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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20150125

chilly. danville 39. 46 oakland and san francisco with 42 in napa. we will be looking at another day of spare the air, poor air quality for today and tomorrow in the north bay. but also the south bay look at poor air quality. it looks like we may not escape january dry all together. i'll explain. a couple chances of rain coming up for the week ahead. that's coming up. carolyn. >> thank you. bay area residents wasted no time to get to the beaches to take advantage of unusually warm weather. however, those that go out today need to be aware of some serious downside. abc7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian has the story. >> reporter: they were taking in the lights, the sites, and the warm temps along the embarcadero. getting outside was top of mind for just about everyone this winter day. >> i don't know if this has anything to do with global warming or climate change, but i'll sure enjoy it. >> it wasn't hard to find people in shorts and a t-shirt. it was 70 degrees. typically this time of year it's in the 50s here. >> it's beautiful, especially since there's no fog along the coast. but below the surface, a potential for problems is brewing. there's a high surf advisory in effect. sharp park is at risk for sneaker waves. this is low tied. the coast guard was out keeping an eye on things all morning at ocean beach. the advisory was out but surfers were all still in. >> we get maybe five to ten days like this in a surf season each year, so definitely have to take advantage of it when it's here. >> in oakland people flocked to lake mary to enjoy the sun and record heat. s >> it's been nice to enjoy this weather since we had all that rain. >> but the state isn't in the clear. we are still in a drought and the rain is necessary for the air quality, as well. this is another spare the air weekend. >> it's like a dome over the area. it's capping all the air in our region so we don't get those normal breezes that blow out the pollution. >> that means anyone caught burning wood will be fined. patrols will be out all weekend looking for violators. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> so you might be enjoying the warm weather, but the lack of rain right now is hurting northern california farmers. they are forced to use groundwater to water their crops, and that's quickly running out. pumping water costs farmers more in electric bills, and that raises the price of fruits and vegetables. experts say 2014 was bad but 2015 looking even worse. 17,000 farm workers lost their jobs last year. >> have you had to cut the hours? less money for them for this time of year? >> we have to. no choice. we have to do it to cover the costs of the electric. >> statewide, this is the driest california has been in january in five years >> at a rare council meeting in oakland no, legislation was passed, there was no agenda, but there was a public forum that allowed residents, city officials police to talk about recent protests and tensions. sergio quintana was there. >> at the center of the conversation, the difficult relationships between some oakland communities and the police department. something the police chief acknowledged, but something he says has changed. >> the oakland police department of 2015 is not the oakland police department of the 1960, it's not the oakland police department i joined over 20 years ago, and it's not even the police department of occupy oakland. >> oakland city council meetings often have unique moments and here there were two. the first centered around a group called the black friday 14. some chained themselves to a platform after thanksgiving for two hours are and changing charges. one council member tried to coerce one to sign a pledge asking the charges be dropped. >> that the $70,000 in restitution not be asked for and no community service or restorative justice be found. >> at this time i cannot make that commitment. >> the second moment came ms. lewis spoke. she was arrested during that black friday protest. she also organized an early morning demonstration outside mayor libby's house this week. >> we weren't able to meet with her when we came to meet with her at city hall on friday, so we chose to go wake her up. >> the mayor closed out the session. >> i don't appreciate that that our chief of police acknowledged the wrongs, the harm and the hurt that's been done to this community by bad police actions. >> she had been in washington, d.c. and returned for the meeting. abc7 news. the supplier of the steel rods that cracked on the bay bridge back in 2013 never told caltrans the same thing happened with nearly identical rods made for a washington bridge. it was released by california bridge officials. it states the ohio corporation knew of problems six months after shipping 96 of them to california in 2008. 32 of the rods sat in rainwater for five years, exposing them to corrosive hydrogen. they snapped after being laid down in 2013. it cost toll payers $45 million. dyson corporation has not responded to requests for comments. >> napa county has reported their first flu-related death of the season. it's the fifth death in the bay area. others announced last week have been in san francisco, sonoma county and san mateo county. officials have not released details about the latest victim but it's a sign of the new increasingly active flu season. they advise everyone to get flu shots, wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, no, sir and mouth. what is called the march for life brought out huge crowds in san francisco this weekend. thousands of anti-abortion protesters marched through the city. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard talked with both sides. >> it began with a rally at the civic center. thousands of anti-abortion advocates calling for it it be outlawed. steve and mary jorgenson came from auburn with their four kids. >> we want them to know there are other choices for pregnancies that aren't planned. >> we should not be forced to support something we don't believe in. [chanting] >> an estimated 50,000 people joined the walk for life west coast and headed down market street. the annual march coincides with the anniversary of roe v. wade the supreme court decision that legalized abortion. recently the house republicans passed a bill to tighten federal restrictions on abortion but president obama warned he will veto. >> he will do what he's going do, he's the president, but this doesn't mean we can't make stand. >> a small group of pro-abortion rights advocates tried to march -- or yell them down. police officers stood between both sides. [chanting] >> tony was a member of the the group "radical women." >> we are here to promote safe legal abortion and we are here for child care, we are here for healthcare and for women to make bold, important choices. >> taking away the rights for women is oppresive and doesn't make any sense to me. >> strong beliefs on both sides but the march was peaceful. in san francisco, cornell bernard, abc7 news. >> lisa, what you said earlier kind of intrigued me. and i thought, really? >> we've been advertising the dry january but there's definitely a caveat to that. a couple chances coming up tuesday and wednesday. good i'm glad i got your attention. from the east bay hills camera, 44 in livermore with fog. concord 45. another chilly start with patchy fog. we will talk about the rain chances in a few minutes. >> thank you lisa. also ahead, the horrific turn of events involving a japanese man being held hostage by the islamic state. and batkid have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! there is video this morning that appears to show the beheading of the japanese hostage. his father said he's hoping deep in his heart the news is not true. japan's prime minister believes the latest video is authentic. abc news has the story. the race against time may have run out for one of two hostages seen here. a new video out saturday purportedly from isis, claims the terror group beheaded the japanese adventurer. japan's prime minister headed to an emergency meeting, calling it an outrageous and unforgivable act. his friend is still holding out hope. he's in disbelief. >> i can't stop shaking. i hope this news is incorrect. >> abc news has not yet determined the authenticity of the video, which shows a still image of the japanese television reporter alive, holding what appears to be a picture of the beheaded body. a voice claiming to be him pleads for help. saying the terror group no longer wants $200 million in ransomesome money. instead, they will release him for the release of an al-qaeda operative. >> they no longer want money. >> the 47-year-old tv correspondent went to syria to document syrian life. his syrian guide told him not to venture in isis territory. >> i said, please, it's not safe for you. >> before he left, he left behind a message saying, if i get captured, only he was to blame. saturday's new video message was quickly deleted with some isis supporters calling the message a fake. abc news, washington. the san jose city council is expected to give the okay this week to extend the city's controversial pig trap and kill season. first was back in november of 2013. home and business owners were complaining an invasion of wild bores were chewing up lawns and fairways in search of food. since then 14 pigs were trapped and executed. the numbers are down because some say the pigs are smart enough to sniff out the traps and avoid the area. >> the mayor is shutting down the park that the homeless congregate in and they are taking extraordinary measures to drive them away. the mayor will close a park for at least 30 days starting tomorrow. he says he wants to break the cycle of the homeless coming to the park to drink, do drugs and litter. he wants to have family-orient events there. some of the homeless said they will be back as soon as the park reopens. neighbors in san jose have banded together to help fight blight and bring a home back to life. here's what the home looked like before. neighbors said there was garbage everywhere, they had problems with the owners. the lyndale neighborhood association came to the rescue helping to clean up and remodel the home. crews cleared out 27 tons of garbage. neighbors say they transformed the home and the block. >> the previous owners were very, very horrible to the neighbors. so much so that they couldn't play in the neighborhood, there was drug selling, there was squatting going on, litter everywhere. it is so much happier now that this eyesore is now taken care of, that the problem owners is gone and we can have a much better street here. >> yesterday potential homeowners got a chance to check out the much-improved house at its first open house. u.c. berkeley police are warning students and city residents this morning about a recent spike in car thefts. authorities say nine cars in campus parking lots and structures have been burglarized this month alone. and in almost all of the cases they say valuables were left in sight and the car's windows had been smashed is. some precaution us can take? don't leave your valuables visible and lock the doors. police say you should avoid parking next to occupied vehicles. who can forget batkid? as you recall, thousands of people, some 25,000, packed the streets of san francisco back in 2013 to cheer on miles, a five-year-old boy recovering from leukemia. he was granted a wish to become a superhero for the day. yesterday the documentary "batkid begins" had it's world premiere at a film festival in utah. we take a look behind the scenes. and how the crew pulled it off. >> the famous golden gate bridge, the beauty of the city getting ready. >> fire trucks pulling into place and batman suiting up. >> we didn't tell him anything about the wish. >> that's miles mother s natalie, in on the secret wish about to be grant bid make a wish. >> it was scary. will it meet their expectations? >> miles, just five years old, on his way back from visiting relatives in idaho. we came back the phone started blowing up. >> goth them city needs you. this is the police chief only hoping you can hear my voice. call me right now. >> listen to miles. >> and it was batman ready to pick up batkid but miles had no idea. >> funny because he just did this. >> there he was, their son transformed. descending the stairs with the bat mobile awaiting. he's other car thief and there's a lot of cops around. and i'm okay, there are a lot of cops around. >> batkid waiting. crowds and the windows, 25,000 gathering in the streets. and just look at miles waving back. the first is on twitter, the message from make a wish, here he comes. egypt, the philippines, the white house. >> way to go, miles, way to save gotham! >> even troops in afghanistan aware of another hero back home. >> who are you? >> the mayor giving him the key to the city. [cheers] >> we talked to miles right after. we kept that photo. batkid is back home. his leukemia in mission. -- in remission. in the fields, in the farm. still wearing that cape, still wearing that smile. >> so cute. lisa argen is here now to talk about the weather. >> yeah. we did have a weak weather system, a couple of them that will mix things up finally tomorrow night and tuesday. but how much? that's the question. right now live doppler 7hd showing what we had yesterday the fog to the east and south of us and the high surf along the shorelines. that remains the same although it's not quite as foggy and the waves just coming down a little bit. but still the advisory and still more hazy sunshine on the way, especially for the north bay and south bay. as the air quality once again over the dome of high pressure is trapped. so we are looking at pollutants and some unhealthy air. sutro tower camera this morning you can see the city. we are looking at 46 san francisco, 45 oakland, 40 morgan hill. and low 40s in san jose. across the bay in oakland temperatures are also in the 40s and our roof camera shows that the wind is not -- the hilltop winds, 25 to 35 miles an hour. that should also allow more warming today. we are looking at more records. 43 petaluma and fairfield. concord some fog. and looking at more fog up toward napa with a mile and three quarter visibility through the delta. the tully fog getting blown in from the easterly winds. that's why concord and livermore looking at some fog. it's just not making it to the coast. the protected valleys typical for the cooler, denser air it settle in. look tech fog through hit aluminum and santa rosa. we have record highs today. just shy of 70 in san francisco. more clouds and cooler days ahead. we will add in the slight chance of showers a couple of systems coming together midweek. the waves off the coast 8 to 9 feet. san francisco, monterey, and bodega bay riptides, large breakers throughout the afternoon. here's the satellite come potty with the big dome of high pressure keeping the system to the north. it weakens and moves to the east by tomorrow and that will allow for this system to slide up from the south. there's yet another system coming in from the north. they are both weak and they both lack moisture. but as we go through the next couple hours you notice monday night into tuesday we have showers, and perhaps higher televisions of the east bay 580. probably not amounting to much, but the rest of the day we will see more clouds. 10:00 on tuesday, and by the afternoon some of the higher elevations north bay, east bay and in the sierra nevada. but still that will keep san francisco dry, perhaps, for the day and then again through the end of the month. so we still could go down in history with no rainfall on the city but cooler temperatures come tuesday and wednesday for oakland. mid-70s today, mid-60s with the weather system and then high pressure builds back for milder and sunnier weather. 70 in fremont today. palo alto topping out around 70. 74 san jose and oakland. 