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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20181030

rabinowitz, and the controversy goes on about whether president trump should visit today. >> the first lady will be the president. the president will not be with any of these congressional leaders who have declined a white house white house invitation to pittsburgh the pittsburgh mayor told me last night he wants to folcus o the funerals, which will require extra security sadly. rich fitzgerald has lived in this squirrel hill neighborhood for 35 years. >> reporter: is this the appropriate time for the president to come? >> no, it really isn't. in fact, i'm on my way to one of the first funerals for the rosenthal brothers. i think in a week or two maybe we can sit down and talk about this, but today and the next few days is really a time for us to try to heal. and i think, you know, for myself, for the mayor and the governor and other elected officials who are from here, it's about to be with the family in the community. we're trying to heal right now. yeah, i think a later time would be better. >> joining me now is cnn white house correspondent kaitlan collins. is there any word on what the president will be doing when he gets to pittsburgh? >> reporter: most of it is still a pretty big question mark here, anderson. the white house hasn't shed any light on what exactly the president's schedule is going to be. he is expected to go to the hospital nearby at one point close, not far from the synagogue behind me now, to meet with some of the officers who were injured saturday and with the first responders. that is what president trump has expressed interest in doing. we are seeing an increasing number of officials say they don't want to meet with president trump, not just national figures who have declined his invitation, but the pittsburgh mayor explicitly saying that the president should not come right now. in the white house's eyes, they don't know when else he would come. they thought about maybe a wednesday or thursday visit for the president a little bit later on but, anderson, the president's schedule is jam packed with campaign rallies for the next few days leading up to the midterm elections. the white house thought it would be bad optics to have the president come here, have a trip where people are mourning and then go to one of those politically charged rallies. they says ebelieved if they did delay the -- they say he believed if they did delay it, he would be criticized for that. officials are trying to plan what exactly the president is going to do. one big question is whether or not the president is going to visit the synagogue behind me. he's going to be on the ground for about four hours when he arrives here. >> all right, we'll see. cate ly kaitlin collins, still a lot going on there. >> i said to our elected leaders that you're our leaders, we turn to you. you're the models for our country. when you speak words of hate, when you speak ill of the other candidate, any words of hate, americans listen to you. they get their instructions from you. when you speak words of hate, you say to them this is okay, you can do it as well. so i turn to all of our elected leaders because hate doesn't know a political party. hate is not blue. hate is no red. hate is not purple. hate is in all. i turn to them to say tone down the hate, speak words of love, speak words of decency and of respect. when that message comes loud and clear, americans will hear that and we can begin to change the tenor of our country. >> reporter: i want to focus on the important things happening on the ground. joining me is a psychologist who has been helping family and synagogue members, figuring out what services can be available to survivors. jordan, first of all, just in terms of what the needs of the survivors, of the community are, how are you trying to respond? >> well, unfortunately, anderson, we're not the only community to ever experience violence because of hate so we're doing the best that we can to provide support to the members of our community. we're going into the jewish day school and providing teachers and staff with support so they can help the kids suffering, providing was information to pas so they can learn to talk to their kids in a developmentally appropriate way about what's happening. i'm hearing from co-workers and colleagues about children in squirrel hill afraid to go to school, afraid to go to the jcc and afraid to have their parents separate from them. the jcc -- >> the jewish community center. >> they've been incredible offering space to survivors, family members, to anyone who needs some support. we have drop-in hours staffed by professional clinicians who have experience managing trauma so if they have someone they want to talk to or if they want to talk to each other, there's a safe place where they can do that. >> reporter: you and i were talking about this before and it's been said before, this literally is mr. rogers' neighborhood. this is where fred rogers actually lived and it is kind of a picture perfect neighborhood that you would never expect this kind of hate, this kind of violence to rear its head here. >> pittsburgh is an amazing community. my wife and i moved here 25 years ago. it's a great place to raise kids, great community, friend live people. people who know how to get together and come together in good times and in bad times and people who take fred rogers' words very seriously. i've heard this from across the country every time there is a horrible event like this, that people believe it could never happen here. just to echo that, we really never believed it would happen in this neighborhood. >>one of the important things your organization does is you help resettle refugees. that's obviously something which, the killer, whose name we're not saying, hated and despised about certain groups, one of the groups of which you work with. >> right. >> reporter: for you that work is something that people in pittsburgh have embraced and that work is going to continue. >> we are absolutely going to continue. jewish community family