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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20150110

but is it going to clear out the atmosphere? we need both of those things to happen. we'll talk about if it will and the chance of rain in the seven-day outlook coming up. chris? lisa thank you. 8:01 is our time. drivers looking to cross the golden gate bridge this weekend will be out of luck. crews closed the bridge to motorists overnight. workers are busy right now installing a movable median barrier that will prevent head-on collisions. nick smith joins us live from the golden gate bridge toll plaza with a look at what's to come. good morning to you. >> reporter: new information, we have learned they are doing other work directly related to that movable median barrier -- installing new wires, installing new lights, installing different pieces of the machinery that they will need to make sure that everything operates the way that it should. all of this again, directly related to the barrier installation. now the clock is ticking to complete that job that started just before midnight. officials shut down the golden gate bridge to vehicles late last night so workers can install that movable median barrier designated to prevent head-on collisions. now it's part of an effort to increase safety. according to golden gate bridge spokesperson david clemens being ready in time for the monday morning commute remains the priority. >> if we can open early, we will. we don't know if that's a possibility yet, but everything is going forward well. we're very happy with the progress that's been made overnight. and certainly the minute that we can open up the bridge to the driving public we will do that. >> reporter: now to create that movable barrier, that's a project in and of itself. 35,000 concrete blocks attached together by steel pins will be installed along the 1.7 mile long bridge and on the approach north of the golden gate. to reconfigure the bridge's six lane highway the barriers will be moved using trucks. back here live you can see that crews are still work to go get things in place. i can tell you that i just ran across a few bikers taking advantage of this opportunity -- can we get over there? i want to you see. there are like 300 bikers about to get on the bridge and actually go across. they said they're going to ride up to point reyes and usually they have to deal with the smog and everything from cars and the exhaust. this he said not today. we are going to take this opportunity to enjoy it. that's what we're finding a lot of people doing, working around this weekend and the closure of the bridge, making the best of the situation because all of it is designed to improve safety as we use it to commute regularly. here at the golden gate bridge, nick smith, abc 7 news. and are for the people coming out today, a chance to be a part of history. nick, thank you so much. you have to make the drive from the north bay to san francisco this this weekend, the detour will take you over the richmond, san rafael bridge along interstate 80 and then over the bay bridge. that drive normally takes about an hour but with all of the extra traffic expected, plan ahead for a much longer commute. however, it is difficult to predict exactly how much the shutdown will impact traffic. but transportation officials aren't taking any chances. they're preparing for a very rough weekend ahead. abc 7 news reporter alan wang tense with that part of the story. >> this has never really been done on it this scale before. >> reporter: the closing of the golden gate bridge this weekend could cause gridlock all over the bay area. the expectation is that drivers between san francisco and the north bay will funnel through the oakland bridge, down the 85/80 core could dore, and across the richmond-san rafael bridge. >> it's a two-lane bridge in each direction. so you have two lanes attempting to carry not only normal weekend traffic but now this surplus of weekend traffic. >> we came here to mark the golden gate bridge off our bucket list. >> reporter: julie and terry sloanerer, terrorists from ft. worth, texas, had to alter their weekend plans. >> now we'll be going south. >> reporter: to alleviate the congestion golden gate transit is running four times as many ferry runs to san francisco and twice as many from sosol iito. transit buses offer the only way across the bridge. they'll be operating on regular weekend schedules but there could be delays so passengers should leave early to reach their destinations. >> even if i was going to be here this weekend, i wouldn't even try. >> reporter: a host of factors will determine this weekend's traffic conditions, but just to be safe, the chp is preparing for the worst. alan wang, abc 7 news. and we'll be keeping an eye on the closures throughout this newscast and all weekend on air and online. visit for details on closeures and detours along with information on public transit options. we also have a link for you to download the traffic app waves. it's free on the app store or google play and we'd love to have you join the abc 7 news waves group. now to some developing news this morning. police in san francisco are investigating a shooting that left four people dead. it happened at around 10:00 last night on page street