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Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Week In Parliament 20200627

at the week in parliament. hello again and welcome to the week in parliament. lifting the lockdown across the uk. boris johnson relaxes england's covid—19 rules. today we can say that our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end. but can we trust the prime minister? he's been found out. he either dodges the question or he gives dodgy answers. and what's it like being a care worker during a pandemic? mps try to find out. do you feel valued for what you do? no. not— ifeel valued by the company i work for. i don't feel valued by members of the public. all that to come and more from the uk's four parliaments, after a week dominated by the prime minister's announcement of a major relaxation of the coronavirus restrictions in england. pubs, restaurants and hotels can re—open from the 4th ofjuly with restrictions. so can places of worship, playgrounds, cinemas, libraries, theme parks and hairdressers. small weddings are back. but gyms, nightclubs and swimming pools remain closed. and there's still no cricket. borisjohnson said the progress made tackling the virus meant it was also safe to relax the two metre social distancing rule up to a point. where it is possible to keep two metres apart, people should. but where it is not, we will advise people to keep a social distance of one metre plus, meaning they should remain one metre apart, while taking mitigations to reduce the risk of transmission. he said his government's principle was to trust the british public to use their common sense. from now on, we will ask people to follow guidance on social contact instead of legislation. in that spirit, we advise from the 4th ofjuly two households of any size should be able to meet you in any setting inside or out. that does not mean they must always be the same two households. it will be possible for instance to meet one set of grandparents one weekend and the others at the following weekend. today, we can say that our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end. and life is returning to our streets and to our shops, the bustle is starting to come back, and a new but cautious optimism is palpable. but i must say to the house it will be all too easy for that frost to return. and that is why we'll continue to trust in the common sense and the community spirit of the british people, to follow this guidance, to carry us through and to see us to victory over this virus and i commend this statement to the house. from the opposition, a guarded welcome. we will of course scrutinise the details of this announcement. we will study the guidance and there are obviously a number of questions that need to be answers. but overall, i welcome this statement. i believe the government is trying to do the right thing. and in that, we will support them. and the snp warned that other countries were now experiencing a second wave. a similar experience here would amount to not just a health disaster, but an economic disaster. it will wipe out all of the hard work, progress, all the self—sacrifice. it is vital that our collective efforts remained focused on preventing the disaster of a second spike. 2a hours after his lockdown statement, borisjohnson returned to face mps for prime minister's questions. and sir keir starmer returned to ask his promised questions about the performance of the nhs system to track those with the virus. if two thirds of those with covid—19 are not being contacted, that is a big problem. because if we don't get track, trace and isolate properly running, we cannot open the economy, cannot prevent spreading. borisjohnson said nhs test and trace was contacting the vast majority of those who tested positive. and it is a formidable achievement, mr speaker, and yesterday the honourable gentleman was kind enough to say that he supported our policy and supported our programme. i remember him saying that clear. today, i understand the constraints of the profession he used to work. i know how it works. yesterday, he seemed to be yo—yoing back into a position of opposition. which is it? is he supporting what we are doing or is he against it? keir starmer said their exchanges were following a pattern. a week earlier, the two leaders had clashed over child poverty, with the prime minister accused of getting his numbers wrong. he's been found out. he either dodges the question or he gives dodgy answers. mr speaker, no more witnesses. i rest my case. will the prime minister do the decent thing and correct the record in relation to child poverty? mr speaker, i'm happy to point out to my learned friend that actually there are 100,000 fewer children in absolute poverty, 500,000 children falling below thresholds of low income and material deprivation. this government as he knows is massively increasing universal credit, seven billion more to the poorest and neediest families in our country. we're getting on with that and taking the tough decisions, and he still cannot make up his mind. talking about child poverty... the prime minister. the lockdown is gradually being lifted in other parts of the uk too — although in scotland and wales, the two metre rule remains. in wales, the message remains — stay two metres apart, that is the safe way to behave. the science we have seen is from sage, saying that if you half the distance, the risk increases somewhere between two and five times greater then if you stay at a two metre distance. in scotland, people will be allowed to meet up with two other households indoors from the 10th ofjuly and pubs and restaurants can re—open from the 15th of july. the first minister said the move was possible thanks to the "real sustained progress" made in suppressing coronavirus. 0ur challenge, which is not an easy one, is to manage all of this change while keeping this virus firmly under control. in fact, any stage that appears to be a risk of its resurgence our path out of lockdown will be halted and we may even have to go backwards. to avoid that, we must get as close as possible to elimination of the virus now and build confidence in our ability to control it in future through surveillance, testing, contact tracing and, where necessary, targeted suppression measures. nicola sturgeon. the home secretary, priti patel, has promised to implement the recommendations of a review into the windrush scandal in full. she made a commons statement to mark windrush day 72 years after the empire windrush arrived at tilbury docks in essex, carrying people from the caribbean who would make new lives here. but thousands of people who came to the uk from commonwealth countries between 19118 and 1971 were wrongly told they were in britain illegally. wendy williams, an inspector of constabulary, carried out a review into the episode, making 30 recommendations, including the appointments of a migrants commissioner. mps were angry about the slow rate of compensation payments. priti patel said the victims had suffered "unspea kable injustices". the review itself was damning about the conduct of the home office and unequivocal about the ignorance and the institutional thoughtlessness towards the race and the history of the windrush generation by the department. i was clear when wendy williams published her lessons learned review that i would listen and i would act. i have heard what she has said. and i will be accepting the recommendations she has made in full. the government's windrush compensation scheme managed to compensate just 60 people in its first year of operation. the home secretary talked about more progress today. but she must know that that rate of progress is just too slow. given the number of years that have elapsed since this scandal first came to light, and already this scheme has been in operation for over a year. i agree, the payments in the way in which payments have been made have been far too slow. i'm not apologising for that at all. i have outlined in my statement that it is right that we treat each individual with the respect and the dignity that they deserve. these are complicated cases. the snp said the windrush scandal was a direct result of the government's hostile environment policy. i am concerned that in today's statement, the home secretary does not unequivocally commit to the sort of root and branch review of the hostile environment policy recommended by the lessons learned review. it is all very well to agree that black lives matter, but actions speak louder than words. the root causes can be traced back to legislation from the 19605 and 805. much of which is complex but of course i appreciate the honourable lady has not fully read the report and has chosen selectively and as i said, i will come back to the house before the summer recess to discuss specifics to how we will be implementing... answer my questions. as i've said, mr deputy speaker, i will be returning back to the house to outline how we will be implementing the recommendations of the lessons learned review. of the 1,275 people who have claimed compensation thus far, only 60 payments have been made. and 529 people have had to wait for more than a year. does the home secretary concede that this just about neatly sums up the attitude of this government and the contempt in which it holds long—suffering individuals? and just like with the hapless victims of the grenfell fire tragedy, this careless government has no intention