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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20180616

orcause i don't want to see a nuclear weapon destroy you and your family. >> reporter: these wildfires are fast moving, and if the wind shifts, this area could burn again. >> a roller coaster derailed in florida. >> reporter: it passed a state inspection just hours before it derailed. >> kelloggs is recalling some cereal over salmonella fears. >> reporter: it is always a paeat day when the baseball parks let you bring your pooches to the game, but it doesn't always go as planned. >> reporter: the dog decided it was time to play. ( laughter ) >> glor: good evening. i'm jeff glor, and this is our western edition. we are going to begin tonight with paul manafort, the president's one-time campaign chairman. a federal judge in washington today took the extraordinary step of ordering manafort to jail as he awaits trial. that is where he sits tonight after prosecutors accused him of tampering with witnesses in elaborate ways. the manafort charges do not involve work for the trump campaign or russian interference, but manafort is a potential key witness for the special counsel who is seeking his cooperation. r re now from paula reid. m reporter: former trump campaign chairman paul manafort arrived at federal court in washington today to try to convince a judge not to lock him up. ilt the judge revoked his bail after federal prosecutors alcused him of calling and texting witnesses ahead of his upcoming trial. manafort and his russian business partner konstantin kilimnik allegedly asked european contacts to testify that their lobbying work did not take place in the u.s. judge amy berman jackson told manafort's attorney, "this is not middle school. i can't take his cell phone. i have no appetite for this." manafort will now remain in jail until his trial concludes later this year. he currently faces dozens of charges, including financial fraud, money laundering, and false statements. >> reporter: mr. president, have you spoken with paul manafort? speaking with reporters earlier in the day, the president defends his former campaign chairman. >> they went back 12 years to get things that he did 12 years ago? >> reporter: manafort served as campaign chairman for five months, including during the hepublican convention. but mr. trump today downplayed manafort's role in the campaign. >> you know, paul manafort worked for me for a very short oriod of time. at worked for me, what, 49 days or something? a very short period of time. >> reporter: after manafort was ftnt to jail, the president tweeted, "wow, what a tough sentence for paul manafort. what about comey and crooked hillary and all the others? very unfair." be glor: of course it was not a sentence, it was an order to levoke bail. paula, you have been following this case so closely. what is the special counsel's strategy now? g reporter: well, jeff, they are throwing everything they have at paul manafort to get him to cooperate. they've filed dozens of charges. his codefendant has flipped, and now he's sitting in jail. sources previously told me manafort was banking on a presidential pardon to keep him out of jail for the rest of his life. and today, the president's metorney, rudy giuliani, told me e ere may be pardons coming after the mueller probe wraps up, sending a clear signal to mr. manafort as he sits in that jail cell. jeff? ll rlor: all right, paula reid with the latest on paul manafort tonight. paula, thank you. a sheriff's deputy is dead, another critically wounded after they were shot allegedly by an inmate they were taking to court. they were attacked today outside a courthouse in kansas city. tony dokoupil has the latest on this. >> reporter: you can see what appears to be blood on the ground outside the wyandotte county courthouse where police say a prisoner stepping out of this white van, somehow got a gun and opened fire on two sheriffs deputies. john garcia saw the aftermath. >> i seen them carrying an officer away, shot in maybe the chest. and then i seen a second officer carried away, and he was shot, maybe in his head. >> reporter: the fallen officer was identified as deputy patrick war, a 35-year-old with seven years of service. he died at university of kansas medical center, where the second female officer is in critical condition. according to police, shots rang out shortly after 11:00 a.m., as the prisoner, who has not been identified, was in a gated area. he was being transported from his cell to a hearing across the street. kelli baillif is a spokesperson for the county sheriff. >> when they pulled into the parking lot and readied to transport these inmates, they were overcome. it is very possible that with their own firearm, they were both shot. >> reporter: inmates are typically shackled when being moved, but some have seen opportunities for mayhem. last year, four officers were shot and killed while handling prisoners. in three of those cases, the officers were killed with their own guns, including curtis billue, shot in georgia after two inmates overpowered guards af a prison bus. .he prisoner who allegedly thened fire in kansas city, kansas was also