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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160102

>> i think it makes everyone like check out what the mummers performance is. >> reporter: late in the afternoon thing moved to the convention center where families, friends and yes, more mummers continued the party. and when the sun went down thousands rushed to south philly for the famous two street strut. >> born and raised. something you don't miss. nothing like it neighbors come out everybody says hello, has good time. >> reporter: two street strut is the after party. one that lines block after block of second street south of washington avenue. >> it's a tradition that gets family and friends together. i couldn't ask for anything more. >> reporter: anthony is with the funny bones brigade. he says it's the club's favors first year but when this little guy is 65 years old, he insists the funny bones will be around. >> a lot of people will start hearing a lot about us. >> he's getting ready for january 1st, 2017. reporting from the two street strut in south philadelphia, david spunt cbs3 "eyewitness news". and be sure to check out website we have a full wrap of the festivities including all of the winners of today's competitions, congrats to everyone who made it happen, once again planning for next year begins tomorrow. not everyone was at the mummers parade to celebrate. some were there to spread is message. frosts from black lives matter disrupted some of the parade calling for justice in the wake of several deadly police shootings. the protests was mostly peaceful it ended with two arrests. organizers from the group tell "eyewitness news" about 150 protesters were on the streets today. the start of 2016 also felt a lot more like winter after an unusually warm december. meteorologist lauren casey on the sky deck right now. you look all cozy and bundled. >> i had. had to break out the beret december warmth it's gone. january 1st mother nature was like, this is over. after our record warm december warmest ever since the 1800's in philadelphia, but certainly doesn't feel warm right now that colder air has settled in across the delaware valley. chilly temperature right now 36 degrees currently in philadelphia. a west wind up around 8 miles an hour giving i was little bit of that wind chill factor. temperature change over the last 24 hours on the order of about five to 10 to 12-degrees we will keep things cold as we head into the next several days a cold and blustery weekend ahead but a nice change in the forecast. a nice sunny stress stretch that will extent into next week a nice dose of vitamin d which we had been looking for the month of december. on monday arctic cold front comes through and bumps down our temperatures even further and i'll let you know when to expect highs, highs in the 30s coming up in just a few minutes. >> lauren see in you a little bit. tonight police are search fog five year old boy who disappeared in allentown. police have released pictures of the boy but not his name. they say he was last scene around 11:00 o'clock last night in the area of south armory and east south streets. police say the boy has autism and may run if approached. if you see the young fella or know where he may, please contact allentown police. all across the globe people are remembering natalie cole and tonight we spoke to a local woman who knew the grammy award winning singer. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco has that story. ♪ >> reporter: unforgettable was the song that beefed her fame selling 14 million copies in winning six grammys. now it's earned her that very title. natalie cole was the daughter of nat king cole and her life was not without hardship. >> i am a walking testimony to you can have scars, you can go through turbulent times and still have victory in your life. >> reporter: music was in her blood she lost her father at the age of 15 and then followed in his footsteps. >> natalie cole was a very elegant, gracious, down to ear earth, warm woman. >> deanna williams local radio personality first met natalie in her new york city apartment building in the '70's. and over the years, came to interview her while workin workt vh1. >> as a woman the narrative was familiar. lyrics, the melodies,. harmony appeal to my spirit. she was great enter taper. seeing her life was an experience, and she was a caring person. she was beloved and very popular in the music community. >> reporter: cole died thursday in al after battle with liver disease. cracking hepatitis c from drug addiction in the '80's much 80 80's. she underwent a kidney transplant in 2009 but her music will live on. ♪ >> cole died surround by her family. she will undoubtedly be remembered at grammys next month right here on cbs3. in the sat center, diana rocco cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> miss you like craze zoo one of my favorites. the wife of comedian bill cosby has been ordered to give a deposition in defamation suit against her company. massachusetts court rejected a motion by camille cosby to cancel the depth zig order. she is scheduled to testify next week. defamation case involves seven women who accused bill cos beef drugging and sexual ales assaulting them. he's facing felony sexual assault charges in pennsylvania over an alleged accident that happened in to 004. the entertainer has denied any wrongdoing. the first time since the criminal charge was brought against him he has reached out in twitter and he says friends and fans, thank you. israeli police know the dent is the suspect who opened fire outside tel-aviv bar today. police say there's a massive manhunt underway for the gunman who killed two people and injured three others. residents of a village in north israel say they recognize the man who was allegedly an israeli arab from that village. at least 21 israelis and 131 palestinians have been killed in the violence over the past three months. just amazing story of survival coming from due by. a photographer positioned inside a luxury hotel take photographs gets stuck when a fire starts. the 63-story building was engulfed by flames over new year's eve. with his camera rolling 37-year-old dennis millar row e medical down a window washer's cable after his cries for help were not answered. >> i'm here 14th floor, help, i can hear them. i saw some debris falling down from the building. i prayed if this is my last -- my last chance then so be it. >> as it turn out 14 minor injuries were reported during the evacuation of the hotel. septa ushers in the new year with a new roll out. niece boxes contain new body cameras for septa transit police officers. chief thomas nass tell shared these photos on twitter. he says each officer will undergo training to learn how to use the new technology. now once they're done, they will hit the streets wearing themly septa recently complete add pile hot program and developed a policy for their officers use of body cameras. on monday, the eight year 10 year of philadelphia michael nutter will come to andy his time in office began with the great recession and ended with pope francis visiting the city of brotherly love. nutter picture this picture of his office. eyewitness anchor jessica dean recently sat down with mayor nutter to talk about what stand out and what comes next. >> reporter: in room filled with portraits of former philadelphia mayors, mayor michael nutter talks about his life after office. >> there is something about the mystery of the future. i don't know exactly what i'm going to do. >> reporter: for 22 years, nutter has work at city hall. the last eight as mayor. >> there is certainly a significant am of nostalgia and good feelings. >> reporter: after eight years under mayor michael nutter, philadelphia is what,? >> safer. smarter. more sustainable. i think we have hemmed to change the culture of for any kind of corruption or negative activity. i think we've helped to make philadelphia world class city. >> reporter: philadelphia has appeared on the world stage during nutter's tenure. pope francis visited in september. the city is now the nation's only world heritage site. and it will host the democratic national convention in july. over the years, nutter has comfort the city in tragedy. traveled the world on its beha behalf. worked with city council and encountered thousands of residents. >> are you tired? >> no. >> reporter: no? >> i'd love to keep doing it but, you know, i know the rules. and i know that this day would come when i signed up, but new york city, my energy level is as high if not higher than it was when i came. my interests are even greater. >> reporter: there is regret over work that didn't get fini finish. >> one thing that i have no control over whatsoever which is getting a student way to funding formula for public education. i want more. i want less crime and more young people graduating from high school. poverty, persistent challenge. >> reporter: whatever he ends up doing in the coming years he told me it will somehow address those issues. but until then -- >> as we used to say in the nightclub, you don't have to go home but you got to get out of here. i have to leave. and but the work continues. >> reporter: both at city hall and for michael nutter. in philadelphia, jessica dean cbs3 "eyewitness news". incoming mayor jim kenney takes over on monday as philadelphia's 99th mayor. among his top priorities reducing poverty and improving the reeling ship between police and african-americans. jessica spent some time with mayor-elect kenney. you can catch her one-on-one interview with him this sunday night on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. some spent new year's day taking the plunge and that includes aviator ya woodill. >> it's a down the shore tradition. tori joined more than a thousand brave souls who jumped into the atlantic. why they did it is coming up also a surprise at one new jersey neighbor a black bear in tree causes quite the stir. why authorities are leaving the animal alone. lauren? >> wint has finally arrived in the delaware valley but this isn't the coldest of the weather. were one to expect arctic air building in and your eyewitness forecast coming up. >> and meet one of the first babies born in our region in 2016. we'll do that on the other side. we'll be right back. ♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. pope francis had a powerful message to start off the new year. >> ♪ >> in his hospital mill he called for an end to the quote arrogance of the powerful. he also empathized need to overcome indifference which can block sailorly car are the. after mass he spoke to thousands at saint peter's square wishing for better year than 2015. the catholic church dedicates new year's day to the theme of peace. residents in north jersey woke up to a new year's day surprise in their backyard. neighbors in summit, union county, were up early this morning gathering around to catch a glimpse of a black bear hanging out in a tree on busy street. many residents seemed to be thrilled and not scared to see the beary lacking near their homes. >> i look out my window and all of a sudden there was bear in the tree. i was like what? there's a bear? >> no concerns i'm happy this guy survived the bear hunt. the kids are happy watching him, all is well. >> the reservation few miles away from that neighborhood and some residents have seen bears