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Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221013

with home washing hall. you had the money in solution. yes. rather, more here shortly. didn't bring them right. so i'm not sure who i need to know in your, in your 3rd shade when you have total with with when you did up a little while you were. yeah, good at that. then when button kimball knew that he's punishing you on the day of i know the know you'd say i senior nurse boy yeah, no motion should still be held. it's jimmy when he told them for quite a financial profile. i live with on march, the 14th 2022, the ukrainian army struck residential buildings internet with a torch go missile defense system shot the missile down. however, one wall had exploded in busy streets in the center of the next republics capital killing. more than 20 civilians to go outside your bullets, i'm when you're in the last call. but i do not want to go glasgow of going to the church. it's it with ukrainian in european press immediately tried to blame the russian army for the missile attack on a peaceful city. italian newspaper last, tampa even published a photograph from the scene, not as evidence of ukrainian shelling, but as an illustration of russian crimes in cave. a new a footboard 2 or 3 and you get a month after the tragedy. and annette, ski ukrainian military again used a torch go rocket against civilians in the city of cram a tourist 57 people were killed. what you go, do you do? you have to properly insure, i'm not the same you. where did you the what, the mainstream media, which is walking and in the, in such a task the only time you know, reclaim 1st the russia for will come on the western media. however, in shifting the blame for these mass murders to russia, keith again failed to cover of the evidence properly. come up north sky on this list, is this now for some, some torch in the mirror. it's a key thing because i little story needs good when you go over the machine and it's about this, the serial serial number was just in the okay. and you know me i don't know what the protocol know what we should teacher a special needs go on. i should be with them or not because i'm still just coming in. so i know i know, i know you're going to get some green from what i mean. what the chain. yeah. so i don't really difficult on the front of this is still mission. so skilled below each of those is nicole more we will try to answer the question, what has happened to a country who's authorities order firing missiles and civilians for the sake of pictures in the foreign media. moreover, who turned ukraine into a state where dozens of crimes committed every day with no statute of limitations. ah, for more than 8 years maxine de gloria has been collecting evidence about war crimes committed during the civil war, which broke out in key streets during the rides back in 2014 i blue clinician, absolutely should, could just michelle museum with easiest the story to close 3 adults liability, and i put that on there with the to what's the total darling? his old pin. you are with the new genia in the crop of the oil in 30. you can use these pizza and you'll be while it's pertaining to d e. and i will tell you when your son's up on the news meals up and then prior to me just like other corresponding basinski was yield x. because i to prevent, of course you what am i on the concluded sprawl with ship that will cardelia system a call from you soon told easiest on union the idealist. you you'd say you pretty narrow. still let you studios. i'd be sick. i couldn't use the related or you can change crow ah, the main driving force behind the protest with the so called my done hundreds security groups trained in special summer camps run by right wing, ukrainian radical parties. a shuttle on you. well yeah. my name is sort them. does purchase juice. yeah. did it love buys a blue shirt? my dad sorta almost omeprazole is what on the on it oh, no. summer you're getting with our with today many involved in those events. make no secret of the fact that almost immediately after the cool the might and fight as well officially issued firearms. ah, in years old was she brutal? oh yea. and so when it comes to the system, a station or collision, break comes leaks computers and you might have social money to middle school or form a ukrainian intelligence officer. i see the processor of says the idea of forming nationalist battalions from former auto radical might. and defenders was conceived at the highest level of is a process to create a concrete, my brush hellish. so chino declaring him so it's not just too sloppy to scan or storing, but it's 3 killer not somebody's d. c companies that say that, but i will just keep a proposal but not sure to put it all solution model. you put your right to e mail. you will president us currently the commercial to credential that isn't something, it's what it's from news news from appeal in was that over yet not to do much to but our little do it at least with children, will get off here on bus and we watch ship peeves new authorities who are in a hurry, the se refused to recognize the co. i'm was ready to hold a referendum on secession from ukraine. in almost all major cities in ukraine's, russian speaking pods. local self defense, malicious sees control of administrative buildings, and a great many police officers switch to legions to the rebellious regions with a found as envisioned the nationalist battalions will be the ultimate and severe response to pro russian sentiment in southeast and ukraine. a couple ship, if i would try to talk to butch, whichever piece of the way to go pay you a so i will shoot you over to them. please give me a call. when you fill out for you as quick. when you come on the one she's got on board, just these name will just want a new variable imaging. ah ah, mm. can i to leave this on the screen, but then you wanna find out what actually another bus will be. why it's britsky than, than the bus good. i beat the c, which if you can, you started with nick. i missed some on the shower, a piece for a domain yet, but i see going here. i should hopefully log in this morning, but you don't have a lot of room with cleaning. other dogs funded. these are full nations established in all major ukrainian cities. well, this was how kids knew, authorities had private armies at their disposal, waiting to carry out any order. they got to keep it. it's only a lot of you guys that he got was yell, not bottled. you go cool with the little baby. cool. a little baby muscle. awesome . but the you on it doesn't play one your muslim bill up on. yeah. it. who does all of them? i do, but then you will need key easily. auto do. i mean, give me that and i'm putting me on a kick lance developer. what are you on the good key you scared was can you put those canyon ball going to do? mine was why live with you on? i mean, yeah, but i mean yeah. well, then you keep long. so now, what was some easiest thing that i missed you, but tell you on a little bit better to post landscape, to interviews or focus on i may go out of d. e, a style francisco, lease ne auto mean each name go out of the me at the law. no husky glands. nice wasn't with a flow. so chillers, there is a yes, let me, let me on my daughter, natalia, delete whatever you want. in may 2014 nationalist battalions perpetrated their 1st act of intimidation or mass murder, a pro russian activists in odessa, port city that generates huge profits for ukraine's big businesses. by that time, the citizens of odessa had been protesting against the kuta for nearly 3 months. somebody's willing to do a double audition and got a dog dumbly. essentially, with schuman affordable adjustable, i'm usually nowadays just not less graham. and you'll say, oh, ah, i'm willing to do thought, you know cranium, t, coyer, shooting id. she ship a control in put you on board so you should feel free to give them a water by lake. is that really been that did not seem to work with lucy lean. yeah, we can do 2 pocono channels. actually skim shopping room. there's a lot of the my subway, but just story ish donuts. i live here a i need a price quote for that for a while. i'm on the beach or up where you actually read a book on a job is to pull out the enough room for a few. if you think of a joe double play, you have j play, so good. i'm up with a oh, because i've seen when the senior, when we was model, when you started with radical us into i guess i drove, keeps the centers into the trade unions house and set it on fire. those who jumped out of the burning building were finished off in the street. according to official figures, almost 50 people were killed that evening. a bomb spoke, graying. a muscle will be stiff, but there's no mistaking. last dining your vocal quit was daniel loud when you, when it is no i will draft the brussel door telling him all of our summer getting as early as toys like they up all i need to meet with a bullet chat, familiar voice with this, i need a fierceness for you? yes, no food. so then he got for both but human just put a more stable with the law model, oppose sheila because i don't store, i mean you're sure to let thing those me for good gary of the ukrainian authorities. failure to punish anyone responsible for the massacre was the impetus to start compiling a list of crimes with no statute of limitations. of shows a political ski will clog used to be used. car curves to conclude, you've got to loop you with don't, because do i do to me last minute? nice because i mean by lead, see, municipal that you cannot such a civil doors, the police would except a 1000000 but don't push slicing is valid problem. william push list, but on, besides just gray in the idea some, some good it will be coming in. what is though it's the national, as you to part in the massacre are still convinced they saved ukraine with this bloody act of intimidation minus the credit goes. so why you produced a football before the idea? you mean the shop? once you see that you're in, you're going to fall and you might see today as he was like super energy from the dogs who sponsored such raids will give a control of the caption city's largest enterprises. and they share the profits from these assets with a new key. the authorities are just give us a call and we will look at that part of the bush. always to go on to a point to talk to you soon, bruce it glory. scroll miss. crane scott. suppose it was one, but it was my little silly. i'm going to call. i'm always out on the green. some will be all in the could i use came about him with them on the way a moment and hoping you know, if you move to show us the spot. so the nation litigation was one by one. nationalist battalion struck almost every major city and southeast and ukraine. they shot protest as against the kuta in the streets. so that was a so many deal with up to one moment. compatibility will corner one. does he still teach jelly bits with you checks, which is a couple of the principles that she show here. this issue gave us a property when he's or someone groaning. interesting. so he becomes a hi dakota. ah, a model 7 you cranes, major industrial center was the next city key center nationalists to, to current down on protests. on may, the 9th 2014 and nationalist entered mary jo, plain army vehicles. it was the day locals were celebrating the traditional holiday . the victory of fascism with we had to go get a a ukrainian military, not any small loans, but also home and vehicles against civilians. in the winter of 2014 maria, please sided with the opponents of keys. new policies. battles raged around the cities department of internal affairs building, charles vogue. ready ready ready ready fighting the just love because all yeah, you get a get you with the she can left like that this will be with he deal with but hold. it's not completely done. you load by units can leap on our point. i'm asking. yeah, that was our but i need to with with, with the work camelback question, but need a felony somewhat good and you send it with a has that issue, is that what you have more or less in for you to proceed with one customer with us. i could think of with a list of all of a huge would they use a lot with all captured towns, the nationalists made mental wrists and persecuted. those they accused of standing in the way of the new ukrainian state. they send detainees to private prisons without trial one such a prison with mary jo, blackboards. and then when you buy me cheap to let you, when you to pete is a cheese to provide you with assume that both of formulas could be a