whatsoever of delivering full, proper and timely justice for those who have been so unconscionably wrong? —— callous government. i hope the honourable gentleman, having listened to my statement, understands the complexities around individual cases and how we are working to get justice and provide compensation for individuals. that approach is the right approach, that approach has been based upon stakeholder engagement with the victims of the windrush generation itself. that is the right approach going forward and i am very sorry that the honourable gentleman has chosen to politicize this in such an unhelpful and unconstructive way. that was the home secretary's second commons statement of the week. on monday, priti patel came to update mps on a suspected terror attack that killed three men in reading. the killing of david wails, joe ritchie bennett and james furlong in a knife attack at a park prompted tributes to those who died and questions about counter—terror operations. the local mp spoke movingly about the impact on the town. mr speaker, reading is a friendly and peaceful town with a diverse and tolerant community. and this whole incident is completely unknown to us. it's something which has never occurred before in our community and as such is deeply upsetting. i'm very proud by the way that our community is pulling together at this difficult time and the way in which local people have been supporting one another. we can and we will come through this difficult time. thank you, mr speaker. there were also tributes to an mp's researcher who found himself at the scene. mr speaker, i would like to pay particular tribute to james antell, a member of my own staff who not only used his own shirt to stem the bleeding of one victim but continued resuscitation on a second victim until the paramedics arrived. recent protests on the streets of westminster have highlighted concerns about war memorials such as the cenotaph. a conservative, jonathan gullis, is proposing a new law to protect war memorials from desecration — with higher penalties for offenders. ministers have promised to look at the issue. let us not forget the sacrifice and bravery of those who paid the ultimate price, young men and women who gave up their futures, their loves, their lives and their dreams to ensure the freedoms they once knew were protected from tyranny for us, the unborn generations who sit idly by as monuments dedicated to their eternal memory are desecrated. i will not sit idly by and nor will i be silenced. it's more than six months since the general election, but some mps have yet to make their first speech in the commons. a conservative, mark eastwood, who won the seat of dewsbury from labour, used his maiden speech to pay tribute to his mother. at the age of three, i was abandoned by my father, forcing me and my mother to move to a council estate in thornhill lees, dewsbury, and the wilton estate in batley. at first, it was a real struggle for my mother, raising a child as a lone parent while working shifts at batley hospital and, eventually, the then newly—opened dewsbury hospital. there are significant challenges facing any single mother when raising a child, let alone one as difficult as me. mps — well, those who can — have returned to westminster, and holyrood and stormont are meeting physically. but the senedd in cardiff remains the only uk parliament to sit only virtually, despite the protests of one ms, neil mcevoy, of the welsh national party, who was logged out after a chamber brief sit—in on wednesday. i am aware that one member is in the chamber and filming himself and broadcasting to that point on social media. i will ask for that member to be removed now from the virtual parliament and we will be closing the chamber in due course. my advice to mr mcavoy is not to play games with your parliament. elinjones, with a fleeting appearance by neil mcavoy there. now, more than 18 months ago, the retired judge dame laura cox found that bullying and sexual harassment have long been tolerated and concealed at westminster. mps have now agreed to set up an independent disciplinary panel to deal with claims of wrongdoing. the leader of the commons, jacob rees—mogg, said that the behaviour of some mps has "disgraced and shamed" parliamentary democracy. i have had people come to see me who have been treated in a way that makes my skin crawl, that you cannot believe that senior people would have behaved to people subordinate to them in such a way in any workplace — let alone in the house of commons, which ought to be a model of good behaviour — and that's why we have to have the counterbalancing bit, that we can't give mps an opportunity to delve into the personal details of a case, and try it effectively a second time. there were fears that allowing mps to debate the independent panel's findings in the commons could give members a platform to blacken their accuser‘s name. labour's shadow leader of the commons had also been contacted by a victim. what the complainant said was, "i do not want the serious case..." and i won't say what it is, but it is very serious. "..being debated, of being named, of being called a liar or slandered." and where complainants feel that if the report is debated and that will take place, they will not come forward because they are too scared. but a conservative thought voters should decide an mp's fate. there is a very fundamental difference between members of parliament and all other staff members. it's that we are elected by the people and we are responsible to the people. and the people must have the final say, whether we come here in the first place or when we leave or how we leave, and that's very important. however distinguished an independent panel is, only the people have the final say. does any honourable member honestly, in this house, think that their constituents will complain when this house takes action against something that is abhorrent enough to mean expulsion from this house? good luck selling that on the doorstep! "i've been found completely wanting, but i've certainly voted for me, so you should get carry on getting your say." it is a nonsense and it is not what our constituents are calling for. no constituent will have been in touch with anyone in this house saying, "do you know what? i really want my right to keep my slightly—wronged mp in place." not a single one. and in the end, mps did vote to block all commons debates on complaints. now, the coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on how we care for older people in care homes. and the weekly clap for carers also highlighted the work of those who care for vulnerable people — either in institutions or in their own home. mps on the health and social care committee took evidence from care workers, who told them they felt undervalued, poorly—paid and demoralised. do you feel valued for what you do? no. not... i feel valued by the company that i work for. i don't feel valued by members of the public. especially since covid, it's been tough. we get tutted out because we're in uniform out in the street because people are telling us we shouldn't have our uniforms on, but they don't understand what a domiciliary care worker does, that we go to people's houses in our uniforms and we keep those uniforms on throughout the day and eve rybody's house. we can't change. i was pulled over on my way into work and told i wasn't a key worker because they didn't recognise the role of a registered manager. and that's really sad, and we just need to really get the message out there that this sector does do quite a lot to support the wider system and it needs to be that we have that recognition. at the weekend, there was this amazing sign in a shop window saying, "30% off for all nhs employees." well, i think that's really demoralising for them because they're making the same effort, they're doing the same work. there was people here that worked 14—hour days, went to the shops at the end of the evening, trying to provide for their family, but weren't given the opportunity to cut the line just because they didn't wear an nhs badge. turnover of staff among care home workers and home care workers can be more than 40% a year. how much is pay a factor in terms of recruitment and retention of staff? it's a big factor. i'm sure marlene will agree. and that is based on the funding for these beds, because the majority of them are funded by the local authority or ccgs. ccgs — or clinical commissioning groups. sue ann balcombe said what her home was paid defined what she could pay her staff. we aren't able to pay a london living wage, we're only able to pay them a minimum wage, and it would be something that we'd consider if the funding was there for that to happen. the mps were told that people did not understand the complexity of what care workers were asked to do, especially in response to coronavirus. they're having to make critical judgements about people's medical condition, they were being asked to support nursing tasks, which had previously been done by primary care. and alongside that, they were then not getting recognition about what they were doing, and i think that's had an impact on morale. i think the clap for the carers, some of the aspects of key worker recognition was great, but we had similar stories to marlene and sue ann. we had people being told they weren't important, they weren't key workers. raina summerson. in northern ireland, an independent review into mass