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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140203

live in napa with reaction from neighbors and what is next. >> frank, michelle, they will be filing charges against the mother and boyfriend and currently they are being held in the napa county department of corrections. as you take a look, maybes have been stopping by. trying to understand what went wrong. >> this hello kitty bike in the doorway. a reminder for neighbors of the innocence lost in this apartment. >> it is to walk by the apartment and see her hello kitty bike up there. a.m. the candles are lit all night. it is sad, heartbreaking. >> they remember 3-year-old. >> the mother and her boyfriend ryan scott warner, the prime suspects. both may face homicide charges and assault in the child's death. >> never think a mom would do that. and especially leak your neighbor that looks calm. and she loves her daughter. she was found dead after police got anonymous call for a welfare check. she was found home alone badly beaten and sexually assaulted. >> he is a friend of warner and said warner had a good relationship with kaley. >> there was no abuse at all. very shocking to hear and understand that he would do something like that. >> with you neighbor elizabeth said she noticed changes in kruger after dating warner. >> weight loss. >> not coming out. >> they were caught trying to get away after they were spotted in a restaurant in elcerito. >> we aren't expected to get the results of the autopsy until the investigation is complete. kruegers and washer are expected back in court tomorrow afternoon. according to the court records, the two suspects do not have a criminal history. they are due in court tomorrow afternoon. there is a special mode of transportation. >> there is a ferry service that is being tested for the employees. > >> there is no mistaking the google ferry for transportation. >> the triumphant and 83-foot catamaran ferry and dinner boat complete with the ambience cruise into the ferry on time. it is the maiden voyage of the alameda program. >> you are okay with google sharing this ferry terminal. >> sure. hopefully it brings money in town. >> they can't park in the already crowded lot or the neighboring streets. >> they arrived in. a white google shuttle bus and told not to talk to reporters. >> they were selected to try it out. >> we counted 50 people who got it on far below the 500 person capacity. they have to catch another shuttle bus in mountain view. >> told morning commute time. hour and a half. >> they say they are not jealous complete with wi-fi. >> so much money. >> i get to do that. >> and we get what we went. >> as long as we get the work, i am happy. >> we don't want to inconvenience anyone as we look for new ways to get to work. >> the google ferry pilot program will run until friday. >> kpix 5. >> there is an intense search for a convicted killer who escaped from a prison. after last night's escape. michael david elliott used a box cutter to abduct a woman in indiana. they say elliott used the box cutter to escape prison by creating holes in fences. >> they are in custody. accused of shooting a police officer to death. >> police say some students were held hostages for awhile. no students were hurt. >> shooting was 800 miles away from sochi where there are concerns about terror attacks. no indications that the shooting is terror related or olympic related. >> they are getting ready are to the olympic games. many visitors are finding the hotels are not quite ready. it is playing down the delays. > >> everybody has the same quality and whenever there was a property. >> we reached our target. annually be ready. >> crews are putting up high signs telling them how to get to key locations. >> they began arriving last thursday. an autopsy will be done on philip seymour hoffman. he was found dead in his manhattan apartment yesterday morning. he appears to have died from a drug overdose. he won an oscar for his role as trueman cap post tee in -- capote and that was for "capote." >> we don't have people to call our own and for people like that, the community would come out and see all his films. >> he was a humble, hard-working man. he came back to his hometown of rochester and he supported the local arts. am happening today, the come tight tee -- committee wants the waterfront. >> they join us live in the newsroom. and this is the pivotal day for the project. >> opponent of the waterfront project. must hand in the required signatures to put this on the pale. all the while a multimillion dollars bail sits in the balance. >> to build an arena on the waterfront has evolved over the years. >> to build and push back grand opening. >> soon, the public could have the final say on its fate. >> subjecting the project to the ballot box. >> they sat down with kpix's phil metier, they would have a say as to whether they want it on the water front. >> arena opponents will turn in 15,000 signatures for a measure that would require the warriors and any other developer to win voter approval before exceeding the current height limits along the waterfront. the latest blow came this weekend when they announced it would knot open in time for 2,017 basketball season. warrior's president said they want to get it right. >> we are going to create a project that san francisco is proud. but it takes time to put that in the design: the design has