separate arts happened even published or with them should be in the who stole the cuban am she but use it for months out of them could you tell j e would? could you my be not simply call shot that again, but the new pro, somebody'll chuck george, daniel. those old pamela jealous law dealing with the mom, could the command of a new idea is to add some work a deal. it was which hellish does it usually just of yet i don't what it what you will get. a decent change on apology was, is what it is all running as well. does she know brazilian hotel yoshika stay on and promotion cause parties doing what's called throttle holder. l. putting a literature this family show, but initial fish gotten a shock. well, in this question on the go and he saw that, you know, with pro other foreigner like i believe it was, this will deal is all, not a little blue eye ball, but crucially flourishing italian, but which i looked at kick agreed. so, but dollars is what's origin and how about them? we should them will leap key at the willing oceans. keep the process to the dealer . molly can create a boiler outcome for full. these call usually look she'd at least hear me is set up on the old who do them. so the chrysler. tammy, still set up a meeting with daniel tom. when you go to now i got a stale. let's try a seal mode 1st. really well in australia, lee, i'm used to will diminish all a double or a policy to start on or provide unit committee. more to more talk was no longer ninette dba here in a couple of the pros, are of witness 1st hand how the new key authorities dealt with dissenters. he decided to resign and switch allegiance to those opposing the nationalist regime. but the most done not put them i meant to bring to, but it was born in new meal and he was not doing it because only at the dealership, but typically on the gear icon on you guys can. so i was hoping to talk to about the new department column, which is right now we should just know what you said woocommerce to ds to get his ration. but that you on the muscle for our apart from when you open a, b, c, doom served up with sort of the sillies where he was going to puerto on the toyota though. wish him because he up on usually also dealing a store, a chick, mitchell got to run your bully, kid in the military. surely. no, all of you is caught them. didn't want them to micro was. what did you want to say? look on, seaman, you're thinking what you thought, the cd. you the only those supposed to punish available. show me the least of which go a bit more to the hello will the appeal is can you pick it up on the official studio? all of those you're going to get with them, your puny. we have all of this is on your policy of like you more chris wallace. issue launch was for process heels at the total volume woke him. chinese used to she was when you're coming is what i ask you bottom me this before you barajo was right. usually not rings them. know what you to buy. told the problem. yeah. the deal with the future. this was you can go check up with dish. ah, what else should seemed wrong? a yes to feed out the same because the african and engagement equals the trail. with so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, louis center, florida is thrown in the old hon national forza postcard. when this comes with the last dance have to deal with idealists when sprung from ours, from the end to lower the do it in bt. do training a good gift away in the pals teacher skills on the edge on the brown asia or was to look at i'm done with this in a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school. and also i was meaning switching loan is not as good p t d still not off with the leukemia. well they knew they were lit up. she's we, can you video pics that will be a good to go with, but no grossi, she'll be missed misleading, and that'll set them off and you can, you just can't. but did you do it? is a battle scope of miss dempsy. this material, but enough to even in the supply unit should update those. let me just to look me. it doesn't help out with that me. she go. she returned with numerous murray answer to handle most of his emotional specially to renew the lease in those opening. it took a little of going to school. mm ah, [000:00:00;00] with you thought itala with break in utah international, ukrainian 40th report, lee, shell rushes belgrade border region for the 2nd time today. a huge blade, et cetera, broken out in one of the towns in the region. as a result, a asia plays a key role in building a multi polar world. that was part of vladimir putin addressed to other heads of state, had a major regional summit ongoing. right now in context on and saudi arabia reveals that received a request from the biden administration to delay oil production cuts by


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221012

with them washing has all the way that the money and solution. yes, rather, more here shortly, didn't bring why it's so natural who i need to know in your new apartment a in when you build up a little guy, will you order? yeah, good it. but given that he's punishing you went to the river. i know you'd say a nurse or no motion with your it's it to me at the corner of the visual po, fall oh oh, to live with on march, the 14th 2022, the ukrainian army struck residential buildings internet with the tortuga who missile defense system shot the missile down, however, one war head exploded in busy streets in the center of the next republics capital killing more than 20 civilians. to go outside to nibble when you're in the last quote that i do not want to pro glass ballpark of a 3rd. a 3rd you'd say we talked about more with ukranian in european press, immediately tried to blame the russian army for the missile attack on a peaceful city. the italian newspaper last, tampa even published a photograph from the scene, not as evidence of ukrainian shelling, but as an illustration of russian crimes in cave a shed that owners, he's got a good boy that are served with a month after the tragedy. and annette, ski ukrainian military again used a torch go rocket against civilians in the city of crime, a tourist 57 people were killed. what you have to do, you said you are not ready to the what the mainstream media, which is walking and in such a task, the only time, you know mclean, 1st, the russia for the western media. however, in shifting the blame for these mass murders to russia, keith again failed to cover of the evidence properly. come up on this list, is this now for some some torch mirror. it's a key thing because a little story needs good. when you go over the machine, as a proof is rid of this, the serial serial number was just in the okay. and your normal i don't know. are on the same. i know we're on the sky and we should feature a special needs. yes. nicole, what only i should be with them or not because of the condition or do you come in so no, no, no you're right. you're going to get some green for the next you need to go with the front of this if to mission. so skilled, which of those is nicole moore and we will try to answer the question, what has happened to a country whose authorities order firing missiles and civilians for the sake of pictures in the foreign media. moreover, who turned ukraine into a state with dozens of crimes committed every day with no statute of limitations. the for more than 8 years, maxine de gloria has been collecting evidence about war crimes committed during the civil war, which broke out in key streets during the rides back in 2014, i blue clinician absolutely showed good just michelle museum with easiest the story to close 3 adults liability, and i put that on there with that. what's the total donovan years old? did you well, with the new genia on the crop of the oil instead of you can use these pizza and you'll be well it suddenly d. e, and i would tell you when your son's up, when we sneeze up and then probably just to me just like other i guess, but you basinski was yield x because i to prevent, of course, your mind on the concluded sprawl. a ship that will coordinate system recall from you soon thought easiest on union. the ideas you you'd say you pretty narrow still lead you studios. i'd be should go can use 3 lead by. you can change crow. ah, the main driving force behind the protest with the so called my done hundreds security groups trained in special summer camps run by right wing, ukrainian radical parties a shuttle on you. but yeah, my name is sort them does push to see. it now buys a blue shirt, my la sorta, but almost omeprazole is what on the on it? oh no, some a yank giving with our, with today many involved in those events make no secret of the fact that almost immediately after the cool the my don't fight as well officially issued firearms. a with was she browser, are you? so when it comes to the process to writing a station here, so colors will break them, will go to leaks computers and you might have social money to middle school or form a ukrainian intelligence officer. i see the processor of says the idea of forming nationalist battalions from former altro radical might, and defenders was conceived at the highest level of is a process to create a concrete my bra shall a screw. so chino declaring him so it's not just too sloppy scheme of storing the but it's 30 killing of somebody's d. c company. that's it, but i will just keep it as making a proposal, but we're not sure to put it all solution model. you put them right in your prison . currently, the, your, the commercial, traditional listening is something it's sort of from news news from appeal in was that over here today? much too broadly, global. do it or lose weight to it. we'll get off here unless we watch super tv new authorities who are in a hurry, the se refused to recognize the co. i'm was ready to hold a referendum on secession from ukraine. in almost all major cities in ukraine's, russian speaking pods, local self defense, malicious sees control of administrative buildings and a great many police officers switch to legions to the rebellious regions with a founder envisioned the nationalist battalions would be the ultimate and severe response to pro russian sentiment in southeast and ukraine. a couple ship if i would try to talk to butch, which interface with color shape and you for you as quick when you come on the one you don't go in this evening but just want a new variable. you mean? ah, ah a so you see scheme, but then you don't find you could actually another boss will be watch britsky and on the bus grab the she will it if were to scan your study where you and then crystal, can you give me some on the shower godaddy support a w i. c store division. i'm not sure if you know it sounds like in this morning, but you don't have a lot of room with cleaning. other dogs funded. these are full nations established in all major ukrainian cities. what this was, how kids knew authorities had private armies at their disposal, waiting to carry out any order they got to keep legal entity. so a lot of you guys delegate was yell or would you go cool with the little baby? cool. a little baby muscle though also, but the unit a one year emotional up on. yeah. it. who does all of them? i do, but then you wanna eat cookies. lily auto do. i mean, give me that and i'm putting me on a cute kick lot. and so the algebra, but there are you on the good key you scared was given controlscan. you're going to do my muscle. i live with you on, i mean. yeah, but i need them to well then you keep long so now blow somebody else can assist you. but tell you on a little cripple or to possibly escape to reduce or focus on that. and they go out and do the stuff which excuse me, automated each new go out of the me at the law. no husky glands. nice. one of my ph is definitely becoming a flight. also solution is a yes. let me let me on a dock. you totally on delete whatever you want. in may, 2014 nationalist battalions perpetrated their 1st act of intimidation to the mass murder of pro russian activists in odessa, fort city that generates huge profits for ukraine's big businesses. by that time, the citizens of odessa had been protesting against the crew to tough and nearly 3 months. somebody is willing to do a full use of a double vision and got adult. somebody is ation them with human, one of my but just a blood mutilation. no, it is just not less graham and you'll still, i was ah, [000:00:00;00] a shape out the same becomes the african and engagement. it was the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground. i want to with this with you, i guess with you i'm with full credit. it's going to be out of