in that area before. since the bear is really high up in that tree, they're waiting for it to come down on its own. we have update on very special polar bear cub. eight week old at the columbus zoo is doing well. she was born in november but her mother stopped caring for her after she was born. the zoo staff removed her from her den and decided to hand rear her. she's hitting her milestones weighing a little over sick pounds and measuring 17 and a half inches long. i love that. one of the first babies of the new year in our region met the press today. madison was born at one minute after midnight on new year's day at virtua memorial in mt. holly she weighs 8 pounds and 19 and a half inches long. the first baby for mother nicole gaskill. she never dreamed she'd be new mom on new year's day. >> that was the last thing on my mind honestly. like i didn't even realize what time it was. it just kind of happened. >> nicole says her goal for the year to make sure little maddie is healthy and growing. new year's day that one new jersey couple won't soon forget they got married last night in ocean city and took the plunge again but they're second commit many ceremony down the shore took an unexpected turn for our vittoria woodill. >> look at this lovely couple. don't they give you the warm and fuzz cease? lindsay conroy and mike from morris planes started dating five year ago on new year's eve. last night on the same day they became mr. and mrs. in ocean city. >> we love the shore. we're down here a lot. it's a great town. we have friends that come down every summer. we love the yacht club where we got married so it work. >> for them taking the plunge into marriage isn't just a metaphor. they're actually diving into the freezing atlantic all to support designated driving. >> so why take the plunge? >> um, it's for a good cause. you know, when else can you say you've taken a plunge the day after you got married on new year's day. it's a great activity. it's for great cause. >> i've always been designated driver which is a really nice tie in. so i know they like to say designated driver has the most fun. >> that's definitely a good reason to do it. it was the same reason why hundreds of others lined the surf ready to take the hero plunge. >> i love how you're not wearing your actual wedding dress. >> i thought about it. i did. >> come on. you can't do that to me. >> it's really big. i would have waddled. >> will a little more primping. >> let me fix your tie, mike. get you ready. you look good. >> i was ready to watch these two love birds walk down the sandy aisle and celebrate their commitment to each other. then this happened. >> no, no, i'm not going in. no way! >> i didn't sign up for this. vittoria woodill took the plunge. i didn't expect to you pull me in with you. how do you feel? >> cold. >> how do you feel. >> i feel cold. >> how do you feel. >> wet and. i'm glad we dressed the part here. at least i didn't. you two did. >> thanks for coming with us. >> thanks for let me celebrating. can i get a big smooch. >> you two, not me. that's love. vittoria woodill cbs3 "eyewitness news". congratulations again. >> young lady who loves her work. great story. so many levels. >> no doubt about that. great story. >> lauren joins us with our forecast january cold about to kick in. >> we had really nice beach days last month. temperatures in the 70 today's wasn't that beach day, though. a little -- >> they still enjoyed it colder air has settled in across the delaware valley temperatures running right around average but, of course, we had december that was so so mild. in fact the warmest december on record ever in philadelphia dating back to the 1800's our average temperature 51.2 degre 51.2 degrees. and we killed the previous reporter by 6.7 degrees. that is just incredible the previous record 44.5 in 1923 but just on queue, we had chillier temperatures arrive today. but last month was all of that warmth came a lot of moisture as well. 5-inches of ran fall we had many, many cloudy days. sunshine so sparse and climatological we only had clear days last month. eight partly cloudy days and 19 overcast days in december. so i know we are ready for some sunshine and we do have that in your extended forecast for you. storm scan3 showing clear sky conditions across southern new jersey. few patchy clouds working north and west of the city trying to bring a few flurries down and across berk county, montgomery county maybe seeing a couple of flurries whizzing on by isolated in nature. we can see a few flurries north and west of the city overnight tonight. otherwise patchy do you do down to 31 degrees and then finally some bright sunshine for tomorrow. cold, 42 degrees. but our average high temperature for tomorrow is 41. so we're right at average westerly winds at around 10 to 15 miles per hour. with higher gusts. neighborhood network temperatures showing us we are cooling off very efficiently. 31 degrees right now in doylestown. we're at the freezing mark right now in fort washington and temperatures all across the area we're down into the 20s in mount pocono. middle 30s in allentown. fallen off into the 30 30s in wd washington, d.c. right now and dealing with wind chill temperature feeling like 13 degrees. there's winter in mount pocono. feeling like 25 in allentown. feels like 30 degrees right now in philadelphia. feeling like 20s in wilmington and that's because of this wind speeds on five, 10, 17 miles per hour overnight tonight we will maintain that breeze and we're even seeing some gustier conditions right now. gusting up to 22 miles per hour on mount pocono right now as we will have that breeze kind of several breezy and blustery days in the forecast ahead of us so that's really going to impact our feels like temperature. future feels like as we head into the afternoon tomorrow, still feeling like near freezi freezing. 34 degrees into the 1:00 o'clock hour tomorrow afternoon. if you're heading out tomorrow evening have the saturday night plans be sure to bundle up. wind chill temperatures falling off not 20s by about the 9:00 o'clock hour in philadelphia tomorrow evening. and we do have a chilly and blustery weekend ahead. high temperature on sunday 44 degrees. we start off in the 20s for actually the first time this season. but it's going to feel cold and going to get even colder as we head into monday. that arctic cold front drops in. we can see a few flurries once again mainly north and west of the city on monday as that front drops in. otherwise a pretty quiet one. but it will be a cold one. 39 for the high on monday. 35 for the high on tuesday. starting off at 23 degrees. and it will be windy on both of those days as well. so expect wind chills in the 20s all day. >> i just got a chill. >> radiating coolness. >> thanks, lauren. appreciate it lesley starting off the new year talking holiday hoops. >> little bit of a role. something going fort sixers. sixers lakers underway in los angeles right now. can they keep the momentum going? week full of drama for the birds. how do they keep their heads straight with that season finale in what could be considered a that's the right price! it's that low. what other things on this list "can't be right?" looks like a list full of "can't be right's." seriously? at giant, prices are down. savings are up. my giant. is so wholesome... and it doesn't take the whole paycheck. giant's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my giant. sixers on the road tonight talking on the lakers. both of those teams in last place in their conferences. no kobe tonight out with a shoulder issue. smith playing well again on the night. great shot right there. since back on the team he's adversary 18 points game. right now the sixers leading this one, 32-30. the eagles will be without bennie logan or byron maxwell for sunday's season finale against the giants. of course, there's also no chip kelly, pat shurmer will be coaching the birds this sunday basically a meaningless game in terms of play off pictures but it means something for the draft order. loser of the game will play the rams in london for shurmur it's an audition. >> i sort of look at every day of my life as an audition. it just so happens that the last game of the year is against the giants in the meadowlands. my focus is on sunday. you know, we all know change is in the air, and we'll just have to, you know, kind of talk about those decisions as we move forward. >> okay. basically nothing left to play for and such a drama filled week. no one saw coming. what's the mindset heading into the game? >> we're all competitors, you know. i think, you know, any time you go out on the field you're going against another man and it's a matchup every time and just your competitiveness comes out. then obviously, you know, we're lucky to play in the nfl, we're lucky play for the eagle much that's a privilege every time you put on the jersey you should play as hard as you can play. >> we're pride full players. this season has not been what we wanted much it's a failed season in our eyes. so as a player you want to go out there and ultimately you'll be auditions for the next coach and i think people will be practical about that. >> to the winter classic at gillette stadium. the browns taking on the canadiens. and we have david, going first montreal. 74 seconds into the first peer the second fastest goal in winter classic history. montreal wins this one, five-one and moves into first place in the atlantic division. >> i love it when they had the game here. >> i loved it we need to get that back here. >> the alum night out. that was so much fun. ♪ families gather the at the kimmel center to celebrate the start of the new year. ♪ >> i see you bopping at home. guests were able to catch great views of the mummers parade while warming up inside with hot chocolate. something for everyone at the all day event from face painting to fine dining and a lot of musical performances. >> we're excite to have performances everything from jazz to ukelele orchestra to broadway dreams troops that will come out and perform songs from our up upcoming broadway season. >> very nice. this is the kimmel center's 11th year hosting the new year's day celebration. listen in. we'll be right back. ♪ the republicans in harrisburg were fighting each other over the state budget. that's right. each other. the republican state senate passed a responsible budget that "begins" to fund education but the republican house of representatives has insisted on a budget that fails to fund education and balloons the deficit. call your legislator, tell them to pass a budget that's right for pennsylvania. ♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> that will be wrap for us tonight. our morning team is back tomorrow from 5:00 to 7am. for lawn ren, lesley, i'm ukee washington. we're always on at cbsphilly.c the late show with stephen colbert is coming up next. from our entire team. thank you for watching. have a happy new year. good night, family and sleep well. ♪ >> welcome stephen colbert! >> stephen: hey! ( band playing intro music ) ( cheers and applause ) captioning sponsored by cbs ♪ ♪ hey, welcome to the late show! hello! hello. >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! >> stephen: thank you very much. thanks, everybody. welcome to the late show! thanks so much! ( cheers and applause ) welcome, everybody. thanks for being here.


Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20130201

it is friday, february 1st, 2013. good morning. i'm sarah simmons i'm wisdom martin. >> we have some school delays to pass along to you because of what is going on in the weather world. we begin in virginia, clark, page and warren county schools or a two hour delay. frederick county, virginia schools are also on a two hour delay. a two hour delay is also in effect of course for winchester city schools. >> in maryland, allegheny, schools are on a two hour delays. delays. here they come. the snow is coming diewnd the delays come right behind it. >> not going to be a major storm by any means. worst case scenario, maybe an inch. -- the snow is coming down and the delays come right behind it. >> it will be out of here by 8:00, 9:00 this morning. so end for another hour or two before it gets east of the bay. there you go. you can see in the live shot, i don't know where we're looking but light snow falling across much of the region. this is uke on hill. and we'll continue to do so here. i think the major thorough fares -- we'll let julie talk about thask but the highways won't have an issue. the snow is falling lightly. you-- we'll let julie talk about that. locally, inside the beltway, if you are a viewer and it is starting to stick, let me know. i haven't had any reports of it sticking close to town yet. but potential we could get a dusting, coating, up to an in. of snow will be the worst case scenario. most of your day will feature partial sunshine, cold and wind. our highs will only be in the mid-30s. currently, reagan national, 33 degrees. we lost two degree in the past 10 minutes. dulles, 31. bwi marshall, 30. most of the area or much of the area below freezing and we've got a winter weather advisory because we've got light snow falling across the area. this is in effect until 10:00 this morning. those counties in purple. so the close-in counties and you get across the bay, eastern shore, lower eastern shore under a winter weather advisory until 10:00 a.m. worst case scenario, up to an inch of snow. that would be about it. let me mention the winds. they will pick up again gusting to 25. it will be a blustery cold afternoon even with sunshine. make sure you have lots of layers if you are working outdoors, that kind of thing. >> time now to check in with julie wright to see how the light snow is affecting the morning commute. >> let's not forget about the standing water. we still have a lot of flooding to deal w one person has been rescued out near the prince george's county line near earl sullivan road. apparently the driver saw the signs, decided to drive around them and had to be rescued. inbound new york avenue, right now, lanes are open. no issues reported heaving northeast to northwest. yes, the flurries are starting to fall. i don't see anything on the ground just yet close in here at d.c. and headed out of virginia headed out to the 14th street bridge but make note the bridges, ramps and overpasses freeze before anything else. southbound 270 already on the slow side leaving hyattstown headed out towards clarksburg. let's pop up the maps for you. as you are traveling eastbound on the freeway, achange in our traffic patterns, all part of the long-term construction project here at the 11th street bridge. you will be denied access to head outbound across the sousa bridge. all traffic will be diverted onto 295. eastbound on the freeway with very light delay. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. traffic. >> thank you. a check of this morning's top stories now. a driver involved in a hit and run that left a map dead is wanted by prince william county police. 59-year-old joseph lions was struck yesterday morning on woodland drive near his house in triangle. he later died at the hospital. a decision on whether or not the trial of a former culpeper police officer was a mistrial is expected this morning. daniel harmon wright was convicted of killing an unarmed woman back in february of last year. his attorneys claimed jurors useed a dictionary to help them define the word malice. they say that shows jurors were confused about instruction that were given to them. to them. a still developing story out of alabama. for a fourth day now, hostage negotiators near midland city are trying to get a suspected gunman to release a five-year- old boy. he was snatched off a school bus tuesday afternoon. neighbors say the child is being held by 65-year-old jimmy look dikes in an underground bunger on his property. investigators are community indicating with him through a ventilation pipe. members of community have been holding vigils and church services hoping for a positive outcome. >> trying to bring the community together in one purpose and that is to pray for the safety and protection of this young child and for the safe release to get him back to his family as quick as possible. >> he needs to be back with his family. if i could go over and get him, i would go get him. >> the boy's parents have stayed out of the spotlight but did meet with city leaders about the order e. the child's mother says her son has asperger's syndrome as well as adhd. police have been delivering medication to him through the pipe and said they can hear him crying for his parents. hillary clinton is stepping down ads secretary of state today and as she leaves, she says that equality for women worldwide is essential to u.s. foreign policy. show told an audience at the council on foreign relations that, quote, if women were treated equal to men, would he would see progress everywhere. clinton also warned about iran's influence in syria. her successor, senator john kerry will be sworn in as secretary of state in a private ceremony this afternoon. president obama's choice to head the defense department was forced to defend his past statements. chuck hagel struggled to reassure senators he is up to the job and not soft on iran. testimony in the senate armed services committee lasted eight hours. it is not clear for republicans will try to block his nomination. super bowl xlvii is just two days away. >> can't get here soon enough. both teams warmed up for a second day on thursday. ravens head coach john harbaugh decided to move practice indoors to the saint facility after reports from the players that the field at tulane university was a little hard. they wasted no time getting to work after the 49ers finished their practice. we'll be talking a lot more about the big game and the big match-up coming up at 6:30 when dave ross joins me for the morning line. also coming up, still thinking about making a trip to the big easy. why waiting until the last minute might work in your favor. >> next, a tense situation for a plane full of passengers when the pilot passes out. a check of this morning's national headlines coming up after the break. lucky charms?! ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious ♪ the one and only, cheerios a scare on board appear alaska airlines flight last night after the pilot apparently passed out midair. the plane headed from los angeles to seattle was diverted to portland, oregon. the first officer took over and safely landed the plane. the pilot was taken to a hospital and it is still unclear what caused him to lose consciousness. panicked worker ran from the headquarters after mexico caps state oil company after a blast tore through three floors. 25 are dead and more than 100 are hurt. at least 30 are still missing. investigators don't know what caused the blast. the country is remembering a national tragedy today. ten years ago, the space shuttle columbia broke apart in the skies over texas as it prepared to land at kennedy space center after 16 days in space. all seven crew members died. there will be a wreath laying ceremony to honor the victims at kennedy space center later on today. hard to believe it has been 10 years. a little super bowl trivia for you this morning. >> is who the he would oft football player to play in a super bowl -- who is the oldest football player to play in a super bowl? we'll have that after the break. (woman) 3 days o of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetitime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. time now for the answer to our super bowl trivia question. before the break, we asked you who was the oldest football player to play in the super bowl. the answer is matt stover. the colts kicker took the field against the saints in 2010 at the age of 42. >> you knew that, didn't you? >> locally, matt stover is much more famous for being the ravens kicker for more than a decade. his last year or two, he went to indianapolis. i guess he decided he had to win a super bowl before he retired. >> i love how we stopped giving multiple choice questions. >> i think we got a hundred responses on the first one. >> did we get any on that on the facebook page? >> i didn't check. >> we have snow falling across the area. this is not going to be a big deal t could be enough to coat the roadways -- it could be enough to coat the roadways. in the mountain communities, we are agetting reports of snow on the ground and a coating out there. it continues to fall across the area. we wouldn't expect major delays but it could cause a couple of issues as it moves on through. there is a live look and snow will continue to foul for a few more showers. i think most of this should be east of the bay. so if you are east of the bay, it will linger a little longer for you. i think this will wind down very quickly. we are getting the back edge of this out towards winchester and hagerstown where the snow showers have stopped. you can see inside the beltway, baltimore, washington, we are getting right snow. lawyerle working down south down towards dale city and la plata. a few of our took followers have reported they are getting a bit of a mix. if you are far enough south and south of colonial beach, you may get more of a mix. light accumulations, maybe a dusting, maybe a coating. worst case newsradio would be maybe about an inch of snow. we'll show you the winter weather advisory. it has been issued by the national weather service until 10:00 this morning. all the counties in purple here. so in close, the issue is the morning commute and we're talking about the potential for up to an inch. snow. that is give you the heads up that it is snowing out and you might have a couple of weather issues this morning. most the area has fallen below freezing. 