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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20160822

"nbc nightly news" reporting tonight from the olympic games in rio. peter alexander. >> good evening on this wet and windy night. the rio olympics will draw to a close with a final exclamation point. a carnival-like closing ceremony. a fitting end to the first games in south america. for its part, team usa punctuated an historic performance securing 121 total medals, the most won by americans in three decades, the third most ever. null and the brazilian hosts are reveling after earning gold in this country's most popular sport. here's nbc's stephanie gosk. >> reporter: as the soccer team goes, so goes the country. at least that is what many brazilians believe. >> neymar has a chance to make history. >> reporter: in the final moments of the shootout in maracana stadium, you could see it in their faces. >> blows the whistle to put brazil out of their misery. >> reporter: only two years ago during the semifinal of the world cup, brazil lost in the same stadium to the same team. a crushing 7-1. >> neymar right-footed takes it and scores! >> reporter: when that final goal sailed in, it wasn't the country's first soccer gold medal, it was redemption. >> brazil strike olympic gold for the first time in their history! >> reporter: a fitting end to top off two weeks of an olympics that made plenty of history. michael phelps, katie ledecky and allyson felix. just in the last 24 hours, more u.s. gold. and matthew centrowitz won the 1500 meter in a nail-biter finish. >> desperately trying to hold on. he got it! >> reporter: something no american man has done in more than 100 years. >> i just kind of was, yeah, dumb-founded a little bit in what i just accomplished. >> reporter: claressa shields won her second straight gold in boxing. in fact the u.s. women were so successful that if they were they own country they would be tied for second in total gold medals. helping the count, women's basketball and star elaina delladonne. >> it's awesome. women have been taking over and doing such a great job. it's been a really exciting olympics. >> reporter: not least for simone biles who won five medals, four of them gold. tonight she is carrying the u.s. flag in the closing ceremony. it all comes to an end tonight in maracana. the theme of opening ceremony is carnival. they are bringing in samba students from schools around the city. but they are going to be battling the weather, the wind, and the rain. they have recorded wind gusts as high as 55 miles an hour in rio tonight. peter? >> all right, stephanie, stay dry out there. thank you. as for swimmer ryan lochte and his teammates who were caught up in the embarrassing episode here last weekend, the head of the u.s. olympic committee said today there will be further action against them, though he wasn't any more specific. for his part, lochte is apologizing for his behavior after getting drunk and claiming the americans were robbed at gunpoint. in an exclusive interview with matt lauer, lochte was asked about two of his teammates were detained here in rio. >> when you saw the news coverage of gunnar and jack being taken off the plane in the airport and you knew and you just said to me, they didn't damage anything in that gas station. and you're sitting at home in the united states, safe and sound, how did it make you feel? >> hurt. i mean, i -- i let my team down. and, you know, i'm just really sorry about -- i'm embarrassed for myself, my family, especially those guys, usa swimming, the whole olympic games, everyone watching. it's just -- i was immature and i made a stupid mistake. i'm human. i made a mistake and i definitely learned from this. and i'm just really sorry. >> and you can see much more of matt's exclusive interview with ryan lochte tomorrow morning on "today." authorities in turkey are blaming isis tonight for a mass suicide attack that shattered a wedding party, leaving more than 50 people dead. adding to the shock, reports that the bomber was a child as well. we get more tonight from nbc's matt bradley. >> reporter: today in turkey overwhelming grief after a wedding massacre. a suicide bomber's savage attack stunned a country where acts of terror have become almost routine. turkey's president blamed the attack on islamic state. the bomb tore through this narrow street where wedding guests had been dancing. many would not make it home. people were lying in pools of blood, said this woman who rushed to the scene. i feel powerless. more than 50 were killed and scores injured, many of them children. but perhaps most stunning, officials said the bomber was just a child too, aged 12 to 14. a chilling tactic but not a new one for isis. >> a lot of these children are orphans or victims of war themselves. so psychologically and emotionally, it's much easier for handlers to groom them into being suicide