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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170821

>> jerry lewis, the legendary entertainer has passed away at 91 careers old. >> what are you doing asleep. >> sleeping? are you kidding? i'm standing like a horseback here like a dog. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ my, my ♪ don't let the sun go down on me ♪ ainsley: that's an appropriate song. aren't you excited? we all came back in town because it's a big day. steve: it certainly is. brian: earth getting blocked by something. steve: solar eclipse. i can't see nothing when i put those on. ainsley: can i see a red dot. brian: mine are prescription. steve: here is the thing about the eclipse here in new york city we are not in the 70 wild path. however 70% of the sun is going to be blotted out. you can't use regular sunglasses. don't use your bare eyeballs. have you got to use some sort of device. abby: only lasts two minutes. don't look up. you lived through the eclipse. you lived through it don't work up it's not worth it. brian: i live in the area of the country where everyone is flocking too. i was heading the opposite way. people streaming the other direction. poem. ainsley: people are glad because now they are using your hotel room. brian: they know this is not going to happen for quite some time. steve: today could result in. so traffic jams in world history. because as soon as it's over people will go okay, let's get back on the are v and sit on a two lane highway until tomorrow. brian: maybe during the roman empire the chariots were stacked up against each other. ainsley: we missed you. i love the humor. steve: great thing about the news business sometimes can you always mr. on if you take a vacation at the end of the summer nothing is going to happen. good news is nothing happened last week. ainsley: taking a vacation in the month of august. it was end of the summer. i was dying. i didn't take a week off the entire summer. i was so ready. so next year my summer vacation is coming a little earlier. steve: i jump on the first week. ainsley: the president is going to talk tonight too at 9:00. steve: we will talk about that in a minute. brian: it two hours and 57 minutes left. we turn now to a fox news alert. sadly we have intense search underway right now and in the south pacific. ainsley: crews are looking for 10 u.s. sailors who went missing after a navy destroyer collided with an oil tanker. steve: griff jenkins is live in washington, d.c. about the john s. mccain, griff? >> i wish i had better news but the search is on in the south china sea this morning for those 10 sailors missing at this hour with five others injured. four of them had to be air lifted for treatment. uss john mccain, a missile guided destroyer has arrived in singapore's navy base with quote significant damage to its hole with large hole in the side of the destroyer led. president trump tweeted his thoughts. saying thoughts and prayers are with our u.s. navy sailors aboard the u.s. john s. mccain where search and rescue efforts are underway. arizona senator john mccain for whom the ship is named after his father and grandfather who served in the navy as admirals tweeting this: cindy and i are keeping american sailors on board the john s. mccain in our prayers tonight. appreciate the work of search and rescue crews. now, guys, this is not good news for the navy. fourth major mishap for ships in the pacific this year. most recently back in june when the uss fitzgerald collided with a container ship off the coast of japan. this is certainly going to start raising a lot of questions as to why this keeps happening, expect to hear more of it. perhaps from the president tonight or in the coming weeks as he travels around the country. guys? brian: going to get more details on that. thanks so much, i didn't have yenins. five members after the hour. president has a busy week. the president is going to be in phoenix in a rally and today fort myers. steve: griff just mentioned speaking tonight 9:00 p.m. fort myer just across the river in washington, d.c. in arlington. on friday the president met with national security team at camp david. they are going to announce tonight at 9:00 p.m. exactly what the strategy will be going forward it is clear though, you know, the president of the united states has described afghanistan as a disaster but keep in mind, if you pull everybody out, that's going to be a mess and he does not want to be the first president to lose the country to terrorists. ainsley: now 8400 troops there in afghanistan. their job there is to train and advise those afghan forces to be able to fight and stand up against terrorist organizations like al qaeda. james mattis is talking about this. is he actually in jordan. here he is talking about afghanistan. listen to this. >> the process was rigorous and it involved all members of the cabinet, of the national security staff. and i would say attorney general and homeland security protecting america. state department and treasury department since significant allies. it has impacts on our budget. direct of omb was in on it. the national security advisor and the chief of staff coordinate and make certain everyone who had equity was heard. brian: what secretary of state mattis said plan. we need more troops in afghanistan. the president said i will give you 3900. he said i will wait. let's get a treive plan together before i just take these troops. let's do something can i go in front of armed services and say this is our way forward. keep in mind, too. the people that would have cheered the loudest picked up states and said goodbye afghanistan. iran whose presence is being felt and there russia. the one who the third loudest, perhaps, is isis. the taliban, despite all their bluster have not gained a significant stake in land there. the special forces about 21,000 now, g.p.s. to up up to 31,000 in afghanistan. doing 70% of the fighting. we believe over the next few beers we can start training more like that and bolster up their 1,000 man force, they might be able to stand on their own. the lead now is not in our best interest. steve: here's the thing. here is what is interesting about the president's announcement tonight what he is going to say has not leaked. what we do know. that's why we have played some of mattis and company. the fact is that the advisors to the president have said the best way to go forward would be to mod testily increase troop threstles there keep training the military and cia operatives in the area for counter insurgency. keep 9 p.m. ainsley: i would like to send more troops. hold off and talk about this as a group. is he talking to the experts. clearly they have served our country. they have done a million tours. they know what they are talking about. if you have a loved one going overseas and we are asking you to fight for our country it has to be strategically planned. brian: we can't have effective plan while pakistan is still a sanctuary for taliban to train isis to go. for iran to allow these fighters to go back and forth. iran is now a huge present in heir rat. we watched one of these key taliban isis grays. we killed him on the way back. sending a message we know who you were, we know how are and we chose to kill you where we did to send a message we know what iran is up to. steve: meanwhile a lot of people send messages on facebook. and mari marie chappelle-nadal sent a message retweeted something where somebody said i hope president trump is assassinated. that's the woman right there. when she said she hoped the president would be assassinated, there was outrage everywhere. in fact democrats-she is a democrat,clair mccaskill the senator from that state has said she has got to resign. the governor there has said she has got to resign. the state senator herself said i am not going to resign. i'm not going to apologize until last night when she apologized. >> president trump, i apologize to you and your family. i made a mistake. and you know what i'm reminded of, is that we are all human. and i'm also a child of god. i made a mistake and i'm owning up to it. and i am not ever going to make a mistake like that again and i have learned my lesson. my judge and my jury is my lord, jesus christ. steve: so she says she ♪ going to resign. the governor eric greaten said on friday says if she does not resign the state government can vote to remove her. ainsley: she is the leader. she panicked. she dleeftd it she did ask for apology. she apologized to the entire family after she said she wasn't going to apologize. she is a child of god's. i believe in forgiveness so we can forgive question is should she remain in office? should she continue to be a leader or should there be consequences to the mistake that she made? brian: she certainly seemed sincere. how she acts from here on in if that is backed up by her actions, i say give her a mulligannen this one as sincere as it so to say you should kill the president. by rare live do you see somebody go to the microphone i was 100 percent wrong. i made a mistake. ainsley: let us know what you think. steve: even though she doesn't resign she is term limited out. she will be out. the question is should they act to remove her let us know "fox & friends." ainsley: headlines hand it over to jillian. jillian: good monday morning. good to be back with all of you. we do have headlines. starting with a fox news alert. police confirming that just one terrorist in the spain attack remains on the loose. the search now intensifying for 22-year-old oukabir. the new picture you just saw on the screen just released shows the suspect leaving the scene moments after the attack in barcelona. the search now expanding to france where police think he may have fled. we will certainly keep you updated. hundreds showing up for an american first anti-illegal immigration rally in laguna beach, california. >> i'm white. >> what does that mean. >> american. >> victims of refugees and illegal immigrants. the group was met by a wave of counter protesters. three people were arrested. king of comedy jerry lewis has passed away. >> we stop right here. >> oh, identical twins. >> no. that's a bully machine. >> the legendary comiddian died in las vegas home. known for comedies and charity work raising millions for children with must muscular dystrophy. he even made an appearance right here on "fox & friends." >> do you have any regrets? >> any regret? none, no. huh-uh. >> anything you wish you did differently. >> if i did it all again, i wouldn't change anything. jillian: the white house releasing a statement he truly loftd his country and his country loved him back. jerry lewis was 1 years old. sad news this morning. steve: he raised $2 billion for muscular discovery. people watched to the end to make see if he could make it through it. ainsley: rest in peace. brian: justitrudeau open arms bt now is he asking them to come here legally. steve: first, remembering jerry lewis gone today at 91. ♪ ♪ ♪ walk on ♪ walk on ♪ with hope in your heart ♪ and you'll never ♪ no, you'll never walk alone ♪ you'll never walk alone ♪ good night and god bless you all. thank you so much. ♪ ♪ caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. so i use restasis multidose. it helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. it's also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. restasis multidose helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose. you necessary one laugh, and hello sensitive bladder. so i tried always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? 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>> i think what the president going to say, brian, is he is going to look at the success we are seeing in iraq and syria. he is commander-in-chief who has given authority to his commanders on the ground. loosened the rules of achievement. we have accelerating success there. is he going to look over at afghanistan, iran, pakistan and say well county same strategy work here? it's infinitely harder here bigger terrain. we will see him honor genic coal son's request for more troops. brian: 4,000. >> about 4,000 to train the afghan national army and police and the governance of afghanistan. brian: when we left iraq we lost our eyes and ears. congratulations you can go and then we had to go back and leave defeat jv team isis. you believe doing the same thing. >> iraq adventure and so when we pulled out, we took all our eyes out, all of our intelligence, all of our communications and so i think he is carefully considering can we manage this ungoverned space with intelligence, signals, capability over the horizon, reaction capability, taking a look at that. genic coal son on the ground is a great commander. is he one of the best we have ever had there. he is a long, long term commander in afghanistan. he served under me in 2006-2007 when i was deputy commander there and now here he is as a four star general 10 years later. so he knows this. brian: you know better than anyone because you actually put on the camouflage that without addressing pakistan this is fool heart j. >> what president trump is seeing by going in to syria we have been able to have more success against isis. without providing sanctuary is he going again to look over at pakistan and iran and say we need to be able to deal with knows areas as well. i think we will see a broadening of this strategy there. brian: don't be surprised if he is looking at some of the natural resources in afghanistan and teaches them a way forward to she can start financing this war themselves and to the paying the salary for 100,000 afghan forces. >> power, diplomatic information. >> brian: general tata thank you so much. >> thank you, brian. brian: democrats standing up with violent mobs and push to stare down central do yous. is that the best strategy to win the next election? we'll debateha it. prevagen. the name to remember. at the lexus golden uncoopportunity sales event before it ends. choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for $299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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100 signatures on a petition in less than a week. the petition states that the group has earned this title due to violent actions in a number of cities. all right. that's some of the news, ainsley. ainsley: thank you, steve. outrage over civil war monuments making its way to the u.s. cap toll. nancy pelosi is chiming in the confederate statues in the halls of congress have always been reprehensible. if the republicans are genuine i call on speaker ryan to join democrats to remove the confederate statues from the capitol immediately. are they serious and playing politics here? or is this a winning strategy. a drank strategist and professor at johns hopkins university as well as katrina pearson. she is a spokesperson for america first policies and former spokesperson for the president's campaign. good morning, ladies, to both of you. >> good morning. ainsley: katrina, i will start with you, do you think that speaker ryan should join in with nancy pelosi and take down confederate monuments that are in the halls of congress? >> absolutely not, ainsley, look. how long has nancy pelosi been in washington, d.c.? those monuments have been there for a very long time and suddenly nancy pelosi wants to actually help these anarchists and these violent protesters tear down pieces of america. american culture and american history. the only place that that is being done right now is by isis and i really don't think you should have leaders actually encouraging people to do these types of things. because americans actually love their history, their culture, good and bad because it helps them learn and it helps keep people educated about why america is so great to begin with. ainsley: wendy, according to a recent poll, most americans agree with katrina. the npr/pbs news hour marist poll 60% want to keep them the way they are, 27 percent said to remove them. what are your thoughts? >> we have to be mindful that polls are not predictful but reflective of a current trend. what's being lost in the entire conversation is the history from which confederate monuments sprung from. it came after the south lost the war. 650,000 people died and the southerners were considered treasonous. on top of this, this sprung up after december 1865 when the ku klux klan actually was trying to revolt against black local power that came about during the redestructionist era. so this is not a symbol of patriotism. this is a symbol of hatred and division. and while i it is a piece of american history, not necessarily the good part of american history. actually neff farrous. doesn't deserve a place on state grounds. it deserves a place on museums. >> it absolutely deserves a place. that history is still good history for this country. >> slavery is good history? >> where we are today. >> slavery is good history? absolutely. oh, wow. >> during those times, think about this for a second, where would we be today if not for that civil war? >> where would we be without civil war? where would we be without slavery do you know what you are saying. >> how special and how country this country. >> how special slavery is. people have died? ainsley: ladies, listen to me, please. clearly a heated topic. katrina, it's clearly a heated issue. no one is racist. >> people have founded this country. ainsley: let me talk, please. >> absolutely not. this country was founded on slavery. ainsley: ladies. please. >> put in a place to change the laws and to. >> you are completely out of line. on tv and said slavery is okay. >> no one said slavery was okay. >> that's what you just said. ainsley: ladies, ladies. i'm done you can't -- can i both ask a question. ladies is, this a winning issue. katrina, listen to me, please. >> absolutely not. ainsley: the president got more african-american votes than mitt romney did. is this a winning issue he won because of jobs, jobs, jobs. no one wants to be racist and no one wants bigotry. is there a compromise here? should state leaders take over, governors decide ministry. nikki haley decided to take down the confederate flag in south carolina. >> that's where the decision belongs. >> this is a losing argument at the national level. >> no, it's not. >> issue should be decided in municipalities who make those kind of decisions. you cannot have people causing violence and chaos to make these types of changes. because that turns americans off. americans want jobs. they want to make sure that they can send our kids to college. they want to make sure we can put food on the table. they are not really considered about a statue that they don't even know exists. >> we are concerned, ainsley. to answer your question. these are symbols of hatred and they cause division in our country. quite frankly, we should allow the states to decide but for anyone to come on national tv and have the flawed rhetoric that these are symbols of america and what is good in america is absolutely statistically dubious. and that language right there is what causes inflammatory behavior and inflammatory actions on u.s. soil. so we have to be mindful. >> people don't respect our culture and some people don't believe in violence to change things. >> slavery is violence. ainsley: thank you both. it's the russia story democrats don't want to talk about. did it workers hired by debbie wasserman shultz sell american secrets to moscow? and great american eclipse is just a few hours away. get the kids ready janice dean is live where my momma was born in south carolina. isn't it a great city? janice: ainsley, this is a beautiful, beautiful city. and more importantly, it is in the path of totality. it is totality awesome. we're going to be talking about this path of the so he lal eclipse that's going to go coast to coast for the first time in almost 100 years. are you ready, america? it is happening in a city near you live from greenville. don't go away. woo! ♪ ♪ isease that can be really serious... especially for my precious new grandchild. it's 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tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. so why go back there? if you'd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. senate i'm walking on sunshine ♪ whoa, ♪ i'm walking on sunshine. steve: the sun is coming up in new york city and those are krispy kreme eclipse donuts. get it? they are shock class glaze. that's what it's going to look like around the moon. brian: nasa used donuts on their displays? ainsley: they're back because it's total darkness today at 2:45 in new york city. brian: depends where you are in the world. ainsley: oregon, idaho and yadda yadda. brian: by the way we apologize to kansas and nebraska for calling you yadda yadda. steve: whoever came up with that stuff is genius able to market this throughout the united states. brian: just our country. steve: first time 99 years gone coast to coast. brian, what do you have? brian: i have a shirt that's 50% cotton so it's going to shrink. this is the date. totally awesome. steve: totality. brian: totality. awesome. steve: totality worth it. there is so much stuff out there today because today is officially eclipse day. happy eclipse day, everybody. brian: is if there is a natural occurrence we will make money off of it. ainsley: grandparents lived in this cute little house and two streets over is the downtown area. or close to that. they are long streets. and that's where we find miss janice dean. this is greenville, south carolina. it's in the upstate near clemson university. the greenville spartanburg airport in grier. steve: she is wearing one of these t-shirts. ainsley: you are wearing one of these. the downtown area is so pretty. janice: it is beautiful. falls park. main street suspect here. broadcasting live as well. you mentioned this is the total eclipse. it is happening. the total solar eclipse cross-country, coast to coast from the northwest all the way down to the southeast. and you know a lot of folks are getting in on the fun. is the company that brought us these wonderful t-shirts. of course, these sunglasses, very important. you cannot watch the solar eclipse without these certified sunglasses. so you have to have these. if you are watching the eclipse. krispy kreme is so smart they got in on it and they made the total eclipse chocolate doughnut. i'm going to be taking a bite of this in a second. and a local presser here in greenville southern pressed juicery. has black sun lemonade. watch this. all like lemonadey good but with the solar eclipse. watch this. shaky, shaky. look total darkness in this juice, in this lemonade. amazing. a lot of people are taking advantage historic. last time we had a total solar eclipse 1979. i was 8 years old. all i remember is don't look at the subject. we 8 have special glasses be okay to look at the sun. only thing that might eclipse the eclipse is the cloud cover. take a look at it here is our map coast to coast. that line of solar totality stretches from the northwest all the way to the southeast. we could put out that map show you where we could see the potential for cloud cover. the mid section. that's where we will see the potential cloud cover. again, if you can't see the eclipse because of clouds. don't blame your local meteorologist. here in the southeast in greenville looks like the weather is going to be perfect. and we're kind of laughing a little bit because our folks south of us in charlotte, they may get some showers and thunderstorms. so a lot of folks are actually going to be coming northward to greenville from other cities that might potentially see showers, thunderstorms, or cloud cover. and here's our forecast here in greenville. again, it's going to be a lovely day. i'm hoping for more sunshine than clouds. so we can see that solar eclipse with our special glasses that of course are certified by nasa. also want to make mention if i could fredy the frog caster my brand new book is out this day. solar eclipse day. how amazing is that? we will be doing a local signing here as well as watching the total solar eclipse which is happening here in greenville at 2:38. we will see totality for a period of two minutes. here are your tips courtesy of fredy the frog caster. do not look directly at the sun. sun glasses do not protect. 3-d glasses are not going to protect you. only look at the sun through approved solar fertile. look online. safest way to observe is indirectly by projecting the sun's image with the pin hole. serial box. pin hole camera not directly looking at the sun. most important lesson. qui all enjoy. this fox news channel will be broadcasting it. safely look at the tv fox news channel when we have the eclipse happening. i'm so excited. brian: your book talks about flash flood. there is no flash floods. steve: not yet. janice: not flash flooding today. all about the eclipsz. janice: we love this book. if your child is dealing with things at school like name-calling and making mistakes there is forgiveness. your book teaches about that great lesson about flash floods. beautiful book, january nisz. steve: putting frogs back in the spotlight. brian: frogs don't get enough attention. steve: have one of the krispy kreme eclipse donuts. they are delicious. jillian: those donuts. looking at them. too far away. steve: right after your newscast. ainsley: or during it look at steve. jillian: memorial on the national mall update in the wake of recent controversy over civil war era states. the exhibit alongside the memorial to thomas jefferson will have disclaimer to reflect quote come plebletion city of status founder of the u.s. and slave holder. according to "the washington examiner." nonprofit group provides critical support for the national mall is making the change to get ahead of any controversy. no one has actually complained yet. canadian prime minister justin trudeau welcome as flood of immigrants with open arms. now he is asking them politely please come here legally. >> an opening and welcoming society but let me be clear. we are also a country of laws. jillian: trudeau sounding the alarm anyone seeking refugee status will have to go through the country's rigorous screening pro-says saying crossing illegally gives now advantage. his comments comes as the government grapples with a surge crossing into quebec. police department breaking the internet for hilarious response to this video on your screen. a teen is trying to look tough videotaping in front of what he thinks is a cop car tweeting the video to lawrence police, but the department quick to inform him he was actually wrong, i'm sorry, blake, this is awkward but that's not a police car. you videotaped in front of a water service vehicle. the tweet has over 500,000 likes and actually i wept on twitter to look at this and blake then tweet weed knew that but it's the only car we could find everyone is like okay. steve: blake, next time in front of code enforcement. brian: is videotaping good or bad for you. jillian: i don't know. who knows. i never even tried it. ainsley: i think it might be better than the alternative but i can't imagine a doctor is going to say it's good for you. brian: greg gut field is an expert. i'm going to talk to him in the hall. story don't want to talk about. did it workers hired by debbie wasserman shultz three names one person sell american secrets to moscow? ainsley: big show still ahead. david bossie, arizona senate candidate dr. kelli ward and newt gingrich, they are awful going to join us live straight ahead ♪ ♪ your eyes work as hard as you do. but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help... with continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes' natural ability to 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morning to you. >> good morning. steve: there is a story tout there that federal investigators are looking into whether or not sensitive data could have been stolen from these members of congress and then ultimately sold to pakistan or russia tell us about that. >> what i know and i have been following these guys for six months is that there has been a criminal investigation into these guys for a year and a half now and it covers cyber security. and theft. and what we know is these guys did have the opportunity and the motive to monday advertise data. they had all the emails and files of dozens of members of congress. they had debbie wasserman shultz' ipad password. and they had just this tremendous thirst for money. they were seemingly willing to do anything for money. they are even in basically they swindled their stepmom out of 50 grand and made her homeless even though theist guys own seven houses. total pursuit of money and obviously data is something that can be very. steve: looking into whether or not national security was at play here. tell us as well about a chief of staff to a democratic member of congress who now is under scrutiny because they kind of changed the protocol. >> yeah. and so some the details of the basic theft that is suspected on capitol hill are coming out. and they were filling out basically they were buying all this equipment and making it so that central resources and house central administrators couldn't track these items and then these items were disappearing and they were apparently being sold. so, for example, in yvette clark's office representative out of new york city. her chief of staff signed off on this form that basically made this problem of $120,000 in missing equipment go go away. this was one of these awan brothers who said you know all that equipment we bought and this is one tenth of their annual budget is missing. instead of calling the cops and instead of firing this guy, instead of bringing this to authorities, the chief of staff did none of that they signed this form that basically said it's no big deal and swept it under the rug. and that is just the highly unusual thing. because these offices aren't that big. when $1.2 million in tech equipment goes missing, it's like that could be, you know, 150 ipads. an office with 15 employees, like why did they ever sign off on those purchase orders? because the intent of this scheme was to keep the chief administrative officer as it's called of the house but that doesn't explain why members of congress didn't see. they would have seemingly known something was up with computers. that's when you start thinking about is there a financial component there or is this potentially maybe data that's being used as leverage because members of congress have got to explain what went on here and they are just not talking. steve: luke, why is this not a bigger story on the other channels and in the big newspapers? >> you would have to ask them. steve: what do you think? >> what they have been saying so far is that these guys have been charged with bank fraud. by the way basically so far two of these guys indicted for basically part of the coverup rather than the crime. investigation is proceeding. they haven't been indicted to something directly pertains to capitol hill work. this is what we today in my story. steve: very good. check it out at the daily call. luke rosiak we thank you for joining us from our nation's capital. all right. 