The Estevan Downtown Business Association held its first-ever night market on Thursday night in the parking lot behind the Royal Bank of Canada. A variety of vendors turned out to sell their products for the public. People turned out to enjoy shopping from the vendors and to stop by businesses in downtown Estevan. The Ross LeBlanc Trio provided entertainment during the evening. Photos by David Willberg 1/9
The website had 2,703,095 page views in 2020, which works out to about 225,000 views per month or nearly 7,400 views per day. The total number of page views is an increase of 401,194 from the 2,301,901 who visited Mercury’s website in 2019. The busiest month was October, when there were 282,014 page views. It’s another example of Mercury’s commitment to providing the region with a top-notch product through both its print edition and its website. “The Estevan Mercury has been a staple in the community since 1903,” said Mercury publisher and sales manager Deanna Tarnes. “Our goal has been, and always will be, to report the fact-based local news, tell the stories of our communities and archive our history.
The annual Festival of Lights is now underway at Woodlawn Regional Park s Souris River campground. Nearly three dozen local businesses and organizations are participating this year, with festive, colourful and creative displays. Since the festival started Dec. 18, people have been dropping by each night to view the lights and other decorations. Photos by David Willberg 1/11