in the city's hayes valley neighborhood. police say four men were shot to death inside a vehicle. right now no suspects are in custody, but police were interviewing witnesses overnight. >> there were a the lot of shots fired. some went into dwellings. right now we're trying to find out and check on all the residents to make sure none of the residents were hit. there were a lot of shots fired. >> police say they're still looking into the motive for the shooting but say the area has been having issues with gang violence. three it terror suspects in paris are dead while a fourth is still on the run. authorities are looking for this woman woman. she's the 26-year-old girlfriend of one of the dead suspects. the three men were killed in two separate poelice standoffs. the hostages were also killed. we have the latest. >> reporter: it was at almost exactly the same time, a day long standoff that had gripped france and the world came to an end. in an industrial park 25 miles from paris, brothers cherif and said kouachi suspected in the murder of 12 people at the newspaper charlie hebdo at the printing company where they had been holed up. in eastern paris their friend coulibaly rushed at police. this morning new details emerging about the hours before the near simultaneous raids. it all started around 9:00 a.m. the kouachi brers on the run stealing they ran into a police roadblock. shots fired injuring one of the brothers in the throat. they led to the printing workshop where they ran into a salesman. but then surprisingly let him go. i met one of the terrorists and i shook his hand, he told french radio. the gunman told him we don't kill civilians. amazingly a young employee of the company had hidden under a sink and was texting the police information from inside as s.w.a.t. teams swarmed nearby rooftops. the town on lockdown. 1:00 p.m., approximately 25 miles from the printers, amedy coulibaly stormed in with a weapon. they confirmed it was the same man who killed a police wm the day before. his wife a suspected accomplice still wanted. if they went after the kouachi brothers, he said he'd kill the hostages. at 5:00 p.m. the kouachi brothers decided enough was enough. just moments ago we started hearing loud gunshots, repeated, sustained gunshots as well as at least one large boom. police countering with stun grenades. inside they found an arsenal of automatic weapons molotov cocktails, and a rocket propelled greennade. minutes later back at the grocery store, police launched their assault. coulibaly killed but not before he murdered three hostages. some hid in a freezer, fled to booby trapped buildings. after the sejs were over, a french tv station revealed one of the brothers, cherif, had called them, claiming we are not killers, he said. we are defenders of the prophet. >> and that was alex marquette reporting. eric holder will represent the united states in paris this weekend to talk about combatting terrorism. meanwhile, a travel alert for americans overseas. the u.s. state department is urgently warning all americans living or traveling abroad to be more vigilant because of the situation in paris as well as the recent terror attacks in australia and canada. bay area muslims came together in san francisco's union square last night to show sympathy and solidarity for the people of paris and the shooting victims. abc 7 news reporter kaety marzullo has more. >> reporter: one by one they light the candles. when they're done, the flickering he lights read peace. >> peace loving people and they feel the sorrow of everyone else who has been the victim of terrorism. >> reporter: bay area musslims wanted to do something to show they stand in solidarity with the people of paris and show the notions of the killings in charlie hebdo is wrong. >> it has nothing to do with islam. >> reporter: halem bazian was just in paris last month for an islamaphobia conference. >> we don't accept raceism, discrimination, bigotry, islamaphobia, anti-semitism in general and, as such this is the moment for us to respond as a society. as a community. >> reporter: not everyone here is muslim. there are the people who just happened upon it and joined in. the security guards who patrol union square helped light the candle. and then there are the french, a group of co-workers who just happened to be in town this week on business. >> i don't think it's because of religion that this happens. crazy people do crazy things. >> reporter: maria cannot wait to get home to her family in paris. but for now she's comforted by the vigil. in san francisco, katie marzullo, abc 7 news. and we'll have continuing coverage of the terror attack in paris on air and online at our reporting continues now on twitter @abc7newsbayarea. weatherwise mild temperatures today. some fog out there. >> in the north bay be and the south bay but inwe have a little slice of sunshine. looking good with the high clouds mid level clouds. fog, dirty air all comes together and it looks like a good start. the afternoon will be another hazy afternoon. clear the air day with cooler numbers ahead. rain and clean air. i'll let you know if that's in the outlook coming up. also ahead, search crews hoist the tail of the flight out of the java sea. the latest to locate the plane's black boxes. plus a success ifful