services, we were founded in 1937 to help jews escaping from eastern europe, from the holocau holocaust. we've helped refugees come here from everything from the communist soviet union back in the 70s. now we resettle refugees from all over the work, from iraq, some somalis, everyone all over the world fearing percent cues, wse. we believe that bringing immigrants and refugees to this country is an american tradition, it's what our country was founded on. it's something that our organization was founded on. refugees help to revitalize -- economically revitalize communities. most of the major cities in america that have thrived have done some because of immigrants and refugees. refugees and immigrants bring cultural diversity to communities. they bring wonderful traditions, they bring language, they bring food, they really help our community thrive. >> and you've seen them also importantly embrace the person ideals. >> absolutely. they are tax-paying citizens, they start community organization, they are coaching soccer teams, everything americans born here are doing, they're doing right here in pittsburgh. >> thank you. there's a lot here happening on the ground, brooke, as you were talking about. funerals have begun today, three funerals, two brothers and also a doctor, who we're going to talk to some folks who knew all three men a little bit later on. let's go back to you, brooke. >> we'll look forward to those interviews and remembering those incredible people in pittsburgh. breaking news, infamous mobster, whitey bulger, who is serving not just one but two life sentences for his involvement in 11 murders, has been killed in federal prison. we have those details ahead. >> also critics of the president are calling it a racially loaded attack, trump labelling the democratic candidate for governor in florida a, quote, stone cold thief." andrew gilliam is responding, is this all part of the presidential playbook a week out from mid terms? 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>> well, there are a lot of questions here, aren't they? who is responsible? how did it happen? he was discovered at 8:20 a.m. this morning according to the u.s. department of justice, federal bureau of prisons. we just got a note where they gave us some details. they say that he was found unresponsive. they said life-saving measures were initiated immediately but they did not help this man. he did not die of natural causes. the big question is how did it happen? who was responsible? was it retribution for someone that he ratted out in the past? we do know it happened and that he was discovered this morning at approximately 8:20 a.m. he was transferred from a prison in florida to another facility in oklahoma. this just happened. we do know he was serving two life sentences. for some folks who may not know very much about this man, this man lived a violent life. he had a violent history. some may say even though he was 89 years old, not surprising that his life came to a violent end. but still a lot of questions about how this happened at a max security prison. >> let's ask art. art, the fact that he ends up in west virginia and that night is killed. how can that happen? >> it's kind of unusual. but the oklahoma city facility is usually the transfer point the bureau of prisons uses to move inmates around the country. it's not unusual he was being transferred. what is unusual, and i've heard some information, but usually when you go to a new facility, for about five to seven days you're in segregation until they can classify you, take a look at your background. obviously whitey's a well-known individual. but the word i'm getting is he opted to go into general population, and apparently that's where this incident occurred that he was killed. and it really is sort of the end of an era here. whitey was one of the last big mop bo mob bosses. he was 89 years old, i heard his health was failing. >> your path years ago, the big alcatraz escape, can you tell me a whitey bulger story? >> yeah. the biggest cape from alcatraz where frank morris and the two brothers escaped in 1962 and whitey was in the facility, he got there in 1961. i believe he was there until it closed in 1963. i started investigating the case in 1989, it was the first lead i covered on that particular case and whitey was in that familiar and was familiar with both frank morris and the anglan brothers. he was part of the controversial program, that he volunteered to take lsd and other psychedelic drugs the government was testing at the time. he also implicated in the gardner art museum heist and other homicides besides the 11 that he was convicted of. >> i just remember the day -- i want to say it broke on our show, after the 16 years he was on the run, found hum livi him d hiding in plain sight, not far from the beach in santa monica. >> everything breaks on your show. >> welcome to the 2:00 to 4:00 slot, jason carroll. >> and in pittsburgh, a moving speech after the massacre in pittsburgh. we'll join anderson along with the local rabbi. also, we'll hear from one couple who went to the courtroom to stare down the suspect in that synagogue shooting. hear what they say as president trump gets ready to leave for the city. you've tried moisturizer after moisturizer but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. neutrogena® to learn about their medicare options before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? 