10 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. president trump taking his feud with arizona senator jeff flake right to jeff flake's doorstep with a rally in phoenix tomorrow. he is endorsing his primary opponent dr. kelli ward. she is going to join us life in the next hour. and her army ranger father died in a black hawk helicopter crash when she was just 3 years old. but he still inspires her today. and now this morning she is making sure his memory is never forgotten. good morning, dan. good morning, hannah. they're next ♪ an american soldier ♪ an american ♪ my brothers and my sisters ♪ i will proudly take a stand ♪ whenever he's in jeopardy ♪ i will always do and hey, un, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender's. it's time to savor. brian: 10th patriot golf day. nonprofit's largest fund raising event they do all year long. ainsley: folds of honor dan rooney and scholarship recipient hannah davis join us now. good morning to both of you. hey major dan and hey, hanna. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. what a great day to be an american. ainsley: it really is hannah, we want to hear your story. first, major dan, tell us first what's going on. >> i will, ainsley. i am going to take you back. tenth year anniversary and this all started above my garage in broken arrow, oklahoma 10 years ago and is the consummate against all odds stories. i will tell you whowb the pga of america and dan wit come since i started folds of honor we wouldn't exist. we have awarded 16,000 scholarships. raised over $100 million and it truly is a beacon of light and change in this country and hanna is here with us as an example of what folds of honor does. >> my father jeff davis was such an incredible man. i am so proud of him every day. right out of high school he enlisted in the u.s. army. he served as an honor guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. he was known as a triple taver in the military, airborne, ranger and special forces tabernacles. -- tabs. he reenlisted and went to flight school and became a black hawk pilot. on the morning of january 31st, 198, my father lost his life too soon in a black hawk training accident. leaving behind his daughter at 3 years old, my little brother blake who was 1. and my mom at 26. so, fast forward in to college, i was a sophomore at michigan state. and folds of honor came into my life and they helped me complete my dream of graduating from my dream school. steve: great. >> they are currently helping my little brother blake in his pursuit to become a pga golf professional himself in the footsteps of my golf pro-stepdad dave bell. steve: i understand we are short on time about 30 seconds. tell folks how all across the country coming up next weekend they will be able to help. >> yeah. so we have patriot golf day coming up. and this golf professional frank gumfort came up with a great idea despite having a record year we put out $16 million. 1.5 million in unfunded request. we would love people to go to our website, folds of honor dot ogbueze. get one of these all-american made great flags for $500 donation as a way to participate on top of going out on labor day weekend and golf which i know, steve, youible out there on the links. steve: i will be doing my best. i do shoot in the low 300s as dan knows so i will be having fun. >> i witnessed it. it will be the most heroic round you play. steve: thank you so much. ainsley: wonderful organization. thank you for changing so many lives. thank you, hannah and thanks to your dad for his service. brian: president trump set to brief the country on the future of the war in afghanistan. will he stick to campaign promises. david bossie live in studio. in fact, is he getting closer. steve: good morning, david. ainsley: hey, david. as king midas, i expect a 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are you kidding me. i'm standing back here like a horse working like a dog. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you might as well be walking on the sun ♪ you might be walking on the sun. steve: some more topical music. it's eclipse day live from new york city where later today about 2:00 in the afternoon new york sun will be on secured 71%. not 100 percent like they will have all the way from the pacific northwest down through, ainsley, your neck of the woods down in south carolina. cannot see anything in those things. but that's the idea. brian: if you want to survive. most of us will survive. this. ainsley: i think we all will. steve: don't use your regular sunglasses. got to use the approved glasses or you will hurt yourself. brian: maybe if you are a student you will have study hall. steve: have a feeling a lot of students will go outside to look up at the sun provided they have the correct. ainsley: big day. eclipse today. we have the president speaking. we think about afghanistan later tonight. brian: 9:00. ainsley: watch it here on fox. also show you clips tomorrow morning and be talking about it. steve: indeed. right now though we start with a fox news alert. frantic search for 10 missing sailors after the uss john s. mccain slammed into an oil tanker in the south china sea. brian: man, what is going on. brand new video showing that gigantic hole in the destroyer. people are wondering about these 10 sailors. ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington, d.c. with the breaking details for us. >> the search is on. dozens of vessels and aircraft from multiple nations certaining for those 10 sailors missing at this hour with five others injured after guided missile destroyer js mccain collided with auto commercial oil tanker east of singapore. happened just after 6:00 a.m. japan time. look at the damage here to the port side of this ship as it arrived in singapore with that significant damage resulted in flooding in the crew's birth 1we8s the machine and communications many are. quick damage efforts by the crew prevented further flooding. president trump tweeting last night: thoughts and prayers with u.s. navy sailors aboard the uss john s. mccain where search and rescue efforts are underway. and arizona senator john mccain for whom the ship is named after and father and grandfather who served. cindy and i are keeping our in our prayers tonight. appreciate the work of search and rescue crews. this is not good news for the navy. fourth major incident involving navy ships in the pacific this year. most recently in june when the uss fitzgerald collided with container ship off the coast of japan claiming the lives of seven sailors. the navy's seventh fleet called that incident avoidable. and blamed it on poor seamanship. a lot of questions will be asked why this happened. again, and could it have been avoidable. right now it's all hands on deck in finding those missing soldiers. guys? brian: unbelievable. we will follow that story. thanks, griff jenkins. four minutes after the top of the hour. bring in former donald trump deputy campaign manager, now fox news contributor. founder of citizens united david bossie. welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> all over yesterday "fox & friends" and great job on the sunday shows. we need insight on what the president is going to be saying tonight. steve brought up last hour the encouraging thing for the administration is the details have not leaked out yet. on afghanistan. [laughter] >> that's great for me because i don't know anything. brian: talk about why it took so long. >> for the afghanistan mission? the president has clearly come in to office and had an open mind on all things geopolitical. and military issues that were before him on. brian: he hates spending the money on this war. >> he hates spending the money and sending our soldiers over to anywhere in the world where it's not necessary, where it's not in the vital interest of the united states. and so he has taken this time to figure out with his commanders what is the right strategy, not only in afghanistan, but in iraq and other places. steve: sure. well, when you look at what the president and candidate said about afghanistan. he said it was a disaster. as president, he has said we are losing. but, you know, if you pull everybody out, then that's going to be a launch pad for the bad guys, much bigger than anything we saw pre-9/11. >> i think there is middle ground, too. there is not -- they don't have to be mutually exclusive. no troops or 100,000 boots on the ground. it can be something in between. we will see this evening, everyone together will learn what the president is going to do. what his decisions as commander-in-chief are. and that's the most important job he has, obviously, amongst all the duties is as commander-in-chief sending our men and women in to harm's way. ainsley: based on what you know because you are close to the president. based on what he has told new conversations, what do you think he is going to say tonight? >> you know, i think he is a believer in his generals. in the military. steve: who he consulted on friday at camp david? >> they had that big meeting at camp david. it was, i understand from the reports, it was a very positive meeting. he made some decisions there. and left some undone. that's what we are going to learn tonight is what his final decisions are. he trusts his military commanders. he trusts the commanders that are on the ground and he trusts his generals that are advising him. i think he is going to give them a chance to prove what they want. and their strategy. but he is also a man who will reflect on that over the coming weeks and months. and he is able to change it if he decides this is not working. brian: we know he took the handcuffs off in syria and a blowing up the caliphate. took the handcuffs off in mosul and about to take their country back. let's talk about now that vacation is about over. the president is back on the white house. he actually was never on vacation that was poorly communicated. they are rebuilding the west wing. he has worked 20 hours a day. having said that do you think it's important, david bossie, just from you personally knowing the president and the hill for him to put out the hand to jeff flake, to lindsey graham, and mitch mcconnell that he has been clashing with through the media? >> some of those people, you know, in politics there is the front of the hand and the back of the hand. like dealing with your children, you know. and politicians are similar. they want to attract two-to-a strong leader who is popular. his popularity, they think in their states, they are all calculating. does help him or does it hurt him? i think that the president's popularity. brian: what would you advise the president when it comes to these guys in some cases have let him down by being critical of his policies? >> i think on a case-by-case basis, you can look at some of these senators and say you know what? we are going to be opposed to you. and other senators is he going to say we can work through. this i think it is a case -- it's not a blanket policy. steve: just take a look at what he is going to do tomorrow. is he going to phoenix. he is going to have another rally and dr. kelli ward, who he essentially has embraced to replace jeff flake probably going to be there. >> yeah on senator flake i don't know if he is going to be one that they are going to be embracing any time soon. steve: right. >> i also don't know that kelli ward is the candidate. there will be other people that are very viable candidates to take on jeff flake that i would like to see get in place. steve: is the message david then toe the line of the administration or we will primary you. >> that was like that for barack obama, george bush and bill clinton. that's the way it is in the white house. you are either on the train or you are not. i want to see this president be successful. and i would like to seat house and senate leadership really stand up and take on his agenda. they have never fully adopted his agenda. brian: he can't be successful without them. >> of course. look at the last seven or eight months. he hasn't been as successful as he wants to be and as he should be because of their failures. their failures of leadership. not his. it's a failure of leadership in the house and senate. these -- folks, he is working diligently every day on the agenda that got him elected for the american people to bring a better economy. look at what he has done. a million new jobs. 2.6 percent growth. we have been at the new normal of 1% for the last 8 years. this economy is ready to go. we just need tax reform and tax relief for the american people. this fall and we just don't see it happening as aggressivelily yet as it should be. that's what the president is frustrated at i believe. that's what i'm frustrated about. ainsley: i'm curious to find out what he is going to address tonight other than afghanistan. steve bannon is out of the white house. and all these confederate monuments people are calling to take down. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate that. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: a lot of breaking news we are following on thissenned no. let's begin with a fox news alert. police confirming this morning that just one terrorist in the spain attacks remains on the loose. the search now intensifying for 22-year-old youness abouyaaquoub believed to be one of the drivers of the van used back-to-back attacks killed 14 people. shows the suspect leaving the scene moments after the attack in barcelona. the search now expanding to france where police think he may have fled. more breaking news at this hour. the u.s. embassy in russia will be suspending issuing nonimmigrant visas for 8 days beginning wednesday. they will pick back up september 1st. but only in moscow. this is in response to the kremlin's decision to cap u.s. embassy staff cutting 455 positions. the move made after the u.s. congress passed tougher sanctions against russia. hundreds showing up for an american first anti-illegal immigration rally in la do you know do you know that beach, california. >> i'm white. >> what does white mean? >> i'm american. >> the organizers saying the rally was about the victims of refugees and illegal immigrants. the group met by a wave of counter protesters with signs opposing their stance. three people were arrested. and the man accused of shooting and killing two officers will be staying behind bars. a judge denying bond for everett miller saying there was probable cause for his first degree murder charge. miller is accused of gunning down sergeant sam howard and officer matthew baxter during a scuffle in kissimmee, florida friday night. hundreds gathering over the weekend to pay tribute to the fallen officers at a vigil. those are your headlines. send it back to you guys. see you in a little bit. steve: president trump taking his feud with arizona senator jeff flake, man pictured right in the right-hand side of the screen right there right to his doorstep with a rally in phoenix tomorrow night. and his endorsement embracing of the primary opponent dr. kelli ward. she is going to join us live coming up next. inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. flonase changes everything. 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office depot/office max. order online and pickup in store in just one hour. ♪ taking care of business ♪ ♪ steve: tomorrow night president trump is scheduled to hold a campaign style rally in phoenix, arizona home to one of the harshest critics he has got in the u.s. senate. his tweet last week the president tweeted great to see that dr. kelli ward is running against jeff flake who is weak on borders, crime, and a nonfactor in the senate. he's toxic. that republican senate candidate dr. kelli ward joins us right now from phoenix, arizona. good morning, doctor. >> good morning, steve. steve: so the president is going to have a rally tomorrow i believe at 7:00 p.m. local time out there in phoenix. are you going to be there? >> i am and team ward will be out in full force because we can't wait to welcome president trump to arizona. steve: well, we have got an interesting dynamic going on because the current u.s. senator, whose seat you are interested in is jeff flake. jeff flake is supported by mitch mcconnell and company because they are going to put millions of dollars into his campaign. meanwhile have you got the president of the united states supporting your candidacy. what's going on here? looks like a big battles behind the scenes between the president and mitch mcconnell. >> you know, i haven't been selected by any insider group to represent the state of arizona. i have been selected by the people of our state and the people of our country who are looking for a conservative voice in the united states senate unfortunately for us in arizona, we don't have a conservative republican senator. we don't have a senator who supports the president at all. and so 2018, it's time for a change to get someone in office who is going to support that america first agenda and move this country in the right direction. steve: well, in his tweet, where he referred to the senator as flake jeff flake who is weak on borders, tell us about your immigration stance at this point. >> you know, i think that's the biggest contrast between senator flake and myself. he believes in open borders and amnesty and i believe in building the wall and stopping illegal immigration. i think we do need a physical border. i think we do need to mix the mortar to fix the border. that means a wall, technology, and empowering our border patrol and making sure they have the resources available to do their job, and holding employers accountable as well as the people who come to our country illegally they have to understand there are consequences to coming here that way rather than rewards. steve: you do know what it's like to run against a sitting u.s. senator. you ran against john mccain last time and lost. what did you learn in that race? >> you know, i learned so much. i mean, it was a big challenge to take on. but somebody needed to do it. and so it set me up perfectly to be the candidate to take on sitting senator jeff flake. because i have got an amazing team. professional team. you may have heard some of the people from great america pac eric beach and bret louder joined my team. they were committed to electing donald trump to be the president and now they are committed to helping me retire jeff flake. steve: you know, dr. ward, a lot of people ran for the u.s. senate last time and they said, you know, give me another term and i will go and i will make sure that if i have a chance to repeal and replace of obamacare, i will vote for it. there were a lot of people who were let down by their u.s. senators. how do we know that you're not going to go to washington, d.c., say one thing and then do something else? >> as a physician myself, it is appalling that we have the house, the senate, and the white house and the insider political professionals couldn't get the job done for the american people. people in arizona are suffering with high deductibles, and skyrocketing premiums. and they can't access high quality cost-effective healthcare. i have a track record in the arizona state senate of being very conservative. and doing what i say. i'm a person of action, not a person of talk. and so i look forward to getting there and getting the job done we all want done. steve: we know the next thing you are going to do tomorrow. you will go to the president's rally in phoenix. dr. kelli ward thank you very much for dropping by that same city and joining us live here on "fox & friends." >> thanks, steve. steve: you bet. so what do you think? email us at senator said she hoped the president was assassinated. why isn't the left denouncing her like they do president trump. as more confederate statues come down across the country. big question is are these historic figures heroes orrville alans? we have got historical point of view coming up next. ♪ heroes ♪ just one day ♪ or bling. it's pretzels. word. ladies, you know when you switch, you get my bomb-diggity discounts automatically. ♪ no duh, right? 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they are our founders. ainsley: some people want the monuments of these most influential leaders like george washington be taken down. brian: that wasn't hearsay the president brought up last week. here washington law professor. jonathan turley who knows. we have to change the at that point toll. let's talk about this. is there a legal precedent for tearing this stuff down? >> well, legally, people can do whatever they want with statues. it doesn't mean that it's wise. the fact is history is complex. one of the things that law professors and historians try to teach students is that history is not that neat. you learn from it. including the mistakes. these statues represent sort of markers in our history. where we evolved. george washington was a transitional figure in that sense. at the end of his life, he was steadfastly opposed to slavery. he is the only founder and the only slave-owning president who freed his slaves at the end of his life. he even required that some of the slaves be given life-time pensions to support them. now, does that excuse the fact that he was a slave owner? of course it doesn't. that's where we need to learn from those types of great and horrible mistakes. but that doesn't mean that we remove their images. we need to understand who these people were. ainsley: you bring up a good point because there are some statues, there is a long list of individual states and what statues they are removing in the "new york times." there are some people ruled that african-americans both enslaved and free could not be american citizens. so i of course i think most people would agree those statues or those monuments need to be torn down but when you look at the history, you look at these people, george washington you said ended up doing a good thing at the end of his life by freeing his slaves and giving them pensions. where is the limit though? because have you got this bishop in chicago who wants to take down george washington and andrew jackson's statues. where is the limit? brian: former presidents. >> that's why i think would need to have a civil debated about how we deal with these founders and these images. at princeton there is a movement to strip woodrow wilson's name from that university. university that he helped create. it's a world class university. because he supported segregation. and the university of virginia, the president was denounced because she merely quoted thomas jefferson and because he was a slave owner. -- brian: university of virginia. >> that's right. and what these movements represent is just a lack of balance but, more importantly, we need to have this discourse as a nation. it could be a healthy thing. >> right. >> removing statues in the middle of the night or demanding that all these things be bulldozed under with the history they represent is not good for a country. brian: jonathan turley i'm doing a book on andrew jackson a big movement now. pulled up temporary are ally to pull him out of jackson square in the battle of new orleans, city saved country he possibly saved as well. because not a perfect person. 200 years, is it right to project today's values on anyone that lived 200 plus years ago? ainsley: good question. brian: no one should be proud of it. but should we run from it in 2008 barack obama said marriage between a man and woman. in 2012, he was full same sex marriage. was he a horrible personal in 2008 and was he enlightened person in 2012? who should would he be looking up to? >> i mean, i think you make the point. you can learn a lot from jackson. jackson did have a lot of flaws. but he was a character who represented his time. and i want students to go there and understand all the aspects of these leaders. i don't actually think it's useful to just treat leaders as blind heroes. brian: true. >> you learn a lot more when you find out that they made terrible mistakes. brian: i think 9 of the first 12 presidents had slaves outside john adams and john quincy adams. should we wipe them out of our book and look at them with disdain or understand we continue to evolve and there is no perfect personal who worked -- who walked earth. maybe one. right? ainsley: i know who that is. brian: right. ainsley: jonathan, thank you so much for be being with us. >> thank you. brian: tearing down statues is not enough. now they may be adding a to the jefferson memorial that he owned slaves. ainsley: janice dean in south carolina, taking selfies. >> we're going to ask an expert if it's okay to take selfies during the great american eclipse. what do you think? stay tuned. all of the details are coming up. bringing america closer together with the 2017 total solar eclipse! woo hooh ♪ blinded by the light ♪ wrapped up like a do you doucd throw the roller in the night ♪ blinded by the light ♪ it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender's. it's time to savor. i realize that ah, that $100k is notwell, a 103fortune. yeah, 103. well, let me ask you guys. how long did it take you two to save that? 