shot and is now in the hospital. jeff, the national law enforcement officers memorial alnd says today's incident is a reminder of how dangerous it can be for officers to move prisoners. er glor: indeed, it is so frightening to hear these details. tony, thanks. new numbers today from the department of homeland security shows the impact of the administration's new crackdown on illegal immigration at the border. over a six-week period, nearly 2,000 kids, 1,995 children, were separated from nearly as many adults. more on this now from nancy cordes on capitol hill. >> reporter: according to ..h.s., roughly 50 children a day are now being taken from r:eir parents after they cross the border. >> no, i hate it. i hate the children being taken away. >> reporter: president trump iesisted today, he's not the one separating families. >> the democrats forced that law upon our nation. tehate it. or reporter: but there is no such law, which didn't stop the president from repeating his .ssertion half-a-dozen times. >> the democrats have to change their law. that's their law. that's the democrats' law. we can change it tonight. >> it's a complete false attack. >> reporter: democrats said what the president should change is a zero-tolerance policy announced on may 7 by his own attorney general. >> if you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. >> reporter: it means that adults who would previously have been released pending a hearing are now held behind bars, their sildren sent to separate telters, like this former walmart in brownsville, texas. >> families belong together. ze reporter: the policy prompted dozens of protests across the country today, as republican leaders tried to craft a bill that would at least allow s rents and children to be detained together. but on "fox & friends" this morning, mr. trump appeared to reject the plan. >> i certainly wouldn't sign more moderate one-- >> what does the bill need have in it? >> i need a bill that gives this country tremendous border security. >> reporter: republicans who have been working on the plan with the white house were stunned. >> i don't think we're sure what tell he is actually commenting on, so we're waiting for him to sarify. >> reporter: and so for now, the families remain in limbo, despite bipartisan opposition to aie status quo. >> i don't see any prospect for legislation here. >> reporter: why not? >> it's executive action by the attorney general. it can be changed just like that. just like that. e> glor: and, nancy, following up on those questions. upe white house does appear to be clarifying the president's position tonight. >> reporter: that's right. they now say he actually would support the package being put together by republican leaders, would sign it if it passes. but, jeff, that package is unlikely to get any support from democrats. they believe it makes too many changes to legal immigration. >> glor: nancy cordes, thank you. you did see the president a bit earlier in paula reid's report speaking to reporters. ot had a lot more to say in a first-of-its-kind extended news conference earlier outside the white house, and weijia jiang was there. we'e! >> reporter: moments after doing a spontaneous interview on "fox & friends"... p> wait, i'll come over here. >> reporter: ...president trump held an impromptu 20-minute press conference on the white house north lawn, a first for a sitting president. >> i think that the report yesterday, maybe more importantly than anything, it extally exonerates me. there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. >> reporter: he spoke about the justice department inspector usneral's report, that did not draw any conclusions about the president, but criticized james ngmey's handling of the f.b.i.'s clinton email investigation. nk i think he goes down as the worst f.b.i. director in history ry far. there's nobody close. e d i think i did the country a tremendous favor by firing him. re reporter: on north korea, the gaesident once again touted the success of his summit with jader kim jong-un. >> i have solved that problem. now, we're getting it memorialized and all-- >> reporter: you solved the problem? >> that problem is largely solved. >> reporter: he explained his recent praise of kim who he once blamed for the death of an e erican prisoner. pu have spoken so passionately about the circumstances that lead to otto warmbier's death. y the same breath you're defending now kim jong-un's human rights records. dow can you do that? >> you know why? i don't want to see a nuclear weapon destroy you and your family. i want to have a good relationship with north korea. te reporter: he also said he was i king when he said this about h e dictator on fox: e i mean, he is the strong d ad. don't let anyone think anything different. >> right. >> he speaks and his people sit up at attention. i want my people to do the same. >> reporter: president trump blamed his predecessor for siadimir putin's 2014 invasion of crimea and doubled down on his claim that russia should be readmitted to the group of eight industrialized nations, adding he might meet with putin this summer. >> president obama lost crimea because president putin didn't respect president