Can you even we have not ended the scourge and the threat of home violent extremism. People ask me what keep you up at night. Thats thing number one. The prospect of another home grown or home born, violent extremists acquiring a weapon or a tool of Mass Violence and carrying out an attack some place here in the homeland. It cannot be quantified. It is difficult to detect and given the nature of it. In my view, what we and Homeland Security needs to do in addition to all the they thinks we are doing is to continually to remind the American People of all the things we are doing and 10 or 12 things we are doing and constantly securing our homeland but to also say to them there is a role for a public of awareness and vigilance. You cannot eliminate all risks whether it is a terror attack or a mass shooting or gun violence. We cannot end it tomorrow. We can and reduce it as much as possible, consistent with our values and laws. But, the prospect of an hbe attack is still there and we need