bombers. >> reporter: turkey is on the front lines of isis. the group is thought to have struck the country many times before, most recently in istanbul's airport, where 45 people were killed. in the heart of istanbul's tourist district in january, and in ankara last year. it's all part of turkey's growing instability. just weeks ago top military generals rebelled against president erdogan in a failed coup. such political turmoil could weaken the army, just as it confronts a powerful terrorist enemy. matt bradley, nbc news. back in the u.s., this has been a weekend of severe weather stretching from texas to michigan and there are more storms forecast for tonight. nbc's morgan radford has our report. >> reporter: winds of up to 70 miles an hour, whipping through america's heartland, with two reports of tornadoes touching down in ohio, two more in indiana. this as heavy rains pounded the pavement in michigan. seven possible tornado touchdowns reported there overnight. >> it was just like the movies. i have watched the "wizard of oz" i know what a twister looks like. >> reporter: the twisters reportedly landing just south of grand rapids, uprooting trees and knocking down power lines, leaving traffic lights dangling in the wind. as first responders raced to help victims. >> took out the swingset, took out my garden. it's scary. you don't know what to do or where you're staying. >> reporter: families forced to wade through 7 inches of rain, their cars stranded after that same storm system triggered unprecedented flooding in kansas. in texas, the national weather service warning some residents to move to higher ground as flash floods damaged homes and businesses just south of san antonio. >> this is probably the most rain i have seen at one time. >> reporter: in austin, rising waters left this road completely flooded. now, south texas bracing for more damage with the possibility of heavy downpours overnight. meanwhile, families across the country stand among shattered homes and ruined neighborhoods, stitching the pieces back together. morgan radford, nbc news, new york. in politics, donald trump's campaign suggested this weekend that his policy for dealing with undocumented immigrants may not be set in stone as the candidate, at least for now, seems to be staying on message. we get the latest tonight from nbc's casey hunt. >> reporter: donald trump still sticking to his new script. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: last night the outsider calling for a more inclusive gop. >> the gop is the party of abraham lincoln. >> reporter: it won him praise from the party chairman. >> i think he's been on message. he's shown maturity as a candidate. >> reporter: trump's new campaign manager even suggested today that trump might walk back parts of his law and order immigration proposal. >> we have many illegals in the country and we have to get them out. >> reporter: in a immigration policy speech set for thursday. >> will that plan include a deportation force? >> to be determined. >> reporter: trump supporters are trying to make hillary clinton the focus, raising questions about the clinton foundation's decision to wait and see if clinton gets elected before it stops accepting foreign donations. >> the foundation is saying they're prepared to make an unprecedented step, should hillary become president. donald trump refuses to disclose the full architecture of his financial debts and obligations around the world. >> reporter: clinton herself spending the weekend behind closed doors in massachusetts raising money, touching down on sunday for a private celebrity fund-raiser with cher, trying to widen the $20 million cash advantage her campaign has over trump, staying out of the spotlight, leaving the focus on trump's efforts to get himself back on track. casey hunt, nbc news, washington. near st. louis, missouri, poor residents of about a dozen small communities are suing their towns, arguing they're being unfairly punished for minor traffic offenses. the residents say the towns are ganging up against them to raise money, giving them a choice between paying a huge fine or going to jail. we get more from justice correspondent pete williams. >> reporter: quentin thomas, a construction worker from st. louis, says every time he gets behind the wheel, he worries he will be pulled over by small town police. >> these traffic stops have cost me a lot of money, also have cost me, you know, career jobs. >> reporter: in the past four years, he says he's been ordered to pay $1200 in fines and fees for traffic violations and to spend eight days in jail when he couldn't pay. he is part of a newly filed class-action lawsuit accusing 13 area st. louis towns for arresting and jailing poor and minority residents to squeeze money out of them turning traffic courts into cash cows. >> no one is arguing there shouldn't be punishments but we can't hold people in jail