32 in annapolis. quantico, 30 degrees. even though it was 70 a few days ago, it has gotten cold enough overnight that any snow that does fall, it will get a chance to stick out here with the temperatures this cold. do be -- definitely be wary of a couple of slick spots. snow will be out of here by 8:00, 9:00 this morning. should see plenty of sunshine this afternoon. early snow showers, afternoon sun and wind, wind north and west gusting to 25. accumulations, worst case scenario up to an inch. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast featuring punxsutawney phil. yes, the main man. tomorrow is groundhog day. don't forget. i don't know what happens if he sees his shadow. julie knows. she goes to florida either way. more snow showers saturday night, early sunday. could do another round of light accumulations. that is weather. let's do some traffic and find out what is going on. >> what if i have beagle bailey chase him around and he doesn't get to see his shadow? then what? anything to get closer to summer, tucker. this height dusting that tucker is talking about definitely seeing that in our traffic cameras for those traveling out of frederick this morning. starting to see the ground starting to get a little light dusting here on the grassy areas. wet pavement for those continuing southbound headed out towards clarksburg. no accidents to report stay time but something to watch out for. if you haven't already, make sure you have plenty of wiper fluid for this morning's drive. we do have reports of snow flurries out in fauquier county so watch your speeds there as well. no issues reported on the beltway between annandale and merrifield. northbound i-95 slows approaching quantico and leaving dale city headed through woodbridge. let's pop up the map. we'll talk about the construction, the long-term project already in place eastbound on the freeway. no longer can you travel over to the sousa bridge. because of the construction, all traffic off the eastbound freeway will be forced onto 295 and you will now find access from # 9 -- from 295 to go north or southbound. we are following breaking news from new york city right now. the associated press reports that ed koch has died. he had been in intensive care since wednesday. koch had a national reputation for being feisty and pulled new york out of financial difficulties back in the 1980s. he was 88 years old. a bilk considered at the state house in richmond comes up for a hearing later today. now, police can end give a ticket for texting while driving if they pull you over for something else. the general assembly is facing a tuesday deadline to pass the new bills. coming up next, we'll go live to fox business network in new york for a preview of today's jobs report. >> take a look at this determined fourth grader. 9-year-old nicholas tuch hek is getting ready to run a marathon. he plans to be the youngest person to run a marathon on each of the seven continents. >> ambitious 9-year-old. >> good luck to you sandwich on your terms with any of dunkin's freshly made bakery sandwiches for just $2.99. america runs on dunkin'. [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! @ñ this is dylan right here, this is dylan, and this is his big brother hayden. dylan's only five, but he's already been through two surgeries for brain tumors. and he just went through his second round of chemo. and this is their mother, dawn, who runs this loving and happy home. she too struggled with tumors. but that doesn't slow her down. her love of family comes first. their dad, phil, works two jobs, repairing copiers, and on weekends delivering newspapers. but the bills keep piling up, and the heating bill gets pushed off. when you learn about their difficulties, it just breaks your heart. when we asked the biggest oil companies to help families in need, only citgo, the people of venezuela, and president hugo chavez responded. thanks to them, citizens energy is able to deliver millions of gallons of fuel to families just like the berios. i'm joe kennedy. if you need help staying warm, call me at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold! nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'. welcome back. a new outlook on the economy today and it is not too late to buy a ticket to sunday's big game either. lauren similar is nettie with fox business network is live in new york with the business beat. >> good morning. >> a donor day yesterday on the markets but overall, how did we do this month on wall street. >> it was the best january, best start to the year for stocks since 1994 for the dow and 1997 for the s&p. the dow surged more than 507 points this month. we are still talking about dow 14,000. we did have a setback yesterday off just about 50 points for the include chips but this morning, they are up 50 points as we wait for the january jobs reported. >> all right. everybody is talking about that. it is like the only thing going on this weekend. they were so expensive and traditionally are but apparently we can sort of get a bargain on the super bowl tickets. >> the highest super bowl was more than $3600 in 2011. that was packers versus steeleers. for ticket price, we thought we might have come close this year but not the case. ticket prices are about $1,000 less than that at $2600. the folks there say those prices are probably going even lower. between now and the next 36 hours, you can see prices for $1,000 or maybe even less. no one wants to hold tickets with a face value after the least $800 heading into the big game. they will sell them. so if you can get a flight or a hotel, you can get a deal on super bowl tickets. >> right. i like the air quotes, a deal. because a deal is not necessarily a deal for you and me. maybe somebody else but there are people that will pay it. exciting times out there. thank you so much. we'll see you on monday. >> see you. the d.c. mayoral race is still morning a year away but one councilmember is making it clear he is ready to lcity in t we'll hear from tommy wells coming up after the break. wisdom and dave are back with the super bowl edition of the morning line when we come back. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. look at it come down right now. we've got snowflakes flying in areas right now in the d.c. region. we have several school delays to pass along to you. we begin in virginia. virginia. >> those are the usual suspects because they are in the outlying area. they are also on the bottom of your screen and on if you don't catch them there. >> continuing to snow out there. we just showed a live shot. it was coming down pretty good. worst case scenario, a coating up to an inch of snow. this won't be a major deal. temperatures have gotten cold overnight with most of the area below freezing. it will get a chance to stick on the roadways. getting reports out to the west particularly out in the mount tapes like winchester, of it coating lots of roadways out there. most of your day will feature sunshine, wind and cold. that is the second half of the day. we are still dealing with cold early this morning. you can see that much of the area here generally east of the mountains still getting some at least light snow shower activity. here in northwest washington, it is snowing. but it is very, very light. and it will continue to fall here for the near term. i think by 8:00, 9:00 this morning, most of this should be east of the day. if you are a viewer along the lower eastern shore, it will stick around a little longer for you. this is actually along a frontal boundary. 34 at reagan national. it is cold out there. 20s at dulles. 28degrees at bwi marshall. when temperature are falling back no the 20s, it will stick very quickly. winter weather advisory until 10:00 a.m. all the counties in purple. many of us here are under the winter weather advisory for the next couple of hours. the concern is the morning commute with the potential for up to an inch of snow. temperatures will reach the 30s for daytime highs. you want to stay tuned for that coming up in a few minutes. >> sounds good. >> time now to check in with traffic and julie wright. >> on-time traffic brought to you by toyota. visit boy a for special offers -- visit buy a for special offers. >> we have snow on the less traveled portions of the area. we have callers reporting a light dusting of snow on the ramps. the bridges, ramps and overpasses freeze before anything else. they are starting to get a little slick out there on the highways. traveling the top side of the beltway at colesville road, traffic rolling at speed. no issues reported leaving college park headed over to the exit for 270. northbound i-59 in good shape. no problems reported newington continuing up towards the capital beltway. let's pull up our maps. traveling northbound on 210, we had accident activity before the beltway tying up the right side of road and a change in our traffic pattern. traffic coming easter bunny on the freeway can go no further than 295 be. traffic coming eastbound on the freeway can go no further than 295. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. traffic. checking our top stories this morning, the fairfax county serial fondler may have struck again. police are looking into two new assaults in the springfield area to see if they are connected to 15 similar cases. one happened on backlick road near cabin john rod and one on dinwiddy street. the evacuation order in laurel, maryland has been lifted. wednesday night's heavy rain caused the patuxent river to rise about eight feet heighter than normal. some homeless people living in the park in nearby anne arundel county were forced to relocation. full a one woman was found dead in the flood water. the d.c. mayoral race may be more than a year away. one city councilmember already has his eye on campaigning for the seat. last night, ward six councilmember tommy wells talked about it right here in our fox 5 studios. lauren demarco is live outside the wilson building this morning with more on the story. look like you will talk about more like snow rather than politics, lauren. good morning. >> i can give you the quick update. it is not sticking but it is certainly flurrying out here right now. as you said, tommy wells is expected to meet with an exploratory committee on monday to talk about a possible run for mayor. he is the councilman from ward six. just a little bit of background. he served as a social worker in d.c. since the 1980s he also served as an advisory neighborhood commissioner and in his early days on the school board, tommy wells was known for pushing to have all d.c. students immunized. as a councilman, he out for to clean up the anacostia river with a bag tax and most recently, wells announced he would call for hearings to look into