launch for spacex as it heads to the international space station. another part of the mission didn't fare so well. okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. good morning everyone. we're welcoming you back with a live look at the golden gate bridge. this is from the marin side looking south. we saw a group of some 300 cyclists ride over the bridge. you can see some runners and walkers on the left side of the screen. the bridge is closed for upgrades. we'll check in with nick smith coming up. developing news now, investigators searching for black boxes in the crashed air asia plane have lifted the tail portion of the aircraft out of the java sea. the tail was hoisted from a tenth of about 100 feet. the operation came two weeks after the plane went down killing all 162 people onboard. officials tell abc news ping-like sounds coming from the plane's black boxes were detected from the sea bed but due to strong currents divers were forced to suspend their under water efforts for the time being. 8:16 is our time. happening today a private funeral will be held as friends and families bid a final farewell to longtime es pn anchor stuart scott. a visitation service was held yesterday in raleigh north carolina. scott died on sunday at the age of 49 after a long battle with stomach cancer. remembered mostly for his quick wit and colorful sports commentary scott became an inspiration especially to those fighting cancer. president obama released a statement saying scott inspired others with courage and love. comedian bill cosby was heckled again during a live performance in canada. it happened last night in hamilton, ontario when a group stood up and began chanting, we believe the women. cosby stind his stand-up routine after security officers removed the hecklers. he later released a statement thanking fans for their support. at least 18 women in recent months have accused cosby of past sexual assaults. no charges have been filed. imagine glug razor sharp dimes flat against a wall and climbing up the wall half a mile. that's essentially what a man and his climbing partner are trying to do on one of the hardest rock climbs in the world. tiffany wilson has more on what they're up against. >> reporter: for most climbers, the don wall inspires awe. for tommy caldwell, it issued a challenge. >> it will certainly be the hardest free climb done. >> reporter: since 2007 caldwell's investigated every millimeter sized nub in the half-mile-high sheet of granite. jorgensen joined the effort five years ago. now they're two weeks into a free climb up the don wall. >> it's taken 40 years for climbing to progress to a point where this is going to be possible of. >> reporter: to show you just how advanced they are, these are some of the typical holds that someone learning to climb would use. now on the don wall kevin and tommy are clinging to holds about the width of this nickel. there are two sections. calleddwell has cleared the most difficult 20. jorg son's support team sent a tweet saying kevin just sent 15 epic #don wall. he cleared pitch 15. pitch 15 eluded him in previous attempts and many questioned if his hands were healthy enough to continue. >> he literally cut his fingertips open from his hold. and that's a us fromfrustrating position to be in. >> reporter: and waiting means huddling in a nylon tent hoping the weather wouldn't turn. >> it's getting pretty rowdy. >> reporter: tom evans is photographing the quest. we spoke to him over the phone about kevin and tommy's pro degrees. >> anything can happen. i'd like to say you don't have it made until you have it done. >> reporter: they took some big steps forward. perhaps they will see the summit, too. in san francisco tiffany wilson, abc 7 news. new this morning, a spacex rocket has blasted off with supplies for the international space station. the unmanned rocket took off this morning from cape canaveral, florida, just before 2:00 a.m. local time. the primary mission for spacex was to deliver more than 5,000 pounds of food, experiments, and other items. its revolutionary attempt to land the leftover booster he on an ocean barge was not successful. the company's founder says the booster came down too hard and broke apart. today's launch was the second try this week by spacex to launch its dragon cargo ship. time is 8:20. weatherwise people are waking up to hazy conditions out there. you look outside maybe at home and think it's going to be a beautiful day. you walk outside. it might be a different story. >> you can see the haze and fog behind us from the bay bridge and it's very foggy in berkeley and in oakland this morning, hayward and fremont. so it's not just confined to the typical north bay, santa rosa, in a napa community. the low clouds greeting you this morning with a stronger onshore push p. it will make in for a cloudy afternoon. a haze and mostly cloudy sky. but from time to time the clouds will thin out because we have a system offshore that will get closer. it may help to mix the atmosphere out just a little bit. east bay hills camera and you can see the fog below. it is pretty dicey out there. be aware of that. we're looking at upper 40s in morgan hill. cool out there but we're and it tis pating that these clouds will stay with us and partly cloudy sky in the south bay today. low 