wood, from beach to still be stationed in the board with oh, because that similar selenium was model when you started with radical. a center. i guess i drew keeps dissenters into the trade unions house and set it on fire. those who jumped out of the burning building were finished off in the street. according to official figures, almost 50 people were killed that evening. i do so with full credit union. i'm also just a muscle will be suspended. mr. if you may have done, you know, you're just vocal quit as daniel left. when you know i will draft the brussel door telling him all about some a union as early as toys like they up all i need to meet with the board. just a voice because what it is, i need a few more for you. yes, no food. so then he got for both, but you with a more stable people with them wash the la model upholstery because of don't store. i mean, you're sure to let them in the loop for gary of the ukrainian authorities, failure to punish anyone responsible for the massacre was the impetus to start compiling a list of crimes with no statute of limitations. maybe i don't know shows a whole ski will clog these to mean you was i got a clue you can totally you would do. i would be to me last minute. nice because i believe see minutes that yes carmack such a foolish civil doors to produce who would accept a 1000000 but don't pretty slicing is still a good problem, william bush list, but on, besides just great ideas. i'm still going to be coming in. what is though, it's the national is to, to part in the massacre. i'm still convinced they said the ukraine with this bloody active intimidation reminders for the clinical trial. yeah. yeah. when you push the football idea, you mean the shop watch and you see come in, you're going to fall into my on my you see today was he was only sleep on the other dogs who sponsored such raids will give a control of the caption city's largest enterprises and they share the profits from these assets with a new key, the authorities are just give us a call and we look at that part of like a pricing. if you're calling to cancel on public to talk to you soon, bruce, it blows and scroll miss ideas. crane's good you suppose was what? but it was my little silly. you're going to always keep it out and it won't be suitable in could i use came out about him with the number the hoping you know if you move, sheila was supposed litigation. he was with me one by one nationalist battalion. this drug, almost every major city in southeastern ukraine, they shot protest as against the kuta in the streets. so that was a with to one moment. contribute quarter one shot, but she's going to start with us up and get you checked in as a couple of the principals that she should here because she shouldn't be provided or someone for only thing. you need to have. hi, dakota, ah, variable, southern ukraine to major industrial center was the nic city case and nationalists to, to current down on protests. on may, the 9th 2014 and nationalist entered mary jo, pulling army vehicles. it was the day locals are celebrating the traditional holiday. the victory over fascism with a a, a ukrainian military not any small homes. we don't sell home and vehicles against civilians. in the winter of 2014 maria, please sided with the opponents of keys. new policies. battles raged around the cities department of internal affairs building. the child's level. ready ready fighting, they just love a get you with a she can. that's the 16 with the stuff. i don't think it's. i think it's all good. i think it's i need help with the dealer discount with the dollar, but hold it so no comp. ashley done. you loan by you that's coming up on our point . i'm asking. yeah, that was our but i need to with that with the camelback question, but needs a felony somewhat good and you send it with a has that issue that you have more than your flesh in sandy proceed. you finally get the vision with me about the one customer will not like a face to face with a list of all of a huge will they use a lot with all captured towns, the nationalists made mental risk and persecuted. those they accused of standing in the way of the new ukrainian state they sent detainees to private business without trial one such prison with mary jo, blackboard. and then when you buy me cheap to let you, when you to pete is a cheese to provide you with assume that both of the formulas could be a separate are type of even published or with them should be in the when you have so. so the key been, am she put a cheese in front? what's out of them? can you tell j e? what kitchen, what did i typically call show up again, but then you knew what the truck to the zone family call jealous. sure. id. but the mom or you could call me uncle, do id it is to some work, you know, dealing was which hellish cause addition discovery. i to my, i don't want it watching a diesel check for it on apology was it, is all gardening as well? does it, does she know brucely? well, talk to little gather sca schedule when she goes for is due on the little fragile holder. yes. national butting photo chrisala literature. this is all yeah. family show, but english all 1st got national, low disco staple on the oh. and he thought that, you know, with idea pro other for us now like i believe it was, this will deal is all, not a little blue or do a ball. but crucially, florida, she get alone, but i looked at kick, agreed. so, but that is, is what's origin, harper autumn? who should them will leap key at the willing oceans q, the process this to the dealer. molly can create a boiler outcome for full disclosure. usually look, she'd at least give me the set up on the, on the highest. chevy still up a waiting. daniel tom, when you go to noun, got a sale. let's try a seal thrust really well in australia. lee, i'm you still plan is all a double or a policy to start on the pro hygienic of literature. more to more talk wasn't long, ninette dba here in a couple of the pros or of witness 1st hand how the new keep authorities dealt with dissenters. he decided to resign and switch allegiance to those opposing the nationalist regime. but the most on that put them i meant to bring to you. but it was come, is born in new, mealy, and he is now like the deal with it because i leave it the dealer to buy typically on the upper east kelly's eyes keep a button or a dear participant column, which is right. we should just know what use of woocommerce today a cigarette is ation. but the muzzle for opportune will you will put a, b, c. or do you have to put the sort of issues with the to puerto on the toyota, though wishing to hook you up on, usually also getting a stall, a w, a protocol that they do, because also to check, mitchell got a question more than the micro was what did you see so like on seeming your thinking, what you thought literally the only the supposed to punish available. shame, italy scrub which go a bit more to the hollow with the appeal is can you put it l, this is 9. your punish? the additional us, either years, all of those are going like you put them, you're busy, we have all of this is on your policy of like you okay, well, this is so she was supposed that shields at the low to little more crim french and even any used to shoes when you guys get them bottom me just it's a new brand new. it was right. usually no. going them know what you to buy. told the problem. yeah. the deal to teachers, principals. you can go check up with an issue with my what a few days in some missiles can make rushes retaliation to the attack on the premium bridge was focused and deadly wellcare and it's western handlers now think twice before engaging in more, sabotaged in terrorist assaults. the choice is there ah, 3 with sensory water is thrown in the world or a bowl in the snow falls apart or spoken. this comes with them last dance have it. i feel as we've gone from hours from them to do it in bt. do training a good gift away in the pals teacher skills advantage on the brown asia the or was to live in on the up against him. a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school was i was leading this wookey bone is not as good p t d still not of what you could eat with the leukemia work. well they need to work with up. she is, we can you video pics that will be good to go with this when you go see she'll be miss misplaced in the middle south along, and you can give us his net, the duties of federal circle. miss nancy, this maria bill, but it just tossed up even though so claim it should update those my daily misty located. it doesn't help at all with me. she go. she returns with a note up there. numerous marriott, so to handle most of his emotional specially chosen with lisa there's up to when you took a little of doing piecemeal. mm. ah, well, a sirens on repose likes both eastern and central ukraine as the russian measures arrived on tuesday night. coming just days off the truck for attack on the crime in bridge, the conflict in ukraine does not end in america economic combination and


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221012

a on march. the 14th 2022, the ukranian army struck residential buildings internet with a torch, got lou missile defense system shot the missile down. however, one war head exploded in busy streets in the center of the next republics capital killing. more than 20 civilians with what's called a ballpark of a. and we thought that book with ukranian in european press immediately tried to in the russian army for the missile attack on a peaceful city. the italian newspaper, la tampa even published a photograph from the scene, not as evidence of ukrainian shelling, but as an illustration of russian crimes and cave with nuclear slower is not worried as it were wishing. ah, good boy. good. through new gift. a month after the tragedy, and annette ski ukrainian military again used a torch go rocket against civilians in the city of cram a tourist. 57 people were killed. with the buckeye leisure, i'm up you said the western mainstream media, which is walking in such a, talked all the time, you know mclean, 1st the russia, rural crime. i thought the western media, however, in shifting the blame for these mass murders to russia, keith again fell to cover up the evidence properly. but i'm a thought of scary and let's get on this list. is this now for? so some, some thoughts be annoying me. if the iraqi at the, because i let those thorazine me good the when you go cool was missing. and the proof with syria serial number was just in ukrainian army don't know that on the federal cuts in middle were all new and i was trying to alicia theory. for instance, the sham, profess agency. i'm needing a speech only i should care with him is not old simply because of them. so he just reaching out to see if he just knew coming in. so no, no, and i will be like your man, the senior beginner greens of are we working with the chain? yeah. well, so like a mix you etobicoke on the phone to use if to measure all skill below which is better those days. mccormick, and we will try to answer the question, what has happened to a country who's authorities order firing missiles? it's civilians for the sake of pitches in the foreign media. moreover, who turned ukraine into a state where dozens of crimes committed every day with no statute of limitations. ah, for more than 8 years maxine gregory of has been collecting evidence about war crimes committed during the civil war, which broke out in key streets during the riots back in 2014 ah condition that absolutely showed could just move some resistance, easiest new storage close to the outside bureau and i put that on there with the to what's the total driving is old? did you want the new did you on the crop of the old income, you can use the new dish pizza and you'll be wireless. but suddenly d remotely, when your son's opening this means up and then probably just to me, just like other corresponding basinski was healed. because i to prevent of course, you are more than the concluded progress ship that will coordinate system recall from you soon talk, easiest of union. the idealist. you, you'd say you pretty narrow. still let you studios. i appreciate your kindness related volume function is correct. ah, ah, the main driving force behind the protests with a so called might on hundreds security groups trained in special summer camp run by right wing, ukrainian radical parties a shuttle on you. but yet my name is so it does push to see. it now buys a blue shirt mind on their sorta with almost omeprazole, with all with no sama, you have to go with our, with today. many involved in those events. make no secret of