changed three times to win over the public. >> cost estimates for prepping have recently doubled to $180 million. but the war i don't remember's precedent, the push back grand opening date and the public backlash are not dead ends. just bumps. >> this is for enter attend meant. and provide all sorts of ways for the city to interact with them right now. >> so that is an advisory committee at 6:00. >> pier one. >> and this is slated for 650. >> mark kelly. >> they require a number of signatures, the arena vote will hit the ballot box in june. >> he is no tom hanks, but he said he is a real life castaway. >> president obama bites back at bill o'reilly. his interview making headlines, next. >> i am in the weather center. >> getting some rain around the bay area. >> skies are parting now. but more rain is on the horizon. we will tell you when, coming up. ,,,, one of the best things about is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. for example, if you're a single person making less than $46,000 a year, or a family of four, earning up to $94,200, you may be eligible for premium assistance. the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. get answers, and get covered. find out if you're eligible and enroll now. at seahawks first- ever super championship. (woohoo!) . a victory parade is in seattle where they are celebrating the seahawks first ever super bowl championship. >> and this is what the streets of seattle look like last night after the seahawks pounded the denver broncos in the super bowl in jersey. they won any major championship, it was all the way back in 1979 when the super sonics won the nba title. >> they are considered the under goings and they founded the broncos 43-8. malcolm smith had a big game and he is the mvp. > >> i didn't think i would get to the point of being mvp. >> you might be the mvp. >> i said no way. not me. >> he was huge. >> for the super bowl. and down slightly. because of the lack of suspense, this game was over in a hurry. then there were the tv commercials. >> merck the beautiful for spacious skies. might want to hold onto the donuts. >> budweiser ad with the puppy and horse got 2 million hits. before the game started. that was one of the favorites. you just wanted to watch them one more time. go to the website to see the video. they have an interview with president obama. >> bill o'reilly grilled him. when he knew on the attacks were terror rim. >> your retractors believe you department toldle word it was a terror attack because the campaign didn't want that out. >> they believe that because folks like you are telling them that. >> i am not telling them that. >> that is inaccurate. >> we revealed to the american people exactly what weigh understand at the time. >> in the pregame interview. he did not say which team he thought was going to win the game. >> janet yellen is the first woman chair and here is yellen being sworn in. and daniel tarullo, the 67-year-old. he dewpoint make any comments and she did smile at the crowd that was applauding heir. >> she was nominated by president obama and will serve until february of 2018. take you live to the big board. stock resist down. the dow seventh triple digit loss. it still has time. analysts say concerns about global growth are weighing down the markets here in february. >> this is a crazy story. >> possible real life castaway is now safe on land. >> he drifted for more than a year on the pacific ocean. he was found sunday in a heavily damaged boat in a remote area of the marshal islands. he said he was lost at sea for 13 months after leaving mexico. it was supposed to be a one day fishing trip. they are trying to determine whether his story is true. >> it sounds like an incredible sea story about a man that went fishing for one day and expected to return to the port on the west coast of mexico. but he was blown off by a storm. and he said he has been out at sea since december 21, 2012. >> the map claims he survived by eating fish and turtles that he caught and drinking rain water. a young man that was with him died four weeks into the drift. >> quite a story. >> amazing story if it is true. >> you think someone at some point. >> but that is a vast ocean out there as well. >> finally rain around the bay area. things are settling down and just a couple of clouds. and sierra, nevada, they had more snow up there. >> much needed snow across the high country and the pattern is open now. >> we have got series of storms that are headed our way and bring you rain here. and more snow into the high country. >> out the door we go. and partly cloudy skies and overlooking sfo right now. >> it is 52 degrees in concord and 53 degrees in search. >> sailing throughout the afternoon. we are going to see more clause and sunshine. it is going to stay on the cool side tonight. and you will see patchy frost and then more storms on the horizon. >> it is coming our way as early as the middle of the week. they brought us the rain and that is move the all the way down in the baja and that will set the stage for a brief break in the rainy weather. and so, it looks like the next couple of days will be dry. and 54 in the bay and 50 degrees in eureka. >> watch what happens on the computer models. passing clouds and dry. and get into wednesday am and we head into the afternoon. >> rain begins to move into the bay area. and more rain possibly on the way and more showers as well. >> temperatures