72 napa. and the seven-day forecast cooler with clouds tomorrow. a weak weather system. maybe a shower higher elevations tuesday, wednesday and then it's the stubborn high coming back and waiting itself once again into next weekend. you can so was showing up on live doppler 7hd anytime with the abc7 news weather app. it's free. more information on maybe an inch of snow in the mountains. >> but when you say glancing blow for here that really means damn near impossible? >> yeah. >> thanks lisa. a group of devout christians is ready for some football. the special offer one convent has for people headed to hey! i found my true love livin' in a sweet dream. singin' my favorite song and it all starts with you. whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. searching for a great used car? can you help? start with the millions of used cars for sale at the new show me cars with no accidents. show me no accidents and one owner. show me no accident, one owner cars with service records. that's awesome! that's the power of carfax®. find the cars you want. avoid the ones you don't. plus, you get a free carfax® report with every listing. start your used car search at >> a mainstay near the super bowl has a special offer for the fans. the nuns are renting out rooms for the big games. the cost is $300 a night, including a continental breakfast and free wi-fi and perhaps some define intervention. the money goes to charity. there are some rules. no drinking, no smoking and no swearing. but fans will be in the perfect place to offer up a team prayer before kick off. still to come, a scare for passengers aboard two planes headed for atlanta. the message posted on social media that has the fbi investigating this morning. and pressure tactics. the technology leading to new treatment options for those mmmm. ring ring! ring ring! progresso. i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmer vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you, soup people. this week at safeway buy three progresso traditional or rich and hearty soups for four dollars with your club card. when the flu hits, it's a really big deal. the aches. the chills. the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to? prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1.3 days faster. that's 30% sooner. call your doctor right away. and attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. call your doctor right away. don't lose another moment to the flu. when there's flu, tamiflu. >> welcome back. we are starting this half-hour with a look at the weather with our meteorologist lisa argen. carolyn. >> lisa, thank you. >> the one coming up in about 40 minutes or so. from mt. tam you can see the beginning of that. looking pretty nice with fog below in the valleys of the north bay. 46 in san francisco and san carlos, as well as on the coast. the fog is along the delta and in our inland valleys. here's a look along the peninsula. 43 petaluma and livermore. the fog, where you have it, is causing problems through the delta and napa. just over a mile here and look at livermore a mile and three quarters now and santa rosa over two miles. another spare the air day today and poor air quality in the north bay. that will extend into tomorrow although the ridge of high pressure breaks down. today more records in jeopardy. we will pinpoint those for you coming up. >> lisa, thank you. this morning president obama is in india talking climate change and economics. he was invited by the country's prime minister. president obama is the first u.s. president asked to attend the republic day parade. that's a celebration of india's democracy. he will also be at gandhi's memorial. tuesday he heads to saudi arabia to pay his respects following the death of king abdullah. vice president joe biden is speaking out about patient safety. he attended the safety and technology gathering in irvine. the purpose was to prevent patient deaths and eliminate hospital-caused deaths by 2020. vice president said that is an attainable goal. >> there's no reason why we can't get to zero preventable deaths by 2020. there really isn't. it's not like we have to find a new cure for brain cancer. it's not likely we are going to, by the way. and it's not likely we have to find some fundamental breakthrough with the geno which we will. this is within our will-house. this is on our backs. >> a report finds that 200,000 people in the u.s. die from preventable medical errors every year. a new attempt to raise the fuselage of air asia flight 8501 has failed. in indonesia they say ropes snapped after the wreckage reached the surface of the water today. and an earlier attempt was also foiled when part of the debris sliced through a strap connecting the fuselage to a giant balloon. meanwhile one more body was recovered, bringing the total number recovered to 70. the air asia flight went down in december 28 with the 162 people on board. this morning fbi and law enforcement officials are investigating online bomb threats on two planes that landed safely in atlanta. abc news reporter todd has the details. >> bomb threats via social media were directed at two passenger jets in flight, bound for atlanta's hartfield-jackson airport. >> they announced that there was an issue with this plane. mentioned that the fbi and tsa were going to come and board. >> starting at noon a twitter account with the handle king -- started making threats on the flights. southwest flight 2491 from milwaukee and another flight. the government sent two f-16 fighters to escort the planes in. both landed safely. the tweets to delta insists "i have a bomb on one of your planes, but i forgot which one when i left the airport. can you help me find it?" delta responded, we take all threats serious and we have forwarded your message for further review. where did you leave it? >> it was smothered through one of the back entrances. >> anxious passengers were sent to the tarmac and they looked through their luggage. >> you could see people with all sorts of threatening things. >> to set down your bag and then have it sniffed by the bomb sniffing dog. >> once they were cleared they were put on buses to finish their disruptive journey. the fbi is on the hunt for the suspect. >> i think typically these things there's a trail, whether you wanted to or not. abc news, new york. >> in southern california powerful santa anna winds have toppled trees and power poles, leaving thousands without electricity. some winds topping 89 miles an hour overturned big rigs and moved dust on to some freeways. the wind also knocked a large tree into the kitchen of a house and downed a large billboard in burbank. and take a look at this. a man in san diego had to climb over boulders to safety after a big wave knocked him off a cliff and into the ocean. lifeguards reacted quickly strapping him to a harness and pulling him to safety. the rescue was one of several yesterday as the strong swells made waves nearly 10 feet high along the coast. san diego lifeguards had extra water patrol and five additional lifeguards. the winds also blew two kayakers out to sea near malibu. rescuers helped them paddle back to shore. glaucoma affects thousands of people's eyesight every year. but now the glaucoma treatment may be far more effective. we have the story by dan ashley. >> i will be taking a look here. >> reporter: for victoria, regular eye exams are part of an ongoing battle to save her eyesight. victoria is being treated at stanford for glaucoma. it's a condition caused by a buildup of pressure inside the eye that can cause irreversible damage. >> i worry i will lose my eyesight. >> it's often called the thief that steals your vision during the night. >> he said medications can help control glaucoma, but the doctors must still track the pressure inside the eye during treatment. >> we make, if you will, estimates or interpolation of what we think the pressure is of the patient coming in and having a single pressure measurement. >> but now a device being developed by bioengineers at stanford could transform the way doctors monitor glaucoma. it's an implantable sensor that acts as a kind of pressure meter. >> it will go inside your eye. >> the co-developer said the system is built into the type of replacement lens commonly used in cataract surgery. it employs a fluid tube and a stretchable membrane with a bubble of gas behind it. he showed us how it works. using a plastic container filled with fluid. as he increases the pressure the fluid pushes against the membrane in the lens, forcing the gas forward to a channel. measuring the degree of pressure in the eye like a barograph. the patient doesn't actually see or feel it because of where it's placed in the eye and the materials used to create it. but the patient can read and even record the movements using one of these, a smartphone. >> and in the future you will be able to measure the pressure inside your eye by using a simple cell phone camera. >> this system takes advantage ever recent developments of smartphone optics like this device also developed in stanford to allow doctors to give mobile eye exams in remote locations. while it must still undergo human trials, doctors leave it -- believe it holds the promise of revolutionizing and the treatment. >> the patient might only need one or two drops instead of three or four or we might add a drop. >> and perhaps make treatment far more effective tore people like victoria. >> that would be amazing. to me it would relieve some of the pressure that i feel. >> and researchers told dan the next challenge is to engineer a version of device using durable materials that can last for decades in the human eye. they say given its simple design they should be able to take advantage of existing technology to make that happen. coming up next, the next weekend's big game needs a big tv. michael finney goes hunt fourth the best one. and i see pier 15 in the distance. another spare the air day today. lisa argen is along with another full accuweather forecast coming release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> welcome back, everyone. thanks for joining us on this sunday, january 25th. this is a live look from our sutro cam. another spare the air day today and january going down as one of the driest of. any hope of rain whatsoever? lisa argen will be along shortly with a full accuweather forecast. the super bowl is set, the patriots take on the defending championship seahawks, but what about your tv? "consumer reports" has partnered exclusively with "7 on your side" to reveal the best tvs for watching the big game. abc7's michael finney is here. he has the results. >> sports bars are a great place to watch the big game. in this one you can find the action on 49 tv screens. >> we will expect a big crowd, a bunch of noise and a good time. >> but if you are buying a tv for your super bowl party at home, "consumer reports" says a screen of at least 50 inches or larger is a good size for a crowd. testers in "consumer reports" labs size up hundreds of tvs every year. also important, a set that delivers a wide viewing angle. >> when you are watching a big game with a crowd of friends not everyone is going to get the great seat front and center. one of the issues with lcd and led tvs, the picture can start to look washed out when you view it from an angle. >> another consideration, how well the tv can hands he will -- handle fast action. these patterns help testers evaluate motion. >> most tvs do fine with motion, but sports is one of the types of content that can stress the tv's ability to present fast-moving action without the blurring. >> the testers evaluate weather the tv sound is clear and loud enough without distortion. the 55-inch sony bravia delivers excellent sound and gets top marks for ultrahigh definition, 4k picture quality. it costs $2800. this year's soup are bowl is not being broadcast in 4k, but it will still look great on the set. it will look great on the set. >> if you don't care about ultrahigh definition, the 55-inch panasonic viera is a consumer reports best buy for $700. >> you will see big sales of televisions leading up to the super bowl and you will even get better deals in late february and early march as retailers clear out older sets to make way for the new ones. i'm michael finney, "7 on your side." >> i always found super bowl sunday to be a good day to go shopping because nobody is around. >> i kind of like the way you are thinking. boy, we are stuck with this ridge. you see the view from mt. tam. east winds are blowing above and that means tully fog. it could be stubborn the next couple of hours. still warm records today and a look at the outlock that takes us through jan coming up. >> little ahead, the cal bears no answers last night against arizona. the seventh-ranked wildcats manhandled the bears. mike shumann will be along with all the details this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, we don't love artificial colors or flavors. does anybody? and's gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. have you tried gluten free chex oatmeal and new chex granola mix? two more delicious reasons to love chex. searching for a great used car? can you help? start with the millions of used cars for sale at the new show me cars with no accidents. show me no accidents and one owner. show me no accident, one owner cars with service records. that's awesome! that's the power of carfax®. find the cars you want. avoid the ones you don't. plus, you get a free carfax® report with every listing. start your used car search at >> welcome back. thanks for getting up and watching the abc7 sunday morning news. here you see the light dancing on the wind. what is the significance of the wind direction? i don't know but lisa argen does. here she is. >> it could mean a couple things. we are talking warmer weather and some tully fog being blown into the valley. as you look at live doppler 7hd you see the fog highlighted mainly in the valleys for the advicery, and then the high surf voicery. this morning again the fog is stubborn and that allows for cooler afternoon highs as others areas get a jump start on the warming with the clear skies, sunny conditions and the east wind. particularly along the coast. mt. tam, you can see above the low clouds with temperatures in the 40s. 41 in san jose. 46 san francisco. 44 oakland. good morning half moon bay. 48 degrees for you and the east wind in the higher elevations for mt. diablo, mt. tam 25 to 35 miles per hour wind gusts. on the peninsula, looking like a beautiful start to the morning. high sur qualify 10 do 15-foot waves and it will subside this afternoon. 44 napa with the fog. fog fairfield and petaluma. the fog has in the changed much except the area of high pressure getting stronger and getting more firmly entrenched today. mile navies from the fairfield. napa and petaluma with 4 miles. outward concord and livermore. no delays at sfo and the exploratorium camera a sunny afternoon and hazier in the north bay with the 21st spare the air day. we had a record yesterday oakland, monterey. today more unlikely. highs well into the upper 70s by morgan hill and gilroy. then things get cooler as more clouds move in from the south. a weak weather system from the south and the north allowing for perhaps a few sprinkles come monday night into tuesday. so the high surf advisory continues here. the current wave heights 8 feet half moon bay san francisco and bodega bay and 9 feet monterey. this extends all the way down the coast. here's a look from emeryville. it's a little gray out there. we will see the hazy conditions today and temperatures will 71 degrees for emeryville and oakland. livermore, 11 degrees above average. average highs should be in the upper 50s from napa to livermore. 13 degrees above average for highs. 