not a game changer. we found a bunch of areas where we have some broad agreement but there s still a lot of differences over the details. that s why we think we ought sto scrap the bill. let s start over. we know that s not going to happen now. we do know that. that was quite clear, we think, by the end of that summit. now what? i think now it s in the hands of majority leader reid and speaker pelosi as to what direction they re going to take. i suspect they re going to try to ram the bill through, using the parliamentary maneuver, budget reconciliation technique, yeah. with that said yesterday, while there was no agreement, you personally, being a surgeon and your experience i know you brought up the issue of small business health plans, buying insurance across state lines and expanding health savings accounts. did you hear anything yesterday that made you feel a little bit better today, especially when you think about not your family, who i m sure has great insurance, but tho
branche brancheau s sister said, there won t be any kind of uth an i euthanization because, as she said, dawn wouldn t want anything to happen to the animal. we ll see what kind of protocols will be put in place for these trainers. thank you very much. president obama brings democrats and republicans it to the table but was he able to bring health care reform any closer to reality? time for your business brewer of the week. when michelle roark isn t competing for a medal on the slopes, she s competing in the fragrance industry, running a denver-based spa and perfume company. her determination and focus is resulting in the sweet smell of success. for more watch your business sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc.