that have been tagged along to really meet us translate this you know everyone's welcome here we have young we have old we have all countries in the world. whether you plump for the fancy or the shrines the side of the menu there's no escaping the other condo. this nancy side is when you just love all the cow to say you want to eat so we put those on toast we put them in a salad we made a club sandwich like real food the fancy stuff is all those this is you see people taking pictures of it's the roses it's the bun it's all that kind of stuff which is very food stylee. from simpson focuses on great presentation that's a key component of his concept of the garden. how's that working out if. you like the way it's presented by kill and really do. the menu is constantly adding new dishes. and they're tried out at a kind of test laboratory the kitchen never claimed chef jamie tonight you. just do i do use avocado pancake they may be coming soon to the avocado show. think what is a really green that's called. who. it was large sweet. because of the sugar savory because of the other cod and there's like this fruity little bit acidic and sweet from the blueberry it's this perfect. now here comes something hearty avocado slices battered and deep fried if you're chewing on the inside and crunchy on the outside and alternative to french fries. that's really fun for me i think everything i read off gotto and most things everything becomes green and it's pretty cool. experiment number three is a chocolate milkshake topped with whipped cream a perfect these are. the fruit is native to mexico but now it's grown in israel brazil chile and south africa to. get as healthy polyunsaturated fats robert caro's can lower cholesterol and are good for your heart in circulation that adds to the fruits of popularity. these customers from germany are also other cardo fans but lane has decided to have a burger with two of a cow two ounce instead of a bond after all be chilly i mean not so in the combination of meat and avocado and never would have occurred to me that it's really delicious stuff it's not something i eat every day but i would like some avocado ice cream to follow up with. a new hit on the amsterdam colon r.e.c. . icecream come on all right i wear that we are out of time a before we go we want to let you weigh in on this week's drop we would like to know about the most unusual thing that you have ever eaten well send us an e-mail and tell us about your experience and by doing so you qualify to win an exclusive your own max why. watch all right for me and the rest of the crew here at your remarks as always thanks for tuning and sequencing. the. next time following. the water goes ribeiro and daniela cunt nero have turned their hobby into a career not a sort of first but as hotel owners they converted their mercedes truck into a global hotel offering space for up to ten guests who know they can take surfers to all the best spots as they tour that portuguese coast camping in style stop on euro max. move. on to. france's put a house the indian ocean island of my guns. it's a magnet for illegal. the grids and many of them are pregnant. anyone boneheads to claim a french constable. it's not that simple and many end up living in slums. in fifteen minutes w. . the fast pace of life in the digital no shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest phone lines and interviews with makers and users. shift in forty five minutes. sometimes books are more exciting than real life. graham ready to greet. you know. what if there's no speak. church or a list of one hundred german must treat. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful. after thirteen years of power in some damaging state election results are going to close all thirty is visibly waning how low can go to find good luck you'll cling on to calm my guess is most gun shy cliques one of the most famous and infamous politicians in germany. conflict zone starts october thirty first on t w. it was a show me the cause of. the first global disaster of the twentieth century. more to end all wars cost millions of lives. world war one. one summer marks the hundredth anniversary of. what his human kind learned from the great war. as it learned anything at all. is really an impossible.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181208 21:15:00