the fact that almost immediately after the cool, the might and fight as well. unofficially is huge firearms, a with with bush. and so when you consider a process to creating a station here, glycerol break and we'll go to leaks computers, and you might as well many skills clear or form a ukrainian intelligence officer of i see the processor of says the idea of forming nationalist battalions from former altro radical might, and defenders was conceived at the highest level of is a process to create a concrete number. show us so chino scripted lodging him. so it's not just too sloppy. just give us drawing, but it's 3 to limit somebody's describing is that said the but i will just get a proposal. not sure to put it all solution model that you might need will. you will present, you want us to run the, the commercial distribution. listening is simply, it's what it's from news news. my taylor was not over yet. not today. much too broadly global. do it. i lose weight to it. we'll get off here unless we watch ship on ah t's new authorities who are in a hurry, the se refused to recognize the co. i'm was ready to hold a referendum on secession from you. crane. oh, almost all major cities in ukraine's russian speaking pods in local, self defense, malicious sees control of administrative buildings, and a great many police officers switch to legions to the rebellious regions. with the founders envisioned the nationalist battalions would be the ultimate and severe response to pro russian sentiment in southeast and ukraine. hello, and good homes. i think if i would try to talk to both gender patient or hope you were so i will shoot you over a sheet. when you fill out for you as quick, when you come on the, with the new variable, you mean, ah ah, can i have to leave this on the screen, but then you don't have any styles of british mean the boston view. it's britsky them, boss, grab it. now she will watch for dish. can you study william and kristen? can you give me some on the shower? a domain yet, but i see go in here. i'm not sure if, you know, it says diagnosed with ukrainian oligarchs funded these on formations established in all major ukrainian cities. well, this was how keeps new authorities had private armies at their disposal. willing to carry out any order. they gotta keep it. it's only a lot of the that he got a little baby for a little while. so, but the, you ordering a one year emotional up on. yeah. who does all of them? i do, but then you will need a kick lot. and so they'll different. what are you on the good? can you scale to wish you a good do my little i live with you on, i mean, yeah, but i mean yeah. well then yes, keep long. so now was somebody a little a few, so focus on that and they go out of do the stuff which is conditioning autumn. you go out of the, me a slow. so lucian is, yes, let me, let me on my dock utility and delete whatever you want. in may, 2014 nationalist battalion for 20 did their 1st act of intimidation or mass murder, a pro russian activists in odessa. i thought city that generates huge profits for ukraine's big businesses. by that time, the citizens of odessa had been protesting against the crew to tub nearly 3 months . somebody is willing to do a double audition and got a dog. and then we shoot for them, but just a blend mutilate nowadays, just like crazy. you'll stay right. ah, ah ah ah ah mm my what a few days in some missiles can make rushes retaliation to the attack on the pry me in bridge. who is focused and deadly? well, kevin, it's western handlers now think twice before engaging in more, sabotaged and terrorist assault. the choice is there with oh, because that's similar selenium than we was model when you started in order to treat him with radical us into drug keeps the centers into the trade unions house and set it on fire. those who jumped out of the burning building were finished off in the street . according to official figures, almost 50 people were killed that evening. a small credit union also just a muscle will be suspended. mr. human as daniel, your vocal quit was daniel lab. when you know i will draft the brazil telling them all of our summer getting as early as toys stay up. well, i need to reconnect with you get a chance, a voice because this i need a new phone. yeah. yes. not for you cuz he has no food. so he got for both. but you just put the most people with the most allowable upholstery because of the store. i mean, you're sure to let them edaly forget, gary of the ukrainian authorities, failure to punish anyone responsible for the massacre. was the impetus to start compiling a list of crimes with no statute of limitations of shows. do you remember to use that property a whole ski will clog used to be used car curves to conclude you got to loop you would do, i'd be to me in last minute. nice because i believe see municipal, yes. can such a foolish people are doors to produce who would accept a 1000000 but don't push. lighting is fairly good problem, william push list, but on, besides just gray in the data, some, some good it will be coming in. what is though, it's the national is through to part in the message. i'm still convinced they saved the ukraine with this bloody active intimidation. reminders for the particles. so why you produced a football idea, what you mean a shuttle once you sit with today. subterranean going to fall and you might see today as he was only 600, he's the only god who sponsored touch rates will give a control of the caption city's largest enterprises. and they share the profits from these assets with a new key. the authorities just give us a call and we will look at that part of the bush, who is the real shantell on property to talk to you soon bruce it gloria and scroll miss crane scott and you're suppose was normal, but it was my low ceiling. you're going to go to school and grades and one of those funds you know, could i use came about him with them on the way at the moment and hoping to move a little more show i was supposed litigation change. he was one by one nationalist battalion, struck almost every major city in southeastern ukraine. they shot protest as against the kuta in the streets. so that was a receipt with one moment contribute quarter one, some products eastern time, sallie bits with checks, which really is a couple of the principles that she should here cuz she shouldn't need personal property or someone groaning until you become a hi dakota, ah, a medical southern ukraine's major industrial center was the next city key center nationalists to, to current down on protest. on may, the 9th 2014 and nationalist entered mary jo, plain army vehicles. it was the day locals are celebrating the traditional holiday, the victory over fascism with a a ukrainian military, not any use small loans, but also on the vehicles against civilians. in the winter of 2014 maria, please sided with the opponents of keys, new policies that those raised around the cities department of eternal affairs building. charles vogue. ready ready ready fighting, they just love. oh yeah. you get a get you with the she can last dc life with he's done. i don't think it's i think it's all good. i think it's i need help with that, but hold it. so we're not gonna comp. ashley done. you low by you that can leap on our point. i'm asking. yeah, that was our but i need to with with, with the work camelback machine. but need to quit telling me somewhat good and you send it with a has that issue. is that what you have? ones that are flushing in san to proceed with one customer will look like a face to face with a list of all of a huge what they used to live with all captured towns, the nationalists made mental wrists and persecuted. those they accused of standing in the way of the new ukrainian state. they send detainees to private prisons without trial one such prison with mary black ports. and then when you buy me cheap to my you to pete is a cheese to provide you with assume that think of it that for me always could be a separate outside. but even the wash to with them should be in the who stole the key. the name, she put it in for much out of them. can you tell j e would get you my bit. i'd simply call shot again, but then you need somebody on truck jewels nozzles, pamela gonzales, law id. but the mom or you could call me and of a new id, it is tina, it's a work. it was which hellish does it need from this w. i to i don't want to open up what you will get. a decent change on apology was, is what it is all running as well. does it? does she know broadly? i talked to michelle. yeah, this guy still on the promotion goes for is doing what's called throttle holder. yes. michelle putting photo chrisala literature, this family show, but english all 1st got national. we'll discuss staple on the though it is, or that you know, with pro other for us now, like i below with this will deal is all, not a little blue, a blue ball, but crucially flourishing. get the loan. but i looked at kick, agreed. so but dollars is what's origin corporate them? we should them will leap key at the willing ocean and keep the process for this to the dealer. molly, completely misty to a boiler outcome for full. these call usually work she'd at least hear me is set up on the old who do them. so the christ tammy, still up a ratings. daniel tom, when you go to the noun, got style. let's try the time we seal mood last really well in australia, lee, i'm you still diminish all a double or a policy to start on the pro hygienic admitted more to more talk wasn't long, ninette dba he in a couple of the pros or of witness 1st hand how the new key authorities dealt with dissenters. he decided to resign and switch allegiance to those opposing the nationalist regime. but the most done not put them i meant to bring to, but it was born in new, mealy, and he is now like the deal with it because i only got the dealer to buy typically on the gear icon on billy's eyes can. so i will get the talked about under a different column, which is what i know we should just one use of woocommerce to dia is ration, but the animals are for our apartment, b, b, c, a doom served up with sort of the ssl is always going to border on the toyota though, which in bah, hoosier usually also dealing a store approach that they did because also to check mitchell got to renewable political innovation shortly. now glenn is question more than the macro was what the deal. it's just it's elegance in your thinking what get off? no cd. you the only the supposed to punish available. shame italy scrub which go a bit more to the halloween. the appeal is can you put it l. s as 9 your punish? the official as either latosha on the get with them, you're busy, we have all of this is on your policy of like you more chris. all assist you. hello, sure, sure. present shields at the total to the level. welcome friend, can you use to shoes when you can? i ask you to me this before and you brought it was right usually not going to know what you took by till the problem. yeah, we deal with the cookie just as will sugar checkup with dish. ah, with a really fidelity talking about your, with the bus like is it pulled up with a ford edge that also does she somebody over there or so she replied, almost with lookout m u a b. and i do so as you know, that way. i don't mind a sampler water is thrown in the old hon and the signal for the final step in this comes out the last dance here. but i feel as we sprung from ours from them to the will do it in b. c. do training a good kicked away in the pals teacher skills. other thing on the bro naisha or was to let them know that we're getting a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school and also i was leaving us with the loan is a lot of good p t d still not off with the leukemia. well, they knew they were lit up. she's we, can you video pics that will be a good go with us when you go see sure the missed they need to the middle south and you can give us history. but did you do it? is a battle south of miss dempsy, this material, but this phone social even though so could you me to locate those little bit just to look me. it doesn't help with them. you have yet to me she go. she returned with a not up to renew my squared yet so to it almost all his emotional specially to bring it with lisa. there's up to engine. you talk a little going please give me my what a few days in some missiles can make rushes retaliation from the attack on the crimea bridge, who is focused and deadly well care of. and it's western handlers now think twice before engaging in more sabotaged and terrorist assaults. the choice is there with any spaniel, but we will not supply energy resources to those countries in the field on cap. that is the stock warning from vladimir putin as he blames western politicians for effectively destroying the global energy market. he was speaking of the russia energy week for him. it's ongoing right now here in moscow. also speaking the for him at the head of the russian. and if you join the gas problem, claiming that germany's under ground gas storage supplies will only be enough to last 2 months. and russia is a security service name which the ukrainian military intelligence chief as being behind the prime me and we're.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221012

