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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130221

we want to start with the winter storm impacting a big part of the country this morning. weather channel mike seidel is in kansas city, missouri, for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. a whiteout here in kansas city, snowing two inches an hour with winds gusting 30 miles an hour. this is a big storm. it will likely be their biggest snowfall in about 20 years. meanwhile, this part of the country is in a terrible drought, so the farmers are happy to see anything, snow or rain, falling from the sky. this may be coming soon to a sidewalk near you. just like this trusty mailman in michigan, millions of americans are already being challenged by a fierce winter storm. in kansas, they are bracing for up to 18 inches of snow in some parts. police in wichita are telli ini folks to stay home. >> we are asking people to stay off the roadways just because of the conditions that are deteriorating. >> reporter: the latest big blast of winter is predicted to hit 18 states, affecting at least 30 million people. all from a storm that hit california and the west coast and is now moving across the country. in tulsa, oklahoma, reduced visibility led to numerous accidents, some roads impassable, and at least one person killed. snow is usually just a four-letter word in places like san diego, and while kids seem to love it -- >> really cool. never snowed this much. >> reporter: -- drivers decidedly did not. >> started to get kind of dicey weather, then we saw the police vehicles. they had the flares set up. >> reporter: in arizona, baseball fields in scottsdale were buried under a blanket of snow. >> no, this is not a joke. >> reporter: even golfers on the pga tour ran into some whacky weather near tucson. the match play championships had to be postponed. two inches of snow covered the dove mountain course. golfer rickie fowler demonstrated he can throw a mean snowball when he's not on the links. well, it wasn't quite as bad there as the country club there outside of tucson. they've delayed the start this morning until 9:30 local time because of the snow and cold temperatures. it was down around freezing this morning. in kc, they've cancelled 150 flights in and out of the airport, and meanwhile, to go with the blowing snow, we're looking for thunder snow. a wild morning and a day here in kc. david, back to you. >> tracking the path of the storm, good morning. >> good morning, david. you can see this is a live downtown camera, wichita, kansas. your camera bouncing up and down from the wind. they've been picking up snow at a rate of one to two inches per hour. this is a huge storm. there are three ingredients to this system. first, a big arctic high. that provides the cold air. we have the jet stream, and then a lot of gulf moisture streaming up into it. here's what we're looking for. we have 20 states affected right now by winter storm warnings, winter storm watches, ice storm warnings toot south. we have a risk of severe weather along the gulf. snowfall amounts are going to be huge. we're talking about 12 to 18 inches of snow along the nebraska/kansas border, but a wider area of 9 to 12 inches of snow from iowa, all the way back into kansas, into the rockies, and into chicago. ice is going to be a big problem, as well. as much as an inch of ice falling from tulsa, all the way to cincinnati and columbus. that's going to cause major problems. and as we also look down to the south with this storm system, lots of rain from new orleans all the way to north carolina. between the panhandle of florida and central georgia, we could see seven inches of rain by saturday morning. so, this is a monster storm. and we maybe going to be looking at a nor'easter this weekend affecting new england. so, we'll have more on that coming up. savannah? >> al, lots to watch. thank you. we are following a stunning new turn in the murder case against oscar pistorius that is just coming to light this morning. the man who is leading the investigation is now under investigation himself today. nbc's michelle kusinski is at the court this morning. michele, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. this morning one of pistorius's family members were saying we are going to win today. his defense, as we speak, hammers the prosecution's case, which is full of mistakes. turns out the chief police investigator on the case could be dropped because of attempted murder charges against him have been reinstated from a shooting on the job. not good for prosecutors. oscar pistorius arrived to find out whether he will get his freedom back on bond, facing a charge of premeditated murder. and for three days now, the world's press. he is said to be feeling more confident. his uncle addressed the stunning allegations against him. >> oscar will survive. he will have a tough time going forward, but he's a survivor. >> reporter: wednesday, the chief investigator on the case was forced to admit mistakes. a bullet left at the scene, unanswered questions, not actually knowing what a substance he called steroids found in pistorius's home is. today he may be taken off the case, set to be charged himself with attempted murder, seven counts, stemming from a shooting during an investigation a few years ago. >> the state will be left with the embarrassing impression they aren't fully in control of their own case and haven't done crucial investigative steps. >> reporter: police say pistorius should not be set free on bond because he could find a way to leave the country. a suggestion that yesterday made the courtroom left. getting bail is not unusual, even in a case like this. >> from a personal point of view, i can't see why he shouldn't be granted pending the trial. >> reporter: police believe pistorius was not telling the truth in his statement about the morning reeva steenkamp was killed. he said he was not wearing his prosthetic legs when he fired only five feet away, thinking, he claims, a dangerous burglar was inside. but police say he was wearing prosthetics, the bullets were high in the door. witnesses heard shouting, screams, and gunfire coming from pistorius's home that night. they don't believe his explanation makes sense or that he wouldn't have seen reeva was not in bed. his defense says there is no evidence his statement is not true, no evidence this was murder. now the key question for bail, whether or not the olympic hero is likely to run from justice. and just today, nike that has sponsored pistorius since 2007, suspended the contract with him pending the outcome of all this. nike repeated that ad with pistorius with the words "i am the bullet in the chamber." savannah? >> i want to ask you how it is this lead detective, who apparently is facing murder charges, was on the job investigating murder cases, let alone a very high-profile one, if this case was still active. how did that happen? >> reporter: well, it's complicated, but to make it short, in 2011 this shooting happened. he claimed he was in danger. there were other police involved. it involved a bus with civilians in it. so, those charges were dropped at the time after it was investigated. now for some reason there's some evidence that's being, you know, being reinvestigated or the investigators are taking a better look at it and they say now there's reason for these charges to be reinstated. prosecutors who have him on this case, obviously, said they only heard about this yesterday and that was after they had him on the stand. strange timing, exactly. the top prosecuting body for the country of south africa is saying he should be removed from this case. no word yet on whether he will be. savannah? >> according to one report, these charges were actually reinstated ten days before the incidents at pistorius's house. quickly i wanted to ask about something that seems strange, how is it there's no camera allowed inside the courtroom to allow the proceedings, yet there seems to be a photo op where cameras can come in and shoot oscar pistorius as he stands there before court? >> reporter: really at the discretion of the judge, and there's so much media pressure to get some footage, photos of pistorius, that the judge made this concession. okay, you can be in there and record while the court is out of session. the court is only in session while the judge is present. there's sort of windows of opportunity here and there, but sometimes the judge makes the point to let pistorius leave the courtroom and the judge leaves put. the judge signaling you can't take photos right now. other times it's opposite. a lot of journalists saying this doesn't make sense, but that's the rule we have to go by. >> i know we're hoping to get a result on the bail issue some time soon. thank you. and natalie is here with the rest of the day's top stories, including this powerful explosion in ssyria. >> that's right, in damascus. a car bomb rocked the city, killing more than 30 people and leaving charred vehicles in its wake. that explosion struck a security check point near the russian embassy. police in los angeles are investigating how a canadian tourist ended up in the water tank of a downtown hotel. alyssa lamb's body was found this week. she had been missing since late january. maintenance workers had begun investigating the tanks after guests contained of low water pressure. in the meantime, this chilling surveillance video shows lamb on the day she disappeared pushing multiple buttons in the hotel elevator, then stepping out there, scanning the hallway nervously. very chilling and hard to watch. a 12-year-old cancer patient in oregon is undergoing surgery today after accidently catching fire in her hospital bed earlier this month. a combination of hand sanitizer, olive oil, and static electricity caused the child to unite. a plane crash left five people dead after going off the end of its runway. two others were injured in the crash. the cause of the accident is under investigation. some terrifying moments aboard a new jersey commuter bus. this video captures the moment the bus captures into a school bus that turned right into its lane. >> oh, my god! >> the impact sent the commuter bus careening on to the sidewalk. 19 people were injured in the collision. luckily, there were no students on board the school bus at that time. and now let's head to wall street. cnbc's jackie de angeles is at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was a tough day on wall street yesterday, fears the fed may end its efforts to revive the economy, sending the dow to a 100-point loss. the s&p 500 and nasdaq suffering their worst loss of the year. the times has owned the paper for nearly 20 years, but over the past decade, its circulation has decreased by half, this, of course, as readers are flocking to the web for their news, back to you. >> thank you. first came the arms, then came the bangs. michelle obama sticking by her ' 'do. this photo is a bit more intimate than her first portrait. that generated a lot of buzz because she showed off her beautifully toned arms. still has those pearls around the neck. she looks beautiful, as always. >> natalie, thank you. did i hear you say nor'easter coming to town? >> yeah. i did. well, here's the deal. the european model -- >> we know you love european models. >> who doesn't, all right? we love american models, too, but the european model has been getting it done for us. here's what we're looking at. as we start friday, makes its way up off the southeastern atlantic coast and then comes out some time around the delmarva peninsula and pushes saturday up right along the new jersey/long island coastline. snowfall amounts right now, we're talking about nine inches in boston this weekend, eight inches in portland. albany, four inches. new york, less than an inch of snow. but again we have to wait for it to form and get itself together. we'll get to your local forecast, but first, this message. good thursday morning to you. taking a live look from high atop san bruno over the beautiful san francisco bay. want to thank our technical operation center for getting us these gorgeous live shots every single morning so we can show them to you before you even head out that front door. 61 degrees on the way for gilroy. 60 in san jose. a beautiful day. we have great air quality and we're going to warm up to finish off the week on friday. that's your latest weather. david? >> al, thank you. a major food labeling scandal is widening this morning. more horse meat labeled as beef is found in europe as investigators reveal they were told about these concerns a full year ago. in london with more, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this story is really about a very simple question. do you know what you're putting on your plate? or even your children's plate? this morning we're learning some schools have withdrawn schools from their menu as europe's horse meat scandal widens. horse meat has been turning up in beef products across europe. beef burgers, even children's sweets are being tested for horse dna. >> from what we've seen so far, the more people have looked, the more has been found. i would be very surprised if we didn't find more instances of gross contamination. >> reporter: the scandal has people wondering what they are eating, many turning to traditional butchers. they now live in the uk and say people here are shocked. >> they buy a beef dinner, turns out that it's horse. >> reporter: one fear, with horses now in the human food chain injected. >> it's entirely different animal, literally, and you have no idea what it came from and what it will do to your health is scary for anyone to think about. >> reporter: scarier, still, the complex web of traders and subsidiaries for one beef product. an order from the uk passing through luxembourg, france, netherlands, to romania, then traveling back across the continent, hard to trace. what can i buy? traditional butchers say the dry meat is to blame. >> if someone wants to pay $2 for a lasagna, you get what you pay for. >> reporter: no indication yet the horse meat labeled beef has reached the u.s., but be sure the meat you're buying is what the label says it is. that butcher is the kind of guy who knows everyone's name, customers trust him. the trouble is, david, of course, that kind of service can cost you more, and when you're trying to feed a family, every dollar counts. >> thanks very much this morning. savannah? a massive sculpture commemorating a special moment in american history is making waves this morning along san diego's waterfront. kristen dahlgren to explain. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. san diego is a big military town, so many people see this as incredibly patriotic. others just see it as an eyesore. people have actually resigned over it. take a look. 25-foot, 14,000-pound statue is causing a plus-sized controversy. it is one of history's most iconic images, the photograph taken at the end of world war ii has become larger than life, but not everyone likes how literally one artist took that. >> the ultimate in bad taste. >> reporter: the 25-foot bronze sculpture called "unconditional surrender" has a permanent place along san diego's bayfront. for some, it's the epitome of romance. david and his wife mary renewed their vows in the sculpture's shadow. >> we were photographed kissing in public in front of it. >> want to do it again? >> reporter: for others, the statue is a giant crowd over san diego. >> it's completely out of scale to what made the photograph charming. >> reporter: it's not seward's only controversial piece. his giant marilyn was criticized in chicago and now where it stands in palm springs. another sculpture has come under fire in sarasota, florida. in san diego, the kiss was meant to be temporary. when more than $1 million was raised through public donations to construct a permanent version, three members of the port's art committee resigned in protest. in a statement, the sculpture foundation which sold the work said, by nature, public art is inviting dialogue. in this case, there is no question of that. >> i think it's fabulous. >> formally tacky. >> reporter: we've already seen people out here this morning taking pictures, so like it or not, it is attracting visitors. and savannah, it is also attracting a lot of attention. >> i can imagine. kristen in san diego this morning for us, thanks. can we get a verdict? >> i like it. >> too big. too big. >> it needs to be ten feet tall. >> i like how it inspires couples to kiss each other. >> they are talking about it, people are coming to see it. >> that's what art is. that's art. >> professor roker. >> inspiring people, people are talking about it. they are coming down to see it. i think that's art. what art's supposed to do. >> okay. great. coming up, ican get a word in here, we're going to talk about the new proof that women really do talk more than men. >> we needed a study for that? we're going to turn our hidden cameras on plumbers, will they treat you fairly or charge you for things you really don't need? our results. story, a couple plays their friend's favorite slot machine on the day of his funeral and win big. their bittersweet story. >> after your local news. [ female announcer ] from seed to spoon. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at it is 7:26. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. "the l.a. times" reporting the commissioner's office has given the a's tentative guidelines for a potential move. as of now it is unclear specifically what has been laid out in those guidelines. if the organization can satisfy them, commissioner bud selig could let club owners vote on it. this does not guarantee the as wi will go to san jose any time soon. the giants hold territorial rights to the south bay and they are against this move. everybody around here always in a good mood when it is friday eve. we're even happier when there is weather like you're talking about. >> we can't beat this. good morning to you. 7:26. what a spectacular start to the day over san francisco. we're not tracking any low cloud cover here. the contrary in fact. lots of sunshine from the coast through inland cities. it's still chilly in livermore and concord. mid 30s. however, we're going to warm up into the low to mid 60s today. cool conditions. breezy to windy as we head through the first part of the day. you want to keep that in mind. winds will pick up. a disturbance tries to come through the bay area and breaks apart on its way. that will keep temperatures level from yesterday. a touch warmer. tomorrow, the climb is on. 61 in livermore. 59 degrees in san francisco. getting into your friday. the mid 60s return and saturday mostly cloudy and maybe a stray shower up in the north bay. let's check that rush hour drive. >> good morning. the bay bridge of course rush hour. we do have a backup here. not too dramatic. backup in toward the maze. we'll look at the map and see how things are shaping up. east shore freeway slow through richmond and in through berkeley. the earlier crash cleared and that's good news as folks head through the area. there is a stall reported on the upper deck. not a big deal as far as lanes blocked. it is moving toward treasure island. south of there south off castro valley y. slowing toward the toll plaza but no incidents. typical build through the area. fremont shows slowing but nice smooth flow past mission and here northbound routes through san jose slow here as well as cars going here through palo alto. back to you. >> thank you very much. another local update for you in one half hour from right now. ee you then. plumber finds and fixes the problem, that easy churn of the screw. >> the drain valve was just slightly open just a hair. i just closed it. >> thank you. >> okay. >> okay. what do i owe you for that? >> that's okay. no problem. >> nothing? are you kidding? >> no problem. >> reporter: amazing. these next few plumbers also fixed the problem in just minutes. >> that's it? >> yeah. >> reporter: but our luck is about to go down the drain. meet frank. >> liz. good to meet you, frank. >> reporter: he checks the tank. and watch, frank finds and fixes the leak, churning that screw. problem solved, but he tells our mom, there's still a drip. >> the water has to be drained and then you need a new valve put on. >> that will fix the leak? >> that will fix the leak. >> reporter: that's right, even though he fixed the leak, he still wants to put in a brand new valve. price, $359. >> what do you make of that? >> i think he's trying to take advantage of the homeowner financially. >> reporter: we have questions for frank. >> hi, jeff rossen from nbc news. you just told her she needs a new valve. why? >> it was leaking. >> reporter: you tightened it and it stopped leaking. >> it was still forming a drip. >> reporter: actually the dripping had stopped but he says he didn't want to hang around and make sure or have to come back. >> reporter: do you stand by this? >> for what i saw? yes. >> reporter: if you think he's pricey, this next plumber takes it to another level. >> the basement is right there. >> reporter: just seconds in, he sees major problems. >> there is no fixing it, just replacing it. >> you're the expert, what do you think? >> you need a new unit, just from looking at it. >> reporter: a new unit. he says it's getting old, wet on the bottom and this corrosion means the side pipe is leaking. all wrong says our expert. this unit is in tiptop shape. why is this guy telling our mom she needs to pay for a new one? >> there's no fixing the leak except for replacing it. >> reporter: the cost, a whopping $1,675. >> hi. jeff rossen from nbc news. the leak was coming from this valve. did you check this? >> i didn't see nothing here. >> reporter: didn't see it. our expert says it was right in front of him. >> here is where i saw the leak. >> i'm feeling it. it's bone dry. >> when i first felt it there, i felt a little bit of wetness. >> reporter: do you feel it now? >> no. >> reporter: neither do i. he couldn't explain that and decided to leave. we reached out to the company owner but didn't hear back. but the biggest bill is yet to come. meet joe. >> i'm just trying to see because i don't want you to have to spend no money you don't have to spend. >> reporter: that sounds nice. joe spends a lot of time looking, touching, staring at the heater. at first, he says this. >> i think it's coming from here. >> reporter: minutes later, he changes his tune. >> replace it, take this one out and put a new one in. >> you mean the whole thing? >> yeah. it has to be coming from that. >> the price? >> 1900 bucks. >> that's what i need to do for this leak? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: nearly $2,000 to replace a water heater our expert says could last another 10 to 15 years. >> reporter: why do you want to charge her $1900? >> i told her the bottom of the water heater is leaking. it was wet. >> reporter: our expert says it was a simple explanation. >> it was easy to fix, a turn of the screw. >> i told her that. >> reporter: no, you didn't. >> i told her that either way. >> reporter: i was watching hidden camera. >> i told her either way. >> reporter: i was watching in a hidden camera. >> i'm gone. >> reporter: she said what do i need to do to fix this leak? you said a new hot water heater. our expert says it was working perfectl perfectly. >> all right. >> reporter: in the end most did what's rite and in the end almost half tried to charge money for work she didn't need. >> experts says before you pay for a hot water heater you should get estimates and ask friends for a recommendation before you find yourself in the middle of an emergency and quickly searching for a plumber. call your local consumer affairs office to make sure that plumber you hire is licensed. >> you think it can't be true this stuff goes on. >> i amazing. >> i'm happy you lived to tell about it. you're pushing it a little bit. let us get a check of the weather from al. >> thanks so much, savannah. this storm system is massive. let's go to tulsa, oklahoma, show you what's going on there. they've been getting a lot of snow. in tulsa, there we have it. you can see the road is icy, causing a lot of accidents and this is getting wound up. we will be seeing more of this activity making its way into the mid-plains and midwest and eventually into the south with severe weather. here's what we're looking at right now as far as temperatures are concerned. this is why we're getting all this snow. look at these temperatures, all the way to oklahoma, temperatures anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees below normal. you get all that moisture coming in with the storm system, jetstream on top, why we're seeing such vigorous activity. a lot of thunderstorms being reported. 20s stretching from the plains to the northeast new england. you have to go to southern texas and southern florida to find temperatures in the 80s. 7:39. so close to the weekend. a live look at a beautiful start to the day over san jose. unfortunately all that snow from mt. hamilton is a thing of the past. cold out there but a nice warm finish to the day. 61 on the way for livermore. 60 into fremont. warmer tomorrow. mid 60s return and then getting into the weekend sunday looks to be a lot better for your outdoor plans. more sunshine and mid 60s. don't forget any time you need that weather, especially with this big storm check out the weather channel on cable, weather if i were you, i'd stay away from london. david. >> thanks very much. coming up next, the proof this morning women talk more than men. really? i'm not sure it's true in my house. a lot more. right after this. >> i'm just politely listening. >> yeah. exactly. the usual, bob? not today. 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[ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that. back now at 7:44 while savannah works, men sometimes complain. >> you know what, al, i'll take it from here, david. the women talk too much. we have a possible reason why. i don't know what this is about. go ahead, andrea, tell us. >> i don't know this applies to david. you guys were giving him quite the beating during the break. he talks a lot, right? >> he does. he's a chatty kathy. >> research shows women talk almost three times as much as men. >> what? >> i like to think we're better communicators, there may be a biological reason as well. >> women like to talk a lot. >> yes, i know. >> reporter: we've come a long way but women just can't seem to escape the old stigma. >> wow, she just never shuts up, does she? >> reporter: we talk too much. is it true? do we talk too much? >> yes, we do. we talk. women want to be heard. men don't listen so we have to keep repeating ourselves over and over to make sure we're heard. >> reporter: you like to do all the work and listen. and just say yes now and then? >> yes? and uh-huh. >> reporter: the average woman speaks up to 20,000 words a day, that's 13,000 more than the average man. new research says there may be a reason women are better communicators, a biological explanation for all those chatty kathies out there. scientists from the university of maryland school of medicine discovered there are higher levels of a language protein called fox p 2 in female brains. we discovered this protein, fox p2 is involved in vocalizations. >> reporter: they studied a small group of young children and found 30% more of the protein in the brains of the girls. >> we can't say this is the end all be all reasoning, but it is one of the first avenues with which we can start to explore why women tend to be more verbal than men. >> reporter: what's your breaking point? >> breaking point where you just want to say shut-up. that's my breaking point. >> okay. >> women generally speak more quickly and devote more brainpower to language. >> i take away that women have a gift for communication and expression. >> absolutely. as i said, more highly evolved. we'll talk more about that. >> i have to admit i bump that story yo type. i was talking in college and a young woman was listening to me and she goes like this and i said, what is it? she said, you are talking a hole in my head. there's more to the story. >> see, there he goes. >> you were saying your wife is a big chatter. she talks all the time. >> i did not say that. >> can she really get a word in? >> let's ask her because beth wilkinson is on the phone right now. >> oh, no. good morning to you. >> hi, honey, how are you? >> sweetheart, how are you? >> nice of you, savannah to let me actually officially get a word in edge-wise. i appreciate you. >> is he like this at home, beth? >> so i can actually speak to my husband and have him listen to me. >> the floor is yours. >> that story about the hole in the head is true, i think i have an indentation myself. >> so he's really the chatterer in the family? >> he is quite chatty. whereas with me at dinners, mornings, noon, night, he's pretty chatty. >> we've noticed. >> beth often tells me that, you know, stop talking about yourse yourself. be a better listener. when we first met she would be reading the paper, don't you want to talk? >> ah. >> when talking, does he talk a lot about his man bags? >> that's a very unfortunate topic, al and i wish you hadn't brought that up. >> wise that unfortunate? >> she's a woman of 2350u worfe herself. beth wilkinson, thank you so much for getting on the phone. just say yes all the way, you're always right. >> thanks so much and thanks for keeping our house quiet this week. >> well, we're sending him back to you, okay? thanks so much. still ahead, we'll talk about the michigan couple who won millions playing their late friend's penny slot machine. this happened just hours after his memorial service. a bittersweet story after this. pr , obly google. if we do a side by side blind test comparison, and you end up choosing google, you get an xbox. i'll bet you the xbox, you bet me your son. well let's look up what you need. okay, i would do the left. yeah? what?! i am a daddy! bing wins it! bing won. bing did win. people prefer bing over google for the web's top searches. don't believe it? go to and see what you're missing. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. the intense ache made it hard to do the things that i wanted. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. i'll tell you what we do. i want you to go out on the field and look for anything with an "o". we will win this for mother russia! coach, eat a snickers®. why's that, chief? you get a little loopy when you're hungry. better? better. now let's go for it! [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. snickers® satisfies. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, . . . . . . finale. anyway, a video matchup of "downton" doing one direction. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you don't know you're beautiful ♪ ♪ that's what makes you beautiful ♪ >> wow, that's great. he's been watching the person who put together this video. >> it's a british comedian that's gotten more than 300,000 views and one direction's harry stiles retweeted it. still ahead, a very important life lesson passed on to me by my dad. get it done. we can all throw on our work clothes... ...and throw out any doubt. because right now's the time to take those rooms from... ..."think i can do this?" to... ..."let me show you what i just did." more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. outsmart your budget with glass and stone mosaic tile, just $6.98 a square foot. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. this year, don't just take time off. put time in. turn spending time with your family into spending time as a family. at the one place where every heart-pounding, jaw-dropping, goose-bumping second counts. it's your vacation. don't just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. it is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. uc berkeley police at this hour searching for three teenage girls wanting to attacking two women near cal campus. the girls assaulted those weapons on dwight way near prospect street south of the main campus on friday night. they say both women were sprayed in the face with a toxic substance possibly pepper spray and one was punched and kicked to the ground. the teens allegedly tried to rob these victims but a man passing by that area intervened and the suspects took off getting in a white dodge charger. the victims we're happy to report were not seriously hurt. a check on that thursday forecast. christina loren is here to show and tell. good morning. >> good morning to you, jon. good morning to you at home. taking a live look mt. hamilton behind me. snow yesterday. it all melted. maybe some spots in the shade where we have white stuff. overall we're going to see a warmer day. a good looking forecast. 39 degrees right now in livermore. by noon, we'll be in the mid 50s. just about everywhere. a couple upper 50s on the way as you break for lunch in places like fairfield. rounding out the day at 63 in fairfield. 61 on the way for gilroy. 