(Archived document, may contain errors) 410 March 19, 1985 MI.LITARY. PENSIONS HOW. SCANDALOUS INTRODUCTION In a moment of well-publicized exasperation, Budget Director David Stockman declared that military pensions are alscandalous.va The remark triggered a barrage of attacks on Stockman by some of the biggest guns in the U.S. military, active and retired.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 646 April 20, 1988 I PROVIDING FOR THOSE IN NEED I LONG-TERM CARE POLICY I c 1 i 28 I I i I Peter J. Ferrara John:M. Olin Fellow a 8 I- a I I a I . INTRODUCTION Many American families face the expense of assuring, adequate.longTtekm.treatment and care of elderly relatives who no longer can perform basic living activities for themselves.
(Archived document, may contain errors) August 2,1991 HUNGER AND MALNUTRITION AMONG AMERICAN CHILDREN INTRODUCTION A startling number of children are in danger of starving. one out of eight children is going hungry tonight. So began a CBS Evening News broadcast last March 27th.