a photograph from the scene, not as evidence of ukrainian shelling, but as an illustration of russian crimes and cave. a near to slow who are not worried as it were sion ah good boy. good. through new gift. a month after the trenchant annette ski ukrainian military again used a torch go rocket against civilians in the city of cram a task. 57 people were killed. with 2 part galia, george, i'm up, you said the western mainstream media, which is walking and in such a thought don't timing on the claim 1st to russia for a crime. i thought the western media, however, in shifting the blame for these mass murders to russia, keith again failed to cover up the evidence properly from a thought of skill in lester on his own list. is this now for the will some, some thoughts be annoying me or if the iraqi at the because i'll it those. dorothy, me good. the when you go cool was missing and these papers with syria serial number was just in ukrainian. army don't know the pro cuts in ago were all new and i was try, well we shall teacher a nations shall i say, you don't need to speak only i should get with him is not old simply because of them. so he just reaching out to see if he just knew kind of insulin. no, no on all the like you have been the singing at the units. it them, greens of are we working with the chain? yeah. or so like a mix. you ready to pick out on the front or if to make sure it's all skill below. each of those is mac will work on it. we will try to answer the question, what has happened to a country who's authorities order firing missiles and civilians for the sake of pitches in the foreign media. moreover, who turned ukraine into a state with dozens of crimes committed every day with no statute of limitations? ah, for more than 8 years maxine gregory of has been collecting evidence about war crimes committed during the civil war which broke out in key streets during the riots back in 2014 ah, yes, absolutely should. could you ask me some resistance, easiest. the story to close it else, my bureau, and i put that on there with the to what's the total dorming is old. be what with the new genia in the crop of the oil. in 3, you can use these pizza and you'll be wireless. but suddenly d e, and i will tell you when your son's opening with me is up and then probably just to me just like other corresponding basinski was healed. because i to prevent, of course, you're on my, on the concluded progress ship that will cardelia system recall from you soon told easiest on union the hygienist you, you'd say you're pretty mellow still that it used to use. i'd be she can use 3 little to play with pinching. is crow. ah, ah, the main driving force behind the protest with a so called my done hundreds security groups trained in special summit camps run by right wing, ukrainian radical parties plan. cuz as i showed you on you were yeah, my name is sort them does purchased use. yeah. it love buys a boucher, my donna, sorta like amazon has always say what are you on hold no. some are you giving me with our, with today many involved in those events make no secret of the fact that almost immediately after the qu, the might and fight as well on officially issued firearms. a with was surely bruce and bush. and so when it comes up, process to kramer, station, rear colors will break, and we'll go to leaks, considers any minute social monies can rescue or form a ukrainian intelligence office of i see the prosser of says, the idea of forming nationalist battalions from former ultra radical might, and defenders was conceived at the highest level as opposed to creamy concordia members show us so chino declaring themselves not just to slap approaches, just throwing but it's 3 killing somebody's dish. you can use that same number. we'll just keep them as making a proposal. not sure to put it all solution model need. when you my team will you will proceed. you want us to run the, the commercial, traditional medical business of the utilities from news news from appeal in. was that over here today much, but our little will do it, at least with children, will get off here unless we watch super. ah, peeves new authorities were in a hurry, the se refused to recognize the co. i'm was ready to hold a referendum once a session from ukraine in almost all major cities in ukraine's, russian speaking pods. local self defense, malicious sees control of administrative buildings, and a great many police officers switched the legions to the rebellious regions. the founders envisioned the nationalist battalions would be the ultimate and severe response to pro russian sentiment in southeast and ukraine. hello, and good homes. i think surely if i would try to talk to butch, which interface of go pay you were so i will shoot you over a collection and you fill out for you as quick. when you come on the, when you don't go in just the name, will you want a new rebel? i mean, ah ah, ah, eliza mcneil and you probably should be in the bus, will be riding the bus which you for to stay in your study where human coming from on a shower got to school yet. but i see is going to, so wondering what you want me to remove all the ukrainian oligarchs funded these formations established in all major ukrainian cities. this without keith's new authorities and private armies at their disposal, willing to carry out any order and go into this on the lease and they go out of the go daddy got the yellow bottles, you go with a little baby caught up with a group of ladies unless you just don't know what the yawning place millennium muslim blew up on yards, who are all of them with you and the key really hard to do to me for the and update me on a kick. lance of dealt with you on the key scare was off. can you go to my mother? i live with you on i me. i mean from the while, then you keep long. so now with some really, if we can tell you on a little bit of landscape, don't accuse of pokemon. so i may go out of new style for collision, auto munition and go out of the me at the heart of stickle on the she was not the aged definitely but the you on a flight also you can reach me. but on the, on the utility under the lead on a 2014 nationalist battalion perpetrated their 1st act of intimidation or mass murder of pro russian activists in odessa, a port city that generates huge profits for ukraine's big businesses. by that time, the citizens of odessa had been protesting against the credit of nearly 3 months. a w h. and then with the affordable adjustable, i'm usually nowadays just a ah ah, well i i, i ah, i oh, was written is meaningless, garbage and like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple it doesn't put your human symbol on display a guy so you guys don't talk to strangers. i. 7 avoid noisy gatherings, a marsh, we've eaten your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll, russian. a specific struggle with a, with a, an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground a dwelling, talked about with the school as a lawyer . does she somebody over there, both those with poverty over you? look, are you up for you a the and i do so as you know that way. i don't mind. oh, because that's similar selenium than we was model when you started, and i want to continue with radical ascent. i guess i drew keeps dissenters into the trade unions house and set it on fire. those who jumped out of the burning building were finished off in the street. according to official figures, almost 50 people were killed that evening. a small gray in a muscle will be suspended mister human as die. your vocal quit was daniel left. when you might know i will draft the brussel door telling him all what are some a unit as early as toys. like? stay up. all i need to meet with you get a chance, a voicemail because what this i need a few more for you cuz he has no food. so when he got proposed, but you just put a more stable with the law model upholstery because of the store. i need your short selecting those only for good gary of the ukrainian authorities. failure to punish anyone responsible for the massacre was the impetus to start compiling a list of crimes with no statute of limitations. of shows with probably a whole ski will clog used to be used. car curves to conclude you can totally, you would do. i would be to me in last minute. nice because i believe see, need see that you cannot such a foolish civil doors to produce who would accept a 1000000 but don't pretty slicing is still a good problem, william bush list. but on, besides, just gray in the 15 is obscene, good, it will be coming in. what is though, it's the, the national is to, to part in the massacre are still convinced they saved the ukraine with this bloody act of intimidation. reminders for the clinical trial. you will be here for you, produce the football. i mean the supple once you're in, you're going to fall into my on my, you know, as he was only apologies for the dogs who sponsored such raids will give a control of the caption city's largest enterprises. and they share the profits from these assets with a new key, the authorities urgent care idea. so what you're going to look at, i guess, part of like a tragic shorten on, but surely we'll also on public to talk to you soon bruce. it was news chromos, crane's good. you're suppose it was but it was my low ceiling. you're going to come to school and grades and won't be suitable enough. could i use came about him with them on the way at the moment and hoping you know, a little more show i was supposed litigation. and he was a cute one by one nationalist battalion. this drug almost every major city in southeastern ukraine. they shot protest as against the kuta in the streets. so the question a with to one moment. a huge exceptionally is a couple of the principles that she should here cuz she shouldn't need personal property or someone throwing it will tricking thing becomes a ah variable, southern new kinds, major industrial center was the nic city case and nationalists to, to current down on protests on may the 9th 2014 nationalist entered mary jo, pulling army vehicles. it was the day locals were celebrating the traditional holiday victory over fascism with a a ukrainian military. not any use small homes. we don't so ahmed vehicles against civilians. in the winter of 2014 maria, please sided with the opponents of keys. new policies. battles raged around the cities department of internal affairs building the child's level. ready ready fighting, they just love a get you with a she cannot be a, you know, but i need to speak with somebody about the mckinney stone. i don't think it's, i think it's all good. i think it's, i need help with he deal with that, but hold it so no comp. ashley done you low by you that can leap on all of them. yeah, that was are, but i need to use there with libya. work camelback, the machine needs a felony somewhat good and you send it with a has that issue that you have more than flesh in sandy. proceed. you finally get the vision with me for the one customer with the list of a huge what they used to live with it all captured towns, the nationalists made mental risk and persecuted. those they accused of standing in the way of the new ukrainian state. they sent detainees to private business without trial one such prison with mary jo, blackboard. and then when you buy me cheap to what you will believe to pete is a cheese to provide you with. assume that the to pick up from the always could be a said are type of even the most of them should be in the when you have so steadily cuban am she but she's been in for months out of them. can you tell j e? we'll get you might get out some biblical show up again, but then your new problem with any of those old scam will jealous? sure. do you live with the mom or you have to the comment of the new idea is to add some work. it was which hellish does addition the stuff yet. i don't want to open up a decent change on apology was this is all gardening, as well? does it does she know brucely did