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[ applause ] if you need organizers on the ground, we'll provide them. if you need anything at all, food for the families, if you just need somebody to come to the grocery store because you don't feel safe in the city, we'll be there and i'm sure everybody in the room would say the same thing. we're here for the community. >> that was wasi mohamed of the islamic center of pittsburgh. interfaith religious leaders gathered to honor the victims and to show unity. the pittsburgh muslim community have backed up those offers for help. an online group has raised more than $190,000 so far to help families affected by the shooting. with me is wasi mohamed, the man speaking in the video and rabbi gibson, located less than a mile from the squirrel hill synagogue. rabb wasi, when did i get the idea of raising money? >> as soon as we heard of the tragedy, my phone was ringing, asking what can we do? we went to the scene to join the community and by the time we got off to start a fund-raising campaign, they started a link. and so we all joined efforts. >> i understand some people online were saying this wasn't a real effort, that you were going to take the money or something. >> so unfortunately some people just think it's a scam and that we just have all this money and the muslims are going to pocket it because there's no way we could love the jewish community like we do. but as the rabbi could attest to, that's not true. we have a longstanding relationship. >> reporter: the jewish community here has a longstanding community -- a longstanding relationship with the muslim community. >> well, and we've worked at it. i have had dear friends in the muslim community. every time i come to the islam being centsislamic center in oakland, i'm welcomed as a guest. we all understand we have a fierce attachment to our points of view and there are so many more things that our religions have in common than divided us. and, frankly, common humanity and the belief in the god of compassion. we have the same notion that god is compassionate with us so we must be compassionate with each other. >> it does seem in this time when the person who did this clearly wanted to divide people, clearly hated people and clearly hoped that this would spark further division, if anything, you are an example of the opposite happening. >> after you, please. >> not only did the muslim community immediately leap forward and in less than 24 hours raise $70,000, and it has increased beyond that, wasi will be our honored guest at our 7:00 service and he'll be our guest in my home with other religious leaders, because breaking bread together reinforces the bonds we have built since before 9/11 and reinforced have we have pulled together after 9/11. >> you attended funeral services today for dr. rabinowitz. >> yes, and it's powerful. if these tragedies, it's difficult to remember these are real people and they're close to us as well as muslims as pittsburghers and family. dr. rabinowitz was an amazing person, one of the first to treat hiv patients here, was a pioneer in that field -- >> in a time when many people were too scared and they weren't being treated well at all. >> nobody else was accepted and quickly became a leader in the region for that. for somebody like that to -- it's difficult to hear but it was really beautiful seeing what people said about them and the positivity that's coming from this. >> reporter: so many funerals ahead. you look at the ages of the people. rose was 97 years old. it's just sickening. >> i gave a talk yesterday at cmu because they packed an entire room of the students at carnegie mellon university and i talked about what it is to be less than a mile away from the death of a 97-year-old, who had every right to be safe and secure at shabbat at her synagogue and at the same time me holding a baby, going on lockdown in our synagogue and smiling and crying at the same time over the world she is coming into and hoping she will make better use of it than some of us have. >> wasi, obviously the president is coming today. there's been a lot of discussion about that. what do you feel about that? >> we were really happy with how the community came together and the solidarity and messaging. i got to say, the mayor said it best, check with the families and also come later. public safety officers have been bending over backwards. four of them were injured in protecting victims and jumping in. i think it's extremely disrespectful. i don't think it's a smart move. coming here, we appreciate that sense, but not when the families doesn't want it, the community doesn't want it and when the mayor tells you our public safety infrastructure is not prepared for it. it's not appropriate. >> reporter: every day the crowds have been growing, people coming here. how do you help a community heal? i mean, how do you -- how does this community continue to move forward? >> you know, there's a national movement called solidarity shabbat, where we're telling people come and be in community, you don't have to cry in your room. you don't have to be obsessed with the news every moment and worry about what's going to happen to you. can you come to community where you'll be embraced and your fierce will be validat-- fears accepted and validated and you'll be loved. we are so much stronger together, not just in the interfaith community but alone in the jewish community where people are often at loose ends and not necessarily connected. >> it's also so touching to me that the two brothers who were buried to t buried together, had special needs, so many people who may not have known them personally, attending their funeral today, to me that's a message of support. >> a lot of those people never knew the doctors or knew the brother or they heard about them or simply want to be with the jie jewish community as we go through our anguish and grief and those who are right now suffering, dan leger, has already had three surgeries, is thank god stable but extremely tenuous in icu right now. we are just desperate that he recover and come to full health. >> and rose's daughter was also injured. rabbi and wasi, thank you. brooke, a lot of great people bringing this community together. a lot of sadness ahead. >> what a beautiful community, though. we'll come back to you in pittsburgh. meantime, president trump inserts himself right into the middle of the florida gubernatorial race calling the democratic candidate a thief. critics say, yup that, is a racist dog whistle one week before the midterm election. >> and why comedian dave ch chapelle says president trump gets too much credit for the division in this country. hear from him next. made with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar... ...and end the day with a smile. glucerna®. everyday progress. about the colonial penn program. here to tell you if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? 