resignations at the watchdog which oversees care homes is to be carried out. nine board members resigned after claiming they were not consulted on key decisions taken during the pandemic, when inspections at care homes have been reduced. their departure prompted an urgent question to the health minister at stormont. given your press statement over the last 2a hours, you said that you wished that the board members had approached you and raised the issue so you could resolve them. and now we know that e—mails were coming forward from the former chair and the interim chief executive to your chief medical officer and permanent secretary as far back as the end of april. when did you become aware and what have you done in that time period to try and resolve the issues? i thank the member for her point. i was made aware in early may that there were tensions between the executive and the board of rqia. i wasn't aware that it was to the extent that it is, neither do i think is the chief medical officer or the permanent secretary within the department, so when their resignations did come through, they did come as a surprise. robin swann. now, the return of the wedding season — up to a point — has prompted great excitement in some quarters, even the odd purchase of a hat, although possibly not in one minister's household. i don't want to add to my reputation for eccentricity by admitting that my wife and i delayed our marriage because the late lord callaghan unexpectedly delayed the election in 1978, so i fully understand the frustrations that many young couples face. lord true, the last of the great romantics, although he and lady true have been married for more than a0 years. the resumption of weddings is certainly good news for the church of england, but not necessarily for choirs. as the noble lord the minister will know, hymns are most often a focal point of a wedding service. and given yesterday's announcement about live performances, can the minister give us any more detailed guidance about singing in churches, both choral and congregational? now, my lords, i do very much understand the point that the right reverend makes, but the scientific advice at the moment in relation to singing — not only in relation to churches, i may say — is that singing in public spaces, because of its impact, does carry the risk of spreading covid, so the scientific advice in relation to singing generally is that it should be avoided in all public spaces. the sadness at the singing ban is widely shared. a conservative mp feared it might deter otherwise regular churchgoers. i used to enjoy a hymn sandwich before this interdict, but i've broken the habit. how is he going to lure us back if we're not allowed to sing? can i suggest, as a minimum, shorter services, even shorter sermons, some comfortable words from the book of common prayer and an end to prating prelates? well, andrew selous, sing to that one! indeed, mr speaker. but what i would say to my right honourable friend is that i hope he's taken part in some of the uplifting online worship and services that have been available to him during lockdown, and i would say to him that it's the warmth of the welcome, the opportunity for fellowship and the chance to grow in faith through proud worship and the revelation of god's word that will prove an irresistible temptation to my right honourable friend to return. andrew selous — skilfully negotiating that challenge about shorter sermons and prating prelates. well, that was the week in parliament. thank you for watching. alicia mccarthy will be back on bbc parliament at 11pm on monday evening with the latest from the commons and the lords. but from me, david cornock, bye for now. hello. we've seen some fairly lively weather developing over the past 2a hours. the recent heat and humidity giving away to some heavy showers and thunderstorms too. and as we head into the weekend now, things are going to be turning increasingly cool and quite windy, with some rain around at times too. all down to the low pressure moving its way in from the west so lots of heavy showers rotating around that area of low pressure. still quite humid out there but cooler air moving in from the southwest. plenty of heavy showers through the day on saturday, making their way gradually northwards and eastwards across the uk, it may dry up a bit across southern counties of england in the afternoon at some sunny spots developing their but still some showers to the midlands and wales, showers or northern ireland and parts of northern england to be quite heavy and potentially thundering later on and for scotland we are expecting torrential downpours at times with some thunderstorms interspersed with some sunshine but temperatures generally in the high teens possibly at the low 20s and you will notice those winds will be picking up, especially in the south we could see those gusts wins about a0 miles proper along the south coast. per hourfora time along the south coast. 0vernight into sunday, no great changes we keep for the showers to the overnight period and it will not be quite us hot and humid as recent nights with temperatures typically about 10 to 13 degrees overnight. heading on into sunday, the area of low pressure just to the north of the uk, most of the showery rain i think on sunday will be in the north and the northwest, particularly for northern ireland, north wales, northern england and scotland too. further across england and south wales, you should stay mostly dry, but wherever you are, you will notice the strength of the wind, gusts from 30 to a0 mph. stronger than that in the hills in the north. getting to sunday, quite a bit lower than recent days from 1a to 20 degrees and as we move on into next week, we still have the area of low pressure not far away and it will start to feel and move towards the east, but certainly for monday, another day of sunny spells and blustery showers and more of the showers once again on monday across northern and north western parts of the uk. fewer showers reaching further south, but much colder compared to recent days from 1a to 18 degrees on monday. so, we start next week on that showery windy note, where the showers should ease through the week. bye— bye. welcome to bbc news, i'm james reynolds. our top stories: the un says millions more children in yemen will suffer malnourishment unless it makes up a shortfall of aid caused by the covid—19 pandemic. texas and florida reimpose restrictions after a record number of americans are diagnosed with coronavirus in a day. the chief of police in mexico city survives an assassination attempt by a powerful drugs cartel. the us house votes to make washington dc a state, but the historic step is unlikely to progress.


Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Week In Parliament 20200628

at the week in parliament. hello again and welcome to the week in parliament. lifting the lockdown across the uk: boris johnson relaxes england's covid—19 rules... today we can say that our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end. ..but can we trust the prime minister? he's been found out. he either dodges the question or he gives dodgy answers. and what's it like being a care worker during a pandemic? mps try to find out. do you feel valued for what you do? no. not — i feel valued by the company i work for. i don't feel valued by members of the public. all that to come and more from the uk's four parliaments after a week dominated by the prime minister's announcement of a major relaxation of the coronavirus restrictions in england. pubs, restaurants and hotels can re—open from the 4th ofjuly with restrictions. so can places of worship, playgrounds, cinemas, libraries, theme parks and hairdressers. small weddings are back. but gyms, nightclubs and swimming pools remain closed, and there's still no cricket. borisjohnson said the progress made tackling the virus meant it was also safe to relax the two metre social distancing rule up to a point. where it is possible to keep two metres apart, people should. but where it is not, we will advise people to keep a social distance of one metre plus — meaning they should remain one metre apart while taking mitigations to reduce the risk of transmission. he said his government's principle was to trust the british public to use their common sense. from now on, we will ask people to follow guidance on social contact instead of legislation. in that spirit, we advise from the 4th ofjuly, two households of any size should be able to meet you in any setting inside or out. that does not mean they must always be the same two households. it will be possible, for instance, to meet one set of grandparents one weekend, the others at the following weekend. today, we can say that our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end. and life is returning to our streets and to our shops, the bustle is starting to come back, and a new but cautious optimism is palpable. but i must say to the house it will be all too easy for that frost to return. and that is why we will continue to trust in the common sense and the community spirit of the british people, to follow this guidance, to carry us through and to see us to victory over this virus and i commend, mr speaker, this statement to the house. from the opposition, a guarded welcome. we will, of course, scrutinise the details of this announcement. we will study the guidance, and there are obviously a number of questions that need to be answered, but overall, i welcome this statement. i believe the government is trying to do the right thing and in that, we will support them. and the snp warned that other countries were now experiencing a second wave. a similar experience here would amount to notjust a health disaster, but an economic disaster. it will wipe out all of the hard work, progress, —— it will wipe out all of the hard—won progress, all the self—sacrifice. it is vital that our collective efforts remained focused on preventing the disaster of a second spike. 