72 in napa. and more upper 60s for san francisco today. so we will look for a pretty nice afternoon with temperatures feeling more spring-like than winter like. here's the ridge. it's a big one. it will stay with us tomorrow. but with a weak offshore flow today it aids in our warmup. there's one system and another one from the north. this will give us just a few showers perhaps in the higher elevations, cool us off and a very low chance of rain. it's in the forecast for tuesday. then we will look for the dry stuff stretching into early february. so highs upper 70s and low 60s in the south with gusty santa ana winds. back home 68 san mateo and 69 in the city and 70 in livermore. the accuweather seven-day forecast. cooler with clouds tomorrow. cans of showers late monday into tuesday. then we look for partly sunny conditions wednesday, thursday friday and saturday more sunshine and milder. it's something, but really nothing other than a slight chance of showers. >> i learned the easterly wind is blowing warm air. >> yeah. good for you. >> thank you lisa. let's check out sports in a nutshell. stanford saw success last night against arizona state. but the cal bears really struggled in their quest to put an end to their losing streak. here's schu with all your sports highlights. >> good morning! we look at college hoops. cal men looking to kickstart a win streak after lose their last five. unfortunately they were hosting seventh-ranked arizona. they come in with a 17-2 record. and always ready, he puts it in plus one. johnson. bears shot just 36% the first half. david travis had 16 points, 11 boards. late first half, johnson and arizona started to run away. johnson had 11 in the first half. first the steal and the one hand jam. 18 in the game for johnson. cal now 1 in 6 in pac-12 play. they fall. sixth straight loss and five by ten or more points. stanford hosting arizona state. the cardinals with three of the top leading scorers. the steal and throw down. comical moment in the second. robert cartwright tries the alley oop but instead it goes in for a three. not his intent, but, oh, well. he shot 60% from the field. 5-2 in conference play with 89-70 victory. to the wcc. santa clara hosting pepperdine. a nice drive. the drive, set back, pop. makes the three. threw down 13. second half. takes the drop. dribbles and then the lay-up. 60-57, that final. tennis first major of the season. the australian open continues down under where maria sharapova advances 27 winners in the short hour and fifteen minute match-up. she moves on to the quarter finals for the seventh time. she wrists the backhand winner on the back point winning 6-3 6-0. and south american kevin anderson. but then this ace right past anderson. from then on out it was smooth sailing. winning three sets. finishes with forehand winner on match point right there. moving on to the quarterfinals. >> and the gulf tour. and matt kutcher was 18-under. check out the shot on 17. he boogied three of the last four. into the canal. he's tied for fifth. that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. see you again tonight at 5:00. have a great day. >> still to come, brides for a good cause. the gown shopping excursion. helping women get dressed for the big day and fighting against cancer. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪ >> hundreds of wedding gowns are on sale at discounted prices today in napa as part of the "brides against breast cancer" movement. they are all 25 to 85% off the original price. proceeds from the sales benefit breast cancer patients and their families. the designer dresses come from former brides, designers and boutiques looking to help the cause. the dresses go on sale starting at 10:00 this morning at the silverado resort and spa. >> let's get a final check of the accuweather forecast with lisa argen. >> a little foggy this morning the north and east bay valleys. breezy in san francisco with 40s around the bay. later on today more records in oakland and in the vicinity. 74 there. as well as san jose. 68 in richmond, 68 concord. where the fog longers you will have high temperatures pleasant but not as warm as elsewhere. the warmer numbers monterey and a record yesterday in monterey. cooler tomorrow, a slight chance of showers on tuesday, more clouds on wednesday and back to the same old, same old thursday, friday and saturday. if we see some rain, it will be just a little bit. >> all right. thank you, lisa. and thank you for joining us on the abc7 sunday morning news. we will take whatever we can get. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. the news continues now online on twitter facebook and all your mobile devices with our abc7 app. abc7 news continues at 9:00. "good morning america" is up next. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. good morning, america. get ready for a winter weather double whammy. hot on the heels of one storm that caused a major digout and several dramatic spinouts, now comes a potential pounding. more than a foot of snow. expected for millions. who is in the path this time? for this one-two punch. scare in the air. twin twitter bomb threats. fighter jets scrambled for the emergency landing, terrifying passengers. >> you had to set down the bag and have it checked by a bomb-sniffing dog. >> the tweet causing a huge scare at one of america's busiest airports. deflategate defense. patriots' coach bill belichick tries to play science teacher to describe away the underinflated footballs. >> climatic


Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20150125

other options for abortion, pregnancies unplanned. >> we shouldn't have to be forced to support something we don't believe in. >> reporter: an estimated 50,000 people then joined the walk for life west coast and headed down marcus street. >> to protect life. it needs to be respected. >> reporter: the annual march coincides with the anniversary of roe vs. wade that legalized abortion. the house bill tightens federal restrictions on abortion but president obama warrants he will veto. >> he's going to do what he's going to do. he's the president but doesn't mean we can't make a stand for righteousness. >> reporter: at the finish line a small group of proabortion rights activists tried to shut the marchers down. police officers stood between both sides. tony mendocino was part of the group, radical women. >> we're here on safe legal abortion and also are here for child care for health care and we're here for women to be able to make full informed choices. >> try to take a re productive right for women is o prezzive and doesn't make any sense to me. >> reporter: this march was peaceful. abc7 news. the oakland city organized a special hearing to hear the community response on the black white member movement. wanted to hear from community leaders and individuals about their concerns raised and recent protests against police. they also wanted to discuss how the city would help improve police community relations. congresswoman barbara lee said in attendance she's working to stop profiling and get weapons of war off the street. >> i hope this street protest and all the engagement now we see across the country will insist that we get members of congress to vote for this because we do not need these weapons of war on the streets. of any community in this country. >> oakland city council scheduled another black lives matter hearing for february 3rd. the first "charlie hebdo" newspaper since this month's massacre went on sale in san francisco. one store nearly sold out. we just checked smoke signals and had less than 40 to sell. a weeping saying jesuis charlie after killing the satirical newspaper on january 7th. sparked more overseas violence. people calling all day to reserve copies. one man drove from sacramento this afternoon. >> most of the people who want it are not french. they're not french people. just the souvenir of that awful event that happened. >> the newspaper sells smoke signals for $11.95. some copies going for more than $100 on ebay. no bombs found on planes after two threats today. police bomb and dog teams searched two planes at hartsfield-jackson airport in atlanta. two twitter threats of the plane. milwaukee and a delta airlines flight from portland. the military dispatch two f-16 fighter jets to shadow the planes until they arrive safely at the airport. two waves at the pacific ocean. came crashing down today keeping most people out of the water. coast guard made sure beach goers were safe and a high surf advisory from sonoma county to big sur and lasts through the weekend. two sets of waves can stack up in these conditions making them extra dangerous. in santa cruz a similar sight. rocky shores at the marina. beach weather in january. >> beach weather certainly, matt. 70s in a lot of spots but the issue was the wave hikes and certainly rather high. high as 25 feet closer to the coast, 15 feet and some of the wave action could make it ride up along the coastline. we have the high surf advisory in effect for noon for waves up to 15 feet. breakers over large rocks and strong rip currents for the next 36 hours. the other big story, very warm today. oakland making a new rofrd with a high of 72 degrees. clover detailale and santa cruz. we'll detail numbers in the full accu-weather forecast coming up. workers at a liquor store are cleaning up after a car slammed into its front window. watch as surveillance video captured this volvo crashing into the apvian food and liquor store. the driver was parking his car got distracted while talking on his cell phone and hit the gas. the car shattered the glass front door and knocked over a lottery machine inside causing about $3,000 in damage. no one was hurt including the driver. a woman in jail accused in a hit-and-run crash that killed an 84-year-old woman crossing the street in oakland. it happened friday morning at 18th avenue in the san antonio neighborhood. police arrested 30-year-old ann park early this morning. she's booked in the san ai reta jail and monday morning. ahead on abc7 news at 9:00 why california judges distance themselves from the boy kout scouts of america. the bay area neighborhood comes together to solve a blight problem. won't recognize this home after the work is done. san diego zoo one of just five on earth that's sick. mmmm. ring ring! ring ring! progresso. i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmer vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you, soup people. this week at safeway buy three progresso traditional or rich and hearty soups for four dollars with your club card. did you post it? done. how many people are coming? lots. yeah! i got it. done. done. what up! let's do this! sending you some money... thank you. done. thank you. done. on your phone. online. on the go. wells fargo makes it easy to get banking done. olivia. super hungry? get my chipotle chicken club combo. it's got the chipotle sauce you love and spicy crispy chicken. you get it with fries and a drink for just $4.99. that's a ton of food. let's do this. california state judges cannot serve as leaders in the boy scouts. that order comes from the california supreme court because the group discriminates against gay leaders. openly gay boys can't participate in the scouts but gay and lesbian adults are banned as serving as leaders based on a 1996 rule banning judges from belonging to groups that discriminate on sexual orientation. judges have one year to comply with the new rule. san jose banded together to help fight blight. here's wha the home on kennel worth way looked like before. garbage was everywhere. they had problems with the owners. the lyndale association came to the rescue hoping clean up and remodel the home. crews cleared out 27 tons of garbage. neighbors say they transformed the home and the block. >> the previous owners were very, very horrible to the neighbors. so much so that children couldn't play anymore in the neighborhood that was drug selling, there was squatting going on. litter everywhere. you know, they're so much haerp now that this eyesore is taken care of, the owner is gone to have a much better street here. >> today, potential homeowners had a chance to check out the much improved home at its first open house. >> looks great. coming up next on abc7 news at 9:00, space x and the airports apparently made up. why agree to drop the competitiveness lawsuit. >> wint ser feeling a lot like spring. drew tuma is up next with your forecast. >> final take on deflate gate with the patriots before super bowl xlix kicks off. the cowears expect to pay more for super bowl snacks. chicken wing prices are higher. fewer chickens slaughter and demand for wings around the country is very high. good news, wings expected to be plumper than usual. american chicken farmers give their poultry extra feed thanks to lower corn and soybean cost. 'lan musk company space x is no longer suing the u.s. air force. dropped its lawsuit on friday. the suit accused the air force of not giving space x a chance to get properly lyly certified to flight. reached together to work on that sfrgs moving forward. an endangered north white rhino could help save the species after it's extinct. it became ill earlier this week. now keepers are preparing for the worst. they plan to collect the 40-year-old rhino's eggs after she dies. her male counterpart at the zoo died unexpectedly just two weeks ago. they already collected his sperm. scientists will freeze the reap ductive tissues in hopes to have a new white rhino in the surrogate rhino. it's been successful with similar projects in the past. certainly feeling like san diego weather here in the bay area, right? >> kind of flip-flopped. temperatures well above normal continuing into the sunday and more records shattered over the next 24 hours. warp-up is going to stick around another day. live doppler hd right now. skies clear all day into the overnight hours. we head oddutside. downtown san francisco, stars are out. not a cloud in the sky and temperatures are on the mild side. so currently right now in san francisco, it's 55 degrees. oakland sitting at 53. hayward at 57. san jose at 57 degrees as well. mountain view, 56 and fairfield at a temperature of 45 degrees. as we look at the overnight period, fog developing once again through the carquinez street in delta but what we have in the early hours on sunday an active wind in the east turns up the atmosphere and get the fog on in the early hours of sunday. by the afternoon, we setons of sunshine across the region. warm highs once again. satellite radar is going to be a cold front well to the west going to get deflected to the north once again. the system is the pattern that has january two areas of high pressure over us with the clear skies. dry conditions and warming temperatures. a look at future temperatures as we head into sunday afternoon. a lot of 70s on the board from half-moon bay, san jose santa rosa, morgan hill. these numbers well above normal this time of year. take a look at the sunday record that will likely fall by the afternoon hours tomorrow, oakland once again likely make a new record beating the old one set back a year ago of 73 degrees. same f san jose and gilroy. san francisco right now, the record forecasting a high of 69 degrees and record is 74 set well back in 1899 even napa looks safe with the record of 83 degrees. along with this warmth on sunday, another spare the air is in effect. so poor air quality forecasted especially until the north bay and that means once again no wood burning on your sunday. overnight lows in the bay area, 30 and falling to 46 in san mateo. 40 in concord with some patchy fog. 39 in san jose and dropping to 48 in downtown san francisco. that fog quickly burns off and by the afternoon it's total sunshine across the region but hazy skies. the spare the air in effect to 75 in santa rosa. 74 in oakland and same in san jose and livermore, mild with a high of 70 degrees. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow for the record highs on sunday. clouds move in on sunday with the temperature downward swing going to low 70s. by tuesday there is a slight chance of some moisture a storm is beginning to move to the east of our region. a sprinkle specifically in the south bay. nothing widespread, fortunately. by wednesday some sunshine but cloudy here and temperatures into the 60s. but this cooloff relatively speaking, short lived. by thursday friday, and saturday, temperatures well back up into the 70s as well and saturday featuring plenty of sunshine and possibility of more records dropping again. >> can't play basketball in flip-flops, can you? >> no but from one athlete to another. >> i know you're not talking to me. >> i consider myself a ballet dancer. we tip off with college hoops looking to kick start a win streak after losing the last five. seventh ranked arizona with a 17-2 record. ready as they always are. stanley a freshman but ready. de vare. but you can't miss when you duck. david travis shows us how. this game tied at 13 in the half. johnson and arizona run away. right now, arizona is up 57-35. we'll have the complete highlights coming up for you at 11:00. on to the senior bowl where college all stars show the game to pro scouts hoping to enhance their draft status this game especially important for smaller schools that didn't get the national recognition during the season. tom montgomery didn't have the catch. 