40s for napa novato. fairfield, 43. it's 49 in livermore and it's been kind of foggy out that way as well. sfo no delays. you'll notice a chance of sprinkles late tonight. this weak system that will skert by the coast bringing a better chance of showers for santa barbara, southern california. a look at the golden gate bridge. you can see all that fog and the air quality not only in the north bay but the santa clara valley is poor today with the rest of the bay experiencing medium air quality. this week's system as it pushes to the south just not enough to it to bring us anything other than a few sprinkles. more clouds and the possibility of a sprinkle here or there. we'll add to the 17 days without rainfall. we'll probably get to about three weeks before we can break this spell and bring in light rain maybe next weekend. 59 in vallejo with about 60 out to the delta, san mateo and low 60s for san jose and about oakland as well as clover dale. a little change tomorrow, a few more clouds. more of that cooling fog that will bring an easterly component with more wind. in increasing clouds. hopefully it will break down this this ridge. the abc 7 news weather app. it's free on apple's app store or google play and we have more information @abc7news. we were so excited in december. this is a kind of disappointment disappointment. >> fingers crossed there will be precip in the coming weeks. >> at least it's not march. >> lisa, thank you very much. time is 8:23. you up next, a wish comes through for four of the biggest little basketball fans. why these can kids got to practice with steph curry and this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, we don't love artificial colors or flavors. does anybody? and's gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. have you tried gluten free chex oatmeal and new chex granola mix? two more delicious reasons to love chex. steph curry granted some wishes yesterday. four lucky make-a-wish kids got to practice with him in oakland. they're all huge warriors fans and curry is their eyeidol. one boy even got a special haircut for his team. another came all the way from albuquerque for this welcome break from hospitals and surgery. >> it's amazing seeing his reaction to this. he's been over the moon especially ever since yesterday when he saw steph curry. he can't sleep. he's having a hard time eating he wants to play basketball constantly. >> pretty cool because he's like one of the best players in the league right now. >> and take a look at those kicks. all the kids got a pair of the new curry one basketball shoes. they also got tickets to last night's game against the cleveland cavaliers. the world faymous harlem globetrotters tour is dubbed the washington generals revenge. the club is also celebrating its 89th consecutive year. slick will shaw and blake shot hoops with disabled youth at a school in oakland. the trotters played twice today at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. much more ahead on the saturday morning news. here's a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. it is closed had this weekend for safety upgrades. our very own nick smith will have a live report in just a few minutes. >> there was an outpouring of people who really wanted to help you. >> a woman's emotional response to the support from abc 7 news viewers on her side after a scam artist stole hundreds of dollars from her. female announcer: it's time to make room for the new mattress models! during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance 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bay, less than a quarter of a mile, fairfield three miles and oakland and the coast at about four miles. so the fog with us for the next couple of hours. hazy sunshine today, a cooler afternoon, another spare the air day, and a weak system offshore. we'll let you know how that will influence the weekend, chris. thanks so much. crews are working to install a movable median barerier that officials say will help prevent head-on collisions. we are joined live with a look at the work in progress. it's good to have you with us. >> reporter: it is good to be here, chris. i wanted to see them putting it together . we watch the pieces come together just like a jigsaw puzzle. how this all started last night they actually closed the bridge so workers could install this movable median barrier designated to prevent head-on collisions to increase safety. crews are attacking from different areas. >> the crews are starting in three different location ss on the bridge, so you'll see some work at the toll plaza. in mid span they're heading south and at the north end of the bridge the crew is heading north. a team will go over and connect the last part between the middle and north end. >> reporter: now as you can see back here live to create that movable barerier they are attached by steel pins. they are hammering those into place. this is along the bridge and on the approach portion the 32 inch tall barrier will be moved using trucks like a zipper. to the left of your screen, he they fillm the work in progress. they're excited what it is they're doing. they're going to take me on to the bridge itself, on to the roadway so we can touch, see, field those barriers going into place. again, this is absolutely fascinating