By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax - Overall, developers in organizations with both AI and ML widely deployed were 15 percentage points more likely than those in organizations where AI and ML are in “the early days” of deployment to say that “tech is more exciting than ever.”
By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax - Successful AI companies — think Apple, Netflix, Google, Uber, or FedEx — build innovative applications and, as they scale, start the flywheel of data, growth, and improvement spinning by gathering ever-growing amounts of real-time data, accessing it instantly, and tuning their predictions. User experiences become more personal and intuitive; key decisions can be made nearly instantaneously; and predictions can occur in real-time, empowering a business to improve outcomes in the moment.
By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax - One of the most painful – and pained – statements I’ve heard in the last two years was from an IT leader who said, “my team is struggling to find ways that our company’s data could be valuable to the business.”
By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax - Not too long ago, many CIOs might have had to wrestle with a chief financial officer who viewed enterprise IT as a utility. To use a household metaphor, a CFO might be sorely tempted to save money if budgets were tight by lowering the thermostat on cold days.