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>> oh, we were super excited. for you was it's like the super bowl in the world series all rolled up into one. janice: tell us the science behind the eclipse. >> it's really spectacular. the moon will be passing in front of the sun. janice: yep. >> and the greatness of this is the sun is 400 times larger than the moon. but 400 times further away as well. which puts them almost i'd particularly the same size. when the moon passes in front of the sun, we will be in its shadow for two, two and a half glorious minutes. janice: amazing. i have to say the weather looks really good here. >> it does. we have been planning for over a year. you never know what it's going to be like. we have been blessed with a glorious day today. janice: yes. tell us about people's viewing. i mean, a lot of people are asking can i take a selfie during the eclipse? what's your advice? >> put your devices down. enjoy this as it's meant to be enjoyed with your eyes. can you take all the pictures in the world. can you look at it and stay inside and look at the television. but nothing is going to replace seeing it with the human eye. it's going to be spectacular. once you see it. you will -- for some people it's life changing. janice: i love you mentioned that i think we are so wrapped up in our phones and our ipads and electronics. take a moment, cake a couple minutes to put them down and join something that brings us together. >> this is really cool that we get to experience this across our nation and especially at this time where we can all come together and celebrate this, you know. it really puts us, like you said, a chance to many come together and puts us in the same moment at the same time together. really though as far as trying to take photographs and all, just take a moment, take it all in, it's requesting t going to be amazing. start to eclipse a little after 1:00 our time. the whole process last three hours. dark, a little cooler, stars will come out. observe the stars. take it all in. take aside three hours of your life relax and enjoy. janice: you tell me, there is a certain window of time where we can take off the protective glasses but i want you to explain it to me because it's very dangerous to watch this without your glasses. >> absolutely. we have been preaching safety all along. so you need to have isod certified glasses. keep these on not during the eclipse but wear them during partiality. so from the time the moon starts to cross the sun, starts to take a by the out of the sun. you won't be able to see it without eclipse glasses. keep those on. up until the moment hopefully we are going to see what's called bailey beads the sun passes through the craters in the moon. create this bead effect. you have them on. right towards the end you will see a flash of light diamond ring that moment take them off and beautiful aurora around the moon outlining it. then we have like -- depending where you are, two and a half minutes, 2:40. as it starts to flash again, you put them back on and enjoy them for the rest of the day. janice: only if you are in that path of totality. >> right. if you are not in the path of totality you have to keep them on the whole time. janice: listen, thomas, amazing. thanks for being here. this is historic. i'm glad to experience this in greenville, south carolina. >> thanks for being here. steve: here in the city, 2:00 in the afternoon we are not in the path, obviously. but we have a 71% blacking out of the sun. you need those glasses. brian: this is purely american. this is an american eclipse. steve: i think it's on the edges, too. i don't know how far it goes. ainsley: i don't know. accepted your comments. in a lot 6 you have questions and janice is going to talk to the experts about that. we haven't forgotten your questions. brian: if you are from another planet we will answer your questions, too. we will answer all of them. steve: 22 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian has headlines. jillian: that's right. good morning to you and to you at home as well. jefferson memorial getting update in the wake of recent controversy over civil war era statues. the exhibit alongside the memorial to thomas jefferson will have schar complexity of hs status. nonprofit group that provides critical support for the national mall is making the change to get ahead of any controversy. no one has actually complained yet. you won't see ohio governor john kasich running against president trump in 2020. >> i don't have any plans to do anything like that. i'm rooting for him to get it together. we all are. >> well, as you heard, the governor says he is rooting for president trump even though he lost to him in the 2016 presidential primary. the smithsonian will soon feature artifacts from disgraced quarterback collin kaepernick. "u.s.a. today" reports game warn gear will be displayed in the museum of african-american history black lives matter exhibit. twitter as can you imagine has a couple things to write about it. steven quote, a bench and a clipboard and kevin tweets quote still waiting on the clarence thomas exhibit in the museum. nfl players continue to disrespect the national anthem by sitting. one is instead saluting the men and women in blue this pregame season. tweeting this photo of his cleats with the photos of four fallen officers saying quote added two more angels to my cleats families who lost two heroes in the community. sam howard matthew baxter, rip. those two officers died in ambush in kissimmee, florida over the weekend. those are your headlines. send it back to you guys. steve: thank you so much. brian: unbelievable this is still going on. be talking later with jason whitlock. coming up straight ahead. turns out there is more than one way to jump a border wall. if you thought this was creative, just wait. ainsley: no way. that won't work. steve: looks like it's halfway working. >> democrats are quick to gharnd president trump denounce bring hate groups. where are the democrats when one of their own hopes the president gets assassinated? that's next. ♪ we're not going to take it ♪ no as king midas, i expect a lifetime guarantee. and so should you. on struts, brakes, shocks. does he turn everything to gold? not everything. at midas we're always a touch better. book an appointment at we demand a lot from our eyes every day. i should know. i have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. so i use restasis multidose. it helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. it's also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. restasis multidose helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose. brian: all right. some quick headlines right now. let's begin with burglary. thieves get clever and destructive. robinson, arkansas, decided to rip an atm out of the ground taking it to unknown location without cameras catching a glimpse of faces there. police looking for the suspect. unclear how much they got away with drug smugglers who have smuggled in the past while trying to scale the border wall turning to brand new method look at this flying over it? the man from the u.s. busted for using this drone to smuggle 13 pounds of meth across theist-mexico border. police say he was delivering the drugs worth about 50,000 bucks to an accomplice at gas station in san diego. suspect tells police he has used drones for smuggling five or six times since march. ainsley: hey, brian. thank you. missouri state senator, there is her picture, refusing to resign after she posted on facebook she hopes the president would be assassinated and it took four days for maria chapel nadal to apologize. listen. >> president trump, i apologize to you and your family. i made a mistake. and i'm owning up to it. and i am not ever going to make a mistake like that again. and i have learned my lesson. my judge and my jury is my lord, jesus christ. ainsley: so where are the democrats so quick to denounce fringe hate groups why aren't they denouncing the behavior? here to discuss this brunell donnell shae and democratic strategist christie setzer. thank you for being with us. >> god bless you and god bless america. ainsley: i receive it i receive it. ainsley: that's what you always say when i say it. >> thank you. >> what do you think about her comments? do you think she was sincere? she waited four days to apologize after she said she wouldn't and do you think she needs to step down? >> well, of course it took some time for her to maybe get her thoughts together, but i think four day days is absolutely too much time when you are hoping that the president gets assassinated. you know, when there is undisputed evidence that there has been some wrongdoing by an elected official, you know, the denouncing of the person should be quick. now, if there is an issue where there are multiple actors and multiple investigations that need to go on, it's different. but, in this case, she actually the tweet was screen captured as well as she admitted to tweeting. so the democratic party and the republican party should have been all over her instantly denouncing this behavior of even saying that she wanted our president dead. absolutely unacceptable. ainsley: christie, there have been a few democrats that have come out and said it was wrong for her to say that. she needs to step down. where is the outcry from the democratic party like you would see them going against president trump when he is -- they are so upset about these fringe groups. where is the majority of the democratic party when she says that she wants someone to kill the president of the united states? >> i think the majority of the democratic party is going about their business not really paying attention to what one random state senator from missouri. ainsley: what if the shoe were on the other foot? >> the shoe is on the other foot. ainsley: saying this about a democratic president. >> i think that probably happens all of the time. and it didn't get news coverage. we are talking about president trump because he is the president. let's also go back to this woman and say that she did delete it immediately apologized. and roundly condemned by state senators and democratic leadership in missouri. that is the difference. when we are talking about the president of the united states, inciting the violence that he did throughout the campaign, when he had these fights happening at his rallies and we had his supporters beating up on protesters and on black people at his rallies, what did he do? he said i hope they take them out in a stretcher. he said, you know, i will pay your legal bills if you actually get in trouble for beating up protesters. he incited it along the way. and, again, he is not a state senator. he is the most important and powerful person in the united states setting a terrible and appalling tone for the rest of the country. ainsley: what do you want to say? >> if i may respond, what i want to say is that the democratic party, the g.o.p. has ton do item hate and violence and any incitement of violence. immediately, especially like i said when the facts are undisputed. they are undisputed in this case. she admitted it and it was cause in a scree saver. during the campaign trump supporters were attacked and abused. imagine me a black woman who decided not to vote for hillary, i'm a democrat, i have been getting death threats. my family is not safe. at least i'm grateful that the president has secret service, at least his staff has secret service. a lot of trump supporters don't have that. so, imagine if someone had taken that tweet that she did and went out to go and try to assassinate the president. then what are you going to say she is one random senator. she is more than enough to incite violence against people and enough is snuff. ainsley: christie, last word. >> what she said was wrong. but that's very different than doing things that are wrong. we saw a very violent. >> it was diabolical. ainsley: let her talk. >> someone actually died because of violent speech and violent behavior. on the part of the neo nazis who support donald trump, who they endorsed him in their newspaper. >> they endorsed hillary, too. >> they did not endorse. >> yes they did. $20,000. >> donald trump refused. >> in her campaign. >> refused to denounce several days that is wrong. >> he denounced them flatly on saturday. >> and then he took it back on the following day. >> he denounced them. ainsley: okay. >> denounce all hate. all hate. >> didn't mean it. >> we reject it as americans. we reject it. >> i mean it i don't think he did. ainsley: ladies, thank you so much. >> god bless you and god bless america. ainsley: god bless you too. both of you. justin trudeau wants to build bridges not walls. what's his plan to end illegal immigration in canada? just ask them politely, maybe we should try that what will the white house be like without steve bannon? newt gingrich weighs n the next hour. next on this day. the famous painting mona lisa was stolen off the walls of louvre in paris. in 1959 hawaii became the 50th state in the u.s. 1990s the song vision of love by mariah carey was number one on the charts ♪ your own way♪ copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at steve: today all eyes on washington, d.c. as the white house begins week one without steve bannon as the official chief strategist to the president of the united states. ainsley: what does this mean, steve, for the president's agenda and will republicans in congress now give it another look? here to weigh in on this is new york g.o.p. congresswoman claudia tenney. thank you so much congresswoman for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: what can we expect? what is the white house going to look like without steve bannon? >> to be perfectly honest with you. my district probably doesn't know who steve bannon is the president got elected substantially by as i was saying earlier by 16 points in my district. so hillary clinton only got 39% and the president got 55%, 56%. they want to see things getting done. they want to see tax reform. they want to see obamacare repealed. they are happy with the veterans administration overhaul legislation that we passed. as a small business owner we passed the choice act in the financial services committee where i serve. and that's going to be significant for helping our small business community get loans. so we are focused on the issues. all the drama around the white house tends to be something my district says enough with it let's get on. brian: interested to see what the conservative message steve bannon seems to think so saying this to the message to the republican party through "the washington post" said if the republican party on capitol hill gets behind the president on his plans and not theirs, it will be sweetness and light and be one big happy family. do you think there has to be -- do you think there is a big schism between agendas? >> i think the president is advancing a so-called populist agenda but it's also republican and conservative. i have been elected three times in the new york state assembly. now i'm sitting in congress and i haven't been endorsed by my local republican party. i have gotten there without it. that's because i'm talking about issues and talking about what's important to the people. and, again, tax reform. i come from one of the districts that is struggling the most economically across the nation. we have the largest of jobs and people. the president's agenda in so many ways made in america. brian: helps you. >> helps us. we want to seat president get through his agenda. we're tired of the noise and the distractions. steve: sure. >> and obstructionist coming from the democratic side. they are embracing this resist movement which stands for what? nothing. steve: coming woman while have you been out talking to people in your district which 16% donald trump won by mitt romney only one it by one you told me earlier. >> right. steve: are people frustrated that the people generally they elected to be going to promised one thing and now that they are there promised to do something and now turning the other way. >> somebody who is independent, conservative republican i would like to seat 270 bills that we have sitting on the floor of the senate waiting to be passed. our house has been so productive. we have done congressional review acts. rolling back nearly 10 billion in regulations. we have -- as i said, we have had the veterans accountability act. the choice act. steve: have you passed so much stuff now the ball is in mitch mcconnell's court. >> they need to act on the senate side and need to stand up for our values and that's what the president's challenge is now. going to be great. thank you. brian: thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. brian: next up on final hour jerry falwell will be next live he is running everything at liberty. newt gingric >> there is a frantic search underway for ten missing sailors. >> after that guided missile destroyer uss john mccain clouded with a oil tanker. >> president trump set to address the nation. >> president trump will give a path forward on afghanistan and south asia. >> he trusts his military commanders. i think he's going to give them a chance to prove what he wants and police strategy. >> police confirming this morning that just one terrorist in the spain attacks remains on the loose. the search now intensifying for 22-year-old. >> the fact is history is complex. removing statues in the middle of the night with the history they represent is not good for our country. >> every state gets two statues to put in statuary hall. as you look at the scope, why wouldn't you think of pocahontas? >> counting down to the solar eclipse. >> this is the total eclipse. this is happening. >> this is really cool we get to experience this across our nation. we can all get together and celebrate this. ♪ ♪ steve: 8:01 here in new york city and right now the frantic search is underway after the uss john mccain slammed into an oil tanker in the south china sea look at the big hole. brian: yeah, they wondered if they had to make those decision like the last time with the uss fitzgerald that caused sailors lives. ainsley: live in washington, d.c. with the breaking details for us. >> good morning, guys. troubling news. the search-and-rescue teams are scouring the seas right now to find this ten sailors missing after five others were injured after the tanker collided just east of singapore. and as you mention, look at the damage to the port side. it damaged the communications room and thankfully swift academies by the crew prevented a worse fate. president trump tweeting last night thoughts and prayers are with our u.s. navy sailors aboard the uss john mccain. and senator john mccain for whom the ship is named after his father and grandfather are tweeting keeping aboard sales along the uss john mccain in prayers. the rescue crews. and as you mention, this is bad news for the navy. it's the fourth major incident in the pacific involving u.s. ships. just a few days ago, guys. on friday the uss fitzgerald was relieved of duty in june when collided with the container ship off the coast of japan. that did claim the lives, tragically of seven sailors. the u.s. fleet calling that incident avoidable. so a lot of questions will be asked. but right now it's all on deck and prayers going out to finding those sailors that are missing. steve: chris, thank you very much. brian: meanwhile, tomorrow -- excuse me, tonight at 9:00, the president of the united states is going to be talking about a plan for afghanistan going forward. and general mattis made it clear. this is going to be a strategy center. he's not going to get out of the president. didn't last night. this is a south asia strategy. not just about afghanistan, which makes me hopeful that we're going to go in for the sanctuaries in pakistan whether they like it or not. ainsley: this is america's longest war. it has been 16 years, and you had a group of generals meeting with the president as well as the intelligence community to figure out a plan overweight weekend for afghanistan. and this is secretary of defense james mattis talking about that meeting. listen. >> the process is rigorous, and it involves all members of the national security staff. and i would say rit large. attorney general and homeland security trying to protect america. state department and treasury department. significant allies, it has impacts on our budget. director of omb was in on it. the national security adviser, and the chief of staff coordinate to make sure everyone has equity. steve: so there you have general mattis talking about the meeting at camp david on friday where the president called everybody and said. okay. look, i have described this as a disaster. i look at the maps, it looks like we're losing. what do we do? while no details really have leaked out to the white house's credit, you talk to the various people who were in that room, and they have said for a while the only way to win the mission is to modestly increase the troop levels. also, keep training the afghan military. also keep on the ground cia and special forces people to keep the bad guys in check. so look for something along those lines, although we won't know for sure until the president takes the stage at the fort across the river from the white house tonight at 9:00 p.m. you'll see it right here on the channel. brian: evidently, there's only 7% of the afghan forces are special ops. but they're doing 70% of the fighting. we're paying for everybody. they've got to get more effective troops, we've got to make sure these afghan troops know that the you know what? we're not going to be doing this forever. you have to get your act together and be productive. and i sense the president keeps talking about the natural resources that afghanistan has that are untapped. and the fact that the omb director in these meetings is going to find a way to mine some of their natural resources to get them to start paying for their own strength. steve: you mean take some of the oil or something? >> no. they have natural minerals and things that can benefit the afghan economy so that they can start living on their own. steve: because the president famously said in iraq, we probably should have taken some of that oil to pay for the cost of our treasure. ainsley: there's controversy in missouri. a local lawmaker, a senator there, and she went on facebook, and she wrote a comment about how the president should be assassinated. she panicked, she immediately deleted it, and she waited four days to apologize. this is the latest. this is that senator, maria apologizing. listen. >> president trump, i apologize to you and your family. i made a mistake. and you know what i'm reminded of? is that we are all human. and i'm also a child of god. i made a mistake. and i'm owning up to it. and i am not ever going to make a mistake like that again, and i have learned my lesson. my judge and my jury is my lord, jesus christ. steve: you know, it's interesting because she had refused to apologize. she did say that it was a mistake, but she said she would not apologize, and she would not resign. don't know what happened in the last 24 hours. but obviously, she decided you know what? i'm going to go ahead and apologize. but at the same time, you've got one of the most powerful democrats in missouri who said she's got to go. but then again, claire is running for reelection, and that's what you would expect her to say. so now she has apologized, but she will not leave her job, although the governor, who is a republican, has said -- he said on friday that if she doesn't leave the job, the state senate can move to remove her. so anyway. ainsley: brian, what do you think? should she step down? brian: i think it's a story that's done. she apologized, let her stay. ainsley: yeah, i agree that she is a child of god, and we all want forgiveness, and i can forgive her absolutely. she's requesting that and asking for that. she did say something very nice to the president's family. please forgive me. however, she's still a leader. i do think she should step down. steve: look, she was talking about the assassination of the president of the united states, which is so beyond th beyond the pale. the thing about her, though, at this stage she has not resigned, she's going to be out of a job next year because in her particular district, she will be term limited, so just a limited time. ainsley: please keep those e-mails coming. we're reading them all. they're all very interesting. in the meantime, we're just a few hours away from the most spectacular solar in the skies. brian: the eclipse is attributing many people over to oregon, located right in the epicenter of its path. dan springer is live. hey, dan. >> yeah. good morning, guys. you know, veteran eclipse watchers will tell you that unlike the game of horseshoes, close does not count. and that is why so many people have flocked to this path of totality all across the country, really. but oregon was long ago identified as a premier spot to watch this eclipse because of its high desert blue skies and also because it's right in the center of the 70-mile wide path of darkness. so tens of thousands of people either drove here or flew in. 500, in fact, by private planes. they're here from los angeles, new york, and well beyond. we even caught up from a guy from dublin, ireland who's going to see his fourth total eclipse. he describes the crowd reaction when day turns to night. >> everyone was just with joy, with wonder, experience the phenomenon that maybe 2,000 years ago that we were terrified of. >> many people brought high-powered telescopes and sophisticated cameras. nasa believes that this will be the most studied eclipse of all time. just because 200 million people can get to the path in one day's drive. now, matt henry is among 1,500 amateur scientists who will be uploading pictures for a google movie on the event. thousands have also helped nasa collect data. everything from plant life to animal sounds. total darkness here will last for two minutes. this shadow will race across the country and start on the oregon coast. and 90 minutes later off the coast of south carolina. so it moves very fast. but for those who magical minutes people here will be in awe. guys, back to you. steve: dan, when it does go directly over you, will it be as dark as it is right now? or it's just going to be much dimmer? >> it will be not quite as dark because you're going to see the corona. the burning gases on the sun. the sun will be covered but the burning gases will be visible. ainsley: the corona. steve: i saw a corona yesterday. ainsley: me too. steve: dan springer live out in oregon. thank you very much. brian: 11 minutes after the hour. coming up, her presidential campaign has been over for months. so why is hillary clinton still paying aberdeen tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash? ainsley: and trying to get the president's response from the violence in charlottesville. listen. >> the president said tuesday quote there were very fine people on both sides. who were those very fine people marching with the neonazis? do you believe there were very fine people? ainsley: jerry defended president trump, and he is going to join us live next maria's always on the go, taking over 7,000 steps each day. and she does it in any shoes she wants, with lasting comfort. only dr. scholl's stylish step has insoles that are clinically proven to provide all-day comfort. dr. scholl's. born to move. it's our back to school beeone cent evente. at office depot office max. 10 pack pens, one cent. composition notebooks,scissors, and plastic folders all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max. ♪taking care of business. your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. four seconds on the clock, championship on the line. erin "the sharpshooter" shanahan fakes left. she's outside of the key, she shoots... ...she scores! uh... yes, erin, it is great time to score a deal. we need to make room for the 2018 models. relive the thrill of beating the clock. the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,500 in available bonuses and 0% apr for 60 months on a new 2017 jetta or passat. steve: all right. we've got a lot of breaking news on this total eclipse monday, and jillian joins us right now here in studio f with more. >> that's right. and let's begin with a fox news alert. what you need to know. the death toll now rising to 15 in the spain terror attacks. this as brand-new video shows police evacuating this morning after finding a suspicious package. it was left on a bus near the same street as the van attack in barcelona. police now confirming that just one terrorist remains on the loose. the search now intensifying for 22-year-old who is believed to be the driver of the van used