talk to little gather sca stayed home when she comes for is doing what's called throttle holder. yes. national putting photo chrisala literature. this family show, but english all this got national low in this question on the oh, it is or that you know, with pro other for us now like i below with this will deal is all, not a little blue, a blue ball, but crucially flourishing it alone but i looked at kick agreed, so, but dollars is what's origin. i'm do shit that will leap key at the willing ocean's q. the process this to the dealer, molly can create a boiler outcome for full disclosure. usually look, she'd at least give me the set up on the new gums of the chrysler chad. we still set up a meeting with daniel tom. when you go to model, now i got a sale. let's try a seal thrust really well in australia. lee, i'm you still planning. there's all a double or a policy to start on the pro hygienic admitted more to more talk lesson on long, ninette dba here in a couple of the pros are of witness 1st hand how the new keep authorities dealt with dissenters. he decided to resign and switch allegiance to those opposing the nationalist regime, but the most to not put them i meant to bring to you, but it was born in your meal and he was not doing it because i leave at the dealership, but typically on the gear icon on kelly's eyes, keep a button or a dear participant column, which is right, we should just one use of woocommerce to d. a suggest early zation, but the animals are for opportune will you will play bc. doom served up with sort of be silly is always going to border on the toyota though. wish him because he up on usually also getting a store ticket as a w, a protocol that they did because also to check mitchell got to renewable political in the literature. no, god is question. be more than a macro was. well, thank you, it's, it's elegance in your thinking what you thought though. she's the only the supposed to punish available. shame italy. she's got which go a bit more to the hollow with the appeal is, can you pick it? ellis is 9. your punish? the official as it is, i love to talk on the get with them. you're busy, we have all of this is on your policy of like you more great will assist you. hello . she was robust. that shields at that thought about little more crim french and you know, used to shoes when you guys get barmy this before and you brought it was right. it usually not brings them know what you to buy. told the problem. yeah, we deal with the cookie just as will sugar checkup with relish. ah, with ah, with water thrown in the old on the snow pours about scheduling. this comes with our dealers. we from, from hours from noon to do it in b. c machine. you could keep the way in the pals teacher skills on the edge, on the polish up. so was to live in the mil tie up against him, a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school. the lesson was leading us with the modem is not as good p t d still know what to do to do with the leukemia. well they need to, we'll lit up. she is, we can you video pics that will be good to go with when you go see she'll be missed, they need to the middle sophomore and you can give us the opportunity to it is about all sort of miss dempsy this material. but it just tossed up, even though so great you need to locate those. my job is to locate, it doesn't help at all with me. she goes petroleum, isn't it please? then you'll have to learn this maritza to handle most of his emotional, specially to with this to the sometimes you need to bring piecemeal. mm. ah, top headlines right now here. what are the international western politicians are effectively destroying the global energy market? now are, those are the words of vladimir putin and his speech to the russian energy week. forum currently being held right here in multiple are speaking at the conference at the head of the russian energy. giant gas problem claims that germany's underground gas storage supplies will only be enough to last 2 months. with russia, security suffers names, the ukrainian military intelligence head as being by.


Transcripts For BLOOMBERG The Pulse 20140303

europe, good evening to those in asia and a warm welcome to those waking up in the united states. i'm guy johnson. francine lacqua is off today. this is "the pulse." we are live from bloomberg european headquarters in london. british foreign secretary william hague has just been making statements in kiev. let's get the latest from what he has to say. remember, ukraine mobilizing its military within the last 48 hours. as russia tie-ins its grip on the crimea. ryan chilcote has been joining -- following the story by kiev -- from kiev and he joins us by phone. foreign secretary arrived here earlier in the day. like you said, there is going to be a whole number of foreign ambassadors and secretaries who are coming here. saying thatbeen russia complained that its interests in the east and the south of the country when it comes to the russian speaking population had been ignored. of course, first and foremost, he is saying that he is in ukraine to express his support for ukrainian sovereignty. i think we can expect quite clearly him to work very carefully with secretary kerry of the united states who will be in late tonight and with the ukrainians tomorrow morning to do what he can to prop up ukraine but at the same time tried to, with a way to punish russia. to speed with the latest military situation. clearly a mobilization has taken place over the weekend. but it is not clear who is on whose side. >> that's right. -- russia in control of crimea. troops on the ground. they are working with a russian speaking militia there. got permission on saturday from the parliament to deploy troops. but these forces actually a. before that permission. there is a sense that we actually could see an escalation from where we are now. yesterday they surrounded ukrainian military bases. like you said, the ukrainians themselves are mobilizing but also seeing defections. so, just over the weekend we have seen the head of the navy defect. pro-russian crimean authorities. ironically just one day after he was put in the job after his predecessor was fired over concerns over his loyalty. so, clearly that is one of the reasons why we are hearing people describe the events in crimea as russian inspired coup. but clearly the ukrainians are having a hard time holding onto some of their own military personnel. keeping their military establishment in place to try to deal with some kind of russian threat. >> we will leave it there. thank you very much, indeed. my colleague ryan chilcott joining us on the phone from kiev. we are seeing capital flight effectively from russia. markets are selling off from russia to western europe. the details of what we have learned -- john joins us with that. we see the rate hike out of moscow to the stock market under underre, the ruble pressure and that is bleeding into other markets. >> what you got its escalation risk and if you are in investment you have to try to discount this and that is what is driving the markets would russian equities down the most since 2009. they have to deal with the prospect of capital flight and the ruble hitting record lows after record lows, and that is not good for inflation. a central bank can do is address the political risk. there is a real strong current running straight through the markets. >> talk to me about kind of what people are saying happens next. talking aboutn how to punish russia. how do you punish russia? you hear echoes of the iranian examples of how you put trade sanctions on iran. russia is not iran in many ways. you can put a cap the amount of oil iran exports and the u.s. can make up for that. you get a third of eu imports of natural gas coming from russia. this is a big, big deal. how much leverage doesn't take away from eu foreign ministers where they are negotiating trade sanctions and the kind of trade sanctions we can see could be shaped from the very lack of leverage -- >> another way of looking at it, an interesting conversation that took place between angela merkel and vladimir putin whereputin -- putin was doing a little saber rattling, don't forget he sells you all your gas. that is critical to the russian economy and the russian economy is so heavily geared toward hydrocarbon. >> 20% of the export revenue comes from gas. there is real exposure for both of them if we get these kind of trade sanctions. but i really think that is the key. you can't really hurt russia on the gas side without ridding europe as well. >> the market i did not consider that could be exposed, the london housing market. if you were to put sanctions on a whole series of russian oligarchs -- >> where would they put their money? previously wanted exposure -- or have free movement of capital in and out of the u.k. -- estate agents are nervous this morning. >> may be. and the super prime. >> evidently in the super prime end. let's discuss the international reaction. let's get more focus on it. our europe editor david tweed is in berlin following the latest. let's talk first of all about where you walk, the reaction from germany. were talking about how angela merkel had the conversation with putin last night. not a lot came out of that conversation, it seems, apart from the fact that putin accepted a proposal from chancellor merkel that observers can go into premiering -- crimea and actually see if there is any that someo the fact of the russian speakers are being discriminated against. that is one thing that came out of the conversation. there's something else that i think is even more disturbing, and this is a little snippet, it came from a new york times guy. briefed on the conversation angela merkel actually had with obama. when she was asked about what her impression of speaking with putin was like she responded that two was "in another world." she said she was not sure if putin was to -- in touch with reality, according to people briefed on the call. that is a little bit concerning. in terms of the meetings that have been taking place, hague is in kiev, secretary kerry flies in and would have the european foreign ministers meeting today. what can we realistically expect on that meeting, david? has been speaking in berlin, attending a conference on the future and soul of europe, a cultural thing. but he was asked about what we could expect the -- out of the meeting. he said the foreign ministers are preparing a package to support the ukraine. that is absolutely key. the question is how quickly that support can get to the ukraine. he doesn't want to talk about or speculate about sanctions against russia at this stage, although we have heard john kerry saying he has spoken to foreign minister's at the g7 and other countries saying they are willing to back to the hilt the idea of isolating russia. sanctions, wens have to wait for the conclusion of the forward ministers meeting in brussels. finally want to make the point they want to avoid escalation. that is clear that is what they all want to do. thank you very much, indeed. our europe editor david tweed joining us from berlin. let's shift gears. the world is still turning, businesses are being -- business is being done and people are shopping. the owner of -- and looking to -- could be looking to buy the iconic brand j.crew. bloomberge, our european correspondent, caroline hyde. with a hefty bisected >> $5 billion. that is what people are speculating what j. crew could be worth. we know it is looking to be offloaded by two private equity holders, currently held by tbg capital. are options, other people sniffing around j. crew. abbott international, or they could sell shares. what they are reporting is of the owner of the biggest producer of clothing in asia could be fighting it to get more into the united states. because theyting are a cheaper outfit. this is more aspirational. once again, the aspirational younger shopper. hey would continue to operate as to separate unique brands. >> supper businesses. it does not seem to be very clear but they have taken over slightly higher and names. upmarket jeans. about the richest man in japan, the owner of fast retailing, the ambition to drive the company forward. he wants to get ahead of hmm. he wants to be the -- he wants to be the biggest in the world could get this -- quadruple sales by 2020. he wants the united states to make up a 1/5, 20% of his sales by 2020 and overseas sales to exceed those in japan. and already they have 500 stores, just above that, overseas. 