2a hours after his lockdown statement, borisjohnson returned to face mps for prime minister's questions. and sir keir starmer returned to ask his promised questions about the performance of the nhs system to track those with the virus. if two thirds of those with covid—i9 are not being contacted, that is a big problem. because if we don't get track, trace and isolate properly running, we cannot open the economy, cannot prevent spreading. —— we cannot open the economy, we cannot prevent infection spreading. borisjohnson said nhs test and trace was contacting the vast majority of those who tested positive. and it is a formidable achievement, mr speaker, and yesterday the honourable gentleman was kind enough to say that he supported our policy and supported our programme. and it is a formidable achievement, mr speaker, and yesterday, the honourable gentleman was kind enough actually that he supported our policy and supported our programme. i seem to remember him saying that loud and clear yesterday. today — i understand the constraints of the profession in which he used to work, i know how it works. yesterday, he seemed to be yo—yoing back into a position of opposition. which is it? is he supporting what we are doing, or is he against it? keir starmer said their exchanges were following a pattern. a week earlier, the two leaders had clashed over child poverty, with the prime minister accused of getting his numbers wrong. he's been found out. he either dodges the question or he gives dodgy answers. mr speaker, no more witnesses. i rest my case. will the prime minister do the decent thing and correct the record in relation to child poverty? mr speaker, i'm happy to point out to my learned friend that actually there are 100,000 fewer children in absolute poverty, 500,000 children falling below thresholds of low income and material deprivation. this government, as he knows, is massively increasing universal credit — seven billion more to help the poorest and neediest families in our country. we're getting on with it, we're taking the tough decisions, and he still cannot make up his mind. talking about child poverty... the prime minister. the lockdown is gradually being lifted in other parts of the uk too — although in scotland and wales, the two metre rule remains. in wales, the message remains — stay two metres apart, that is the safe way to behave. the science we have seen is from sage, saying that if you half the distance, the risk increases somewhere between two and five times greater than if you stay at a two metre distance. in scotland, people will be allowed to meet up with two other households indoors from the 10th ofjuly and pubs and restaurants can re—open from the 15th of july. the first minister said the move was possible thanks to the "real sustained progress" made in suppressing coronavirus. our challenge, which is not an easy one, is to manage all of this change while keeping this virus firmly under control. in fact, any stage that appears to be a risk of its resurgence, our path out of lockdown will be halted and we may even have to go backwards. to avoid that, we must get as close as possible to elimination of the virus now and build confidence in our ability to control it in future through surveillance, testing, contact tracing and, where necessary, targeted suppression measures. nicola sturgeon. the home secretary priti patel has promised to implement the recommendations of a review into the windrush scandal in full. she made a commons statement to mark windrush day 72 years after the empire windrush arrived at tilbury docks in essex, carrying people from the caribbean who would make new lives here. but thousands of people who came to the uk from commonwealth countries between 19118 and 1971 were wrongly told they were in britain illegally. wendy williams, an inspector of constabulary, carried out a review into the episode, making 30 recommendations, including the appointments of a migrants commissioner. mps were angry about the slow rate of compensation payments. priti patel said the victims had suffered "unspea kable injustices". the review itself was damning about the conduct of the home office and unequivocal about the ignorance and institutional thoughtlessness towards the race and the history of the windrush generation by the department. i was clear when wendy williams published her lessons learned review that i would listen and i would act. i have heard what she has said. and i will be accepting the recommendations she has made in full. the government's windrush compensation scheme managed to compensate just 60 people in its first year of operation. the home secretary talked about more progress today but she must know that that rate of progress is just too slow. given the number of years that have elapsed since this scandal first came to light, and already this scheme has been in operation for over a year. i agree. the payments and in the way in which payments have been made have been far too slow — i'm not apologising for that at all. i have outlined in my statement that it is right that we treat each individual with the respect and the dignity that they deserve. these are complicated cases. the snp said the windrush scandal was a direct result of the government's hostile environment policy. i'm concerned, mr deputy speaker, that in today's statement, the home secretary does not unequivocally commit to the sort of root—and— branch review of the hostile environment policy recommended by the lessons learned review. it is all very well to agree that black lives matter, but actions speak louder than words. the root causes can be traced back to legislation from the 19605 and ‘80s, much of which is complex. but of course, i appreciate the honourable lady has not fully read the report and has quoted selectively and as i said, i will come back to the house before the summer recess to discuss the specifics as to how we will be implementing... answer my questions! as i've said, mr deputy speaker, i will be returning back to the house to outline how we will be implementing the recommendations from the lessons learned review. of the 1,275 people who have claimed compensation thus far, only 60 payments have been made! and 529 people have had to wait for more than a year! so does the home secretary concede that this just about neatly sums up the attitude of this government and the contempt in which it holds long—suffering individuals? and just like with the hapless victims of the deadly grenfell fire tragedy, this callous government has no intention whatsoever of delivering full, proper and timely justice for those who have been so unconscionably wronged! i hope the honourable gentleman, having listened to my statement, understands the complexities around individual cases and how we are working to get justice and provide compensation for individuals. that approach is the right approach, that approach has been based upon stakeholder engagement with the victims of the windrush generation itself. that is the right approach going forward, and i am very sorry that the honourable gentleman has chosen to politicize this in such an unhelpful and unconstructive way. that was the home secretary's second commons statement of the week. on monday, priti patel came to update mps on a suspected terror attack that killed three men in reading. the killing of david wails, joe ritchie—bennett and james furlong in a knife attack at a park prompted tributes to those who died and questions about counter—terror operations. the local mp spoke movingly about the impact on the town. mr speaker, reading is a friendly and peaceful town with a diverse and tolerant community and this whole incident is completely unknown to us. it's something which has never occurred before in our community and, as such, is deeply upsetting. i'm very proud by the way that our community is pulling together at this difficult time and the way in which local people have been supporting one another. we can and we will come through this difficult time. thank you, mr speaker. there were also tributes to an mp's researcher who found himself at the scene. mr speaker, i would like to pay particular tribute to james antell, a member of my own staff who not only used his own shirt to stem the bleeding of one victim, but continued resuscitation on a second victim until the paramedics arrived. recent protests on the streets of westminster have highlighted concerns about war memorials such as the cenotaph. a conservative, jonathan gullis, is proposing a new law to protect war memorials from desecration, with higher penalties for offenders. ministers have promised to look at the issue. let us not forget the sacrifice and bravery of those who paid the ultimate price — young men and women who gave up theirfutures, their loves, their lives and their dreams to ensure the freedoms they once knew were protected from tyranny for us, the unborn generations who sit idly by as