all into perspective for us thanks. you're watching the news from a but plenty more coming up at the top the hour and was given on our website at e.w. dot com i'm not free in balance very easy. look. natural riches are precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called ethiopia's gringo. the country has an abundant supply and leases it to an international group giant. government to try export revenues and the corporations high profit margin. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. and execution of environmental destruction starvation and. the selling out of a country dead donkey. carts december twenty ninth on t.w. . to get that. they were summoned and they came german car industry titans called to the white house to make the case against higher tariffs on european made cars they weren't initially expecting to meet the president but in the end he too came here's how dimler c.e.o. dieter zetsche had described the encounter. the meeting with the president is very interesting. he can. come in this country. of course his objective is to see more jobs more. which is in accordance with. a sentiment echoed by the automotive leaders in washington vokes wagon is even considering a plan that would see it build cars in ford's u.s. factories and produce electric vehicles in the u.s. . corporation to really build up a global alliance which also would strengthen american industry but the specter of trans promised tariffs is still a cause for concern for germany's association of automotive manufacturers according to them additional tariffs would bring additional costs and therefore be a threat to germany's competitiveness on the u.s. market that's why they want the competition open to the people with the best product when. whether president trump will be persuaded to drop the twenty five percent levy he's threatened may depend entirely on the kind of impression the german c.e.o.'s left on him. gen smog hangs over the conference center in qatar beats the reason is coal coal is still being mined here today the industry employs around one hundred thousand people it's one of the most important industries in the polish region of silesia. and you want to go to our treasure if we didn't have it no one would have a job if the mine closes everyone would go out of business all the companies and shops. most of poland's electricity comes from climate damaging coal energy and according to the government it will stay that way until twenty fifty. we have. coal to thank for achieving our full potential in upper silesia it's been the basis of the product we've produced so feelings run high but we know exactly what's going on in the world and in which direction we should be going. to see films and as opposed to government representatives and other organizations from almost two hundred countries are currently discussing how to reduce c o two emissions at the cop twenty four climate conference in qatar. poland still relies on coal the government doesn't have any plans to completely remove coal from its energy mix anytime soon but for poland's government represents their efforts at going green. there's a research center here for renewable energies they've built a shopping center on top of a former coal mine and even the un climate conference is taking place on top of another mine and yet to reach to and coal remain dependent on each other even today . the tiny gulf state of qatar has decided to stop its oil production especially now with the gulf emirate leading the organization of petroleum producing states but qatari officials say the decision is not political. we don't have the potential. guest. experts doubt however that concept is taking the step purely out of economic interest. and i think it has been a great pressure from some of its neighbors in the gulf for some time now so it is slightly surprising that is pulling out and then claiming it's not a political issue strikes me it could only be that. saudi arabia accuses qatar of having to close a relationship with its arch enemy iran saudi arabia the main opec member country and other arab countries also accuse katar of supporting radical islamist groups last year the political crisis in the gulf region had become so acute that several neighboring countries imposed a traffic and trade blockade on kotter so cutter wants to invest in its gas production instead. the south park's gas field off its coast which is also used by iran looks like the emirates future now they want to increase gas production from seventy seven to one hundred ten million tons by twenty twenty four. meanwhile the organization of petroleum exporting countries and non opec countries have agreed to reduce oil production. the oil cartel has agreed on a reduction of about eight hundred thousand barrels per day according to reports from vienna. the decision was preceded by two days of intense negotiations. the mcallen government has made further concessions to the yellow vests protesters the planned increase of an eco tax on gasoline and diesel will be suspended for the entire coming year according to reports from paris but the pressure on french president amount to in the cong seems to be increasing it's not only the yellow vests who are protesting more and more students and farmers in france are also taking to the streets there been serious clashes with police the c.f.o. of the chinese technology group while way has been arrested in canada and will be extradited to the u.s. . according to media reports she's accused of having violated sanctions imposed by the u.s. on iran. while way is also being accused of supplying american products to iran. at their meeting in brussels euro finance ministers agreed on measures to reform the monetary union this should make member states better prepared for crises in the future most importantly the e s m euro rescue parachute is to be strengthened. chancellor angela merkel said after meeting with local authorities in berlin that the federal government is increasing its clean air promotion program. the program now has a budget of one point five billion euros in addition the government will spend an additional four hundred thirty million euros to carry out a hardware retrofitting of municipal vehicles most german cities and municipalities want to avoid any diesel driving bans many people are still dependent on diesel. like this vehicle it's indispensable for a bricklayer down the oha to him he drives to the construction site with the company truck every day. the transporter with the euro five emission standard is only three years old now diesel is being threatened by a ban on driving in the city of s. and. there is one simple game you know it's a big problem for us how are we supposed to get to the construction sites to work we have to go to the site with our own vehicle and not all of us drive cars that run on petrol that's the problem that. there's the threat of diesel driving bans in eighteen districts of the city of s. and the motorway a forty is also affected it's one of the most important traffic hubs in the rural area and leads directly through essen city center construction contractor functional to her about and his coworkers right the a forty several times a day. if they really do close the a forty in the rural area there's going to be chaos. the stricter environmental regulations are going to get expensive for german craftsman. diesel particularly or if we have to buy new ones it would probably cost us a quarter of a million. ru for a mike stand up but a small van with electric drive for around forty thousand euros in this way he hoped to circumvent the diesel driving bands but the electric transporter has not yet proven itself in daily use his employees hardly use it they prefer driving the diesel. you lot of thought so and there aren't enough charging stations around it's way too much effort to get to the construction sites we often don't even get there or can't get back from the site that our employees have a hard time with it and of course our customers don't have charging stations at the site there are so many problems we never thought about it. contractor should tell her about hopes that the announced diesel driving bans will be struck down by the courts. he doesn't think that the government should impose driving bans on a large part of the rural area. this german family business electra star is back in production on german soil the company manufactures one hundred thirty thousand devices in this factory each year soon electra star hand and hair dryers will be manufactured here to. managing director roman google voice is banking on the value of products made in germany twenty years ago when going to gun purchasing experience was positive we have been producing high quantities at reasonable prize and quality but the time has changed we are now forced to produce smaller batches of individual products. most of electra's stars customers are in europe it can take up to eight weeks for deliveries to arrive from china but from here it only takes a few days. the model train maker mantling brought manufacturing back from china to here in germany it's easier for them to produce smaller quantities in higher quality. it's obviously not easy i think it's very important that the trains our engineers develop and design can also be built directly here at the same place. and we are now able to optimize the process through automation and create ideal conditions for producing our trains. that. automation is enabling the return of domestic manufacturing robots to the hard work of makin replacing much of what the workers in china did. they drill mill and file away the irregularities. and the company saves on labor costs then the detailed work can be done by the company's skilled workers in a few weeks a letter a star plans to move its vacuum cleaner production into a new building the company needs more space since they've left china here to technology and automation are expected to ease the manufacturing process for every german company that moves its operation abroad there are no two coming back a trend that is set to continue and that was your business week in review. his productions have achieved cult status. the book on. his energy is contagious. operas by director barry kosky are setting new standards see. who is the man behind these minor masterpieces. next. year on this week's highlights. safety treats visit the spice cookie factory to get into the christmas mood. monumental. second a member of the version of swan lake. texas tech license an unusual you'd say consumed old paintings. in sixty minutes fought a v.w. . polo. there's. a. drop you know this is you know five minutes more minutes. past the hour and a beauty sometimes having all. the fish in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly he's one for the ages.