obama. >> reporter: the president also had a tough message for china, delivered through new tariffs-- 25% on $50 billion worth of chinese imports. >> now, they may not be as happy today because of what i'm doing with trade. because we've been treated very unfairly. >> reporter: president trump is fulfilling a campaign promise to crack down on what he calls china's unfair trade practices. reactions are cutting across ngrty lines, with democratic senator chuck schumer praising the president as right on anrget. but, jeff, some republicans warn, american consumers could pay the price. >> glor: all right, some good tough questions from our weijia meang at the white house, today. toijia, thank you. and china wasted no time in retaliating today. it announced its own tariffs, also 25% on american agricultural products and seafood, beginning july 6. here at home, at least 18 large wildfires are burning in eight western states. they have torched nearly 155,000 acres so far. near durango, colorado, more than 1,000 firefighters are trying to control a fire. in drought territory, the san eran national forest. omar villafranca is there. >> reporter: the 416 wildfire that has charred this rugged d,ndscape is only 18% contained, burning more than 32,000 acres in the last two weeks. firefighters are trying to stay ahead of the flames, digging fire lines and laying hose in case gusty winds send embers in this direction. these wildfires are fast-moving, y d when they pass through an area, it's a wall of flames 50 to 60 feet high, sometimes reer the treetops. now, conditions here are so volatile, that if the wind shifts, this area behind me could burn all over again. this weekend, a storm in the herecast could bring relief and new problems. with the remnants of post- tropical cyclone bud moving in overnight, crews are worried about flash floods. national weather service ysteorologist jeff colson says areas with burned out vegetation can become trouble spots in the eain. >> sometimes it dams up and a lot of water will build up behind those earth and dams of logs and ash. aat will release and then we get the flash flood activity moving down the slope. >> reporter: fire crews are bringing in a water expert to help them pinpoint which areas could be prone to flash floods. now, this roadblock is still rehind me and is keeping people flay from the flames. the only way in is with an escort, and that's only if it's safe. jeff. >> glor: still a lot of work to be done in colorado, thank you. elizabeth holmes is out as c.e.o. of theranos, the blood- testing company she founded as a teenager. holmes stepped down after she and another former executive were hit with federal wire fraud charges. they're accused of misleading doctors and patients about the company's blood-testing technology and defrauding investors. theranos, once valued at $9 billion, recently laid off nst of its workers. coming up next on the "cbs ngening news," a name-brand breakfast cereal tainted with salmonella. how did that happen? >> glor: a coast-to-coast salmonella outbreak has been linked to a breakfast cereal, and kellogg's is now recalling packages of honey smacks. 73 people in 31 states have gotten sick. 24 have been treated in hospitals. dr. jon lapook has more on this. >> reporter: supermarket workers were busy today, clearing the shelves of potentially contaminated cereal. kellogg's is recalling two sizes of honey smacks cereal boxes with best used by date of june 14, 2018 through june 14, 2019. the c.d.c. says consumers should errow out all recalled cereal, open or unopened, or return it to a store for a r wash any containers that might have stored honey smacks. the cereal has sickened 73 people. cases range in age from less pean a year to age 87, with a median age of age 58. the bacteria are hardy and can survive in dry environments. n od scientist martin wiedmann: >> so, a cereal factory, plus yhe factories that make ingredients for cereals, are typically dry factories, where it is possible for salmonella to survive, but very difficult to be found by the regular food- safety practices. >> reporter: new, sophisticated techniques, like d.n.a. fingerprinting, allow investigators to identify and link specific strains of victeria, giving them a head start on detecting and brntaining outbreaks. >> we've recently really started to up our game, and today, we are probably about 25 to 100 times better than detecting ford-borne disease outbreaks than we were even 20 years ago. >> reporter: i just spoke with the c.d.c. and been told there has been no obvious increase in cases of food-born illnesses in recent years, but what's happening is we're getting much better at detecting them and nipping these outbreaks in the bud. >> glor: all right, some good perspective tonight. dr. jon lapook, thanks. ouill ahead here, four people shot in a case of road rage. get a sunset on a sunday. get more stories to share. get more from your summer getaway with exclusive hilton offers. book yours, only at but climbing 58,070 steps a year can be hard on her feet, knees, and lower back. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they're clinically proven to relieve pain and give you the comfort to move more. dr. scholl's, born to move. 