The artist behind the controversial picture of gardaí attending a famine eviction scene will support a protest this weekend at Tathony House in Dublin.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock a bleakly apt expression, given that none of us would be surprised to see a rock upsold to “bijou pied-à-terre” for €2k a month on Daft any day now you can’t have missed the fracas surrounding visual artist Adam Doyle, aka Spicebag, and his reworked image of a Famine-era painting of an Irish eviction.
Artist Adam Doyle’s appearance on Virgin Media’s The Tonight Show last week was his first time on television. In the aftermath, a clip of an interaction between Doyle who is also known as Spicebag and Irish Independent Ireland editor Fionnán Sheahan went viral on Twitter.
Adam Doyle, the artist known as Spicebag, could not have foreseen the political ker–fuffle that his digital artwork would cause when he posted the image on Instagram
"The entire controversy over this artwork appears to be a deliberate, and almost laughably clumsy, attempt to distract from the fact that thousands of people in Ireland are currently facing eviction from their homes"