300 a year he wants to open overseas. aspirations.menal germany, australia, these are the countries where he wants to make forays into. and going more glitzy as well. stores inbeen opening shanghai, fifth avenue, new york did and for a japanese company, also looking to have english as an official language. very un-japanese. getting the president of juicy couture in and hiring. thank you very much, indeed. caroline hyde. slave"head, "12 years a scoops up best picture at the academy awards. we will talk oscars and what is hot and not when it comes to film funding. simon oates will join us. find out what he says is easy to attract investors -- why is -- why it is easier to attract investors in the u.s. than in the u.k. ♪ >> good morning, everybody. welcome back there you are watching "the pulse" from bloomberg european headquarters in london. surprise 150 basis point hike today from the russian central bank. as you can see, the ruble is under pressure. makes you wonder how much itssure there would be if had not had the rate hike coming through. remember, that makes it more desirable to have your money in rubles. but nevertheless the pressure is on and the currency fight is a factor. pressure is on the ruble this morning. more of a slow, steady decline over the last few months. separately -- certainly accelerating this morning. let's stay with the ukrainian crisis, because that is a factor. a fellow from chatham house joins us now. good morning to you. the situation is clearly developing at a pace. the focus today is how the west response. we have seen developments over the weekend. effective annexation of the crimea by president putin. if you were designing a policy that would push back on that, what areas would you focus on? has already kerry identified some areas and i will look very hard at the russian economy and the impacts of a strong western response to what rush is doing. so, this could be anything from targeted asset freezes through foraking it difficult russian companies, russian state companies to invest abroad. targeting specific individuals. visa bans, things we have seen in part related to another case. i think the russian economy is not in a great state at the moment. the investment climate is not in the best shape. and i think this crisis really further, -- escalates the west takes a very firm line and takes a -- make an effort to position of the interim government in yemen then pm bank has few options. few options. massive force, take hold of eastern ukraine a step back? split inee a possible the ed in the moscow. tin has always seemed best viewed the western response as transitory. you get a response but he thinks slightly more long-term and as a result -- we will live with it a short period of time but we will get through it. how do you change the mindset? >> first of all, i doubt he is thinking long-term here. it rather looks as though this policy was developed on the hoof, a response obviously to the very rapid unraveling of yanukovych's rule and the pressure was building up through sochi but people do not see it because they were thing that's keeping it relatively quiet. how long has he been thinking -- a lot of seasoned russian observers think it has not been thought through it all. the way turkey is responding, -- that this could result in strong consolidation of ukrainian statehood and russia could be viewed in a different way so russia is not winning any friends across the border in ukraine. longer-term view the west have to take is what is this actually going to do to ukraineif we see develop more successfully with successful democratic governments able to capitalize on some of the strengths of the company, tied closer to the west. this is also going to rebound in russia particularly of russia is isolated at the same time. >> i guess i make the point because it seems like g.a.a., -- talking about suspension. >> they could get kicked out. >> how painful could that be? >> i think it could be a humiliation. not turn out for a meeting saying we do not tolerate your behavior. what it does not stop there. there could be other areas they feel isolation and it could hurt. think youer to you and i should be, western consumers? europe gets a third of its gas from russia. how is that likely to limit the eu foreign minister response? >> i think foreign countries, particularly germany, see the russian problem it would from prison because of the economic cooperation and they are a major importer of gas. but at the end of the day, this is a story that if the russians wish to limit gas supplies to the european market they will suffer in the process. i think you heard that on the program again already. want to is, if they expand, they have a strong interest in expanding the reach of the energy companies abroad, i think it will be extremely proud -- problematic in the circumstances. again, finding a much harder to attract the kind of investment they need and developing the greenfield or blue field projects in russia. so, it doesn't look like a very attractive scenario just at a time when the economy in russia is slowing down. >> the chinese have been nervous about a resurgence of russia for a while now. how are the chinese going to view all of this? what side are they going to come down on? about the realng long-term thinkers in the case of the chinese. i don't think they have actually been especially concerned by russia's resurgence he, as we call it. they have been able to drive a coach and horses through russia's influence in central asia to for example. i think they are very surprised that the number of things the russians have done the past two decades. capitalize on the boom years and the commodity markets. it rather looks like russia has beodel -- that cannot reformed. >> and more of the same from the chinese? >> i would've thought so but they will not support russians on this because -- indeed. just finally, when you look at the response that the west has to all of this. use a policy is being made very quickly and on the -- use a policy is being made very quickly and on the hoof, if you look at lessons, is given bank individual case he can't form lessons from the pass and if there are listen from the past what would you look at? georgia is more recent. what can we pull from history? at theink we can look period immediately after the class of the soviet union. russia played its card with the russian speaking populations, the need to protect the right directions abroad. we saw pressure in particular on the baltic state, estonia and latvia, large russian speaking communities. we were able to withstand that and those countries could manage the issues. onre is a story to be told how that was done. at the same time russia was able to support a separatist entity on the territory of mulled over inmoldova in 1992 and then 2008 the georgian rices were russia succeeded i believe in promoting president shock is lli to useshakavi force. in this case a crime year it does not appear the russians even have a fig leaf of legitimacy the actions because there is no evidence russian speakers have been oprah asked or in any way threatened by the new authorities in kiev. we need to look at the lessons of history and see how we handle the period immediately after the end of the cold war. at that time, of course we had a russian leadership in broad terms sympathetic to the west. thank you. joining us from chatham house. coming up, crunch time for president obama. he cause for action when it comes to the israeli-palestinian peace talks but calling for netanyahu to "seize the moment." our exclusive interview with the president after this break. >> time is running out for israel to make peace with the palestinians. president obama made the comments within its -- in an exclusive bloomberg interview with elliott goldberg. normally president barack obama has been happy to stay out of the limelight when it comes to the israeli-palestinian peace talks, but now on the eve of his meeting -- and as we get closer to the deadline for a framework agreement john kerry has set for the israeli-palestinian talks, he is winning in any says my hope and expectation is that in spite of the incredible political thomas is that both netanyahu and abbas can arrive at a framework that can move us to peace. jewish sage,evered if not now, when, if not you, mr. prime minister, then hugh. reaction, i will not give into to pressure. >> just 10 seconds. he talked about iran and syria as well. wasn terms of syria, he criticized for not making good on his threat to use force in the event amoco weapons were used. he said, first of all, diplomacy is working. chemical weapons belonging to a side are being destroyed and second of all we might have made things worse if we had gone in. much, indeed.ery elliott gotkine. we will take a break. back in two minutes. ♪ >> welcome that. you are watching "the pulse." we are live from bloomberg's european headquarters in london. i'm guy johnson. i collect fronts in the quad is off today. -- francine lacqua is off today. pistorius on oscar trial for the murder of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. the defense lawyers say he believed that she was a burglar. russia's a central bank raised its key rate to 7.5% from 5.5% as of 11:00 a.m. moscow time. the central bank says the rate increase is to prevent inflation risk and ensure financial stability, this according to its website. u.s. secretary of state john leaders a western responding to russia seizing control of the crimean peninsula. the ukraine said it has mobilized its army. >> it is really 19th-century behavior in the 21st-century first century and there is no way to start with, that if russia persists in this that the g-8 countries will assemble in sochi. that is a start. fromt's get the latest ukraine. where ryan chilcote is on the ground. british foreign secretary has been speaking this morning. bring us up to speed. >> i will give you the very latest. of the russian prime minister has just announced that he -- russia is establishing a company to build a bridge across the --this literally happened the last couple of minutes. pretty -- the straight connects -- effectively it will connect crimea to russia proper. it is foreign half kilometers wide. and it is, again, what is separating russia from what is at the moment a noncontinuous part of where it now has forces which is crimea. very dramatic. interesting to me, at least, because it suggests russia has intentions to keep forces or interest in the crimea for a good long while. presumably this was not coordinated with the federal government a ukraine. what you have effectively is 6000 russian forces right now and crimea, what most military experts think, working together with the low shall vest local militia. military been seizing bases, or at least surrounding them. on saturday the russian president got permission from parliament to deploy troops to protect russian speaking people in ukraine. interesting, that permission came after the forces appeared in crimea, suggesting to some that infect the real deployment or in fact a larger deployment has yet to come. side, they have begun mobilizing forces. people are signing up. they also had defections, pretty senior level, the head of the navy defective and he also tried to get others to defect. at the moment it appears unsuccessfully. the main thing, we have the standoff but no bullets yet to fly. >> we will leave it there. thank you very much, indeed. within the last few minutes christine lagarde indicated the imf mission to ukraine will begin tomorrow. we have plenty of market reaction to the situation developing. markets have been selling off aggressively when it comes to stocks in russia and across europe. seen the ruble under pressure despite a 150 basis point hike from the russian central bank. john joins us now with the latest. >> i selloff. russian equities down by nine percent right now. -- i selloff. -- a selloff. not a single bullet has been fired but if you are an investor it is about escalation risk and maybe to some extent you try to compensate because european equities are lower, we have seen general this conversion -- risk aversion. golden little higher as well pit one of the biggest movers of the stoxx 600, was a gold producer. nevertheless we are seeing the safe havens being sought. the rate hike from the russians something of a surprise. to deal with inflation. one of my guests put it earlier that may be is having problems financing x works as well. >> one way of looking at it but -- gas into europe, how much leverage and how much of a can punish the russians right now. if you've got a third of your natural gas supply, a third