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>> well, it's disgusting and also it's desperate. nobody thought that andrew gillum, this young mayor, african-american, in a state that trump won would get anything but blown out of the water and this guy has caught fire in florida. and the loyal desantis who has run as a trump clone has got the floor wiped with him. he's an embarrassment to himself and others and now trump has to step in. he cannot step in and tell the truth about this young guy, he has to just make stuff up. at best he's trying to hang it on the fact there's an fbi investigation going on in his city, not against him and that's basically the entirety of the claim. what i want to say about that is, you know, as an african-american man, to have someone like him who is an upstanding guy, a well-educated guy, who has done a great job, to be called a thief, to me that is as racist as racist gets. there's no way around it. that is not -- that is, as far as i'm concerned, he's just basically trying to say if you put a black guy in charge, he's going to steal everything. and that's not subtle. and there's no basis for it at all. i hope it blows up in his face. >> it's racism. nia, you've been covering and watching how the president has injected race into this race and you wrote this piece for where you talk about in the days before the midterms, trump is all about the white part of white working class voters. explain. >> that's right. we often focus on identity politics on the left. we don't focus as much on identity politics on the right and trump does. you can see him playing to what exists among a lot of white voters and that is a cultural anxiety about a changing florida, it is increasingly african-american, latino as well, up 40% black latino. you see trump running to one of his opening arguments of why he should be president and that is there is this coming hoard of latinos from the southern border. you see him as a closing argument playing to that sentiment again, going to the border, talking about the caravan that is about two months away from the border. it's something that worked for him in the primary. the question is does this continue to work, does it continue to rile up white voters and make them emotionally attached to his candidacy and presidency now. we'll have to see whether or not this works in florida and works for broadly in the midterms. >> that's the key question. dave chapelle was just interview by christiane amanpour and he said this. >> even when they say that russians -- is like is russians making us racist? is that who's doing this? thank goodness, i thought it was us. >> i hadn't thought of it that way. >> if they killed the country that way, then we're the murder weapon. we've always been. >> so is the trump era a good era for comedians? is it just unbelievable fodder or not? >> i would not even name the era after him. he's given too much credit. >> he's the president. >> he's not making the wave, he's surfing it. all he does is sing those people's greatest hits, build a wall, he just sings all the songs. he's the only one that's been brash enough to do it. >> so, van, i wanted to ask you about that. you hear dave saying he's singing the greatest hits, racism, and a lot of this has existed before donald trump. he's there in the white house, the pot is on the stove and instead of turning the heat down, he's stirring it. >> when i'm working with young people in a neighborhood, i don't want to hear so and so made me do it. people have to take responsibility for their own actions. that said, leadership matter, words matter. you set a tone in a room, you great certain conversation. you get a different tone in the room, you get a different conversation. the president has to take responsibility for the fact that yes, yes, we have a president in the white house who has had a negative effect and you're seeing in the country. >> van and nia, thank you very much. let's go back to anderson in pittsburgh. >> reporter: brooke, thanks. i'm here in pittsburgh where funerals are under way for some of the 11 people killed yesterday worshipping inside the synagogue. that's where the 11 were killed, a senseless and violent act that stole 11 lives. it's obviously part of a disturbing trend. anti-semitic incidents in the u.s. in the past two years have reached their highest level since the jewish people have been keeping track. >> reporter: investigators say robert bowers wanted all jews to die. he now face s a myriad of hate crime charges. >> before everyone was just saying how they felt strong be and they felt braver. jo feel brave. -- i don't feel brave. i just feel scared. >> reporter: for years incidents of anti-semitism were on the decline in america. then came the 2016 presidential election. since then a 57% increase in 2017 according to the anti-def nati -- anti-defamation league that tracks it. nothing is sacred, not human life or places of worship or even where the dead are buried. in omaha, nebraska, a swastika, in indiana, desecration. >> it screams of the same graphics and same type of designs that the nazis used. >> this is my country. >> it's great. >> this is also my country. >> you guys didn't win the culture war. >> get the [ bleep ] out of here now! >> and no one can forget the torch-bearing men in charlottesville, virginia spewing their hate-filled rhetoric. what is behind all this? the adl and those who track hate say there is no doubt political rhetoric is in part to blame. that rhetoric can be subtle or in your face, like u.s. representative steve king, for example, retweeting messages from a known nazi sympathizer. >> i'm not deleting that because then you all pile on me and say king had to apologize, he was wrong, he knows he's guilty. i'm not one bit. i'm human. >> reporter: while trump reaches to the global special interests. >> to the global special interests. >> reporter: when jews are literally under attack, we should have a zero tolerance policy on intolerance. it's unacceptable that anyone from the president