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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20111123

>>reporter: we will take a live look at uc-davis town hall. you can see people there feeling in. the meeting has not yet gotten started but we will bring you that live. yesterday the uc chancellors spoke with students and apologize for what happened on friday. this meeting is being described as an open campus dialogue. meanwhile, uc- davis students pitched about 75 tents in the same spot where those peaceful protesters were pepper sprayed last friday. earlier today students held a press conference to discuss what their intentions were moving forward and they ask for accountability and ask for an individual investigation into friday's incident from the state attorney general. >> we will be able to find out what happened and reform policies. all the things that have been going on on the campus have been very disturbing and things need to change. >>reporter: we will keep tabs of that and bring you the latest. an office in walnut creek say man suspected of vandalizing a bank is associated with the occupy movement. take a look at the surveillance photographs taken of the suspect shot at the walnut creek shopping center. the sergeant says this man in the photograph may be responsible for multiple cases of vandalism in that area. >> what this looks to be is may be some shoe polish or some other type of marker that he is using it is a non destructive marker. one of the cameras at the bank after the suspect in the act of doing the vandalism. we do know that he is a white male in his mid-20s wearing a black sweat shirt with the letters l r g. what the suspect is doing is writing words on the windows and the wall of the banks such as foreclosed and the word anonymous has been appearing regularly as well as fliers and leaflets that have been left around the banks. we have about a half a dozen of the graffiti vandalism that have occurred in the past two weeks to a month. i am also aware of at least three that have occurred in concord and four in a pleasant note. we do not have anything to indicate that he is a danger i presume that he is a part of the occupy movement that is speculation on my point. but based on what we are seeing that looks to be the case. >>reporter: coming up at 6:00 p.m. find out what happened when the vandalism suspect surrendered himself to the walnut creek police. >>pam: friends and family are honoring a bay area marine that was killed in afghanistan. he died on friday and his body was returned to danville on monday with hundreds of people lining the road showing their respects. tonight in a large crowd is expected at a vigil for the marina. dan kerman joins us live with a look at tonight's memorial. >>reporter: good evening we are at oak hill park in danville about one hour from now this park is expected to be filled with people as they hold a candlelight vigil for this 19 year old. as you mentioned, he was killed in afghanistan in combat on friday. and just yesterday hundreds of people from this town had turned out at his family's home to welcome them back and let them know that they are not alone in all of this. the family is expected to be here tonight we are also expecting a congressman to show up tonight people will be lining up on the lawn that you see behind me. this was his first tour of duty with the marines again he was killed in action this past friday. we are about an hour away from the vigil getting underway. when it does will bring it to you live at kron4 news is 6:00 p.m. we will have a full story for you on kron4 news at 8:00 p.m.. >>pam: and other bay area man is being remembered this evening for the difference then he made in the lives of so many people. the vallejo police officer was killed last thursday. tonight the community is coming together to look back in his life and his life on the force as well as his life behind the badge. j.r. stone has a look at tonight's a vigil. >>reporter: right now it is quite at the good samaritan baptist church that you see behind me, but it will be very busy here in 60 minutes as a prayer vigil is forming for the police officer james capoot. not only was he a veteran with the vallejo police the barman but he was a volunteer girls basketball coach and he adopted to kick after their parents were good friends of the family died after a motorcycle accident. i talk with the pastor of the church and he says that james capoot touched a life of many in this community and specifically the youth program in this community. one of the basketball team from vallejo high school will be your as well. reporting in vallejo i am j.r. stone with kron4 news. >>pam: mean while the men suspected of killing officer capoot was expected in court today. the 37 year-old henry albert smith delay his plea. this is his picture, he is not been charged yet. >>pam: coming up on kron4 news at 5:00 p.m. we tell you why three americans were detained in egypt. >>reporter: former bart police officer johannes mazzoli was back in court today this time it is a federal case. i will have details from inside the courtroom coming up. >>gabe: holiday shopping time is almost here, there are some great black friday shopping applications for a smart phones and tablets that will help you find the best deals on tech products. i will show you the best of black friday applications for your phone or tablets to help you find those deals that is coming up in my tech report. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey up to 12 lbs, for just $5 each. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. is unraveling. look at the size of the crowd that is still in cairo right now. somewhere in the middle of it all three u.s. college students are now under arrest. it was a fourth day of violence with protesters and police feeling cairo central square. teargas is everywhere. protesters have been killed and more than 1700 have been injured. the government has been trying unsuccessfully to calm things down that included a plea from the prime minister that offered to resign. >> today, please consider the country's interest. please go back and calm the situation down we are ready to do anything for the country and social you. >>catherine: later the head of the armed forces insisted ap similar appeal. still the protest raids on despite the fact that parliamentary elections are expected to start monday and presidential elections by the end of june. sharply contrasting scenes were played out on the street in one hand a police officer trying to calm the protester by embracing him and is in the top of his neck with not far away other officers could be seen and heard using shotguns on the crowd. it then there is the video showing the three americans student from rent in the cairo holding area ended and conclude they are accused of throwing cocktails' and the protest in front of them various forms of id and bottles of clear liquid no one here looks happy. the 19 year old on the far right looked terrified. that is a character sweeney back in missouri is worried parents are trying to figure out why and how he got involved. want >> not when you are in a dormitory with other students is quite likely that a lot passion was slowing in the room and inevitably it the next thing you know you get caught up in a hike. >>catherine: families is one the three quickly put on a plane and sent home not sure when that will happen there were supposed to question today that has been postponed and the schools and the u.s. state department are working to get more information. >>pam: the congressional support committee has failed to come up with a super solution so congress's back at square one trying to find a way to cut 1.2 trillion dollars from the budget. >>reporter: over the past few months of the super committee went nowhere and the nation's debt went up. now congress is it is time that they went back to the drawing board to reexamine the law that mandates huge budget cuts. >> we need to revisit this and make sure that the cuts are across the board far more and not so heavily directed towards the defense department. >>reporter: the super committee's failure will trigger 1.2 trillion dollars in cuts, half from the military and half from other programs. president obama said that he would veto any softening of the cuts calling on congress to work out and while they're at extend payroll taxes that are set to expire at the end of this year. >> no need to raise taxes on americans during the holidays but the country before record party. with the money back in the pockets of working families do your job. >> i am thinking that congress is failing all the way around. >> this super committee is just a part of the big failure of congress. >>reporter: the u.s. credit rating faces new scrutiny republicans preparing for tuesday night's presidential debate said that president obama has not done enough. >> he was completely disengaged last summer with the debt ceiling fight. >>reporter: mandatory cuts will not take effect until after last--next year's election. >>reporter: this just in to the kron4 newsroom we have been telling you about the situation at uc-davis. there is a town hall meeting following the outbreak of a pepper spray. now here is the chancellor of uc-davis. >> it is a part of our own dna as an institution and is a right it needs to be protected area i am very proud of how the entire student body has responded to these events. and a proud, peaceful and respective manner. i truly understand the frustration and the anchor that students are feeling right now. our economy is in horrible shape employment prospects are the worst in many decades. tuition has been increased by a lot recently. as the advisory panel and the independent reviews are being conducted and there are many of them our immediate job is to unify our campus. this is why i wanted to come here this evening to hear your concerns and to do the best that i can to answer your questions. when we return to campus next week there will be a regents meeting here on campus. i know that you live your voices be heard once again about the need to support higher education and stop the funding cuts and tuition increases. i will incur rigid to express your concerns about where we go. i have been on your side even if at times it seems that the decisions that are made are hard. but i have to tell you... >>reporter: you are listening to a live town hall meeting on the campus of uc-davis. the embattled campus chancellor. she has been asked to resign by many of the students. today she said the officer who was leading the pepper spray and acted without direction and he was not directed to spread the students. student leaders were called for an independent review of the situation we will continue to moderate--to monitor this and bring you the latest developments when they happen. >>jacqueline: as we head into the overnight hours, we will see clouds moved in, this will bring us rain through thanksgiving. take a look at future past, this is that main band of rain. we still see showers in the north, we will see showers in the north bay tomorrow throughout the day. take a look into the afternoon of by 2:00 p.m. that band is starting to approach even closer but we still see showers in to the north bay. later in the evening that is when the rain will start to pick up in the north bay. notice there is no snow in the sierra just yet. we have into the early morning hours some areas of more moderate rain as well. this continues by 6:00 p.m. on thursday but still there is no snow in the sierra. as we head through the rest of thursday your thanksgiving day we continue to see showers. we start to see rain and some snow and the sierra and that will continue through thursday evening and the rain in the bay area will be mostly taper off. noticed by 9:00 p.m. we have dry conditions over lake tahoe. take a look closer at the bay area. a few light showers in the north bay for the early morning hours. for most of the day we will see light showers in the north bay. by noon we have the same story. continuing through the afternoon there comes the main band of rain. cui was start to see more areas of moderate rain. the rain continues through the north bay and then by 68 finally start to spread towards the golden gate. but this system will start to split some will to the north and some to the south as it continues to push through. we will not see that much rain south of the golden gate. maybe about 1 in. or more in the north bay. take a mature extended for cafeteria there are only a couple of inches of snow expected in the highest elevation. if you are making the journey of their for thanksgiving the drive should not be too bad. as we head to the rest of the weekend conditions are looking good as well. stay with us we will be back after this. 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[ female announcer ] and if you call now, your first tow in good hands roadside assistance is free! simply get a quote on any allstate insurance policy. that's a free lifetime membership in good hands roadside assistance just for calling, and a free tow just for quoting. call now! >>pam: black friday lines are already starting this one added outside--this one is a--outside of our best buy. for the first time ever you will be able to get a 60 in. lcd televisions for under $1,000. you're buying habits are worth billions of dollars to companies that is why two malls will track best movement on black friday. one is located in southern california they will know where you go when you shop you get coffee after victoria's secret or basin above and after radio shack. the tracking will not divulge personal information instead if called unique identification number of each phone. shoppers have the option to opt out. we will be right back. >>pam: coming up we tell you why graffiti is being called an important archaeological find concluded for 99.99! diamond bracelets save at this thanksgiving... ...and in store at 4am on black friday! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone. christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything. what if santa can't find me? to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >>pam: strong odors are back in concord and folks in town are increasingly concerned about potential health hazards. how this as they continue to try and clean up an old meet in the east bay. we took the cameras in and they found a truck loading up dirt in taking away to an unknown location. two weeks ago an oil leak was discovered at on this property very teresa estacio reports that residents say the situation is getting worse and they are becoming more worried. >>reporter: this pocket of homes in the subdivision is back up to the oil leak site. neighbors tell us that the smell has been so on pleasing. at night the odor is particulary bad. >> we cannot sleep at night because it is in the home. my son said he wanted his window open last night and i told him no because i did not want him to be reading that all night. we do not know what to do. >>reporter: another neighbor tells kron4 news that he and his wife suffered headaches and nausea. >> it will definitely give you a headache and an upset stomach. >>reporter: others are increasingly frustrated saying that comical philips has done a poor job of informing neighbors of the cleanup job in the operation. >> these people have done nothing to let us know when the smell to will go away and what they're doing >>reporter: reporter our calls went unanswered and no one at the job site but talk with us. >>pam: the contra costa a health department said a hazardous material crew to the side today the issued this statement. they say the staff found no problems. the older may have been caused by the ongoing cleanup methods. also, as contamination is moved there may be older in the area but that does not pose a significant health risk. health department officials tells us that if someone feels ill, they should see a doctor immediately. and they will continue to keep a close eye on the situation there. air quality control, the state fire marshal and the water board are all involved in overseeing the project. there is an unusual approach is going on in san francisco. a woman in the bayview hunters point neighborhood has moved her living room on to the street. she has set up right in front of home celebrating thanksgiving with neighbors and community activists there. the woman received an eviction notice days before the thanksgiving holiday. the group contends that she and others in the neighborhood are victims of predatory loans that should be renegotiated. >> she is clearly living out here to show what would happen to a lot of friends and neighbors not does in this community but throughout san francisco and probably other states also. they are being put out for the holidays. will give you an eviction notice from your property on the 22nd of november? or even december before christmas? >> this is the first home that actually purchased on my own and i am going to stay here. i think that we should have some sort of rights. and work with us, it is not like we are not trying to pay, we are just asking for some assistance in writing the bad loans. >>pam: vivian richardson the woman you just heard from there was told that she must vacate her home before the 31st of december. today was the first day of witness testimony in johanna's mazzoli civil trial. you can see the former bart police officer in this is the leading court and just moments ago. he is being sued for an incident several weeks before he shot and killed oscar grant. the plaintiff in this case claims that johannes mehserle and four other officers use excessive force against him after a verbal confrontation. maureen kelly was inside the courtroom today. >>reporter: johannes mr. lee appeared in sight of a federal court room he displayed no emotion here at the trial. he simply listened intently to the proceedings along with four other officers named in the lawsuit. his father and odd were in the courtroom observing the trial. he made his opening statements saying they johannes mehserle did not stop an assault. >>reporter: 8 bart station agent that was a witness on the night to the stand, johannes mr. lee is expected to testify during the trial that is back in session on wednesday i am maureen kelly with kron4 news. >>pam: the man that was accused of opening fire on the police officers back in 1968 pleaded no contest today. prosecutors say that he started shooting at the police when they tried to arrest them for credit card fraud. he fled before the original 1969 sentencing. he turned himself into authorities earlier this month after spending three days hiding out in michigan. he faces a maximum of 15 years in prison. >>jacqueline: rain is on the way as we take a look at storm tracker. take a look at the rain for tomorrow. it will be very important over the next couple of days at the start to get the holiday traveling under way. by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning as you can see there is heavy rain moving into the area. by 2:00 p.m., the heavy rains days to the north of us and we see light showers through the north bay. this will continue through most of tomorrow and by 10:00 p.m. you see the heavier rain storms to approach. notice that lake tahoe is still dry at this time. if you plan on heading to the sierra tomorrow this would not be a bad time to do it. now we have rain through the north bay and still, lake tahoe is dried. now take a look their rainfall totals and your extended forecast coming up. >>reporter: decision 2012 who'll win the republican nomination for president? as a good question but it is tough to tell. this is a live look tonight at the gop debate that is taking place in washington d.c.. the topic is national security and in most polls, mit romney is no longer leading he is either tied with new gingrich or he is trailing. this is the first chance that new gingrich has a chance to debate in front of america as a front runner. >> so just to clarify you would not change the patriot at? >> i would not change it, i will look at strengthening it because i think that the dangers are literally that great. >>reporter: he was being asked about the patriot act right there. certainly the patriot act was signed into law by then president george w. bush. it basically gives law-enforcement agencies and government agencies more access into people's personal information. we will keep tabs on this and bring all the highlights will have another update tonight at 6:30 p.m.. >>reporter: -- >>kimberlee: the white house and democratic committee are slamming mit romney. this all has to do with his old teammate out of context.-- he made out of context. take a look. >>kimberlee: in and president obama says if we keep talking about the economy were going to lose, that is only a sliver of what he actually said. the president made the comment in 2008 the entire says the following. >>kimberlee: mit romney campaign provide the full context of the but those watching have no such a disclaimer. the advisers say the ad is fair because president obama is now desperate not to talk about the economy will be back after this quick break. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey up to 12 lbs, for just $5 each. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. >>catherine: the dow lost 54 points and the nasdaq fell two. and rob black is here to discuss this. >> yesterday we had that super committee to--not as big as an effect yesterday as it is today korea--for today. >>catherine: let us look dan netflix they are continuing to have problems. robert >> they borrowed a little bit and then the nation's top for the rest. this was a company that had it all and more six months ago. they raised prices 60% the backlash was huge they said it would separate the dvd service from the streaming service the backlash was huge they handled it wrong >>catherine: this one line says they do not expect to make any money in fact they expect to lose money for all of 2012. >> you cannot own the stock in 2012 because they say we will lose money in 2012 so maybe because six months and maybe in june 2012 we can revisit it. this was one of the greatest stocks from three to five years and then it cracked. from hyper growth to we do not even know any more now they're losing money they are not even growing. >>catherine: can they come back? >> i do not think so. >>catherine: and a another loser births. is this tied to the economy? >> yes usually when the economy is poor people do not want to have children it is expensive. but this plays into johnson and johnson, kimberly-clark and rubbermaid who make car seats. this plays into the future social security tax payers. the census gives us the birthday that every year. and this is bad for our economy. what if we get married and we have a baby and then we decide to buy a house and we have another baby and we say we need another house. so this is bad for the big picture. >>catherine: and now a winner is z homeinga. --a winner is zinga. >> this is how a company releases a press release that they say lookout exciting we are. they are about to come public. the video game market index very competitive. they are cute they have a very great relationship with facebook but with that being said, we want the earnings before we buy into the sizzle of the story of the revenue. >>catherine: ok see you later. >>gabe: holiday shopping time is almost here there are some great black friday shopping applications for smart phones and tablets that can help you find the best deals on tech products. this is the biggest website for it finding the black friday deals. mark the bfads app provide you the best deals for black friday. and shot savvy is a free application is a good way to see if you're getting the cheapest deal on an item. if not it will tell you if it is cheaper at a nearby store or cheaper online if it is cheaper online you can buy it right then and there and they will ship it to you. next up, this application works the same way. it compares what you will buy and the store with the prices on amazon the often have a better deal because the offer free shipping and no tax. walgreen's is getting into the black friday mix they have a free application that will include built-in coupons for up to 50% off. and i love the last two, there are brilliant you can use this free application call fast mall, it shows interactive maps of any mall to help you get around fast to the stores they need to find. you can even tell it to navigate into the store using only elevators and escalators. it is like gps for inside of the mall. and this one also freak will do the same thing but works with a regular retail store. when you are in a store you can search by an item in this will tell you what i'll it is in. that can save you time, i love it. i am gabe slate with kron4 >>jacqueline: rain is on the way and it could affect your travel plans especially if you're headed up north. most of the west coast is seen rain at this hour. if you have plans and go up north you will likely see some flight delays. if you are hitting the road, definitely be more careful. now take a look at tomorrow will see showers to the north bay. this continues to the morning hours until noon, we continue to see the showers in the north bay. we will continue to see those in the early afternoon and the main band of rain will start to approach ticket the rain is north of santa rosa and that will start to push in into the late evening hours. by 2:00 a.m. we have areas of moderate rain to the north bay. notice most of the rain continues to 6:00 p.m.. we will see the the rain south of the golden gate after this. the system will start to split any will see some of the rain go that way and some down to the south. then into the afternoon for thursday look like to see mainly dry conditions. as for the rainfall totals, let us take a look by 6:00 p.m. on wednesday we see rain in the north bay and we will see light showers through the day. the rainfall totals are not too high at that point as we head into the overnight hours, this is when the main band of rain is pushing in. later as the rest of the rain pushes through, we are left with an inch at a quarter of rain and about one-third in a bottle and a half inch in napa. as for the sierra we will not see a lot of snow, the higher elevations will get snow on thursday morning and increasing clouds out there tomorrow. two to 4 in. of snow above 7,000 ft. and then into friday mostly sunny conditions. if you are traveling up tomorrow through the sierra travel back on friday, saturday and will have dry conditions through the weekend and into next week. here is a look your extended forecast. the rain tomorrow and through most of the day in the north bay and have a few showers possible into thursday afternoon but mainly dry conditions and that will last all the way through the we can into next week. stay with us. >>kimberlee: i am kimberlee sakamoto take a look at this, too little boys took flour and click all over their parents' home. the mom says it by now all of it, or most of it is cleaned up. we will be right back. honey...? 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[ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. >>pam: live at 6:00 p.m. we have our fallen heroes. and president obama get a firsthand the occupy movement how he reacted after protesters interrupted his speech. with you are staying home or heading out of town we have your holiday forecast. and why one of the biggest attractions for the macy's thanksgiving day parade may be missing this year. [music] >>pam: tonight at 6:00 p.m. to communities are paying respects to to fallen heroes. on the left of your screen we are live in danville tonight and many are remembering a 19 year- old marine who was killed in afghanistan. on the right- hand side of your screen family and friends are remembering a vallejo police officer that was killed in a line of duty. these are the men that are being remembered tonight. this 19 year old marine lance corporal joshed died on friday. and then the 45 year old vallejo police officer james capoot was fatally shot while pursuing a bank robbery suspect last thursday. we start with dan kerman who is live in danville at the memorial for the fall in marine. >>reporter: pam i do not know if you can see behind me the several hundred people turned out to pay their respects to joshua will corral and his family. this vigil is just about to get under