New research led by the University of Massachusetts and published recently in Marine Biology unveils a first-of-its-kind dataset, gathered over five years, that gives the finest-grained detail into the timing and spatial extent of tarpon migration. The work leveraged networks of thousands of acoustic receivers that tracked 200 tarpon over more than five years. One of the key findings is that there are two distinct subgroups of tarpon, which has immediate implications for efforts to conserve the fish, known to anglers as the "Silver King."
A massive amount of dead adolescent herring has been found near the coastline of the southeastern port city of Changwon on multiple occasions since last Friday, prompting the city government to launch an investigation.
Last Thursday, hundreds of thousands of fish and prawns were discovered floating in Haslams Creek. More dead fishes were found at Rydalmere, Sydney on Sunday. NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) said the death of the fishes may be due to natural causes.