60 in san jose today and that goes for oakland as well. we're so close to the weekend now and tomorrow we'll warm you up even more so. maybe a stray shower in the north bay on saturday. let's check the drive. good morning. >> good morning. we're looking here to oakland where the northbound side past the coliseum bogs down around high street. it's partly an optical illusion because of the curve in the road. we'll look at the maps. w we see off 238 you slow down a bit. southbound side, starts to clear a little bit right now. tough toward the san mateo toll plaza. earlier crash cleared from the roadway. over on the peninsula side, another issue for 92 at 101 northbound 101 we do have a crash near the interchange. we'll watch that as well as the south bay. >> another local update coming for you at 8:26. stick around. "today" show rolls on. 8:00 on thursday morning, the 21st of february, 2013. wonderful fans have come out here on the plaza to say hello and braving pretty chilly temperatures this morning. good morning to all of them and all of you. actually, we're very excited because as chilly as it is here, it is absolutely lovely in miami which is where we're going tomorrow. supposed to be 70 degrees at show time. >> for the friday field trip, very exciting. >> and flo rida doing a live concert. there is a shot of where we'll be tomorrow. if you're in the area come on down and enjoy the concert. >> pit bull will give us a tour. >> i wasn't invited and i had to sign the book. >> and you gave us permission to go. >> and you are invited. >> that is south beach wine and food festival. we're going to be right there on the beach and savannah and natalie are going to be my sous chefs. >> a new high tech way to order starbucks from your car. >> wow. new way to multitask as well. the secret weapon used by national geographic photographer to go where no man has gone before. it is the flying lawn chair. >> pretty cool. >> it is pretty cool. >> and in top tips our parents taught us, david, you have one your dad passed on to you and keeps you in good stead even to this day. >> it is basic manners and we'll talk about it in just a couple minutes. >> a programming note we want to remind everybody next week we'll be live at the vatican as we have the final days of pope benedict, and we'll be there at the final public outing and take a look at what is next for the world's more than 1 billion catholics and who may be his successor. that's all next week on today. >> a lot of interesting stories there. we'll go back inside to natalie morales with a check of headlines. >> good morning, everyone. as many as 30 million americans are in the path of a major winter storm that brought snow and high winds to southern arizona on wednesday and forced the first ever suspension of mass play at the world golf championship. heavy snow is causing dangerous white out conditions in kansas and nebraska and hundreds of flights have been canceled. a stunning development today at the bail hearing for south after an olympic star oscar pistorius. prosecutors reveal the lead investigator in the murder case against pistorius is himself facing seven attempted murder charges over a police shooting in 2011. meantime nike said today it has suspended its contract with pistorius accused of gunning down his girlfriend on valentine's day. the sudden death of a gynecologist in the baltimore area has many much his patients wondering if they were victims of a shocking violation of privacy. senior investigative correspondent lisa myers reports. >> baltimore police are trying to identify about 1,000 women seen over the last two decades by nikita levy who practiced object stet striks and gynecology at johnss hopkins. he was found dead at his home, an apparent suicide after being accused of photographing and videotaping patients. >> it is unbelievable. >> jessica was levy's patient for 11 years and says she felt very close to him. >> i am very confused. if i could speak with him, i would tell him he broke my heart. he broke my trust. >> police say they uncovered an kbreerd amount of evidence in levy's home removing computers, hard drives and servers full of images. >> we understand there is an extensive amount of photographs and video recordings that show patients in various states of undress and examination. johns hopkins says levy got caught off a fellow employee was suspicious and alerted security. the hospital notified the police and suspended levy. words cannot express how deeply sorry we are for every patient whose privacy may have been violated, the hospital said. his lawyer emphasized that he was never chargedes with a crime. lisa myers, nbc news, washington. switching gears now for a look at what is trending today, our quick round up of what has talking online, a starbucks fans website says the coffee chain is testing a new video drive-thru that provides service with a smile. it let's the customer and starbucks employees see each other while placing and taking orders for what will be an even friendlier coffee experience. google released a new online video demonstrating what it is like to wear the still experimental google glasses. it appears the high tech specks will respond to voice commands and hand gestures a users shoot with pictures and video chats. they expected to cost about $1500 when they hit the market. matty, the baby sloth is a smooth operator and won the heart of a youtube poster by giving her a flower. rachel says the tender but very slow gesture there made it the best day of her life. so cute. 8:05 now. back outside to savannah and david. >> natalie, thank you. >> mr. roker, it is quite cold. >> a little brisk but that has not dampened the enthusiasm of our crowd, especially the birthday girl sara. happy birthday. where are you from. >> maine. >> you're together. >> yeah. >> okay. you got a posse for your birthday. happy birthday. let's see what we've got going on for you for today. our friday field trip, mostly sunny and nbc 6 and south florida, we are looking forward to that. let me tell you. as we check out the country you can see on the satellite radar the storm, natalie told you about the top of the newscast, big snow going on. we're talking some places getting 9 to 18" of snow, nebraska into kansas and slight risk of strong storms east texas into mississippi, look for heavy rain later this weekend into georgia. more rain moving into the pacific northwest with mountain snows and high surf advisories along the southern california coast and snow showers from the great lakes into new england. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. just getting a spectacular start to the day. over san francisco, you will notice, camera starting to shake a little bit. we have winds picking up. that will be the case especially towards the coastline. 61 for livermore. 63 for fairfield. 61 degreesñi in redwood city. tomorrow, we're going to be a touch warmer to finish off the workweek. weekend looks good. sunday, better day for outdoor plans. hope you have a fantastic thursday. neck of the woods.3 c1 where are you ladies from? maryland. >> your first trip to new york. all right. let's go back to savannah. >> al, thanks. coming up, a unique way to photograph from the flying lawn chair. we'll share remarkable images and david shares an important skill he learned from his dad, the gregory grip and how you can shop like a pro and beat what retailers have to draw you in. first these messages. ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. it's the tasty -- whoa! [ laughing ] it's the tasty 100% natural little cheese that -- oh, thank you! ...goes wherever you're going. mini babybel cheese from the laughing cow. have you laughed today? ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. well, technically i wear one. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of new bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. back at 8:11. >> i know this is a bit bittersweet. your friend max anderson had been your friend for more than 40 years. i know you hunted and fished together and you occasionally went to the casino and i guess you did so in his honor after the memorial service. tell us what happened, why you decided to play this penny slot machine. >> i was playing craps at the palace and i looked around and my wife was playing the slot machine and she was behind me, and next time i looked she was gone, and then i felt like somebody was watching over my shoulder and i thought she wanted to leave and every time i looked i kept looking at the same slot machine. about five minutes later i got the same feeling and i turned around and looked and all i saw was the same slot machine and my friend max always played the penny slot machine, so i decided i was going to play the slot machine which i never hardly ever do, especially a penny machine, and i put $20 in, and pushed a couple buttons, and i guess i pushed the maximum bet and on the second pushy won $7,217,000. >> you had to be overwhelmed by this. go ahead. >> i believe that my friend directed me right to that machine. >> mrs. morris, when you came over, when did you find out that max had won? >> that tyler had won? i was actually looking for him because we were ready to go. it had been a long day. we drove 1,200 miles from michigan. the memorial was, you know, quite beautiful, and so i called him on my cell phone and i said where are you? he usually is by the craps table and he said i just won a jackpot and i am waiting to get paid. so i walked over to where i thought he would be, and i didn't see him. he said something about the machine being by the craps table, and i didn't see him. i didn't see the machine. i kind of stood back and all of a sudden i realized there was lots of people standing around this particular machine that was called the lord of the rings, and so i kind of tried to get closer and a lady grabbed ahold of me and said that man just won $7 million. i said my goodness. >> mr. and mrs. morris, what an amazing story. we're so glad to have you with us. i know your dear friend max is smiling down on you and i know his family is really happy for you, too. our congratulations to you and our best wishes as well. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, the valuable lesson david learned from his dad. a very unique way to capture some of the world's most amazing places right after this. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... sugar and calories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light. back now at 8:17, how one national photographer got an abarred winning shot. these incredible immanuages are available in a book called "desert air." jamie sat down with him. good morning. >> hey, david, good morning. over the years we have seen amazing work to the compare photographers who contribute to the national geographic. it's just how george steinmetz take his photos because, let's just say he's a bit of a dare devil. >> for the last 15 years, award winning photographer, george steinmetz, has been on a mission to document the deserts of the world traveling from antarctica to the remote most corners of the earth. it has been his passion, obsession and his photos are simply stunning. take a closer look at his work. just how does he capture those birds eye images? >> i like pushing the inflammato envelope. >> reporter: the answer, what he affectionately called, his flying lawn chair. a motorized paraglider he helped create to go, yes, where no man has gone before. >> i confess when i heard about this, i sort of thought you just gracefully lifted up. >> well, it's not graceful. i'm not exactly athletic. when you do it, you don't think about things, instinctual after a while. you lay the wing out and behind you like a big kite and you get the motor running and you basically start running like hell with 100 pounds on your back and squeeze the throttle and try to avoid any obstacle. usually within 50 feet, you're flying. >> when it's not usually, what happens? >> a lot of varieties, a lot of ways to mess up. >> reporter: this photo, after he hit a tree in china, says it all. but once he's up, he takes his hands off the controls and starts taking photos. compare images from a unique perspective no other photographer has ever captured. >> could people react when they see you up there? >> usually, who is that crazy adventure dude? if people are looking edgy or nervous, i wave with both hands and say i don't have a weapon. >> reporter: describe the landing? >> you come in fast and a few feet off the ground, pull the brake lines and my first steps are skid marks. within about four or five steps i'm stopped on the ground. >> reporter: what does your wife think of this? >> she's not real keen on it. when we got married i wasn't doing this. shortly after a wedding, i have this great idea, i think i can fly this parachute with a motor on the back. she's like, what? she's very tolerant. >> reporter: translation, his wife is a saint, especially since she knows their three kids are lobbying for a ride. he started shooting photos more than 30 years ago when he dropped out of stanford to hitchhike through africa, eventually realizing his dream to become a photographer for national geographic. but he always wanted to know what the world looked like from up here. >> instinct. if i can get up, i can see it. i can understand it. >> reporter: for the record, his flying machine is classified as an experimental vehicle, with good reason. and his flights are not for the faint of heart. steinmetz has occasionally run out of gas. >> i have a gas gauge on the motor, a mirror to look in the translucent tank, i can probably fly about 10 more minutes. >> reporter: occasionally crashed. how many times have you crashed? >> i don't keep track. >> reporter: ballpark? >> depends what you call crash, bodily harm, i would say 50 times. >> reporter: 50 times. >> if you were to do what i do in any other kind of aircraft, you'd be dead. like falling on a ball without football gear. it's not catastrophic. >> reporter: then there are other close calls. a country, a story, questioned in libya, detained in yemen, arrested in iran. >> they alleged i jumped out of a jet and some kind of a spy and like james bond or something. they'd seen too many movies. >> reporter: but he wouldn't have it any other way. he likes to say it's the journey of a lifetime. >> what do you hope people will learn from looking? >> that there's a whole world out there to understand. >> he hopes he will get permission to shoots from the air in tibet. and another exotic location, the city of manhattan. the faa has not agreed. i thought i wanted to go for a ride, guys, i confess, i'm a coward. i'm glad it was snowing the day i interviewed george. remember, he has crashed 50 time times. >> i think that was just a smart decision. >> depends how you define "crash". thanks. >> you can see more of those stunning photos on >> time for you to reveal the top tip you learned from your parents. >> this is one of those life-long lessons. my dad taught me the power of a good hand shake, such a simple lesson but stayed with me. i think about it with my kids, do you have eye contact? a firm grip. it was my dad. we were at a friend of his house, we had played tennis. me and dad at the all-star game a couple years ago. i shook his hand. and he made a point, my dad, saying, that was kind of a weak hand shake. you always want to have a firm hand shake, man-to-man, just an important part. >> how old were you when that happened? >> what? >> how old were you? >> i was about 10 or 11. >> so you've shaken many hands. >> maybe it sounds insensitive. when you're shaking a man's hand, particularly firm grip. anybody's hand, a woman maybe not as hard depending on the situation. >> good firm grip. >> good eye contact. hold it for a few seconds. make an impression. >> the holding and release is very important. >> hold and release. >> how long do you hold? >> don't you think it's true as you're growing up, if you shake somebody's hand, it's kind of limp -- wow, what was that? >> you don't want to hold on too long or too tight. hold me, david. >> when you come in with the left, what does that mean? definitely something that stayed with me. we showed presidential photos as well. >> of all the hands you've shaken especially of fairly influential people, who would you rank in the top five? >> interesting, among the presidents, there are some, i won't say who, who have weaker handshakes, i think there's a reason for that. i think they're actually counseled a little bit when you're shaking so many hands you don't want to grip tightly over time. >> interesting. >> that's the other tip. coming up, your chance to own valuable pieces of olympic history. good thursday morning to you. it's 8:26 now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. president obama may be joining in the effort to overturn california's ban on same-sex marriage. this morning, the white house says the president is considering urging the supreme court to overturn proposition 8. the president has expressed his support for gay marriage saying his administration would do whatever it could to promote marriage equality. the administration has until the end of the month to intervene in the case by filing a friend of the court briefing. let's see if we're friendly out there on the roadways. how's the commute? >> they're getting together in a friendly fashion. no crashes. but look at 880 south through fremont. it's gumming up anywhere south of the dumbarton bridge. slow northbound 101, 280 and 85. but a quicker commute because many schools are off for ski week. north 880 gumming up between 280. and 880 past the oakland coliseum, we have a disabled big rig going on northbound side. looks like it could cleared past high street. but that's gumming up toward fruitvale for the slowing. >> at least the sun is out. we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. 8:30 now on this thursday morning, the 21st of february, 2013, as we say hello to our well bundled crowd on rockefeller plaza. it is 32 degrees right now on this plaza. tomorrow, it will be approaching 70 as al, willie, natalie and i descend on south beach. we will have a great show there, part of our friday field trip series and get a personal tour from mr. 305 himself, pitbull. >> and a live concert from flo rida and a lot more. there's pitbull. he will show us the sights of miami. look forward to seeing you. if you're in the area in south florida, come on down. we'd love to meet you tomorrow morning. >> that will be great. >> what else is coming up? >> we will talk about the survival of the cutest, all the efforts to save the giant pandas are raising questions about all those efforts and a bit of debate about it. >> the tricks of the trade when it comes to shopping, what retailers are doing to actually get you into the stores and how they're kind of maybe tricking you into buying certain items. >> we are going to visit a pet lovers' paradise. the global pet expo going on right now. >> oh, my gosh. >> in orlando. >> thank you. >> somebody, get me a chew toy. >> we will check in with jill in a moment. first, we all remember this, one of the greatest upsets in sports histor history. >> do you believe in miracles? yes! >> the u.s. hockey team defeated the soviets during the 1980 olympic games. 33 years later, the team's captain is auctioning off his uniform used in the "miracle on ice" game. mike, good morning to you. great to see you. >> how you doing? nice to see you. 33 years, we can't believe how much time has passed. >> i know. i'm getting old. >> we all are getting old. these are treasured items, artifacts. first question, why do you want to auction them off? >> they were sitting in my attic in my hockey bag for 30 years. i kind of -- i think the older you get, the more you think of your future. fortunately for me, i think i'm doing it for the right reasons, not the wrong reason. financially, things are fine. i thought this was a great opportunity to take the money and give it to my kids' for their kids' future and i have a foundation at home and want some of the money to go to my charity. >> can you look how tough these guys are? the shoulder pads are not very big. >> they're not. >> it was the '80s after all. >> the jersey and socks i wore in the finland game. >> there a's some in new jersey that go up for upwards of a mil y million dollars. >> that's all? i'm hoping it goes for a lot of money. it will help a lot of people if it goes for the right amount of money. i'm looking forward to a saturday night, is the auction. >> you have the game winning stick? >> yes. that's the stick i scored the goal against the soviets. >> even your socks. >> one pair of socks, i don't know where the other ones are. i'm excited about it, coming into new york city saturday night. you can even go online at and bid on things. it's an exciting -- >> is it tough to part with this stuff? >> no. because it sat in my trunk in the attic. it's not like it was something hanging in my home. when i found out how much it was worth, i kind of took it out of the attic and put it in a safety deposit box. it just made sense for me. i have three children and two jerseys. you can't divide things up. i thought this was the best way to do it. >> mike, great to have you here. thanks for showing us this. >> thank you very much. now a look at the weather. >> the weekend ahead starting with friday, messy conditions in the upper ohio valley with snow in the great lakes. look for rain and snow in the pa pacific northwest and sunny and mild and more wet rain saturday, snow in new england, how much we have to keep an eye on that. more snow in the rockies and pacific northwest. sunday-sunday more remaining snow in new england, more snow in the plains and rockies, wet weather in the pacific northwest. sunny and cold around the great la 8:34 on a thursday morning. beautiful start today. it's cold out there. grab your coat but leave your umbrella at home. in fact, grab the shades instead. lots of sunshine on top for our thursday afternoon. we have some patchy fog out there this morning. it should clear. highs in the mid-60s. we'll take you outside and show you that beautiful shot coming into our newsroom from beautiful san francisco. the classic. mike taking some pictures. to another classic down in florida. hello, uncle willie. >> sweet sunshine in florida. these beautiful people came to see us. they thought they were getting free smuckers. happy birthday from schmumucker. we'll take care of our buddies. alene alsobrook from east palatka, florida, on the other side of florida. 100 years old. great tv fan, loves to get the news from newspapers, reads everyday and watches the tv. darrell sanders from beautiful wells, kansas, 100 years old today, says he puts a little pickle juice in his water everyday. that's how he's lived to be 100. we have wilella. i love that name. wilella thomas from may con, georgia, 100 years old today. a great civil rights fan. marched in the civil rights movement. god bless. al goldbaum, from mill valley, california. nature lover, loves to look at the trees and flowers, good man. opal wash of cincinnati, ohio. 105 years old. loves to read poetry and also sing hymns. >> i sing hymns all the time. i love hymns. myron forman. he is 100 years old, boca raton, florida, across the water from where we are and loves to play golf. deetta lalle, that's the name. 103. from binghamton, new york. 103. loves to write letters. still writes letters. doesn't use the computer, she writes. back to new york, where they use computers. >> all right, willard. thanks so much. the battle over saving the giant panda. why some say the effort may not be worth the cost. first, this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:39. no denying pandas are cute and cuddly looking. so why are some scientists questioning efforts to save them from extension? here's nbc's kate snow. >> reporter: it's easy to see why pandas are the poster bears of the conservation movement. they're undeniably adorable. they're cute. >> very cute, incredibly cute. >> reporter: sara, a wildlife conservationist has been working here in china for 13 years. >> they're very cuddly looking, very round cheeks and big eyes. all those eyes, all those characteristics make them almost look like a human infant. i think that infantile appearance engenders our want to protect protect. >> reporter: and protecting the giant panda is what this place is all about. with so few pandas left in the wild, scientists here have been breeding pandas in captivity. these cubs are just four months old. we were given the rare opportunity to scrub up and go into the nursery where keepers watch over them. >> hi. hey. >> reporter: these little guys spend their days sleeping, eating. this little one is just learning how to walk. >> you are too cute. look at you. >> you can touch him. >> can i? >> yeah. >> hi. >> reporter: more than 100 cubs have been born here since it opened in 1987. >> it's almost become like an industry, trying to make as many pandas as possible. >> i would say that's a fair way to explain it. >> reporter: an industry dedicated to saving the panda. what could be wrong with that? >> i think that pouring millions and millions of dollars into one species, albeit incredibly cute animal is wrong. >> reporter: a wildlife expert for the bbc, one of a growing number of scientists says with so many species becoming extinct it makes no sense to save just one. >> reporter: some say who are you to play god and decide we shouldn't save the panda. >> who are they to play god? they picked a cute cuddly one. why don't they pick a snail or caterpillar or fly. they are already playing god, survival of the cutest. >> reporter: sara says pandas are more than cute animals, a symbol of hope for the conservation movement. >> if we truly can not save giant pandas, what does that say about us as a species and how can we have hope for any of the others if we can't save the one we profess to love the most. >> reporter: at chung du, they're convinced the millions spent to save this species is all worth it. >> you can see more at rock sender with brian williams, tomorrow, 9:00 central time on nbc. up next, tricks used by retailers to get you to spend. first, this is "today" on back now at 8:44 with "today's" style. how to shop like a pro. retailers know just how we browse and set up their stores to get us to spend. if you're smart, you can use that to your advantage. the style editor, good morning to you. people think black friday is the great discount time. no? >> no. now is the time. go out and start shopping? studies have shown the top 20 best sale days of 2012, 15 of those were february. it's right around president's day. now is the time you want to shop. gone are the days of 60 to 70% off from 2008. right now, it's all about 47% off. if you find a bargain between 30 and 50%, go for it. >> stores know our shopping psychology. we will walk through it. the first is these beautiful display items. snatch them right up? >> no. don't snatch them right up. the stores use display items to snooker you into their lair and want to entice you with beautiful fabrics, things trendy. don't fall for it. they're full price. stores also know people shop count counterclockwise. the reason we're doing that, stores will put the new arriv arrivals, you will see the sign here, sometimes it will say just in or right off the runway. don't fall for that. they know we will shop this way. we're very predictable animals. often, these are the full price or mildly discounted items. you don't want to fall for that. once you passed that, we go to basics and staples. >> this looks good, a promo, 2 for $20. >> thank you for pointing that out. there is a big difference between a sale item and promotional item. something $40 could get marked down to $20. a promo gives you two for something. at lucky we always talk about the fashion calculator. this is where it comes into play. if these t-shirts are $12 each, you're really not getting such a great bargain, saving $4 for a t-shirt you didn't even need. you need to know what you want to spend and what you need in your own closet. now, savannah. >> here it is. the sale rack. >> this fashion holy grail, the sale rack. they usually hide it in the back where it's darker and harder to get to. we've shown you that's where it is and you will go to. most sale items get marked down on thursdays to kick off for a weekend sale. that's a great day to shop. if you see an item like new arrivals, in about six weeks they tend to get marked down. >> once you're in the sale rack before everybody gets in there and messes it up, do they put the really good items in this back of the rack? >> they try to mix them in there. shoppers are really savvy and hide the good items as well. you want too make sure you're reading tags and signs. don't forget to read the fine print. sometimes that select style 40% off can only mean one or two things. always check. >> of if it says up to 40%, you will get a range. >> exactly, be a smart shopper and read the fine print. i will take you to the denim wall, if you will. denim, i don't know about you. i know for myself, i own a ton of jeans. the average american woman owns seven pair of jeans and 31% of women say they refuse to go a size up for jeans that they don't wear them, they won't fit, you know what i mean? they really just want a pair of great jeans. so what stores will do is they'll stock the denim wall with so many jeans, they'll put it right next to the fitting room because they figure the more you try, the more you will buy. >> thy thank that if a woman finds a pair of jeans that fits great, they'll buy two? >> that's right. they will buy two and three and buy them in different colors. that's what we're seeing especially spring 2013, very trendy colors an patterns. if you find the right style, you will snap up a bunch of them and you will bring them all into the fitting room and try them on. here's another trick stores use. they put the fitting room right next to voila, the cash wrap. the reason it is so close to the fitting room is it doesn't give you any time to put anything back, once you tried it on, you've fallen in love with it, you won't go to the clear other side of the store and put it back. >> here's the thing i fall for all the time, they put these cute items next to the cash register. >> you are a marketer's dream. >> i'm a sucker. >> this is what is known as impulse buy or cross sale. you see a lot of items on the way up to the cash wrap, beauty, fashion, what have you, things $20 or under but they're full price. don't fall for it. >> ugh. >> the things at the cash wrap are usually a little bit more discounted but that's how they get i. you will buy something any way, why not throw in a few 5 or $20, you can rack your bill up that way. >> thank you. you will be sticking around for a live chat at 9:30. you will give a lot more information. if you want more answers go to our website. next we head to the pet expo. first, this is if you are a pet person, orlando is the place to be this week. our animal advocate, jill rappaport is there checking out the global pet expo. good morning. >> reporter: i am in heaven. can you imagine 13 football fields long filled with every possible toy, food, gadgets, gizmo that your fur angel could possibly want. if you think i am in heaven, you can imagine when i took my little ruby on a tour of this pet fest. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ >> be good girl. be good girl. >> reporter: they say every dog has its day. this was definitely a fantasy adventure for ruby. ♪ ♪ oh yeah >> reporter: she was in absolute ecstasy at the global pet expo. this is the pet industry's largest annual tradeshow where pet lovers and loved pets from around the world flock to orlando for a three-day animal extravaganza, which gave everyone something to bark about. >> want a bis skit? wow. they're good enough for humans? >> reporter: there are over 900 exhibitors in 2500 booths showcasing over 3,000 new products for a beloved and pampered pets. >> so you say. is this the safest one on the market and newest? >> yes. it connects directly into the seatbelt. >> reporter: it's bigger than you are. >> it will shoot up to 50 feet. >> reporter: from toy mania to tlc. >> that looks awfully good. >> reporter: ruby then caught up with her bff madison. after a little primping, these two fashionistas checked out the latest threads here and were ready to hit the town. ♪ i'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt ♪ >> reporter: too sexy and now too popped to move. it was a day ruby will dream about forever. >> i always like to say, let sleeping dogs lie. i have picked out some of my favorite and my animal's favorite toys here. actually, something for you guys. al, i thought of you. i want to watch this little puppy here. this is perfect. you know how you ride your bike everyday to work. look at this, check this out. you can put pepper in the front. there's actually room in the back if you want to get another rescue dog for me, al. i thought, isn't this wonderful? a portable waterer. ruby, are you thirsty? this would be great for marco rubio. >> oh, nice. >> i did not see that coming. >> and right in orlando, too, she went with that. >> right. savannah, i did leave you out. i know you're the gourmet cook. i have to tell you, when you have guests over, they'll never know these aren't for humans. they are so delicious and they look fabulous. >> jill, david's daughter has gerb ger be gerbels. can you find something for david's daughters? >> okay. and natalie, i found this for you everywhere you go. you can travel. this is fabulous. you can stick this stake in the ground and your dog can go up to 20 feet, which is really wonderful. we have wonderful things here. we have calming sprays which definitely -- oh, dear. w whoo! it works on ruby. >> bring back the calming spray. thank you so much. we're out of time. a check on your local news. good morning to you. 8:56. let's see if it's a good day to walk the dog. checking in with meteorologist christina loren and with our forecast. >> we didn't want to walk the dog yesterday because it was too cold. we had the rain the day before. today, it's your day. good morning to you. beautiful clear blue sky over sunol. you can see the hills. that reinforcing shot of rain keeping those hills green. let's take you to san francisco. a little bit of shake to the camera here. that is an indication of winds that are going to pick up as we head throughout the day today. keep that in mind. temperatures are going to be a touch warmer. 69 degrees inland. bayside, 60. 