allegations that d.c. police were not investigating sexual assaults properly. now, ward six has had some high profile crimes lately including the beating and robbery of young husband and father t. c. maslin. but wells says that overall, crime in his area is down. >> you have aa worked hard as many people know creating livable walkable neighborhoods, neighborhoods where you can have a neighborhood school, fresh groceries where we've ad added about five new grocery stores in ward six and all, we've had a spike in crime but in general, the ward has had the greatest amount of drop in crime of almost any ward in the city. >> reporter: some other names being tossed about as possible contenders, jack jack evans and muriel bowser. no word if mayor gray plans to run for mayor. councilmember tommery wells from ward six will be meeting with an exploratory committee on monday. that is the latest here from the will sop building with some flurries. back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you for the snow report as well. a new report on president obama's race to the top effort to improve public schools. it shows nine of the 12 jurisdiction that got $4 million if federal grants made good progress but the district of columbia and maryland are among three that have stumbled. education secretary arne duncan says the new report has i lot of good news but also some challenges. the education department is closely tracking the performance of the 12 states that got the money. he money. time now for the morning line. >> what do you know about the music. we'll get to your tie in highlighter in a moment. you might actually make a prediction because it is two days to greatness. that is what they're saying in san francisco and baltimore. only one of those will be right. the boys switched their practice menu yesterday. they said they were worried about the field. it has been hard for these guys to stay focused. the deer antler spray, brother versus brother. all that stuff. do you think they are focused like terrell suggs right there. >> this is the end. without a shadow of the doubt, this is the en. >> it could be the end of the caps if we don't get back on track. joe ward has been great. his fourth goal of the year put the caps up 1-0 and ovechkin on the power play. 2-1. we've seen this song and dance before where we're up and all of a today is it is tied and a bad turnover and that leads to an easy goal to toronto. had a last-second shot. watch this. under 10 seconds to go. the drop back pass and great 8, oh, net. but he is denied. they are now 1-5-16789 only team in the eastern conference with only one win. the only team. >> i still have faith. there is still time. >> before we goat to the super bowl pick. , in sports, there are certain numbers that mean something. like 100 point for wilt chamberlain. 59 in golf is a number. only five guys have done it in the modern era. shooting a 59. phil mickelson had a chaps yesterday. this is for birdie on his last hole of date to shoot a 59 at the find six -- at the phoenix open in the first hound round andres got to be kidding me. he is great but never like this. the greatest, right off the rim. want you to see the reaction of his caddy. watch him in the top left. it is going in. down to the ground on his knees. still shot a 60. pretty good. >> let's get to it. break down the game scientifically. after he got one minute and i want you to take at least 30 seconds of that to give me a winner and an mvp. >> thank you stop talking, i can get to it. >> what do you have with your red tie and red highlight engineer i have broken down the game into categories. got my notes here. >> food, drink, what else? >> hot rings are red. the wings that i'm going to eat are red. i'll just put that out there. push on the quarterback. defense, 49ers have the advantage. coach, push, because of brothers. i like the baltimore harbaugh better because of his personality. >> going with baltimore. having said all that. >> tucker barnes is waiting for your pick. >> none of that matters. the first ever overtime super bowl 28-28 tie. >> oh, come on. >> it is going to go into overtime. >> i'm walking off the set once again. >> the win are the san francisco 49ers. they will win the super bowl. >> i was about to tell you winner. >> we're out of time now. sarah, back to you. >> : don't leave yet because we've got some more trivia for you. >> more trivia? >> don't give it away. it is for everybody out there. here is the question. which quarterback has the most super bowl starts. here is a hint. two players share the record and one still plays the game today. we'll have the answer coming up after the break. e break. put your thinking cap on. car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. thank goodness we're back from break. too many men talking in studio this morning. the answer to this question is a tie. john elway with the broncos and tom brady with the patriots share the record with five each. >> wisdom got onelway during the break i don't i don't care about tom brady. he is too good looking. he's got an easy life. who cares. >> he does his stuff. >> he pulls it out of the archives. >> he is not good at predicting the outcomes of games. >> what do you mean into. >> enough of that. >> we're out of time. >> we have to move onto weather. >> i would tell you but all right. okay. >> i want to mention northwest washington, we are getting a little burst of some pretty good snow. julie and i went you out to the to play in it a moment ago. just in a matter of a minute or two, snow continues to coat the ground. worst case scenario, about an in. most of the area, maybe a coating. that is about t cold and windy here later this afternoon. enough to cause some issues on some of the roadways particularly with that little burst of snow we just got. let's get to radar. we'll show you what is happening. snow continues to fall across the area. we go to the magic of the radar, we take a look at what is happening out there. okay. clearly, we're having some issues. >> there we go. >> what else is you? there you go. the snow continues to fall. we are sort of on the back side of it. you can see it quickly pushing off to the east. worst it was should be through here shortly. that is sort of back edge of. it we are still getting a couple flurries out in the mountains. our friends out in winchester, martinsburg, reporting enough to cover the ground. we have aseep some traffic cameras where we've gotten some snow there. there will likely be some issues over the next hour or so. temperature have been falling. that is a player in the forecast here. most of the area with the exception of our friends for the south in fredericksburg and leonardtown are below freezing. so what falls out there will get a chance to stick on the roadways. even a dusting can cause some issues. it could k. create some slick spots for you. futurecast, there we are at 6:00 a.m. watch what happens at 8:00 a.m. still get some light snow showers. it is out of here by 11:00 as it pushes to the cease. sunshine, wind and cold this afternoon with high temperatures only in the mid- 30s. if you are working outdoors, going to be outdoors for a long walk with the dog, that kind of thing, lots of layers. it is going to feel like january even though it is february 1st today. 35 today. early snow showers, sun and wind this afternoon. accumulations up to an in. most will get less than that. maybe a coating, maybe up to a half inch. north and west gusting to 25 miles per hour. cold tonight, 23 the overnight low. clear and cold. we have a little bit of a snowpack there. these temperatures will fall off tomorrow. tomorrow, groundhog's day. we could get late day snow again tomorrow night and early sunday. that could give us some light accumulation. that will be another clipper system and into early next week, it stays a little unsettled each day. we get a chance of a few snow showers or snow flurries. the pattern a little bit active for the next couple of days. >> thank you, mr. barnes. we are joined by dave ross for this edition of ask tope and tucker which is what it is time for. i kind of backed into that one. >> this is our next to last chance to talk football which we've been doing during the break. we have today and then monday, the day after the super bowl. we are squeezing in another football question. this is the segment tucker and i, blah, blah, blah. who is running in. >> bring the prompter back. whoever is running, it leave it alone. who is doing this? >> the not me doing it. >> okay. this question comes from deanna williams. she ans, i know the super bowl venues are set up ahead of time but has there been a time when a tomorrow won their division and laid at their home stadium. would way -- what would the nfl do. one, it has never happened. we've never hay team who won the afc or nfc represent their conference in their home state. >> i feel like the 49ers played at stanford. >> yes, pasadena. they are always predetermined. they would not change the venue. if it was new orleans this year, they would have played in the new orleans super dome. tickets are allocated equally t wouldn't be like a home field advantage per se other than they play eight game a year at that place. >> in any given year, the tickets are allocated equally as you said but sometimes, some years, it depends on fans selling their tickets. for example, the redskins' first super bowl win in '83 out in california -- was that pasadena? >> i don't think it was pasadena. where was it? wherever it was. i remember the announcer at one point saying this is like rfk west because so many redskin fans were out there and it made it kind of feel like home field. >> i've been reading for this particular super bowl, the ravens fans are outbuying the 49ers fans 2-1. >> that would be your home field advantage right there. next year, super bowl is in new york city. and i heard a couple of giants chirping that they were they would like to be the first team to actually do this and play in met life stadium in new york city. it could happen. >> it could happen. >> a couple of years ago, when the cowboys first opened up their new stadium, that was the big hope that jerry jones had. and at the beginning of the season, there was some reason to believe they might be able to do this. the hopes came crashing down, of course. >> the hosting team gets some of the tickets, right, so they would -- that's correct. are you talking about the host city, like new orleans. >> the new orleans team gets some of the tickets. >> everybody gets some. >> we know the redskins are actually down there right now. london fletcher