around the bay area. and it is mid-50s. inside the bay and also interior valleys. and we look outside the bay and 56 degrees and 54 in san francisco and cool 65 -- 53 in daly city. and interior valleys out towards the coastline. sunrise time. it is 7:12. sunset is 5:36. >> looking out over the next couple of days. >> chance of showers. wednesday and thursday. break on friday. more stormy weather over the weekend. kpix is joining us live at mount diablo, roberta. you want to see where i am or exactly what has left them in yesterday's snow. this is it. >> that is what is left of the snowfall that happens here yesterday on mount diablo and it is 40 degrees and the wind are picking up 10 miles an hour. and it is as to the chill. we haven't seen sunny breaks and when that occurs, it is mounting very rapidly. however, this was a seen yesterday when snow fell right here in the eastern portion of the bay an area. and now -- bay area. and snowflakes fell 200 feet if elevation. this was the first snowfall on top of mount diablo. >> it is 3,480 feet tall. we took a drive. as far as we could go. 2800 feet. we did found patches of left over snow. sun melting it rapidly. we couldn't get up to the top of the mount die and blow and the last 385 feet. >> however, call me crazy. look at the livermore valley. they are singing louder today and little bit greener with the passage of the system. >> this is the incoming weather systems and this is kpex, 5 news. back after this. >> -- kpix, 5. >> [ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ timer dings ] at first, it wasn't the perfect amount of tomatoes. not ready. [ male announcer ] later it wouldn't be the perfect amount of spinach. not ready. [ male announcer ] then, the sausage and pasta. ♪ not ready. [ male announcer ] but finally, it happened. perfection. yes! [ female announcer ] this week at safeway, buy one progresso rich & hearty soup and get one free with your club card. team tony and stephanie tano is mixing up a chunky soup r the soul...with chicken sau and peppers. aps are adding a injury time to eat. father/daughter team. tony and stephanie tantillo, they are mixing up the soup with sausage and peppers. >> soup with some sausage. >> we have the bell peppers. >> this is a great pepper. >> when they cook. it is great flavor in the broth. >> added grilled chicken in there and the stock is chicken stock and tomato juice and water. >> nice and mild. >> those tomatoes are giving it the great color. >> sausage which we already grilled and cut up. >> scallions. and green. >> little bit of green and also a little bit of a bite. >> you need the little bite. >> red peppers. >> we put the salt on here. and sometimes we forget things. we will have it. >> pinch of oregano and the roman beans and checken. everything is ready to go. and we will have an electrical bit of cheese. >> -- little bit of cheese. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> by, everybody. okay. that looks good. >> well, cbs is adding a familiar face back to the mix. >> david thom returns as billy abbott, he is on a one year hiatus. this is the role he originated. and i asked him what it is like diving back into the family drama. >> we join in a family that i missed for so long. and you know, working with peter berg and doing the great story line. right in the middle of a deep issues with his daughter and working those things out with victoria. and kelly. and maybe a little too much. >> and yes. >> there are some great things coming up. big valentine's event and the entire cast gets together and really good dramatic events. >> never be the same. >> that is david's sister heather sitting next to him. >> she lays katie on the bold and the beautiful and you can see them and they missed it today. and 11:00 tomorrow on kpix five. >> how a heartwarming message deals with the super bowl loss. >> if you have a consumer question. we will help you. we have volunteers standing by to take calls right now. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you say to cheer up the pla ? leave it to the youngsters put things in perspective. . after the blowout. what do you say to cheer up the players. >> leave it to the youngsters to put it in perspective. sean philips shared this conversation with his son. >> sorry i let you down. >> his sons' response was so cute. >> it is okay. you are still my hero. >> that is a good way to think. >> absolutely. >> what do you say to the fabs to cheer them up. >> you don't rub it in their face. >> very good point. >> what was the score again. >> just asking. >> i don't remember. >> it was a blowout. >> that will do it. have a great afternoon, everyone. >> bye. ,, >> brooke: what? what am i supposed to be looking at? >> bill: you tell me. >> brooke: ridge in a park. >> bill: is he alone? >> brooke: no. >> bill: look again. >> brooke: he's with a man. >> bill: not just any man. >> brooke: what are you talking about? who? who is he? >> bill: well, that's an interesting question. and i don't think you'll like the answer. >> katie: you remember your cousin r.j., right? >> will: [ babbles ] >> ridge: hey, that's the same blank stare you always give me. i remember that. check this out. turn off the tv. take out the garbage. >> katie: [ laughs ] >> ridge: put down your video game. see what i mean? >> katie: wow. >> ridge: it's the same. >> katie: don't worry. th


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