58 on the way for the coast. hope you have a fantastic thursday. welcome to "today" on this thursday morning, february the 21st, 2013. welcome to today this thursday morning. inside studio 1 a i'm willie gift along with natalie morales. with us, the very lovely christi. >> thank you for having me. this is amazing. >> can i apologize for shattering your dream. we'll get to that in a second. there's men's mannequins with things on that. >> we'll talk about it in just a second. al wanted me to ask you, apparently you were in some magazines last week. >> apparently we have photographs. "sports illustrated"? is that what you were telling me, al? >> this one was there too. >> in easter island, by the way. >> yes. >> that's easter island? >> that was easter island. i never ever dreamed of going there. >> you have footage, too. >> oh, my. >> that was so wonderful. i shot with david burton, who was amazing and so comforting and wonderful. >> that was razor blades on your bum-bum. it was very -- >> it's a great rap name. >> the fourth sport illustrated issue, swimsuit issue. do you ever feel more comfortable in your own skin? >> every single year. it gets easier to hear. i came last year for the issue. oh, my goodness. it gets better every year. i'm just more comfortable. im25e7 now. a lot of girls start at 18. i can't imagine how nervous i would have been at 18. >> congratulations. you're engaged. >> i am. >> i was engaged when i saw you last year too. >> funny. looks like he's getting ready for a wedding there at that long wedding table. >> this is a question you hate being asked. i'm going to ask it anyway. do we have any idea when this alleged wedding is going to take place? >> they've been engaged for decades. >> he has an album coming out. i'll let him do that first. we're not the easiest people to work with. the planner is not having a great time with us. >> i didn't realize this, you're like a big cook. a foodie. and you have a show on the cooking channel, right? >> yeah. on thursday night. you know what, i started a food blog, i am having so much fun with it. it was a fun i do for a hobby. . oh, god, you have that too? >> you're surprised that we have a video that there are people filming you. >> this is a radio crew. >> come on, we have pictures and video. >> wheat the idea on the cooking show? >> it's basically following around what i normally do on the blog. we travel so much. i'm trying to find anywhere i can to cook. this is at one of our wedding places. called blackberry farm. >> you're going to help us you the out in today's take three. take 1 is why women cost more than men. apparently there's proof. >> really? you needed proof of this? >> i know a lot of guys who are motor mouths. >> david gregory. >> i didn't want to use names. but there's proof that women talk three times more than men. biological explanation from the university of maryland is published. >> apparently as i keep talking over david. >> 5 p 2 is a protein in the female brain. >> did you guys agree with this? natalie? >> they say we speak 20,000 words a day. men, 7,000. >> that's a big difference. >> oh, i thought -- >> john definitely buys it. >> that's not there. john talks way less than any normal man as well. >> i don't know that that's true. i constantly hear, why don't you talk more? why don't you say more? >> the story of my life, al. >> when we get home, we don't talk. >> your wife says that to you. >> you talk all day, when you come home, do you not want to speak? >> that's it. i'm talked out. >> i'm sort of -- i have my days. there are days where you feel like you really need to vent and you come home and want to vent with anyone and everyone who will listen to you. now that i do, it's kind of like, ah -- >> we have more exciting news. there's more gossip. i don't do that. >> you talk about football when you talk, right? >> that's an ugly -- how dare you. >> how often do you -- when you're hanging out with the guy, are you sitting there talking about, i had a fre frustrating day? >> the guys i hang out, we talk about cooking and restaurants. >> most of the guys i hang out with we talk about manti hose. >> talk about tweeting. we have one of your tweets from this morning. in reference to what i don't know, oh, shut up about your deviated septum, you got a nose job, who cares. crissy, are you talking about anyone in general interest? >> when i tweet, i didn't imagine they end up on the "today" show. i think of them more private than that for some reason. >> no one's reading your -- >> i forget. i think i talk more on there. >> you're a very funny tweeter. >> thank you. >> university of vermont looked at 10 million tweets to figure out where the happiest and saddest twitter users live. they look for words like happy, reunion and lol. and words like hate, greed and profanity. the happiest cities were -- any guess? >> there it is, napa, california. >> i don't think there's any price the surprise there. >> i had an ex-boyfriend from san clemente, i wasn't happy there. >> did you know this, john in did you know about this? >> i make her happy. >> hashtag happy. happiest states are hawaii, maine and nevada. >> nevada surprised me. >> a lot of marriages go -- they have a lot of marriages there. >> the minute they leave nevada it's not so happen. then you go back to the saddest state. >> here's the saddest cities. >> a couple in texas, texas city, texas, beaumont, texas and albany, georgia. >> these people from nevada are returning to texas. >> saddest state, louisiana, mississippi and maryland. maybe they're sad in maryland because everyone pays attention to washington and not maryland. >> like an inferiority complex. >> take 3 is the aforementioned manti-hose. >> no plan is wearing them. >> what would we have to do to get you in a pair of these? >> i don't get the point. it's not like spanx. it's a fashion item that you put on under your pants. i guess you tuck your jeans. >> we run out of socks? >> he's wearing them. >> he's a model. >> he's got them rolled way up. >> that's the way men can did it about w pants. >> john, would you wear this in. >> no. >> not for men. >> i don't want to see hairy dread lock hairs under neath the pantyho pantyhose. >> you can get them in checkerboard -- >> why? >> they sell for $40. >> i just don't see the occasion where you'd wear it. >> there are people who definitely wear these. rockers would get away with it. >> they're sort of heavy duty, you know what i mean? >> it's a style aesthetic. >> these are heavy duty for the man on the go. >> i guess you have to chav your legs to get them on. >> i will tell you what was the big seller is spanx for men. they did very, very well. >> some people -- >> what do you need spanx for. >> you know, you got little love hams, whatever. >> yeah, i think so. >> you're wearing them? >> get the manti-hose. >> i'm wearing a bro right now. >> i love the bro from "seinfeld." >> how about a look at the latest headlines. >> as many as 30 million americanses in the path of a major storm. that brought snow and high winds that forced first ever suspension of match play at the world golf championships. heavy snow is causing dangerous whiteout conditions. hundreds of flights have been canceled already. prosecutors revealed that the lead investigator in the murder case against pistorius is himself facing seven attempted murder charges over a police shooting back in 2011. meanwhile, nike suspended contracts with mipistorius who s accused of gunning down his girlfriend on valentine's day. jesse jackson waived his right to trial admitting he used $750,000 for campaign funds for personal use. his wife also plead guilty. jackson will be face sentenced in june. he faces up to 50 years in prison and a fine. his wife faces two year and fine. disgraced lance armstrong will not attend the anti-doping agency. the group that stripped him of his title. wednesday was the last day to cooperate. the only way he could lift his life-long ban from competitive sports. the cyclist refused. the case from the same-sex marriage could get a boost from the president. he could overturn california's ban on gay marriage. the commander in chief has until the end of the month to intervene in the case. and this nifty trick shot had draws dropping in kuwait. when it looked like it was out of reach. he reached behind his back, you city in slow motion. his stunned opponents could do nothing but applaud. got to give it up -- wow. that's like the fourth gump shot, right? >> that's right. >> any expert in sports can appreciate that one. >> i like that. i like ping-pong. how about a quick check of the weather. >> as natalie mentioned we have a huge storm to talk about. this is a big low pressure, gulf moisture, arctic air coming and colliding in the midwest. we're talking about winter weather advisory, ice storm warnings and winter weather warnings over 20 states and a risk of strong states down toward the southern gulf. snowfall up to 18 inches of snow along the boarder of nebraska and kansas. generally 6 to 9 inches of snow and rainfall amounts over the next 72 hours, first ice from half inch to an inch. from columbus back into texas and the rainfall over the next 72 hours from the panhandle of florida into central georgia we're talking 5 to 7 inches of 9:12 now. makes you feel a little guilty waking up with a beautiful, crystal clear sunny sky. temperatures are going to climb into the low to mid-60s. 60 in fremont. 60 in los gatos. so close to the weekend. just hold on one more day to go. temperatures are going to be a little bit warmer for your friday. getting into the weekend, outdoor plans look a little bit more ideal on sunday with 64 degrees inland. hope you have a great day. your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, willie shares a recipe that brings back sweet memories, after this. [ other merv ] welcome back to the cleaning games. let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against dirt, it was a sweep, with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? dannon oikos non-fat yogurt sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt. mmm dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt dannon yeah. it's his thing. i don't even participate. boom! here it comes! bring it back! bring it home! [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chilies, you get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. you get a bowl of queso new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. pillsbury crescents. ♪ haircolor is prolledpe into a new era. garnier invents olia... pure... luminous... our first ammonia-free permanent haircolor, poweby oreil.d a major technological breakthrough. oil can do more than condition hair... olia propels color deep inside the hair. maximum color performance. visibly improves and restores hair. 100% gray coverage. olia. easy application. optimal comfort. delicate floral scent. pure, luminous, vivid color. haircolor will never be the same. new olia created by garnier. experience it for yourself at that's the german theme on today's kitchen's melting pot. and a cake that brings back great memories for me, not just because of that frosting, the german chocolate cake. i started as a young kid, like a lot of kids, i had a superman cake or different theme cake. then i hit the age where i think my mom thought i was ready for the german chocolate cake she makes for my dad. she would make it for my birthday every year. just the sight of that, the taste of that frosting just reminds me of being at home with my mom and my dad and my sister and my friends. i went with the german chocolate cake because my last name is germ german, geist. when you break it down, i'm german, french, english, irish, i'm norwegian. it's not quite clear what i am. like a lot of americans, i'm a little bit of a mutt. i've just received word the german chocolate cake, like me, is not really german. i think there's something about the homemade birthday cake because my wife, on my daughter's first birthday, started a tradition, where she takes a full cake and cuts the number of the birthday out of it. the first is number 1, i have the number 2 cake and 3 cake and just through those images the cake tradition lives on. funny how a piece of food can bring you back to such a good and happy place. it does every year, still, at my advanced age. here to make her version is our chef of "bake it like you mean it." and chrissy is here as well. can i be honest, the german chocolate cake is not even german. >> not even remotely. from texas. >> my childhood, i thought it was from my geist heritage. >> i'm assuming a guy named german was german. it is like german and you can still pretend it's german. >> you will make a twist, a more sophisticated version? >> it is. this is a true german cake, my mother's favorite. they're called a german name and i called it after my mother, helga. couldn't be more german than that. >> you're fluent in german. >> how do you say no? >> nin. >> nin, nothing. what do we do here? >> first, we have the batter incredibly easy. you have almond tasting butter and eggs and sugar and flower and spices. i like to add a little ginger to make it spicy and cinnamon. you don't have to. it won't change the batter. the important part is you divide it evenly among three. >> why do you do that? >> because we will mix stuff in two. to one we add cocoa powder and black currant jam, which is very very german. you can mix it up. feel free to add whatever you like. >> all you. i will get in on it. >> we will divide the batter, divide the batter. we will put it on the sheet pan as well as you can, because it can run over a little bit. >> you want three separate sections? >> three separate sections. you don't have to be perfect because you can trim it as you go along? >> if you're not a baker, can you mess this up? >> no. you bake and no one will know and you eat it and no one will ever know. we have one that is going to be plain. the batter is relatively thick. you can smooth it out and know you will have a nice barrier, if it's too runny, refrigerator it 10 minutes. >> go in here? >> easy-peasy. you can bake it until it is firm and springs back to the touch and here we have the cake. >> beautiful. >> what you will do then. this is one of the simplest cakes because it doesn't require simp fancy frosting on the inside. you boil the sugar until it is melted. if you accidentally overcooked your cake, no worries. isn't that simple? then you start stacking with a little more courant jelly and you stack that stack. we would put a piece of mar marshpand on the top and treat it with gonash. >> you stack them up. >> and you cut them up like they are here or slices, one, two, three, four, for or kids' birthday cake. there you go. >> chrissy, i will get you one. thank you so much. now, i feel actually german, not texas german. >> you are always a german to me. >> thank you. >> with a name like geist. >> right. how can i not be. >> you cannot be. >> thank you so much. great to see you. coming up, your wedding with the help of colin, after this. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. 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(announcenjoy the sauce.t. red baron pizza. with a secret sauce, rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. coming up, the pet robot and other gadgets that will change your life. >> first, local news and weather. ♪ when we sail into the sun ♪ into the suuuun... ♪ when we sail into the sun ♪ into the suuuun... ♪ sail into the sun new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm... it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good. good morning to you. 9:26 now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. three people are dead and at least three others injured after a gun battle between moving cars on the las vegas strip. five cars were involved in the crash, including a taxi that burst into flames. investigators say people inside a maserati and suv were shooting at each other before the maserati eventually hit the taxi. the maserati driver, the taxi driver and a passenger were killed. $1,000 reward is being offered for information about a raccoon that was shot last month. these are x-rays of the raccoon's injuries. wildlife rescuers say the raccoon was found resting its head on the curb on palm avenue on sunday. anyone with information is asked to call the peninsula humane society. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break. welcome back. the time now, 9:28. this is san jose, just a beautiful clear day. it's skill cold enough for a jacket out there. but the temperatures are going to climb nicely. we'll finish off the day climbing from the upper 40s and low 50s into the mid-60s in some cities. a pretty good-looking day shaping you want. winds will also pick up. not bringing us any rain but a nice mixing of our atmosphere. that's the good news. temperatures on the mild side. 61 degrees in livermore. 60 in san jose and 60 in los gatos. on friday, so close now, 63 degrees tomorrow. we're going to cool off a little bit. bring in more clouds on saturday. then sunday looks better for outdoor plans with mid-60s on the way. good morning, mike. >> good morning. things have been pretty smooth up until about half an hour ago through oakland where things bogged down for north 880. this is the volume of traffic. good volume past the coliseum northbound away from us. map shows you the same area. earlier crash at the toll plaza caused additional slowing. clearing south 880 toward hayward. there's the toll plaza. an earlier crash, but things are moving nicely now. >> once the traffic clears, really does look like a nice day out there. hope you get a chance to enjoy it. another local news update is coming up in half an hour. the post at service is launching its own line of clothing and accessories. one size em bar rasz all. it will be fantastic. >> the u.s. postal service is launching a clothing line. they will sell post office clothes. it makes sense. every time i walk into the post office, man, it's like a european fashion show in here. where can i get some of that stuff? >> don't knock it. i bet you that is going to be a hotline. >> you're right. cool, ironic, trendy. >> yeah. look at my hat. >> i'm willie geist inside studio 1a with natalie and chris chrissy. you have a vh1 show. >> it comes out in may, called model employee. what else could go wrong? >> you had me at 8 girls in a house. look forward to that in may. meanwhile coming up this morning, a great program that helps veterans find jobs at the same time, makes our schools safer. we'll tell you about that. >> and party planner to the stars, colin cowie on a budget. and custom tools, a wirelro and wireless shower speaker. slight risk of storms in the central gulf and wet weather in this mid-atlantic, icy conditions through the ohio river valley. looking for snow in the great lakes, rain in the pacific northwest. as we look at saturday, could be looking at a wet weather in the northeast and leftover snow in new england, more snow in the rockies, wet weather pacific northwest, cold in the plains and mild in texas and gulf coast and beautiful s hey, good morning to you. it's 9:32. this is high atop san bruno mountain. temperatures are going to be pretty comfortable soon enough. still kind of cold out there. 61 by 3:00 p.m. in livermore. 60 in fremont. more clouds on the way for saturday. 9 sunday looks to be the best bet for outdoor plans. at the bayside, 61 degrees. have a great day. weather. natal natalie. >> al, thank you. if you're planning to walk down the aisle but short on ideide ideas and money, look no further than celebrity colin cowie. his latest, a wedding keepsake organizer. a gorgeous book, absolutely stunning. it's to put together a wedding but have something you can cherish afterwards. a lot of people that plan, the bride doing all the work? >> not any more. 50/50, shared responsibility. >> it should be anyway. hear that, john? 50/50. >> the most important thing is to be organized and why i created a planner that keeps you organized. >> what are some of the mistakes people make? chrissy is planning her own wedding now. >> be organized and dream and come with a plan and then you have the big picture, it guides you on decisions along the way. >> you showed us ways to create a memorable event taking us to a whole new level. you're showing us ways to dress up. this is the venue where you're getting married. every bride wants a bigger budget than she has. how to create great things. >> this is ann arbor where you're exchanging your vows. and you kcan make wishes on ribbons. and all the wishes are attached very easily to the arbor while they get married. >> it makes it very personal. >> makes it very personal and collect these ribbons and if they hit a bumpy patch they can read these ribbons. this is easy to do. make ancision and put the ribbon in there. >> this is not hard? >> no. these are easy ways to do this and done in advance. >> i was definitely planning my outfit according to the theme. >> we look like christmas here. >> i know. >> looks like a very glamorous table but if you break it down great ideas. this is a candelabra and we spray painted it green and makes them more modern and put matching green kalcandles in th. i love this idea. these are what we found at the builder's emporium, a dollar and a quarter apiece but make it glamorous as well. we covered our glass vases in crocodile wall paper and the napkin ring and we created personalized cards as well, the name on the front and menu itself. >> it can save money these things that can cost you a lot. >> pay $30 for one of these and this is made at your home printer and a couple crystals. >> people will want to keep it, too. gorgeous. >> and emerald is the big fashion color of the year. i love the idea of working with the gray as our base color. >> what other colors -- >> good for me. >> what other colors are great this season? >> purple is a great color. i love emerald green, chrissy and winter colors. >> you will show us how you made those cards and menus. >> every wedding starts with an invitation. we love an invitation with lining. this is the easiest things to do. >> people spend thousands of dollars sometimes on invitations. >> put the liner in yourself. >> get your bridesmaids to come over and girlfriends. >> a glass of wine. >> my gosh, heaven. >> the menu card. >> i love this. a gift. >> this is a gift. >> and the mac car roans and you have yourself a wonderful party. >> that's wonderful. >> thank you, colin cowie. coming up next, becoming teachers and making a difference. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. today is going to be epic. balsamic, vinegar and oil, authentic italian herbs. just a few of the ingredients you'll find in hidden valley's italians and vinaigrettes. you know hidden valley for our ranch, but you've never tasted anything like this. nowbye, bye brittle! goes mega plush! volum' express mega plush from maybelline new york. our first gel-mousse mascara! for mega lush lashes, soft to the touch. mega plush mascara maybe it's maybelline. ♪ but i won't do that ♪ or that ♪ or this definitely not this! it hurts but i kind of like it! ♪ has the only yogurt brands endorsed by weight watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed them. so, you know what this means... this is a real win win! yoplait, it is so good. the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ schools are getting a safer environment. good to see you. >> this is a cool story. called troops to teachers. a department of defense program that helps qualified service members start a new career as teachers in public schools. at one middle school in philadelphia where the school was in a lot of ways like a battlefield, it has made a huge difference. in east philly, john paul jones middle school had a reputation. >> it used to be on lockdown. >> reporter: captured on a cell phone at a nearby middle school common here, too. mold, fleas and rats ravaged the library so badly school officials had to throw away thousands of books. >> when i first came, i was pretty nervous. i thought it was going to be a little scary. >> reporter: the nickname came before the bars on the windows and doors, "jones jail." last september, eighth grader travon williams says something happened. >> this became a whole new school. >> reporter: school district officials turned it into a charter school, gave it a new name and face lift and then called in the military. >> we needed to have people who are good role models and believe in education and development and people that had a commitment to america and who else but veterans? >> i enlisted when i was 17. my parents signed for me. >> reporter: patrick's father is a vietnam vet and a purple heart recipient. his older brother is a marine. since service was in his blood, he joined the army reserves 12 years ago. when he finished a tour in kuwait in 2011 and couldn't find a job, he turned to another passion. >> i used to be very good with my younger nephews and my cousins, so my parents just used to say, you should be a teacher. >> reporter: a defense department program called troops to teachers helped the sergeant go from running a military supply office to go to teaching fifth grade math and science. through the program service members get help finding teacher certification programs and money to pay for the classes and then more support to land a job. all that helped get the sergeant in the classroom but his military training made sure he was ready. >> the military puts you in stressful situations and they ask you to be a leader during stressful situations. so when you're placed in a classroom, there's not many more situations that can be more stressful. >> reporter: when students get out of hand, he calls in reinforcements. >> i just calmly step back and let them calm down and i call one of our engagement coaches. >> reporter: andy patrolled bases in the army reserves for eight years, dealing with soldiers prepared her for students most days. can put up with a lot. there's been a time at the cafeteria table i had to settle everybody down. i'm not going to say it's all sunshine and roses. >> reporter: she is here under a new program for teachers training to be teachers or school counselors called "at ease" they're part security guards, part mentors. >> i talk to them, i have to be their older brother. >> we have a students that need a lot of attention and a lot of support. but they have come such a long way. >> reporter: servicemen and women, some of whom left the battlefield, now fighting to turn around the school and give students a chance at success. >> i want to be the president of the united states or an s.w.a.t. team member. i want to go to combat. >> the majority of students at the academy were three to four years behind academically. there's still a lot of work to be done. thanks to the veterans' program organizers tell us students have more confidence now and are fully expecting large gains in student achievement. >> hard to conceive of a better program helping the schools and veterans. thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, new tech products. some cool and some kind of strange. we'll let you see them right after this. miss, this seat's available. (sighs) this is too good to be true. hi. john stamos. enchanté this is too good to be true. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt... delicious yet healthy. sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true... such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein... of regular low-fat yogurt mmm huh. i want an oikos! dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt... too delicious to be so nutritious. dannon we get cats. they always figure it out. so they deserve a smart choice in litter. we make fresh step scoopable with carbon, that's trapping and eliminating odors. fresh step, your cat deserves the best. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. but with kids growing up fast, fighting seven signs of aging gets harder. introducing total effects moisturizer plus serum. for the ninety-two practices, two proms, and one driving test yet to come. she'll need our most concentrated total effects ever. she'll need our most concentrated avoid bad.fats. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the storkeeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy metabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut or honey, oats and seeds. maybe you like to sing in the shower or obsessed with the perfect cup of coffee, we have new gadget. with our tech expert. good to see you. what does romo do for me? >> this is your pet robot, awesome. i call this the ultimate app accessory. put your ipad touch inside the doc and create these different expressions. he's super fast and can play games. you can control him wirelessly. not only is he super cute. >> let him go a little bit. we heard you can put grandma in there theoretically from countries away and the kids can visit grandma via a robot. >> and i heard you can spy on people. >> a little noisy but -- >> take it to a dark place. >> how about the shower head speaker? >> i hunt down gadgets. this is one of my favorite gadgets in the last few months. a blue tooth shower head. 75% of americans actually take their phone in the shower. >> hold on. what? >> tai tahey take it in the bat. i know you're playing apps on the toilet. one touch button, turn the sucker on, it will connect from your smartphone and you can play tunes in your shower head. >> really? do you use it? quality is good? >> quality is good. >> let's test this out. >> this one is all you. >> this is my favorite thing, marshmallow and fire, combine the two. it's super cute from a bakery in new york. here's how you fire it up. you have this mini creme brulee torch. you click and create your mini creme brulee. >> that's how i do it. >> i almost lost my eyebrows. >> didn't know it was so dangerous on the "today" show. do you burn? >> we need that charred top. >> absolutely. >> doesn't that smell good? >> and still burning. be careful. >> there you go. >> we will customize some chocolate. >> customizing your very own chocolate bar. this starts at five bucks. this is they go from gold flakes to pop rocks to gummy bears, graham crackers, cinnamon toast crunch. you can say, i'm sorry, happy anniversary. nice option. >> how does that work? punch them into the bottom? >> yeah. you pick all your ingredients online. milk chocolate and white chocolate to choose from. >> you design your own label? >> yes. lots of options. >> how about a good cup of coffee. >> this is like your own mini brew. fill the top of the line. put in your own scoop of coffee, like having your own french press. fill it to the top and push it down and you don't need a coffee maker. >> romo is stealing our thunder here. >> he's allowed over. >> you all right? are you okay? >> the segment's reached an a all-time low. >> can we get a towel for katie here? >> john legend is the only one in this studio with a towel. oh, some mantihose! i knew these would come in handy. the mantihose, finally we found the reason. >> is that your excuse for not wearing them now? they're covered in coffee. you still have to wear them, you know. oh, god. >> this is not getting you off the hook. >> moving on, flip clips, hold this. this is cool. if you have a video on your smartphone, you can create your very own flip book. if you remember these when you were little, you can create your own animation. this is you guys skiing. nice auction for 50 bucks. >> me and natalie skiing. >> my gosh. no slope at all. >> it was a neat one. >> very different, unique type of gift. this is from instagram and people take thousands of pictures and food, too. you can create stickers and squares and mini books. these mini books are magnets to each other. >> the corffee cup and as we go to break, put on the windshield wiper glasses. this is a volunteer basis. windshield wipers. learn more about these gadgets at good morning to you. it is 9:56 now. i'm marla tellez. the city of san jose is gearing up to clear out a massive homeless encamp. . the city says at least 100 people are living in this makeshift tent city on spring street between taylor and heading streets. the city says it is reiching out to people at the site to offer shelter options. the tent city will be cleared out during the first week of march. i've been outside. it's pretty nice outside. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> we're going to have breezy to windy conditions mostly at the coast later on today. but otherwise a beautiful day shaping up. windy at the coastline. gusts around 40 miles per hour. the strongest gusts will take place between 3:00 and 5:00. from your future magicus, talking about temperatures today, 61 degrees on the way for livermore. 61 for redwood city and 59 on the way for san francisco. good-looking weekend shaping up. saturday looks like it's going to be cloudy and a little bit cooler than sunday. if you're looking for sunshine and warmth, outdoor activities are going to be better on sunday. >> christina's talking about that wind coming in. but right here, by the water's edge in oakland, we have that camera shaking. it's an indication the area is moving. and it's going to get stronger as the afternoon continues. the traffic is moving nicely, a little slowing north past the coliseum always way into downtown. 