is down there right now. >> you do have a couple of those scenarios. but i think it will happen in our lifetime. i think it is bound to happen sometime. but some of the places like pasadena at the rose bowl, they don't have pro teams so not all of the venues actually have teams. >> are you going to give your prediction real quick? >> yeah. unlike wisdom, i will give a prediction and i'm in the just saying this because i want this to happen. first of all, i like both teams. i think they are both very good. it has the possibility to be a real good game. i think the baltimore ravens win 27-20. >> tucker barnes. >> okay, real quick. i want to thank defend for once again picking against the ravens because that assures a super bowl victory for my team. yes, i love t ravens 23, 49ers 17. it will be a very close game. >> i've got 27-20 san francisco. >> i'm actually rooting for baltimore. i just think san francisco is the better team in my humble opinion. >> so were the patriots and broncos. >> that is i good point. >> brenda rector wrote any football question the other day and we are thinking she must be a dallas fan based on the question. >> yeah. >> she wrote in. she is a dallas fan. >> you could just tell by the tone. >> yes, you could. >> if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. >> the next question i think tomorrow is why doesn't wisdom ever make a prediction. >> what is up with wisdom. >> before we go to julie, we have a picture of julie and i playing out in the snow. moments ago. >> both of you doing your best model pose. >> i don't know what is fog on with that picture. >> i'm going why the heck am i out here. >> julie looks okay with that. today in new york is really scary. >> that is my victoria's secret, i'm thin, haven't eaten anything. that is that look and i'm cold. eastbound on the freeway, let's get to the construction. change in the traffic pattern here now. traffic diverted on to the eastbound freeway. from there you can go north or south. all part of the 11th street bridge project. snow is falling and we just showed you here in northwest washington we are starting to see some accumulations of that on the grassy areas and here is the live shot coming south off of 270678 the roadways for the most part look wet but those grassy areas, those ramps and overpasses, the areas less traveled, starting to so a light coating of snow. watch your speed s as start to get slick out her on the highway. colesville road as it crosses over 270, starting to see the light accumulation of snow on the left and right side. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. e traffic. >> thank you. ahead at 7:00, it is not ideal golfing weather but that is not stopping thousands of people from getting ready to hit the green. >> the washington golf show is back and our holly morris takes us on a trip back in time with a look at how the game has changed over the years. a preview is coming up next. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. >> reporter: good morning, everybody. i'm holly morris. happy friday. i'll give you a few seconds to figure out what i'm talking about this morning. did the golf clubs give it away? we're live at dulles expo center. it's in it's 17th year. some 10,000 people come out to take part in this show. 100 vendors with all the latest, greatest everything in terms of game. and this morning we're going to get a wonderful preview. we'll find out about some of the gadgets and we have a long ball champion coming out, trick shooter coming out. they have a replica of one of the most famous holes here from sawgrass. plus, today marks the start of black history month. there is a local man who wrote a book called "for forbiden fairways." time to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. she is a fan of ours and also of the ravens. we're going to show her pick here. there it is. should have on a ravens hat or purple or something. >> good morning, janet. >> we wish you good luck in the super bowl sunday for your team. >> a lot of people around here will be rooting for the ravens. >> that's right. >> that does it for the 6:00 hour. >> now over to tony and allison to take us the rest of the day. super bowl predictions again? i'm going to tell you who is going to win this time. >> there's not enough time in this show for him to get to his predictions. >> go out on a limb. it will be freeing for you. oh, boy. coming up now on fox 5 morning news, more winter weather. >> yep. tucker and julie are tracking the impact on the roads and we have the latest list of, believe it or not, school delays. >> breaking news from overseas. an explosion outside the u.s. embassy in turkey. reports of deaths and injuries. we'll bring you the latest. >> and a new face in the race for d.c. mayor? the next election is more than


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jamal kaye showingi mav -- the newspapers reports that they were audio recorded, sent to the cloud and to his phone, which was outside with his fiancee. we'll have more on the details later in the program. president trump hasn't said much, he did this even. jim acosta has that. what did the president say? >> reporter: we know the turkish believe that the saudis are responsible for jamal khashoggi's death, but the president was willing to take on that description. he was not willing to say, yes, that the saudis killed one of their own journalists. he also was asked about whether or not this entire mystery calls into question whether or not the president, the u.s. is doing enough to hold saudi arabia responsible for its human rights record, which obviously has had a lot of issues over the years. here's what the president had to say about that. >> i think a lot of records are overlooked. if you look at iran, take a look at syria. this is a very serious thing, and we are looking at it in a very serious manner. >> reporter: now, the president did say that he plans to speak to king salman in the coming days, but anderson, it's not at all clear that the president is putting a lot of pressure on the saudi kingdom, as you heard him say yesterday, he's reluctant to go after the arms sale under way between the u.s. and the saudi arabia to provide a carrot-and-stick approach to prompt the saudis to do better, but all we know at this point senior administration officials have been speaking with the crown prince he, but it's not at all clear whether the trump administration knows exactly what happened. >> has the president spoken to either the crown prince or the king in saudi arabia? >> that's expected to be the next step. he said that to reporters as he landed in ohio earlier this evening, but anderson, we just don't know what assets have been he committed. he was saying earlier this week that u.s. investigators would get to the bottom of this, but it's not clear what commitments the u.s. is putting towards all of this. the president said said yesterday in the oval office he was not even sure he how much the administration should do, because khashoggi is not even a u.s. citizen. at this point this evening they seem to have no real answers what's going on. >> thank you, jim. we'll have more later on in the program, but we have the stories of people who survived hurricane michael. and the death toll as i told you, now stands at 17. it rose all day, and geffen the places of devastation, it almost will certainly continue to rise. according to the mexico beach city manager, 286 people stayed through the storm, yet as you can see a lot of the town was heavily damaged or simply leveled. crews have been making their was through tony, searching for people, finding survivor and searching for anyone who did not survive. here's what we know about some of the 17 and counting. steven sweet of gretna, florida, was killed when a tree fell on his home. he was 44 years old. he managed a local car coolership. hi wife was with him when it happened. >> he was one of a kind, would always help anybody, always giving money to the people at the stop signs and stuff. would help anybody. >> steven the sweet. firefighter clark was killed when a tractor trailer hit his truck in hanover county, virginia. a colleague says he loved the military, his family and the fire service dearly. he was 43 years old. sarah radany was after her grandparents house when a metal carport crashed into it. she recently started sixth grade. her father says she loved playing the trumpet, she loved life, he says. she wanted to make everyone smile. she was 11 years old and liked to play like she was 5, he said. no doubt we'll learn more about others who did not make it. as we mentioned recovery crews are searching for the living and the dead. communications are constituent spotty. we want to take you to mexico beach, our martin savage is there tonight. you've been talking to people will looking for loved ones, people hoping to get their messages out. talk about what you have seen and 'heard. >> reporter: it's absolute agony on both ends. family members rode out the storm, they survived, but there's no way to communicate and tell their loved ones are alive and well. you were talking to maybe your brother, your mother just before the storm, and then suddenly absolute silence. then what do you see? you see the images of mexico beach here, and it is utter devastation. infrastructure has been totally eliminated. what we wanted to do was go into the community, not along the beachfront, because these are secondary homes for people with means. you go deeper, into the more modest communities, the trailer parks. there you'll find people who are still trapped alive, but unable to get word out, so we try to be that conduit, and i think we have some of the their statements here. >> i would just say that we're all well, and we thank god that we're doing well. >> we made it. >> you know, we can be thankful for that. >> alive, safe and well that would be to my oldest, because i think she's the most worried. >> i may have lost everything, but not my life. >> we're okay. we're dirty and filthy, but we are okay. we do have food and water, so we're getting there. >> reporter: let me just read you some of the names. this is important for family members and loved ones to share if they saw watching on your shore. deanna williams is alive and well. she's got family in georgia. she wanted to reach her son philips. faye alsoton she has a family in vero beach, she said they were going to get away, but they didn't. we have jerry jaswain, she has family in texas. and christine bringmeyer and debby carew. another one i have to mention, billy craften. he's in his 80s, he's not been able to reach his