monuments dedicated to their eternal memory are desecrated. i will not sit idly by, and nor will i be silenced. it's more than six months since the general election, but some mps have yet to make their first speech in the commons. a conservative, mark eastwood, who won the seat of dewsbury from labour, used his maiden speech to pay tribute to his mother. at the age of three, i was abandoned by my father, forcing me and my mother to move to a council estate in thornhill lees, dewsbury, and the wilton estate in batley. at first, it was a real struggle for my mother, raising a child as a lone parent while working shifts at batley hospital and, eventually, the then newly—opened dewsbury hospital. there are significant challenges facing any single mother when raising a child, let alone one as difficult as me. mps — well, those who can — have returned to westminster, and holyrood and stormont are meeting physically. but the senedd in cardiff remains the only uk parliament to sit only virtually, despite the protests of one ms, neil mcevoy, of the welsh national party, who was logged out after a chamber brief sit—in on wednesday. i am aware that one member is in the chamber and filming himself and broadcasting to that point on social media. i will ask for that member to be removed now from the virtual parliament and we will be closing the chamber in due course. my advice to mr mcavoy is not to play games with your parliament. elinjones, with a fleeting appearance by neil mcavoy there. now, more than 18 months ago, the retired judge dame laura cox found that bullying and sexual harassment have long been tolerated and concealed at westminster. mps have now agreed to set up an independent disciplinary panel to deal with claims of wrongdoing. the leader of the commons, jacob rees—mogg, said that the behaviour of some mps has "disgraced and shamed" parliamentary democracy. i've had people come to see me who have been treated in a way that senior people would have behaved to people subordinate to them in such a way in any workplace — let alone in the house of commons, which ought to be a model of good behaviour — and that's why we have to have the counterbalancing bit, that we can't give mps an opportunity to delve into the personal details of a case, and try it effectively a second time. there were fears that allowing mps to debate the independent panel's findings in the commons could give members a platform to blacken their accuser‘s name. labour's shadow leader of the commons had also been contacted by a victim. what the complainant said was, "i do not want the serious case..." and i won't say what it is, but it is very serious. "..being debated, of being named, of being called a liar or slandered." and where complainants feel that if the report is debated and that will take place, they will not come forward because they are too scared. but a conservative thought voters should decide an mp's fate. there is a very fundamental difference between members of parliament and all other staff members. it's that we are elected by the people and we are responsible to the people. and the people must have the final say, whether we come here in the first place or when we leave or how we leave, and that's very important. however distinguished an independent panel is, only the people have the final say. does any honourable member honestly, in this house, think that their constituents will complain when this house takes action against something that is abhorrent enough to mean expulsion from this house? good luck selling that on the doorstep! "i've been found completely wanting, but you've certainly voted for me, so you should get carry on getting your say." it is a nonsense and it's not what our constituents are calling for. no constituent will have been in touch with anyone in this house saying, "do you know what? i really want my right to keep my slightly—wronged mp in place." not a single one. and in the end, mps did vote to block all commons debates on complaints. now, the coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on how we care for older people in care homes. and the weekly clap for carers also highlighted the work of those who care for vulnerable people — either in institutions or in their own home. mps on the health and social care committee took evidence from care workers, who told them they felt undervalued, poorly—paid and demoralised. do you feel valued for what you do? no. not — i feel valued by the company that i work for. i don't feel valued by members of the public. especially since covid, it's been tough. we get tutted out because we're in uniform out in the street because people are telling us we shouldn't have our uniforms on, but they don't understand what a domiciliary care worker does, that we go to people's houses, we work in our uniforms and we keep those uniforms on throughout the day in everybody's house. we can't change. i was pulled over on my way into work and told i wasn't a key worker because they didn't recognise the role of a registered manager. and that's really sad, and we just need to really get the message out there that this sector does do quite a lot to support the wider system and it needs to be that we have that recognition. at the weekend, there was this amazing sign in a shop window saying, "30% off for all nhs employees." well, i think that's really demoralising for them because they're making the same effort, they're doing the same work. there was people here that worked 14—hour days, went to the shops at the end of the evening, trying to provide for their family, but weren't given the opportunity to cut the line just because they didn't wear an nhs badge. turnover of staff among care home workers and home care workers can be more than 40% a year. how much is pay a factor in terms of recruitment and retention of staff? it's a big factor. i'm sure marlene will agree. and that is based on the funding for these beds, because the majority of them are funded by the local authority or ccgs. ccgs — or clinical commissioning groups. sue ann balcombe said what her home was paid defined what she could pay her staff. we aren't able to pay a london living wage, we're only able to pay them a minimum wage, and it would be something that we'd consider if the funding was there for that to happen. the mps were told that people did not understand the complexity of what care workers were asked to do, especially in response to coronavirus. they're having to make critical judgements about people's medical condition, they were being asked to support nursing tasks, which had previously been done by primary care. and alongside that, they were then not getting recognition about what they were doing, and i think that's had an impact on morale. i think the clap for the carers, some of the aspects of key worker recognition was great, but we had similar stories to marlene and sue ann. we had people being told they weren't important, they weren't key workers. raina summerson. in northern ireland, an independent review into mass resignations at the watchdog which oversees care homes is to be carried out. nine board members resigned after claiming they were not consulted on key decisions taken during the pandemic, when inspections at care homes have been reduced. their departure prompted an urgent question to the health minister at stormont. given your press statement over the last 2a hours, you said that you wished that the board members had approached you and raised the issue so you could resolve them. and now we know that e—mails were coming forward from the former chair and the interim chief executive to your chief medical officer and permanent secretary as far back as the end of april. when did you become aware and what have you done in that time period to try and resolve the issues? i thank the member for her point. i was made aware in early may that there were tensions between the executive and the board of rqia. i wasn't aware that it was to the extent that it is, neither do i think is the chief medical officer or the permanent secretary within the department, so when their resignations did come through, they did come as a surprise. robin swann. now, the return of the wedding season — up to a point — has prompted great excitement in some quarters, even the odd purchase of a hat, although possibly not in one minister's household. i don't want to add to my reputation for eccentricity by admitting that my wife and i delayed our marriage because the late lord callaghan unexpectedly delayed the election in 1978, so i fully understand the frustrations that many young couples face. lord true, the last of the great romantics, although he and lady true have been married for more than a0 years. the resumption of weddings is certainly good news for the church of england, but not necessarily for choirs. as the noble lord the minister will know, hymns are most often a focal point of a wedding service. and given yesterday's announcement about live performances, can the minister give us any more detailed guidance about singing in churches, both choral and congregational? now, my lords, i do very much understand the point that the right reverend makes, but the scientific advice at the moment in relation to singing — not only in relation to churches, i may say — is that singing in public spaces, because of its impact, does carry the risk of spreading covid, so the scientific advice in relation to singing generally is that it should be avoided in all public