580 has cleared as well as the rest of the maze. castro valley, a little slow. we had a crash that just cleared. north 101, the second or third in the last two user in the area. slow but clear at the 101/92 interchange. north 101 approaching union -- 85 and union, there's a crash there. debris in all lanes. that's causing all this slowing heading up from 87. maybe take 280 instead. >> we'll be back in 30 minutes with our next update. . >> from nbc news this is a special edition of "today" with california girls kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from universal city walk at universal studios, hollywood. ♪ >> i see you. ♪ >> glad you came. we are so glad you came. >> oh, my gosh. i don't even know what day it is anymore. i know it's thirsty thursday, but who cares? >> it is february the 21st, 2013. sfloo we don't want to go home. it's too gorgeous out here. universal city walk. >> we want to say -- can we give a big shout-out to the l.a. tourism board. these people have been incredible to us, and we just want to give them a big wet kiss. a slurpy one. they've been so lovely, haven't they? >> they've been the best. >> we make it look so easy. >> we know that. >> a lot goes into this, and it's really grateful too. >> here's a drink. this is called california dreaming. >> it's inspired by -- >> the sheraton universal. >> that's a lovely inspiration. >> what is that? >> you love that. >> that's summer all wait around. >> we have a big day. we have jason kennedy from the e network too. >> right around the corner, and we want to get -- he is going to predict for us. >> can we see your signs, you guys, because you have had the most creative signs? come on. uh-huh. >> every day is wines day. hire me. will work for wine. >> i love that. hire me, will work for wine. >> that's a good one. >> some of you -- hey, hey, hey. you guys, we saw that one yesterday. you put a little kid in the middle of it. >> it looks so much better that way. >> yes. >> okay. the winner of the sign contest is going to get a mug that's worth $5. >> $5 in today's economy, that's good. >> look at the price of a few give-aways down the road. >> yes, we do. >> we might give a few things away right now. >> all right. we're going to play a little trivia. are you ready? here we go. there are bees around our drinks. >> you're so honey sweet. >> the sugar. i love you for saying we're so sweet. here we go. los angeles can boast it has more museums than any other city in the country. true or false? raise your hand. >> don't yell it out. what did you say? >> i said true. >> the answer is true. it has 105 museums. what did she win? >> no, i'm sorry. >> yes, you can. yes. oh. >> let's just live there for a minute. >> just for a moment. you mean that three-week best-selling "new york times" author hoda woman? >> thank you for wanting that. here's the mechanics next question. the california center is home to the space station station. a, enterprise, b, flash, c, endefor or c, or better. endeavour? you are so right. all right. >> next question. >> all right. >> name the cemetery -- >> because what more fun than a cemetery? >> where hundreds of celebrities are buried that doubles as a movie screening facility? >> oh, yeah. the hands went down a little. >> stars forever, hollywood forever or, d, never say good-bye, and go. what is it? >> forest lawn? >> no. no, no, no, no. >> would you like the book or a cd? >> these are huge. >> hollywood forever. >> she got -- that's the loser prize? my book? oh, excuse me. no wonder hoda drinks to excess. >> the best abc -- >> hollywood forever. >> i can't hear sara. >> she didn't get it right. >> nobody gets it right. >> now, griffin park -- >> home to an observatory. jason and i went there the other day. the jean oprey museum, pony rides, and so much more was named after whom? >> here are the answers, a, andy griffith, jay griffith, melanie griffith or merv griffin -- griffith. what is it? >> you are correct. >> a free universal pass. congratulatio congratulations. >> for all the people that are already in the park get free passes to the park. >> which dynamic duo does not have a star among the more than 2,400 stars on the hollywood walk of fame. here are your choices. brooks & dunn, ozzy and harriet, sunny and cher, or kathie lee and hoda? but they should. >> you made us one. >> oh, my god. it says will you be my valentine day, and valentine's day was so over a week ago. bummer. bummer bummer bummer. >> poor baby. >> you're so sweet. >> you might win. >> it's doubtful. >> it's doubtful. >> the hollywood walk of fame was developed the year i was born. do you know how old that is? >> how old? tell us. >> 1953. >> how old are you? >> 60. >> what should i do to celebrate? >> i got -- oh, i got a way to celebrate. how about with my ihoda. okay. this tune -- you are going to like this one. this is a little old school because it's for your birthday. sdoo excuse me. >> upcoming. this is -- ready? hit it, baby. ♪ ♪ because you remember when it was night of september changing your mind, pretenders. >> come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ remember how the stars in the fight went away yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey say that you remember ♪ ♪ the night in september >> can we give up? >> y'all, come on. you can sit it on down. >> people, you are going to need your energy. >> yes, you are. >> who has talent? this is a game we're going to play. we found that a lot of people have hidden talents that we are unaware of. some of you are in our audience today. >> because you never can tell by just looking at someone. >> kathie lee has a very special hidden talent. >> it's not hidden. >> do you know about kathie lee's talent? >> if you're the regular watcher of this show, you know -- >> you can't see a close-up. you can look at the big screen. >> one, two, and go. one nostril goes in, and the other stays out. not everyone can do it. >> don't try it at home. >> all right. mine is -- who else can do it? >> i can do that. >> you can do that too? let's see your nostril. show me your nostril. >> do it to a camera, hon, right here. >> one, two, and go. >> we missed it. >> be serious. >> let me show you my hidden talent. you know what it is. ready? are you ready? too much pressure now. wait. wait. wait. wait. wait. >> how about that hidden talent? raise your hand if you have one. sara, you got one? what do you got? >> it's alan and the chipmunk voice. >> alvin and the chimp munk voice? >> hi, kathie lee and hoda, how are you? >> nice. >> okay. who else has one? >> that's enough of that. >> our monkey lady has one. >> you want to tell them what it is? >> i make a cricket sound with my tongue. >> you make cricket sounds. >> wow. >> we're ready. we're ready. we're ready. >> that was good. >> do it again. >> we are -- >> that was a burp. >> i can't hear a thing. >> she's doing it. it sounds like crickets. >> that -- okay. >> congratulations. your mother must be proud of you. who has one? raise your hand if you have a hidden talent. >> boy, we have a talent-free group. >> can you do another thing with your -- we lot of the fancy nose trick. come on. >> she's got a nose issue too? >> it's a skill, hoed wra. not an issue. thank you. what is your skill? oh, she does a little nostril flare. >> wow. everybody has that. >> it's not a skill. >> you guys, we have a big, big, big give-away. this isn't a book. it's not a kathie lee cd. it's something much bigger. we're going to reveal it in a minute. first we need to pick our lucky winner. bring it on, baby. thank you. hoda, do the honors, please. >> guys, the winner is going to love the prize. you're going to be very excited. >> we are so high-tech. >> is that a drum roll? >> the winner is caroline -- caroline. >> nose lady. come on, nose lady. come on up. >> so we have -- caroline, we've got -- nice to see you. >> you're so beautiful. >> hi, darling. how are you? >> okay. come over here. come over here. >> we're so happy. >> is this all your wine bottles? >> you're going to have to get your prize. >> oh, boy. >> okay? >> that's one of your clues. >> this is one of your clues. she's on to us. >> then this is your second clue. >> careful, don't spray the crowd. >> anyway -- okay. it's water. okay. >> supposed to be water. >> kath -- >> all right. >> here is your third clue. >> canadian and american flags. >> you're going somewhere. >> oh mishgs god. >> where are you going? you are going to -- >> water and canada and america have in common? >> i think -- what did you say? >> niagara falls. >> you are right. >> you're going to niagara falls. >> thank you. >> thank you. oh, my god. >> here's what the trip includes. it includes discovery passes for you to explore all things niagara. you get tickets to the maid of the mist, the cave of the winds, and fort niagara. you're going to be staying at the giacoma hotel. three nights. >> giacoma. >> exactly. that's what i meant. we're so happy for you. thank you for coming. >> thank you for coming. >> we love you. >> thank you, babe. >> take care of your nose while you're there. >> we have a big show, you guys. >> coming up next, jason kennedy with oscar predictions, hoda woman. >> right after this. refund tim. i'm with malcom and kelly who are looking for a great new smartphone. you think you can find one at walmart? maybe. let's go see. alright. let him tell you about sprint. we've got the samsung galaxy s iii on the sprint 4g lte network for just $148! nice! wow. and -- you get a $50 gift card. awesome. we can split it. i don't think so. okay. [ earl ] see for yourself. get a $50 walmart gift card when you buy any samsung smartphone on the sprint 4g lte network. now through march 2nd. walmart. i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. dare to leave your lipstick so skin caat home.ish itself. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. l'oreal's new telescopic loshocking extensions creates the bold look of extensions-from a mascara the incredibly designed lash-hugging brush smoothes on liquid lash extensions for maximum impact simply shocking l'oreal's new shocking extensions. the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. >> welcome back with owes this beautiful thirsty thursday here. universal studios hollywood where it's city walk, and it is glorious, and we're having a good old time. >> if there's ever a good time to be in l.a., it's around now, which is around the time of the oscars. the 85th annual oscars. >> i was at the first one. >> of course, you were. >> jason kennedy from e joins us. >> he was not. >> hello. >> how great is this that they're here in los angeles? it's so good to see you guys. you can stop me whenever you want. >> this is going to be an interesting year at the ones scars. seth mcfarland is hosting, and you know that is going to be full of surprises. >> i think a lot of people expected him to host the golden globes first. this isn't a roast, so hopefully he keeps it classy, but i think he is a talented singer. >> very talented. >> they might have a musical number to begin with and maybe an appearance by ted the teddy bear. that was a big movie. >> there are only so many things ted can say on television. >> ted can get dirty. >> that's a naughty little bear. sfwhoo best picture, what do you see? >> argo. it's on a hot streak. it won the bafta and the sag award, the critics choes choice award, the golden globe, or maybe lincoln. >> what about "lincoln?" >> it got 12 nominations. >> that's the most, right? >> it's one short of the most. >> i mean of this batch. >> of this batch it is, but it's one short of the record, and then "life of pi" -- >> what, like ben hur or -- >> yeah, one of those. "life of pi" has a nomination. it's not going to be "life of pi." >> is it the whole deal if you win those -- >> a lot of them are precursors, and then people are saying silent one could be silver linings playbook. that could be one that comes up there and surprises everybody. >> everybody is talking about the fact that how could it be best picture without ben affleck being nominated for best director. >> he got the snub. he won the dga, which is a huge honor. i think the academy got it wrong with not putting him there. >> among those that are in for best director, who do you think will take it? >> steven speilberg, for sure. when he makes movies about historical figures or moments, i think about schindler's list, he won for that. for "lincoln" he was incredible, and he didn't get nominated for "warhorse" which was a big surprise. i think this is speilberg's year. if not, david r. russell, silver lining's playbook. >> away about -- >> i think hugh jackman has a chance. people are saying, you know, if i not daniel day lewis. he has three nominations, and, listen, if he wins this, it's never been done before. he has never won three oscars for best actor before. that's never been done by any man before. >> he deserves it. >> if it's not daniel day lewis, i think it could be hugh jackman. >> a lot of people adore hugh. he certainly deserves it. they're so different. the performances and movies are so completely different. >> what about best actress? >> it's definitely between jessica lawrence and jessica chastain. it's a perfect role for her. she just won the sag award. i think we're going to hear her name. >> jennifer lawrence. >> okay. >> thank you. i love your shirt. >> thank you. i appreciate it. i love being here. >> of course, you do. coming up next, our girl sara haynes. than ordinary sweat. it smells worse, and it can happen any time -- to anyone! like when i ran to catch the train to work and a draft blew my skirt up and everybody here saw my unmentionables. yeah, and they aren't even cute. hello, laundry day. no... stress sweat can happen to anyone, anytime -- and it smells worse than ordinary sweat. get 4x the protection against stress sweat. introducing new secret clinical strength stress response scent. ♪ but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. ♪ [ female announcer ] i'm usually no frills. but on awards night i go for best dressed. introducing crystal light liquid. six flavors. zero calories. for every shade of you. six flavors. zero calories. wmeet dream fresh bb cream from? maybelline new york. the instant skin perfector. packed with 8 great skin benefits... maybelline's gelled water oil-free bb smoothes, improves*, hydrates, protects. dream fresh bb maybe it's maybelline. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! avoid bad.fats. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy metabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut or honey, oats and seeds. >> that it is time of the week. sara haynes finds a video cuter than these babies. >> we want to get your fans early on. >> yes, you do. >> some passers-by, right? >> you remember approximate when your mom used to lick her finger and get a smuj off your face. imagine if someone did that to a complete stranger. check it out. >> i'm going get it for you. >> that's okay. >> no, i'll get it. i can get it. i can get it. it's no big deal. its already wet. >> that's okay. >> you sure? >> all right. >> i'll get it. no, no, i'll get it. let me get it. new york i'll get it for you. i was just going to get it for you. >> you got something right here. like a little smuj or something. >> oh, okay. >> i got it. >> i will beat you down you do that. >> i will -- >> jack said he hated it when his mom used to do it, so he decided to try it on other people. >> oh mishgs god. that is gross. >> you have something on your face. >> no, you do. >> get it. get it. >> turn around. better it's better to get it from that other side. >> i got it. >> jack. i would shake your hand, but this is good. >> w love you, jack. you rock. >> you guys -- that was awesome. >> thank you. >> coming up next, real estate in los angeles. and wine. tax refund time is here. i'm with malcom and kelly who are looking for a great new smartphone. you think you can find one at walmart? maybe. let's go see. alright. let him tell you about sprint. we've got the samsung galaxy s iii on the sprint 4g lte network for just $148! nice! wow. and -- you get a $50 gift card. awesome. we can split it. i don't think so. okay. [ earl ] see for yourself. get a $50 walmart gift card when you buy any samsung smartphone on the sprint 4g lte network. now through march 2nd. walmart. the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. than the cottonelle care routine. wmeet dream fresh bb cream from? maybelline new york. the instant skin perfector. packed with 8 great skin benefits... maybelline's gelled water oil-free bb smoothes, improves*, hydrates, protects. dream fresh bb maybe it's maybelline. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios good morning to you. it is 10:26 on this thursday. i'm marla tellez. monster-sized goldfish up to a foot and a half long are being pulled from lake tahoe in what biologists call a case of aquarium dumping. they're multiplying in the waters and biologists are worried saying the fish eat and excre excrete nutrients which stem algae growth. after the break, we'll check the forecast and also the roads. welcome back now. the time is 10:28. we told you that breeze was going to build and that is, in fact, the case here in san francisco. otherwise, pretty nice day shaping up. let's talk about temperatures. we're going to reach highs in the mid-60s. things start to warm up on friday. the weekend shgts we have changes just ahead. we'll talk about that at 11:00. first, want to check with mike. >> it's a bad one through san jose. we have a very late-breaking sigalert. it's been a pretty easy drive all morning till now. this is northbound 101 from 680. the back-up starts before you get here on the maps. from about tully road all the way up to tremble, there's a jam in traffic. three of your lanes are closed right now by the crash. injuries report. it's been like this for over half an hour. use 87 off north 280 to get off that scene. 101 is jammed from fully past highway 87. the rest of the south bay, not bad. 87 into downtown, a little heavy. north 85 continues to clear after the earlier crash and debris across all lanes at union in the clearing stages. >> mike, thank you so much. we'll have more of our day's top stories coming up in 30 minutes. jon kelley and i hope to see you at 11:00. >> all right. the sun is so addicting out here in california, so we thought we would take a look at the local real estate market just in case you're looking. >> you're in the market. you can live next to george clooney, ryan gosling, eva longoria, and it may not set you back as much as you might think. >> that's right. mauricio is the founder and ceo of the agency. >> look who is here. >> how are you? >> great. thank you for having me here today. >> congrats on all your awards. the wall street jushl picked you as the top realtor or something like that in the area. >> yeah, thank you very much. yeah, it's great to be picked like that. >> what is your secret? all that charm. >> all that sexy charm. that's what does it. >> let's look at the affordable stuff to -- >> studio city could be an affordable place for people to live, right? >> studio city you could find some great places. you know, the average price in los angeles is $1,230,000 compared to the midwest where you are able to pick something up in denver for $434,000. >> it's more than double here. >> it's more than double, but not as pricey as manhattan where the average price is $2.3 million. >> tell bus a condo in studio city? >> there's one condo in studio city that's two bedrooms, two baths. it's listed at $399,000, and it's just a beautiful condo. it's classic 1950s style. it's got a courtyard, garden complex with pool, beautiful tree-lined streets. it's a corner unit with a split floor plan. >> this is the area like celebrities and clooney and zach ephron live in this area. >> vanessa hudgins. >> you can get everywhere. >> take us to calabasas. a three bedroom home there goes for? >> well, calabasas is fantastic. there's a three bedroom home that's $569,000. that's where justin bieber recently purchased a property, and, you know, of course, the area of many celebrities like -- and reality shows like nick leche and -- >> you'll run into a lot of kardashians. >> a lot of kardashian love going on down there. >> by the end of the day there could be three more babies. >> that's for sure. >> all right. >> take us to silver lake. this is an 1800 square foot home, and what would this cost you? >> yeah, this home is really cool, and this is -- this home will cost you $799,000. it's three bedrooms, two baths. it's an old 1949 charming spanish house. really beautiful. it's got, you know, views from every window, outdoor spaces, great outdoor living and entertainment areas. >> that's the guest houshgs i guess, we just saw? >> that's a cool tree house. you know, the archways are really beautiful, and you have a nice pool and spa, and the views are fantastic down there. >> what about west hollywood? that's where folks like lindsay lohan, kelly ozborne. lindsay lohan -- >> party in west hollywood. you better be a late nighter in west hollywood. >> west hollywood is a fun place to live. it's one of those great spots. this particular condo is actually owned by the famed play write jerry herman who wrote "hello dolly." >> songwriter. >> gorgeous. >> look at that. wow. >> he combined two units. he has 4,000 square feet. a real open loft style. really spared no expense. you have the -- >> piano comes with it. boy, it's terrific. >> that would make it all worth it, right? >> a lot of hits on that thing. >> finally, we have the $11 million property in the hollywood hills. >> that's what hoda wants. >> that's the one we're getting ready to show you later on today. >> is that right? >> yeah. >> this property is actually fantastic. this is listed at $11.7 million, and it's the famed bird street. it's all open floor plan. really cool contemporary house. >> wow. >> lots of bedrooms, 1,200 square feet. >> that's crazy. >> spared no expense. >> 1,200 for the living room. >> it's like my new york city apartment. just the bedroom. >> you can see all the way out to catalina and overlooking the entire l.a. basin. that's one of the most chic places to live in right now. >> that's terrific. thank you so much for joining us. by the way, how are the housewives? >> the housewives are all great. >> of course, they are. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you for your time. thank you so much. >> we got a lot coming up. >> don't leave us. we'll be right back. >> wait and see. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. infuses creamy mozzarella with the mediterranean flavors of sun-dried tomatoes and basil. at 35 tiny calories a wedge, you're free to indulge in every last bit. the laughing cow cheese. have you laughed today? the laughing cow cheese. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. than the cottonelle care routine. lift your standard of what an anti-aging makeup can do for you. visible lift serum absolute makeup from l'oreal. 5 age-reversing ingredients, for 5 anti-aging benefits. instantly my skin looks luminous. in just 4 weeks, see proven results. l'oreal's visible lift makeup. ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ foravoid bad.fats.heese. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy metabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut or honey, oats and seeds. ♪ i want to be a billionaire so bad, buy all the things i never had ♪ ♪ i want to be on the cover of "forbes magazine" smiling next to hoda and kathie lee ♪ ♪ every time i close my eyes i see my name in shining lights ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ a different city every night >> chelsea. chelsea, wow. sfwroo i want to get more of her. >> she's fantastic. >> she is a home run. >> oh, my gosh. we love your voice, honey. >> encore. >> what do you think it might be? >> wine. >> when you think of wine country in california, you usually think of napa valley, but on the central coast of california just a couple of hours north of los angeles the santa ine sfwl valley is becoming the hottest spot for wines. >> i love it. >> i know. me too. >> somewhere between los angeles and san francisco amid the rolling hills two-lane roads and dude ranches, vineyards are sprouting up all over the country side. >> we are right now in happy canyon. i'm here with jim and mary who own deerberg vineyard and star lane vineyard. did you name this happy canyon yourself? how did you end up here? >> it was happy before we got here. it's been happy a long time. >> the deerbergs spent 20 years looking for the perfect place to turn these grapes into wine. their search brought them here to the heart of the santa inez valley. >> this is pruning? >> yeah. this time of year we're setting up the vines. ♪ red, red wine >> i think i did a pretty good job on this one. how many more do i have to do? >> okay. so we have 200 acres, and there's about 1,000 vines per acre, so you have 199,999 vines left to go. >> i'm going to need to reapply the spf. >> during the fall, workers harvest hundreds of tons of grapes in less than three months. >> affect grapes are harvested, they're brought back to this three-story gravity flow wine-making felt. >> we're on the second floor of the whinin winery. and our facility works with gravity. it literally falls down to the first floor, or into the cave, into barrels, where the wine will age. >> we have to get them from the fermenter down to the wood barrel. >> can i do it? >> go ahead and open up. oh. >> so you're ready to shut the valve. >> shut the val. >> oh, that was not bad. >> the barrels are stored underneath the winery in a 25,000 square foot network of caves where the wine is stirred, not shaken. >> this is official name -- >> it floats in the hole. >> that's why they call it wines day. >> every morning while kathie lee and hoda are getting their drink ownering the wine maker is doing his own private tasting. >> usually by 5:00 a.m., i have validated anywhere between half a dozen to three dozen wines. >> three sheets to the wind. >> all of it spitten. it's just -- >> you spit. we don't do that. we don't waste wine like that. we're actually -- we consume. >> now you can taste it. >> fruity. someone told me that i might be able to tap one of these things and fill my own bottle. >> yeah. you have to do that kind of secretly. >> can you show me? >> let's do it. >> is it going to pour out fast? >> yes. >> it is? >> uh-huh. >> so thank you very much for allowing us to visit your winery. what better way than to toast with a bottle of wine? i brought you one that i stole earlier today. >> well, you certainly are welcome to it. it says, i stole this wine. >> i so didn't steal this wine. >> when you return it to the owner, it's not stolen. cheers to that. >> cheers. ♪ i'm beginning to see the light ♪ >> that was great. >> next up we're going to make great balls. ♪ won't stop until the sun comes up ♪ ♪ it seems our angels have been busy building a new, stronger so it holds up better, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better... all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™. in 3 days. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! of course everybody has secrets. in fact ... you are looking at one of my secrets right now. new revlon nearly naked™ makeup covers flaws melting into skin to even out your complexion. so the only one who knows you have makeup on ... is you. dare to be revlon. [ female announcer ] hey ladies, you love it, you gotta have it. cinnamon toast crunch. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. [ slurps ] [ chuckles ] everybody craves those crazy squares. zoots time to take you in today's kitchen with a very popular middle eastern treat. falafel balls. >> your favorite, of course. >> here to show us how it's done is none other than the sheraton universal hotel executive chef, reza. >> hello, reza. you are making filafel balls. >> very, very easy. can i move -- >> yes. >> all you do is take the chickpea flour. mix all the dry ingredients, which is salt, pepper, baking soda, chilli pepper, garlic, and coriander. >> all of it in. >> down the hatch. >> mix it up a little bit. >> okay. >> mix everything together. >> okay. >> disappears in there. okay. >> then we have cilantro. >> i love cilantro in everything. me and reza are the same. >> then italian parsley. >> i love that. that makes me and reza like the same. >> we're twinsies. >> i don't like those. >> put them in any way. reza, put them in. >> it's good for you. >> i like them. >> mix everything together like that. very quickly. all right? all right? >> okay. snoo then you add some water. >> why? >> one cup. >> for the taste. >> you don't add water, it won't come together. >> it will not come together, hoda. >> that's what i said. >> once you mix it up, you'll shake like that. kind of like this. then what i do, i take a scoop and scoop it and put them in a hot pan. >> thus, the balls. >> just be careful. i don't want to -- >> now, what kind of oil are we cooking in, reza? >> extra virgin olive oil. everything. >> balls are in extra virgin olive. >> extra virgin. ob. >> okay. >> once this is done -- this is the final -- >> how long do you cook these? >> about two to three minutes on each side. >> okay. >> this is really the final product. >> they look good. >> filafel. >> you try one. >> of course, you do. have a ball. >> okay. then what i do is just to finish it off what i do just to finish it off, i take some israeli salad and some real asparagus, put them on a plate and finish it off with baby arugula. drizzle olive oil. >> more. >> extra virgin olive oil. there you go. squeeze of lemon. >> all right. >> now, here -- >> baby arugula. there you go. but it right there. >> we'll have to say good-bye. we love you. >> everybody enjoys your balls. >> everybody. >> there you go. >> oh, wow. there's a lot more coming up, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. >> we said we were going to give a prize for the best sign today. >> we always keep our word. we're scanning the crowd. they're all beautiful, but, i'm sorry, but you went to so much trouble. we're just going to quickly show this sign. we will sign your sign. we'll do it right up here while we talk to chelsea. >> thank you very much. >> chelsea williams is one of the street performers here at city walk. >> you are a southern girl? >> i grew up in los angeles. >> how long have you been sing sng. >> my mom was a singer. it ran in the family. my grandpa as well. >> you have such a beautiful voice. just cuts through. who is your early musical influence, would you say? >> i love sheryl crow and i love joni mitchell. >> well, ladies and gentlemen, you're going to get to hear her sing in full. this is chelsea williams. ♪ ♪ i felt tried to be denz so hot i melted i fell right through the crack now i try to get back ♪ ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my best and nothing is going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ ♪ i reckon it's my turn to win some or learn some ♪ ♪ but i won't -- no more, no more ♪ ♪ it cannot wait i'm yours ♪ ♪ open up your mind and see like me, open up your plan and then you're free ♪ ♪ look into your heart, and you will find the sky is -- ♪ ♪ no more, no more it cannot wait i'm yours ♪ ♪ oh ♪ oh ♪ i've been spending my time tracking my time in the mirror ♪ ♪ all the stuff i try to -- ♪ but my breath fogs up the glass, so i go to a place and i laugh ♪ ♪ i guess what i'll be singing is there ain't no better reason ♪ ♪ it's what we aim to do our name is our virtue, but i won't pass the day no more, no more, it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ ♪ open up your plans and then you're free ♪ ♪ look into your heart, and you will find the sky is yours ♪ ♪ so i won't -- no more, no more it cannot wait i'm yours ♪ >> thank you so much. thanks. ♪ ♪ it cannot wait i'm yours ♪ ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ ♪ open up your plans and then [ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] way at this hour for a 13-year-old foster child found dead in a park as family and friends prepare to say good-bye. her alleged killer appears in court to enter a plea. we'll have a live report coming up. plus, a shooting, a crash and just a huge mess on the most popular street in las vegas. what we are learning about the investigation. also, tent city trouble. san jose taking action against a homeless encampment that's growing bigger by the day. and giving you a live look, that is the san mateo bay bridge, highway 92 traffic movement. no problems at this hour. christina has a look at your forecast as we head toward the weekend. you are watching nbc bay area. good morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm marla tellez. new at 11:00, the man suspected of kidnapping, raping and killing a 13-year-old girl in fairfield appeared in court this morning and answered to those charges. it comes the same day his alleged victim will be laid to rest. nbc bay area's bob redell is live in benecia. >> reporter: this 13-year-old girl will be laid to rest here


Transcripts For WRC Eyewitness News On The CW Philly 20130221