in the barcelona attack. new pictures just released show the suspect leaving the scene moments after the strike. now expanding to france where police think he may have fled. hundreds showing up for a america first antiillegal immigration rally in laguna beach, california. the organizer saying the rally was about the victims of refugees and immigrants. protesters with signs popping opening their stance. the man accused of killing two officers will be staying behind bars. a judge denying bond for everett miller saying there was probable cause for his first-degree murder charge. accused of gunning down sam howard and matthew baxter during a scuffle saturday night. hundreds paid tribute to the fallen officers at a vigil. and the king of comedy jerry luis has passed away. >> we stop right here. >> we're identical twins. >> no. >> that's a pulley machine. >> the legendary comedian died in his las vegas home sunday. he was most known for his hilarious comedies and charity work, raising millions for children with muscular dystrophy. even made an appearance right here on fox and friends. >> any regrets? >> no. huh-uh. >> anything you wish -- >> if i did it all again, i wouldn't change anything. >> the white house releasing a statement saying quote he truly loved his country, and his country loved him back. jerry lewis was 91 years old. and you hear guys say if i did it again, i wouldn't change a thing. that's what we all hope for. ainsley: well, he raised so much money for other people. did so much good. lived a great life. steve: the king of comedy. thank you very much, jillian. brian: 18 minutes now after the hour. should radical left protesters be tearing down statues be classified as a terrorist group? we're one step closer to that becoming a reality. ainsley: plus golf legend jack anybodjack nicholas is here. we have the best job. we get to see him and introduce you to him. how is he helping our heroes? we'll tell you next the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. it helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. flonase changes everything. live-streat the airport.e sport binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv on every screen is awesome. the xfinity stream app. all your tv at home. the most on demand your entire dvr. top networks. and live sports on the go. included with xfinity tv. xfinity, the future of awesome. ainsley: time now for quick headlines. one of the chief architects of obamacare is now out of a job. jonathan gruber will no longer work for vermont health care system after the state settled a fraud suit. was accused of charging the state for work that he never did when he was hired to craft a single pair health care system. and the white house will now have to respond to a petition to formal classify as a terrorist organization. the effort getting 100,000 signatures in less than a week. the petition states that it has earned this title due to its violent actions in multiple cities. steve: meanwhile, has made it their mission to make sure that the families of fallen and wounded heroes are never left behind. brian: and this year for the third time in event history, golf legend jack nicholas will help kick off the national golf day. ainsley: pete, help me with that. that's a great name and honorary chairman of patriot golf legend jack nicholas. they all join us now. thank you, all, for being with us. what an honor. we salute you, major dan and all the service that you do for this country and all the great people that you help. tell us about your organization and what patriot golf day is. >> well, ainsley, ear mission is to leave no family behind on the field of battle. patriot golf day is the most heroic round golfers have the opportunity to play over the weekend. and we have donations coming in from thousands of golf courses across this country to provide scholarships for spouses and children who have had someone killed or disabled. ten years we've been at this and to have mr. nicholas, who is the greatest golfer of all time, but i know him as one of the greatest patriots i've ever met and together with the pga of america and 29,000 members, we've raised $28 million and almost 7,000 scholarships and what i think is the most patriotic game. the game of golf. steve: why is it -- i'm sure organizations come to you every day and say we would love to have you involved with us. why was it jack nicholas himself wanted to get involved with folds of honor? >> well, first of all, i didn't have the opportunity to serve my country. and the military that i think so highly of the military and the men and women who have served and major dan came to me, and we got to know each other and the mission that he was on that made a lot of sense to me, and i thought it was very worth while. you've got 6800 scholarships now. >> yeah. through patriot golf day and 60,000 since we started. >> it's unbelievable how much good is done and the pga of america is involved. i'm obviously a pga member, and it's just something that i think our country is long needed and something that major dan has taken forward and taken the bull by the horns and done it. brian: pete, i know how you feel. i hope you end with a bigger name after today, so you're stuck with jack nicholas. i'm kidding. but it's going to be an excuse too for people who are patriotic and know that their green is going to go to a great cause; right? >> it's great to use the game of golf for such a great cause. and partner with jack who's such a great friend of the pga of america. i'm proud pga of america has really been there since day one. you go back ten years ago, and i know there's a phone call from major dan to our past president brian, and they started this relationship. and for the pba professionals to be part of this, i know through the help of pga professionals all around the country, we will have raised with major dan over $6 million. we're on track to do better than that this year. and it's all -- it's what we're about. it's what the pga of america is about. our foundation pga reach fits so squarely into our strategy. and anything you can do with jack nicholas is obviously great for the game of golf. ainsley: major dan, i know you have something special for jack nicholas. what is it? >> i do. and mr. nicholas is our honorary chairman this year, and i will say in the opportunity of presence of the great people. i get chills sitting next to him and looking at him and what he has done with all the major champions, and i know you've had six green jackets, but we commissioned a special jacket for you so you're properly outfitted here. this is the a2 jacket that we've won as aviators since the great war. freedom is not free. and with his name on there, jack nicholas, the golden bear as we know and love him. really, the most iconic patriotic golfer who has ever played the game. and it's an honor for pete and i on behalf of our 16,000 recipients and the 29,000 men and women that make up the pga of america and combat aviators, we salute you for using your talents for good. >> well, thank you very much, major dan. and, you know, if you all want to help out there, go to folds of and if you want to donate money or go play patriot golf day, call your nearest golf course. it's a thing that we all need to do. and i remember the last time major dan and i beat was about four shots. steve: i heard him tell that story. pete and jack and major dan, thank you very much for joining us. and once again, folks down at the bottom of the screen, is a way you can support. ainsley: it's great and great so many golf courses are participating in it. brian: i don't think jack has to golf with a jacket, though; right? steve: he's down in palm beach, florida. it's about 100 degrees. ainsley: i doubt it would mess with his game, though. brian: i wouldn't wear leather today. that's a good message for anybody. steve: absolutely. cool jacket. all right. straight ahead, canadian prime minister justin trudeau says episode he wants to build bridges to canada. not walls. but has a problem on his hands. it turns out this bridges are pretty popular with canadians. ainsley: and what's shaping up to be a big news for the white house. when itrust the brandtburn, doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day, all night protection. when it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. steve: all right. it is the 30 minutes past the top of the hour, author of president trump, new york times best-seller. newt gingrich. good morning to you. >> good to see you. steve: okay. so steve bannon is out at the white house. how do things change now for president? >> oh, i don't think very dramatically for the president. i think bannon was one of the sources of ideas, but i think ban will be a source of ideas on the outside. what you're seeing is general kelly's ability to organize structured white house. and that's something the president has needed very badly. i think that general kelly, he has somebody who could be the kind of chief of staff that jim baker was to ronald reagan. and i think if they continue to work together well, i think you'll see a very steady improvement in the routine effectiveness of the administration. and i think in that kind of environment, steve bannon is much more of a free spirit -- i once said that he was a pirate serving in the u.s. navy, and i think he preferred to go back to being a pirate. and he'll be on the outside attacking things he doesn't like and arguing -- offering ideas the president will sometimes adopt. brian: the area you know quite well, which is what goes on in congress how it relates to the white house whether you have a rapport democrat in there. what i'm pretty amazed at over the last few weeks, bob has been critical of this president. doubles down, and then you have a book coming out by senator jeff flake, which is very dismissive of president trump's agenda and his populous candidacy. what would you like to see the president do in order to push his agenda forward, even if he dislikes who these people are, he needs them. how does he get them in the fold? >> well, look, i think there are three key steps. the first is already taken. john kelly has tremendous relationships with both democrats and republicans. he was the marine liaison to the house when he was speaker. he served for two different secretaries of defense. he understands washington very well, and he's respected on both sides of the aisle. that's step number one. step number two, the president's got to learn to think in team terms. i know just had jack nicholas on who is maybe one of the greatest golfer or one or two of the greatest golfers of all time. one of the challenges of golf in a way is a individual sport. it's you against the course. the game is now in as a team sport. and i think he needs to think like a team leader and team builder, and that's a very big change for somebody who is used to playing an individual sport. so if he's going to be successful on capitol hill, he's going to have to build a trump team. and a lot of the people you just mentioned in the long run may end up on that team if he works with them. the last thing he has got to do, being very candid here, he has got to quit stepping on himself. he had a very good infrastructure press conference the other day, and then he stepped on it, blew it, guaranteed that it wouldn't get covered. that's just -- that's like a quarterback who goes out and throws the ball down to the other side and fumbles on the first play of every possession. he's got to be more discipline, and he's got to work as part of a team. and then i think generally, he could end up being a remarkably great president. but he's got to make a couple of mid-course corrections. ainsley: you know, he might be doing that. tennis, golf, individual sports until you go to college, and then you're on a team. and then the president asking all of these generals to come and be with him at catcher david, that is a sign he's working with a team. he's asking the experts in that field what he should do about afghanistan. he's going to be talking about afghanistan tonight at 9:00 fort meyer, which is in arlington, virginia and talking in front of the troops and telling them i realize your lives are important. but i am consulting the experts and these generals who have your best interest in mind. what do you think the president -- what is he going to tell the american people tonight? >> well, first of all, you put your finger on one of the places where he's had a real break through. he's had a superb national security team with secretary tillerson and general kelly, mattis, and general mcmaster. so i think nobody could argue he's doing this without having thought it through and having first rate people thinking through what he's going to do. i think what he's going to say is very simple. and it relates back to what has happened in barcelona and what we see happening around the world. we are in the long-term struggle with terrorism, with islamist supremacist. we know that the last time we allowed afghanistan to be an empty space, it was filled with the taliban and by al-qaeda and the planning for 9/11 was done in afghanistan. we know if we pull out and the government collapses, you're going to have some combination of rices, al-qaeda, and the taliban running the country again. that's a long-term very real threat to the united states and europe and all of our allies. and i think what he's going to say is that there's a prudent investment, probably 4- 5,000 troops that allows us to train the afghan army, which combined with a new level of pressure and the pakistanis to clean up the northwest frontier, which is the sanctuary that the terrorists have been using, could lead us over the next few years into a much better future. i think you're going to see relatively fewer american casualties, you're going to see a real emphasis on training the afghans, and i think in the long run that will be the right strategy. brian: of course, they have to start learning to fight. we've been training for 16 years. special ops are doing it but no one else is. real quick. would you have open up with clarification on his stance on race relations? >> i think i would have the president talk about bringing us together and then -- beyond race are helations. remember, an awful a lot of the people who have been demonstrators on the left aren't african-american or latino. they're white radicals. so i think the president can look legitimately say he would like to be the president of all the people. but that requires people coming together and talking with each other, rather than fighting each other. i think a speech like that would be very helpful to the entire country, and would probably be reputeiated by the hard left. steve: all right. let's see. that's tomorrow night. you'll see it here on the channel. and you've just watched newt gingrich on the channel. what a show, i'm telling you. ainsley: thank you very much, mr. speaker. brian: by the way, he's in training to be a diplomat spouse right now. steve: there you go. ainsley: really? brian: yeah. ainsley: spouse training. brian: going through spouse training. ainsley: jillian has headlines right now. >> good morning, guys. good morning to you as well. the memorial on the national mall is getting an update on the wake of recent controversy over civil war-era statues. the exhibit alongside thomas jefferson will have a disclaimer to reflect quote the complexity of his status as the founder of the u.s. and the slave holder. a nonprofit group that provides critical support for the national mall is making the change to get ahead of any controversy. no one has actually complained yet. canadian prime minister justin trudeau welcomed the flood of immigrants with open arms. but now he's asking them politely please come here illegally. >> canada is an opening and welcoming society, but let me be clear. we are also a country of laws. >> trudeau sounding the alarm stressing that anyone seeking refugee status will have to go through the country's rigorous screening process saying crossing illegally gives you no advantage. his comments come as the government grapples with a surge of asylum seekers crossing into québec. hillary clinton's failed presidential campaign is long over. but one of her top aids is still getting paid. federal election commission filings show aberdeen has been paid nearly $65,000 in campaign money since november. going through late june. and she's not the only one. clinton's former press secretary and another aid are also getting checks. look at your headlines as we look at you guys. brian: i haven't seen her in front of the prompt in a long time. ainsley: the media are trying to get conservatives to come out in response to the violence in charlottesville. >> the president said tuesday there were quote very fine people on both sides. who were those very fine people marching with the neonazis? do you believe they were very fine people? ainsley: jerry defended president trump, and he's going to join us live next. brian: and the great american eclipse is just hours away and janice dean is live in greensville, south carolina to make sure no one looks. hi. steve: yes, i have some of my friends here from greenville, south carolina. are you guys excited for the great american eclipse? please stay with us at fox and friends. we're going to talk all about it. wave to everybody at home in our glasses. americans - 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men's in gummies and tablets. brian: all right. it's but then more than a week since president trump came out and condemned both sides of charlottesville. but his critics looked at the press conference and can't get past it after what happened on tuesday. and going up and saying do you agree with what president trump says? listen. >> the president said tuesday there were quote very fine people on both sides. who were those very fine people marching with the neonazis? do you believe there were very fine people on both sides? and also your idea that donald trump somehow knows there were good people. brian: jerry is one of the many conservatives getting grilled over the president's remarks, but he knows the president. and what he stands for. that's why he backed him. and we send some of the frustration yesterday, jerry. always good to see you on the air. so do you feel as though the president's being misrepresented, or do you think he should clarify what he said on tuesday to make backers like who know him like you life easier? >> i think he was very clear who the culprits were because he called out the nazis, the white supremacist, the kkk members by name. he didn't call out the ones who committed violence on the other side by name. he never mentioned. he made it clear there was no moral equivalence between the two, and i think he should be commented for that. we had a president not too long ago who refused to call radical islamic terrorist by its name, and i'm glad we finally have a leader who calls evil what it is. you know, the media has tried to portray this as a philosophical war between the right and the left. between blacks and whites. between jews and gentiles, but it's nothing but pure evil versus good. and we all need to be united to fight any form of terrorism, whether it comes from timothy mcveigh in oklahoma city or from this group in -- crazy people in charlottesville or the ones who were flying the planes into the world trade center or isis attacking people in barcelona. it's all pure evil, and we all need to be united against it. brian: jerry, i'm watching the video yesterday. this incredible documentary. they put someone vetted with these white nationalists. these people are despicable human beings. and just to put them on camera and show what they're about. and they're not about robert e lee. they're about forwarding a white nationalist agenda. but anyone who knows the president knows it has nothing to do with his movement and this success. and i get the sense after looking at's tweets yesterday when he had a similar thing happen in boston. although, much better police. he came out and understood it. he saluted those who came out against the white nationalists and said i want to applaud the protesters in boston who were speaking out against bigotry and hate. our country will soon come together as one. do you sense that that's moyer of the president that you know? >> president donald trump does not have a racist bone in his body. i know him well. he loves all people. he has helped so well to help minorities in inner cities. to bring jobs back to them. he says. african-american has skyrocketed since he has become president. he's doing all the right things for the people that are in need, the minorities. and i think it's unfair for -- you know, he has an impressive way of saying things sometimes. and the the fact that he said there's good people marching within the bad people. those good people should have looked around and saw the people with the confederate flags and -- brian: got out of there. >> yeah. brian: i have to bring you to this. the accusation that he supports antisemantic behavior devise logic. he has people who have worked in his office that are jewish for 30 years. his daughter converted. you have steve mnuchin who were urging him to resign says i feel compelled that the president is in no way shape, or form believes that neonazis or the hate group that endorse violence to demonstrate in peaceful and lawful ways. he's jewish. there's no way he would work for someone jewish. the president is getting mislabeled here in a way that he doesn't even -- it's so without fact, he doesn't even feel compelled to defend himself. should he? >> well, i think one of the first things that he did was rebuild a relationship with israel, with benjamin netanyahu. i've been in contact with friends in the community in charlottesville. and i can understand their fear. they had these terrorists marching outside on the sidewalk. right outside their synagogue, and it's all understandable. but president trump is not the source of any of that anti-semitism, and it's just completely unfair and it's a false narrative from the left and from the media. brian: jerry, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your perspective. >> good to be with you, brian. brian: i would love the president to include that, if he feels compelled to on tuesday just to reinforce it because that message is just not getting out. meanwhile, the total solar eclipse is just hours away. janice dean is celebrating with friends in south carolina. but first, let's check in with bill who was outstanding filling in yesterday. >> it was a high honor. we're going to have reporters everywhere for this eclipse, so this is going to be fun today. what will the president do in afghanistan today? the white house challenging the congress getting it done on the agenda. will that happen? the death toll climbing higher after the attack on spain. what do we know now about that terror cell in barcelona? and how do you remember the leif of jerry lewis? we'll see you in ten minutes. shannon and i will see you at the top of the hour here on america's newsroom ♪ adults are just kids with much, much better toys. the c-class sedan, coupe and cabriolet. the thrills keep getting better. lease the c300 sedan for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ steve: okay. that is the famous song by bonnie tyler total eclipse of the heart. she actually will be performing. that soung on a cruise ship today as we have the total eclipse here in the united states of america. ainsley: it's absolutely wonderful. it's going to start in oregon. at some point this morning and then later in the afternoon, it's going to end in greenville -- well, in south carolina where we have sent janice dean, she's in the great state of south carolina. my mother was actually born in greenville, and janice is down there in that lovely city so that she can see the eclipse. >> good morning, fox and friends. say good morning fox and friends. >> good morning, fox and friends. >> i love seeing all of you guys in greenville, south carolina. they actually postponed the first day of school until tomorrow so everyone could see the eclipse. are you excited about the eclipse? >> yes. >> what's your name? >> anna kate. >> and you're from here. >> yes. >> and you're excited to be off of school. >> yes. >> and you're excited to watch the total eclipse. but what do you have to do to be safe? >> wear the eclipse glasses. >> and what's your name? >> abby. >> where are you from? >> atlanta. >> you came from south carolina to see this. >> yes. >> and what are you excited most about? >> to see the shine of the -- >> the moon? the moon covering the solar eclipse? >> yes. >> are you guys excited about freddie the frog caster? >> yes. >> because not only do we have a total solar eclipse happening, but my fifth children's book is happening on the same day. is that amazing? so we're going to be doing a book signing, and i hope you guys will join me because at 2:38 eastern time, what's going to happen? >> the eclipse. >> the eclipse is going to happen here in south carolina. you have to be wearing your protective sunglasses right, everybody? right? and you're going to have your parents help you; right? and you're going to read freddie the frog caster. and i just want to make mention that here in greenville, south carolina the weather is going to be perfect. we have the eclipse happening coast to coast for the first time in close to 100 years from the northwest to the southeast and greenville, south carolina i think is going to have the best weather. are you guys excited? thank you for joining us on fox and friends. the great american eclipse is happening. watch fox and friends. we'll see you tomorrow. ainsley: congratulations on the book, janice. more fox and friends in just a e a penny has never been more valuable. it's our back to school one cent event at office depot office max. 10 pack pens, one cent. composition notebooks,scissors, and plastic folders all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max. ♪taking care of business. can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. so that you can spend time on what really matters. marie callender's. it's time to savor. >> have fun enjoying the eclipse with your family. the president speaking tonight at 9:00. >> have a great eclipse monday. >> bill: search and rescue mission underway overseas for 10 u.s. sailors now missing after the navy destroy the uss john mccain colliding with a tanker. officials say it happened east of singapore. that ship suffering serious damage in the fourth mishap for u.s. navy vessels since february of this year. developing story, more details as they come in at "america's newsroom." president donald trump is set to chart a new course in afghanistan. he will announce his decision in a prime time address to the nation and we all will be watching for that. the gang is back together here in new york. we come


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20190909