spaces. the sadness at the singing ban is widely shared. a conservative mp feared it might deter otherwise regular churchgoers. i used to enjoy a hymn sandwich before this interdict, but i've broken the habit. how is he going to lure us back if we're not allowed to sing? can i suggest, as a minimum, shorter services, even shorter sermons, some comfortable words from the book of common prayer and an end to prating prelates? well, andrew selous, sing to that one! indeed, mr speaker. but what i would say to my right honourable friend is that i hope he's taken part in some of the uplifting online worship and services that have been available to him during lockdown, and i would say to him that it's the warmth of the welcome, the opportunity for fellowship and the chance to grow in faith through proud worship and the revelation of god's word that will prove an irresistible temptation to my right honourable friend to return. andrew selous — skilfully negotiating that challenge about shorter sermons and prating prelates. well, that was the week in parliament. thank you for watching. alicia mccarthy will be back on bbc parliament at 11pm on monday evening with the latest from the commons and the lords. but from me, david cornock, bye for now. hello. well, the fresh weather is here to stay for the foreseeable future, at least the next week or so. so, plenty of showers in the forecast, and on top of that, it's also going to be windy, particularly on sunday. really quite blustery for the time of the year. now, the reason for it is this low pressure that swung out of the atlantic is being propelled by a jet stream. that jet stream has also introduced that much fresher air, and it's here to stay. this is what it looks like through the early hours. so, the possibility of catching showers almost anywhere through the early hours, but more especially, i think, across the north—west of the uk and really across parts of northern ireland, the north—west of england, and the south—western as well as western scotland. it could be really quite wet during the course of sunday. you can see these weather fronts spiralling into the area of low pressure, and around it, we've also got those strong winds circling. you can see those winds circling about scotland. this low pressure is also quite slow—moving, which means that this weather is just going to carry on for the next 48 hours or so at least. and you can see where the heaviest the rain is across the north—west of the uk here. further south, it's going to be brighter. there certainly will be some sunshine around, but those winds will be strong. gusting in excess of a0 mph in places. that's near gale force — a real bluster out there. let's have a look at the weather around 4pm in the afternoon. so, let's have a look at the forecast, then, as we go through the course of monday. the low pressure is still very much with us. you can see heavy rain affecting parts of northern britain once again, but to the south, so the further you are away from that area of low pressure, you can see it's drier and brighter with temperatures getting up to around about 19 degrees celsius. so not even making 20 early in the week. now, the temperatures will probably creep up a little bit into the low 20s through the course of the week, but plenty of showers, i think, on the cards across more northern parts of the uk. so, as i say, the fresh weather is here to stay. good morning. welcome to breakfast with chris mason and nina warhurst. our headlines today: "build our way back to health" — the prime minister's plan to rescue the economy by fast—tracking new schools, hospitals and major transport projects. as coronavirus cases in the us surge to more than 2.5 million, florida becomes the latest state to reimpose lockdown. as reading remembers the three men stabbed to death in a park a week ago, a 25—year—old man is charged with murder. no crowds, but there's still late drama in the fa cup as manchester united beat norwich to become the first team


Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Week In Parliament 20200629

the week in parliament. mr speaker, reading is a friendly and peaceful town with a diverse and tolerant community and this whole incident is completely unknown to us. hello again and welcome to the week in parliament. it's something which has never lifting the lockdown across the uk — occurred before in our community boris johnson relaxes and, as such, is deeply upsetting. england's covid—19 rules... i'm very proud by the way that our community is pulling together at this difficult time today, we can say that our long and the way in which local people national hibernation is beginning have been supporting one another. we can and we will come to come to an end. ..but can we trust through this difficult time. the prime minister? thank you, mr speaker. he's been found out. hear, hear! there were also he either dodges the question tributes to an mp's or he gives dodgy answers. researcher who found himself and what's it like being a care at the scene. worker during a pandemic? mr speaker, i would like to pay particular tribute to james antell, mps try to find out. a member of my own staff who not only used his own shirt to stem the bleeding of one victim, do you feel valued for what you do? but continued resuscitation on a second victim until no. not... the paramedics arrived. recent protests on the streets of westminster have highlighted concerns about war memorials i feel valued by the such as the cenotaph. company that i work for. a conservative, jonathan gullis, i don't feel valued is proposing a new law to protect by members of the public. war memorials from desecration, all that to come and more with higher penalties for offenders. from the uk's four parliaments ministers have promised after a week dominated to look at the issue. by the prime minister's announcement let us not forget the sacrifice of a major relaxation and bravery of those who paid of the coronavirus restrictions in england. the ultimate price — young men and women who gave up their futures, their loves, their lives and their dreams to ensure the freedoms they once knew were protected from tyranny for us, the unborn generations who sit idly by as monuments pubs, restaurants and hotels can re—open from the 4th dedicated to their eternal memory are desecrated. of july, with restrictions. i will not sit idly by, so can places of worship, playgrounds, cinemas, libraries, theme parks and hairdressers. small weddings are back. but gyms, nightclubs and swimming and nor will i be silenced. pools remain closed, and there's still no cricket. borisjohnson said the progress made tackling the virus meant it was also it's more than six months safe to relax the two metre since the general election, social distancing rule, but some mps have yet up to a point. to make their first speech where it is possible to keep two in the commons. metres apart, people should. but where it is not, we will advise people to keep a conservative, mark eastwood, who won the seat of dewsbury a social distance of one metre from labour, used his maiden speech plus — meaning they should remain one metre apart, while taking mitigations to reduce the risk of transmission. to pay tribute to his mother. at the age of three, i was abandoned by my father, forcing me and my mother to move to a council estate in thornhill lees, dewsbury, he said his government's principle was to trust the british public and the wilton estate in batley. to use their common sense. at first, it was a real struggle for my mother, from now on, we will ask people to follow guidance on social contact raising a child as a lone parent while working shifts instead of legislation. at batley hospital and, eventually, the then newly opened dewsbury hospital. there are significant challenges facing any single mother when raising a child, let alone one as difficult as me. in that spirit, we advise that from the 4th ofjuly, two households of any size should be mps — well, those who can — able to meet in any setting, have returned to westminster, inside or out. and holyrood and stormont are meeting physically. but the senedd in cardiff remains the only uk parliament to sit only virtually, despite the protests of one ms, neil mcevoy, of the welsh national party, who was logged out after a brief chamber sit—in on wednesday. that does not mean they must always be the same two households. it will be possible, for instance, i am aware that one member is in the chamber and filming to meet one set of grandparents one himself and broadcasting to that point on social media. weekend, the others at the following weekend. today, we can say that our long i will ask for that member to be national hibernation is beginning removed now from the virtual to come to an end and life parliament and we will be closing is returning to our streets and to our shops, the bustle is starting to come back, and a new, but cautious the chamber in due course. optimism is palpable. but i must say to the house it my advice to mr mcavoy is not would be all too easy for that frost to play games with your parliament. to return, and that is why elinjones, with a fleeting appearance by neil mcevoy there. we will continue to trust now, more than 18 months ago, the retired judge dame laura cox found that bullying and sexual in the common sense harassment have long been tolerated and the community spirit and concealed at westminster. of the british people mps have now agreed to set