sign your permission slip. >> you gave us permission to go. you are invited. >> see that structure on the beach, that's where the south beach wine and food festival takes place. >> which structure? >> right there on the beach. i'm makeing food for the q and savannah and natalie will be my chefs. >> can't wait. coming up, a high-tech way to order starbucks from your car. >> wow. a new way to multitask. also, the secret weapon used by a national geographic photographer to go where noman has gone before, the flying lawn chair. pretty cool. >> and tips our dads taught us. david, you have one your dad passed to you and keeps you in good stead even to this day? >> it does, basic manners and we will talk about it in a couple minutes. >> we want to remind everyone next week we will be live at the vatican, as we have the final days of pope bendik, his abdication will be there and a look at the more than 1 billion catholics and who may be his successor next week on today. pope benedict. >> i look forward to that. to natalie morales with a check on today's headlines. >> good morning. as many as 30 million americans are in the path of a major winter storm that brought snow and high winds to southern arizona wednesday. it forced the first ever suspension of match play at the world golf championships? much heavy snow is causing dangerous whiteout conditions today in kansas and nebraska. hundreds of flights have been canceled. a stunning development today at the bail hearing for south african olympic star oscar pistorius. prosecutors reveal the lead investigator in the murder trial of pistorius is himself facing seven attempted murder charges over a police shooting in 2011. meantime, nike said today it has suspended its contract with pistorius, accused of gunning down his girlfriend on valentine's day. the stunning death of a gynecologist in the baltimore area has many patients wondering if they were victims of a shocking violation of privacy. lisa myers reports. >> reporter: baltimore police are trying to identify about a thousand women seen over the last two decades by dr. nikit ara levy who practiced gynecology at johns hopkins. he was found dead monday apparent suicide after being accused of secretly photographing and videotaping patients. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: jessica was levy's patient for 11 years and said she felt very close to him. >> right now, i'm very confused. if i could speak with him, i would tell him he broke my heart, he broke my trust. >> reporter: police say they uncovered and compare amount of evidence in levy's home removing computers, hard drives and servers full of images. >> we understand there is an extensive amount of photographs and video recordings which show patients in various states of undress and examination. >> reporter: johns hopkins says levy got caught after a fellow employee became suspicious and alerted security. the hospital says it then notified the police and suspended levy. >> words cannot express how deeply sorry we are for every patient whose privacy may have been violated, the hospital said. levy's lawyer emphasized that he was never charged with a crime. lisa myers, nbc news, washingto washington. >> all right. switching gears now for a look at what is trending today. a quick round-up what has you talking online, a starbucks fans website says the coffee chain is testing a new video drive through that provides service with a smile. it lets the customer and starbucks employee see each other while taking and placing orders for what will be an even friendlier coffee experience. google has released a new online video demonstrating what it's like to wear the still experimental google glass. it appears the high-tech specs will respond to voice commands and hand gestures as users shoot pictures, video chat and conduct google searches. they're expected to cost about $1500 when they hit the market. mattie, the baby sloth is a smooth operator. he won the heart of a youtube poster, rachel husain, by giving her a flower. rachel says the tender but very slow gesture there made it the best day of her life. oh, so cute. 8:05 right now. let's go back outside to savannah and david. >> ah. mr. roker, it is quite cold out here this morning. >> it's a little brisk but that has not enthusiasm of our crowd. especially this birthday girl, sarah, happy birthday. >> you this. >> where are you from? >> poland, maine. >> you are together. >> yes. >> you got a posse for your birthday. fantastic. happy birthday. let's see what we have going on for you today. our friday field trip, mostly sunny, warm. nbc 6 in south florida, we are looking forward to that. let me tell you. as we check out the country, you can see on the satellite, radar, there is that storm, natalie told you about at the top of the newscast. we have big snow going on. we are talking some places getting 9 to 18 inches of snow. nebraska to kansas, icy conditions into the mid mississippi river valley. slight risk of storms east texas and into mississippi. look for heavy rain later this weekend into georgia. more rain moves into the pacific northwest with mountain snows. high surf advisories along the southern california coast and snow showers making their way from the great lakes all the way up into new england. and we got a nor'easter to talk about this weekend, too. all that and more. first, that's what's going on around the country. here is what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> it is a cold morning here. we have our temperatures only in the 20s now. most of the region. good morning. i'm storm team 4 meat meet tom kierein. we have the wind chills in the teens. winds gusting around 20 miles an hour. gusting near 30 by later this morning into the afternoon. lots of sun. cloudy tomorrow. up near 40. friday night, maybe get a little bit of a snow/sleet episode for a couple of hours changing to some cold rain after that after midnight. then saturday, chilly rain. sunday, monday, sun back >> where are you ladies from? >> from maryland. >> maryland. your first trip to new york. very nice. all right. let's go back to savannah. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up, a unique way to photograph from the flying lawn chair. we'll share remarkable images. david shares the important skill he learned from his dad, the gregory grip and how you can shop like a pro. and tricks used by retailers they have to draw you in. first, these messages. t says ge♪ ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. it's the tasty -- whoa! [ laughing ] it's the tasty 100% natural little cheese that -- oh, thank you! ...goes wherever you're going. mini babybel cheese from the laughing cow. have you laughed today? ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. well, technically i wear one. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of new bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. back at 8:11. coincidence of karma. tyler and mary morris are millionaires this morning and they went to a dear friend's memorial service and ended up at the end of the day winning $7.2 million at his favorite penny slot machine. quite a story. mr. and mrs. morris, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> i know this is bittersweet and your friend, max anderson had been your friend 40 years and you went fishing and to the casino and i guess you did so in honor of his memorial service. tell us how this happened that you played this penny slot machine? >> i was playing craps at the palace. i looked around and my wife was playing the slot machine and she was behind me. the next time i looked she was gone. but then i felt like somebody was watching over my shoulder. i thought she wanted to leave and every time i looked, i kept looking at the same slot machine. about five minutes later, i got the same feeling and i turned around and looked and all i saw was the same slot machine. and my friend always played penny slot machines. i decided i would play the slot machine, which i hardly ever do, especially a penny machine. i put $20 in and push a couple buttons and i guess i pushed the maximum bet on the second push, i won 7.2 -- 7 million $217,000. >> wow. you had to be overwhelmed by this. >> i -- >> go ahead. >> i believe that my friend directed me right to that machine. >> mrs. morris, when you came over, when did you find out that max had won? >> that tyler had won? i was at -- i was actually looking for him, because we were ready to go. it had been a long day. we drove 1200 miles from michigan. the memorial was, you know, quite beautiful and so i called him on my cell phone and i said, where are you? because he usually is by the crap table. he said, i just won a jackpot and i'm waiting to get paid. so i walked over to the -- to where he -- where i thought he would be and i didn't see him. he said something about the machine being by the crap table. but i didn't -- i didn't see him, i didn't see the machine. so i kind of stood back and all of a sudden, i realized there was lots of people standing around this particular machine, called "the lord "lord of the r" i tried to get closer and a lady grabbed ahold of me and said, look, that man just won $7 million. i said, my goodness. >> mr. and mrs. morris, what an amazing story. we're so glad to have you with united states. i know your dear friend, max, is smiling down on you and his family is really happy for you. our congratulations to you and best wishes as well. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. coming up next, the valuable lesson david learned from his dad and a very unique way to capture some of the world's most amazing places, right after this. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... sugar and calories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light. back now at 8:17, how one national photographer got an abarred winning shot. these incredible immanuages are available in a book called "desert air." jamie sat down with him. good morning. >> hey, david, good morning. over the years we have seen amazing work to the compare photographers who contribute to the national geographic. it's just how george steinmetz take his photos because, let's just say he's a bit of a dare devil. >> for the last 15 years, award winning photographer, george steinmetz, has been on a mission to document the deserts of the world traveling from antarctica to the remote most corners of the earth. it has been his passion, obsession and his photos are simply stunning. take a closer look at his work. just how does he capture those birds eye images? >> i like pushing the inflammato envelope. >> reporter: the answer, what he affectionately called, his flying lawn chair. a motorized paraglider he helped create to go, yes, where no man has gone before. >> i confess when i heard about this, i sort of thought you just gracefully lifted up. >> well, it's not graceful. i'm not exactly athletic. when you do it, you don't think about things, instinctual after a while. you lay the wing out and behind you like a big kite and you get the motor running and you basically start running like hell with 100 pounds on your back and squeeze the throttle and try to avoid any obstacle. usually within 50 feet, you're flying. >> when it's not usually, what happens? >> a lot of varieties, a lot of ways to mess up. >> reporter: this photo, after he hit a tree in china, says it all. but once he's up, he takes his hands off the controls and starts taking photos. compare images from a unique perspective no other photographer has ever captured. >> could people react when they see you up there? >> usually, who is that crazy adventure dude? if people are looking edgy or nervous, i wave with both hands and say i don't have a weapon. >> reporter: describe the landing? >> you come in fast and a few feet off the ground, pull the brake lines and my first steps are skid marks. within about four or five steps i'm stopped on the ground. >> reporter: what does your wife think of this? >> she's not real keen on it. when we got married i wasn't doing this. shortly after a wedding, i have this great idea, i think i can fly this parachute with a motor on the back. she's like, what? she's very tolerant. >> reporter: translation, his wife is a saint, especially since she knows their three kids are lobbying for a ride. he started shooting photos more than 30 years ago when he dropped out of stanford to hitchhike through africa, eventually realizing his dream to become a photographer for national geographic. but he always wanted to know what the world looked like from up here. >> instinct. if i can get up, i can see it. i can understand it. >> reporter: for the record, his flying machine is classified as an experimental vehicle, with good reason. and his flights are not for the faint of heart. steinmetz has occasionally run out of gas. >> i have a gas gauge on the motor, a mirror to look in the translucent tank, i can probably fly about 10 more minutes. >> reporter: occasionally crashed. how many times have you crashed? >> i don't keep track. >> reporter: ballpark? >> depends what you call crash, bodily harm, i would say 50 times. >> reporter: 50 times. >> if you were to do what i do in any other kind of aircraft, you'd be dead. like falling on a ball without football gear. it's not catastrophic. >> reporter: then there are other close calls. a country, a story, questioned in libya, detained in yemen, arrested in iran. >> they alleged i jumped out of a jet and some kind of a spy and like james bond or something. they'd seen too many movies. >> reporter: but he wouldn't have it any other way. he likes to say it's the journey of a lifetime. >> what do you hope people will learn from looking? >> that there's a whole world out there to understand. >> he hopes he will get permission to shoots from the air in tibet. and another exotic location, the city of manhattan. the faa has not agreed. i thought i wanted to go for a ride, guys, i confess, i'm a coward. i'm glad it was snowing the day i interviewed george. remember, he has crashed 50 time times. >> i think that was just a smart decision. >> depends how you define "crash". thanks. >> you can see more of those stunning photos on >> time for you to reveal the top tip you learned from your parents. >> this is one of those life-long lessons. my dad taught me the power of a good hand shake, such a simple lesson but stayed with me. i think about it with my kids, do you have eye contact? a firm grip. it was my dad. we were at a friend of his house, we had played tennis. me and dad at the all-star game a couple years ago. i shook his hand. and he made a point, my dad, saying, that was kind of a weak hand shake. you always want to have a firm hand shake, man-to-man, just an important part. >> how old were you when that happened? >> what? >> how old were you? >> i was about 10 or 11. >> so you've shaken many hands. >> maybe it sounds insensitive. when you're shaking a man's hand, particularly firm grip. anybody's hand, a woman maybe not as hard depending on the situation. >> good firm grip. >> good eye contact. hold it for a few seconds. make an impression. >> the holding and release is very important. >> hold and release. >> how long do you hold? >> don't you think it's true as you're growing up, if you shake somebody's hand, it's kind of limp -- wow, what was that? >> you don't want to hold on too long or too tight. hold me, david. >> when you come in with the left, what does that mean? definitely something that stayed with me. we showed presidential photos as well. >> of all the hands you've shaken especially of fairly influential people, who would you rank in the top five? >> interesting, among the presidents, there are some, i won't say who, who have weaker handshakes, i think there's a reason for that. i think they're actually counseled a little bit when you're shaking so many hands you don't want to grip tightly over time. >> interesting. >> that's the other tip. coming up, your chance to own valuable pieces of olympic history. 8:26 is your time on this thursday, february 21, 2013. i'm eun yang. new video just coming in to our newsroom from the deadly house fire in prince george's county. this was taken by our own reporter. firefighters carrying one of the surviving children rescued from that glenarden home. two other children and an adult died in that fire. investigators are still trying to determine a cause. we are bogey to take a quick break and check your weather and traffic whe good morning. sunny, breezy in the 20s now. later today, up near 40. then tomorrow, cloudy and maybe a little snow and sleet friday night. chilly rain on saturday. sun returns for sunday into monday. highs near 50 each of those days. danella, how is traffic now? >> good morning. checking on the six-mile backup on 270 southbound out of clarksburg. when you get to germantown, 16 miles per hour. closer to rockville, you are faster. 47 miles per hour. clear as you connect to the beltway. beltway slow, inner loop from i-270 around connecticut avenue. that's where you are seeing your delays on the inner loop. >> thank you. don't forget to tune 8:30 now on this thursday morning, the 21st of february, 2013, as we say hello to our well bundled crowd on rockefeller plaza. it is 32 degrees right now on this plaza. tomorrow, it will be approaching 70 as al, willie, natalie and i descend on south beach. we will have a great show there, part of our friday field trip series and get a personal tour from mr. 305 himself, pitbull. >> and a live concert from flo rida and a lot more. there's pitbull. he will show us the sights of miami. look forward to seeing you. if you're in the area in south florida, come on down. we'd love to meet you tomorrow morning. >> that will be great. >> what else is coming up? >> we will talk about the survival of the cutest, all the efforts to save the giant pandas are raising questions about all those efforts and a bit of debate about it. >> the tricks of the trade when it comes to shopping, what retailers are doing to actually get you into the stores and how they're kind of maybe tricking you into buying certain items. >> we are going to visit a pet lovers' paradise. the global pet expo going on right now. >> oh, my gosh. >> in orlando. >> thank you. >> somebody, get me a chew toy. >> we will check in with jill in a moment. first, we all remember this, one of the greatest upsets in sports histor history. >> do you believe in miracles? yes! >> the u.s. hockey team defeated the soviets during the 1980 olympic games. 33 years later, the team's captain is auctioning off his uniform used in the "miracle on ice" game. mike, good morning to you. great to see you. >> how you doing? nice to see you. 33 years, we can't believe how much time has passed. >> i know. i'm getting old. >> we all are getting old. these are treasured items, artifacts. first question, why do you want to auction them off? >> they were sitting in my attic in my hockey bag for 30 years. i kind of -- i think the older you get, the more you think of your future. fortunately for me, i think i'm doing it for the right reasons, not the wrong reason. financially, things are fine. i thought this was a great opportunity to take the money and give it to my kids' for their kids' future and i have a foundation at home and want some of the money to go to my charity. >> can you look how tough these guys are? the shoulder pads are not very big. >> they're not. >> it was the '80s after all. >> the jersey and socks i wore in the finland game. >> there a's some in new jersey that go up for upwards of a mil y million dollars. >> that's all? i'm hoping it goes for a lot of money. it will help a lot of people if it goes for the right amount of money. i'm looking forward to a saturday night, is the auction. >> you have the game winning stick? >> yes. that's the stick i scored the goal against the soviets. >> even your socks. >> one pair of socks, i don't know where the other ones are. i'm excited about it, coming into new york city saturday night. you can even go online at and bid on things. it's an exciting -- >> is it tough to part with this stuff? >> no. because it sat in my trunk in the attic. it's not like it was something hanging in my home. when i found out how much it was worth, i kind of took it out of the attic and put it in a safety deposit box. it just made sense for me. i have three children and two jerseys. you can't divide things up. i thought this was the best way to do it. >> mike, great to have you here. thanks for showing us this. >> thank you very much. now a look at starting with friday. it is going to be a mess along the eastern seaboard. icy conditions in the upper ohio river valley with snow in the great lakes. look for rain and snow in the pacific northwest. sunny and middle from texas on into the southwest. more wet weather saturday. snow into new england. how much, we will have to keep an eye on that. more snow in the rockies and rain in the pacific northwest. sunday, remaining snow in new england. more snow in the plains and rockies. wet weather in the pacific northwest. sunny and cold around the great lakes. mild into the southeast. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. still below freezing. temperatures right now generally in the mid and upper 20s. wind gusting around 20 miles per hour. it feels like the teens. later today near 40. winds will still be blustery. then they will die down tonight and we will have clouds coming in tomorrow and tomorrow night, friday night, might get snow and sleet changing to chilly rain after that. off and on, chilly rain on saturday with high of 40. sun back sunday and monday, highs near 50. might get a bitter of a wintry mix. drying the classic. mike taking some pictures. to another classic down in florida. hello, uncle willie. >> sweet sunshine in florida. these beautiful people came to see us. they thought they were getting free smuckers. happy birthday from schmumucker. we'll take care of our buddies. alene alsobrook from east palatka, florida, on the other side of florida. 100 years old. great tv fan, loves to get the news from newspapers, reads everyday and watches the tv. darrell sanders from beautiful wells, kansas, 100 years old today, says he puts a little pickle juice in his water everyday. that's how he's lived to be 100. we have wilella. i love that name. wilella thomas from may con, georgia, 100 years old today. a great civil rights fan. marched in the civil rights movement. god bless. al goldbaum, from mill valley, california. nature lover, loves to look at the trees and flowers, good man. opal wash of cincinnati, ohio. 105 years old. loves to read poetry and also sing hymns. >> i sing hymns all the time. i love hymns. myron forman. he is 100 years old, boca raton, florida, across the water from where we are and loves to play golf. deetta lalle, that's the name. 103. from binghamton, new york. 103. loves to write letters. still writes letters. doesn't use the computer, she writes. back to new york, where they use computers. >> all right, willard. thanks so much. the battle over saving the giant panda. why some say the effort may not be worth the cost. first, this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:39. no denying pandas are cute and cuddly looking. so why are some scientists questioning efforts to save them from extension? here's nbc's kate snow. >> reporter: it's easy to see why pandas are the poster bears of the conservation movement. they're undeniably adorable. they're cute. >> very cute, incredibly cute. >> reporter: sara, a wildlife conservationist has been working here in china for 13 years. >> they're very cuddly looking, very round cheeks and big eyes. all those eyes, all those characteristics make them almost look like a human infant. i think that infantile appearance engenders our want to protect protect. >> reporter: and protecting the giant panda is what this place is all about. with so few pandas left in the wild, scientists here have been breeding pandas in captivity. these cubs are just four months old. we were given the rare opportunity to scrub up and go into the nursery where keepers watch over them. >> hi. hey. >> reporter: these little guys spend their days sleeping, eating. this little one is just learning how to walk. >> you are too cute. look at you. >> you can touch him. >> can i? >> yeah. >> hi. >> reporter: more than 100 cubs have been born here since it opened in 1987. >> it's almost become like an industry, trying to make as many pandas as possible. >> i would say that's a fair way to explain it. >> reporter: an industry dedicated to saving the panda. what could be wrong with that? >> i think that pouring millions and millions of dollars into one species, albeit incredibly cute animal is wrong. >> reporter: a wildlife expert for the bbc, one of a growing number of scientists says with so many species becoming extinct it makes no sense to save just one. >> reporter: some say who are you to play god and decide we shouldn't save the panda. >> who are they to play god? they picked a cute cuddly one. why don't they pick a snail or caterpillar or fly. they are already playing god, survival of the cutest. >> reporter: sara says pandas are more than cute animals, a symbol of hope for the conservation movement. >> if we truly can not save giant pandas, what does that say about us as a species and how can we have hope for any of the others if we can't save the one we profess to love the most. >> reporter: at chung du, they're convinced the millions spent to save this species is all worth it. >> you can see more at rock sender with brian williams, tomorrow, 9:00 central time on nbc. up next, tricks used by retailers to get you to spend. first, this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:44 with "today's" style. how to shop like a pro. retailers know just how we browse and set up their stores to get us to spend. if you're smart, you can use that to your advantage. the style editor, good morning to you. people think black friday is the great discount time. no? >> no. now is the time. go out and start shopping? studies have shown the top 20 best sale days of 2012, 15 of those were february. it's right around president's day. now is the time you want to shop. gone are the days of 60 to 70% off from 2008. right now, it's all about 47% off. if you find a bargain between 30 and 50%, go for it. >> stores know our shopping psychology. we will walk through it. the first is these beautiful display items. snatch them right up? >> no. don't snatch them right up. the stores use display items to snooker you into their lair and want to entice you with beautiful fabrics, things trendy. don't fall for it. they're full price. stores also know people shop count counterclockwise. the reason we're doing that, stores will put the new arriv arrivals, you will see the sign here, sometimes it will say just in or right off the runway. don't fall for that. they know we will shop this way. we're very predictable animals. often, these are the full price or mildly discounted items. you don't want to fall for that. once you passed that, we go to basics and staples. >> this looks good, a promo, 2 for $20. >> thank you for pointing that out. there is a big difference between a sale item and promotional item. something $40 could get marked down to $20. a promo gives you two for something. at lucky we always talk about the fashion calculator. this is where it comes into play. if these t-shirts are $12 each, you're really not getting such a great bargain, saving $4 for a t-shirt you didn't even need. you need to know what you want to spend and what you need in your own closet. now, savannah. >> here it is. the sale rack. >> this fashion holy grail, the sale rack. they usually hide it in the back where it's darker and harder to get to. we've shown you that's where it is and you will go to. most sale items get marked down on thursdays to kick off for a weekend sale. that's a great day to shop. if you see an item like new arrivals, in about six weeks they tend to get marked down. >> once you're in the sale rack before everybody gets in there and messes it up, do they put the really good items in this back of the rack? >> they try to mix them in there. shoppers are really savvy and hide the good items as well. you want too make sure you're reading tags and signs. don't forget to read the fine print. sometimes that select style 40% off can only mean one or two things. always check. >> of if it says up to 40%, you will get a range. >> exactly, be a smart shopper and read the fine print. i will take you to the denim wall, if you will. denim, i don't know about you. i know for myself, i own a ton of jeans. the average american woman owns seven pair of jeans and 31% of women say they refuse to go a size up for jeans that they don't wear them, they won't fit, you know what i mean? they really just want a pair of great jeans. so what stores will do is they'll stock the denim wall with so many jeans, they'll put it right next to the fitting room because they figure the more you try, the more you will buy. >> thy thank that if a woman finds a pair of jeans that fits great, they'll buy two? >> that's right. they will buy two and three and buy them in different colors. that's what we're seeing especially spring 2013, very trendy colors an patterns. if you find the right style, you will snap up a bunch of them and you will bring them all into the fitting room and try them on. here's another trick stores use. they put the fitting room right next to voila, the cash wrap. the reason it is so close to the fitting room is it doesn't give you any time to put anything back, once you tried it on, you've fallen in love with it, you won't go to the clear other side of the store and put it back. >> here's the thing i fall for all the time, they put these cute items next to the cash register. >> you are a marketer's dream. >> i'm a sucker. >> this is what is known as impulse buy or cross sale. you see a lot of items on the way up to the cash wrap, beauty, fashion, what have you, things $20 or under but they're full price. don't fall for it. >> ugh. >> the things at the cash wrap are usually a little bit more discounted but that's how they get i. you will buy something any way, why not throw in a few 5 or $20, you can rack your bill up that way. >> thank you. you will be sticking around for a live chat at 9:30. you will give a lot more information. if you want more answers go to our website. next we head to the pet expo. first, this is "today" on if you are a pet person, orlando is the place to be this week. our animal advocate, jill rappaport is there checking out the global pet expo. good morning. >> reporter: i am in heaven. can you imagine 13 football fields long filled with every possible toy, food, gadgets, gizmo that your fur angel could possibly want. if you think i am in heaven, you can imagine when i took my little ruby on a tour of this pet fest. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ >> be good girl. be good girl. >> reporter: they say every dog has its day. this was definitely a fantasy adventure for ruby. ♪ ♪ oh yeah >> reporter: she was in absolute ecstasy at the global pet expo. this is the pet industry's largest annual tradeshow where pet lovers and loved pets from around the world flock to orlando for a three-day animal extravaganza, which gave everyone something to bark about. >> want a bis skit? wow. they're good enough for humans? >> reporter: there are over 900 exhibitors in 2500 booths showcasing over 3,000 new products for a beloved and pampered pets. >> so you say. is this the safest one on the market and newest? >> yes. it connects directly into the seatbelt. >> reporter: it's bigger than you are. >> it will shoot up to 50 feet. >> reporter: from toy mania to tlc. >> that looks awfully good. >> reporter: ruby then caught up with her bff madison. after a little primping, these two fashionistas checked out the latest threads here and were ready to hit the town. ♪ i'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt ♪ >> reporter: too sexy and now too popped to move. it was a day ruby will dream about forever. >> i always like to say, let sleeping dogs lie. i have picked out some of my favorite and my animal's favorite toys here. actually, something for you guys. al, i thought of you. i want to watch this little puppy here. this is perfect. you know how you ride your bike everyday to work. look at this, check this out. you can put pepper in the front. there's actually room in the back if you want to get another rescue dog for me, al. i thought, isn't this wonderful? a portable waterer. ruby, are you thirsty? this would be great for marco rubio. >> oh, nice. >> i did not see that coming. >> and right in orlando, too, she went with that. >> right. savannah, i did leave you out. i know you're the gourmet cook. i have to tell you, when you have guests over, they'll never know these aren't for humans. they are so delicious and they look fabulous. >> jill, david's daughter has gerb ger be gerbels. can you find something for david's daughters? >> okay. and natalie, i found this for you everywhere you go. you can travel. this is fabulous. you can stick this stake in the ground and your dog can go up to 20 feet, which is really wonderful. we have wonderful things here. we have calming sprays which definitely -- oh, dear. w whoo! it works on ruby. >> bring back the calming spray. thank you so much. we're out of time. a check on your local news. 8:56 is your time on this thursday, february 21, 2013. i'm eun yang. new video from our own reporter shows fire fighters carrying one of the surviving children from the scene of a tragic house fire in prince george's county. would other children and an adult died in the glenarden pyre. the latest on the investigation into what caused that fire coming up in a live report on news4 midday. a quick break now and check your forecast and the road when we come back. good morning. still below freezing. upper 20s around 30 degrees now. that wind is still a bit blustery with sunshine, highs reaching near 40 today. tomorrow cloudy. might get snow and sleet on friday night. perhaps some slippery spots. watch out for that. changing to chilly rain after mid might friday might off and on through the day saturday. sun back sunday and monday. danella, how is traffic? >> we will start in virginia. traveling eastbound, 267, this is just at route 123. you are beg to see a crash there blocking at least one of your lanes. new york avenue, outbound, montana avenue, you can see the right lane is


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20130221

