It is less clear at least to me what amendments would make sense based on the feedback that was provided tonight we heard questions we can followup open the additional questions but in terms of of version 3. 0 and how it differs from 2. 0 but speaking for myself didnt hear clear direction to you know that we should move in a certain direction on certain line items there were comments made and individual commissioners but its less clear what modifications will be made than last week our main direction or followup to answer our questions and maybe that will illuminate things but as far as the boards feedback the spending plan could look similar in two or three weeks than what was presented. Im urge my colleagues if you have very specific changes to please get those to staffer as quickly as possible any questions you want to speak on im putting out to my colleagues to provide that direction to staff. Can i make a comment im not interested in staff sending memos saying i want this and that
And the 14th alike lecturer what ive heard we had a lot of boos to construct and modify the plan it is less clear at least to me what amendments would make sense based on the feedback that was provided tonight we heard questions we can followup open the additional questions but in terms of of version 3. 0 and how it differs from 2. 0 but speaking for myself didnt hear clear direction to you know that we should move in a certain direction on certain line items there were comments made and individual commissioners but its less clear what modifications will be made than last week our main direction or followup to answer our questions and maybe that will illuminate things but as far as the boards feedback the spending plan could look similar in two or three weeks than what was presented. Im urge my colleagues if you have very specific changes to please get those to staffer as quickly as possible any questions you want to speak on im putting out to my colleagues to provide that direction to
Not august april 14th with version 3. 0 but sorry folks i know everybody has been here a long time next week is spring break i want to be clear ive directed my staff to take spring break no one will be here thats one less week to work on version. Can we add when we submittal that the board had been month to month on april 14th. Im sorry director lee. Thank you commissioner president murase thats fine commissioner mendozamcdonnell for us to say a little bit more than theres will be an amendment to say the timing exactly so i think that is not hell done i want to say in terms of what happened the superintendent alludes to now and the 14th alike lecturer what ive heard we had a lot of boos to construct and modify the plan it is less clear at least to me what amendments would make sense based on the feedback that was provided tonight we heard questions we can followup open the additional questions but in terms of of version 3. 0 and how it differs from 2. 0 but speaking for myself didnt he
Terms of of version 3. 0 and how it differs from 2. 0 but speaking for myself didnt hear clear direction to you know that we should move in a certain direction on certain line items there were comments made and individual commissioners but its less clear what modifications will be made than last week our main direction or followup to answer our questions and maybe that will illuminate things but as far as the boards feedback the spending plan could look similar in two or three weeks than what was presented. Im urge my colleagues if you have very specific changes to please get those to staffer as quickly as possible any questions you want to speak on im putting out to my colleagues to provide that direction to staff. Can i make a comment im not interested in staff sending memos saying i want this and that this is not how we should be doing this it is not a question of individual Board Members getting feedback there is has to be a meeting to make the proposal in the meeting i mean i dont
Couldnt be more proud with that im going to turn it over to my colleague for any comments the auditor is here for questions ill quietly go home. Well, its a pleasure to serve on the board and watch affidavit at work ive not seen so much money in all my life and that well, im very pleading for me pleasing may not be the right word but have complete trust in the allocation of money and looking forward to the roomgs and rebuilding of wonderful schools in San Francisco i thank david in being able to lead us so well and thats it for our report ill be happy to answer any questions. Action for this report out of committee. Commissioner mendozamcdonnell and commissioner norton. I actually dont have questions i want to comment particularly as the chair of buildings and grounds and having worked with you david this is such a treat and really grateful for your leadership and your springs around the bond program have an opportunity to be and Willie Browns last week reminded me we have the voters t