to watch. we've spoken to people walking along the bridge who are excited about the process. they're happy about the fact that this will increase a layer of safety. they believe as you drive along the golden gate bridge, back here live again, they are meeting up in the middle and doing a safety check. >> thanks for that report. bridges are impacting for the closure. at the barrel house restaurant reservations are down 30% this weekend. in san francisco businesses around the ferry building are actually preparing for a boost in business. four times the number of ferries will be running to make up for the bridge closure. >> more people, more traffic flow, more dog owners. we'll be down here. >> one guy in marin county told us he's going to a stay in marin party later tonight. be sure to advice et us online for closures and detours as well as information on public transit options. there's a link for you to download the traffic app on your cell phone to navigate. it is free on apple's app store or google play. we'd love for you to join the waves group. 8:34 is our time. developing news, a search is under way for suspects responsible for possibly shooting four people to death in san francisco. it happened at around 10:00 last night in the city's hayes valley neighborhood. police say four men inside a car were shot. again, all of them died. police say more than ten shots were fired. right now they're talking to anyone who may have is heard or seen anything. >> really quite surprised because it was a very peaceful area. a restaurant and the residential area. never would imagine there would be a shooting. >> police say they're still looking into the motive for the shooting. a 7 on your side story about a marin county woman who fell victim to a ruthless scam artist just before christmas hit a nerve with people ear in the bay area. it touched their hearts so deeply they just had to help her. here is michael finney with the big surprise that gave her story a very sweet ending. >> reporter: this is the story that touched the hearts of so many. carolyn in her room at this assisted living home received a shock ing phone call. >> i'm a policeman. my name is zach miller and you are under arrest. there's a warrant out for your arrest. >> reporter: the man said she failed to show up for jury duty. she had to pay $500 right away or she'd go to jail. >> i was stunned. i believed him. he was a policeman. i trust policemen. >> reporter: the man ordered her to go to her bank withdraw $500 and load it on to a green-dot money card. he stayed on the line the whole time as carolyn walked to her bank, then to cvs to buy the money card. >> he told me, don't tell people why you're taking this money out of the bank and going to cvs. don't tell them at cvs or they'll have you arrested. >> reporter: the man told her to scrape the silver lining off the money card. >> there's a number there and i want to you give me that number. >> reporter: she did and the crook used it to steal all the money loaded on the card. it wasn't until later that a friend told her that was no cop. it was a scam. she just lost all her savings. >> i live on ssi and i don't have that much money at my fingertips. >> the story came on about carolyn and how she had been taken for $500 by this person, andly annoyed me. it angered me. >> reporter: he felt so outraged he vowed to help restore her savings. >> i just wanted her to know that despite all the not so desirable people out there in this world, there's a the lot of people who do care. >> i teared up a bit. i was very moved by her can -- what happened to her. >> reporter: uma of san jose contacted me asking can how she could help and offers poured in from all over the bay area. paul ray in san jose wrote, my heart was broken when she said she's been saving and living on ssi. i want to give her a $500 gift. another person from n san francisco said it's so sad there are folks out there who would do such a thing. and ray in santa rosa writes, i am not a wealthy man, but i would like to donate to resurrect her faith in humankind. donations flowed in. legal aid of marin collected the money on carolyn's behalf and today i surprised her with the gift. carolyn, i'm michael finney from channel 7. >> hello. >> reporter: i have a check here from the viewers of 7 on your side for the $500 you were scammed out of. carolyn was overwhelmed. >> thank you. >> at least it's a happy ending though. >> it just made me feel good because i knew that would put a smile on her face. >> reporter: donors gave more than enough to restore her savings. >> we created a fund. >> reporter: legal aid will use a carolyn kolcollins fund to visit homes for the elderly and warn with about these scams and as part of the program carolyn herself will be making her own presentation to those residents. we'll follow up to show you how it works out and our heartfelt thanks to all of our generous viewers. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. still ahead on the saturday morning news, a classroom conservation project that did its job and then some. how the san francisco school district saved more than its share of waterer. as we had head to break, the time right now is approaching 8:39. here is a live look from the golden gate bridge the marin side. a 52-hour closure current lyly in place. you can see the progress that's been made on the new barrier and you can see the fog in the area. lisa argen will have your now earn cash for your school year-round at safeway with just for u e box tops offers. simply enroll online at safeway dot com slash box tops and start earning! plus, now until january 20th buy five participating products and earn 20 e box tops with the just for u digital coupon, only at safeway! here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the morning off right with these delicious big g cereals! or, try new yoplait greek two percent! grab a quick bite with nature valley and motts snacks! and enjoy a hearty meal with some new favorites. you'll find these and other general mills products on sale at safeway today! bulldog: well pup, it's out with the old and in with the new during mattress discounters' year end clearance sale. pup: look! i found a red tag! bulldog: that means 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still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! co looking at the approach to the golden gate bridge, clear road conditions this morning because it's closed. you can stay up to date with the latest traffic conditions on abc 7 news bay area. 8:42 is the time. chipotle fans, mark your calendar. chipotle wants to give its filling, a special promotion, if customers order an item on monday, january 26, they'll get a free burrito bowl, taco or salad if they come back the next month. they rolled out its option nationwide in march of last year. as we bring in lisa argen, lisa, it is interesting they're doing it now. >> yeah. >> it's been out for a while. >> right, right. >> it's a good idea. low to mid-30s. those are the temperatures right now and a pretty picture. at about 40% of normal, the high in the low 50s today, maybe some showers on monday. our own local weather he and the seven-day forecast coming up. lisa, thank you. some interesting comments from ex-warriors coach marc jackson as he returns to oracle arena for the first time since being let go. larry beil has nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. wherever morning takes you take along nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. oatmeal. cinnamon. softly-baked. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. because of the drought large bay area businesses and other organizations are under orders to can cut their watter usage by 10%. but this morning abc 7 news education reporterer lyanne melendez melendez has gone well beyond that goal. >> reporter: public schools in san francisco with large green areases and guardardens have been working on water conservation for the past several years. to do that they've had to find ways to be more sustainable. >> the system has drip irrigation which is really the way to go. if it's leaking, you're not saving any water. >> reporter: lincoln and other high schools have also shortened the watering time for their football fields. rick mya oversees at all schools within the district. >> ran irrigation tests and readjusted heads, replaced heads heads, changed nozzles. >> reporter: they have these systems at roughly 30 of their schools. the recent rains filled the cistern and the water is used for the garden. and those efforts have paid off. in october the san francisco public utilities commission told all big organizations if you want to continue to use water for landscaping purposes, you have to reduce consumption by 10%. since that mandate, schools in san francisco have dropped water consumption by 43%. the district is doing more than just conserving water out in their green areas. these bottles were given to each student to be refilled atwater stations. at home i try to take less or shorter showers than usual. i try not to keep the tap on when i'm brushing my teeth. >> we're trying to influence everybody to use the water bottle station because, like plastic water bottles, not a good thing. >> their job is to educate their peers and in the sense of water conservation they've given presentations talking about how their actions matter. >> reporter: in san francisco lyanne melendez abc 7 news. time to -- kind of cool to see that water bottle that the kids were using. i'll probably need water today for my workout. probably will have to keep it indoors today. >> the air is dirty. we need more air. a pretty good series of storms. not much is on the horizon just little bits of improvement here and there but they may offset one another and i'll explain coming up. you can see the clouds around and no precip. there's a weak system offshore that may generate more wind and help clean out some of the dirty air but not enough to make a significant impact. here is the view from our camera where temperatures are mild in the low 50s from oakland san francisco, half moon bay. 46 in san jose with a little bit of sunshine. it was mild yesterday in the upper 60s. a look at how hazy it looks. napa santa rosa, mid-40s concord. livermore on your way to 50 degrees soon and we will have cooler highs today, s fo cloudy skies and hazy skies throughout the afternoon. it also may provide late today into tomorrow . -high pressure builds in quickly behind it bringing a return to mild conditions and dry conditions. there is the golden gate bridge. nobody is on it. the north bay, santa clara valley medium air quality east bay and also in the south central bay inland east bay as well. it is heading towards central and southern california. it doesn't have much moisture with it. it may break up some of the cloud cover, bring a few sprinkles as it continues to drift to the south. then it will be out of here and we're looking at a weak system behind it to dive into the great basin basin. that- high pressure builds behind that. and that could create some gusty winds. it's not anything in terms of rainmaker that we're looking beyond this week's system. so you can see some of the shower activity perhaps offshore offshore. los angeles 64. 