up to follow this guidance, to carry us through and to see us an independent disciplinary panel to deal with claims of wrongdoing. to victory over this virus and i commend, mr speaker, this statement to the house. from the opposition, a guarded welcome. we will, of course, scrutinise the details of this announcement. we will study the guidance, the leader of the commons, and there are obviously a number jacob rees—mogg, said of questions that need to be answered, but overall, that the behaviour of some mps has i welcome this statement. "disgraced and shamed" i believe the government is trying parliamentary democracy. to do the right thing and in that, we will support them. and the snp warned that other i've had people come to see me countries were now experiencing who have been treated in a way that a second wave. makes my skin crawl, that you cannot believe that senior people would have behaved to people subordinate to them in such a way in any workplace — let alone in the house of commons, which ought to be a model of good behaviour — and that's why we have to have the counterbalancing bit, that we can't give mps an opportunity to delve into the personal details of a case, and try it effectively a second time. a similar experience here would amount to notjust a health disaster, but an economic disaster. it would wipe out all of the hard—won progress, all the self—sacrifice over recent months. it is vital that our collective there were fears that allowing mps efforts remain focused on preventing the disaster to debate the independent panel's of a second spike. 2a hours after his lockdown statement, borisjohnson returned to face mps for prime minister's findings in the commons questions and sir keir starmer could give members a platform returned to ask his promised questions about the performance to blacken their accuser‘s name. of the nhs system to track those with the virus. labour's shadow leader if two thirds of those with covid—19 are not being contacted, of the commons had also been contacted by a victim. that is a big problem. because if we don't get track, trace and isolate properly running, we cannot open the economy, we cannot prevent infection spreading. what the complainant said was, borisjohnson said nhs test "i do not want the serious case..." and trace was contacting the vast and i won't say what it is, majority of those who tested positive. but it is very serious. and it is a formidable achievement, "..being debated, of being named, mr speaker, and yesterday, of being called a liar the right honourable gentleman was kind enough actually to say or slandered." that he supported our policy and where complainants feel that and supported our programme. if the report is debated and that i seem to remember him saying that will take place, they will not come loud and clear yesterday. today — and as i say i understand the constraints of the profession in which he used forward because they are too scared. to work, i know how it works. yesterday, he seemed to be yo—yoing back into a position of opposition. but a conservative thought voters which is it? should decide an mp's fate. is he supporting what we are doing, there is a very fundamental difference between members of parliament and all other staff members. it's that we are elected by the people and we are responsible or is he against it? to the people. and the people must have the final say, whether we come here in the first place or when we leave or how we leave, keir starmer said their exchanges and that's very important. were following a pattern. however distinguished a week earlier, the two leaders had an independent panel is, only the people have the final say. clashed over child poverty, with the prime minister accused does any honourable member honestly, in this house, think of getting his numbers wrong. that their constituents will complain when this house takes action against something that is abhorrent enough to mean he's been found out. expulsion from this house? he either dodges the question good luck selling that on the doorstep! or he gives dodgy answers. "i've been found completely wanting, mr speaker, no more witnesses. i rest my case. but you've certainly voted for me, will the prime minister do "so you should carry on getting your say." the decent thing and correct the record in relation it is a nonsense and it's not to child poverty? what our constituents mr speaker, i'm happy to point out are calling for. to my learned friend that actually there are 100,000 fewer children in absolute poverty, 500,000 children falling below thresholds of low income and material deprivation. no constituent will have been this government, as he knows, in touch with anyone in this house is massively increasing saying, "do you know what? universal credit — seven billion more to help the poorest and neediest "i really want my right families in our country. to keep my slightly wrong we're getting on with it, we're taking the tough decisions, "mp in place." not a single one. and he still cannot and in the end, mps did vote to block all commons debates on complaints. now, the coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on how we care for older people in care homes. and the weekly clap for carers also make up his mind. highlighted the work of those who care for vulnerable people — either in institutions or in their own home. mps on the health and social care committee took evidence from care workers, who told them they felt undervalued, talking about child poverty... poorly paid and demoralised. the prime minister. the lockdown is gradually being lifted in other parts of the uk too — although in scotland and wales, the two metre rule remains. in wales, the message remains — stay two metres apart, that is the safe way to behave. do you feel valued for what you do? the science we have seen is no. not... i feel valued by the the science from sage, saying that company that i work for. if you halve the distance, the risk increases somewhere i don't feel valued between two and five times by members of the public. greater than if you stay especially since covid, it's been tough. we get tutted at because we're at a two metre distance. in uniform out in the street because people are telling us we shouldn't have our uniforms on, but they don't understand what a domiciliary care worker does, that we go to people's houses, we work in our uniforms and we keep those uniforms on throughout the day in everybody's house. we can't change. in scotland, people will be allowed to meet up with two other households indoors from the 10th ofjuly and pubs and restaurants can re—open i was pulled over on my way from the 15th of july. into work and told i wasn't a key the first minister said the move worker because they didn't recognise was possible thanks to the "real, sustained progress" made in suppressing coronavirus. presiding officer, our challenge, the role of a registered manager. which is not an easy one, is to manage all of this change while keeping this virus and that's really sad, firmly under control. and we just need to really get in fact, if at any stage the message out there that this there appears to be a risk sector does do quite a lot of its resurgence, our path out to support the wider of lockdown will be halted system and it needs to be and we may even have that we have that recognition. to go backwards. to avoid that, we must get as close as possible to elimination of the virus now and build confidence in our ability to control it in future through surveillance, testing, contact tracing and, where necessary, targeted suppression measures. nicola sturgeon. at the weekend, there was this amazing sign in a shop window saying, "30% off for all nhs employees." well, i think that's really demoralising for them because they're making the same effort, they're doing the same work. there was people here that the home secretary priti patel has worked 14—hour days, promised to implement went to the shops at the end the recommendations of a review of the evening, trying to provide for their family, but weren't given the opportunity to cut the line just because they didn't into the windrush scandal in full. wear an nhs badge. turnover of staff among care home workers and home care workers can be more than 40% a year. she made a commons statement to mark windrush day 72 years how much is pay a factor in terms of recruitment after the empire windrush arrived and retention of staff? at tilbury docks in essex, it's a big factor. i'm sure marlene will agree. carrying people from the caribbean who would make new lives here. and that is based on the funding but thousands of people who came to the uk from commonwealth for these beds, because the majority countries between 19118 of them are funded by and 1971 were wrongly told the local authority or ccgs. they were in britain illegally. wendy williams, an inspector ccgs — or clinical commissioning groups. of constabulary, carried out sue ann balcombe said a review into the episode, making 30 recommendations, including the appointment what her home was paid defined of a migrants commissioner. mps were angry about the slow rate what she could pay her staff. of compensation payments. we aren't able to pay priti patel said the victims had a london living wage, we're only able to pay suffered "unspea kable injustices". them a minimum wage, the review itself was damning and it would be something that we'd about the conduct of the home office consider if the funding and