Transcripts For DW Kino - KINO Special With Berlinale Director Dieter Kosslick 20181209 16:15:00

latest news and headlines from our web site that's day w dot com i'm rebecca riches thanks for joining me. on. this you know i mean in your minutes i'm going us. most of the time what i'm going to miss you know what i'm on what in organize you don't know what is a term. conceived because as if to say yes you can only say it but i caught it going on where they're being funded. by a museum says mr bush wants to learn some new sounds so called change not to lose time soon qusai by. the way. people have put big dreams on the big screen. looks to. be magazine on the dummy a quick. hello and a warm welcome for a very special edition of kino today we focus on someone who know that direct no produces films he's not a screenwriter and he's not the next but he has made a significant contribution to international film over the past two decades we have a date with possibly. the flamboyant director of international film fest because they're going to be the boss of the bad enough for eighteen years but before we get down to chatting with peter let's take a look back at some of the highlights of the. costly he is. the man in the red scarf and black hat festival director dieter conflict brought the stars to berlin screen legend catching the nerves hollywood stars george clooney and matty even the rolling stones braved the icy berlin winter. opening night is a dog to success of the festivals this is i'm actually moment for me because like also saw the valley now the red carpet as a political platform the film selected tackled the issues of our times head on in twenty fifteen the golden bear went to dissident iranian director just. a year later to fire it see a documentary about europe's migration crisis. conflicts legacy is an audience festival where cinema goers rub shoulders with the stars in february twenty nine thousand help present this final cast of all time to reflect on the conflict. and here he is mr himself the flamboyant director of the berlin international film festival we are here in the german film you see in the exhibition between the films every picture tells the story you've attracted of course many international stars to the festival over the years for example. think george clooney not george clooney he was mean he may be the first five six years he was always here with a lot of films. and he became really a friend of the festival and particularly this photo we have here i remember he had a broken leg and he came with a broken leg and he told me he was in the hotel b. the night before because you couldn't come to the opening night and he was looking as the opening ceremony and he sought out it's pretty cool so i'm very happy to be here and down here we have. caprio yeah we're not going to cap you know that was shutter island three scorsese the director and it was particularly interesting not a particularly interesting year it was a year where we had our sixty's and the worst injury and this is from the red carpets the photo but i got to know him. friday night when we had incredible screening of. of metropolis of the restored we probably should twenty minutes long come and go ballistic yeah he was a big fan or is a big friend of metropolis he told me he has an original poster at home. famous charles county guy. you got to know him because suddenly south since ten thousands of people came from all over or all his fans and it was one of the most gigantic wrecked car but actually it was a car britain's in the nets now deceased was is from shanti orme and he came i mean people stayed here in the streets and slept in the streets everybody we have it was february was cold and all waiting for shah rukh khan and then he came and he was just hero he is completely. down to us he's completely cool he's incredible frankly he's incredible. beautiful mind to do he said to his fans and he was walking up and down and creating and caressing. seeing and acting these people from all over the world in wheelchairs and fans who stayed safe for twenty four hours i couldn't believe it you see a lot of female stars here what with the role of women enjoying your time i see in it is a value pair here a great big. i have to say we had a lot of women it's a billion dollar not only as an actress also as presidents isabella was leaning tilda swinton and of course now streep. steve was may be i don't know everybody was excited those the mary sleeve and she she was never a machinery before it was the only time in her life. she had such a lot of fun here too and that was that was fantastic i. do remember this wow i would love to have this to get shine a light the rolling stones my god this is a big story. that a big story but finally they have been there. and it was one of the big night for me too because i'm an old rock and roller and that was absolutely the top of the pop i could get ok did you get some tips for your own playing i brought my fan to stratocaster when i brought some interview ip room when they all came and i mean they would be sitting there and you know make small talk and blah blah blah so i