noise -- i don't see a problem with that. for many of us talking just comes naturally. any way, we have a lot to chew on, don't we. thursday february 21, 2013. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm david gregory in for matt this morning. good to be here and have a chance to present the news and talk about the important issues of the day and -- joerks wait, hi. >> it's really nothing to this research. we don't even really need to do that story. >> not to play into stereotypes. go to a ballgame and my wife says, what did you guys stalk about? we didn't really talk about anything. >> you missed out. we're going have an explanation. more on this research. a little bit of biology coming up. a more serious note. we're following breaking news in syria, ambulances rushing to the scene of a large ex-please for t the -- large explosion near a for ren embassy. >> and a school bus, caught live on tape and there were injuries. and coming up, can you trust plumbers to make repairs at a fair price? wait until you see how much some tried to charge for what should have been a very simple fix. jeff is on the case and we'll get more with that. >> we want to start with that winter storm impacting a big section of the country this morning. weather channel mike seidel is in kansas city city this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this is a big storm that will bring a lot of snow, possibly the most they've seen in kansas city in 20 years. this part of the country is in a terrible drought and farmers will be happy about anything falling from the sky. this may be coming soon to a side walk near you. just like this trusty mailman in michigan, millions of americans are already being challenged by a fierce winter storm. in can, they're bracing for up to 18 inches of snow in some parts. police in wichita are telling folks to stay home. >> we are asking people to stay off the roadways because of the conditions that are deteriorating. >> reporter: the latest big blast of winter is predicted to hit 18 states, affecting at least 30 million people. all from a storm that hit california and the west coast and is now moving across the country. in tulsa, oklahoma, reduced visibility has led to numerous accidents, some roads impassable and at least one person killed. snow is usually just a four-letter word in places near san diego. while the kids seemed to love it. >> truly cool. it never snowed this much. >> reporter: drivers decidedly did not. >> started to get dicey weather and then weaw the police vehicles, they had the flair set up. >> reporter: in arizona, baseball fields in scottsdale were buried under a blanket of snow. >> no, this is not a joke. we are in arizona. >> reporter: even golfers on the pga tour ran into wacky weather in tucson. the match had to be postponed. 2 inches of snow covered the course. golfer ricky fowler demonstrated he can throw a mean snowball when he's not on the links. wow, amazing pictures on the golf course. they'll be on the links today as the temperatures warm up in tucson. meanwhile back in kansas city, they already can stockhoseled 1 flights. we have seen plenty of snow around wichita. >> and the cold weather even affecting electricity for those doing live shots. thanks for your work. al is busy as well tracking the path of this storm. good morning. >> good morning, david. a live shot of wichita, kansas. your camera bouncing from the wind. you can see the snow coming down picking up snow at a rate of 1-2 inches per hour. this is a huge storm. there are three ingredients to this system. we have the arctic high and provides cold air and the jetstream over this low and a lot of request gulf moisture streaming into it. here's what we're looking for. we have 20 states affected by winter storm watches and ice advisories and a risk of fall weather along the gulf. storm risks are huge. 12-18 inches of snow along the nebraska-kansas border but a wider area of 12 inches of snow in kansas and 3-6 inches in rockies and to chicago. ice is a big problem as well. as much as an inch of ice falling from tulsa all the way from cincinnati and columbus and causes major problems, power outages, trees down and major roadways. as we look to the south, lots of rain from new orleans all the way to north korcarolina betwee the panhandle of florida and north georgia, we could see 7 inches of rain by sunday morning. this is a monster storm. we might be looking at a nor'easter this weekend affe affecting new england. >> lots to watch. we are following a stunning new turn in the murder case against oscar pistorius just coming to light this morning. the man who's leading the investigation is now under investigation himself today. nbc michelle kosinski is at the court this morning and good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, savannah, this morning, one of pistorius' family members was heard saying, we are going to win today. the defense, as we speak hammers the prosecution case full of mistakes, now it turns out the chief police investigator on the case could be dropped because attempted murder charges against him have been reinstated from a shooting on the job. not good for prosecutors. oscar pistorius arrived to find out whether he will get his freedom back on bond, facing a charge of premeditated murder. for three days now the world's press. he is said to be feeling more confident. his uncle addressed the stunning allegations against him. >> oscar will survive. he will have a tough time going forward but he is a survivor. >> reporter: wednesday, the chief investigator on the case was forced to admit mistake, a bullet left at the scene, unanswered questions not actually knowing what a substance he unequivocally called steroids in the home is and today he may be taken off the case set to be charged himself from attempted murder seven counts stemming from a shooting during an investigation a few years ago. >> the state will be left with embarrassing impression they aren't fully in control of their own case and haven't done certain crucial investigative things. >> reporter: prosecutors say pistorius shouldn't be given bond because he could leave the state and the courtroom laughed. >> i don't see any reason why it shouldn't be granted pending the trial. >> reporter: police believe pistorius with us nat telling the truth in the statement the morning steencamp was killed and was not wearing his prosthetic legs and shooting five feet away into the bathroom thinking the burglar was inside and the police said he was wearing prosthetics and was shooting at a downward projectory and heard screams and shouting coming from the home that night and don't believe it doesn't make sense and would not have seen reeva was not in bed. the defense says there's no evidence pistorius's statement was not true and no evidence this was murder. the key question for bail, whether or not the olympic hero is likely to run from justice. just today, nike, that has sponsored pistorius since 2007 suspended the contract with him pending the outcome of all this and nike featured that ad much repeated now that features the words, i am the bullet in the chamber. >> let me ask you, how it is this lead detective apparently is facing murder charges was on the job investigating murder cases let alone a high profile one if this case is still act e active? how did that happen? >> reporter: it's complicated. to make it short. in 2011 the shooting happened. he claimed he was in danger. there were other police involved. it involved a bus with civilians in it. those charges were dropped at the time after it was investigated. for some reason, there is some evidence being reinvestigated or the investigators are taking a better look at it and they say now there is reason for these charges to be reinstated. prosecutors who have him on this case obviously say they only heard about this yesterday and that was after they had him on the stand. strange timing exactly and now the top prosecuting body for the country of south africa is saying he should be removed from this case. there is no word yet whether he will be. >> according to one report these charges were actually reinstated 10 days before these incidents that happened at pistorius' house. very quickly, i want to ask you something about something that seems strange in the united states. how is there it is no camera in the courtroom to watch the proceedings yet there seems to be a photo-op, for lack of a better term, of pistorius, while he just stands there before court. >> reporter: it's really at the discretion of the judge. there's been so much media pressure to get some footage or photographs of pistorius, the judge has made this concession, okay, you can be in there and record while the court is out of session. the court is only in session while the judge is present, so there is windows of opportunity here and there. sometimes the judge makes a point to let pistorius leave the courtroom and the judge stays put, the judge signaling you can't take any photos right now. at other times it's just the op. i we have a lot of journalists saying this really doesn't make a lot of sense but that's the rule we have to go by. >> you're covering the case for us this morning. i know we're hoping to get a result on the bail issue sometime soon. thank you. natalie is here with today's top stories including this powerful explosion in syria. >> in damascus where a car bomb rocked the city killing more than 30 people and leaving charred vehicles in its wake. it struck a security checkpoint near the russian embassy. police in los angeles are investigating how a canadian tourist ended up in the water tank of a downtown hotel. ellis sa lamb's body was discovered this week in one of the rooftop water tanks. she had been missing since late january. maintenance workers had been investigating the tank after guests complained of low water pleasure. this chilling surveillance video sh shows lamb on the day she disappeared pushing multiple buttons on the hotel elevator, then stepping out in the hallway, nervously. very chilling and hard to watch. a 12-year-old patient is undergoing surgery after accidentally catching fire in her hospital bed this month. fire officials say a combination of hand sanitizer, olive oil and static electricity caused the child to ignite. a plane crash in georgia left five people dead after going off the end of its runway. two others dead involved in the crash and under investigation. a commuter bus, this dashcam video catches the moment the it crashes into a school bus that turned right into its lane. [ loud honking ] oh, my god! >> the impact sent the commuter bus careening onto the side walk. 19 people were injured in the collision. luckily, there were no students on board the school bus at that time. and now let's head to wall street, cnbc's jackie deangelis is at the new york stock exchange. good morning, jackie. >> good morning, natalie. it was a tough day on wall street. fears of the fed may end its efforts to revive the economy sooner than expected sending the dow to a 100 point loss, the nasdaq and s&p suffering the worst loss this year. the "boston globe" has owned the paper more than 20 years and in the past decade circulation decreased by half as readers flocking to the web for news now. >> thank you. first came the arms, then came the bangs. first lady michelle obama sticking by her doo in her new official white house portrait, this photo for her husband's second term is a bit more intimate than the first portrait. that one generated lots of buzz because she showed off her beautifully toned arms and still has those pearls around the neck. she looks beautiful as always. >> thank you. did i hear you say nor'easter coming to town? >> yeah. i did. >> here's the deal, the european model. >> we know you love the european model. >> who doesn't? we love american models, too, but the european model has been getting it done for us. here's what we're looking at. as we start friday, makes its way up off the southeastern atlantic coast and then comes out sometime around the marv va peninsula and pushes saturday right up along the new jersey long island coastline. snowfall amounts right now, we are talking about 9 inches in boston this weekend, 8 inches in portland, albany, 4 inches, new york, less than an inch of snow. again, we have to wait for it to form and get itself together. this is what we could be looking at. we will get to your local forecast, but first this message. >> good morning. we didn't expect any precipitation. a mixture of sun and clouds. that's your latest weather. david. >> al, thank you. more food labeling has been found with horse meat. investigators reveal they were told of these concerns a year ago. keir simmons is in london with more. good morning. >> hey, david. good morning. this story is about a very simple question. do you know what you're putting on your plate or even your children's plate? today, we learned some schools have withdrawn it from their menu as hor meat widened. >> reporter: horse meat has been turning up in food across europe. lasagna, and being tested for dna. i would be very surprised if we don't find more instances of gross contamination. >> reporter: the scandal has many wondering what they're eating many turning to traditional butchers. this couple from new york now live in the uk. they say people are shocked. >> they buy dinner and turns out it's horse. >> reporter: one fear horses in the food chain injected with a painkiller called bute unfit for human consumption. >> to find out afterwards it's an entirely different animal literally and you have no idea what that will do to your health, scary nor any to think about. >> reporter: scary still for complex traders and subsidiaries with just one beef product and going from france, luxembourg, france, and romania, and traveling back to the uk, hard to trace. traditional butchers say the cheap meat is to blame. >> if somebody wants to pay $2 for lasagna, at the end of the day, you get what you pay for. >> reporter: there's no suggestion yet horse meat labelled as beef has reached the u.s. but the struggle for everyone is to be sure the meat you're buying is what the label says it i is. >> that butcher is the type that knows everyone's name and customers trust him a local store. the problem is that kind of service can cost you more and when you're trying to feed a family, every dollar counts. >> kiir simmons, thanks. a special moment in american history is making major waves along san diego's waterfront. alongside the giant kiss statute to explain, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. san diego a big military community. there are many people who think this is incredibly patriotic and others who just plain think it's an eyesore. people have actually resigned over this. a 25 foot 14,000 pound piece of art that is stirring up a plus-size controversy. it is one of history's most iconic images, the photograph taken at the end of world war ii has become larger than life. not everyone likes how literally one artist took that. >> the ultimate in bad taste. >> reporter: stewart johnson's 25 foot statute called unconditional surrender is along the bayfront and for some, it's the epitome of romance. >> reporter: this couple renewed their vows ins the sculpture's massive shadow. >> we were photographed kissing in public in front of it. >> want to do it again? >> reporter: the statute is a giant cloud over san diego. >> it's completely out of scale to what made the photograph charming. >> reporter: it's not stewart's only controversial piece. the giant maryland in chicago and now in palm springs and it's come under fire in sarasota, florida. in san diego, the kiss was meant to be temporary, when more than a million dollars was raised through public donations to construct a permanent version, three members of the port's art committee resigned in protest. and in a statement the sculpture foundation that sold the work said by its very nature public art is inviting dialogue. in this case, is there no question of that. >> i think it's fabulous. >> formally tacky. >> and like it or not, it is definitely attracting a lot of visitors and also a lot of attention. >> i can imagine. >> in san diego for us this morning. thanks. can we get a verdict? >> i like it. >> i like it. >> too big. >> it should be about 10 feet tall, bigger than the ship next to it. >> i like how it inspires couples to kiss each other. >> they're talking about it and people are coming to go see it. >> that's what art is. that's art. >> want to say that again? >> i just said it. inspiring people, people are talking about it, coming down to see it. i think that esart and what art is supposed to do. >> in the eyes of the beholder. coming up -- >> if i can get a word in here, we will talk about the new proof women really do talk more than men. >> we needed a study for that? >> hidden cameras on plumbers? will they treat you fairly or charge you forrepa repairs you really don't need? this is "today" on nbc. joy still ahead, an amazing story. a couple plays a friend's favorite slot machine on the day of his funeral and they win big. >> after your local news. [ female announcer ] from seed to spoon. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. tragic story out of prince george's county. fire officials are investigating an early-morning house fire that killed a man and two children in glenarden. officials say that a man and three girls, ages 5, 8, and 10 were not breathing and had no pulse when they were arrested from the home. paramedics were able to revive one of the children, but the other victims were pronounced dead at the hospital. time for a check on the morning commute, and it is very busy on the roadways this morning, sarah. >> we start out with a fatal accident involving a tractor- trailer on the inner loop. all traffic is being diverted at white marsh boulevard. down to 14 miles per hour. this is what it looks like a car ford road. traffic is backing up heavily on the northeast corner northwest corner, delays prior to reisterstown road. this one is still in place, an accident at 140 and 795. inner loop accident and security. if you travel this morning on the harrisburg expressway, picking up delays in the southbound direction. tapping the brakes from shawan road down to the beltway. >> nothing going on weather- wise, except that it is cold. there is a little bit of a breeze. wind chills are running in the upper teens. big storm out of the midwest will visit us in maryland. for us, it will be a mixture of rain and snow. mostly sunny, high temperatures only in the upper 30s to around 40. thickening clouds tomorrow. a mixture of rain and snow played in the afternoon and evening. check out conditions in wichita, kansas at this hour, a big part of the country dealing with snow and ice this morning. we'll have a lot more on that as al gives us his forecast in a few moments. check out where we will be this time tomorrow, not to rub it in. we're taking a friday field trip to south beach. it will be a sunny show. >> you're going, right? >> no. savannah let me know i would be at home tomorrow. >> i just said don't bring the speedo tomorrow. we really don't want to see it. tomorrow? >> it will be gorgeous in the low 80s. we will be down there on the beach hanging out. >> that was a brilliant idea. miami. that's good thinking. >> our parents didn't raise fools. actually, we have great news to share. lo ride da will perform live on south beach for us. >> you really ought to come down. >> if you're in the area, you should come down and want everybody in miami to come down. we will be on the beach. >> i like how she says flo rida. >> flo rida. >> and women talk more than men. and whether that's true. >> you were talking about your wife before the program that you never could get a word in. >> no, that's not true. she knows you're trying to get me in trouble. >> he said she was a little bit of a gabber, chatty. >> science has an explanation. we will get into that because they apparently also like to talk. >> we have an interesting story, some people wondering if this is help from the heavens, we will meet a great michigan couple who won a jackpot after they played their late friend's favorite slot machine. bitt bittersweet and we will catch up with them. we begin with a rossen report investigation. jeff and his team have looked into all kinds of contractors and this time, plumbers, will they be honest and competent. hey, jeff, we've been waiting for this. >> something asked about many time, honest or competent. when you call a plumber many times you trust them for help to find the problem and fix it at a fair price. we're at it again with our hidden cameras testing plumbers to see who gets it right and who lands in hot water. >> reporter: you stand behind your story she needs a new hot water heater. we just want a plumber to fix a small atlantleak. >> why do you want to charge her $1900? >> reporter: these experts want to charge her for things that aren't even broken. we rented this house in suburban, new jersey. >> it should have been in your backpack. did you look in your backpack? >> reporter: home to liz, mother of four. down in this basement, she has a hot water heater in good shape. >> everything looks fine on this. >> reporter: we know because we had three experts all licensed master plumbers inspect it top to bottom. >> excellent condition. >> i'm confident that's in good working order. >> in excellent condition. >> reporter: one of the experts was pete boros, chairman of licensing board for plumbers. >> reporter: how many years in the business? >> over 30 years. >> reporter: he set up a simple problem with the heater, churning this screw just a hair to start a small leak from this valve, creating a puddle on the floor. the fix, easy. just tighten the screw, something he says any plumber should spot in a minute. >> reporter: if one of these companies says you need repairs? >> that would not be true. >> reporter: we wired the house with hidden cameras covering every angle. >> i need someone to come out and look at my hot water heater. >> reporter: then had our mom called 10 water companies to diagnose the leak. as each company shows up, we're watching with our expert from a control room upstairs. >> there he is. >> reporter: things start off great. within a minute, this first plumber finds and fixes the problem, that easy churn of the screw. >> the drain valve was just slightly open just a hair. i just closed it. >> thank you. >> okay. >> okay. what do i owe you for that? >> that's okay. no problem. >> nothing? are you kidding? >> no problem. >> reporter: amazing. these next few plumbers also fixed the problem in just minutes. >> that's it? >> yeah. >> reporter: but our luck is about to go down the drain. meet frank. >> liz. good to meet you, frank. >> reporter: he checks the tank. and watch, frank finds and fixes the leak, churning that screw. problem solved, but he tells our mom, there's still a drip. >> the water has to be drained and then you need a new valve put on. >> that will fix the leak? >> that will fix the leak. >> reporter: that's right, even though he fixed the leak, he still wants to put in a brand new valve. price, $359. >> what do you make of that? >> i think he's trying to take advantage of the homeowner financially. >> reporter: we have questions for frank. >> hi, jeff rossen from nbc news. you just told her she needs a new valve. why? >> it was leaking. >> reporter: you tightened it and it stopped leaking. >> it was still forming a drip. >> reporter: actually the dripping had stopped but he says he didn't want to hang around and make sure or have to come back. >> reporter: do you stand by this? >> for what i saw? yes. >> reporter: if you think he's pricey, this next plumber takes it to another level. >> the basement is right there. >> reporter: just seconds in, he sees major problems. >> there is no fixing it, just replacing it. >> you're the expert, what do you think? >> you need a new unit, just from looking at it. >> reporter: a new unit. he says it's getting old, wet on the bottom and this corrosion means the side pipe is leaking. all wrong says our expert. this unit is in tiptop shape. why is this guy telling our mom she needs to pay for a new one? >> there's no fixing the leak except for replacing it. >> reporter: the cost, a whopping $1,675. >> hi. jeff rossen from nbc news. the leak was coming from this valve. did you check this? >> i didn't see nothing here. >> reporter: didn't see it. our expert says it was right in front of him. >> here is where i saw the leak. >> i'm feeling it. it's bone dry. >> when i first felt it there, i felt a little bit of wetness. >> reporter: do you feel it now? >> no. >> reporter: neither do i. he couldn't explain that and decided to leave. we reached out to the company owner but didn't hear back. but the biggest bill is yet to come. meet joe. >> i'm just trying to see because i don't want you to have to spend no money you don't have to spend. >> reporter: that sounds nice. joe spends a lot of time looking, touching, staring at the heater. at first, he says this. >> i think it's coming from here. >> reporter: minutes later, he changes his tune. >> replace it, take this one out and put a new one in. >> you mean the whole thing? >> yeah. it has to be coming from that. >> the price? >> 1900 bucks. >> that's what i need to do for this leak? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: nearly $2,000 to replace a water heater our expert says could last another 10 to 15 years. >> reporter: why do you want to charge her $1900? >> i told her the bottom of the water heater is leaking. it was wet. >> reporter: our expert says it was a simple explanation. >> it was easy to fix, a turn of the screw. >> i told her that. >> reporter: no, you didn't. >> i told her that either way. >> reporter: i was watching hidden camera. >> i told her either way. >> reporter: i was watching in a hidden camera. >> i'm gone. >> reporter: she said what do i need to do to fix this leak? you said a new hot water heater. our expert says it was working perfectl perfectly. >> all right. >> reporter: in the end most did what's rite and in the end almost half tried to charge money for work she didn't need. >> experts says before you pay for a hot water heater you should get estimates and ask friends for a recommendation before you find yourself in the middle of an emergency and quickly searching for a plumber. call your local consumer affairs office to make sure that plumber you hire is licensed. >> you think it can't be true this stuff goes on. >> i amazing. >> i'm happy you lived to tell about it. you're pushing it a little bit. let us get a check of the weather from al. >> thanks so much, savannah. this storm system is massive. let's go to tulsa, oklahoma, show you what's going on there. they've been getting a lot of snow. in tulsa, there we have it. you can see the road is icy, causing a lot of accidents and this is getting wound up. we will be seeing more of this activity making its way into the mid-plains and midwest and eventually into the south with severe weather. here's what we're looking at right now as far as temperatures are concerned. this is why we're getting all this snow. look at these temperatures, all the way to oklahoma, temperatures anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees below normal. you get all that moisture coming in with the storm system, jetstream on top, why we're seeing such vigorous activity. a lot of thunderstorms being reported. 20s stretching from the plains to the northeast new england. you have to go to southern texas and southern florida to find temperatures in the 80s. >> good morning. temperatures today will be below average. we will make it into the upper 40's. we will see mostly sunny skies don't forget any time you need that weather, especially with this big storm check out the weather channel on cable, weather if i were you, i'd stay away from london. david. >> thanks very much. coming up next, the proof this morning women talk more than men. really? i'm not sure it's true in my house. a lot more. right after this. >> i'm just politely listening. >> yeah. exactly. the usual, bob? not today. 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[ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that. back now at 7:44 while savannah works, men sometimes complain. >> you know what, al, i'll take it from here, david. the women talk too much. we have a possible reason why. i don't know what this is about. go ahead, andrea, tell us. >> i don't know this applies to david. you guys were giving him quite the beating during the break. he talks a lot, right? >> he does. he's a chatty kathy. >> research shows women talk almost three times as much as men. >> what? >> i like to think we're better communicators, there may be a biological reason as well. >> women like to talk a lot. >> yes, i know. >> reporter: we've come a long way but women just can't seem to escape the old stigma. >> wow, she just never shuts up, does she? >> reporter: we talk too much. is it true? do we talk too much? >> yes, we do. we talk. women want to be heard. men don't listen so we have to keep repeating ourselves over and over to make sure we're heard. >> reporter: you like to do all the work and listen. and just say yes now and then? >> yes? and uh-huh. >> reporter: the average woman speaks up to 20,000 words a day, that's 13,000 more than the average man. new research says there may be a reason women are better communicators, a biological explanation for all those chatty kathies out there. scientists from the university of maryland school of medicine discovered there are higher levels of a language protein called fox p 2 in female brains. we discovered this protein, fox p2 is involved in vocalizations. >> reporter: they studied a small group of young children and found 30% more of the protein in the brains of the girls. >> we can't say this is the end all be all reasoning, but it is one of the first avenues with which we can start to explore why women tend to be more verbal than men. >> reporter: what's your breaking point? >> breaking point where you just want to say shut-up. that's my breaking point. >> okay. >> women generally speak more quickly and devote more brainpower to language. >> i take away that women have a gift for communication and expression. >> absolutely. as i said, more highly evolved. we'll talk more about that. >> i have to admit i bump that story yo type. i was talking in college and a young woman was listening to me and she goes like this and i said, what is it? she said, you are talking a hole in my head. there's more to the story. >> see, there he goes. >> you were saying your wife is a big chatter. she talks all the time. >> i did not say that. >> can she really get a word in? >> let's ask her because beth wilkinson is on the phone right now. >> oh, no. good morning to you. >> hi, honey, how are you? >> sweetheart, how are you? >> nice of you, savannah to let me actually officially get a word in edge-wise. i appreciate you. >> is he like this at home, beth? >> so i can actually speak to my husband and have him listen to me. >> the floor is yours. >> that story about the hole in the head is true, i think i have an indentation myself. >> so he's really the chatterer in the family? >> he is quite chatty. whereas with me at dinners, mornings, noon, night, he's pretty chatty. >> we've noticed. >> beth often tells me that, you know, stop talking about yourse yourself. be a better listener. when we first met she would be reading the paper, don't you want to talk? >> ah. >> when talking, does he talk a lot about his man bags? >> that's a very unfortunate topic, al and i wish you hadn't brought that up. >> wise that unfortunate? >> she's a woman of 2350u worfe herself. beth wilkinson, thank you so much for getting on the phone. just say yes all the way, you're always right. >> thanks so much and thanks for keeping our house quiet this week. >> well, we're sending him back to you, okay? thanks so much. still ahead, we'll talk about the michigan couple who won millions playing their late friend's penny slot machine. this happened just hours after his memorial service. a bittersweet story after this. pr , obly google. if we do a side by side blind test comparison, and you end up choosing google, you get an xbox. i'll bet you the xbox, you bet me your son. well let's look up what you need. okay, i would do the left. yeah? 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[ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. snickers® satisfies. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ we have something for fans who are waiting for the finale. a video matchup of downton doing one direction. didn't do that. >> what? >> still. >> i'm okay. >> you? >> you? >> no. >> you. >> no. oh? >> you. >> that's impressive. he's been watching the person who put together this video. >> the british media directs, richard sandlin and gotten over 1 million views and been retweeted. >> very important life lessons passed on to me by my dad. get it done. we can all throw on our work clothes... ...and throw out any doubt. because right now's the time to take those rooms from... ..."think i can do this?" to... ..."let me show you what i just did." more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. outsmart your budget with glass and stone mosaic tile, just $6.98 a square foot. with just a few ingredients. simple, wholesome goodness. kellogg's. start simple, start right. this year, don't just take time off. put time in. turn spending time with your family into spending time as a family. at the one place where every heart-pounding, jaw-dropping, goose-bumping second counts. it's your vacation. don't just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. busy morning. >> it has been such a mess this month, especially for motorists on the inner loop and northeast side. closures at belair road due to an overnight tractor-trailer accident. it occurred very early this morning, and a fatal accident at that. down to 13 miles per hour, affecting all the roads leading up to that area. all of them really stacked in that area. live pictures at perring parkway shows the backup. outer loop delays and a place at 140, approaching 140, all the way down the west side due to a vehicle fire. is down 70, right on the ramp to the inner loop of the beltway, down to 18 miles per hour. southbound 95 and key highway, we have an accident taking up the left lane. delays on 95 and 895 coming to and from the tunnels. over to you, tony. >> police there's nothing going on, weather-wise. 26 at the airport, 22 in westminster, 25 in chestertown. a little breezy, wind chills are in the upper teens. by the time it gets here, it will be a mixture of rain and snow. mostly sunny this afternoon. high temperatures range between 36 and 41. we will start with dry weather in the morning. we will see a mixture of rain and snow develop in the afternoon. mixed rain-snow on saturday as well. 8:00 now on this thursday morning, thursday february 21, 20 2013. we have to say hi to our wonderful fans who came out on the plaza to say hello, braving pretty chilly temperatures this morning. good morning to them and all of you. actually, we are very excited. as chilly as it is here, it is absolutely lovely in miami, where we're going tomorrow. 