of those imports coming from russia, maybe it takes away some of the leverage but bloomberg news but a great piece together talking about our files of gas storage. maybe this is where europe has a little leverage. u.s. gas stockpiles, and u.k., the highest since 2008, likewise with germany and italy as well. so, they've got gas. they got the inventory. maybe it gives them a little bit of leverage in these negotiations, where you have that kind of conversation with merkel and putin where he says we supply all of your gases and merkel says, we have the inventories, out. -- too. >> the european markets continue to be reacting. walk us through what we need to know. >> there are many european companies that are largely exposed to russia. let's put some of them up there. morgan stanley did great research. a cosmetic company -- not your first port of call, guy --but a good percentage of revenue coming from russia. and nokia, entire company, 30%. erg, beer, then known, every industry groups -- car, bank, societe generale, unicredit being hit. karlsberg.sumer, whatever industry group, fears are a weakness. if you are russian you will not be able to spend quite so much on foreign products. doesn't lookally to imports for a large amount of their consumer. so, we will see that obviously there imports will be losing in terms of that respect and also interest-rate hikes. many of our desk this morning pointing a russian oligarchs could be the target of sanctions. the market we have not talked about yet, london housing market. the prime london housing market. >> could be many others looking to stop those. >> caroline hyde, i'll european business correspondence. european business correspondence. let's shift gears. geneva starts tomorrow, the motor show. we have a little warm-up. the car that drives itself. ford showcased its autonomous prototype vehicle that uses infrared light that brings us one step closer to getting rid of one of the most unpredictable elements when it comes to driving -- the driver. >> this is a ford fusion hybrid. it looks like any old ford except for these. cinches --ed light sensors. scanning the environment much like a dolphin would but without a click. creating a 3-d map by bouncing infrared light off of everything, making to one half million measurements every second. accelerate, car can brake, or swerve without being told to. is autonomous. >> there is a long way to go in that, though. probably the next big step is cars talking to cars so that the cars can communicate road conditions, safety conditions. i suspect that the technology will be there before the legislation and drivers are ready to accept it. how people feel being overtaken by a car with someone not driving. >> ford aims to have them on the road in the next few years. >> as i just said, we will carry on the conversation tomorrow, the geneva motor show kicks off with plenty of great coverage for you. gm, joining us early on. all the major ceos joining us to tell us what impact the business is seeing when it comes to the ongoing situation in ukraine. 20 minutes to go until "surveillance" and tom keene joins us from new york. amazing market reaction to what we're seeing in ukraine. >> coordinator reaction 111. over 111. in the united states the united states is focused on secretary of state john kerry. us greatft has given perspective. ian bremmer will join us again. ian bremmer with eurasia group. we will talk about the historical perspective. to 9/11.ack and then how purred some a he will join us -- and then dan hal pert will join us. ukraine,y weighting to crimea, the news flow from madame christine lagarde and then the market reaction as well. headline thater caught my eye, ryan chilcott russians forming a company to build a bridge that would link the crimea back to russia. so, maybe some long-term thinking beginning to come into play. that would certainly be a very dramatic indication for the long-term. >> that's right. >> tom, we look forward to the show. great guest lined up before today. w.a.r. analysis coming up on the ongoing situation in ukraine -- a more analysis coming up. an american skier leaping to the top of the moguls in the out ofle after crashing the singles. she came back in a dual event. this taking part in japan. slopestyle continuing in switzerland. ld.tria taking goa pretty amazing conditions this weekend. thick fog and really icy cold. from one temperature extreme to ain, lewisin bahr hamilton came fast as in the final day of preseason testing. his mercedes in good standing for final competition in australia. not a great day for the maestro, he cannot even finish a lap before more mechanical problem struck his car. reliability is going to be the big challenge this year with the new drivetrain, one of the biggest factors, how many cars will finish the first grand prix down in australia. that is the big question everybody is talking about. glamour,f glitz and lindy of it last night at the oscars ceremony. will take a look beyond the red carpet at the winners and of filmn the business financing. detailed up next. ♪ >> good morning. welcome back. we're live from london here at bloomberg television. i am sure you noticed the oscars wrapped up, with "12 years a slave" winning the coveted best picture. here to talk about investing in the film industry, simon oakes and president and ceo of a film production company hammer. is may remember why hemmer famous, part of exclusive media. you made great films of the last few years. did incredibly well. when you look at events like the oscars and look at what it takes am a mondaytakeaway morning, what can i as a film investor take away from what i saw last night? >> as an investor, i think it is difficult because i think that clearly british talent figures least twoly in at thirds of the nominated films. whether it be writing, direct -- directing, acting, behind the camera. investing in the industry in the -- the sense is a future future. but you have to be realistic, most of these films are delivered by studios, warner bros., fox in the u.s. and 12 kanal-- and this country, , french owned. the real money for the investor is having a piece of the distribution. that is possible to be. >> no trends that emerged. nothing new this time around. trying to gauge what is happening? >> i think it shows it is very healthy. i think it shows it is a global industry. , progenyy came from was very varied and you had low budget films that had an impact "ke uncle philomena -- like philomena." it was right across the board. i think a very healthy industry. >> we were talking earlier about the silicon valley focus. if you want to raise money and get in front of investors. how does it apply to your industry? what -- >> i think high net worth in the best individuals who invest in pictures in america is a common thing because it is an industry there and it is the biggest individual market. china will be catching up at some point, i guess, but i'm not sure it really will happen. the fact that america, there is a relationship between high net worth and investing in movies and the market. i think it is yet to happen here. although i think there are opportunities to do so now. and some of the ways in which people are doing distribution deals. david, with a new way of investing and producers owning the backhanded theatrically and dvd in a very creative way. i think there is an opening now. and i think being -- the one scheme that was derided in the past where you can only invest up to 40,000 pounds, now you can invest up to a million pounds. i don't think it is driven by what happened last night. the fact the bible can up and --lized one of our biggest people woke up and realize one of our biggest export is the talent. >> having such strong british as at and being able to -- british film producer is it easier to get british talent for the films or are they effectively free agents? >> i think they are free agents. iripts, scripts, and -- no, think the thing is what is happening now is the best actors, they can pick and choose. they can do a big trip. comics and a marvel then they can go to theater. there are lots of options. thate we making enough of talent in terms of using it to leverage british produced, european produced film? >> i think we are. i think we are starting to do so. there is a natural loyalty of british actors and talent to work in british films. for example, a film like "daniel" -- hettelston were in big movies. i think generally speaking british actors will go with the best. >> on that note we will leave it. thank you very much, indeed. the president and ceo of hammer. number one market story of course is what is happening in ukraine. the russian crisis developing, could be the biggest one since the cold war. investor selling off their details next. ♪ >> welcome back. we will tell you now what you need to know about the rest of this monday. our team is back, focused on the ukraine. ryan chilcote from kiev, david tweed from berlin and caroline hyde joining me. let's start with currencies. >> yen stronger, frank stronger, risk aversion, the only play two watches dollar-ruble. russian currency record lows .ven after the hike rates no move from the russian central bank for 18 months, and they put the rates up the most since 1990. the dollar stronger. the ruble getting weaker. the central bank is fighting a strong tie. flight a big story this morning. caroline, walk us through the european reaction. >> european companies most exposed to rush are the worst performers. nokia, and then a tiremaker like it's a third of its sales from russia -- gets a third of its sales from russia. every industry group getting hit and the deterioration continues. >> we will continue to track of the rest of the day. let's turn our attention to what is happening on the ground in kiev. ryan chilcott is there. >> i will watch out for the imf delegation scheduled to come tomorrow. i will also be watching for john kerry, he is set to arrive this evening. and what is the russian military going to do? saturday, two more warships, sunday, two more warships. obviously i am going to have my eye on what they did today. the russiansrned are forming a company to build a bridge to the ukraine. >> extraordinary. for half kilometers wide, the street is the only thing that isarates rush from -- strait the only thing separating russia from crimea. they will set up a company to build that bridge. >> ryan, thank you very much that let's turn our attention to the foreign ministers meeting. we have already seen the british foreign secretary in kiev and we hear secretary kerry will arrive later on. david tweed? >> three things i am going to look out for. one is what kind of moral support the foreign ministers will get to the ukraine. are we going to see more than catherine ashton turned up wednesday? foreign will see other ministers going along with her. that will give a very strong statement to russia about support coming from the european union. in second thing is, what aid the european union put together. christine lagarde saying the imf mission is going to start tomorrow. what will be the contribution that comes from the european union? secondly, how can the european union take action to actually hurt russia where it hurts, and that is economically? what sort of sanctions might they discussed? has alreadyaid he spoken to foreign minister zwilling to isolate russia to the hilt. what is the european union really aiming to do and what is their plan? we will find out later today after the meeting. >> is there a sense that there six -- significant exposure to russian gas. germany did a lot of it. >> at the same time germany gets a lot of russian gas russia gets money percent of its exports from castle is russia willing to give up money percent of its 20% of itsenues -- export revenues like that? up there. wrap it david tweed. thanks to our whole team covering the story throughout the morning. remember, tomorrow morning, the geneva motor show kicks off. we will have extensive coverage. see you then. ♪ >> the secretary of state will travel to kiev as wretched dispatches additional force it to crimea. margaret's respond this morning. u.s. equity futures are lower. ellen go, let it go -- tweets out a selfie and crashes twitter. this is "bloomberg surveillance," monday, march 3. joining me is scarlet fu and cory johnson. russia, theyrom raised their key interest rates in response to the ruble falling. bps, up to seven percent. an eight month low. >> that's a big move. china pmi, u.k. mortgage approvals, personal me


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