to mr. farrakhan to anyone in between should make derisive comments, it's all unacceptable. >> reporter: even the chat site that this killer was using, it's since been taken down but it's too late. >> we've been on gab for many years. we went on there sole live becau -- solely because many of the people who got kicked off of twitter for spreading anti-semitism went to that stit. they're using all kinds of hatred and spinning it amongst themselves. i think it emboldens people and they have a group of people who make them believe what they believe and then it compounds it and makes them think this is actually true. so some of the falsehoods you know about the holocaust, they are having that reinforced again and again and again and again and it just completely shades their mind. they don't understand what it is that they're reading, that's false and they start believing their own rhetoric. >> or they understand it's false but they just don't care. >> don't care. >> sara sidner, thanks very much. back to you, brooke. >> city leaders in pittsburgh are divided over whether the president should be there today. we'll have that and we'll have breaking news. sources tell cnn the justice department is now investigating interior secretary ryan zinke. this is actually under your budget. it's great. mm-hmm. yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters' insurance! man 1: (behind wall) yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too! um... the walls seem a bit thin... man 2: (behind wall) they are! and craig practices the accordion every night! says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. i'm a very shy singer. you're tone deaf! ehh... should we move on to the next one? it's a great building! you'll love it here! we have mixers every thursday. geico®. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. thiuninterrupted streaminglogy geico®. it's easy to switch and save brilliant sound clarity and life-like color. experience dell cinema on the xps 13. get up to $200 off select xps 13 laptops at (intel chime) four years ago, we rejected marshall tuck and his billionaire backers for superintendent of public instruction. but they're back. the corporate billionaires and their handpicked candidate, former wall street banker marshall tuck. tuck's billionaires have spent over $25 million distorting tony thurmond's outstanding record on education. all because they know tuck shares their agenda: diverting funds from our public schools into their corporate charter schools. the same agenda as trump and betsy devos. protect our public schools. say no, again, to marshall tuck. breaking news involving one of the president's cabinet members. sources tell cnn the justice department is now investigating interior secretary ryan zinke. cnn senior white house correspondent pamela brown is with me now for more. pamela, tell me what you know. >> brooke, what we have learned is the justice department is vettive investigating ryan zinke for using his office for personal gain. brooke, we should point out the full extent of the inquiry is unclear, but we do know that zinke has faced ethics questions during his time in office at interior and the inspector general's office has multiple public inquiries into the secretary, including the department's handling of a connecticut casino project, whether the boundaries for a national monument were redrawn to benefit a state lawmaker and kf conversations between zinc and halliburton about an ongoing project. they, as in the justice department, haven't talked to me. it will be the same thing as all the other investigations. i follow all rules, procedures, regulations and most importantly the law. this is another politically driven investigation that has no merit. that is what interior secretary zinke is telling cnn. interior and inspector general's office said it will not comment on justice-related issues but president trump's cabinet secretaries have faced scrutinies over their use of government resources, as we've been reporting for months and that includes former health and human services secretary tom price and housing and urban development secretary ben carson. >> is zinke the only cabinet member being looked into? >> reporter: we learned that


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Hundreds gather to remember the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims 5 years later

Hundreds of Pittsburgh residents, political leaders, family members and survivors came to Schenley Park Friday to remember the 11 victims killed in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting five years ago.


Residents gather to remember victims 5 years after Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

Audrey Glickman’s heart still aches for Joe — especially on Oct. 27 each year. Five years ago on Friday, Glickman and Joseph Charny, her late companion, fled Pervin Chapel when a gunman broke into their Squirrel Hill synagogue and opened fire. They hid inside a room near the choir loft,


Remembering the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims 5 years later

Remembering the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims 5 years later - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


'Remembering and reflecting' : Tree of Life commemoration ceremony honors lives of synagogue massacre victims 5 years later

Hundreds gathered at Prospect Drive in Schenley Park at 3 p.m. on Friday in remembrance of the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue massacre that occurred five years ago on Oct. 27, taking the lives of 11 and wounding six others. Hosted by the 10.27 Healing Partnership, the commemoration featured a candle lighting ceremony by victims’ families, music performances and speeches by various community leaders.


Commemorating the 11 lives taken five years ago in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

Today is a day Pittsburgh will never forget, marking five years since 11 worshippers were shot and killed in the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in United States history.


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