because they are too poor to pay a debt. >> reporter: last year alone, the lawsuit says, the touns were so aggressive, they issued one arrest warrant for every adult. and the suit contends the towns are in it together. they say failing to appear in a charge in one generates a warrant for others to use as a chance to make an arrest and collect more money the justice department found similar court practices contributed to the resentment that led to rioting in ferguson, missouri after the shooting of michael brown. for their part several of the towns say they take in less through their courts than state law allows, and they insist that every case begins when someone actually breaks the law. >> those laws are there for a reason. it's got nothing to do with filling coffers. it's got everything to do with trying to make the streets safe and implementing the law in as fair and partial manner as possible. >> reporter: though quentin thomas says jail cost him his car and two jobs, he is back at work, but still worried when he is on the road. pete williams, nbc news, washington. still ahead tonight, how south korea is gearing up for the next olympics, the 2018 winter games, now less than 18 months away. as things wind down here in rio, they are hard at work more than 11,000 miles away getting ready for the next olympics, the 2018 winter games in south korea. we sent bill nealy to pyeongchang for a progress report. >> reporter: the earth is moving fast in south korea, the next olympic venues rising quickly, from the skating rink to the bob sleigh run, korea is on track to deliver its first winter games. >> first in asia outside japan. >> reporter: so, this is historic? >> yeah, historic. in terms of venues we are ready. >> reporter: pyeongchang is upgrading its ski jump. the ice rinks are new. test events, coming soon. >> the venue will be completed on november 8th of this year. >> reporter: are you feeling nervous? >> still a little bit nervous, but we are so excited. >> reporter: there is one problem, though, snow. pyeongchang doesn't get much of it. >> even without snow from the sky, we will make snow. artificial snow. >> reporter: no snow, but that's not a problem? >> not a problem. >> reporter: it's not all about snow. >> it's one of the greatest olympic performances i have ever seen. >> reporter: a former south korean olympic champion, now retired -- >> i'm too old to skate at the olympics, i think. >> reporter: is promising a games to remember. >> we'll make pyeongchang the best winter olympic games. >> reporter: officials have praised its skiing preparations. it's promising to crack down on doping with new and clean testing labs. >> pyeongchang. >> reporter: all of this, it says, on time and on budget. olympic games don't come cheap. these will cost $13 billion. but that's a bargain compared to the last winter games when russia spent four times more on sochi, the most expensive in history. at korea's historic temples, they're praying for success. >> we pray to buddha, long, long time. >> reporter: and it's not too long before the next games begin, 78 weeks from now. bill nealy, nbc news, pyeongchang, south korea. >> 78 weeks, not that anybody's counting. up next, a timeless anthem getting new life here in rio. we'll meet the grandson behind "the girl from ipanema." ♪ young and lovely ♪ you probably know the catchy tune "the girl from ipanema," the most famous bossa nova song from this country. here in rio it's enjoying renewed popularity during these games. the composer actually found his inspiration not very far from here. tonight, gadi schwartz introduces us to the personal story behind the song. ♪ >> reporter: it was the unforgettable highlight of the opening ceremony that seemed to slow down time. supermodel gisele bundchen gracing the world's longest runway to the strains of a familiar song. at the piano, daniel jobim, the grandson of the song's composer. >> unbelievable. couldn't believe it. she is very small but she comes here and sends a kiss. oh, my god. beautiful. >> reporter: "the girl from ipanema" is such an iconic part of brazilian culture, it's almost a second national anthem. >> this is the walk that the girl from ipanema would take. >> every day she would go here. this street and go to the beach. and they would be sitting in this bar. >> look at this girl. she's incredible. there she goes again. she's so tall. she's so tan. oh, let's write down the song. >> wow. >> reporter: this was the restaurant where tom jobim and vinicius de moraes dreamed up the music. they were here so often, if someone needed to get ahold of them, they would call the bar. >> the bartender comes and says, come, there's a phone for you here. it's frank sinatra. imagine getting the phone and listening to sinatra's voice here. oh, man. >> reporter: daniel invited us into his home and sat at the piano passed down to him by his grandfather. ♪ tall and tan and young and