way here. this is in danville as you know several hundred people turned out yesterday to pay their respects to the family as they were returning from dover air force base. they are here again for tonight's vigil. we spoke with one of the family members a cousin of joshua will corral who talked a little bit about him. >> i think everyone knows what he brought to everyone spirit with happiness and smiles. he was such a great guy and i have never experienced a time with my cousin that was not fun and exciting and just full hearted. he is just this guy that wants to put smiles on your face that was his goal. >>reporter: members of the community turned out yesterday to let the family know that they were not alone in this. we asked him if this turnout was a surprise to him and he said not at all that is just with this community is all about turning about is coming in to support people in need. he says this helps him and the rest of the family get through this terrible experience. will have a full report for you tonight coming up at 8:00 p.m.. reporting live in danville i am dan kerman with kron4 news. >>pam: a vigil is under way to remember officer james capoot. j.r. stone joins us from that vigil live in vallejo. >>reporter: this vigil started in the last five minutes or so at the missionary baptist church in vallejo. as you did this, you can see all the different uses that are here. i talked with the pastor earlier this evening pastor terence nevilles and he says that james couple had such a big impact on the use. that is why they want to have a prayer vigil this evening. you may remember him last week he was the man that was chasing the bank robber when he was shot and killed. but keep in mind, this is a man that was also a volunteer basketball coach on the girls' varsity basketball team at vallejo high school. this is a man who is friends had died in a motorcycle wreck so he went above and beyond to adopt their children. while this chase was going on in vallejo last week all the schools rollmop down so this has had a very big impact on the use in vallejo and again, this is just another reason why so many of the people showed up tonight and why so many of the news came out here including many girls from the basketball team over at a high school. now you will hear what they had to say in my 8:00 story later tonight. it of this prayer vigil is underway as we speak. pam, back to you in the studio. >>pam: and a town hall is still going on on the campus of uc-davis is meant to provide some answers after the uc-davis police officers were videotaped last friday spraying students with pepper spray. this is the tent encampment set up outside on the campus grounds. the chancellor said today that it appears that the lieutenant was not directed to pepper spray the students and that he acted on his own. she says the students if they choose to protest again have an opportunity to show the nation a positive side of their campus. >> i know that if you protest on monday which is your right, you will show california and the rest of the nation the best of uc- davis by doing it peacefully and respectfully. it is our senior opportunity after the horrible events on friday to show that this campus can expressed frustration and express our anger and do it in a civil way. >>pam: the schools police chief lt. pike and and another officer scene sprang to the protesters have all been placed on administrative leave. >>pam: this is surveillance video, a photograph of the suspect taken while allegedly vandalizing a bank in walnut creek over the weekend. the sergeant explains the role that the picture played in tracking down the suspect. >> as a result of that photograph we got some leads, some tips that came in this morning identifying the person as jerry bedicare he came down and admitted to the crime. he said he did not think he was committing a crime since he used a non destructive market was not his intent to do any harm he wanted to get his message out he is a part of the occupy movement and thought this was a good way to get his message out. >> the reason he is not behind bars because this particular crime is a misdemeanor since it is a misdemeanor not committed in our presence we do now have the authority to arrest without an arrest warrant or a search warrant or a citizen's arrest so he was not arrested today. >>pam: in fact sgt hill says the vandalism suspect was free to leave the station after that brief conversation and at this point the walnut police say the case will be written up and place in the hands of the district attorney's office where the decision will be made on whether or not to pursue any charges. occupy oakland demonstrators have set up a camp at a home in foreclosure. tents have been set up near 18th and linden street. the protesters have the blessing of the former occupant but however not every neighbor in the neighborhood are in favor of the encampment one neighbor said he is concerned about the safety in a sanitary nature of the new occupy location. in santa rosa, tetns without permits were removed from city hall. police say campers' without permits left voluntarily. there was no resistance and no arrests were made, campers with permits were allowed to remain. some have been at this site since october 15th and receive permission to obtain camping permits at a city council meeting on november 10th. the city issued permits for 29 campsites but many say they boycotted the permit process in part because of the conditions that were attached by the city. president obama got to witness the occupy movement firsthand. protesters were in the audience as president obama made an appearance in new hampshire are today. he was there to speak out about jobs and call on republicans in congress to approve his proposed extension of the payroll tax cuts. it did not take long before the occupiers and stole the show. >>pam: the group continued to chant as president obama stood in silence. and then the people that want to hear president obama speak started chanting the president's name back. before getting back to his original, he addressed the occupy movement. >> a lot of the people that have been down in new york and all across the country in the occupy movement, there is a profound sense of frustration, there is a profound sense of frustration about the fact that the essence of the american dream which is if you work hard, if you stick to it, that you can make it. it feels like that is slipping away and that is not the way things are supposed to be not here and not in america. pam >> president obama plans to travel to pennsylvania next week to talk about his job agenda. he is scheduled to visit the vice president childhood home in stratton. >>jacqueline: rain is approaching as we head into the thanksgiving travel season. on storm tracker for you can see a band of clouds are approaching. now let us take a wider view picture because if you're heading up north you will see plenty of rain through seattle, oregon and northern california at this hour. flights of north will likely be delayed with these periods of moderate rain to tomorrow. this band will continue so this will