sister, he is desperate that she know he is alive and well. and there are other who are with him looking after him. they are really in desperate situations. this is much like what you saw in the of aftermath of katrina, in the blackout where people couldn't reach out. but at least through their faces and voices, some families know that they are alive and well. unfortunately in mexico beach today, the first victim was discovered. the name has not been released. it was a male, a person who discovered what they say in the debris field several hundred yards away from his home. unfortunately authorities believe it won't be the last such discovery. anderson? >> i want to point out all those people whose faces who were talking, they had nobody been able to reach their name. so hopefully family will contact their families to let them know they're okay, they're alive. just in terms of the residents who are there, obviously, i'm sure their homes are destroyed or badly damaged. are they tried to get out? are they able to get out? do they want to stay there now and just protect what they have? i can't imagine there's a lot of, you know, water, food available yet at this stage. >> reporter: no, there isn't. it's a bit of everything that you just described. there are some people staying, because they have to look at what little they have left. there are others staying because they can't get out. the vehicles were swept away as well as their home, and on top of that others are trapped by their economic means. some food and water has been brought in. that is for those people who rode out the storm. it's not being distributed en masse for anyone who may have returned after the storm. they are trying to get people to shelter. not here. there are none, but the roads are is it ildifficult to pass. it's hard for help to come in and those who want to left to come out. the city is trying to organize a means for those who want to get away. >> thank you for your reporting tonight. welcome news about two people who rode out the storm. danny wiggins and his girlfriend tracy wiggler. we spoke to dan counter's sister last night. she was obviously very concerned. shortly after she appeared on the broadcast she got word on facebook that both made it through. we're very happy to say danny made his way to a rare spot with cell phone reception, and able to dial hi sister. st. george island faces the gulf, and there's one bridge. so people who stayed, spending hour after hour not only filly cut off, but surrounded by water, you may have seen this already. security camera video of a flooded neighborhood on the island. last night we spoke to a close friend. very few have made it to the island since the storm. gary tuchman is one of them. here's his report. >> with so many florida panhandle roads imbalanceable, we charter a boat to get as to st. george island, a barrier island, where a few dozen people did not evacuate during he hurricane michael. the devastation making it clear the people were in peril. tie era walker was one of the people who stayed behind. >> reporter: did you think you were going to die? >> there were a few points in time that i thought it could happen. >> reporter: she stayed in the apartment at the top of harry a's, a heavy will damaged restaurant and bar. >> there was a point in time where i felt the roof was going to fly away, so i flipped a couch over and trying to prepared for worths. >> reporter: this incredible video comes from a security system. torrents of water from the gulf creating terrence in the front yard of a evacuated home. the camera remains. this is the exact vantage point. the water is gone, but the dame is oh so often. christa miller's family has lived on this island for over a century. >> before the storm took that jog to the west we were pretty wore this place would no longer be here. if that storm had not taken that little turn, this place would be leveled completely. >> reporter: but moth homes have been damaged, many very extensively, like the home of christopher crozier, who has lived here 38 years. >> one of the risks you take is to be devastated by a hint. >> i know that. >> reporter: does this make you give up living on the island? >> hell no. it's too beautiful. i discovered this place in the '70s, and worked every bit of my life just to be here in this county. i got a job as a schoolteacher. >> reporter: you're saying? >> i'm not going anywhere. gary joins us now. there's been concern about the people who didn't evacuate. is everybody accounted for? >> reporter: what's slightly prop mattic -- problematic, but there have been no calls or anyone saying they know of someone who is missing. so hopefully it sticks. >> gary tuchman, thank you. last night on the broadcast we spoke it senator marco rubio. tonight his senior college bill nelson joins us. i know you just got back from mexico beach. what's your assessment? how are things? >> it is the worst destruction that the panhandle has seen for however long i've been living. it's akin, anderson, to hurricane andrew back in 1992 south of miami, where everything was left. it is clear in mexico beach the buildings that were built to the new code, they have survived, and some partially survived unless they were right on the beach. the ones that were older dwellings, i mean, they're gone. but people were already starting to come back in today, and they're very resilient. they're going to rebuild, and it will be a greater place for people to come and enjoy the beach. >> are there enough resources there, shelter, water and food for -- i was talking to some officials yesterday who were saying, please don't come back yet, there's just -- it's going to interfere with search and rescue operations, and there's just not enough resources. >> in mexico beach specifically, the answer is no. there's not going to be there. they basically had to evacuate, though i talked to a fellow who rode out the storm on a second floor, and his windows did not break. he said they were bulging six inches, but they didn't break. >> wow. >> but in panama city, in a city that is in the dark, it is going to be a while. this is what happens after a hurricane, especially one of this magnitude. there's going to be a period of time that it's going to be difficult to get supplies in. now, as we were going back out of the city, i saw all convoys of the trucks coming in with supplies, but it's going to be a while. people's patience is going to be tried. >> i guess what message do you have right now for people who may be watching, perhaps staying with friends, families, they're worried about their homes, not even sure if the homes are still there, or if they're not, they want to get back to their homes. they're not even on sure where to begin, what is your message tonight? >> the best news other than floridians are tough and resilient, and i saw that every place, neighbors helping neighbors at the hospital, completely now evacuated, but they were keeping the emergency room going. then there was an emergency team that had come in that were setting up a lower threshold operating room out in the parking lot, but the only good news is that the weather ended up after the storm flew through, the weather ended up being beautiful. no rain, clear skies, so as long as fema can get the blue tarps in so t in so that people can patch their roof, and almost every roof has a leak or hole, then they can secure their home from damage. fema has to get thousands and thousands of blue tarps in. >> senator nelson, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thanks, ander southern. just ahead, a closer look at what emergency crews are going through looking for survivors. a local fire chief and officers are joining us. but up ahead, how the killing of jamal khashoggi was recorded inside the turk irk consul. instead, he's the tallest guy in his office.l basketball player. yeah, eric's had to compromise a lot in life. ah yes, you need travel insurance when you travel. so, should i set some... hello? 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it's a great building! you'll love it here! we have mixers every thursday. geico®. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. new video. i can tell you we've seen so much of that in so much disasters. joining us is joseph zeralbin, a fire chief for the citi of miami, and aseen to mexico beach, also mexico beach police chief kelly. can you just talk about the latest search-and-rescue efforts in mexico beach and elsewhere? >> yes, thank you, anderson. yesterday we began at daybreak and did what we consider to be a primary search. we went through the entire area quickly and attempted to touch as many lives as possible. once we get through the process, we go back and do it all again, something we would call a secondary search. we got about 85% complete yesterday, about 15% remaining. we began that process today. we were able to complete that and get about 50% of our secondary search accomplished. we'll be out here again in the morning at daybreak continuing the process. >> chief kelly, do you have an accurate number of who are unaccounted for or who chose to stay for the storm? >> yesterday. what we did was 24 hours prior to the storm we went into the communities how to house, door to door, identifying the people who said they were going to stay. we did have 268 residents and children staying. prior to the contact of the storm we went around and again, and from my understanding some of the neighbors and some of the residents did leave, but unfortunately there were some that said they were not going to leave. >> and at this point, i don't know if either of you can say how many may still be unaccounted for or just it's not clear at this point. as you said, some may have left and not informed authorities, which is obviously one of the difficulties you face. >> you are correct. it's a difficult process, but it's been made easier by the efforts of his police chief and his department. he was able to provide us with a book of residents that we know stayed behind, and that book was accurate up to a few hours before the storm, so it doesn't give you all of the answers you are looking for, but it really does help to push you in the right direction. we are cross-referencing his list with the work we've been doing. >> i talked to an official yesterday who was sort of asking people, please don't come back to mexico beach at this point to check on your house. obviously a lot of people want to come back to see what happened to their house, to their friends, to find family members. is that still your message tonight? i could imagine resources there if you