lovely ♪ ♪ the girl from ipanema goes walking ♪ ♪ and when she passes each one ♪ ♪ she passes goes ah >> reporter: since the opening ceremony, the song written more than 50 years ago, has seen a 1200% spike in online streams, classic bossa nova made new as the new generation feels the pull of this melody. beautiful for romance. >> reporter: in portuguese there is a word, saudade, there is no translation in english. but the song comes close to describing how it feels. >> saudade is something that you long for, that you miss, and that you love. it could be a person or a place or maybe it's just a feeling of saudade of everything. >> reporter: a song that has inspired love, longing and countless quests to find the girl from ipanema and appreciate the beauty of youth as it passes by. ♪ she just doesn't sing ♪ >> reporter: gadi schwartz, nbc news, rio. >> some of the beautiful beaches here in ipanema as well. over the course of these games we have seen our share of emotion, joy, relief, agony. but today in a matter of kniminutes, we saw all of it on the mat. a mongolian wrestler began celebrating thinking he just won the bronze, but it turns out he lost. and this guy was crushed. so were his coaches. to protest they began furiously undressing, literally throwing off their shoes, their shirts. one coach stripping down to his briefs. the crowd, as you hear, went nuts, but sadly for mongolia, that didn't change the score. and when we come back, the american brothers in rio who take olympic spirit to a whole new level. >> go usa! >> usa! finally tonight, it's been a thrilling couple of weeks here in rio, and the spirit of the games extends well beyond the pool and the track, to the stands, where fans from all over the globe converge on what really is one of the world's great sporting events. tonight ron mott meets a couple of brothers from texas who define olympic pride. >> reporter: if synchronized spirit were an olympic sport, these brothers would surely medal. >> i have over 206 signatures. >> reporter: after all, they've already amassed a stash, participation medals, that is, part of their collection of memorabilia from every summer games they have been to and then some. >> you can see the burn from the smoke on here. it was a big flame. >> reporter: the torches, autographs, of course, pins. >> 1972, 1976, 1980. >> reporter: and wait for it -- one of them is named rome, after the 1960 hosts. how did this whole olympic craze start with you two? >> well, my mother was a national champion. >> reporter: a national champion gymnast who missed rome, so gave her firstborn the honor instead. >> i kind of followed suit with the enthusiasm and i named my children after olympic cities. so, it's paris, sydney and athens. >> go usa! >> reporter: he and brother tallon, an art gallery owner and their families are wrapping up another summer games, the pair's 11th, starting with munich in 1972. moss cow in 1980, boycotted by the u.s., the only no-show since. >> it's deeper than the sport. you run into people left and right and try to talk in different languages and try to communicate and there's something about that where you're just around the world. >> reporter: olympic fever has taken them around the world. red, white, and blue goodwill ambassadors always on the lookout for something special to haul home. >> here's the german one. >> i got that one. anything else rio team? >> reporter: the next generation is showing signs of affection, too. >> we have the best family tradition, i think, in the whole world. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: already looking forward to the next summer olympics and promising to keep it up when they are the ones hoisting. ron mott, nbc news. >> usa! usa! usa! >> we'll see them in tokyo. that's "nbc nightly news" for this sunday. i'm peter alexander. here in rio. be sure to tune in for tonight's prime time closing ceremony beginning at 8:00/7:00 central. lester holt will be at home in new york tomorrow. for all of us here at nbc news, thank you for watching and have a great night. comfort food... you've had a good long run. but your time is over. it's time for something new. something simple. grown right here in california with absolutely no antibiotics ever. food we're comfortable eating. making. serving. this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. i'm just proud of the team. i'm proud i earned this. i'm a proud american citizen. >> the u.s. men's basketball teams take gold in rio. warrior stars go out on a very high note. the news starts right now. good evening everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney. >> i'm peggy bunker. the rio olympics coming to a close tonight. the closing ceremony today, the warriors brought impressive hardware home. >> jessica aguirre had a front row seat for it all. what a better way to end the games than a


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