Dear Mahatma: Can you explain the new laws concerning cameras and tickets for speeding in work zones? I m for safety for our highway workers and this law CAN be a good thing. But will tickets be sent to us at any point of the work zones, even the 14 miles of barrels with no one working that area? Dontwannagetcaught
Dear Mahatma: Can you explain the new laws concerning cameras and tickets for speeding in work zones? I m for safety for our highway workers and this law CAN be a good thing. But will tickets be sent to us at any point of the work zones, even the 14 miles of barrels with no one working that area? Dontwannagetcaught
Dear Mahatma: I suffered a debilitating stroke 16 months ago and from which I have been unable to fully recover. My physical therapist insists I am required to pass a hospital-sponsored driving test before I am cleared to drive, implying I am at risk for liability in the event I’m in a crash. Is this another cash cow of the hospital-insurance industrial complex or a sensible precaution? Ball Four Dear Ball Four: Thanks for the reference to the best baseball book ever. It was written by Jim Bouton and first published back in 1970. Scandalous, it was.
Dear Mahatma: What I should carry in my car for proof of auto insurance? My insurance company has a good app, and I can call up an exact copy of the little piece of paper that I’ve carried for years to cover proof of insurance. Is the app enough, or do I still need the piece of paper? Jane Dear Jane: The Arkansas State Police must ask drivers for license, registration and insurance about a zillion times a day. Let’s ask Cindy Murphy, who speaks for the agency.