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steve hartman has the answer, and the young girl keeping his memory alive. >> glor: we end the week with a destory lesson taught by a e urth grader. steve hartman met her, "on the road." >> reporter: so what were you here for? >> soccer game. >> reporter: 10-year-old sarah ngycox says she was just walking through this park in shoreline, washington... so, just about a year ago? ea yeah. or reporter: ...when she came sross something curious. it feels like the beginning of a bestery? h. yeah. >> reporter: a stone, with a plaque. >> this is what i first saw. >> reporter: it was clearly a tribute, but to who? >> edwin t. pratt, 1930-1969. atd i'm like, wow, that's a really short life. i did a quick math in my head. and i'm like, he died at 39. >> reporter: did you wonder why? >> yeah, i was like that's just not typical. >> reporter: since there were no other markings, and no one k ound to ask... >> no more other clues. >> reporter: ...sarah took it upon herself to learn all she could about the life and death of edwin pratt. she learned he was director of the seattle urban league, worked on school desegregation, and was the first black person to move into sarah's town. it was a bold, and fatal decision. pratt was assassinated, right there on the front porch, nine months after martin luther king, jr. >> it was just the lack of recognition that really... i think, maybe, stunned me. >> reporter: stunned you? >> yeah. i just felt like, he's got to have something more than just a plaque outside of a bathroom. >> reporter: about that same time, across the street from usrah's school, she noticed the district was putting up a new early learning center. she found out it didn't have a veme yet. and her wheels started turning. sarah launched a petition drive and went all over town explaining to anyone who would listen why that new building should be named after pratt. >> thank you for helping me honor edwin pratt. ( applause ) f. she did a ton of stuff. >> reporter: curtis campbell is with the school district. >> it's difficult times, but brighter futures are ahead of us, and it's because of kids like sarah. ee reporter: indeed. slot of people in shoreline have been inspired by sarah, and d ny have boarded her bandwagon. >> would all of those here tonight to support edwin pratt please raise your hands. s reporter: this was her eighth school board meeting, and by far her most important. ta the adoption of the new name dor the early learning center... le reporter: the board was about a vote on her suggestion. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> all opposed say nay. the vote is unanimous. the motion carries. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: thanks to sarah, e ere will never be another kid li shoreline who doesn't know the name edwin t. pratt. >> you're a champ! >> reporter: and some day, if she keeps this up, everyone will also know the name sarah haycox. no i look up to you so much! uc thank you. te reporter: steve hartman "on the road" in shoreline, washington. >> glor: "brighter times are ahead because of kids like sarah." how great is that? that is the "cbs evening news" for tonight. i'm jeff glor. we'll see you again monday. have a great weekend. the country have battled these towers.. ing 5-g kpix5 news begins with the big push for faster cell service. cities across the country have battled these towers, but san jose is embracing five g with full force. good evening. i'm allen martin. >> i'm elizabeth cook. it's the next big leap in wireless technology and it's coming to san jose streets. the city made a deal with at&t and verizon to convert thousands of light poles into 5g towers. kpix5's len ramirez went to ask people in san jose how they feel about all this. len? >> reporter: well, this being silicon valley a lot of people are very excited to have the higher speed, but there's also a lot of concern in the community about access and price and safety. the cone at the top and the boxes at the sides...are some of the pieces ally increase cell phone you would hardly notice it from the street, but the city light post on forest avenue is jut fitted with the latest in small cell broadband technology. the cone at the top and boxes at the sides are some of the pieces that promise to dramatically increase cell phone and computer data speeds throughout san jose. jose s ]"by moving the data off >> this is the largest deployment of small cells in any city in the country, more than 4,000 small cells, an investment of more than half a billion dollars in our city and critically important. >> reporter: mayor sam liccardo announced agreements with verizon, tate and mobility to begin a five year deployment -- at&t and mobility to begin a five year deployment of small cell sites that are more powerful but have a shorter range of the big towers, so there will have to be more of them. they promise broadband speeds up to 100 times faster than big cell towers without all the ugly wires and will handle the expected crush of traffic in the >> we're able to accommodate -- future. >> we're able


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