Gummersbach -
Die oberbergischen Grünen wissen die Wissenschaft auf ihrer Seite und umgekehrt. Das war die Botschaft der Kreismitgliederversammlung, zu der die Partei am Samstag in der Gummersbacher Halle 32 erstmals wieder in Präsenz zusammenkam. Der Fachvortrag über den Klimawandel zu Beginn wurde auch über das Internet übertragen (und kann auf Youtube auch nachträglich abgerufen werden), was der Grund dafür sein mag, dass sich in der Halle nur etwa zwei Dutzend Mitglieder einfanden.
Dabei war ein hochkarätiger Referent geladen: Dr. Jonathan F. Donges leitet ein Forschungsprojekt am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK). Der Wissenschaftler, der aus Dümmlinghausen stammt und in Bergneustadt das Wüllenweber-Gymnasium besuchte, hält immer mal Vorträge in Oberberg, wenn er, wie auch dieses Mal, ohnehin die Familie besucht.
But am loving watching mr Musk leading the charge ,
That dude pisses me off.
I give him a 20% chance of creating indentured servitude on Mars or just creating an elysium satellite for rich people in orbit.
Probably but the frontier is always a wild place .
Humans are expansionist to our core might as well accept it and get on with . Going way out west to chance your luck on mars has to be preferred to the lofty goals of getting a fucking huge mortgage and slaving your life away to pay it off .
I heard years ago that the westward expansion in the US had only a third of settlers survive five years out there.
2021 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #4
Posted on 24 January 2021 by John Hartz
Story of the Week. La Niña Update. Toon of the Week. Video of the Week. Coming Soon on SkS.
Climate Feedback Article Review. SkS Week in Review. Poster of the Week.
Story of the Week.
2020 showed us that action on climate change is more urgent than ever.
Building back better must include a focus on reaching net-zero, the energy transition and committing to circular economies and sustainable consumption.
The Davos Agenda will mobilize global leaders to build a healthier, more resilient planet.
A year ago at the Forum s Annual Meeting in Davos – heeding the advice of speakers including Greta Thunberg, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Prince Charles – government, business and civil society committed to take more concrete action on climate change and save the planet from a hot, smoky, polluted demise.
This is a guest blog post by Daniel Tamberg, Potsdam, co-founder and director of SCIARA GmbH. The non-profit organisation SCIARA is developing and operating a flexible software platform for scientific simulation games that allows thousands of players to explore, design and understand possible climate futures together. Decision-makers in politics, business, society can use these games to test climate protection measures for social acceptance in advance, in order to be able to act more quickly and safely to combat global warming.