26 right here. can't complain on sunday, trust me. defense an anderson left of your screen, a clear shot of blake sims but the alabama quarterback able to get away. sanford players victorious north team. tyler var ga one of the strong guys from yale. a 7 yard touchdown. he had two tds on the day as a win, 34-14 final. good news for the niners. reportedly the front-runner for the offensive coordinator position but will stay in alabama for second season. move their interest to colts assistant rob sha shinski. but not good when they don't want to join the 49ers. in super bowl, also disguised as a bellhop. i blew right by him. didn't even recognize him. no wonder i didn't get much playing time. first of five super bowl i was rocking the long hair there. yeah. all right. burns is the representative in tomorrow's nhl always game in columbus and took turns in the skills competition. vetting in the art is shot. 88 miles per hour set by daniel sharo. shot clock at 97.6. 108.5 miles per hour with the record. same as matt keller's drive home to san jose. the upside american women madison faced petra vadivika. up in the second, madsondeison ripped the forehand. got a triple match. kavitika, on your screen. madison bring l in the next round. second team, maria sharapova. 27 winners in this short hour 15 match as on the rope, drills forehand winner. sharapova moves on to the quarter finals for the second time in the aussie open. back hand winner there. winning it straight 6-3. novak djokovic looking for the ninth straight year facing fernando. stays home. down the line. nice touch. good. takes the second set. no back at 11 as. and he's moving op to the round of 16 winning a straight set. pga down south the humana challenge. michael putnam, a fourway tie for first. 16 observant day with shots like this. math kuchar, look at this shot on 17. rock over the green. gets his ball washed. on the east side fifth. one back. tonight at 11:00 p.m. on kgo, former teammate dwight hick back in the area for live action football. great story. hope to see you then. >> former teammate for you. re he recognized bill walsh. >> i said, do you see bill as a bellhop? i said, i walked by him. next on abc7 news at 9:00, old carpet ripped out of an airport. >> why this carpet's removal has thousands mourning its passing an about face by the dmv when it comes to uber, lift and other ride services. the potential road block removed residents of one san francisco neighborhood shut down a muni construction project keeping them overnight but will relief be short lived? on abc7 news at 11:00 nchts. portland, oregon the most mundane items can be iconic. getting their hand on carpet at portland international airport. >> the carpet with the '90s design pattern covered for two decades. it's ripped out thanks to social media, become a sensation over the last few years. making an appearance in thousands of selfies. the carpet has two facebook pages with 12000 fans. a beer is named after it along with t-shirts pillows, bags and a woman has a tattoo of the design on her back. large chunks are being cut out to be distributed to the public. new carpet will be instaumed later this year. >> nol just with residents but with bacteria. >> a segment on portlandia. >> exactly. that's it for abc7 news at 9:00. >> thank you, our next newscast at 11:00 p.m. on kgo. >> have a great night everyone. >> warning: please do not attempt any of the activities presented in this show. they're dangerous and could cause serious injury. [cheering] >> ok, just so we're all clear here, i do not pick these clips. >> "what went down." today on "what went down..." winter sports. motor sports. >> oh! >> office sports? and later, this sportsman goes


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20150302

recorded on a cell phone. before the gunfire, the sounds of taser could be heard and someone shouting drop the gun. a witness says the victim tried to grab one of the officer's weapons. the police commissioner is urging people not to rush to judgment. police in hay ward used tear gas to bring a ten hour standoff to an end. a man suspected of shooting at police ran from his car yesterday when officers tried to arrest him. the s.w.a.t. team sounded the area and the neighborhood in lockdown. neighbors say it was a chaotic scene. >> all i heard -- it was bop, bop, bop. and then i came outside and there was like four more shots and i guess they was by the cops. so i tried to run and try to tell my mom what happened. she comes outside and then all we hear is just -- people screaming like the cops were screaming at them like stop, stop. >> well, the man's name has not been released. san jose city council will meet today to try to figure out how to fix the city's crumbling roads. an independent auditor says in a few years, 38% of san jose roads that are currently fine to drive on will fall into poor condition. the problem is not an easy fix. to improve all the streets will cost about half a billion dollars. and that's because it's much more expensive to improve roads after they're already damaged and preventative work wasn't a priority with the city's budget problems. speaking of roads, let's check in with liz on a monday. how we doing? >> we're going much better now for folks trying to get into san francisco. they just canceled the traffic alert we were just watching. a big spill in the area. even a minor fender-bender at one point. anyway all lanes back open on 101 and the connector ramp from northbound 101 to northbound 285 has been cleared also. so super crews must have gotten there a little early ahead of schedule. the delays are still there. from about candlestick but that should dissipate here pretty shortly. now that all lanes and that connector are back open. here's a live look if you're coming into the city from the east bay. you do have a bit of a wait because metering lights were switched on 22 minutes ago. now stacked up beyond the 880 overcrossing in the cash and fastrak lanes. still looks clear from 24. 580 coming through the altamonte pass, and the livermore valley, you can see all the red sensors popping up. to about vasco. and then it does loosen up for your drive. if you're continuing out through the livermore valley. and the dublin interchange just kind of slow and go out to 680. and the richmond san rafael bridge still looks great both directions, that's kcbs traffic. here's roberta. okay no matter who what you're doing, you got to stop and take a good look at this picture. peter sent any this one -- me this one and this was line off the deck at -- lightning off the deck at seen from hills bro. wow. it i want you to send me all of your photos at -- isn't that gorgeous you guys? lightning there. along the peninsula. this weekend we have yet a chance of more rain in the forecast today. right now partly to mostly cloudy skies. and the 40s and 50s. later today it's this area of low pressure that's dropping out of the north. skimming across the northern half of the bay area this morning. we do have chances of some of this precipitation making it into the bay area. nothing measurable as far as accumulation is concerned. but we can certainly get wet. temperatures tonight overnight into the 30s and 40s. that's after daytime highs today in the 60s. meanwhile, once we get rid of this area of low pressure, it's just high pressure that filters in from tuesday all the way through sunday. and frank we're talking about highs in the mid 70s by thursday. well, that's not good news for the sierras, the weekend snow in the sierra is a welcome boost though for ski resorts in the tahoe truckee area, they got some snow yeah but it's not enough to really help california's water supply. the last measure of the sierra snow pack shows it's at just 19% of normal at this time of year. that's why clear lake reservoir that's up north near the oregon border is at only 7% capacity. and if the drought keeps dragging on, the selection of produce at apartmenters' markets may not be as varied as usual. kpix 5's mark kelly reports vendors are concerned about another year without federal water allocations. >> reporter: the family turned out beautiful produce. >> we got plums, peaches, nectarines. >> reporter: but one worries there won't be enough water to pass the turlock farm down to his boy. >> we're not sure yet how much water we're going to have but they're saying we're going to be less than a lot here. >> reporter: using an intricate network of reservoirs, dams and canals, the federally run central valley project can water up to a third of california's farmland. but that's in wet times. not now. the drought is so severe, the feds aren't releasing a drop of water to central valley farmers for this second year in a row. >> i think no rain for -- next month. mine is not going to grow enough to sell. >> mature version of the cauliflower. >> reporter: the farm is in fresno. not relying on water from the government or from the sky. they started looking below grounds. >> yes my parents are worried. and so right now they are looking for more land but with better wells and deeper wells. >> reporter: other farmeries doing the same tapping ground water which is also running dangerously low. >> it is very scary. >> reporter: and digging a new well isn't cheap. the one he is eyeing crowd run tens of thousands of dollars. but he's doing whatever he can to save the family farm from a crippling drug. digging a well, is that your last hope? >> yeah. yes. >> reporter: in san francisco, mark kelly, kpix 5. >> well, the state is actually increasing its water allocations to the farmers but just 5% more than last year. well, video from a chp helicopter shows the rescue of a gilroy man who fell 70 feet down a cliff. it happened saturday at point reyes national seashore in marin county. the liner was with his church group when he fell five stories and hit the rocks before falling into the surf. two good samaritans were age to reach him -- able to reach him before the hell continuers arrived. he was -- helicopters arrived. he was brought to a hospital with major injuries but the chp says the man is expected to recover. two suspects under arrest in a third is dead in connection with the killing of an 84-year-old north bay woman. on thursday, ole goo dinelli was found killed in the penn grove farmhouse where she lived her entire life. police arrested a suspect in richmond and the other two led them on a high speed chase. one of the suspects was shot and killed. depsys were not -- deputies were not injured. the deadly shooting of o a 14- year-old boy has friends stunned and police searching for his killer now. devon ellis shot to death walking with friends just before 8:00 saturday night on brook dale avenue. neighbors said they heard three to four gunshots and then a car speeding away. on sunday, police left flowers -- people left flowers and candles at the spot where that teenager passed away. >> it's any mother's -- any parent's worst nightmare is to come ski your child laying on the floor like that. because when his mother came. i wanted to break down because you can see the terror in her eyes you know and it was just sad. a sad situation. >> oakland police are now offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. well, today minimum wage in oakland increases to $12.25 an hour. making it the highest in the bay area. voters passed the increase last november along with paid sick leave. several other east bay cities including berkeley and richmond are taking steps to raise their minimum wages as well. and san francisco voters have already approved a gradual increase over the next three years. well, a big milestone for yahoo today. the company is celebrating its 20th anniversary. the sunnyvale based company is planning festivities across the globe for its flows and -- employees and yahoo's cfo will ring in the nasdaq opening bell with the signature yodel. it's the first time in history the nasdaq opening bell has been changed. employees will also attempt to break a guinness world record for most simultaneous yodels at offices nationwide. >> yahoo! >> right. it is 6:09. details are trickling out from that federal pope into the ferguson -- probe into the ferguson, missouri police department. howl investigators say minorities were unfairly targeted to balance that city's budget. >> also the ends of the earth. the story behind his ambitious journey to antarctica. >> yeah and it's cold there. it's warming up here. good morning everyone. i'll talk about the days it's going to top off in the mid 70s. >> traveling on highway 4 new issues now. metal debris blocking lanes in bay point. and it's stacking up the ride all the way to antioch and we'll tell you why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the s60 sedan. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo s60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. good monday morning everyone, and levi's stadium here. where currently it is mostly cloudy. and air temperature of 45 degrees. we do expect a high there across the santa clara valley today in the low 60s. which is pretty spot on for this time of the year. we also have a chance of rain in the forecast. we'll talk about that as the news continues. thank you. a rock star has launched a large scale military operation to recapture a province north of baghdad from isis. isis fighters control several strongholds in the province including tikrit. the hometown of former iraqi president saddam hussein. iraq's prim minister now met with military leaders in province where thousands of troops gatted for battle this week. this is the -- gathered for battle this week. this is the latest attempt to drive the militants out of area which they captured last summer. well, israeli prime minister netanyahu in washington, d.c. right now. any moment now he's expected to speak at the annual conference of the pro israel lobby aipac and this is a live look at the conference going on right now. but it is his speech before congress tomorrow that is getting most of the attention and causing controversy. he was invited by house speaker john boehner who didn't consult the white house beforehand. president obama said the address is inappropriate because of the timing just two weeks before israeli elections. >> netanyahu's message is that a nuclear armed iran -- meaning nuclear weapons -- is a danger to israel and a danger to the rest of the world because it will provoke an arms race. >> some democrats plan to boycott tomorrow's address. the department of justice reportedly close to finishing its report on ferguson, missouri's police department. sources telling "new york times" the report shows african- americans are arrested in the city at a much higher rate than average. same goes for traffic stops and citations. report says the city relies on excessive fines and tickets to fund its budget. ferguson and the police department have been under heavy scrutiny since last year's deadly shooting of the unarmed african-american man. commuters are contending with slippery conditions again today in the northeast. a winter storm hit last night dropping snow and creating ice. in new england, firefighters had a hard time finding hydrants buried in the snow while fighting a fire in rhode island. also in boston check this out. another round november know could make this the -- of snow could make this the city's snowiest winter ever. >> snow piles are going to be there until june. dirty snow. it's amazing. a sixth gradine sacramento has a once in a lifetime opportunity. he'll be traveling to antarctica. >> he will. 12-year-old aiden fong will make the trip with his teacher and famed polar explorer robert swan. he won a competition through swan's website. he is the youngest ambassador ever chosen to travel with the group. >> there's going to be an e- base there which is net zero energy base. basically a classroom that runs only on renewable energy. >> they plan on building a renewable energy classroom at their school when they get back from antarctica. can i just starts inning in him already? >> do it. take my money. >> silicon valley is already calling. >> you remember that name. how we doing out the door? you know some people use highway 84 to cut through between livermore and the sunol area. ruby hill. unfortunately we don't have sensors in that exact area. but we know that we're already starting to see only delays -- some delays as well as on southbound 680. you can see already the backups heading out of pleasanton. traveling highway 4 this is the issue that i mentioned at the top of the hour. it's not an accident. it's metal debris in the road westbound highway 4 at bailey. and you can see how slow it is often at this time of the morning we really only see the major slowdowns and antioch. really between hill crest and a. street. now it extends into the bay point area which you can see there and so they're working to clear that metal doe bro now. but -- debris now. but it may still be in lanes and that's causing the extra slowdowns for highway 4 drivers. bay bridge metering lights were turned on at 45:40. -- 5:40. hopefully you kind of planned your commute according to that. it's stacked up in the maze and also beginning to back up now along the berkeley curve. 