start to affect eastern oregon also idaho and nevada as well. now take a look at our weather headlines. increasing clouds locally and chilly conditions tonight into tomorrow we will see a few showers and then we will have late evening rain through the rest of the bay area. for thanksgiving day will have lingering rain in the early morning hours with possible afternoon showers as well. now up to the north, we will see a very heavy band of rain for tomorrow morning look at that deep shade of red indicating heavy rainfall right at the border. if you are driving up north, definitely be careful if you are flying up north there will be periods of moderate rain. now, let us extend this out into wednesday afternoon. notice we see showers in the north bay. the rain has not hit yet, by 10:00 p.m. we will see this finally start to push into the north bay and then later on to early thursday morning the showers continue mainly through the north bay not this out as golden gate. as you have to the sierra the snow has not started yet we will see snow into thanksgiving day. i will have details on that will have a closer look at the bay area coming up. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. >>catherine: you are looking at the former assistant football clubs back on november 5th. and he has ever been left on want--and he to him has been released on $100,000 bail. we now the dow was down again but only by a four.. monday's sell- off was prompted by the failure of the congressional support committee to agree on a plan to try to cut the federal deficit. but partisan deadlock disappointed in lot of americans did not surprise imperium >> this super committee is just a part of the big failure. >> congress is failing all the way around. >>catherine: there is one silver lining for the members of congress their approval rating cannot go much lower. only a few people have scored lower than this, three are as follows. scoring higher approval rates, richard nixon at a height of the watergate scandal. bp at the height of the gulf oil spill crisis and wall street banks at the height of the 2008 financial collapse. americans rank congress lower than pornography or the idea of a communist government unless there is a dramatic turnaround the general dislike of congress could have a major impact on next year's elections. when political scientists estimate the ugly mood of the voters could cost an extra 25 incumbents that don't get reelected. >>catherine: only 30 percent of people approved of the democratic leadership for republican leaders, 23 percent. when congress may win a couple points, a bill that is being introduced in the senate will allow air travelers to get one check your back for free. right now most airlines charge for the privilege southwest is one of the few exceptions. two democratic senate-- senators have introduced that bill. and they say airport security has dropped to the lowest level they're down 59% since 2004 there was a little bit of a spike last november when the tsa began to use the controversial pat down and began to use more bystanders. maybe people are just getting used to all. [music] >>jacqueline: big changes as we head into tomorrow, we will see rain moving back into the bay area. we have increasing cloud coverage as the rain approaches. you have a chance of north bay showers throughout the day tomorrow, for the rest of the bay area it will be mostly cloudy. at 3:00 p.m. the rain will approach into for joe quite cool rather tomorrow in the fifties and low 60s. now for tomorrow morning we have rain in the north bay as we continue to the morning hours you will see spotty light showers to the north bay. this continues through the morning hours and to the noon hour is an end to the early afternoon hours. then, as we see the main band of rain approaching by 8:00 we have heavy rain approaching santa rosa. will start to see more moderate rain through the north bay into the 2:00 hour. rain will start to go little more south of the golden gate. but still it is mainly sitting in the north bay and will see its to the park by the 9:00 hour. we will not see a lot of rain south of the golden gate, but definitely north of the golden gate we will see some pretty significant totals. take a look at the future passed through tomorrow evening. the rainfall totals are not too bad. this is where will see the showers through the north bay and through tomorrow evening. the rainfall totals are under a quarter of and into watches they jump up on thursday morning. this is as the main band of rain pushes through. >>jacqueline: now as for snow in the sierra, we are not expecting a lot of that either. we will see a little bit of snow into thanksgiving. here's a look that you're talking forecast for the next few days to. notice that it is still pretty mild, 51 degrees for tomorrow afternoon and two to 4 in. of snow expected. into friday we have mostly sunny skies. if you're traveling up to the sierra make sure you do it tomorrow and come back after thanksgiving will be in the clear. temperatures are on the cool side for sure. now a licking your extended forecasts, the rain is expected to roll in tomorrow maybe in the north bay and then into tomorrow night and thursday morning will see rain for the rest of the bay area. showers are possible but we will see dry conditions through the weekend and into next week stay with us will be back after this. officials and san francisco just launched a website let us take a look of this. you can support our troops, neighborhood parks and recreation accept or. once you know what you want to donate to, you can print out a form or if you would like to donate online you can click on donate now. now on the next page when you click donate now, you can check mark the agency there is also a spot where you can dedicate your donation in memory or in honor of someone. you type in the amount you want to donate. the city treasurer says that the idea for the web site came when a resident said his check saying that he knew the city was short on funds and he wanted to help. to check out the give to sf--give2sf visit our kron4 facebook fan page. will be back after this break. $@ [ female announcer ] when something isn't right, you like to take care of it immediately. ♪ so when it was time to switch to a medicare plan, you called anthem blue cross. and when your granddaughter's band struggled with your favorite song, you knew exactly what to do. give it to me. ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you're still more rocker than rocking chair... that's why we've created medicare solutions that are just right for you. we have plans with low monthly premiums. plus you have the freedom to choose your own doctor and the comfort of knowing you are protected from high out-of-pocket costs. but this is a limited time offer. so call today to schedule an in-home visit, attend a local seminar, or get answers right over the phone. if you're eligible for medicare, you only have until december 7th to switch to anthem blue cross. so call anthem today at 1-855-born2bwild. that's 1-855-267-6229. >>pam: the macy's thanksgiving day parade could be missing a fan favorite. high winds could force the parade officials to ground the massive parade balloons. forecasters are expecting a big storm to move through on wednesday packing wind gust up to 37 mi. per hour. the officials worry that the wind could carry over into thanksgiving morning. parade rules ban the balloon from flying at the winds gusted up to 34 mph. parade officials say they will decide whether not the balloons will fly an hour before the parade starts. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey up to 12 lbs, for just $5 each. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. >>reporter: here in danville several hundred community members have turned out to pay their respect to a 90 year-old marine that was killed in afghanistan on friday. there is a big turnout community willing to let the family know that they do not have to go through this alone. >>reporter: in vallejo, a prayer vigil has been held for officer james capoot. he is the police officer that was shot in a line of duty he was also a volunteer at the vallejo high-school and he has three daughters. >>reporter: at uc-davis, you can see that more tents sprang up in the area. the students are upset and calling for the resignation of chancellor the student government has made a resolution calling for an independent investigation into the case by the state attorney general. the student government also wants those responsible for making the decision to use pepper spray to be fired. >>reporter: in san francisco the former bart police officer johannes mazzoli appeared in sight of a federal court room this time it is a civil case with no connection to the oscar grant killing. johannes mehserle and four other bart police officers are being sued by a man that claims they used excessive force against him the defense lawyer said that johannes mehserle acted to stop an assault on another officer in the first witnesses on the stand was at johannas middle east retired boss. >>reporter: officials of the walnut creek the part released a photograph of a vandalism suspect that was targeting banks with graffiti as a part of the occupy movement the 23 year- old man surrendered himself but the investigators decided not to arrest him. >> the reason that he is not behind bars is because he committed a misdemeanor crime that was not committed in our present and we do not have the authority to arrest and without an arrest warrant, a search warrant, or a citizen's arrest. >>reporter: here in concord residents are complaining about an obnoxious odor in the air. two weeks ago an oil leak was discovered out here. comical philips is cleaning up the situation the health department has been out here and they say so far they have not established any kind of health risks but they are monitoring the situation. in concord i am teresa estacio with kron4 news. >>reporter: in san francisco the california group released its dangerous toys. they say first day with from toys that have small pieces that could become choking hazards and avoid noisy toys that could hurt a young child's hearing and toys with high levels of lead such as this book could hurt the young child's mental development. >>reporter: in san francisco you what i see any type construction like this in union square during the holidays that according to a spokesperson. now take a look this, the crews are working to remove everything by wednesday. they are taking a mandatory holiday break and will be back january 3rd. the nearby employees and business owners are welcoming the move with open arms. >> a cram's everyone into one space in if it impossible to move so this will be really useful when it is all gone. >>reporter: the construction is a part of the central subway project. >>gabe: and tech news, holiday shopping time is almost here there are some great black friday applications for smart phones and tablets that can help you find the best deals. be sure to tune in at 8:00 p.m. tonight i am gabe slate and i will be featuring that and my tech report. >>reporter: we are watching the gop presidential debate happening now in washington d.c.. tonight's topic is national security and foreign policy. this is the first debate since the former house >> newt gingrich surged near the top of the polls. one of the highlights so far >> newt gingrich and congressman ron paul they do not merely see eye to eye on the patriot at that gives the government more access into people's personal information that allows or prevention of terrorism. >>pam: the government should be on defense and that you are innocent until proven guilty national security the government should have more tools to save our lives. >> i think the patriotic beale is unpatriotic because it undermined our liberty. i am concerned as everyone is about a terrorist attack. timothy mcveigh was a vicious terrorist who was arrested. >> timothy mcveigh succeeded that is a whole point. [applause] >> he killed a lot of americans i did not want a law that says after week killed many people in a major american city will make a lot and then come and find you. i want us to say that we are going to come and stop you if you even tried to take out a major city. >>reporter: this decision making process for voters is right around a corner right after the holidays. we will have more from this debate coming up at 8:00 p.m.. >>stanley: now that we are getting closer to the holiday season it is important to remember that your car is not a safe. as you see it if you can see it it can be stolen like the iphone charging in the front of this truck or what about this blackberry sitting in plain view in a parking lot in an east bay town? >>stanley: why did you leave your gps in the window? the >> because i am about to get in the car and use it. >>stanley: how long were you in the gym? >> an hour. >>stanley: we will go round and look for things that these may also be looking for in the next edition of people behaving badly. >>jacqueline: we have rain on the radar. it is going to be pushing in through the overnight hours into tomorrow. let us take a look at the just updated future passed with showers in the north bay for tomorrow morning. as we advance to see showers continuing through the later morning hours even a pocket of more moderate rain north of santa rosa. the early afternoon hours we have light showers continuing. at the 6:00 hour, the rainiers santa rosa and then we have heavier rain about 8:00 in the evening. we have more moderate to heavy rain in oakland, santa rosa and in approaching petaluma. into the 4:00 hour on thanksgiving day the rain for the north bay is more moderate. we have rain south of the golden gate and we will continue to see it through the morning hours tapering off into the afternoon with a chance of showers on thursday afternoon as well. in the extended forecast shows the system pushing through right in time for thanksgiving. if you are heading to the sierra it looks pretty good. as you head back on your return trip friday and for the we can we expect a dry conditions. stay with us will be back after this. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. >>kimberlee: less than three weeks after groupon went public shares plunged for a second in a row. they sank as much as 19% to hit $20.30 which is is 35 more than the ipo price. some take analysts say the company was dragged down over concern that profit margins will be squeezed by surging marketing costs and competition from rivals such as living back by amazon. 2011 was not a great year for netflix it does not look like next year will be kinder. netflix is announced to expect to lose money for all 2012. this news comes after a wave of subscribers jumping ship after a price hike earlier this year. >>pam: coming next, gary takes questions from you the viewers of a little segment that we like to call a gary. and for thursday's harbaugh bowl, why did >>james: and john's parents decide to cash the game on tv? gary has the answer up next. >>gary: did evening do know that and to look if he won it could play another season of high school football. he is eligible to come out and play, but a couple of sources have leaked the media that he will indeed go into the nfl draft. right now indianapolis is without a win, they would have to be the front runner for luck. 31 touchdown passes and eight interceptions the cardinals are 10 and one. this sets up an intriguing story with the all-time great pagan manning try to come back from an injury. again the word is he will be going prokaryote and supporters got their wish to date for the bart alone. the bottle is among 26 of modern candidates for the 2012 class. roger craig in former raider tim brown are on the list. it will go down to 15 in january and this is one of those deals, the man that was the owner for five super bowl championship teams how long can that crimea--cry me committed as debartalo will have his turn. and mom and dad harbaugh say they do not will to be distracted so they will watch the game on television rather than from the stadium saying that they did not want to basically the like the mannings' that were shown over and over again on television. here are >>james: and john and will not be there on television. >> there was some times when he knocked down hurdles for me and put in a word to the baskin-robbins baseball coach you know coach want you to get a look at my younger brother he is really good. >> i am very proud of jim and what is accomplished and always has been throughout the years even junior high and high school warplane together. >> we were in high school every teacher said ok you are john's brother, john is such a good student. i am sure you will be just like him. and i was thinking i am not john. >> if it is a message that will talk about family a little bit that is what we want this program to be about. >>gary: thursday night, this will be a game i will probably miss about 5:20 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. i will be enjoined thanksgiving with the kron4 news. are you working thanksgiving? pam >> yes but you can come into if you like. >>gary: of hell no, who comes in thanksgiving? [laughter] >>gary: mike would you be here? >> i will be here. vern? >> i will be right there. >>gary: but seriously i cannot expect or think of a better family to have thanksgiving with. >>pam: you have never been here with us on thanksgiving even before the kids were born. >>gary: now we manage people say listen i am your friend i will bring you take, you get to know pam and then they get to know you and before you know it, you are loggerheads. me, keep your distance and smiled. >> everyone loves pam. >>gary: should i bring out a list? [laughter] >>gary: now a lot of us and say it has the camp for the dodgers, but ryan had some big numbers and of course milwaukee made the playoffs. he is the first ruler since 1989 to win the awards. now joe nathan, when he was with the giants he was a really nice guy. but then there was no room for him remember the controversy, they put mark gardner in the fifth spot in the rotation and then he said the me out of here. he ended up in minnesota and now he is traded to texas. here's a guy that suffered a severe arm injury two years ago. 14 and a half million dollars, he will be the closer for the texas rangers. joe nathan is a nice guy who bounced back. and baseball has a new labor agreement. this was a press conference today, there is a new collective bargaining agreement the deal ensures and no work stoppage but just strikes or lock out in baseball for the next five years. one of the biggest aspects of the new deal is that today's g h testing will take place in berlin training in the off-season and not during the season. anyway, there is a lot of rhetoric but the bottom line is that you will have baseball. >>gary: good news for hockey fans. last night city crosby... >> he returned finally! >>gary: she is the best player in the game is he not? >> he is and it will be reset if he gets hit again, because if he gets hit by the did the first time now he will be more prone to concussions. >>gary: now you know the score real well. this guy is the best player in the lead, will the players into chile go after him? >>jacqueline: now they will. before the instigator rule, people did their heads taken off of they tried to go after a superstar and now they will get penalized for it. so no one is there to protect the superstars and this puts them in more risk to have their career end early. >>gary: i will say this on the eve of thanksgiving. that is really dirty to have a member of the panel on this now when we return, it is unrehearsed and on and it's it is hank aaron time when i use my name in the third person, it ishe--it is ghe hey gary time. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey up to 12 lbs, for just $5 each. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. >>gary: now does cannot believe the 49ers can keep going at this pace baltimore is really good and they have to win. the 49ers could lose four in a row and still wind almost a baltimore. >> i know this thursday is all about harbaugh king but gary has yukon is lost--but jerry have you lost your sibling at any time? >>gary: if i thought my sister to begin serving out a quick before we started. [laughter] >> how come no one is talking about the raiders? >>gary: that is a good question because two brothers are killing each other as head coaches for the first time in history. the raiders will get back maybe for the next two weeks it will be all raiders around here. i will give you my word on that. >>pam: we will see you at 8:00 p.m.. jessica simpson to take down mariah carey and jenny craig? plus, can a kardashian win a "dancing with the stars"? they can do anything. i'm kevin frazier. >> and i'm brooke anderson. "the insider" is on. is kim your good luck charm, rob? >> kim's brother after dark. could rob steal the mirrorball tonight? >> sister kim's first "dancing with the stars'" appearance since her divorce news. did ex kris just sue her for $10 million? before their ama reunion, did j. lo have a romantic rendezvous with marc in erto rico? exclusive. before he was worth $300 million, simon cowell on the day he went broke. >> lost my money and my house.


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