them to camp david. they were supposed to be there yesterday. he said he was canceling it because 12 people were killed in an explosion. the tall within a was behind. including an american. sergeant first class ellis ortiz killed on thursday. you look at what the taliban was doing on thursday, that's what they have done during the entire year of negotiations. you have to have peace if you are talking about peace. they have not played by the game rules. ainsley: ellisor 'tis was 24 years old and killed by a car bomber. >> the president tweeted about this and said i immediatelily called off the meeting and called off peace negotiations what kind of people would kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position? brian: a lot of the people were nervous dealing with the taliban. steve: because we didn't know. he invited them. brian: even prior to the stunning announcement that they were coming to camp david in sunday. they weren't en route but ready to go. they had already celebrated they had slaved the soviet union and the empire. leaving with the tail between their legs. take on the afghanistan to he had wouldn't sit down and talk with after cutting out will the framework with us they were supposed to sit down with the sitting elected government with afghanistan. the president called it off. as he said along the way and said on the radio a couple weeks ago. i haven't signed off on anything. ambassador khalilzad is coming back with a deal for me and i'm going to take a look at it. as it started coming closer he wasn't happy with it. ambassador called back. so far no future talks scheduled. secretary of state mike pompeo scrambled on saturday to do the sunday shows. listen. >> we have made real progress but in the end taliban overreached. they forgot that america is always going to protect its interest. you know the history of camp david. lots of bad folks have come through that place. lots of peace negotiations taking place. you don't get to negotiate with good guys. the reasonable you are in negotiations to end wars, to end conflict. to say end violence and reduce risk to the american people. almost always because the person across the table from me isn't exactly the finest. steve: former defense secretary james mattis was with us last week. you know, behind the scenes stories are that they did not always agree on things, but they do agree on the can 1e8 labor relation, here he is. >> in this case, with this group, i think you want to verify then trust. we have asked them, demanded that they break with al qaeda sings the bush administration. they refused to do so. so, i think secretary pompeo saying go back to first principles is exactly the right thing to do. ainsley: so when i first heard that he was talking about sitting down put taliban. steve: at camp david. ainsley: at camp david thinking wait a minute, they are horrific people, they are evil. how do you try to change someone's ideology and their belief in god. how is the president going to do that? this is what our president does he sits down with the bad guys. steve: diplomacy. ainsley: north korea he wanted to sit down with the president of iran ruiny. this is how he negotiates deals. then think about the left. think about what they've done. you have biden when he was with president obama, president obama wanted to bribe the mullahs of iran. and that's how he handled his negotiations. which one is better? as a -- from a personal point of view i do think if i sat down with somebody who tried to change my beliefs that wouldn't happen. no one is going to change my belief in god. brian: the taliban believes it is their islamic duty to protect isis and al qaeda no matter what they say. their religion prevents them from doing anything differential. number two is pretty clear after speaking with a member of the state department yesterday that before the taliban even did the deal, even if the president said i met with them yesterday and here's the meeting and here's the picture of us all shaking hands, they would have to sit down and do this horrible thing of negotiating with women. they would have to technically and fully. steve: the taliban. brian: the taliban would have to acknowledge the exist tension of the sitting afghan government. if they want to run for election they have to run for election and denounce violence. those three things were too big a mountain for them to even climb. the president saw what they did and way they acted. he also said keep in mind, too. it's not just them killing our guys. we have been killing thousands of them in response to the violence that they perpetrated on us along the way. everybody wants this war toned. as general mattis told us on this couch or downstairs they get a vote. the enemy gets a vote, too. they weren't going to stop. we still have troops in korea and we still have an opportunity to keep peace in there by our presence. the same thing with afghanistan. we are not fighting every day. our presence allows us to stop build buildings from falling in manhattan and the pentagon. ainsley: we said we would not abandon ship. 14,000 troops the president is talking about bringing home 5,000 troops. steve: bringing it down to 8600 or something like that. we get it. the president made a campaign promise he would get us out of afghanistan. but, when you look at the political peril for the president, it would be much worse for the united states to pull out and then for the government of afghanistan to fall and for them to recreate a sanctuary there and then whatever goodwill he has built up with the american public over what he did to isis in syria, that would just be negated. it would just disappear. ainsley: it's tough. it's tricky because you want to bring our troops home because they are moms, they are dads. they have family here. if it's not necessary, bring them home. but you right. all of that work to fix the terrorism problem over there and then to abandon ship and then the terrorism problems continue would be a disaster. brian: true, ainsley. meanwhile 6 minutes after the hour. the other problem we have here is illegal immigrants creating havoc in this country especially the sanctuary city, state of maryland where we understand there has been a plethora of killings from the illegal immigrants. now we find out something about these illegals. six of the last seven are members of ms-13. in fact, six of the seven that killed the 21-year-old daniel elvardo were members of that gang. steve: apparently last week 21-year-old cuellar was murdered it. sounded like a cross-town gang thing. it was the 18th street gang vs. ms-13 gang. of the six of the seven, were in the country illegally and members of ms-13. and apparently ice has now issued six immigrant detainers, however, they are not getting out of jail. there is no bail. and they do face a life in prison. ainsley: yeah. unbelievable. they allegedly killed him with sharp objects. they stabbed him to death as he was walking outside. brian: they get you they are going to brutalize you. 900 cross the southwest border. members of ms-13 about 10,000 reeking havoc in this country right now. that's why the president targeted them. meanwhile, more to talk about. including the agenda of congress as they come back after their six weeks sabbatical. ainsley: impeachment? brian: can you believe this. ainsley: i know, impeachment, gun control and the wall. coming back from six weeks today. steve: the first thing they have got to do is talk about funding the government because between now and october 1st, there are 16 business days where they could actually get something done. it sounds like the democrats want to pass continuing resolution, c.r. the republicans would like to start working on 12 different appropriation bills to fund the government through 2020. right there the two parties are at loggerheads. you want to just kick the can down to christmas or do you want to try to do it the way we used to do it. brian: the usmca is also up. it's up to nancy pelosi now to take it up. she is alienating a lot of people in the midwest which her party plans on winning over if she says this deal is going to be too good for the president. and also there is a sense out there that the president and nancy pelosi agree on one thing, reducing the cost of drugs. and to take on big pharma and to reduce the cost of drugs, the government could negotiate like all of us do on our cars and houses to get the drug prices down. big pharma doesn't want it to happen. the president does. and nancy pelosi does. the question is can they put politics aside and risk giving both democrats and republican as win? i think we could win once in a while as the american people. we all want reduced cost of drugs and take on big pharma because big pharma is one vote. the american people are 300 million strong whether have you monday can afford it now or can't afford it now you can relate to big drug cost. steve: the big question is will they put party politics aside a year before an election. does nancy pelosi want donald trump to be able to say in the american people your insulin is cheaper because i fought for you. brian: maybe he could say we. i worked with nancy pelosi. steve: it's been a while since anybody said "we" in washington. ainsley: you bring up a serious issue there are people who have to choose whether or not they are going to feed their family or they are going to stay alive and buy their medicine. brian: right. steve: a lot on the plated of congress. brian: even if you have great insurance. look at how much your insurance paid and you can't believe it. good i don' i don't have to pay. your rates go up because your insurance has to pay too much for drugs. ainsley: people sicker 15, 16, 20 mills a day it gets expensive. steve: congress has a lot to do. back at 9:00 a.m. cover it in the meantime. jillian joins us. jillian: good morning. brian: great job on the hurricane. jillian: thank you so much. let's talk about the fox news alert. an urgent rescue everett is underway to save four crew members trapped inside a cargo ship. the south korean ship caught fire. rescued 20 other crew members by helicopter but can't get inside to save the others. the ship twice as long as a football field was carrying cars to baltimore. also breaking right now, 44 people now confirmed dead in the bahamas. after hurricane dorian battered the islands one week ago. that number will likely rise. dozens of rescue and recovery crews are heading there. the u.n. confirms more than 70,000 people need shelter. ellison barber will join us live with more on those relief efforts in just a few minutes. today president trump heads to north carolina to rally voters ahead of a special house election tomorrow. the president will stump for republican dan bishop who he campaigned with in july. bishop is running against democrat dan mccready in the state's ninth district. the state was vacated after a state board found evidence of voter fraud by a republican campaign worker in last year's election. and the new nfl season is underway. the patriots unveiling their sixth super bowl banner before playing the steelers. ♪ >> a snap. and wide, wide open. big night for him. touchdown. jillian: tom brady throwing three touchdowns patsd win 33-3. the jaguars losing their game against the chiefs and new quarterback nic foals breaking his collarbone getting hit while making a touchdown. and beckham makes cleveland browns review wearing a watch worth $350,000. the browns lost to the titans 43-13. the giants beat the rest skins. steve: the watch cost more than a lot of people's houses. ainsley: what kind of watch is that. brian: expensive. jillian: i looked it up. richie something. i never heard of it. i don't have a watch that much. steve: nobody does. brian: the browns run out of time to win they lost. they play the jets next week, i think. steve: thanks, jillian. brian: our top story. president trump calls off key talks with the taliban. of the challenge of the peace process coming 14 years ago. what's next? 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author of brand new book the force, the will he again jerry special ops movement and world war ii's mission impossible. saul david,. >> thank you. brian: did the president make the right move calling the meeting off. >> he did make the right move. talks are the only way i feel to solve the problem in the long term. the only alternative for that is you say indefinitely is which unacceptable or leave the of a began devices to its own devices and that's also unacceptable. brian: you say president presence in south korea it. took a long time for this to become democratic principles rights and believes. it took a while. could you imagine what that region would be like without our presence? in there we are not necessarily building up the afghan government as much as we are watching our own backs from terror. >> yeah. absolutely right. there needs to be guarantees during these negotiations that what is left behind is a secure situation. a situation in which the taliban have renownszed violence them selves and which they themselves enter some kind of peaceful political process. and if you don't have those guarantees there is always the possibility that america and the rest of the coalition forces will return. brian: we know without an answer to pakistan's taliban where they get trained and armed and funded there is no long-term solution. in your book, people got accustomed to special forces. let's talk about world war ii special forces. what was their role on d-day. >> the first special service force, the force that is the story of my book was the first one created in 1942. the original idea is to drop them behind enemy lines as well-trained elite unit that can carry out the sort of operation that normal con vengszal forces can't do. i would aliken it to a scalpel compared to a bludgeon. this is the start of special forces. we are used to you using them all over the world today. america has special forces something like 70 countries. in d-day they play an absolutely crucial role in preparing the ground. brian: 70% took casualties did you talk to survivors one was a canadian. >> jack call hill 19 at the time. he was the last man who actually took part in this operation was to capture a mountain in southern italy. almost impossible task. it had been attempted before by conventional forces. they had lost huge casualties. the question is can this special force led by kalhill and others. steve. brian: he lost his life but you talked to his nephew. >> he showed me this picture and said you are not going to believe this story. his can yo uncle sent this picte by the person i folk to mother. this is a picture belief as a toddler. this is a lovely picture of him. he kept it in his helmet. it was supposed to be good luck for the soldier. of course, he ends up losing his life. the registration the people find this helmet and return it to the nephew many years later. i got it from him. brian: if you love the seals, green berets and special ops. you will love this book "the force." congratulations. >> thank you so much. brian: america's healthcare system is badly broken. how can we fix it? a doctor who has advised president trump eye opening crisis is he waving. ♪ my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling. the psoriasis. cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of active psoriatic arthritis. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. get real relief, with cosentyx. 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it was her cousin. she said it was the sweetest sound she ever heard someone calling her name to check if they were okay and in the morning to know that they were alive. and that woman who lived in that home renee cooper she'd said in order to get out to safety after she heard heard her cousin screaming for her she and others neighbors made a human chain to get to another home and to get to safety. >> two guys came to the rescue. >> and you held hands in a chain to get across. >> um-huh, yes. so strong. >> i guess reality is just now setting new testament i'm still traumatized. >> we are here in an area where there is a nonprofit mercemergency shelter. making food to get to evacuee survivors who have made it to nassau. they have also been going to granelsd baum trying to set up water filtration systems so the people like renee cooper still trapped with her family so they can have consistent access to clean water, brian? brian: huge challenges remain. ellison, thanks so much. steve, ainsley? steve: all right, brian. thank you. it's a bitter bill to swallow. medical debt now the leading cause of bankruptcy here in the united states with one in five americans now in collections because of it. and with 21% of medical care reportedly deemed unnecessary, overtreatment is a really big problem. ainsley: it is a grim reality. and our next guest has exposed it in his new book dr. mattemarty makary. he is close with president trump and that administration because is he advising them on healthcare policies. he is the author of this book "the price we pay" what broke american healthcare and how to fix it. he joins us now. thank you for being with us. >> great to be with you both. ainsley: steve forbes says this is an amazing book. a must read for every american. we mustable aware of what is happening to the medical system. >> i love the movie big short it created lit reas around the banking industry. i wanted to create the book literacy around healthcare. everyone should know the basics of the business of medicine. and right now it's a price gouging and predatory billing is now threatening the great public trust in the medical profession. people at home sick and scared to go to the doc. we have hospitals violating that public trust by overcharging patients. so we can do better. and we need basic price transparency. we also need people to be educated to ask when this go to their doc. steve: what to ask now when to the doctor. >> medical secret is bills are negotiable before during and after care there is a lot can i do. steve: i am going to go into the doctor for a strep talk can i talk to them ahead of time. >> you absolutely can we are trying to get doctors involved. in billing process. look if your patient has been price gouged and even sued to have their wages began issued in as we found in doing the research. we want the docs engaged. we want community members talking to hospital board members and saying hey, hospitals should not be suing low income patients and garnishing their wages. you know, if you go to buy a flight on expedia or kayak and there were no prices, you would say this is crazy. everyone is getting price gouged by billing after the flight. steve: sure. >> yet, you know, airlines could argue that we can't give you a price. we don't know if you will consume a beverage. ainsley: my mother is sick she went through stroke two years ago. i have been awakened to what's really happening it. goes back to your doctor. we went to one place not good healthcare treatment. i felt like it was a business. all they wanted to do is charge and charge and charge and not care for her. we go to another place where we meet that amazing doctor. and we make sure his team rallies around my mother to save her life it. goes back to care. how do you train these hospitals and doctors to not look at the bottom line but to look at the patient, a life? >> we have good people working in a bad system. most of the hospital leaders i know and almost every doctor i know went in to medicine for good reasons. and what's happened is we have inherited this broken system where this game of inflating prices for insurance companies and then offering big discounts to groups selectively has resulted in every day americans being the casualty. a lot of stakeholders are making a lot of money in healthcare except for one, the patient. and i can't just show up and mow your lawn and send you a bill for $4,000. there has got to be some contract. there has got to be some civility. people need to note basics of what to do. steve: there is a new jonsz hopkins study that comes out tomorrow and you have a preview of it. >> 48% of all federal spend would he go found in our hopkins study goes to healthcare in all of its hidden forms. steve: 48%. half. >> it's almost half of all federal spending. and people have to realize it's not just medicare and medicare. it's also half of social security checks are used now for co-pace and deductibles. the military has its own healthcare system. the v.a. health system is 4% of the budget and interest on healthcare debt. completely out of control and money games are threatening. ainsley: your neighbor is in big time debt she had a bruise and $4,000 bill because of an x-ray. you helped the president sign that executive order. you were standing next to him when he did that for price transparency that at a will be implemented in a year. steve: the name of the book is "the price we pay." ainsley: thank you. steve: you know rahm emanuel was president obama's former chief of staff. now rahm emanuel is blasting medicare for all that the democrats are pushing. >> that is an untenable position for the general election. it is reckless. you are basically literally hindering yourself for the general elections. ainsley: dan bongino calls medicare for all quote economic suicide and he is onir deck. its for my future. annuities can provide protected income for life. learn more at retire your risk dot org. every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. lease the 2019 es 350 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. this is the family who wanted to connect... to go where they could explore and experience adventure in unexpected places... ♪ who were inspired by different cultures ♪ and found that the past can create new memories... leading them to discover: we're woven together by the moments we share. for everywhere you go, expedia has everything you need, all in one place. let's blow out the candles together! ok, let's huff and puff. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. so my doctor said... symbicort can help you breathe better- starting within 5 minutes. it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. it may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. walkabout wednesdays are back! get a sirloin or chicken on the barbie, fries, and a draft beer or coca-cola - all for just $10.99. hurry in! wednesdays are for outback. outback steakhouse. aussie rules. wednesdays are for outback. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. ainsley: surprising young baseball players with sandwiches supposed to be sold out. he had connections. steve: he did. the squad honored at the governor's mansion in louisiana after becoming the first team from that state to win in williamsport last week. and if you remember, if you are wondering what the connection is. popeye's and i look at wick peedia, i'm positive about it. nobody ever makes anything up on that. [laughter] steve: popeye's was started in 1972 in new orleans. ainsley: in new orleans. brian: by popeye the sailor. ainsley: olive oil gets all the credit. it was the spinach, not the chicken. brian: it was crazy. ainsley: brutus liked olive oil? brian: was it brutus? bluto. steve: the strong guy. anyway. congratulations for the team for getting that special treat. brian: i always liked them over the blue outfits over the white outfits. ainsley: white means home team. you can wear white if you are home. brian: that's a good point. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: following a number of stories. the fbi served a search warrant the company that owns the boat burned in the massive california fire killed 34 people. agents are looking for training, safety, and maintenance records. they also combed through two other company boats. the boat caught fire on scuba diving trip last week. none of the passengers made it out alive. five crew members escaped. a safety warning issued at a major university after a man allegedly with a hand drawn uber sign tries to lure a girl into his car. the ohio state university student says the driver pulled up to her off campus sunday afternoon. he drove off after she refused to get in the car. campus police now urging students to walk with friends or co-workers and keep all doors locked. defund ice, that's the demand from dozens of people this week. >> we need to come together to change this policy that keeps hurting so many families. jillian: protesters rallying outside of one of its facilities in aurora, colorado, kicking off a week of action against the group. this facility made headlines in july when protesters cheered as the american flag was raised. so here's a question. what would you do if a bank accidently deposited hundred hundreds of thousands of dollars into your account? >> look at my pocket. look. a year's salary right here. do you know what i told them? fun coupons. jillian: police say a bank teller mistakingly deposited $120,000 into a pennsylvania couple's account. that couple allegedly spent the cash that giant shopping spree buying four wheelers, a camper and a race car. they four facing felony theft charges, forced to pay back more than $107,000. rob and i were talking about this in a commercial break 5:00 a.m. show. you have to give the money back right, it's not their money. they knew it wasn't their money. ainsley: they are going to trace the money back and ask for it. steve: look, it says we have $100,000 in our bank. let's spend it. we don't know where it came from. let's jewels spinsd it. jillian: rob's point is it's the bank's fault. ainsley: i'm sure that teller got fired. brian: let's find out what dan bongino would do. fox news contributor and former secret service agent. he can't hold a job. author of spy gate the attempted sabotage of dodged j. trump. if we put 100,000ness your account. >> steve: by mistake. brian: would you spend it or give it back? >> of course you give it back. how wish do you have to be to have a 6 figure deposited in your account and not think it's a mistake. if you are worth a couple million you may not know the difference. have you to be legitimately witch to think that's not a mistake. ainsley: what if they are like 20 it's a little different. >> emotionally about they were about 6 or 7 apparently that was a really stupid decision brian thanks for joining us. thanks for catching up with us. see you next week. i'm only kidding. steve: the democrats are for the most part the people who want to be the next president of the united states on the democratic side are all in for medicare for all. but rahm emanuel, who was president obama's chief of staff and is currently -- or was the mayor of chicago, he says that is a loser. listen to this. >> we have taken a position so far and the candidates have through the process a few have not about on basically medicare for all which is we are going to eliminate 150 million people's healthcare and provide healthcare for people that just come over the border. that is untenable foble position for the general election. it is reckless. you don't have to take a position to win the primary and you basically literally hindering yourself for the general election. steve: he says you don't have to take the position to win the primary. that's the position a lot of them are taking in the primary. >> gosh, you know, me agreeing with rahm emanuel. this is one -- you may have to get the youtube of this and broadcast this everywhere. to the democrats who watch the show. listen to rahm emanuel. is he absolutely right. guys, ainsley, there is only two ways to allocate scarce resources, right? all resources are scarce. the very bedrock of economics is the allocation of scarce resources a doctor's time and hospital beds are scarce resources. you can either price them or you can ration them. when you wipe out the price signal. which government healthcare does. have you number two, which is rationing. that's the only way. it is axiomatic. is totally logical. you will win the nobel prize from economics this point on every sing yield year if anyone in the listening audit yengsz can tell me a third way to allocate scarce resources like a doctor's time and hospitals. there isn't one. you will have rationing like have you in the united kingdom and other single pair healthcare systems as well. the other probable you have too as well. they have had those systems so long over there a lot of people alive don't know any different. the people in the united states do. if you rip that away from them, their free market healthcare now and their choices and you instill a rationing system, rahm emanuel is right it. will be economic and political suicide for the democrat party. brian: so, remember, the last time they had a debate they weren't targeting trump as much as they were president obama and he was the former chief of staff. they say medicare for all is a death sentence. he says he traveled around and he talked to people. they said why are democrats going to take my healthcare auto way? they say the polls show the democrats have a 36% advantage over republicans when it comes to healthcare. so there is an opportunity, there is a gap there the republicans have got to fill. and the democrats are rushing to help them fill it. >> yeah. well, brian, this is because the media is not telling the truth about what medicare for all the democrats' healthcare plan really are if the media were to actually do their job and tell people, you understand, right, that medicare for all means the medicare you have now, it really means medicare for none. because the medicare you have now is done and over. that's finished. also those union -- imagine the unions, the local three guys, the steam mitters, the tin knockers, the carpenter, the truckers who for years negotiated -- they forfeited wages, right? to get these healthcare plans. imagine them finding out that's all gone you are going to get on a gompleted run plan. good luck with that. brian: good luck on the union vote. steve: they have a big debate this week in houston. let's see if it comes up. ainsley: the president has a rally tonight in north carolina. great to see you. >> see you next week. steve: meanwhile, as college students go back to campuses across the country over the next couple of weeks and this week as well. the president of wesleyan university has a message for students. don't dismiss safe spaces. ainsley: a former dean and current professor they had something to say about that and that professor and dean he is on deck. brian: could you make this louder? ♪ ♪ molly: my np spends a lot of time with me and gives me a lot of attention which led to my diagnosis. she initiated tests and found out what was wrong. she's treated both my children since they were born. bridgette: i feel that my np cares about me as a person and not just if i'm sick or not. molly: and i really love my nurse practitioner because we have such a strong connection. i know that whenever i call, she'll be there for me. my name is molly and we choose nps. np: consider an np. when patients choose, patients win. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. steve: the president of wesleyan university in connecticut pushing safe spaces on college campuses. ainsley: president michael roth wrote this "new york times" op-ed titled don't dismiss safe spaces. brian: our next guest says it's all an empty platitude. the former dean of yale law school and the author of "assault on american exlenses if the anthony joins us now. anthony, safe spaces, they say, give people a chance to get confidence in themselves and beliefs without getting attacked. what could possibly be wrong with that? >> well, there is nothing wrong with it if you mean physical safety. of course, students on a college campus ought to be physically safe. the problem is that idea has been extended to emotional threats and -- and that really threatens the very heart of the he had carriage enterprise. the minute you say that students should be insulated from any words or challenges that upset them, cause them to feel less worthy in their own eyes, you shut the conversation down and you make it impossible for all the students to engage in the collective pursuit of the truth. that's what's happening on our campuses today. steve: unfortunately, it seems like the students are insulated from a diversity of political differences. it seems like everybody is reading out of the same hymnal, doesn't it. >> i think the problem is. this the identity politics, which is such a scourge in our society at large has really infected our campuses in a bad way. so, students come in to their class discussions thinking of themselves principally as members of a particular group. and not so much as individuals trying to make up their minds for them selves. and that's true regardless of the political views with which they start. college should be the time in their lives when they have a chance to put -- when they are really required to put all of their beliefs out in the open where they can subject them to scrutiny and tough testing. and the more they identify as a member of this group or that party or this faction, the less likely that is to happen. ainsley: yeah. people are so worried about hurting someone's feelings. the pc culture tiptoeing around everyone. thank you for being with us and weighing in on this issue. >> thank you very much. brian: and writing about it. in all truth, a friend of mine's son went to school and after the college, after trump got elected, they had -- go to this room and hug a puppy. they had a shelter drop off puppies so they could relax and hug puppy. steve: they needed a safe space. ainsley: if you need to do that you probably need to go back home and avoid college. brian: or at least commute. ainsley: come on. 49 minutes after the top of the hour. a former victoria secret model left the runway to follow her faith and now she is starring in a new movie. >> my mother keeps running away. my daughter is getting married and i literally just started my dream job. i mean, it's a lot. brian: here why the scripts are so inspiring to her. "fox & friends," that's our logo ♪ as long as you can keep the faith ♪ hoping love will lead the way. my mother keeps running away i literally just started my dream job. i mean, it's a lot. >> isn't it gorgeous? >> auer next guest gave up modeling career to pursue her christian faith and she is doing so in a new christian film called catching faith 2 the first one was very successful. she is an actress and producer nicole weeder and she joins us now hey nicole. >> thank you so much for having me it's so exciting. >exciting. ainsley: how did you leave this lucrative career victoria secret model, maxim model maybe a ton of money why did you leave that for jesus. >> the modeling industry wasn't as cracked up as. it i was october find and it was hurting mize self-esteem and it was harmful and i realized i wanted more for my life and how did you find jesus. >> i was at low point in my life and friend told me about jesus. i wanted to give my life to him. once dierks all of these amazing things happened and god is so wonderful and amazing. ainsley: first movie did you so well. tell us about it. tell us about the second movie and how we can watch it and what the movie is about. >> i'm so excited about this. in the movie i play a wedding planner. faith based film. a family that sticks together through trials. i feel like a lot of people can relate. to say the movies is available ought walmart and amazon and target and, yeah. ainsley: there is such a need for this. interviewing people chris-based, faith based family friendly films and they are very successful at the box office. why is that? what does our country need right now? >> i feel like the country needs a lot more wholesome messages. good old fashioned values there are so many harmful movies not inspiring so i feel like the country is hungry for quality content that they can watch with the whole family. ainsley: we love a movie about weddings. wedding planners. >> totally. ainsley: tell us about the movie. >> the woman getting married to the love of her life. also about a mom who is trying to keep it all together because her mother is struggling with dementia. i feel like a lot of parents can relate to that with taking care of their mother or father. ainsley: she is dealing with the mother-in-law. >> yes. exactly. yeah. they are kind of rivals. it's a fen my. ainsley: mother-in-law is trying to plan the wedding wedding planner is in between. >> i bridge the gap between the frenemy and mom. it's inspiring movie. i hope everyone can get it. ainsley: our viewers are so great and family friendly. come on to talk about books. they want to buy it and support the people we have on. people living wonderful messages. god bless you. i applaud you for what you are doing. thank you for teaching little girls it's not how we look on the outside it's what we are on the inside and what our hearts are. >> absolutely. god loves us so much. ainsley: he loves us all no matter what we look like on the outside. thanks nicole. catching faith 2 amazon, walmart and support her. god bless. >> thank you. ainsley: we have dr. oz, congressman jim jordan and patriots tight end general benjn watson. great guy. they are all coming up. ♪ ♪ stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. it works great on bathtubs. and even stainless steel. try clean freak from mr. clean. douglas! we're running dangerously low on beans. people love your beans, doug. they love 'em. doooooooooug! you want to go sell some tacos? progressive knows small business makes big demands. doug, where do we get a replacement chili pepper bulb? so we'll design the insurance solution that fits your business. it's a very niche bulb. it's a specialty bulb. ♪ let's get it started ♪ let's get it started in here ♪ let's get it started ♪ steve: we got it started in here an hour ago. so we are just getting it restarted for another hour. ainsley: where was that song an hour ago. brian: a lot of people getting started now. just got dressed and shaving. steve: not necessarily, brian. a lot of people don't have to go anywhere sitting at home in pajamas. brian: on monday? ainsley: how do they pay the bills? if they are retired, yeah. steve: a lot of people are retired. ainsley: if you are retired you still get up at 7:00 a.m. steve: some get up at 4:00 a.m. and get a start on the day. brian: thank you for whatever you are doing. act like we have never done this before every hour a little different. start with a fox news alert. the taliban issuing new -- trump administration officially calls off peace talks. ainsley: comes after president trump cancelled that secret meeting with leaders from the terror group at camp david. steve: we didn't know anything about it until friday. kevin corke joins us on this monday morning with white house reaction and reaction from lawmakers they were out and about yesterday and kevin has a roundup. >> this is one of the great things about having this. you learn about things off the record and sometimes you hear rumors when this didn't happen. president made it clear there will be no negotiations about all the relevant parties at the table. to hear the secretary of state mike pompeo tell it called to cancel that camp david meeting came from the very top. >> president trump ultimately made the decision he said i want to talk to the president. i want to talk to the taliban negotiators and look them in the eye and see if we can get to the final outcome that we needed so we could sign off on the deal. you know the history of camp david. lots of bad folks have come through that place. lots of peace negotiations taken place. >> that is secretary of state "fox news sunday" with chris wallace. the issue is, at least for the president. in addition for getting the afghan government and taliban to get to the table. ongoing violence uses a means of negotiation is a nonstarter and the taliban says they are going to keep right on doing that let me share support of a statement from the taliban spokesperson. this will lead to more losses to the u.s. its credibility will be affected. its anti-peace stance will be exposed to world. losses to lives and assets will increase. but you made an important point, guys. lawmakers on capitol hill were full some in their support for the president's idea of canceling this camp david meeting. liz cheney on twitter saying. this the rep from the great state of wyoming. camp david is where american's leaders met toe plan our supported by the taliban killed 3,000 americans on 9/11. no member of the taliban should set foot there ever. the taliban still harbors al qaeda. the president is right to end the talks. that from liz cheney. we have a medal you have valor event coming up later on today at 11:00. we will have more on that throughout the day. we will hear from mad dog mattis in our next hour but for now back to you. steve: kevin corke north lawn of the white house regarding the taliban and negotiations. you can't have a peaceful negotiation which f. one side doesn't believe in peace. brian: as mike pompeo said as he was on all the sunday shows, look, you don't negotiate with people you like traditionally. people didn't like the idea like liz cheney and maybe you going to camp david with the taliban especially a few days from 9/11. ainsley: it seems different. i know the president loves to negotiate. did he with north korea. he wants to with iran's president rooney. in this situation it's so hard to wrap your mind around it to sit down with a terrorist organization that chops people's heads off, that hates you because you don't agree with their faith and what they think that god is telling them to do. so, how does -- how the president -- to change someone's ideology, to change their religion is something that is different than negotiating with another country over trade or bringing, you know, individuals back that have died like in nort north korea. the president does things differently. he likes to sit down and negotiate. the taliban. a lot of people scratching their heads. people in his party mike pompeo thought it was a good idea to meet with him. and liz cheney saying camp david where american leaders met to plan our response after al qaeda. it's very divisive. but, nonetheless, the president is not going to sit down with them. he wants to bring home 5,000 american troops over the next five months. there are 14,000 over there. so some still will remain and he has given the president of afghanistan his word that we will not abandon ship. brian: khalilzad is coming back. we do not know about the drawdown. the president said i'm going to bring some people home. 135 days, bring down 500 troops down to 4,600. we don't know what he is going t to do now. steve: will they restart the talks we don't know. stay tuned for that one of the things the president said when he was campaigning for president, i'm going to bring people back from afghanistan that was a campaign promise. he would like to make good on that. meanwhile as you looked at 2020 you have all these democrats. a number of them are saying medicare for all is how we fix the problem with healthcare in this country. rahm emanuel, who was the chief of staff for barack obama, of course, behind obamacare so that's part of his legacy. he says the democrats are out of their minds to think that medicare for all is going to work. watch. >> we have taken a position so and the candidates have through the process. a few have not. about on basically medicare for all, which is we are going to eliminate 150 people's healthcare and provide healthcare for people that come over the border. that is untenable position for the general election. it is reckless as it relates to and you don't have to take the position to win the primary and you are basically literally hindering your sufficiently for the general election. brian: right. rahm emanuel famously is the one that told barack obama don't do obamacare. we have much more to do. and he went ahead and did it anyway. he wedged it through on using nancy pelosi's leadership. remember when scott brown got elected and senator kennedy had passed away and he had gotten that seat there was a time limit to it. rahm emanuel is like a lot of previous democrats who said why are we talking about getting prisoners to vote? why are we talking about free college? why are we talking about decriminalized. steve: healthcare for illegal aliens. brian: it makes to sense why did you spend all you're time ridiculing president obama. ainsley: is he a republican now? brian: he is the way democrats used to be. a suttlez difference between parties. ainsley: going against the entire democratic field now. dan bongino says i can't believe i'm saying this but i agree with rahm emanuel. listen. >> the very bedrock of economics is the allocation you have scarce resources a doctor's time and hospital beds are cares resources. you will get rationing like have you in the united kingdom and other single pair healthcare systems now. the problem you will have too as well is they have had those systems so long over there a lot of people alive don't know any different. the people in the united states do. if you rip that away from them. their free market healthcare now and their choices and you instale rationing system, rawrm rahm emanuel is right political suicide for the democratic party. steve: well, let's see how big it is on thursday when the democrats have their next debate in houston there will now be 11 because tom steyer apparently qualified yesterday. brian: not for this week but for the third debate. ainsley: right. brian: we don't have a successful a block without talking a little bit about hollywood, right? ainsley: our viewers like to know what's happening there. steve: a listers. brian: thanks to debra a mess messing president trump referred to twitter. wanted to find out who was going to beverly hills fund raiser and backed up by her co-star on will and grace. yeah i want to see that list too who is going there. among the people who blew that up whoopi goldberg this story line did not stop. ainsley: christie alli tweeted this out i refuse to be support of the hollywood blank who can't see that not working with republicans is as stupid and nasty as refusing to work with business with gay people penal. stop acting above the fray ya damn hypocrites. we are the same species. ainsley: i can't believe i had to read that. that's not the way i talk. steve: she did get reaction to that and she doubled down from wichita kansas. she wrote i don't like people deciding who to black ball in the workplace or who not to serving stay restaurant. i don't think so it's fair i think it's bigotry. what do you think about tha that? >> you know my theory the will and grace condemnation of the beverly hills fund raiser was a breaking point. people saying this is getting so out of hand just because you don't agree with someone politically it doesn't mean they are horrible people. i think the new thing is going to be being accepting and talking. i mean, the mayor of chicago invited ted cruz to come over and talk about the problems. and then you see my idol melissa milano is going to speak to ted cruz about the way forward on guns. this is the new trend. joe and i are speaking now. ainsley: hats offer to those in hollywood. many if they announce they're conservative or support a conservative then they don't get jobs. i think it's wonderful that they are doing that i think this is what makes america wonderful. we get to choose what we want to do. if you want to -- people are banning chick-fil-a. you like the chicken sand sphwhich go get it. you don't have to support every political move at every restaurant or business if you don't want to shop there the beauty of america is you don't have to get that chicken sandwich. steve: as we have heard so many people have chronicled there does seem to be this tds thing trump derangement syndrome. anybody who is behind them they ostracized. hey, you be quiet about that. brian: right. steve: everybody is dug in right now. brian: they did this one study. combine all the polls. who do you agree with? most people said they agree with me on everything. congratulations to everybody. ainsley: remember when you didn't talk about politics. i'm in the nail salon and i hear ladies talk about president trump. i'm getting my teeth cleaned and i hear the lady in the next room everyone is talking about this now. jillian: it's everywhere. brian: you have a lot of appointments. steve: look rat your nails very nice. brian: the chiropractor. ainsley: winter is in the air a darker color. jillian: start with this headline we are following now. it's a fox news alert. urgent rescue underway to save four crew members trapped for 24 hours inside a cargo ship. the south korean ship catching fire after it flipped over off the coast of georgia. the coast guard rescuing 20 other crew members by helicopters but can't get inside to save the others. the ship twice as long as a football field was carrying cars to baltimore. also breaking right now. 44 people now confirmed dead in the bahamas after hurricane dorian battered the island one week ago. that number will likely rise. dozens of rescue and recovery crews are heading there the u.n. confirms more than 70,000 people need shelter. an entire airline essentially shut down over a massive worker strike. british airways telling passengers not to show up at the airport as pilots walk off the job in the u.k. those pilots are striking for 48 hours, demand ago pay raise. nearly all flights have been cancelled. both sides say they are ready for more negotiations but haven't set a date for new talks. 2020 hopeful andrew yang taking his campaign to new heights quite literally. the democratic presidential candidate crowd surfing with supporters in california. watch this. ♪ [chanting andrew yang] [cheers] [. >> after the campaign event, the businessman tweeting, quote: haven't crowd surfed in a while #yang, yang. ainsley: i mean dancing, like partying. steve: he would like to give everybody a thousand dollars a month. brian: i would carry him off too if he would give me $1,000 a month. ainsley: good policies or not seems like a fun guy. brian: all he had to do was keep himself stiff. ainsley: he was doing. this. brian: if you have ever done that i would just like to know if it hurts. ainsley: if they don't catch you it does. i have done it. brian: video cummings up next hour. ainsley: 13 minutes after the top of the hour. brian: as attacks mount against our police officers, recruiting facing problems. our safety is at risk. his solutions coming your way. ♪ ♪ this is the family who wanted to connect... and find inspiration in new places. leading them to discover: we're woven together by the moments we share. everything you need, all in one place. expedia. did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? try dawn ultra. dawn is for more than just dishes. with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. try dawn ultra. 't easy. 12 hours? 20 dogs? where's your belly rubs? after a day of chasing dogs you shouldn't have to chase down payments. (vo) send invoices and accept payments to get paid twice as fast. (danny) it's time to get yours! (vo) quickbooks. backing you. steve: they keep our streets and cities safe. police officers are seeing decline in applications with the total number of sworn officers falling by more than 23,000 between 2013 and 2016. our next guest warning in a new op-ed that oour safety is threatened but there is a solution. here is the author of that found former superintendent of chief boston police department and managing editor of crawl dannielynn ski. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> when you went through the academy, it was quite a different story. everybody it seemed, wanted to be a scope. >> there were 15,000 applications i went. in 2,000 applications to get 180 recruits to the academy. a lot of people wanted to be cops. that has changed for sure. >> steve: it has. why? >> i think society and police officers. police officers are demonized before anyone has a chance to see the facts. you see a youtube video which shows four minutes of an encounter. doesn't show the 8 minutes before hand and everyone is criticizing them from community residents to community leadership. who wants to go around all day with an iphone in your face telling you are doing things wrong. you are not doing things right. that being said, we have got to hold counts accountable and opportunity change the way we criewted and bring people into the business and change our work environment to get more people engaged with us. steve: big question is do millennials want to become law enforcement? >> i find the new employees aren't looking for a 32 year commitment to a company or to a job. they are looking for different life challenges. so changing the thought that we are going to have you for the entire 32 years to maybe we are going to get you five years you will move on and do something else. maybe you want to try fire fighting. maybe you want to try accounting. taking a professional who is well-qualified and letting them invest some years of service into us is probably the way we have to look at it with the new employee pool we have. steve: you are suggesting maybe a short-term contracts with police officers that would be one thing where you don't have to stay in the force for over 30 years to get your pension. or you combine the police and the fire and the emts under one -- essentially one super department so that you get a call and somebody from there goes. >> i think can you do that in some of the smaller agencies with the call volume not so much. police and fire are often at the scenes, working the same scenes crashes and fires. so the opportunity to getting firefighters out of the firehouse into police cars. when we lose numbers of police officers we are going to go away from the community policing. when we stop doing community policing and respond to 911 calls, we will lose further trust with the community. our safety and security has been shown to be best when we can community police our neighborhoods, get out of the police cars. and engage the community and deal with problem solving. we don't have the numbers to fill those opportunities they will be running from call to call and deal with crises after they get started. steve: let's see what happens. we are at a tipping point. daniel space linskey thank you for your service and being here today. >> thank you for having me, steve. steve: what do you think about that? the battle between big telling tech and big government time for companies to take responsibility and take a look brad smith is here live. ♪ ♪ let it roll ♪ down the highway ♪ let it roll ♪th down the highway billions of mouths. billions of problems. sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. ♪ go where my baby lives b[ growl ]olle♪s good boy. hey. hey. you must be steven's phone. know who's on your network and control who shouldn't be with xfinity xfi. simple. easy. awesome. i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn't have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. ♪ ♪ >> hello. ainsley: time now for news by the numbers. first $91 million. that is how much it, chapter 2, raked in during its opening weekend at the box office. second highest opening ever for a horror film. only trailing the first "it" movie. remember that one with the clowns? all right. next, $5 million. that is how much money is a teacher won in an ohio lottery drawing. she says that she is still planning on working at least for now but told her husband that he can retire. that's a nice thing to do. finally $38,000. that is how much gerri willis and the fox news team raised for breast cancer research by participating in new york city's race for the cure. the fox business anchor has been a supporter for that cause when she was diagnosed with stage 3 lobe larr breast cancer. she fought it, she is back. she is amazing and raising a lot of money for sure. brian: major companies bike google and facebook at the center of multiple firearm firem and cyber crime. steve: you will remember google facing backlash over their refusal to work with the pentagon. where should the lines be drawn when it comes to cooperation with the government? ainsley: in the new book it's called tools and weapons. microsoft president brad smith says it is time for big tech to take responsibility. brian: here with more is microsoft president brad smith. brad, thanks so much for being here. congratulations on the book. >> thank you. brian: what do you mean take responsibility? where maybe have big tech shirked the responsibility? >> well, technology is changing the world in ways that are good but also challenging. we have to grapple with the problems as well as the opportunities. when we think about people being left behind in rural communities because they lack access to broad band or lack access to the skills of tomorrow or addressing privacy, we in the tech sector have to do more. that's the only way we are going to be able to work with people across the country to solve this problem. ainsley: how do you reach those people that aren't reaching you? >> i think it starts with going to people where they are. we have gone out to rural counties across this country. we have worked to collect more data about who has broad band and who doesn't. we brought new wireless technologies to people. the story we share in the book is really something about the lives of people in these rural towns and what a difference broad band can make when it reaches them. it's like the electricity of the 21st century. as a country, we can learn from the past. we brought electricity to every corner of the country. we brought the telephone to every home in america. we need to do that with broad band as well. steve: what do you make of it sounds like some antitrust investigations are going on starting across the country with a number of states attorney generals and things looking into big tech, particularly, you know, google, you facebook, stuff like that. that's something microsoft has already been through. as you well know. but, a lot of people say, you know, a lot of these big tech companies just have so much power over how they can influence the people who use the tools. >> it's a good question. and, you know, we learn from this as a company. at microsoft, going through these antitrust issues in the 1990s. it's one of the stories we shared. and what we fundamentally learned is that when you have that kind of role in the world. have you got to develop the ability to look in the mirror and see not what you want to see in yourself but understand what others see in you as well. brian: so we like voice technology hey, great. telling google to open up, you tell. this buff we don't want you listening to our conversations it turns out you are. we like the fact that you could maybe -- maybe we would be able to track our kids. we don't want you tracking our kids. so where are the ethics with these big companies? >> i think that it's one of the most important questions of our time. and i think you are right to frame it that way. and i think it fundamentally asks us to do two things. one, how do we instill ethical principles in the companies that are creating these technologies? how do we build that into everything we do. but it also goes to how we protect people's privacy here and around the world. there's a lot for us to learn from how privacy has gone wrong in countries like nazi, germany or under communist germany. we share the story of seeing what it meant to the people who were imprisoned there. and then we talk about the people who are bringing privacy protection to the united states. people wants all the benefits that the internet has to offer. but they deserve the kind of protection, i think you described. steve: right. because people don't want to think that -- additionally, in addition to privacy concerns. they don't want to think that the big company they use has any sort of bias. they want to -- and you are talking about ethics. you want to think that when i use one of your products, bing is your search engine, it's not going to try to influence me in any way. >> i think that's right. i think that what we want as a community of people across this country is to get the best out of technology, but thought be diverted, threatened, or, you know, misused our selves. we don't want to become the product. and instead, you know, we want to be the user. and i think specifically what that means is we need to protect against bias. we also need to protect against disinformation. we need to protect our election systems. we spend time in the book talking about what we should worry about for 2020. we need to protect our voting systems and make sure none of success subjected to bias whether it comes from a company or from a foreign -- brian: you talk about making a collision o coalition of the . at the top of these companies is not great values and ethics we are all screwed. so, please, talk to your compatriots. steve: i don't think microsoft is the problem. ainsley: definitely so many opportunities but lots of challenges with that hopefully we will figure that all out. only time will tell. this is his book. congratulations. called "tools and weapons." pick it up on zahn or any local bookstore. >> please, go. buy his book on amazon. steve: yes, exactly. microsoft, he is the president of microsoft. >> thank you very much. ainsley: speaking of big tech, imagine driving down the road and seeing this the driver using auto pilot caught on camera asleep at the wheel. look at that. brian: this sour future. brad, help us with this ♪ ♪ would you let it ride ♪ biopharmaceutical researchers. pursuing life-changing cures in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs... like a way to fight cancer by arming a patient's own t-cells... because it's not just about the next breakthrough... it's all the ones after that. my dbut now, i take used tometamucil every it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. it's my special friend, antonio. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. antonio! fetch computer! antonio? i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. ainsley: it is a very, very special newest nebraska of the fox family noelleaj hall and his wife nicole. brian: noel was born yesterday even. we need a second source. she is 20 inches long. ainsley: oh my gosh. they met here on "fox & friends" and you might remember aj asked nicole to marry him in that bile board on in the middle of times square and that proposal went viral. steve: it did. remember this? there they were. they were walking through and she was there and families were there and it was amazing. congratulations. ainsley: i'm so happy for them. brian: aj. started and interned here. steve: that's right. brian: so technically we have to raise the baby along with him. steve: i think they are going to take over. ainsley: like in church when they get baptized everyone stands up and says we agree to raise him and her in christ. ainsley: we agree to help you a.j. brian is going to put your child through college. steve: it takes a village, a morning show. brian: see those bands on friday concert series. ainsley: aj. coordinates all of that congratulations we love you both. brian: after the birth it gets so easy. ainsley: after three months. won't sleep for three months. brian: where does he get the instructions? steve: it's a lifelong process. it's an adventure. it starts now. jillian joins us with a recap of a rough weekend in maryland. ainsley: that' jillian: that's right. congrats a.j. we love him so much. many congrats. it was another violent weekend. seven people shot in the city. two of them killed. all of the victims in their 20's and 30's. baltimore has the highest homicide rate among major u.s. cities. this year alone, there have been at least 240 reported homicides. baltimore is on pace to have over 300 murders for a fifth straight year. watch this. terrified passengers running off a plane after an emergency landing. all 103 passengers and five crew members evacuating the cayman airways flight after pilots were alerted to smoke in the cargo hold. the pilots diverting the plane to orlando. it was heading to new york from the cayman islands. passengers booked on a new flighted for today. it's unclear what caused smoke in the cargo hold. look at this. a driver appears to be sleeping behind the wheel and the man who shot this couldn't believe his eyes. >> i thought i saw somebody asleep at the wheel but i wasn't sure. so i did a double take and sure enough there was a guy with his between his legs completely passed out. i had never seen something so bizarre. i was like is that even possible? >> wow, a witness allegedly catching the sleeping driver in a tesla model x in boston. the car comes equipped with an auto pilot feature. but drivers are supposed to be awake. this just weeks after another tesla driver was caught sound asleep in the driver's seat in los angeles. that is a scary sight to see, brian. brian: absolutely. you know what's also scary what's happening in afghanistan. in a fox news alert president trump scrapping peace talks with the taliban that was supposed to happen yesterday. annual attack killed an american soldier on thursday and 11 others is a peace deal off the table or just off for now? let's ask our military panel gop congressman and green beret served in afghanistan michael waltz is with us. lieutenant general richard newton is here and assistant vice chief of staff and former deputy commanding general of u.s. forces in afghanistan brigadier general anthony tata. let's start with you general tata, the president saying -- bringing all sides to camp david. are you okay with that. >> i'm fine with it, brian. i don't think the parents of the next soldier killed in afghanistan are going to care if the president tried to reach a peace deal in camp david or in oman or wherever. they just want their soldiers home. and it's time for us to get out of afghanistan. we have been there 18 years. we have accomplished the mission that we were sent over to there to accomplish and that is to deny sanctuary to terrorists to conduct attacks against the united states. that was the original intent of the mission and i don't think it matters where that deal is reached or signed. and i think it's time to bring our troops home. brian: so the tariffs are going to leave when we leave? >> you know, brian, nobody gave, you know, two hoots when the president obama gave billions of dollars to iran, the number one state sponsor of terror and, you know, president trump has been very clear from the outset that he wants to find a solution to afghanistan and -- on the campaign trail he was clear about this. since he has been in office. this has been a focus of his. brian: okay. all right. >> finding a deal is the right thing. steve: good, congressman waltz? >> yeah. well, brian, i gave two hoots when obama gave billions of dollars to iran. i also gave two hoots when obama pulled us out of iraq too soon and then we got isis. i think your question is right. the terrorists aren't going to leave just because we decided we have been there too long. i agree with the frustration. we have been there a long time. it's been costly. it's been difficult. but at the end of the day we have to keep our foot on the neck of these terrorist groups. if this government in afghanistan dissent greats because we strike a deal that is -- that makes the situation worse, then auto divide will reconstitute. isis already is reconstituting in afghanistan. they will strike the homeland again. it will be that much more expensive nut long run. so i applaud the president from walking away of what i thought would be a very bad deal. brian: general, no branch has been more taxed than the air force. you are a lieutenant general there talking to the taliban, not many people are upset by that but the way to get out would be the challenge. >> brian, again, i applaud the president and the administration for engaging in these peace talks up to this point. i also salute the president for backing off of what was going to be the sunday talks. but you, again, we need to be able to first and foremost put our u.s. national security interests at front and center that is negotiating but negotiating a deal through strength. former secretary of state mattis said over the weekend that remember back in the cold war days we would go trust but verify secretary mattis said if we are going to embark on a deal with the taliban we verify and then trust. i think it's in the best interest of the united states. i do not believe, however, that we withdraw our combat forces, much like president obama did in iraq. and it's been reported at least to my sources we gold 14,000 or so supposedly down to 8500. again, we have to maintain our strength. it is a national security interest to us to continue the fight wherever the war on terror takes us. the president is on a right path to draw a framework that can go for a broader political solution all the while maintaining combat capability in the region. brian: general there is concern got left at the altar and the taliban was prematurely celebrating the dethroning of another super power that they are going to up the violence. we that be your concern if you were on the ground? general tata? >> tony, go ahead and take that. >> sure, yeah. there is more than one general here. so, my concern is that we leave a stay behind force over the horizon force at bagram and can't harr. to me this is what a peace deal looks like a quick reaction force that can continue to deny sanctuary to terrorists. the taliban is not going to go anywhere. they have been there for decades. so we will have to continue to deal with this. but it's in our national interests to keep a presence in afghanistan because have you got pakistan, india on one side. you have iran on the other side. it's good for us to be there. we just need to disengage from this civil war that -- it will happen. michael is exactly right. the taliban aren't going anywhere. but, we don't need our troops on the ground anymore there, other than to accomplish our own strategic interests. we are not there for nation-building. brian: thanks so much. congressman, we will have you back later in the week. appreciate it? >> thanks, brian. brian: breaking news rolling with it didn't know anything about. it was supposed to happen at camp david on sunday. back to capitol hill after six weeks off. what are democrats focused on? impeachment. congressman doug collins says it will go nowhere. he is walking this direction. ♪ ♪ out in the country. ♪ one horse towns ♪ that one?! no! what about that?! no! what about now?! no! that do it?! 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about it is they want people to believe something that is not true. they want to continue to put a false narrative out there. really my concern is when does it cross the line of being a house judiciary committee and being part of the dnc campaign operation for next year. ainsley: they know it's not going to happen. then why would they do this? just so when the election rolls around they can say we tried. he almost was impeached? is that the what the goal. >> really sad too. look at what they're doing. become a pitiful scene. they have actually filed court papers earlier this year about a month or so ago in the mcgahn case to get him to testify. they said that if they could handle grand jury information and all this kind of testimony it would come back and be secure. actually from what we are finding out in the resolution now going to address the policies for handling grand jury. in essence my opinion they owe the court an apology because they did not be truthful if anywhere filings. we pointed that out. ainsley: what do your constituents say so frustrating to the american people. we look at washington and see they are pushing impeachment and know things that can't get through. why not focus on the things that really matter to the american people. >> it frankly is a hatred of this president. they hate donald trump. since november 2016 they have do everything they can to portray him as a bad person that shouldn't be elected. we have economy. they can be working on stuff like immigration. we can be working on intellectual property issues like we have with china. we could be working on the trade agreements with mexico and and. ainsley: exactly. >> instead we are chasing these rabbits to please a vocal minority of their base because they want to prove they are tough on this president. testified, i just wish the chairman would be the chairman and let's work together, find those ways. we understand we are going to disagree. quit going after the president. ainsley: election is around the corner. the people have a voice. we will see if it's working or not. >> i agree with you. good to be here. ainsley: good to see you. vaping epidemic surging nationwide. five deaths now being linked to lung damage and hundreds of other people are getting sick. dr. oz is here with the warning signs you need to look out for coming up next ♪ let it go ♪ ♪ congestion and pressure? go to the pharmacy counter for powerful... claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray is indicated for 6 symptoms... claritin-d is indicated for 8... including sinus congestion and pressure. you leading them to discover: we're woven together by the moments we share. everything you need, all in one place. expedia. ♪ steve: all right. there is a new warning about vaping as the number of case involving serious breathing issues now hitting 450 including as many as five deaths in the united states. here to weigh in is the host of the dr. oz show our friend dr. mehmet oz. good morning to you. >> big problem. steve: no kidding, getting worse. >> the cdc says they are recommending folks think about not vaping but a lot of others have gotten a lot more aggressive about it. go back and see why everyone is panicked about. this five deaths are problematic. found out in time to be saved. something happens in the lungs destroy the lungs. it's not the nicotine videotaping marijuana vaping not true. those pictures you are looking at there doesn't happen overnight. you videotape, the pneumonia, the fat something in the inhaling could be vitamin e as at a time in somas is i at atime in some acee grease coats the inside of your lungs. once they are coated with grease. we don't know what's in vaping products come in from other countries pool. very many felt safer than cigarettes. i have got to say the stiff san francisco banned vaping. they don't let you buy videotaping products. brian: michigan no more flares. >> no more flavor videotapes. a lot of folks first recommendation i told my family this. don't videotape until we figure out what this is this is a really big problem. we can't save you even if we know what you have got. steve: just don't videotape. >> i do admit it's better than smoking a cigarette for therapeutic pursuances medical marijuana some people need it. i just can't give you recommendations. i dos for reasons we don't understand. ainsley: i know have you emotional announce today too. >> i do. thanks for talking about this problem. my mom who i love dearly is 80 years old was just diagnosed with alzheimer's. and i have got a lot of guilt over the diagnosis because i'm a doctor who talks about it a lot in the show. and that beautiful come is starting to forget simple things like our fourth grand child was born this month and my mom had trouble placing that all. i wouldn't normally talk about this excepts 6 million people in america with alzheimer's. 16 million people taking care of them. it's becoming a massive problem in this nation where it's an issue of trust. trust is knowing what to do and then doing the right thing. let's do the right thing for their parents. haven't diagnosed the problem in a timely fashion we don't have chance. i can tell you if you hear my voice right now there is a one in four chance have you the gene i have predispose to you al hirms one of the most common conditions. big belly. small brain. leads directl directly to cognie function. lose weight. cholesterol issues are not just problems for your heart. they are problems for your brain and problems in ways you don't know. every woman pregnant right now ought to start preventative work for her child. the earlier you intervene on the child less of a chance have a problem older age. when we have a population where some of us are already at risk and some many want nice long lives we don't want a nation of alzheimer's patients. brian: real quick, what's the progress on horizon in this disease? >> we are making some progress with new drugs. that's not where the solution is going to be. the solution is going to be preventing the problem. if you die with alzheimer's from a car accident when you are 97 who cares. that's how we will win the battle delaying onset that most of us can live long lines. we don't want 60, 70, 80-year-olds walking around with alzheimer's. steve: i'm sure you will this season. bernie sanders, talk about healthcare. this will be a great show. tune in to the dr. oz show everywhere. ainsley: sorry about your mom. god bless you. steve: congressman jim jordan joining us. also patriots tight end benjamin watson and michelle malkin all live here in the next hour of "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ like it like that ♪ like that ♪ . . ♪ let's get down to business. the business of atlanta on monday... ... cincinnati on tuesday. ...philly on wednesday. ...and thursday back to cincinnati . modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all 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because, he does have pictures of himself. that is the good thing about owning your place. you have life-sized pictures of yourself. broadway, across the street is luke bryan. ainsley: on broadway, all the celebrities, all famous singers have their own bar. steve: kid rock's place is across the street. we did a live show from there. i don't know if you remember. brian: yeah. steve: washington, d.c. getting back to action today. they're back from recess. a busy day. we'll talk to all sorts of experts at this hour. ainsley: congress is back in session. jim jordan with a rally in north carolina. this is a fox news alert. the taliban issuing new threats of bloodshed after the trump administration officially calls off peace talks. steve: it comes after president trump canceled friday night a secret meeting that was supposed to happen with members of the taliban at camp david. supposed to happen. it did not. brian: kevin corke from washington with the reaction from lawmakers. reporter: the message to taliban leaders, it is fairly simple, end the violence. failing that, no talks, no progress, absolutely no peace. president talked about it on twitter. he can wrap this up fairly succinctly. he said something fairly important in a tweet over the weekend what kind of people will kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position. if that doesn't says it all. the taliban wanted that is to have the meetings. that all could have happened over at camp david but continued violence, guys, the worse, the threat of violence by the taliban, that killed any chance of having that meeting. former defense secretary jim mattis for his part thinks the president made the right call. >> this case, with this group you want to verify, then trust. we've asked them, demanded that they break with al qaeda since the bush administration. they have refused to do so. so i think secretary pompeo saying go back to first principles is exactly the right thing to do. reporter: "mad dog" mattis over the weekend. meanwhile the taliban continues to warn of more attack on america and american assets. let me share part of a statement from the taliban. this will lead to more losses to the u.s. is credibility will be affected. it as anti-peace stance will be exposed and losses to lives and assets will be increased. american lawmakers on capitol hill, completely, a great many back the president's decision. among them adam kinzinger. adam from illinois. never should leaders after terrorist organization, that hasn't renounced 9/11 and continues in evil be allowed in our great country, never, in all caps, full stop. medal of honor event at the white house. a big rally in the tarheel state of north carolina. looking forward to that back to you. steve: kevin corke. that's right, the president is going down to north carolina. there is big congressional election for a seat. ainsley: vice president is taking this seriously. brian: where do you go from here. nobody wants to dominate afghanistan. we don't want to control afghanistan. we want to stop the next terror attack. basically as the president said couple weeks ago, the harvard of terror. we had a military panel on earlier talk about where we go from hire. the president didn't say we're done, we're done for now. watch. >> we need to be able to first and foremost put our u.s. national security interests at front and center. that is negotiating but negotiating a deal through strength. >> the terrorists aren't going to leave because we decided we've been there too long. if this government in afghanistan disintegrates because we strike a deal that makes the situation worse, then al qaeda will reconstitute, isis already is reconstituting. >> the taliban will not go anywhere. they have been there for decades. we'll have to continue to deal with this. it is in our national interests to keep a presence in afghanistan. brian: taliban is not popular with afghanistan people. 80% reject them. in their statement in july with respect to women, the group says they are not giving any rights and privileges about western culture, no more 24 hour music, no more songs, no more obscene dramas and movies. if you had a generation of schooling of women and a chance at a degree of freedom, do you want to give that all away for those principles. ainsley: the president of afghanistan talked to our president. they have a commitment to each other we will not pull out all troops and leave you high and dry. how do you sit down with the taliban to talk them into your way of life or see your side. brian: we don't. >> it is impossible. steve: you're negotiating with terrorists. >> the president wants to -- brian: we don't want to the taliban to agree with us on anything. we want them to renounce terror, be part of the afghanistan political process. not blow up people not wearing -- ainsley: i agree with sitting down with leader of north korea and leader of iran. when you sit down with a group does what they do, chopping people's heads off because they believe god wants them to do that, hard to change their ideology or religion or faith. if someone told me you don't believe in jesus. you can't change me. brian: we're not looking to get them off their faith. that was al qaeda doing beheading. denounce al qaeda and isis which is taken root there again. ainsley: is that possible? brian: they have to do it, they have to give more than lip service for it. if you listen to general mattis and in his book no way he believes they will do that. steve: will the president call them to invite them back? stay tuned. an hour ago we had a great guest, daniel linsky, the superintendent of the police commission in boston and he has written a op-ed, our safety threadens because too few people want to be cops. here is how to solve the problem. he was talking about how, we all know with the cell phones, things like that, he said that a, cops have been so afraid to do their job. they have been demonized by media for a variety of things. he says it is hard these days to get millenials actually be interested in joining the force because they want a job that they take for a couple years. they don't want to work 30 years until they get a pension. the paradigm has changed when it comes to police. ainsley: when we were at the convention in philadelphia i remember a cop telling me takes the uniform off leaving the office. he doesn't want anyone to see him and target them. people throwing milk at officers and water at officers and buckets at officer. i took heart on friday, had our panel downstairs, look at that video, so hard to watch. they were first-responders. they said it had not happened to them. they didn't know anyone it happened to. even though i ace problem, even though it's a problem i'm praying to god it is not as big of a problem as we might think. when you see the videos. steve: here he is, how troublesome it is they cannot recruit new people to join the force. >> police officers are demonized before anyone has a chance to see the facts. you see a youtube video which shows four minutes of encounter. doesn't show eight minutes beforehand. everyone is criticizing them from community residents to political leadership. who wants to go around all day with iphone in your face, telling you do things right, not doing things right. our safety and security is best when community police our neighborhoods, get out of the police cars, engage with the community, deal with problem solving. if we take cops out of the street, we don't have numbers to fill those opportunities they are running from call to call, dealing with crisis after they started. brian: that is totally true. the thing is, it is security and there is supposed to be a reward for working to keep the our streets safe. i think that comes from political leaders. i think that would be the best thing to happen. ainsley: de blasio had stood up this is uncalled for, we're going to arrest you. brian: exactly. steve: if you were watching mark levin's program over the weekend, you saw dr. robert epstein, a research school gift at the american institute for behavioral research. he did a study where he was able to monitor the search engine results for 95 people across 24 states. he looked at google, bing and yahoo! google as it turns out had a particular political bias, trying to influence people toward voting for hillary clinton. he said bing and yahoo! did not. he calculated that the shift resulted in between 2.6 million and 10 million votes for hillary clinton. huge. brian: here is how he went through it. >> if google search results, for any reason are biased to favor one candidate or one party, it can shift millions of votes. doesn't matter an employee or an executive at google did this deliberately, the algorithm alone a computer program could be doing this. and it will still affect the outcome of elections. we found a very dramatic pro-hillary clinton bias on google but not the other search engines. and in all 10 search positions on the first page of search results, that is quite dramatic. ainsley: that might make people change their search engines. he searched all the others there was no bias. we had brad smith on, president of microsoft, his search engine is bing that man did not find bias. this is what brad smith had to say. >> we need to protect our voting systems and we need to make sure that none of us is subjected to bias. what we want as a community of people across this country is to get the best out of technology but not be diverted, threatened or misused ourselves. we don't want to many about the product and instead, we want to be the user. and i think specifically what that means is we need to protect against bias. we also need to protect against disinformation. we need to protect our election systems. steve: he is right about all that stuff. when you use a search engine you figure the result is going to be fair and balanced. no bias. according to dr. epstein apparently not. brian: there is a bipartisan, bipartisan push this congressional session to have these heads of these agencies, of these companies front and center this fall. ainsley: that is such a big story. so many of you -- steve: 10 million votes. 