24 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. that's your latest kcbs traffic drive to work. take a good look at this. it's the live weather camera from kpix 5 studios and easterly direction towards the bay bridge. we have beautiful doctored maic clouds. it's -- dramatic clouds. it's partly to mostly cloudy this morning as you head on out the door. the-s are in the -- temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. it feels like it's 35 in napa. this is the scene at sfo. mostly cloudy. but so far, no reports of any local airport delays. so we got the clouds out the door. we do have a chance of a sprinkle or light shower in the forecast. not as far as accumulation is concerned. breezy winds today out of the west 10 to 20 miles per hour. this is our storm from the weekend. it's now high tailing it out of southern california lifting into nevada. upstream an area of low pressure. that's what's taking a nose diver to the bay area producing that threat of rain showers and we hope we see it as well. then high pressure quickly fills in and that will provide us with high temperatures in the mid 70s. i got that seven day forecast coming up but first off let's go ahead and take a look at the futurecast. so we can walk you through your day. again, cloud cover and then the clouds begin to decrease during the evening hours. we'll still call it partly cloudy overnight tonight but for the most part, this is an anemic area of low pressure. with very minimal amount of precipitation associated with it. temperatures across the board today in the 60s. and in fact, average high this time of year for the second day of march is 61. in san francisco, and bingo. it know it's been the warmest winter on record here in the bay area and finally we are realizing average high temperatures. we return to daylight saving time on saturday night and wake up sunday morning which means spring ahead. we lose that hour of sleep. wow. meanwhile, check out thursday's highs back into the mid 70s. all right thanks. tomorrow is the dead lynn to apply -- deadline to apply for federal disaster loans with anybody with property damage from the storms in december in the bay area. most businesses, private nonprofits and renters may apply for the low interest loans. the amounts and terms of the loans are set by the sba based on each need. 6:20. up next more and more parents are pressuring their doctors to delay vaccines for their kids. why experts say it's a dangerous trend that puts everyone at risk. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, did stanford improve its chances of getting to the big dance? and are the warriors a good enough team to overcome a good morning everyone. the warriors pulled off another first last night trying to come back from 26 points down in boston. the celtics taking a few more manners in oracle does right? second quarter boston up 40-25. isaiah thomas gets the hoop and the foul. they led by as many as 26 points did boston. but then, here comes golden state. steph curry knocking down the open three and 87-84 now. curry led all scorers are 47 points. under four minutes. it's tied at 94. here comes draymond green. and the warriors come all the way back to win 106-101. college hoops. stanford passing on to a lucky student versus oregon last night. ten seconds left. chasson randle to try and win the game and it's not going to go. oregon wins 71-70. that's a damaging loss there. cal's coach cuonzo martin celebrating senior day with david travis. second half jordan matthews got the three ball making it 49-44. that was part of the run for the bears and they win 73-56. snapping their three game losing streak. you know, the golf tournament the honda in florida? bad weather delayed it. they started at 5:00 a.m. this morning. to finish up that tournament. they're playing as we speak. we'll have highlights of that one and tell you who won it tonight at 6:00. have a great day everybody. thank you dennis. more sports, play of the day. and nba, good game. cleveland and houston. and a nice dunk, lebron james on the runway. he's gone. he's elevating. dunking. nice slam dunk. he had a very tough day at the free-throw line. and by the way, cleveland who has been hot took this one on the chin. the rockets are hot too. they win it in ot but the king getting the play of the day. 6:25 now. a bay area woman is seriously injured after she was attacked by her family dog. why neighbors were so confused when they heard what happened. >> and i'm kiet do, we are live in livermore the city is dealing with a very rare double homicide. police have a big break in the huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: we need your help to do more. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people the lapd launched an investigation into the officer involved in the death of a homeless man. who cell phone video revealed about the moments leading up to that deadly shooting. are brief break from high gas prices appears to be over. how much and how long they're expected the climb. speaking of how much, we've got rain back in the forecast today. we'll tell you how much to expect. and one of the worst drive times around the bay area, between the altamonte pass and pleasanton. and now there's a new crash near the dublin interchange. we'll tell you all about it coming up. thank you liz and good morning everyone. it's monday march 2nd. i'm frank mallicoat. >> good morning the you, i'm djordjevski -- to you, i'm juliette goodrich in for michelle and it's 6:30. back to normal finally after a fuel spill at northbound 101 and 280 in san francisco. that diesel came from a broken truck. its axle broke and punctured the gas tank. there are no reports of any injuries. police believe they have the man in custody who killed two others on a normally quiet street in livermore. two men were found shot to death around 4:30 yesterday afternoon on altamonte creek drive near winding stream drive. the suspect was arrested just after 9:00 last night. kiet do is at the livermore police department with more on the arrest a few hours after that deadly shooting. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. livermore police say that the last time the city had a homicide, was three years ago back in 2012. so police department are calling this an isolated incident. this all began yesterday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. when livermore police got a call of a couple of men arguing on the north end of town and according to the police, three men were yelling while on the creek drive. gunshots heard in the area. by the time the cops got there two of the men were lying on the ground with gunshot winds. one of the -- wound. one of men died at the scene. officers found a gun on the ground near a church away from the crime scene and believe that might be the murder weapon. at this point, investigators are still trying to figure out why the men were in the area violent crime in livermore is very unusual. >> you know it is unique to this neighborhood because it is very quiet section of town. and when -- the call came out as you know, males arguing, and then when we come around the corner, and then it turns out two individuals are shot. >> reporter: so all the men knew each other. we don't know their relationships to one another. their identities have not yet been released and we expect to get more information about this case here at the police department during a press conference that's going to be held at account a.m. we're -- 9:00 a.m. we're live in livermore, kiet do, kpix 5. and 6:32 now. a woman now being treated for extensive injuries after being attacked by a pit bull. investigators say the victim was bitten on the face, arms and legs inside her home. the injuries were serious enough that she had to be airlifted to john muir trauma center in walnut creek. neighbors say they never knew the woman had a dog in the first place. >> and i've never seen a dog out front. a new years ago there was but it was a really old one. kind of walk around a little bit but it wasn't a threatening dog or anything. so. >> police aren't sure whether the dog belonged to the woman or the man who also lived in the home. the dog has been turned over to animal services. a little snow to parts of san diego county. this is mount laguna with the elevation of 6,000 feet. so it actually does get occasional snowfall there. and it was just enough to provide some fun for san diegians who didn't need to make a long trip to enjoy a real taste of the winter. need some of that up our way. >> yeah a mix of everying this week. >> there is -- everything this week. >> 36 inches of snow fell at squaw valley. this was awesome and we had street and hail in the san jose area. hayward, fremont. you sent me some video? >> picture of sunset from claremont. beautiful. >> oh saturday right? >> saturday. >> that was the area of low pressure. check this out. this was sent to me by brian carpenter. and this is sundown on sat at mount -- saturday at mount diablo. isn't that amazing? boy i want to see your photographs or videos, send them to -- that's how you tweet them to me by the way. i love to see what photographs you want to share with me. wow. what a weekend we had? right now we have partly to mostly cloudy skies and temperatures anywhere from 39 degrees in napa but it feels like 35 due to a wind up to 6 miles per hour. it's in the 40s around the peninsula. it is now 53 in san francisco. brand new area of low pressure. okay that's a departing one from this weekend. this is brand new and it is now diving down in a southerly direction. bringing us at least a chance of a few showers today. nothing measurable. daytime highs in the 60s. lows in the 30s and 40s. your extended forecast again a few scattered showers breezy winds west end at 20. otherwise high pressure builds in tuesday, with that by thursday, we're talking mid 70s right here in the bay area. liz? mid 70s. i know. that's incredible. all right, thank you roberta. well let's go out the door and show you what's going on for the back to work the monday morning drive. you know we been trying to search for the slowest drive time and this appears to be it. it's pretty brutal right now coming out of tracy all the way through the dublin interchange. and really continuing southbound 680 through the sunol grade and there has been a crash clear to the shoulder westbound 580 at santa rita. but you can see the traffic backed up behind it. eastbound 84 the cut through. there's an accident there approaching ruby hill coming into livermore and so the sensors it is delayed in that area. here's a live look metering lights are on slow mode for some reason. no incidents reported coming into san francisco and you can see cars are barely budging try to get through the -- trying to get through the pay gates. they're trying to back up traffic behind the pay gates. it's already solid through the maze and 580 is really heavy from 24. that's kcbs traffic. back to you guys. all right thank you. a new study suggests parents have increasingly pressured doctors to delay vaccines for young children. well, the findings in a international survey of pediatricians and family doctors. the study says the parents' decisions make their kids and others vulnerable to preventable diseases. doctors point out that the vaccines are most effective when young children follow the recommended schedule. lapd will use bystanders' video to help figure out what happened in a moments before officers killed a homeless man. danielle nottingham has the very latest now from l. a.. >> reporter: a witness had their cell phone camera rolling as los angeles police and a homeless man got into a confrontation in the city's skid row section around noon sunday. [ sound of gunfire ] during the struggle, shots were fired and the man was killed. officers responded to the area to investigate a possible robbery. >> when they got to the scene they made contact with the suspect. during that contact an altercation occurred. >> reporter: police say during the struggle, officers tried to use a taser gun on the man. >> it is not known if the taser struck the suspect. but the altercation continued. and that altercation then resulted in an officer-involved shooting. >> reporter: this witness says the man was fighting with another person near one of the tents on the sidewalk before officers arrived. >> when they got out of the car, they ran up and they pulled their guns out and they shot him five times. >> reporter: police will review video from surveillance cameras in the area. >> it's going to be a long investigation and we will you know -- get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: so far, police can't confirm the number of officers involved or how many shots were fired. danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles. >> the police commander says the officers were initially responding to a report of a robbery. happening today, the senate is holding a vote on whether to proceed with talks to fund the department of homeland security. a bill was passed on friday to fund the department but only until the end of the week. republicans and democrats have not yet agreed on a long-term funding bill. conservative republicans want the bill to include provisions to block president obama's executive action on immigration. senate democrats want a so- called clean bill that focuses solely on funding. a massive crowd marched through moscow to protest the murder of a russian opposition leader. chance chant -- [ chanting ] organizers say about 70,000 people took part in the demonstration yesterday. boris nemtsov was shot to debt friday not far from the kremlin. he was an outspoken opponent of putin's and critical of the policy on ukraine. dozens of people also protested in san francisco's union square to voice their disms. with the assassination -- displeasure with the assassination. some of them compared pew sin to a dictator. about 60,000 russians leave hire in the bay area -- live here in the bay area. gas prices keep soming upwards up nearly 50 cents a gallon in the last week. that's according to here's a look at the average prices for regular unleaded in our local metro areas -- and analysts expect prices to jump another 20 cents in the next few weeks. >> fun while it lasted. well, some areas of the point reyes national seashore are off-limits to the public. the western point of the spit are closed until the end of june. these areas have one of the largest concentrations of breeding harbor seals in california. more than 4,000 were counted last year and about a quarter were pups. 6:39 on this monday. a sky diver in australia thankful to be alive after suddenly passing out in midair. how his instructor imagined to get him -- managed to get him safely back to earth. >> today the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments in a case that could shape the future don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. good monday morning, it is monday, it is march 2nd. it is 6:42 and highs across if bay area today under mostly cloudy skies. few scattered showers certainly possible. 