unequivocal about the ignorance was there for that to happen. and institutional thoughtlessness towards the race and the history of the windrush generation by the department. i was clear when wendy williams published her lessons learned review that i would listen and i would act. the mps were told that people did not understand the complexity i have heard what she has said and i will be accepting of what care workers were asked to do, especially the recommendations in response to coronavirus. they're having to make critical judgements about people's medical she has made in full. condition, they were being asked to support nursing tasks, which had previously been done by primary care. and alongside that, they were then not getting recognition about what they were doing, and i think that's had the government's windrush an impact on morale. compensation scheme managed to compensate just 60 people i think the clap for the carers, some of the aspects of key worker recognition was great, in its first year of operation. but we had similar stories to marlene and sue ann. we had people being told they weren't important, the home secretary talked about more they weren't key workers. progress today, but she must know that that rate of progress isjust too slow, given the number of years that have elapsed since this scandal first came to light and already, raina summerson. in northern ireland, this scheme has been in operation for over a year. an independent review into mass resignations at the watchdog i agree. the payments and the way which oversees care homes in which payments have been made have been far too slow — is to be carried out. i'm not apologising for that at all. i have outlined, mr deputy speaker, nine board members resigned after claiming they were not in my statement that it is consulted on key decisions taken right that we treat each during the pandemic, individual with the respect when inspections at care homes have been reduced. and the dignity that they deserve. their departure prompted an urgent these are complicated cases. question to the health minister at stormont. given your press statement over the last 2a hours, you said that you wished that the board members had approached you and raised the issues so you could resolve them. and now we know that e—mails the snp said the windrush were coming forward from the former scandal was a direct result of the government's hostile chair and the interim chief executive to your chief medical officer and permanent secretary as far back as the end of april. when did you become aware environment policy. and what have you done in that time period to try and resolve the issues? i'm concerned, mr deputy speaker, i thank the member for her point. that in today's statement, the home secretary does not i was made aware in early may that there were tensions between the executive and the board of rqia. unequivocally commit to the sort i wasn't aware that it was to the extent that it is, neither do i think is the chief medical officer of root—and— branch review or the permanent secretary of the hostile environment policy within the department, recommended by the lessons learned review. so when their resignations did come it is all very well to agree through, they did come that black lives matter, as a surprise. but actions speak louder than words. the root causes can be traced back to legislation from the 1960s and ‘80s, much of which is complex. but of course, i appreciate the honourable lady has not fully read the report and has quoted robin swann. selectively and as i said, now, the return of the wedding i will come back to the house before season — up to a point — the summer recess to discuss has prompted great excitement the specifics as to how in some quarters, even the odd we will be implementing... purchase of a hat, although possibly answer my questions! as i've said, mr deputy speaker, not in one minister's household. i will be returning back i don't want to add to my reputation for eccentricity by admitting to the house to outline how we will be implementing that my wife and i delayed our the recommendations marriage because the late from the lessons learned review. lord callaghan unexpectedly delayed of the 1,275 people who have claimed the election in 1978, compensation thus far, so i fully understand only 60 payments have been made! 00:11:45,966 --> 2147483051:42:37,697 and 529 people have had to wait 2147483051:42:37,697 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 for more than a year! the frustrations that many young couples face. lord true, the last of the great romantics, although he and lady true have been married for more than a0 years. the resumption of weddings is certainly good news for the church of england, but not necessarily for choirs. as the noble lord the minister will know, hymns are most often a focal point of a wedding service. and given yesterday's announcement about live performances, can the minister give us any more detailed guidance about singing in churches, both choral and congregational? now, my lords, i do very much understand the point that the right reverend makes, but the scientific advice at the moment in relation to singing — not only in relation to churches, i may say — is that singing in public spaces, because of its impact, does carry the risk of spreading covid, so the scientific advice in relation to singing generally is that it should be avoided in all public spaces. the sadness at the singing ban is widely shared. a conservative mp feared it might deter otherwise regular churchgoers. i used to enjoy a hymn sandwich before this interdict, but i've broken the habit. how is he going to lure us back if we're not allowed to sing? can i suggest, as a minimum, shorter services, even shorter sermons, some comfortable words from the book of common prayer and an end to prating prelates? well, andrew selous, sing to that one! indeed, mr speaker. but what i would say to my right honourable friend is that i hope he's taken part in some of the uplifting online worship and services that have been available to him during lockdown, and i would say to him that it's the warmth of the welcome, the opportunity for fellowship and the chance to grow in faith through proud worship and the revelation of god's word that will prove an irresistible temptation to my right honourable friend to return. andrew selous — skilfully negotiating that challenge about shorter sermons and prating prelates. well, that was the week in parliament. thank you for watching. alicia mccarthy will be back on bbc parliament at 11pm on monday evening with the latest from the commons and the lords. but from me, david cornock, bye for now. it certainly feels like summer has come to an abrupt end, hasn't it? notjust the outbreaks of rain and fresh air but also the blustery winds and more of the same to come on monday and then through the course of the week perhaps more thundery showers on the way. this is what it looks like on the satellite picture. a big low pressure sitting top of us, there for a little while and it will stick around through most of monday and the weather front spiralling into the centre of that low pressure, a lot of isobars there, a big pressure gradient that means the wind races into the centre of that low hence it is gusty out there. and this is what looks through the early hours of monday. the heaviest of the rain has been around the north—west of england, cumbria, lancashire and parts of the pennines they got a real dose of rain, a flood warning in place around keswick. 0ver monday we will see further heavy spells of rain in the north but in the afternoon it looks as if that will give way to sunshine and showers and another blustery day as gusts of wind in some places will reach a0 miles an hour, near gale force for the time of the year. temperature is below the average. around 15 degrees there for glasgow and possibly reaching 19 in london. on tuesday, the jet stream pushes another system in our direction, an area of low pressure not quite as developed as the one we have across right now but it will bring cloud and outbreaks of rain in the morning in the south and to the north i think this is where the focus will be as far as weather goes, heavy showers, some of them thundery across parts of scotland and maybe the north of england. temperatures again for many of us around the mid—high teens. that was tuesday and this is wednesday. outbreaks of rain in the morning and the south clearing away giving way to sunshine and then showers will start to develop quite widely across the uk during the course of wednesday afternoon. temperatures around 17—20 celsius with the wind a little lighter from tuesday onwards. this is the summary for the week ahead. a mixed bag across the uk. sometimes brightness and showers and the temperatures may gently creep up towards the end of the week. this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. i'm james reynolds. the covid—19 global death toll passes 500,000. in the us, the governor of texas warns infections have taken a "swift and very dangerous turn". exit polls show polish president andrzej duda finishes first in the election — but doesn't have the votes for an outright victory. beijing asserts its authority over hong kong as it's expected to pass a new security law. the pride parade goes ahead in taiwan — most other countries have cancelled their events because of coronavirus.


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