took it there was my guitar ok and we played a song. i'm sixty five or something. but we played together our one made sure if the other one was doing see a crowd we have been loving so much that we slipped. on from says so far and said ok perfect time is on our side and over here we see a picture from your early days as the director did you come with a vision i what i wanted to do bring back the german film. in my own time here it's a believe now that we had all this german films in the competition and say won a lot of silver bells and one where i came here is fighting back in just a moment when you want to go to bed two thousand and four. far ahead on our. land and it was a sensation it was sensational it was a german film made by germany to the director lara love of television. teams and shameless came from all over the world for the red carpet with the talent campus a lot of the graduates of telling campus are now coming back with their own film we didn't sing about says it's a beginning but i mean now it's really. interesting states is a long needs what records i'm normally ten ten percent of our films of the four hundred we show in one year ten percent are from a long lease as a director actor or producer or photographer i mean all type of artists so that's very rewarding and the same happens actually was another initiative world cinema front where we had a lot of success around so world in film festivals and also golden bear arena like because of. fear of larger loss was approaching us about see them up and so there's been a lot of successful initiatives. if you see zumba he had you can see cloud jealous happy even as he received four milligrams sorrow a golden bear if you have depression are you i'm happy you should take a golden bear reaches around and just makes his photo of you and send you the full of energy nobody pression just fantastic have fun and get the roses and gets to go it. and i think it's one of the suppressed photos. why why not photos of you one of the best photos of me because it shows first unfortunately a famous president of us would say artist first so you see. the wonderful judy dench and you see me and if you know and you see me in i see a sensual thing which made me to the director which is a had a scarf and direct carpet we miss the world cup and i will miss its photo and i mean in a way this could be a very last photo of me with somebody because it was my job to do sis. eighteen years. i don't think that i will miss the red carpet enough red carpet and the red carpet for me was much more high park corner idea because people have been very outspoken of so against nasty politics and nasty politicians and wild things in the world my red carpet in brackets was a different red carpet and maybe i will miss this red carpet but i will not miss the red carpet in general will you be inviting some special friends to the last festival to help you take it home. or invite some friends but the room not do very special birthday party for me we do sixty nine. usual as our usual festival and i sing like always so far what i can remember it's exciting enough. it's kosik thank you very much that's all we have time for on this special edition of q. know we wish you all the best for the future if you have one last message for keno fans around the world and for billion dollar fan in terms of your physical health it's really good if you continue to go into the cinema and not end up as a culture potato so just for the chair it's good cinema ok so that's all for this time and this time i won't say go easy on the popcorn because i know you don't like popcorn and i'll popcorn and i thank you much. caustic see you next time i'll pop gun only. sign. that things. that you want to be. digital advances of more transforming the world we use humanity ready for it. this time our founders valley. entrepreneur bianca plato tracks data to thailand where personal data has become a valuable product. a major opportunity for startups. in data we trust sounders valley. his productions have achieved cult status. coming out his energy is contagious. operas by director barry kosky are setting new standards. so who is the man behind these masterpieces. the sixty minutes w. . there's it. you. think. there are you know this zero five minute or minute yet. has a power and beauty combined. he has it all.


Tim Duggan | Brisbane Times

Tim Duggan is the author of Work Backwards, Cult Status and Killer Thinking. He co-founded Junkee Media and writes a monthly newsletter called OUTLET.


Tim Duggan | The Age

Tim Duggan is the author of Work Backwards, Cult Status and Killer Thinking. He co-founded Junkee Media and writes a monthly newsletter called OUTLET.


Tim Duggan | WAtoday

Tim Duggan is the author of Work Backwards, Cult Status and Killer Thinking. He co-founded Junkee Media and writes a monthly newsletter called OUTLET.


Tim Duggan | The Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Duggan is the author of Work Backwards, Cult Status and Killer Thinking. He co-founded Junkee Media and writes a monthly newsletter called OUTLET.


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