50s, 60s around the beaches today and across the santa clara valley. in the low and mid- 60s which is spot on for this time of year t year. east of the bay -- the year. east of the bay. 64-degrees in danville and north bay numbers stacking up from 60 in bodega bay to 64 in camp field. a few showers possible in clear leak at 62 degrees, it will be 63 in windsor. thanks robert that. the longest serving woman in congress is not running for re- election. sources telling the associated press that senator barbara mikulski is ready to announce her retirement. the democrat from maryland is 78 years old. she spent ten years in the house before joining the senate in 1987 and no word yet on the reason for her retirement but she would be up for re-election next year. well, some mixed news on the economy this morning. consumer spending dropped a bit in january. even as incomes actually shot up. >> here now is kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. good morning jason. >> good morning jewel net. good morning frank. consumer spending down two straight months now. not a big surprise because retail sales were also down. in december and january. commerce department reported that personal spending down .2%. that mean the savings rate increased to 5.35% from 5% in december. americans being a little more judicious with how they spend their money, getting more cushion back. not a bat thing at -- bad thing at all. the inflation gauge in the report that's watched by the fed fell by a half percent only up .2% over the past year. big deal in the tech industry. it was first reported coming last week but hewlett-packard is suing for $3 billion -- fining for $3 billion. news that the deal was under what the closing price was on friday. as the shares down slightly this morning. market off to a decent start. let's take a look another the big boards and see how we're doing so far today. dow is up by 55 points and nasdaq picking up 14. s&p up 2 points. shares in hp down a quarter percent on word of its purchase of the networks. juliette, frank back to you. >> all right thanks so much. okay on this traffic -- thanks jason. and on the traffic now. take it away. >> back out to the dublin pleasanton area, love love. that stretch of -- livermore valley. that stretch of 580 worst commute hands-down. you can see the drive time. 37 minutes from the altamonte pass. there was one earlier crash through the dublin interchange. traffic started on a heavy note out of tracy. and you can still see a lot of red sensors and unfortunately, highway 84 is not going to be a good cut through. all lanes are now blocked that's why livermore police department is just alerting us to the eastbound lanes of 84 completely shut down. at ruby hill. it's because of on aver turned -- an overturn crash in the area, expect delays westbound as well. here's a live look at the bay bridge. they're speeding up the metering lights a touch. they were really on slow mode there for a while. still backed up through the maze. the approaches are slow. 80 through the berkeley curve. from richmond. 580 jammed solid to the 24 interchange. on the bridge it looks okay. things are slowly improving from the incline. san mateo bridge within the last ten minutes start today get really crowded. trying to get out of hayward. ing really see -- you can really see the brake lights right now just past the toll plaza. trying to get to the peninsula. drive time is about 22 minutes from 880 and 101. at least eastbound traffic is fine up and over the high raise. the nimitz freeway 880 in oakland is great near oakland airport and oakland coliseum. that's your latest kcbs traffic. roberta, we saw a lot of cool cloud formations lately. wasn't it amazing? what a terrific weekend. with we had hail and we had sleet and we even had double rainbows, this is the scene over the valley nursery. thank you jennifer lapow for tweeting me this photo. i want to see your photos as well. lots of clouds and look at these right now. this is live weather camera from san francisco, we're looking due east towards the bay bridge. and yep, we do have some partly to mostly cloudy conditions. our air temperature in the 40s and 50s. however, napa now at 39 degrees. feels like 35 due to a wind up to 6 miles per hour. sfo, that's beautiful. i'm going to step out of the way and you can get a good look. no reports of any local airport delays at this hour: we will be cloudy today. we will experience a sprinkle or a light rain shower. and the winds will pick up out of the west 10 to 20 miles per hour. this is the exiting storm that caused that double rainbow that jennifer picked up over the weekend. this is an afroing area of low pressure and you can clearly see it's taking a nosedive down in a southerly fashion. but nevertheless, we could get wet today. and then with the passage of this low, high pressure firmly builds in. wait. until you see the seven day forecast. all right. first things first, let's walk you through the day today. mostly cloudy conditions. a hit and miss scattered rain hour east of the bay. also over the mount hamilton area, otherwise we begin to clear out in the overnight hours, temperatures across the state today pretty much in the 50s, 60s in the central valley and yes we have the threat of a thunderstorm in the monterey bay area. and snow in that toe. two to hour for inches today. -- four more inches today. sun is upped 6:40 -- up at 6:40. the sun has already come up. temperatures across if bay area sot upon for this time of the year. average high san francisco 61. and that's what we will see. here's your extended forecast. and by the way, saturday night to sunday morning, we return to daylight saving time which means we spring ahead. frank and jewels? >> we're on air an hour earlier. >> yes we are. >> hello 3:30. all right thanks roberta. it is 6:48 now. today the united states supreme court will hear arguments in a case that could have a very big impact on california. >> yeah, with more on this we're joined by political analyst and lawyer melissa griffin caen. good morning. >> good morning guys. >> so the case is about arizona. >> but it actually could have a big impact here in california. the case is about the way we draw districts for elections. now historically, politicians have been able to draw their own districts and letting those foxes guard the hen house turned out pretty much like you would imagine. the party in charge tends to stay in charge. and just about everybody gets re-elected. so to stop that, since about the year 2000, voters in arizona and then california agreed to take the district drawing power away from politicians and give it to independent commissions made of citizens. now we probably should have known that politicians would not let go of the power without a fight. so in arizona, the state legislature has sued to get back the power to draw district lines and today, the u.s. supreme court will hear oral arguments in that case. if the supreme court strikes down arizona's independent system, california's system is also in trouble. >> so what is a the about for ending the independent commission? >> it was passed by voters and seems legit. well there are lots of issues in the case but the legislature's core argument is based on this -- this is section one of the u.s. constitution. and it says the times, places and manner of holding elections, for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof. in other words, they argue that only members of the actual state legislature can dictate elections rules. the commission on the other hand argues the definition of legislature isn't just elected officials. they want it broadly interpreted. and also mean things other ways that state yous make rules. -- states make rules. now the lower court has already agreed indidn't commissions are fine. -- independent commissions are fine. the question is whether the supreme court is going to overturn that decision. >> okay so any predictions on how this case will turn out? >> oh -- yeah. i love these. well, let's see. one reason why this is such a fascinating case that it really crosses party lines. it depends on who's in power. in arizona republicans rule the legislature, general little speaking they want redistricting control back. in california, it's the opposite. with democrats, wishing they could again draw the districts. so we could see a decision at the supreme court that crosses party affiliations. now i will point out that the obama administration has said it was the independent commissions and today, is going to help argue that those commissions should be left alone to operate just like the rotors intended -- voters intended. so hopefully today's argument will give us insight agent how the justices are leaning. stay tuned we'll keep you post. . >> okay melissa thank you so much. all right, the time now is 6:51. a sky divers' worst case led to a dramatic midair rescue over australia. this happened a few months being but the video just went public. christopher jones had just jumped at 12,000 feet over perth when he suffered an epileptic seizure. his instructor realized something was wrong. and dove toward him. he was able to pull jones' rip cord at about 4,000 feet. the images were captured by the instructor's helmet cam. jones says he regained consciousness and landed safely. >> sol thankful. thankful he was there. and what he did actually probably saved my life. >> the instructor sheldon mcfarlane says he was just doing his job. >> he did it very well. >> yes he did. >> i goes. amazing. it is 6:52. a texas nurse who contracted ebola is now suing the hospital where she was exposed to that virus. why she says her employers put her life at risk. >> and i'm kiet do, we're live in livermore, police got a big break in that very unusual and rare double homicide. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at five things to know now at the :55. israeli's prime minister netanyahu addressed the annual conference in washington today. it comes a day ahead of a speech to congress and focusing in on iran's nuclear ambitions. california senator feinstein will attend but dozens of other democrats will boycott that address. iraq's army has launched a massive push to recapture a progin north of baghdad from isis. fightest control several strongholds in the province including tikrit the hometown of former iraqi president saddam hussein. isis has held the area since last summer. and gas prices up nearly 50 cents in the last week. and they're expected to keep rising. right now the average for a gallon of regular $3.36 in san jose, the $3.33 in oakland, san francisco it's at $3.44. they expect prices to jump another 20 cents in the next couple of weaks peaking in late more. also the dallas nurse who contracted ebola will file a lawsuit today against the hospital where she worked. nina pham says employees at texas health were not properly trained and didn't have the proper equipment to handle the first ebola crisis. her attorney secesh know suffers from fatigue and -- says she now suffers from fra teague and aigs in -- fatigue and aches in her bones. on skid row, six officers responding to a robbery in the area yesterday. cell phone video shows them wrestling with the man and the department says the man tried to grab an officer's gun and that's when he was shot. and i'm kiet do, we are live in livermore where homicides are very unusual. double homicides? even more so. that's what they have here yesterday. and it looks like livermore pd has a big break in the particular case. it all started yesterday afternoon around 4:30 p.m.. police got a call of people arking on the north end of town and three men were yelling on altamonte creek drive. by the time police arrived two of the men were lying on the ground with gunshot winds. and one of them died at the scene. the other was taken to the hospital and he was pronounced dead. police say the suspect fled off in a car. police found a gun near a church away from the crime seen and lev it -- believe it might be the suspect's weapon. at this point, investigators are still trying to figure out why these men were in the area. >> these people knew each other. that we do know. so it is an isolated incident. it sounds like something occurred between them that we're trying to figure out as well. >> reporter: now we do not know the relationships of the men to one another. their identities have not yet been released and we're expects to get more information this morning at a press conference here at livermore pd at 9:00 a.m. live in livermore, kiet do, kpix 5. and if you usually use highway 84 between sunol and livermore you may want to think twice. we have a traffic alert now in effect all lanes are blocked. the eastbound direction of highway 84 at ruby hill. and it's not only clear when they're going to be able to reopen that but they just issued the traffic alert and the bay bridge backed up fully through the maze and that east shear foe is a he is -- shore freeway is a mess in berkeley. good morning everybody. we had such an amazing weekend mike sent me this from the foothills of san jose, yeah looked like snow but it was sleet. tweet me our yotes -- once that great? >> i love it. >> we have another chance of light rain today gang. nothing measurable. later today with the few scattered showers possible. mostly cloudy. breezy west winds to 20. temperatures in the 60s. once this system passes, it's nothing but sunny skies and mid 70s. by thursday. >> send us the photos, then great this morning. >> yeah. every single moment we were good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday march 2, 2015. welcome to cbs "this morning." coast to coast storms affect millions. hef rain rumbles through the southwest while the northwest struggles under new snow and ice. and throwing wasteful parties. why are they still on the job? cbs news investigates. a skydiver's dramatic rescue thousands of feet in the air. we'll hear from the man who saved him. and we begin with a look at today's "eye-opener: your world in 90 seconds." >> the two waves of energy moving through continue to bring us rainfall. >> snow rain and ice from coast to


Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140325