52 in the northern sierra. a cooler day and beyond that breezy east winds. this is what happens next weekend. a chance of rain. this could change. it could intensify. it doesn't look all that impressive. 61 today in oakland, in palo aalto and santa cruz. 62 in livermore. a chance of sprinkles late today and tomorrow with upper 50s to low 60s and then for monday, tuesday and wednesday it's all about high pressure-again and easterly winds bringing cooler and fog. so far january has been just dry as a bone. >> yes, it has been. lisa, thank you so much. turning to sports tonight the sharks return. the puck drops at the s.a.p. center at 7:00. the warriors closed out a six six-game home stand looking for a home victory against the cavaliers. here is sports director larry beil with the highlights in this morning's sports report. good morning. marc jackson you cannot disrespect the caterpillar and rave about the butterfly. and he's right. back at orcal arena working the game for espn shook hands with owner lacob. got a standing ovation. warriors, cavs, no lebron james. lots of shots for j.r. smith. 27 for j.r. andrew bogut second game back from injury, throwing it down from draymond green. klay thompson has a dog named rocco. 20 of his 24 in the first half. here is jackson on thompson. >> knock it down. excuse me. rocco at home loving it. >> bowgut the big block, not in my house. played 20 minutes. harrison barns had had 11. their 14th straight win at home. oh, my goodness, a globe trot er. all he could do was tip it. 99-94. that's amazing. college football news oregon lost one of their best receivers. darren carrington failed a drug test marijuana. so he is not eligible to play in the national championship game on monday night. this is a significant loss for the ducks. carrington had seven catches for 126 yards and two touchdowns in the rose bowl against florida state. for the national title monday night, january 12, a 5:30 kickoff. you know you've made it as an athlete when you star in your own "sportscenter" commercial. a funny spot debuted featuring the warriors' own steph curry. >> not again. i didn't know you were watching last night. thank you. it means a lot. thank you. >> what are you talking about? >> 27 last night and today -- >> 54 points last week and the next day curry stew. thank you so much. thank you. i lace them up every night for guys like you. >> who was that guy? >> i don't know. he didn't like the chicken, though. >> it's all about the curry. that's a wrap on morning sports and have a great weekend. i'm larry beil. >> 8:5 this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, we don't love artificial colors or flavors. does anybody? and's gluten free. chex. full of what 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first stop for the san francisco giants world series trophy tour. the tour comes to santa rosa's community center at 1:00 this afternoon in the third public tour held in the past five years. the giants will show off their 2010, '12 and '14 championship trophies. throughout the month of january, february, and are march giants fans will have the chance to view the trophies and have their photo taken with them. if you want to catch the giants trophies find a link with dates and locations on our website lisa final weather check? >> another spare the air day. the fog is getting worse around oakland and fremont, look for 59 downtown and we could could see a few sprinkles along with that overnight tonight. it's all about high pressure, very uneventful weather right through next week. hopefully looking for some rain next weekend. >> lisa, thank you very much. and thanks to to you for joining us on the abc 7 saturday morning news. the news continues now on spline, on twitter, facebook and on all of your mobile devices with our abc 7 news app. you can stay updated on the golden gate bridge closure. a live look outside as we say good-bye. 52-hour closure happens now and last >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> hello, everybody, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." how far will i go to meet nature's most captivating creatures? to the ends of the earth, literally. oh, look at the ones fighting out here. look at those two standing up. today, six adventures that took me from the frigid waters south of south america... sue, look at how the penguins are coming to greet us. to elephant country in africa... >> well, they're commonly called a bachelor herd. >> and all the way up to alaska's glacier bay. >> you can't appreciate their size until you're down here with


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