70 degrees at showtime? >> showtime, our friday field trip, very exciting. >> flo rida will give a concert. if you're in this area, come on down and enjoy the concert. >> pitbull will give us a little tour. >> i wasn't invited but i had to sign your permission slip. >> you gave us permission to go. you are invited. >> see that structure on the beach, that's where the south beach wine and food festival takes place. >> which structure? >> right there on the beach. i'm makeing food for the q and savannah and natalie will be my chefs. >> can't wait. coming up, a high-tech way to order starbucks from your car. >> wow. a new way to multitask. also, the secret weapon used by a national geographic photographer to go where noman has gone before, the flying lawn chair. pretty cool. >> and tips our dads taught us. david, you have one your dad passed to you and keeps you in good stead even to this day? >> it does, basic manners and we will talk about it in a couple minutes. >> we want to remind everyone next week we will be live at the vatican, as we have the final days of pope bendik, his abdication will be there and a look at the more than 1 billion catholics and who may be his successor next week on today. pope benedict. >> i look forward to that. to natalie morales with a check on today's headlines. >> good morning. as many as 30 million americans are in the path of a major winter storm that brought snow and high winds to southern arizona wednesday. it forced the first ever suspension of match play at the world golf championships? much heavy snow is causing dangerous whiteout conditions today in kansas and nebraska. hundreds of flights have been canceled. a stunning development today at the bail hearing for south african olympic star oscar pistorius. prosecutors reveal the lead investigator in the murder trial of pistorius is himself facing seven attempted murder charges over a police shooting in 2011. meantime, nike said today it has suspended its contract with pistorius, accused of gunning down his girlfriend on valentine's day. the stunning death of a gynecologist in the baltimore area has many patients wondering if they were victims of a shocking violation of privacy. lisa myers reports. >> reporter: baltimore police are trying to identify about a thousand women seen over the last two decades by dr. nikit ara levy who practiced gynecology at johns hopkins. he was found dead monday apparent suicide after being accused of secretly photographing and videotaping patients. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: jessica was levy's patient for 11 years and said she felt very close to him. >> right now, i'm very confused. if i could speak with him, i would tell him he broke my heart, he broke my trust. >> reporter: police say they uncovered and compare amount of evidence in levy's home removing computers, hard drives and servers full of images. >> we understand there is an extensive amount of photographs and video recordings which show patients in various states of undress and examination. >> reporter: johns hopkins says levy got caught after a fellow employee became suspicious and alerted security. the hospital says it then notified the police and suspended levy. >> words cannot express how deeply sorry we are for every patient whose privacy may have been violated, the hospital said. levy's lawyer emphasized that he was never charged with a crime. lisa myers, nbc news, washingto washington. >> all right. switching gears now for a look at what is trending today. a quick round-up what has you talking online, a starbucks fans website says the coffee chain is testing a new video drive through that provides service with a smile. it lets the customer and starbucks employee see each other while taking and placing orders for what will be an even friendlier coffee experience. google has released a new online video demonstrating what it's like to wear the still experimental google glass. it appears the high-tech specs will respond to voice commands and hand gestures as users shoot pictures, video chat and conduct google searches. they're expected to cost about $1500 when they hit the market. mattie, the baby sloth is a smooth operator. he won the heart of a youtube poster, rachel husain, by giving her a flower. rachel says the tender but very slow gesture there made it the best day of her life. oh, so cute. 8:05 right now. let's go back outside to savannah and david. >> ah. mr. roker, it is quite cold out here this morning. >> it's a little brisk but that has not dampened the enthusiasm of our crowd, especially this birthday girl, sarah. where are you from? >> maine. >> you're together. >> you have a posse for your birthday. fantastic. happy birthday. let's see what you have going on for you today. our friday field trip, mostly sunny, warm, nbc 6 and south florida, we are looking forward to that, let me tell you. as we check out the country, you can see on the satellite radar, there's that storm naturally told you about at the top of the newscast. we have big snow going on, some places getting 9 to 18 inches of snow, nebraska to kansas and icy conditions to the mid-mississippi river valley and strong storms into mid-mississippi and heavy rain into mid georgia and more rain with high snows and high surf advisories on the coast and advisories into the great lakes and new england. we have a nor'easter to talk about, too, all thatto >> good morning. we didn't expect any precipitation. a mixture of sun and clouds. >> where are you ladies from? >> from maryland. >> maryland. your first trip to new york. very nice. all right. let's go back to savannah. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up, a unique way to photograph from the flying lawn chair. we'll share remarkable images. david shares the important skill he learned from his dad, the gregory grip and how you can shop like a pro. and tricks used by retailers they have to draw you in. first, these messages. t says ge♪ ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. it's the tasty -- whoa! [ laughing ] it's the tasty 100% natural little cheese that -- oh, thank you! ...goes wherever you're going. mini babybel cheese from the laughing cow. have you laughed today? ♪ ♪ "love" a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. for a limited time. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. well, technically i wear one. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of new bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. back at 8:11. coincidence of karma. tyler and mary morris are millionaires this morning and they went to a dear friend's memorial service and ended up at the end of the day winning $7.2 million at his favorite penny slot machine. quite a story. mr. and mrs. morris, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> i know this is bittersweet and your friend, max anderson had been your friend 40 years and you went fishing and to the casino and i guess you did so in honor of his memorial service. tell us how this happened that you played this penny slot machine? >> i was playing craps at the palace. i looked around and my wife was playing the slot machine and she was behind me. the next time i looked she was gone. but then i felt like somebody was watching over my shoulder. i thought she wanted to leave and every time i looked, i kept looking at the same slot machine. about five minutes later, i got the same feeling and i turned around and looked and all i saw was the same slot machine. and my friend always played penny slot machines. i decided i would play the slot machine, which i hardly ever do, especially a penny machine. i put $20 in and push a couple buttons and i guess i pushed the maximum bet on the second push, i won 7.2 -- 7 million $217,000. >> wow. you had to be overwhelmed by this. >> i -- >> go ahead. >> i believe that my friend directed me right to that machine. >> mrs. morris, when you came over, when did you find out that max had won? >> that tyler had won? i was at -- i was actually looking for him, because we were ready to go. it had been a long day. we drove 1200 miles from michigan. the memorial was, you know, quite beautiful and so i called him on my cell phone and i said, where are you? because he usually is by the crap table. he said, i just won a jackpot and i'm waiting to get paid. so i walked over to the -- to where he -- where i thought he would be and i didn't see him. he said something about the machine being by the crap table. but i didn't -- i didn't see him, i didn't see the machine. so i kind of stood back and all of a sudden, i realized there was lots of people standing around this particular machine, called "the lord "lord of the r" i tried to get closer and a lady grabbed ahold of me and said, look, that man just won $7 million. i said, my goodness. >> mr. and mrs. morris, what an amazing story. we're so glad to have you with united states. i know your dear friend, max, is smiling down on you and his family is really happy for you. our congratulations to you and best wishes as well. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. coming up next, the valuable lesson david learned from his dad and a very unique way to capture some of the world's most amazing places, right after this. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips. minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... sugar and calories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light. back now at 8:17, how one national photographer got an abarred winning shot. these incredible immanuages are available in a book called "desert air." jamie sat down with him. good morning. >> hey, david, good morning. over the years we have seen amazing work to the compare photographers who contribute to the national geographic. it's just how george steinmetz take his photos because, let's just say he's a bit of a dare devil. >> for the last 15 years, award winning photographer, george steinmetz, has been on a mission to document the deserts of the world traveling from antarctica to the remote most corners of the earth. it has been his passion, obsession and his photos are simply stunning. take a closer look at his work. just how does he capture those birds eye images? >> i like pushing the inflammato envelope. >> reporter: the answer, what he affectionately called, his flying lawn chair. a motorized paraglider he helped create to go, yes, where no man has gone before. >> i confess when i heard about this, i sort of thought you just gracefully lifted up. >> well, it's not graceful. i'm not exactly athletic. when you do it, you don't think about things, instinctual after a while. you lay the wing out and behind you like a big kite and you get the motor running and you basically start running like hell with 100 pounds on your back and squeeze the throttle and try to avoid any obstacle. usually within 50 feet, you're flying. >> when it's not usually, what happens? >> a lot of varieties, a lot of ways to mess up. >> reporter: this photo, after he hit a tree in china, says it all. but once he's up, he takes his hands off the controls and starts taking photos. compare images from a unique perspective no other photographer has ever captured. >> could people react when they see you up there? >> usually, who is that crazy adventure dude? if people are looking edgy or nervous, i wave with both hands and say i don't have a weapon. >> reporter: describe the landing? >> you come in fast and a few feet off the ground, pull the brake lines and my first steps are skid marks. within about four or five steps i'm stopped on the ground. >> reporter: what does your wife think of this? >> she's not real keen on it. when we got married i wasn't doing this. shortly after a wedding, i have this great idea, i think i can fly this parachute with a motor on the back. she's like, what? she's very tolerant. >> reporter: translation, his wife is a saint, especially since she knows their three kids are lobbying for a ride. he started shooting photos more than 30 years ago when he dropped out of stanford to hitchhike through africa, eventually realizing his dream to become a photographer for national geographic. but he always wanted to know what the world looked like from up here. >> instinct. if i can get up, i can see it. i can understand it. >> reporter: for the record, his flying machine is classified as an experimental vehicle, with good reason. and his flights are not for the faint of heart. steinmetz has occasionally run out of gas. >> i have a gas gauge on the motor, a mirror to look in the translucent tank, i can probably fly about 10 more minutes. >> reporter: occasionally crashed. how many times have you crashed? >> i don't keep track. >> reporter: ballpark? >> depends what you call crash, bodily harm, i would say 50 times. >> reporter: 50 times. >> if you were to do what i do in any other kind of aircraft, you'd be dead. like falling on a ball without football gear. it's not catastrophic. >> reporter: then there are other close calls. a country, a story, questioned in libya, detained in yemen, arrested in iran. >> they alleged i jumped out of a jet and some kind of a spy and like james bond or something. they'd seen too many movies. >> reporter: but he wouldn't have it any other way. he likes to say it's the journey of a lifetime. >> what do you hope people will learn from looking? >> that there's a whole world out there to understand. >> he hopes he will get permission to shoots from the air in tibet. and another exotic location, the city of manhattan. the faa has not agreed. i thought i wanted to go for a ride, guys, i confess, i'm a coward. i'm glad it was snowing the day i interviewed george. remember, he has crashed 50 time times. >> i think that was just a smart decision. >> depends how you define "crash". thanks. >> you can see more of those stunning photos on >> time for you to reveal the top tip you learned from your parents. >> this is one of those life-long lessons. my dad taught me the power of a good hand shake, such a simple lesson but stayed with me. i think about it with my kids, do you have eye contact? a firm grip. it was my dad. we were at a friend of his house, we had played tennis. me and dad at the all-star game a couple years ago. i shook his hand. and he made a point, my dad, saying, that was kind of a weak hand shake. you always want to have a firm hand shake, man-to-man, just an important part. >> how old were you when that happened? >> what? >> how old were you? >> i was about 10 or 11. >> so you've shaken many hands. >> maybe it sounds insensitive. when you're shaking a man's hand, particularly firm grip. anybody's hand, a woman maybe not as hard depending on the situation. >> good firm grip. >> good eye contact. hold it for a few seconds. make an impression. >> the holding and release is very important. >> hold and release. >> how long do you hold? >> don't you think it's true as you're growing up, if you shake somebody's hand, it's kind of limp -- wow, what was that? >> you don't want to hold on too long or too tight. hold me, david. >> when you come in with the left, what does that mean? definitely something that stayed with me. we showed presidential photos as well. >> of all the hands you've shaken especially of fairly influential people, who would you rank in the top five? >> interesting, among the presidents, there are some, i won't say who, who have weaker handshakes, i think there's a reason for that. i think they're actually counseled a little bit when you're shaking so many hands you don't want to grip tightly over time. >> interesting. >> that's the other tip. coming up, your chance to own valuable pieces of olympic history. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here's sarah caldwell. >> dealing with the closure of idlib of the beltway at. white marsh. all traffic is being detoured at white marsh. this is what it looks like it perring parkway. belair road, sunshine ave, watch for an accident coming in to us there. speaking of delays, is down at- 70, stalled approaching 40 towards the beltway. eastbound 70 towards the beltway, and backing traffic big time in that area. jammed from the belt way down into town. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the sun is out. a few scattered clouds, teens in the mountains to the west. there is a big winter storm brewing in the central plains states. it is going into the midwest. i would check flights to see if there are any delays. our forecast for today is not bad. 36 to 41, the high. typically we, in the mid- forties. west, northwest winds at 10 to 15 miles an hour. friday to saturday, we could see a wintry mix both days. only in the 40's for most of the weekend. another is from the middle of next week. >> we're back with another update at 8:56. 8:30 now on this thursday morning, the 21st of february, 2013, as we say hello to our well bundled crowd on rockefeller plaza. it is 32 degrees right now on this plaza. tomorrow, it will be approaching 70 as al, willie, natalie and i descend on south beach. we will have a great show there, part of our friday field trip series and get a personal tour from mr. 305 himself, pitbull. >> and a live concert from flo rida and a lot more. there's pitbull. he will show us the sights of miami. look forward to seeing you. if you're in the area in south florida, come on down. we'd love to meet you tomorrow morning. >> that will be great. >> what else is coming up? >> we will talk about the survival of the cutest, all the efforts to save the giant pandas are raising questions about all those efforts and a bit of debate about it. >> the tricks of the trade when it comes to shopping, what retailers are doing to actually get you into the stores and how they're kind of maybe tricking you into buying certain items. >> we are going to visit a pet lovers' paradise. the global pet expo going on right now. >> oh, my gosh. >> in orlando. >> thank you. >> somebody, get me a chew toy. >> we will check in with jill in a moment. first, we all remember this, one of the greatest upsets in sports histor history. >> do you believe in miracles? yes! >> the u.s. hockey team defeated the soviets during the 1980 olympic games. 33 years later, the team's captain is auctioning off his uniform used in the "miracle on ice" game. mike, good morning to you. great to see you. >> how you doing? nice to see you. 33 years, we can't believe how much time has passed. >> i know. i'm getting old. >> we all are getting old. these are treasured items, artifacts. first question, why do you want to auction them off? >> they were sitting in my attic in my hockey bag for 30 years. i kind of -- i think the older you get, the more you think of your future. fortunately for me, i think i'm doing it for the right reasons, not the wrong reason. financially, things are fine. i thought this was a great opportunity to take the money and give it to my kids' for their kids' future and i have a foundation at home and want some of the money to go to my charity. >> can you look how tough these guys are? the shoulder pads are not very big. >> they're not. >> it was the '80s after all. >> the jersey and socks i wore in the finland game. >> there a's some in new jersey that go up for upwards of a mil y million dollars. >> that's all? i'm hoping it goes for a lot of money. it will help a lot of people if it goes for the right amount of money. i'm looking forward to a saturday night, is the auction. >> you have the game winning stick? >> yes. that's the stick i scored the goal against the soviets. >> even your socks. >> one pair of socks, i don't know where the other ones are. i'm excited about it, coming into new york city saturday night. you can even go online at and bid on things. it's an exciting -- >> is it tough to part with this stuff? >> no. because it sat in my trunk in the attic. it's not like it was something hanging in my home. when i found out how much it was worth, i kind of took it out of the attic and put it in a safety deposit box. it just made sense for me. i have three children and two jerseys. you can't divide things up. i thought this was the best way to do it. >> mike, great to have you here. thanks for showing us this. >> thank you very much. now a look at the weather. >> the weekend ahead starting with friday, messy conditions in the upper ohio valley with snow in the great lakes. look for rain and snow in the pa pacific northwest and sunny and mild and more wet rain saturday, snow in new england, how much we have to keep an eye on that. more snow in the rockies and pacific northwest. sunday-sunday more remaining snow in new england, more snow in the plains and rockies, wet weather in the pacific northwest. sunny and cold around the great >> good morning. temperatures today will be below average. we will make it into the upper 40's. we will see mostly sunny skies the classic. mike taking some pictures. to another classic down in florida. hello, uncle willie. >> sweet sunshine in florida. these beautiful people came to see us. they thought they were getting free smuckers. happy birthday from schmumucker. we'll take care of our buddies. alene alsobrook from east palatka, florida, on the other side of florida. 100 years old. great tv fan, loves to get the news from newspapers, reads everyday and watches the tv. darrell sanders from beautiful wells, kansas, 100 years old today, says he puts a little pickle juice in his water everyday. that's how he's lived to be 100. we have wilella. i love that name. wilella thomas from may con, georgia, 100 years old today. a great civil rights fan. marched in the civil rights movement. god bless. al goldbaum, from mill valley, california. nature lover, loves to look at the trees and flowers, good man. opal wash of cincinnati, ohio. 105 years old. loves to read poetry and also sing hymns. >> i sing hymns all the time. i love hymns. myron forman. he is 100 years old, boca raton, florida, across the water from where we are and loves to play golf. deetta lalle, that's the name. 103. from binghamton, new york. 103. loves to write letters. still writes letters. doesn't use the computer, she writes. back to new york, where they use computers. >> all right, willard. thanks so much. the battle over saving the giant panda. why some say the effort may not be worth the cost. first, this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:39. no denying pandas are cute and cuddly looking. so why are some scientists questioning efforts to save them from extension? here's nbc's kate snow. >> reporter: it's easy to see why pandas are the poster bears of the conservation movement. they're undeniably adorable. they're cute. >> very cute, incredibly cute. >> reporter: sara, a wildlife conservationist has been working here in china for 13 years. >> they're very cuddly looking, very round cheeks and big eyes. all those eyes, all those characteristics make them almost look like a human infant. i think that infantile appearance engenders our want to protect protect. >> reporter: and protecting the giant panda is what this place is all about. with so few pandas left in the wild, scientists here have been breeding pandas in captivity. these cubs are just four months old. we were given the rare opportunity to scrub up and go into the nursery where keepers watch over them. >> hi. hey. >> reporter: these little guys spend their days sleeping, eating. this little one is just learning how to walk. >> you are too cute. look at you. >> you can touch him. >> can i? >> yeah. >> hi. >> reporter: more than 100 cubs have been born here since it opened in 1987. >> it's almost become like an industry, trying to make as many pandas as possible. >> i would say that's a fair way to explain it. >> reporter: an industry dedicated to saving the panda. what could be wrong with that? >> i think that pouring millions and millions of dollars into one species, albeit incredibly cute animal is wrong. >> reporter: a wildlife expert for the bbc, one of a growing number of scientists says with so many species becoming extinct it makes no sense to save just one. >> reporter: some say who are you to play god and decide we shouldn't save the panda. >> who are they to play god? they picked a cute cuddly one. why don't they pick a snail or caterpillar or fly. they are already playing god, survival of the cutest. >> reporter: sara says pandas are more than cute animals, a symbol of hope for the conservation movement. >> if we truly can not save giant pandas, what does that say about us as a species and how can we have hope for any of the others if we can't save the one we profess to love the most. >> reporter: at chung du, they're convinced the millions spent to save this species is all worth it. >> you can see more at rock sender with brian williams, tomorrow, 9:00 central time on nbc. up next, tricks used by retailers to get you to spend. first, this is "today" on back now at 8:44 with "today's" style. how to shop like a pro. retailers know just how we browse and set up their stores to get us to spend. if you're smart, you can use that to your advantage. the style editor, good morning to you. people think black friday is the great discount time. no? >> no. now is the time. go out and start shopping? studies have shown the top 20 best sale days of 2012, 15 of those were february. it's right around president's day. now is the time you want to shop. gone are the days of 60 to 70% off from 2008. right now, it's all about 47% off. if you find a bargain between 30 and 50%, go for it. >> stores know our shopping psychology. we will walk through it. the first is these beautiful display items. snatch them right up? >> no. don't snatch them right up. the stores use display items to snooker you into their lair and want to entice you with beautiful fabrics, things trendy. don't fall for it. they're full price. stores also know people shop count counterclockwise. the reason we're doing that, stores will put the new arriv arrivals, you will see the sign here, sometimes it will say just in or right off the runway. don't fall for that. they know we will shop this way. we're very predictable animals. often, these are the full price or mildly discounted items. you don't want to fall for that. once you passed that, we go to basics and staples. >> this looks good, a promo, 2 for $20. >> thank you for pointing that out. there is a big difference between a sale item and promotional item. something $40 could get marked down to $20. a promo gives you two for something. at lucky we always talk about the fashion calculator. this is where it comes into play. if these t-shirts are $12 each, you're really not getting such a great bargain, saving $4 for a t-shirt you didn't even need. you need to know what you want to spend and what you need in your own closet. now, savannah. >> here it is. the sale rack. >> this fashion holy grail, the sale rack. they usually hide it in the back where it's darker and harder to get to. we've shown you that's where it is and you will go to. most sale items get marked down on thursdays to kick off for a weekend sale. that's a great day to shop. if you see an item like new arrivals, in about six weeks they tend to get marked down. >> once you're in the sale rack before everybody gets in there and messes it up, do they put the really good items in this back of the rack? >> they try to mix them in there. shoppers are really savvy and hide the good items as well. you want too make sure you're reading tags and signs. don't forget to read the fine print. sometimes that select style 40% off can only mean one or two things. always check. >> of if it says up to 40%, you will get a range. >> exactly, be a smart shopper and read the fine print. i will take you to the denim wall, if you will. denim, i don't know about you. i know for myself, i own a ton of jeans. the average american woman owns seven pair of jeans and 31% of women say they refuse to go a size up for jeans that they don't wear them, they won't fit, you know what i mean? they really just want a pair of great jeans. so what stores will do is they'll stock the denim wall with so many jeans, they'll put it right next to the fitting room because they figure the more you try, the more you will buy. >> thy thank that if a woman finds a pair of jeans that fits great, they'll buy two? >> that's right. they will buy two and three and buy them in different colors. that's what we're seeing especially spring 2013, very trendy colors an patterns. if you find the right style, you will snap up a bunch of them and you will bring them all into the fitting room and try them on. here's another trick stores use. they put the fitting room right next to voila, the cash wrap. the reason it is so close to the fitting room is it doesn't give you any time to put anything back, once you tried it on, you've fallen in love with it, you won't go to the clear other side of the store and put it back. >> here's the thing i fall for all the time, they put these cute items next to the cash register. >> you are a marketer's dream. >> i'm a sucker. >> this is what is known as impulse buy or cross sale. you see a lot of items on the way up to the cash wrap, beauty, fashion, what have you, things $20 or under but they're full price. don't fall for it. >> ugh. >> the things at the cash wrap are usually a little bit more discounted but that's how they get i. you will buy something any way, why not throw in a few 5 or $20, you can rack your bill up that way. >> thank you. you will be sticking around for a live chat at 9:30. you will give a lot more information. if you want more answers go to our website. next we head to the pet expo. ♪ [ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. if you are a pet person, orlando is the place to be this week. our animal advocate, jill rappaport is there checking out the global pet expo. good morning. >> reporter: i am in heaven. can you imagine 13 football fields long filled with every possible toy, food, gadgets, gizmo that your fur angel could possibly want. if you think i am in heaven, you can imagine when i took my little ruby on a tour of this pet fest. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ >> be good girl. be good girl. >> reporter: they say every dog has its day. this was definitely a fantasy adventure for ruby. ♪ ♪ oh yeah >> reporter: she was in absolute ecstasy at the global pet expo. this is the pet industry's largest annual tradeshow where pet lovers and loved pets from around the world flock to orlando for a three-day animal extravaganza, which gave everyone something to bark about. >> want a bis skit? wow. they're good enough for humans? >> reporter: there are over 900 exhibitors in 2500 booths showcasing over 3,000 new products for a beloved and pampered pets. >> so you say. is this the safest one on the market and newest? >> yes. it connects directly into the seatbelt. >> reporter: it's bigger than you are. >> it will shoot up to 50 feet. >> reporter: from toy mania to tlc. >> that looks awfully good. >> reporter: ruby then caught up with her bff madison. after a little primping, these two fashionistas checked out the latest threads here and were ready to hit the town. ♪ i'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt ♪ >> reporter: too sexy and now too popped to move. it was a day ruby will dream about forever. >> i always like to say, let sleeping dogs lie. i have picked out some of my favorite and my animal's favorite toys here. actually, something for you guys. al, i thought of you. i want to watch this little puppy here. this is perfect. you know how you ride your bike everyday to work. look at this, check this out. you can put pepper in the front. there's actually room in the back if you want to get another rescue dog for me, al. i thought, isn't this wonderful? a portable waterer. ruby, are you thirsty? this would be great for marco rubio. >> oh, nice. >> i did not see that coming. >> and right in orlando, too, she went with that. >> right. savannah, i did leave you out. i know you're the gourmet cook. i have to tell you, when you have guests over, they'll never know these aren't for humans. they are so delicious and they look fabulous. >> jill, david's daughter has gerb ger be gerbels. can you find something for david's daughters? >> okay. and natalie, i found this for you everywhere you go. you can travel. this is fabulous. you can stick this stake in the ground and your dog can go up to 20 feet, which is really wonderful. we have wonderful things here. we have calming sprays which definitely -- oh, dear. w whoo! it works on ruby. >> bring back the calming spray. thank you so much. we're out of time. a check on your local news. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. officials are working to determine what caused an overnight freight train derailment and the cecil county. it came off the track just after midnight. officials determined that none of the hazardous materials on >> it will be a quiet day, a little bit on the chilly side. high temperatures range between 36 and 41. average high is 46. rain and should not possible tomorrow. tomorrow.