have a lot of people coming back. >> we do. what i'm asking, for the safety of the efforts that's gore on right now is if you are a resident and you have a florida driver's license with a mexico beach address, when you come to our checkpoints, we will allow you to come in. we understand. but for the safety of the public we're not asking that everybody come back to mexico beach right now. we just want the locals with a local address that when they come here to identify themselves, and we'll make every effort we can to accommodate them once they come here. >> just in terms of resources, you know, i was talking to senator bill nelson a moment ago. he was saying there's obviously a lot of damaged homes, not destroyed, but significantly damaged. they're going to niece tarps to patch things up temporarily. obviously it takes time to get stuff in and roads have been difficult. are you starting to get things like tarps, water, food, for those who are still there? >> yes, we've had a good outcry from the assistance, from the cdc, the governor's office, but we are making resources available. we have got water here. we've got a kitchen set up for the people who need food. well meals ready to eat. so we have a distribution set up that several of the city employees, the city clerk is getting that information out as long as we can get what supplies we can to the people who need them. >> this question is really for either of you. obviously i'm sure you both have been through storms before. obviously florida has hit hard in the past, in terms of what you've seen, how does this compare? >> well, every storm is unique in the type of damage it does, but when you walk into a situation like this, it really strikes you from the perspective of how surreal it is. then very quickly, especially a florida task force coming from an area that has been affected numerous times, we really understand and sympathize and empathize with the individuals here, the citizens and what they're going through. it's a very difficult recovery process. our goal is to make it as comforting as possible, and to give them all of the resources that they're struggling without right now, because they were locally impacted. again, we completely understand what it is to be locally impacted. >> chief kelly, and chief zharlaben -- yes, chief? >> it is a small department, but we do know everybody. so it's impacting the officers. when we walk through the neighborhoods looking through the debris piles, you see photos and parts that are part of somebody's life. so as we are such a small community, it's not that we just work here, this is part of our family as well. so we're individually touched. >> of course. well, both chiefs, thank you for all you are doing and all your officers and firefighters and emergency personnel. we'll continue to be in touch. coming up on the latest about the reports of the disappearance of jamal khashoggi we have an update on where the possible murder, possible torture may have been recorded. an entirely new feeling, e the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. a product of mastery. ...ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from... ...and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? 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they have refuelled all claims. various reports in the media they say are based on lies, and part to undermine the kingdom. they did recently put out a statement they did support the joint investigation that is taking place, and a delegation from saudi arabia did arrive a few hours ago. the two countries decided to steak a a working group turkey had been granted access, but also to the consul general's home. the saudis asked for it to be postponed, and then we hear about this join working group. a lot of questions surrounding that issue, because primably there are a lot of politics at bay, as we were all well aware. this is a conversation becoming more political charged by the day. >> appreciate it, arwa damon. joining mess is senator ben cardin. thanks for being with us. what do you have the to see happen? >> every day is becoming more and more obvious that the saudi government was involved, and that this is really a very serious matter. he there's a provide in our -- it's a part of our democracy, global democracies, and what the saudis allegedly did here, he counter convenes -- and let's find out exactly what happened. if the government is responsible, they have to be held accountable. i joined my colleagues in asking the trump administration to consider the use of mcnitskie's -- this is legislation i work with senator mccai mccain. when a government violates basic human rights, and does not hold itself accountable, they sanctions would prevent those individuals from using our banking system or visiting our country with visas. it's an appropriate sanction, we need to do more, about you we need to take a look at these sanctions. >> one of the things we heard about yesterday is this journalist is not an american citizen. should that matter at all? >> it doesn't matter whatsoever. he obviously was contributing to "the washington post" as a reporter. he had privilege, but it's the u.s. leadership in protecting journalists. we have to make it clear that that relationship will be changed if the saudi government is respond for these actions. >> do you feel there's momentum to actually enforce some sort of sanctions or some sort of penalty? it's i spoke with the republican chair on foreign ops. i talked to senator corker. i talked to several of my democratic colleagues. we have all agreed that we cannot let this type of activity go unxhalged if in fact it's established that the saudi government was best hind this tragedy. a, is he right about that? and b, should that be taken into account? >> there's no immediate arms deals between the united states and saudiing that are currently being planned. so there is no specific arms deal at this particular moment. we do participate with the saudis in regarding to their yemen campaign. i suggest we may want to look at modifying our relationship with regard to the military relationship. we also looked at sbeerg into a peaceful agreement on nuclear energy. there's several aspects we need to evaluate. senator ben cardin, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. khashoggi is a former royal insider who became a critic of the regime. we'll have a closer look at the man known as mbs, next. she's so cute. ♪ the most loved iphone meets the most loved in wireless. right now, save $300 on iphone xs at t-mobile. tailored recommendations, tax-efficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. fidelity wealth management. to help you grow and protect your wealth. instead, he's the tallest guy in his office.l basketball player. yeah, eric's had to compromise a lot in life. ah yes, you need travel insurance when you travel. so, should i set some... hello? 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>> no, that's too far for a bluetooth connection. his anticipation of transmitting that, i think that was beyond khashoggi. i think what's happened clearly is the turks have the saudi consulate wired. the turking don't trust any diplomats. thieve in most embassies and most consequence las in turkey. they listen to what's going on. if instead there are tapes, you know, proving that he was murdered, i think that's probably how they know, but the turks are reluctant to admit that. >> again, this is just -- it's reporting by the tush irk newspaper, you think that's a cover essential for a spying operati operation. >> i think almost definitely. remember that turkey and saudi arabia are sworn enemies in the islamic world. the turks don't trust the saudis. they would have had a lot of surveillance on that consulate. the cummings and goings as well inside and possibly video. the turks are very advanced in this. like i said, they don't want to admit it, they don't want to admit it. >> why do you think the turks are engaging with a joint investigation with a saudi delegation that arrived in istanbul today. do you think it's politics? >> i think it's politics. the turks hate mohammed bin salman for what he's doing in yemen and what he's done with the muslim brotherhood. i think they would like to pry him out of the job and get rid of him. mohammed bin salman is not particularly popular through that the islamic world and he's vying for influence with erdogan, the president of turkey. >> it's fascinating. mohammed bin salman came to the united states, met with business leaders. he's certainly trying to project a new image for saudi arabia, sell a new story for saudi arabia. if in fact the saudis did what the allegations are that they murdered this man in their own consulate in istanbul, it's kind of putting a lie to this image that saudi arabia's has been trying to project. >> i think. so remember mohammed bin salman detained the lebanese prime minister, hariri, which is just unheard of. and an insult to lebanon. he's burned through so many red lines that everything i'm hearing out of the kingdom, people are scared of him and he's detested by the tribes, he's an autocrat and they don't know where he'll go next. this idea he's a great reformer, it's washington publicity people putting that out. but inside the kingdom there's a lot of rep decontamination about what he's up to. >> he's cultivated an enormous amount of power in saudi arabia, some of the richest people and members of the royal family were arrested in the ritz-carlton hotel, who knows what went on and billions of dollars were taken from them, whether they were ill-gotten gains initially or not. he controls oil, the military, the national guard, the economy, everythi everything. his father has dementia, he is not in control. he is the dictator of saudi arabia. >> thank you for being with us. a lot more to follow on this story. i want to check in with chris to see what he's working on. chris? >> there's reporting that khashoggi was so worried he may have record what was going on. there's a lot of intrigue going on with this. it just seems so different from how we've seen the united states government to deal with animosities before so we will go through that and have a big debate on the ongoing point of voter suppression. >> seven minutes from now. chris, thanks very much. see you soon. up next, first lady melania trump talks about her marriage and gives her take on her husband's alleged infidelity, plus why she says she's, quote, the most bullied person in the world. from the start, the c-class was ahead of its time. 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