A new season means new drinks to try that are chilled and refreshing. With a Starbucks on campus and another one not too far away, it is a good opportunity to switch it up with spring-inspired drinks ranging from cold brews and lattes to teas and refreshers. Here are five drinks to try for the.
We all loved receiving Easter baskets when we were younger. They were nicely decorated and filled with our favorite chocolate and candies. Now that we’re college students it may seem like we’re too old now, but with our budget as college students, it wouldn’t hurt to receive an Easter basket with some necessities in it. .
As people have been stuck inside for the last two years with little to nothing to do, they have been reminiscing on when life was good and fun. In 2013 and 2014 it seemed like everyone was on Tumblr and Pinterest trying to recreate outfits with trendy items, including the popular American Apparel tennis skirt..
Choosing a major is a big decision when entering college. It will dictate the courses you take throughout undergrad and will help you plan out your future career. It also comes with a lot of contemplating and fear of choosing the right one. Everyone wants a career that they are passionate about and pays well,.
DeKALB The NIU School of Theatre and Dance will host a night of readings from Ukrainian playwrights at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the O’Connell Theatre in the Stevens Building, 200 University Circle Avenue. Admission is free, but donations are welcomed and will benefit two charities: GlobalGiving and the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund. If you.