10 million votes. that particular researcher actually supported hillary clinton and reported that. brian: yeah. meanwhile my vote to toss to jillian. are you guys with me? ainsley: i'll vote. brian: unanimous. steve: i nodded. jillian: let's start off with a fox news alert. an urgent rescue mission to rescue 24 crewmembers in a car go ship. it flipped over the coast of georgia. they rescueded some but can't get to the others. it was carrying cars to baltimore. we'll keep you updated. breaking right now, 44 people now confirmed dead in the bahamas after hurricane dorian battered the islands one week ago. that number will likely rise. dozen of rescue and recovery crews are heading there. the u.n. confirms more than 70,000 people need shelter. alex trebek's is back, "jeopardy"'s 36th season premiers today. after the iconic host shared an update on his battle against stage four pancreatic cancer. >> i've bonn through a lot of chemotherapy. thankfully that is now over. i'm on the mend and that is all i can hope for right now. jillian: this season will feature the show's 8,000th episode and tournament of champions. it includes the return of james holzhauer who took the game by storm with his 32 game win streak. steve: incredible after the year he has had. thanks, jillian. congress is back to work after a six week recess. what is on the agenda? brian: congressman jim jordan weighs in. 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[definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at ♪ steve: u.s. congress back from summer recess. top agenda item for democrats, impeachment. here to weigh in republican congressman jim jordan from the house judiciary committee, joins us from our nation's capitol. good morning to you. >> good to be with you,. steve: steve what has jerry nadler got on his agenda? >> who knows. we haven't seen the resolution but they say they will vote on something this week. look, the michael cohen hearing didn't work out the way they wanted. the john dean hearing didn't work out the way they wanted and of course the bob mueller hearing and that investigation didn't work out the way they wanted that doesn't stop them. they will continue to push this ridiculous impeachment narrative, at cost, one of the first things you learn in college economics class 101 opportunity cost. when they focus on warrantless impeachment inquiry you don't get thing done we need to be doing like fixing the border situation. fixing intellectual property theft of china. things we're supposed to deal with on the judiciary committee. frankly, steve, why don't we have michael horowitz in for a hearing? he issued a scathing report about jim comey, the fbi director. nothing is scheduled to bring in mr. horowitz to answer our questions. steve: what you're say is the democrats are intent, trying to formalize some impeachment investigation, the republicans on the judiciary committee will be doing the people's business, is that what you're saying? >> we would love to. we don't get to schedule the hearings. you're exactly right. when you're solely focused on going after the president you can't do what is best for the country. that is the problem with the democrats. this horowitz thing, jim comey did, he is the guy solely responsible for putting the country through three years of this saga we have lived through. jim comey started the trump russia investigation, jim comey is the guy who put peter strzok, this guy with a bias against the president, the guy who ran the clinton investigation, put him in charge. jim comey is responsible for the dozen yay being used to get a warrant to spy on fellow american citizen. jim comey is the guy who leaked the information to "the new york times" through his friend to get a special counsel in the first place. he created this whole darn mess. we're not bringing him after a scathing report from michael horowitz? we'll not bring in inspector general to answer questions? they're focused on impeachment they're missing important things we should be addressing. steve: maybe once all the reports are out maybe then mr. horowitz will stop by. jim, a lot of people want to know what happened exactly? there are so many stories floating around, we need some finality to it. >> you know what people want to know? they want to know when someone is going to jail. that is the question i'm, people going through a airport walk up to me when is someone going to jail for wrongdoing that took place duke the trump investigation or the clinton investigation? that question i get all the time. you can't get to the bottom of that without getting all the information out there. what better opportunity then to bring the inspector general to answer questions. steve: jim jordan, thank you from the great state of ohio. >> thank you. steve: the biggest story in football, antonio brown is on the patriots. will ben watson give up his number 84 for him? we'll talk to him next. saturdays happen. pain happens. aleve it. aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. here, hello! starts with -hi!mple... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. >> back now with quick international headlines with a fox news alert. british prime minister boris johnson suspending parliament amid a heated debate over brexit. all business will be halted for five weeks. the move comes after a bill was passed to require johnson to have an extension if a deal is not reached to leave the eu by the end of october. a green slime is taking over beaches in france that could kill sunbathers in seconds. six beaches are shut down. scientists say it is caused bit over fertileization in nearby fields. they could sufficient irunconsciousness or cardiac arrest. ainsley. ainsley: antonio brown is leaving the oakland raiders to join the new england patriots. steve: he doesn't have a new number. he has worn 84 for his entire career. currently that number belongs to veteran tight end, our next guest, number 84, ben watson. brian: will he give it up? we'll ask him. good thing we can ask him, we don't have to call him. he is here. author of, under our skin. ben watson new england patriots. >> already teammates. already teammates. brian: he is officially signed and officially in. >> the deal is officially in. he couldn't be in the office. he is probably in the office today. ainsley: what do you think about what he did? he went on social media, saying he was fined, not able to play, then he, i'm free. >> there was a lot of theater. definitely a lot of theater. i met antonio before. don't know him very well. he is obviously once in a generation type talent. somebody that will add tremendously to the team. also someone who is very colorful and does a lot of different things, definitely. brian: a lot of theater. bill belichick, will he like that? >> obviously we signed him. steve: can he continue with the social media stuff. >> coach says he will do what is best for the team. he does what is best for the team. the organization felt like on tone yo could help us. he is a player that can help anybody. brian: will you give up your number if asked? >> i've been asked that a lot. the reason why i took 84. i've been an 82 when i left new england. 82, the number i was drafted. when i was with the patriots before. the number i finish the circle in. that being said, mr. kraft, the owner owns all the numbers. i was told very early on in my career by a very wise veteran we're all renting those lockers. so it is not my decision basically about the number. i don't own the number. we'll see what happens with the number. brian: you would give it to him? >> it is not my request. i would love to keep the number. that is my point. i love to keep the number. i don't own anything in the building. >> i like your attitude. >> you have to have that type of an attitude, you have to, once everyone on the team is gone there will be more people that play there. ainsley: how does that work? why can't they find a number no one is using? steve: you can't go into triple digits. >> of course not. brian: what if antonio tries to tape one of bill belichick locker room talks, private conversations he has done with two separate coaches what would bill belichick do? >> i don't think he will do that i will just leave it at that. when you come into the building, look, we have a tremendous tradition in new england. there is obviously a certain patriot way people talk about. you see guys come in. they give up lot of things for the betterment of the team. there is a cult you are there i think lends to guys bending in, doing what is best, as you can see, this organization has the proof. steve: one of your other teammates drew brees in the news. >> participated in bring your bible to school day, encouraged kids to do that. got a lot of criticism for that. what is your reaction. >> my reaction the article was misleading and mischaracterization and of drew. it was slander rouse. it was stop lying with those sorts of labels, talk about bring your bibles, this is religious liberty right, a right we enjoy, encouraging kids to do that is something possible. ainsley: how did they lie? what did they say? >> labeling focus on the family as anti-gay, anti-non-discrime names. it's a shame in this country right now where if you adhere to certain biblical beliefs we have a right to choose what religion we adhere to, you're labeled as anti. what focus on the family upholds marriage. family is basic building block of society. they are labeled anti by other people. that there is an agenda there. that upset me. steve: people that missed drew brees's reaction, here it is. >> i would like to set the record straight. i live by two very simple christian fundamentals, that is love the lord with all your heart, mine and soul and lob your neighbor and yourself. the fact these rumors have been spread about me are completely untrue. what i did was i film ad video recently that was encouraging kids to bring their bibles to school for national bring your bible to school day. brian: what will resonate, ben, his response, or the attack? what will last? >> i think what will last is that children have been encouraged by drew brees, one of their heroes to bring bibles to school, not only bring bibles to school but not only tell people about their faith. this back and forth will not end anytime soon. incumbent people who are attacked people in the religious community, we're being attacked as anti, maybe we need to love more, express our beliefs in a way not condemning more. we need to reach out to prove these things are not true. steve: working on a new pro-life documentary? >> pro-life documentary. working our way through the fall. we've seen legislation and my journey kind of understanding where the sides are coming from. we're compiling a great compilation of different voices from the sphere of law, education, politics, history, goes on, giving a robust view of what, where we are right now and what may happen if we don't deal with this. ainsley: what is your advice to an 18-year-old who gets pregnant, wants a future to go to college, wants to have that experience what do you say to them. >> those are tough situations. life is always important. there is dignity and sayingty in every life. our goal to encourage young women, young men to stand in the gap, stand for life. also to challenge those who are on this pro-life, pro-choice side meet somewhere with empathy and understanding, stop, condemning each side so much vitriol going back and forth there is a wide gap. before the fall will release next year. kind of my journey about abortion in america. it is tough topic to deal with. one i believe we have to. we're at a tipping point in this country. brian: on another note as favor, ask you get back to the locker room, could you ask the patriots let somebody else win this year. >> no way. maybe next year. we'll see. brian: thank you very much. good luck to you. next on our show, an inside look at the border you will not see anywhere else. ainsley: michelle malkin investigates coming up next. ♪ unitedhealthcare medicare complete plans have a lot to take advantage of like medicare's largest health care network. hey, that's my dermatologist! $0 copays on all primary care doctor visits plus rewards for preventive care. go ahead, take advantage. and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor non-drowsy claritin and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. live claritin clear. for one week only, save up to $38 on select claritin products. check this sunday's newspaper for details. ♪ steve: fox flag on avenue of the americas. ainsley: isn't that beautiful? brian: i should mention earlier that, my son not only went to john rich's complaint he went to the -- who wrote that song. which is great. steve: meanwhile look who is joining us, she has come out -- >> descended from the mountaintop, yeah. steve: michelle malkin, author of open borders, inc., who is funding america's destruction. good book. glad to have you. >> grad to be back. brian: finding out what is going on the border, we're saying poverty in the triangle countries. you think there is something else? >> there are global financiers that are spread not just here in america, everywhere from the united nations to the vatican. steve: who are they? >> i name all of them in the book. what fueled me over the last year to put together nearly 500 pages with 1600 footnotes and multiple appendices is, everyone asks who is it, where is it coming from? and the first half of the book talks about all of the foreign enemies that are colluding to undermine american sovereignty. of course all the domestic forces within the united states who are sabotaging our will when it comes to enforcing strictly immigration law. all of these forces are the same forces that are aligned in the anti-trump resistance and boy, is our president up against a lot because, as i have always exposed and all of my work dating back to "invasion" from 2002 it is both idealogical parts of the spectrum. it would be one thing if it was easy to say -- steve: what do you mean both? >> one thing easy to say if it was george soros. there is entire chapter, about him supporting illegal alien lawyers lobby. you hear about all the people come out of the woodwork to support illegal alien rights. brian: who is paying them. >> not just soros, the problem is, some cases these are tax-exempt, non-profit charities. everybody is talking about maryland, right? i am a refugee from montgomery county, maryland. montgomery county, baltimore county for years are infested by soros-funded groups. they are tax-exempt groups we fund. it is so key people that understand the billions of dollars that are being funneled of hard-earned tax paying american citizens, money, to fund these illegal alien groups that turn around and sue us because they're not getting tax subsidized abortions or -- ainsley: sad if you look at statistics who are arrested. recently in baltimore county, seven people arrested. allegedly part of a gang. six of the seven here illegally from el salvador, one was from mexico. >> right. ainsley: they were arrested for attacking someone, killing a someone with a knife, several knives from a rival gang. this is who in our country the president wants to stop. not mom and dad trying to have a better life for their kid. in my opinion, let's do it the right way. these are the people he is trying to avoid coming into the country. >> we need to shut off all the magnets. we need to start targeting groups undermining the laws in places likes montgomery county and baltimore county. casade maryland in 2017 received 400,000 from george soros's open society institute. which is a tax-exempt, quote, unquote charity. when you have, are basically human smugglers and human traffickers that pose as charities. they go around and undermine the support for the american and women who put their lives on the line to enforce the law. where do you think this abolish i.c.e. movement comes from? it is funded by all of these left-wing groups for the last 30 to 40 years have been lobbying for illegal alien amnesty. why? because they believe it is going to result, many of them say, explicitly now, democratic presidential candidates who understand what their goal is not just to undermine the borders and block president trump but to secure a permanent ruling majority. steve: michelle, if they get a tax benefit, because they have been able to justify look, we're a charity because of this? >> i would like for congress to start investigating many of these groups. what you have in europe is understanding particularly in italy of these non-governmental organizations which collude with human schmuck letters. they make billions of dollars in profit. i think in particular, there should be criminal prosecutions for groups like the one in a record can, colorado, laid siege to the i.c.e. detention facility there. you saw it in july. the pictures and videos were all over fox news. they yanked the american flag down. they raised the mexican flag. they put a defaced "blue lives matter" flag. that is criminal trespassing, there hasn't been a single prosecution. steve: a group was a charity? >> yes. all of these groups, they lay there in wait for, for events like this. you know what i did on labor day? i had a stand with i.c.e. rally. 200 patriots from colorado came out on their day off to do something nobody else had done which is to show public support for men and women. they're being docked. there are professors in universities, sponsor companies like microsoft, i even asked microsoft employees in the book, do you support the doxxing of federal employees? one of these microsoft professors done that here in new york city. they didn't even bother to come up with an answer. well, we can get back to you on that. we have to hold the companies accountable for left-wing groups. brian: president is getting on top of that. 55,000, which is still ridiculous, apprehensions. we don't know who we missed as opposed to 144,000. the president said heck with congress. i will do everything on my own. >> he had to unilaterally. he has plenary powers to do so so he should do so. another thing very important, not just the southern border. it is comprehensive. what we had last friday was hysteria from the "new york times," bashing our president because he is rethinking the entire refugee resettlement racket. this is part of the u.n. agenda. under obama, those numbers exploded to close to 100,000 people that we were bringing in with very little vetting. today i'm breaking a story on 60 refugee jihadis we let in came here to stab, plot and bomb americans under the guise of compassion. only somebody like president trump had the courage to say, you know what? we need to freeze that. that is the proposal on the table this week. again, who is paying for this? guess what? you and me. steve: read all about it. book comes out tomorrow. you can preorder it today. open borders inc. thank you, michelle malkin. ainsley: congratulations, michelle. teaching moment going viral. a man asking a cop to pull over his teenage son. why? dad and son are here to talk about the lesson coming up. ♪ this fall, book two, separate qualifying stays at ...and earn a free night. because when your business is rewarding yourself, our business is you. book direct at ♪ jillian: welcome back. a times square elmo character busted for allegedly groping a 14-year-old girl. he inappropriately touched girl while she posed for a photo with him and her parents. the 54-year-old denied the act. and was released until the next court date. wilson high school in alabama are taking doors off boys bathroom stalls. students were sneaking off to vape. one boy even passed out. some parents call the move excessive. this comes as the cdc investigates at least 450 cases of vaping related illnesses nationwide and at least five deaths. steve? steve: jillian, thank you. fox news alert. an urgent rescue effort underway to save four crewmembers trapped for 24 hours inside of that tipped over cargo ship. brian: the coast guard is saving 20 other crewmembers by helicopter but they can't get inside to save the others. >>ed to pyro joins us from the studio with the latest on the stranded men. reporter: rescue teams near st. simpsons island, georgia, hope to get inside of the ship after conditions yesterday proved too dangerous. they rescued the crewmembers off the golden way, considering of the south koreans and filipinos. the cause of the accident was under investigation. the representative from the hyundai which runs shipping for hyundai motors, there was internal fire which could not be controlled which led the boat to capsize. the port of brunswick, closed. this port one of busiest car terminals for importing and exporting vehicles, moving more than 600,000 cars and heavy machinery this past year. the 660-foot long ship capsized had 442 cars on board was on the way to baltimore. no official estimate of the financial loss has been released. if the 4200 cars are destroyed the loss could range from 65 million to more than $125 million, based upon average prices of various hyundai models. that doesn't include lost revenue at the port while rescue efforts are underway. that is all secondary as the fight to save the four trapped crewmembers continues. steve, ainsley, brian. steve: desperate situation there, st. simons sound in georgia. ainsley: thank you, todd. a teachable moment has gone viral. a father asking an officer to pull over his teenaged son. that father and his son are here live to talk about the lesson coming up next. brian: i would personally like to check in with bill hemmer to find out what he planned this monday. >> big week, guys, really big week. breaking overnight, more on the massive rescue operation you mentioned off the coast of georgia. updates on that. congress is back. house republican leader kevin mccarthy back on the priorities. trump rally in north carolina. critical race tomorrow. we'll tell you about that. the bahamas reveal even more destruction by the day, stunning. join us in moments, kicking off a brand new week in ten minutes. ♪ no matter when you retire, your income doesn't have to. see how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at bookers can book literally hundreds of daily deals... 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[ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. ♪ ainsley: talk about a teachable moment, a new jersey dad going viral after asking a local police officer to pull over his son. steve: wait the dad asked him to pull over the son? that's right, the father was teaching his 16-year-old how to drive in an empty parking lot, when his son spot ad cop car and got a little nervous. that is when dad decided to teach his son a valuable lesson. ainsley: here with more the new jersey dad, former police officer himself, scott harrell and his son jason. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having us out. ainsley: dad, explained what happened. >> i took my son out. he turned 16. he was excited. i decided to give him a surprise. i took him out to a local parking lot. i said hey, time for you to get behind the wheel. he was excited a little nervous but did very well. started driving some laps. after third or fourth lap he noticed, i noticed him get a little nervous. i said, what's wrong? dad, look there is police officer just pulled into the lot. steve: jason, what did you think was going to happen? you do not have a license? you do not have a permit. you were just in a car with your dad driving illegally? >> yeah. when i saw the cop, i'm like, oh, no, i'm going to get in trouble. this is bad. i don't want to us get in trouble. i'm a trainee learning how to drive. steve: what did you do? >> i told my father, dad, there's a cop. he is like, well, calm down, son, calm down, son. do your laps. i continued. and then long story short he asked me to pull over in front of the cop. he told me to stay. then he went out and started talking. steve: you got out of the car, talked to the officer? >> i introduced myself to the officer. my son didn't hear the covers. i'm sure he thought making sure everything is okay. after i introduced myself i asked the officer, if you're not too busy, would you mind doing me a favor? what? would you mind pulling over my son. he looked at me like i had three heads for a moment. he said, what? it would be a great teachable moment. when my son saw you he is a little nervous. what we do in our household, when you're afraid of something we confront it. i didn't want my son because he saw a police officer to be nervous, to be scared. you know they're there to help. they're there to do their job. there is no reason for to us put up a level of fear just on sight. steve: right. >> i would rather take him through the experience when i'm there with him as opposed to have aing terrifying moment when he is pulled over for the first time which i know is how i felt. steve: sure. ainsley: what is your message to the people that are watching, are nervous when they get around police officers or watch the video of people throwing milk and water and water bucket, what is your message to the folks that are watching that might say that, that's justified? they're in a neighborhood, they feel like there are some bad apples out there? >> one of reasons why i put this post out there, i'm thankful it went viral is because, there is more good news that should spread than bad. i mean, yes, we do see it out there that all these bad interactions between officers and young people like my son but everybody's a human being. steve: sure. this was a good reaction. jason, real quickly what did the police officer say to you? >> when he pulled me over, of course i'm panicking and he said, hello, sir, can i have your license and registration? i'm, dad, i don't have a license and registration? we're in trouble. and, and you know told me, your license is covered and stuff. it turned out from being almost bad point to a good point. and it was -- >> learned how to respect police officers. your dad did as well. >> the officer was a wonderful man. i hope i get to see him again. that was it. steve: jason, scott, thank you very much for sharing your teaching moment. >> thank you. >> scott, thank you for your service. sa thank you. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. all day strong. >> that will wrap it up from new york city. go to fox nation for the "after the show show". you'll have a choice, fox nation for radio or for you guys. >> bill: all right. good morning, everybody. the taliban threatening more violence after president trump cancels peace talks over the weekend. where does it leave his effort to end america's longest war? we have a packed three hours for you and welcome. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. >> heather: i'm heather childress in for sandra smith. the white house called off the planned secret meeting with the taliban after a suicide bombing killed an american solder and at least 10 other people. this happened in kabul last week. as democrats and even some republicans slammed the decision to invite taliban leaders to camp david for talks just days before september 11th. >> bill: the secretary of state mike pompeo on "fox news sunday".


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