is set to return and we could see quite a bit of it before it's over. 7 news weather anchor spencer christian begins our coverage tonight on the weather with live doppler 7 hd. >> okay our first spring storm winter storm we should have had here's live doppler 7hd you cap see clouds forming offshore right now but skies over the bay area are mainly clear at the moment. that won't last long. here come the clouds and here comes the rain. this system is going to sweep in tomorrow morning and bring the first in several waves of wet weather. now the morning commute will start out dry at fir okay tomorrow morning. the rain still well to our north west but by midmorning 9:00 o'clock or so we see the first wave of rain pushing down into parts of sonoma county. by the middle of the day certainly by mid afternoon we see rain sweeping through all parts of the by area. east bay. south bay and just trailing areas of rain and showers behind the frontal system. this is just the beginning of what it is going to be a series of wet weather system moving through the bay area make up a little bit what we lack this winter. show you the accu-weather 7 day forecast mostly wet in just a few minutes. dan. >> that's good to hear isn't it spencer. >> thaes thanks very much. track the rain in the bay area using live doppler 7hd on our weather app. down load it on our web site at this site. >> 17 day of mystery we learn all that stands between a fragile pope and brutal reality single piece of evidence. the government of malaysian told 2 39 people their loved ones not coming home. new evidence conclude that the plane plunged into the ocean. abc news reporter has the story l. >> the news everyone dreading. >> live image 370 ended in a southern indian ocean. >>reporter: no survivors. devastating conclusion that unleashed explosion of emotion n.beijing and kuala lumpur family of the 29 passenger were in disbelief and shock. my children didn't die. they must have been hidden somewhere this mother screamed. some relatives were carried out by stretcher. others turn quickly to anger. malaysian airlines is lined with shouts and still so many open questions. like why the plane veered off course and where it crashed into the water. >> we can't give you a definitive x mark the spot. we can give you a range year in which to look that the world navy and aircraft are now doing. >> search team chasing new clue including multiple sightings and at the bree floating on the sea. ships from 4 country are now headed to the area to confirm the piece of wreckage. >> we thought it was finding the debris was hard. finding it on the bottom of the ocean is at least twice as hard. >> challenge for sonar and robotic submarine hunt for the black box and water deeper than where the titanic sank. but first they need to find the field of debris on the ocean floor. process made more difficult by swift current and bad weather. this is abc news new york. >> now we are expecting statement from the ceo of malaysian air within the hour. if it happens we bring it to you live. reporting continues right now on twitter at abc 7 news bay area. update on the abc 7 news at 11 over on channel 7. we will see you for that. >> we are learning more tonight about why east bay teacher now charged with child molestation never had a new background check done. ron was arrested at mile an hour vista elementary in richmond early this month. last year he was fired from another school molestation alleges arose. west contra costa county school district did not know when it hired him. since he had worked for the district before, background check was not performed again. the schoo board is scheduled to review the policy on background check during a eting on wednesday night. we follow-up for you. >> well there was a vigil tonight for man killed by police in a san francisco park. friends gather at the spot where this man died last friday. police say they thought he had a gun. his friend say it was a taser. 7 news reporter carolyn tyler is on the story. >> at the top of this hill a message today for this man. rest in peace. >> we love you alex. always be in our hearts. >> the 28-year-old was shot to death by police friday night at the park. after some park goers called 911 saying he was acting strangely and had a gun. not everyone was concerned. >> i saw the guy with a gun but he wasn't threatening to me. seemed like this guy eating a burrito. >>reporter: the family says it was a taser not a gun. and that he carried it because he work as a security guard in san francisco. earlier this month a former friend arthur vega filed a restraining order against the man accusing him of attacking him with that taser. saying quote he used a taser gun and shoot me 4 times. 2 on the lower back. 1 on the upper back. and one in my left shoulder and left forearm. but other friends say the man was a peaceful buddhist just a few credit short of earning an associates degree in criminal justice. that volunteered with kids at the youth guidance center and wanted to be a probation officer. >> to have him shot 14 times by san francisco police is a grave injustice. and we are demanding a thorough investigation. >> police weren't talking today but on friday night said erased his weapon at them. >> it does appear he drew the weapon and officers responded and shot him. >> police chief will hold a community meeting tomorrow to answer questions friends and family are asking tonight. in san francisco, carolyn tyler, abc 7 news. >> san francisco police are still looking for the gunman who shot and wounded 7 people in the city tenderloin district. the cell phone video shows the chaotic scene near turk and taylor street last night. witness say it started when an argument broke out during a dice game. gunman walked to car pulled out handgun and started shooting. gunshots also shattered the window of a business the violent shot the man who work at that store. >> i don't know for what but it's scary too. i hope everybody is okay. i'm paying for everybody. >> about all 7 victims have been released from the hospital. police hope to hear from anyone to identify the gunman. >> oakland police reveal information about the people officers stop and question over several months last year. happened more than 14,000 times between april and november. 61 percent of all stops focus on people sues pegged of violating traffic law. officers stopped another 23 percent for probable cause while investigating a crime. african americans made up 62 percent of those stopped. by way of context about 31 percent of the city population is african american. hispanic made up 17 percent of those stopped. they are 25% of the population. and 12 percent of the stops involve white people. 39 percent of oakland resident are white. oakland has a policy banning racial profilin profiling. >> the san mateo county district attorney calls it the biggest case they have ever prosecuted. the indictment of 16 reputed gang members from east palo alto. 7 news reporter vick lehas the story. >> long investigation started in september 2012. when a driver of this car was shot on highway 101 in belmont then there was one murder after another as the gang began feuding. operation sunny day took 18 months. the sheriff's department and police from every city on the peninsula were involved. they served 80 search warrants targeting 3 east palo alto gangs called the taliban. deville and sax street. grand jury took 2 month to review the case. longest the panel has ever deliberated in san mateo county history. 16 reported gang members were indicted. district attorney steve wag staff. >> 4 separate murder that is have been charged here. there are 2 separate dealted murders. there are countless other crimes of drug trafficking, witness disswaichlingts hsaid the gang committed caims not only in east palo alto but all over the peninsula. residents we spoke with were relieved that just maybe the violence will stop. >> anything to help bring the community up. black eye for a long time. >> don't need gang anywhere. tell them to get a job. >> a 16-year-old son shot to death in the 1990's. his killer never found. >> at least they find some of the murder take them out. >> police named the operation sunny day because of its significance to gang members. wag staff explains. >> when a murder that they had orchestrated that they had directed was successfully carried out, their code word for it was sunny day. >> for san mateo county prosecutors and police today was assign day. this is 7 new news. >> more to bring you on 7 news at 9:00. up next how a woman woke up on a cal train alone and desperate to get out. after the train had been shut down for the night. story only on 7 news. >> behind schedule and over budget the race against time to take apart the old eastern span of the bay bridge before craw run into more costly problem. >> late word tonight. president ready to make a major change in the government surveillance program. >> stay with he m-7 ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> to reiterate looks like finally after long dry spell we get some rain and spencer is tracking it on radar tonight. >> that's true. the rain we much-needed, through winter and didn't get coming now in sprin spring. here's live doppler 7hd. actually probably arrive before the morning rush ends. but rate now we are dry around the bay area. live doppler 7hd few clouds forming along the north coast of the bay area. here's live view from the east bay hills camera looking west ward out over the bay under mainly clear skies at the moment. we have a few clouds around. 53 degrees in san francisco. 58 in oakland. mid 60's redwood city. 65, 60 san jose. 62 los gatos. 50 half moon basement live view from the exploring camera. looking at the sky line of the financial district of san francisco. 50 right now in santa rose. 52 novato. fairfield 55. low 60's at concord and livermore and one more live view from the sutro tower cam are looking out over san francisco. these are forecast feature rain arrives morning commute towards theen of the commute period of rape tomorrow through wednesday and this wet pattern continue thes right on through the weekend into next week. here's satellite radar composite image showing the series of wet weather system our way. waves of rain coming at us this week. first wave arrives tomorrow so let's show you the time line starting at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow morning beginning of rush hour moving mainly dry at that point although the rain is just to our north west by 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning, morning commute is winding dow down, it's raining across much of the north bay and then by midday by 12 noon we see more wide spread rainfall through the central part of the bay area into the east bay south bay and parts of the north basement 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon as we get into the afternoon and evening rush periods of rain but also break her and there wet pavement and slow commute and areas period of rain continue right on through tomorrow night through wednesday into thursday and beyond but let's stop at thursday and project the rainfall total as of 11:00 o'ock thursday or 2:00 o'clock thursday afternoon now. we'll be looking at rainfall total of 1 to 2 and a half inches of rain in the higher elevation in the lower elevation half inch to inch. that's pretty generous dose of rainfall for spring. over the sierra winter storm warning in effect from 3:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to 11:00 o'clock thursday morning. looking at 1 to 2 feet of snow above 5500 feet 4 to 8 inches pretty good snow fall down around the grave00 foot level. chain control quite likely. on we go to overnight low here in, 10 day outlook give you that first. taking us up to april third. we see a lot of rain especially in the north west part of the state 6 to 8 inches of rain could fall between now and april third. 1 to 3 inches inhe bay area. won't end the drought but certainly help. overnight tonight partly cloudy become being cloudy towards the morning. low pressure mainly mid upper 40's then tomorrow rainy day with little break in the afternoon. high pressure inland around the bay. low to mid 60's. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast all the way through the 7 day period with possible exception of friday. pretty good chance of showers periods of rain maybe even some thunder showers on wednesday. so we get a nice week of wet weather coming our way and again not exactly an end to the drought or enough to erase the rainfall deficit but will help. >> where's that pwichbility we have been waiting for it. >> thanks. let's go some breaking news. we are expecting news conference which is now under way. thinks david johnson with the australian defense ministry speaking to the media. about to be introduced 3 is to talk about the latest on malaysian flight 370. >> thank you all for keeping everybody informed. as to what is going on with what is most important event in terms of aviation and maritime safety. today i am here to speak to the crews and the maintainers of these magnificent aircraft behind me. i want to take the opunity to publicly thank all of the crews and all of the teams that keep these planes flying. as you know it's a 4 hour trip down there, 2 hours on station and then 4 hos home. this is an extremely remote part of the world. it is you know 3000 meters deep. 2500 km from pevrt. it's a massive logistic exercise. 4 australian p 3. 2 japanese p 3. one new zealand p 3. p 8 from the united states. 2 aleutian from china, and who else have i missed. p 3 coming from korea with c 138 this afternoon. now i weren't to take the opportunity to thank all of those countries for their assistance and their commitment. i have just had lunch with chinese and japanese teams. they are all working ex oughtcly long hours to keep the aircraft flying and crew up to the minute in terms of enthusiasim. it has been long hard ride, 2 week in. we have got 7 down there and with evidence to demy 120 kilometer to the south for those to understood sea site horrendous weather condition. this is a major operation. can i say that the prime minister has today announced that visa fee waived for the family passenger crew of this malaysian aircraf aircraft. we will be very pleased to welcome them here to give them some closure in an extreme tragedyor them. i come back to the fact that this is an amazing example of international cooperation particularly between military. and western australia pleaseed to host the chinese, japanese, the korean, the new zealand and the americans into western australia. >> this is special facility offered for the family to come hear and to be flown over or taken by sea to the crash area. >> well i think those logistical operation need to be considered very carefully. i don't want to speculate because it is a major operation. this is as i say probably one of the most remote part of our planet. we want to get that right. we want to assist the family and friends to have some closure. but let's talk about that when we know how many are coming and when they are arriving. >> you are listening to a david johnson the australia defense minister updating the media on the latest on flight 370 which as you have heard here in our broadcast and may have heard today they now seem very convinced that it did in fact end tragically no. survivors plunging into the indian ocean 1500 miles or so roughly from off the coast of pevrt, australia. to the east. so just updating the media where they stand so far. this is in quite deep water. retrieving the black box or remain of wreckage is a real challenge. they are assessing the feasibility of all that. it's deeper in fact than where the titanic sank that ep didth of water to give you an idea of the challenge. any way keep you updated any new information here and full report on 7 news at 11:00. >> moving on. san jose commuter went through scary ordeal on cal train. 23-year-old jessica method fell asleep on the train as people often do. she missed her stop. when she woke up all alone train empty. lee ann has story you will see only on 7 news. >> it was scary. i was scared. it was the first time i felt really panicked before. >> on march 14 friday night. jessica method was having dinner in daly city with friends. later she took bart to the train station in millbrae and was headed home to san jose. >> i had been working all week. eat 18 big dinner. i was tired and it was late. and i just fell asleep. >> she was to get off at the station in san jose. but missed her stop. >> when i got off the train to look around to see where i could good there was no where. it was in a train yard. >> much to her sprays she was inside the gateed cal train maintenance yard in san jose. fenced in. the lights inside the train were still on and luckily the doors were open. but there wano one around. >> shells discovered her cell phone was dead. method says she then pulled several emergency lever on the train all in a desperate attempt to get someone to come. >> there is a few fence to jum jump. not easily. and that's when i reverted to few other option. >> she ran to open the conductor cabin and found a two-way radio. 