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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20170320:02:48:00

stamp you. >> in such a chaotic environment, camaraderie is vital. they rely on each other every day. >> i love this place. it may sound sick. this is a career i guess it chose me. you build some great friendships with the officers here. >> it wasn't mine, it was yours. you had a keyster, remember? >> you have an environment where, you know, your life depends on someone else, and someone else's life depends on yours. it kind of makes you a lot closer, it really does. you appreciate each other more. >> coming up next on lock up extended stay. >> you were right on the wall. >> the investigation of the fight on the basketball court concludes and darrell sanders is


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20120818

facility yesterday morning. >> 34-year-old darrell sanders is a wanted man after escaping from a mental health facility in unincorporated redwood city. the sheriff's office is concerned because he is high risk sex offender. >> he is a parolee and he has sex offender in his history. the fact he has a sex offense with minors is definitely a high risk. >> sanders was placed by parole officers. its locked facility but its treatment center. the company that provides the care describes it as a rehabilitation center. >> there is ways of leaving the facility without going through the elevator shaft. >> i never heard anybody escaping or seeing anything weird, but knowing about this is kind of scary. >> reporter: she likes to bring her one and two-year-old daughter to see their grandparents. the house is down the street. >> i'm afraid for my children. i don't know how often i want to come back because they are so close. >> they don't normally go by the facility but other neighbors do because it's next to the open space preserve. >> once in a while you see one of the patients walking around. they let him out for that purpose. >> reporter: they aren't too concerned about the escape. >> but authorities want sanders back in custody as soon as possible. area agencies have been notified. >> he basically is a transient. he has family here in the county and also oakland. we believe he is probably walking away from this area. >> reporter: and sanders is 5'11'', 165 pounds, take another good look at him. he was wearing a red polo shirt and blue jeans. you should not approach this man. if you do see him, be sure and call police right away ama daetz "abc 7 news". >> terry: tragedy in san jose as a free-year-old girl drowns in a family swimming pool. it happened on blue jack etd way. the investigation continues but it appears the child simply fell into the pool, went unnoticed and no evidence of foul play. she was taken to a medical center where she was pronounced dead. >> police in arizona are investigating a shooting outside the raiders-cardinals game last night. a 30-year-old man was shot in the face in the parking lot. the shooter called 911 and waited for the felonious show up. police say the victim was rushed to a hospital and is expected to survive. both men are arizona residents. a device used to make illegal narcotics was blown up in palo alto last night. residents were had to shelter in place for nearly five hours. >> the bomb squad blew the device up around 7:30. earlier residents said what looked to be a soda bottle assaulting in a driveway and decided on detonate the device. >> new in morning, the panel that found ross mirkarimi did commit official misconduct will not make a recommendation whether he should keep or loses his job. that coming from a ethics commission director. ethics commission decided in a 4-1 vote that mirkarimi's domestic violence guilty plea to a misdemeanor does amount to official misconduct. they argue they should still recommend that mirkarimi keep his job. the final decision on that rests with the 11-member board of supervisors. this morning, bay area congressman jerry mcnerey will be recessing to sierra lamar. she went missing on march 16th on her way to school. they have organized weekly searches. the congressman will participate in today's search. that starts at 8:00. even though a body is yet to be found, garcia torves charged with the murder. prosecutors say they have dna evidence linking him to the crime. muni is taking the step of condemning one of the unpaid advertisements on its own buses. it was a controversial ad in support of israel. john alston has reaction from both sides. >> reporter: the dueling ads appear almost side by side on ten muni buses. original one popped up last week reading in any war between civilized man and savage support the civilized man. defeat jihad. muni came back with the responsible, a bus card saying policy prohibits discrimination and condemns statements that describe any group as savages. >> the ads in place definitely cross the line. there is not a lot we can do in light of the first amendment. >> group behind the first pro israel ad is the american freedom dissent initiative aheaded by pamela geller of new york which planning is another ad. >> those ads will be calling out the anti-semitism of the government in san francisco. they are clearly taking sides. they should be running disclaimers on every ad, not just mine. >> the council on islamic relations says it's a step in the right direction. >> a lot of damage have already been done. we have heard from many people both in our organizations and number of organizations if they don't feel comfortable boarding the buses carrying these ads. >> it's generated a few thousand dollars for her organization. >> we have seen an increase in fund-raising, absolutely. what do you think is going to pay to countered ads to the discrimination ads. >> this is someone striving creating fear of millions of arabs across the world. >> she says her muni ad campaign cost about $5,000. the council a american-islamic relations asking the money be used to study the impact what it calls hate speech on muslim residents of san francisco. >> terry: the state's lead investigator into the chevron refinery fire accuses federal investigators of on bias and scaring the public with misleading information. they announced they have agreed to preserve the accident site while investigations continue. they say the damaged area remains too toxic to enter. cal osha is hospitally critical of federal investigators that have intervened. they say there is an undercurrent of friction between the agencies. the man who ended up with steve jobs ipad says he had no idea it had been stolen. his home was burglarized last month. ipads and jewelry taken, too. 35-year-old man had confessed to the theft. before he was arrested he gave the ipad to a friend to write words of advice for his friend. >> for people to think they are do, there are consequences in life. we all know right from frog wrongening do the right thing. >> he says mcfarland gave it to him for a share of tickets for a trip to hawaii. >> coming up next, honoring a hero, they prepare to honor a marine that was shot and killed in afghanistan. thunderstorms friger flash flooding in southern california. we'll ha [ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts! who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. >> terry: this afternoon a memorial service is planned for a marine who was killed eight days ago in afghanistan. 29-year-old matthew minukian was shot and killed while conducting combat operations. he was attacked by a local afghani wearing a uniform police uniform. police say expect heavy traffic in the area with more than a thousand people expected to attend. the family is creating a scholarship in his honor. >> tomorrow morning, a helicopter unit with the california national guard in stockton will depart for fort hood texas bound for afghanistan. there is a farewell ceremony and that takes place 2:30 at at stockton facility on simpson road. it there be the third deployment. they previously served in afghanistan in 2008 and iraq in 2003. health is the theme of the 37th gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender pride festival in san jose. >> we're going to do testing, body mass index, blood pressure. mental and physical health. >> all that will be available at a health and wellness pa vif control yon at discovery meadow park where it will run today and at some time going until 7:00 in the evening. >> please join us tomorrow night for a half-hour special just like me. cheryl jennings takes us inside the taylor foundation camp arroyo in livermore. they provide help to children with life altering conditions. they are struggling with number of health issues and inspiring stories. just like me, it airs here tomorrow at 6:30 in the evening. we've seen clips on that leading up to the showing earlier this week. i got to tell you. you will latch and you will cry. i'm not just throwing out words. you'll do both. it's something. >> we had had showers out there this morning. even a thunderstorm up in the north bay. most of it is dissipating. just a few clouds, santa cruz, check it out, you are at 57 degrees. it should make it 74 degrees. not a bad beach day. tomorrow afternoon, looking pretty good and especially at some time things will be clearing out, as well. seven-day forecast and we'll check out radar as well. >> terry: you going to santa cruz? >> you bet. >> and carson palmer and raiders try to kickstart their offense. larry beil has highlights coming up in sports. welcome back everybody. 8:17 on a saturday morning, you are looking at a live picture of the largest city in northern california, that would be san jose, capital of silicon valley and why do they call it that? it has the largest concentration of technology expertise in the world, 6600 tech companies right there in san jose. as you can see, sun is trying to break through. new this morning a strong earthquake hit a northern indonesia island. there are no reports of tsunami. it struck on sulowesi island and 14 million people live there. it struck at a depth of 13 miles. no reports of damage or injuries and no reports of tsunami. forecasters say another round of fast moving thunderstorms could strike in southern california. heavy rain caused this, flash flooding through parts of san bernardino county. this is forest falls. the flooding did block access to roads in the area. a dramatic pictures there and dramatic here. it was stunning, the rain coming down. very briefly but it wasn't a mist it was raindrops. >> kind of a little shower over the golden gate. thunderstorm or two up in the north bay, as well. the fog definitely rolling in off the coast. check that out. sutro cam, kind of socked in there. that is what we're going to see most of the morning, fog will burn off a little bit by this afternoon, looking a little bit better as we head toward our emeryville cam. fog is creaming into the city just a little bit. overall, not too bad for your saturday. live doppler 7 quieting down a little bit taking a bit of a break after a very active weather morning, right around 3:00 this morning, we had the showers and thunderstorms popping up all over the plates. things are starting to taper off. mostly clear precipitation wise across the area. most of the activity is further to the east in the sacramento valley, meorg hill and gilroy getting a few sprinkles. nothing terribly heavy. you are looking pretty good. zoom in a little bit. just east of san jose, that will be the trend through the morning hours. we'll start to dry things out. a little sunshine by this afternoon. sunday will be looking pretty good. 57 in san francisco. oakland, good morning, 58 degrees. we have the festival going on, looking good for that. temperatures in concord, 64 degrees. 60 in fremont. mountain view is at 64. a few light showers, isolated thunderstorms, we're pretty much done unless you head out to the sierra, we'll see thunderstorms around lake tahoe. so i'll show you that in a moment. fog along the coast. as i mentioned, things clearing out nicely by tomorrow and right through monday. are you hungry? head out to the food festival right here in san francisco, it starts around 11:00 right through this evening. it should can perfect weather for that. folsom street, we are looking for temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. winds gusting up to 25 miles an hour. area of low pressure off the coast spinning the clouds and moisture in our direction, most of it pushing to the east right now. by this afternoon, we'll start to see a little drier air mass move in as the stream of moisture gets cut off. high pressure off the four corners producing the clouds. patchy fog throughout the morning hours, partly sunny by this afternoon. temperatures will be right around 70 degrees in the south bay or the airport. temperatures out toward fairfield, 88 degrees. richmond about 70 degrees for you. sanity rose, 82 degrees. half moon bay, 60 degrees. 71 in watsonville. monterey, 64 degrees. seven-day forecast showing kind a cooling trend. temperatures in the 80s tomorrow. 90s inland and upper 80s inland and kind of 70s in the bay. staying in the 60s around the coast. looks like a good weekend ahead. few clouds today but not bad at all. food festival, i'm hungry. >> terry: in sports, pre-season college football just been released. stanford ranked 21st, not bad. they return to sanctions as number one. scc rivals are two and three. oklahoma and oregon rounding out the top five. sanford place san jose state. cal returns to the stadium against nevada. now tonight the 49ers are in houston to play the text yanks. last night the raiders were in arizona to play the cardinals. >> good morning, raiders played their second pre-season game in arizona, offense continues to be a real problem for new coach dennis allen. defense is looking good. kevin cobb is going down. a safety, 7-5 cardinals. after being shut out by dallas last week, carson palmer, picked by rose. mike goodson with one of the two fumbles. raiders had two turnovers in this game. minute sklaf later, punted is blocked. bethel scoops and scored. cardinals led by 16. raiders, third quarter. he powers in for the raiders, first of the pre-season. san jose stayed on but here is a stretch. paul davis picks it up and gets in the end zone, tied at 24. in the fourth, william powell, raiders lose again, 31-27. now 0-2 this pre-season. >> life of melky, no problem last night. tons of runs, strong contingent of giants fans, marco scutaro gets a left of olandorf. 1-0 giants. offense erupts. here is an r.b.i. triple, 3-0 and look out. that goes to the back stop. posey scores, padre pitcher gave up eight runs in two innings. matt cain adding to the firemen i zi. eight runs in the third. giants cruise 10-1. back in first place. >> a's and indians, trouble in the fourth with tommy malone, grand slam, shelly duncan one swing, 4-0 indians. josh brings home chris carter. we're down 4-1. cliff pennington, chipping away, now it's 4-3. then donaldson who is hitting only .196 but four for four this game brings this a run. a's come back to win, 6-4. this weekend the celebrating 2002 money ball team that won 20 games in a row. here is the manager and everybody remembers that 20th win, a dramatic walk-off homer in the bottom of the ninth. >> i do remember that last game. we were up 11-0 and we thought we had a laffer but the laugh was on us, the next thing you knew it was 11-11 and mattie won the game for us. >> that was a great run. it should a be a fun weekend. that is wrap on morning sports. mike shumann will be here with the week end highlights at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. >> terry: coming up next, amazon tax, a sales tax for the internet and you've only got a short time to avoid paying it. a community challenge, the parents in union city are trying to stuff the bus with school supplies before release me, momigus! that's mom to you. and you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never! come on james. it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. fiber one chewy bar, huh? mmm. refueled space captain james. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need. >> terry: next month begins a new world for retailers. most will have to charge you a sales tax, a move that will swell the state's income but could lead to a stampede of online buying. here is nannette miranda with the details. >> reporter: the days of skirting the sales tax are numbered for californians. department of finance certified this week no federal internet tax law exists. that opens the door for a new state law to take effect september 15th which out of state retailers must start collecting the sales tax. a big annual boost to california coffers. >> the estimates for the income that the state will receive from the collection of sales tax, $250 million up to $500 million. that will be great. >> most californians don't know if a retailer doesn't collect a sales tax they have to pay it on their own when they fight income taxes. he wanted to level the playing field. they have lost customers to internet competitors that often don't charge a sales tax. >> people looking for lesser costs would naturally gravitated toward that source. while we thought it was an unfair advantage. >> with an army of lobbyists they amazon was squashing efforts to collect sales tax that don't have a physical presence in california. deal they made was to seek a federal internet tax, if that fails, the state tax would go into effect. what the state got out of delay, amazon promising to open facilities in california and hires hundreds of people. first warehouse in patterson is already under construction. online shopper is fine with paying the sales tax. >> it's just crazy to have these large retail outlets that escape taxation. everybody is concerned about local commerce. >> reporter: oh opponents are upset they can't get away with a deal. >> i think that is going to make me do more shopping before september 15th. that is not good. >> it's not clear whether it will change behavior and drive people back to stores. one advantage retailers still have is convenience. as kids get ready to head back to school. not all of them will be able to afford the school supplies they need in the classroom. jonathan bloom went to one east bay community where help is arriving on a big yellow bus. >> reporter: whether or not you came here to buy school supplies, there are kids who need them. >> the schools they need help. >> that is why they are passing out flyers in front of the walmart. that is why this big yellow bus. >> we are collecting school supplies. folks can purchase supplies and bring them to the bus and we stuff the bus with school supplies. >> thank you very much. >> sometimes a handful. sometimes a cartful. every little bit helps. >> i can't believe the parents have to supply this stuff. when we were kids we got everything at school. >> harder for some than others. >> the young man had statement pages from older notebook that weren't used on the reverse. >> it's a story they hope won't happen again thanks to the supplies. >> here is mechanical pencils. >> this is one of district's one of the biggest buses. if past years are any indication shoppers will stuff this bus many times over with buckets full of school supplies. >> last year we filled up ten buses full. >> the manager says the genius of stuff the bus folks can donate as much or as little as they want. >> it makes it successful, it doesn't take a lot for people to spend to support their schools. >> we have crayons and pencils and glue and paper followeders. >> the bus will be here until sunday night. jonathan bloom, "abc 7 news". >> terry: back to school, back to school event, 11:00 to 3:00 today that will help out more than 3,000 bay view school children by giving free backpacks and school supplies. annual bay view hunters point back to school event made possible by a $40,000 grant from lowe's educational foundation. this takes place at bayview opera house, routes williams memorial theater, on third street. a joseph lee on rendell street. a bay view native mike henry is going to be there. he is bringing his race car. you might want to check that out. in the south about a, santa clara unified school district teachers are going to be handing out free school supplies. that takes place from 9:00 until 12:30 at farmers mark at jackson and benton. that is in santa clara right behind franklin mall. school starts monday in the santa clara school district. >> a group of little leaguers from indianapolis have stepped up to the plate to help a competing team. the team learned that their roommates from uganda didn't have enough clothes to go around. kids organized a donation drive and collected more than enough for everybody. now, you can watch petaluma's little league team against tennessee, that game tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. right here on abc7. straight ahead. radiation of contaminating treasure island more than anyone realized. what a plan to put thousands of new homes out there? live look from studio cam looking out the pyramid. you got the bank of america building. you got cloudy skies. jeff martinez will have your forecast. i also wanted to take a moment to thank you for participating in the abc7 sleep train dream campaign. our thanks to go out to three people. thanks to all of you. they are among thousands of people that have clicked the like button on the facebook page and as you know for every like, a dollar goes goes to >> terry: dreams of a thriving community on treasure island complete with high prices and thousands of residents may never come true. the problem -- radiation. the navy left behind it. wayne freedman has the details. >> reporter: take a good look at redevelopment. are you impressed? where are the high prices with the 20,000 residents. where is anything that looks like progress? >> the older i get and more i laugh at this. >> back in 2004 tony hall ran this project for the city of san francisco until he called it an empty political promise of jobs and prosperity that could never be built. now that the navy has reported more radioactive than originally thought. he looks like a prophet. >> radiation is the latest thing they are using from anything happening because they know it's not going to happen. >> but the radiation does exist. it is motorcade and in some cases it is disposed of in places long forgotten. the new report does not surprise environmentalists. >> a job should have been done and research because the material was found. that is on the navy. >> opponents look forward to a delay of years now at the least. among them an attorney what we don't know may be as dangerous as what we do. >> you have to properly characterize the island for potential radiological impact. meantime, that has has not been done. >> so landfill, to world fair, to occupation by navy. to abandonment to ruins, to memories of a distant promise. >> it can't be developed on here. it sits on the largest earthquake fault in the bay area. it's impossible to develop it and they ought to tell the people the truth. >> reporter: we attempted to talk to them that work right behind us. no response. wayne freedman, "abc 7 news". >> terry: jeff is here to talk about the forecast. all morning long, clouds don't seem to be giving way. >> definitely along the coast. thick marine layer. it will be foggy throughout the morning. as you can see. definitely cloudy conditions out there. a little bit of sunshine peeking through the clouds. by this afternoon we'll see more sunshine as the fog burns off a little bit. not too bad for your saturday. >> terry: also ahead, a conversation with abc's katy couric on how the talk show is hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios >> a landscaper in the south bay is accused of abandoning project. michael finney found the trail of accusations and here are his findings. >> we have never won anything in my life. >> reporter: this is picture they submitted to win an ugly backyard contest. she won a $9,000 garden makeover for her san mateo home. 11 months later this is all that has been done to her yard. it's as appealing as an abandoned lot on a neglected street. >> this was an advertising ploy that really disappoints me. >> she didn't pay anything to enter the contest but we have learned that other paying customers of the company have seen their project stall out, as well. >> this is what i have to show for it. >> mike says the work on his home was scheduled to be completed in one month. five months later, materials are scattered all over the yard. sharp pointed end of screws are exposed and backdoor leads to an incompleted deck and a big drop. they say all this poses a potential danger. so much so that the family was forced to cancel their young children's birthday. the kids are disappointed. >> mom you you promised me. >> the contractor licensing board is expressing serious concerns about the company. >> we have a number of complaints a few of them in the last couple weeks. there is concern on our parted about his built to continue work if he ability to complete work. >> he has been stripped of his license for failing to pay a small claims judgment. they have since paid that judgment and says it's in the process of renewing his workers' comp insurance. the spokesman says he takes full responsibility for the half completed work. quote, we should have gotten it done. i'm not going to dispute that, close quote. as soon as he gets his license back he will complete the work. some of his customers say they have heard these types of promises before. >> the last thing with the money right now. all we want is our backyard done. >> reporter: we'll stay on top of this and let you know what comes up. state rghd say get all promises in writing including start and end dates and never pay more than 10% up front or $1,000 whichever is less and never pay the balance until all the work is completed. jeff is in for lisa argen this morning. a little bit of rain this morning. >> rain, thunderstorms, fog along the coast. this afternoon i think is shaping up pretty good. a lot of things going on today. oakland, the bike festival going on at jack london scare from 11:00 to 8:00 tonight. fremont you have the festival of india and also the hot august niles car show out in fremont. a lost activities for you today. get out there and enjoy it. look at those clouds, sutro cam shows the socked in marine layer. kind of foggy along the coast. a beautiful shot out there nonetheless. bay bridge looking good. a little bit of sunshine along the bay there. it's going to be the trend today. live doppler 7 in high definition, again it was pretty busy this morning. a lot of shower activity. thunderstorms and quieting down right now. that is the trend i'm looking for throughout this afternoon. everything is dissipating, shifting off to the east. we have a shower off to the south up toward morgan hill. gilroy a little light precipitation going on. otherwise, nothing to write home across our area. temperature-wise, 72 in antioch. oakland 58 degrees getting ready for pedal fest, looks like fun, 56 in san francisco. few clouds out there throughout the morning hours. by this afternoon, sunshine returns. partly sunny and again that fog along the coast. tomorrow we clear things out nicely and looking great for sunday and monday. kind of a cooling trend. the reason we have so much moisture streaming in our area. area of low pressure off to the pacific combined with high pressure pumping in the subtropical moisture. we have some decent showers further to the east, lake tahoe, north shore picked up a lot of rain, incline village, they saw about an inch of rain in an hour. look out for thunderstorms there this afternoon. i don't think we'll see much in terms of precipitation. just a few clouds and fog along the coast. temperatures in the upper 80s inland. talking about 70s in richmond. san francisco today about 63 degrees. should be great day to get out along the embarcadero, go down to the wharf. headed out to to monterey bay. watsonville, 71 degrees. accu-weather seven-day forecast, kind of a clearing trend here. few clouds today but by tomorrow drier air comes our way and we'll see temperatures kind of in the 70s, upper 70s in the bay. 90s inland sunday and monday. tuesday and wednesday we cool things off nicely. upper 80s and stay in the 60s along the coast. just last week we were talking about hundreds all over the place inland. that will be history. good news, cooling things off. >> terry: one event, 18th annual mut strut. it's at park 11:00, animal demonstrations. a lot of barking going on. spca decided to put that on. >> get out there. >> even if your pet is not a mutt get down there. >> katy couric's new show launched september 10th. she and her staff in full production mode. carolyn johnson went to new york earlier this week for a one-on-one interview with the host of new talk show which is simply called katie. >> what the biggest challenge facing you now? >> i think learning to work in a whole new venue. i had a lot of people and talked to people but to have people staring at you the whole time you are doing the show. i get a tremendous amount of energy from the audience and they are so nice and enthusiastic. it takes some getting used to. some of the time when there is a commercial break, i feel like i should be entertaining or sing or tell a joke. i'm just standing there waiting for the light to go on. they are sitting there. i feel like, what should i be doing? i'm getting adjusted to having a studio audience. also just having an hour show where i'm the only person on the today show. i had colleagues who i worked with every single day. on the evening news it was 22 minutes but it was structured. it was very little cross talk with the correspondents. this is a whole hour. just to figure it on how much i can get in and i wanted to be packed with information. so it's challenging because you still have to pick the things that i are willing to leave out. 44 minutes is also slightly difficult. >> reporter: the idea you are going to stay with one subject per show or mixing this up or still a work in progress? >> i think the answer is "c", a work in progress but i think the show will be as long as the subject or individual requires. you know, if hillary clinton wants to come in and talk about her experiences as secretary of state i'm not going to be like, coming up next, whatever, obviously she has plenty to talk about. some topics and some interviews that can be done well and in less time. i think it's going to be dictated by the topic and person who is going to be on that particular show. sometimes we'll have two segments, sometimes we'll have three different subjects. i think we'll see how it plays out. >> terry: katie, debuts september 10th. the show will air weekdays at 3:00 p.m. coming up next, a pair of new arrivals being celebrated in china, why researchers have had to step in to save one of good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. >> terry: in china, a six-year-old giant panda has given birth to twin cubs. state television showed the birth of the male and female cubs. feat cub was born physical, that matters. the male born 25 minutes later, each weighed in at 5.4 ounces. male cub is being cared for by researchers because mother pandas can care for one cub at that time. typically they abandon the second born. they eventually will be released into the wild. so if you are thinking about adopting one, forget it folks. they are going into the wild. >> clouds out this morning. fog along the coast. it will give away to sunshine this afternoon. few sprinkles. i think we're done with that as the system moves on out. tomorrow will be beautiful, lots of sunshine and temperatures stay in the 70s. cooling off inland. 80s by the middle part of the week. >> terry: great having you here this morning. thanks for joining us. next newscast is at 5:00 this evening. download our new alarm clock app for your iphone. wake up to traffic and weather right on your phone. the free news alarm clock [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.


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