2 maintenance employee working the graveyard shift quickly came to her rest kichlt it did happen and we are so sorry. we apologies to the customers. obviously something that we never want to see happen. >> cal train posted an apology on her facebook page. >> the conductor involved were disciplined and going to be talking about all of our employees to remind them about the protocol and what the appropriate for closing up at the end of the night. >> that's because cal train sits happened before. last december a man fell asleep only to wake up in that same maintenance yard. but the man managed to hop the fence. lee ann, abc 7 news. >> the abc show "dancing with the stars"is a big hit. you know that. but what is it that women really want on the dance floor? for the first time ever. for the first time ever. science weigh ins with the ant >> well if you want to catch a woman eye on the dance flar like say spencer might, remember this. manufacture your right leg and your pelvis. right spencer. >> yes. >> new study show women believe dancing is a way to learn about a man strength, sexual drive and fertility. researchers found women believe good dancers make larger movement with the right leg, neck, torso and pelvis. just think michael jackson. as for the bad dancers men who try to move too much with their left leg were rated poorly by women. so go figure. there you go. >> well more to bring you here coming up another half hour of abc 7 news at 9:00. continues. still waiting for news conference from malaysian airline. we bring that to you as it happens. >> also here. swept away. race against time to reach any survivors buried in the massive mud slide. >> new hope in the fight against deadly skin cancer and how to spot trouble early. all that and much more stay with me that and much more stay with me news >> and we want to bring you breaking news now. live from kuala lumpur, malaysian that's not david johnson. this is an executive from malaysian airlines. talking about now the jet crashed natural indian ocean. let's listen for a few moments and live from kuala lumpur. >> and to support the authorities as the search continues i will now our executive to provide you with full details of our support of the families. i stand before you today at chief executive officer of malaysian airlines and also the parent of brother and son, my heart breaks to think of the unimaginable of the family. no words which cap ease the pain. everyone in malaysian airlines family is praying for 2 39 soul os 370 and for the loved one and extend our prayers and sincere condolences. we all feel enormous sorrow and pain, sorrow that all those who boarded flight 370 on saturday eighth of march will not see the family again. an those family will now have to live v-to live on without their loved ones. must be remembered that our entire nation and let me be very clear on events of yesterday evening. our organization last night was to ensure that the incredibly short amount of time available to us the family heard the tragic news before the world did. wherever humanly possible we did so with the family all by telephone using last result oven shawring truly that nearly 1,000 family members heard the news from us an not from the media. ever since the disappearance of flight 370 malaysian flight has been to comfort and support the family of those involved and also to support the multi-national the we will continue to do this and also support the work of the investigating in the indian ocean. like everyone else we are waiting for news from those authorities. we know that increasing number of apparent lead, definitely identification of any piece of debris but after 17 days announcement made last night the and shared with the family is the reality that we must face and we now must accept. when malaysian airline 7 approval from the investigating authorities arrangement made to bring family to the recovery area if they so wish. until that time we will continue to support the ongoing investigation. >> you are listening to the ceo of malaysian airlines discussing the latest on the mystery of flight 370 which we now know crashed tragically with two 39 people on board in the indian ocean. very remote area. difficult to reach and wreck annual will be quite deep down in the ocean. the ceo of malaysian airlines really doing not too much more than expressing thanks to those involved in the investigation and condolence of family members and pledge to continue to work with investigating parties. live from l kuala lumpur. >> tragedy in this country to talk b.death toll continues to rise in washington state after mud slide flatten entire neighborhood today search crew recovered 6 more bodies buried under the debris. death toll now is at 14 and officials warn the number could go up again. dozens of people still unaccounted for. of our reporter has the latest. >> the houses are gone. >> any injuries. >> yes people are yelling for help. >> frantic calls to 911 describe the chaos that unfoleyed saturday morning. half mountain wiping out the rural community burying homes underneath. today hovercraft join small fleet of who want tore search for any signs of life. debris field stretching grave00 feet across the mud open the ground more than 3 stories high in some neighborhoods. these google image show the scope of the devastation. community one homes left of the river now nothing but mud. >> this is one of the biggest land slide i have seen. there is still some movement on the land slide and so that is something that we are trying to get a better handle on. >> the search for survivors hampered by conditions on the ground. >> it's muddy. in areas it's like quicksand. >> robin youngblood watched the wall of mud caving in. >> we tumbled inside and had mud in our eyes and nose and mouth and i'm really grateful i'm alive. >>reporter: president obama has declared a state of emergency now for the national guard is now assisting in the massive effort with governor instant lee vowing to get more federal resources. >> petal to the metal everything we get the family will get. >>reporter: search crew haven't found any survivor since sachlts head of emergency management doesn't expect to find any more considering all the time that has passed. but he added he's still hoping for a miracle. this is abc news arlington, washington. >> today governor brown directed the state office of emergency services to send members of the state urban search and rescue team to help out in response and recovery effort in washington state. >> coming up next. big announcement from the white house. plan to overhaul the nsa once secret spying program. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ is. >> abc news reporting tonight that president obama will prosecute pose legislation to end the national security agency bulk collects of telephone records. they would keep the rortdz of americans calling habit in the hands of the phone company. nsa once secret call records program was exposed by former nsa contractor edward snowden. setoff a fire storm over privacy versus security. supporters say the program helps identify potential terrorists. >> well now to some medical news that could bring new hope to millions of american family touched by skin cancer specifically melanoma. over the weekend a familiar face beloved hollywood actor lost his battle with the disease. and today a headline about a possible game changing drug just 18 months away. abc news reporter reports. >> actor james, a familiar fac face. >> distracked i was excited to see you. >> 65-year-old losing his battle with melanoma this weekend once again putting that focus just how dangerous the disease can be. melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer killing 9500 people in the u.s. each year. the average survival for advance melanoma without treatment is just months. but tonight word new drug may heateded to the market as early as this year. >> haven't been more excited than now. immune treatment that can actually stimulate the bodey immune system to knock down the tumor and do this for prolonged period of time. >> here's how the drugs work. melanoma is so hard to stop because it can literally turn off your body's ability to attack it. these new drugs can keep your immune cell turned on and working against the cancer. clinical trials promising while not a cure the drugs can increase short-term survival. that means everything to someone lick 37-year-old mom jennifer stewart who says she was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2006. last year she feared she had just months to live. but after being admitted to a drug trial last year, stewart says her scans are now complete will i clear. >> it's amazing. i don't even feel like a 6 person. >> doctors say the best weapon is catching it early. be on the look out for new spots that are asituation met ri cam. irregular board and larger than a pencil eraser. early detection is critical and don't forget to check spots like behind your knee or between your toes. this is abc news new york. >> all right stay here with us. one final check on the weathe ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. i gotta go deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn. what? wait, wait, wait... no, no, no, wait, wait. 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[ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? find free, confidential, local help at >> all right. take a moment up to data changing forecast. spencer christian is tracking it all. spencer there's rain on that radar. >> you are rate about that dan. and changing in a major way. but first let's look back at a time lapse view of this evening sunset from mount tam camera. sunset officially at 7:25 this evening and beautiful sight to see. let's go along to live doppler 7hd few cloud offshore not many clouds actually over the bay area sky at the moment but they are on their way. how about the high pressure today in sharp con there's what is coming our way with remainder of the week. 81 in livermore. 80 at gilroy. upper 70's all over the bay area but that will change tomorrow. much of the state tomorrow will see rape mainly in the northern 2 third of the state in the bay area. rain begins at nip okay tomorrow morning right around the end of rush hour and rush hour tapering off. high pressure on rainy day tomorrow only low to mid 60's and here's 7 day forecast. big changes forth entire 7 day. rain virtually every day except possibly on friday and wednesday even a couple thunder showers and rain we missed out on during the winter rainy season. >> rain we deserve. >> we do indeed. >> thanks very much. larry off and mike is here. kind of a tough day for you today. >> good fuss bad news just say. that stanford come home to host the sweet 16 match one a win over florida state. sharks trying to secure play off spot trying to secure play off spot tonight calgary >> coming up tonight at 11:00. an 11-year-old bay area boy voluntarily chooses to have one of his legs amputated. heart breaking reason for that and why his parents back up the decision. >> plus the big one could happen at any time without warning. we know that living here in northern california. it's always a risk. but some local scientist want to change that. why they think just listening to the land could be the key to helping us predict and prepare for the next big earthquake which we know is eventually coming. join us for those stories and more at 11:00 o'clock over on channel 7 with o'clock over on channel 7 with carolyn and >> all right shoe is here. good news stanford women, stanford men going pretty well. >> both in the sweet 16. don't see it very often. stanford women have been to the tournament 27 straight years. and sweet 16 6 of the last 7. now the last time they were not in the sweet 16 was 2007 when yours truly florida state was the team that knocked them out. goal today? come back home. sf pep talk early on and gave the seminole a lead. stanford first and off the bench a couple of 3s. high 5 from the coach. 12 of the 19 points in the first half. the feed. and then the jumper. 2 26-2 run. cardinal led 32-16 at the break. spanning the first and second half stanford 10 straight bucket and thompson all alone for the lay in. the final return to stanford sunday for the sweet 16 to play either florida or penn state. >> cal facing baylor on home florida in ballots of bear. didn't help. early foul trouble finish with only 2 points and foul out. how did she get this open? back and forth first half. before jim rig by left. courtney spinning and scoring. game tied at 31. 16 first half lead changes. jumper now even at 44. nation leading scorer goes off. scored 15 of 18 for baylor at one stretch in the second half nba range 3 right here sims with 27. baylor pull away for 75-56 victory. cal finishes another solid year with record of 22 and 10 but after final 4 last year they are done for the season. all right. mit second round berkeley cal and arkansas. gives them a 25-6 lead. play of the game. powers and facia facial. the dunk on the head of 6 foot 7. powers. that was nasty so is this. david travi travis. denial. not a single razor back on defense. byrd with a dunk. cal right now up 6-1. 44. late second half we have those complete highlights for you coming up at 11:00. >> stanford men also in the sweet 16 first time since 2008 and 2 seed kansas yesterday. head to memphis tomorrow date on on twhurs a 4:15 tip off. powell and john seniors and the athletes experience together is paying off in this year tournament. with two wins the team now know these can play with anyone including that cinderella team that is here. >> they have had some unbeliev unbelievable wins on the tournament. clutch wins and that's what we have had to do as well to advance. that's what it's about. >> i say it's exciting because we have an opportunity to keep playing and move on total this. >> i wouldn't say pressure but we are aware of what's on the line. need to prepare like the last game it very well could be to come out right. >> sharks hosted by and one point to secure a spot in the post season. shoot out and san jose wochbility and the coach said afterwards they will be okay. left few minutes after blocking this first period sho shot. ouch. young gun involved early. matt on the attack. shephard gather somewhat score 1 nothing shark. 2 minutes to go. second period. joe. top shelf on alex. game tied. we go to somewhat out. never allowed a goal. mike if changes that. the answer right here. denied but they do get a point despite a loss in calgary for the fifth year in a row. shark made the play off. nfl news prior wants out. he told gm he wants to be traded or released and team will explore their option. told reporter at the owner meeting in orlando wants to be a starter with a trade for shaw probably not going to happen. would prefer to trade fourth year player but track record make it tough. stay tune. raiders owner davis said he wouldn't rule out signing guard incould go neat o. former dolphins line man known for hazing harassment scandal mairnt. he can still play and that's all that seems to matter in the league. cactus league winding down. at&t johnson angels today. the taking rodriguez deep and the first home run of the spring on shot to right. but the giants beaten badly today 11-4. as for the a's the 3 hit and defeat for oakland. abc 7 sports report brought to you by toyota and how happy with people open the farm. very exciting and women hosting and of course the men hit the road but it's rare when both the men and women team will get in. >> that's true. >> let me ask you about this. i don't recall march mad needs tournament started off with this many upset what make so it exciting. 68 teams. everybody has the chance to win and no other pocket season like that. >> that's true. >> so many grit teams knocked off. >> that's true. tar heels among them. >> sorry. >> join the club. >> thanks very much. that's this edition of 7 news here on coffee tv 20. for all of us here, we appreciate your time. 7 news continues now on line on twiceer facebook and all the mobile device with the new abc news app. see you in an hour news app. see you in an hour over on the big stage. pelton [over pa] don't forg. it's the last day to sign up for a spring semester elective. horseback riding, waterskiing, fencing. those are just a few classes we can afford to offer if enough people pay to learn hopscotch. oh, they've got a class on jokes. don't take that. i dropped it after the lesson on setups. the professor is so old...


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