massive corporations. we need to eliminate the death packs on these family farms so they can pass it down without getting taxed. we also need to recognize that the cost of government when bureaucracies run amok like they say, in iowa you had to go to the supreme court. there s a puddle on your property and that s waters of the united states. epa can come in and have federal jurisdiction. no way. that is not right. that use of bureaucracy benefits the big companies at the expense of the smaller companies. i think part of the answer for rural america is small business and the emphasis on that. i think that s the backbone on whether our economy is going to succeed or not. you ve got these guys on wall street, silicon valley. that s fine. if we don t have these small businesses in these local communities that are able to succeed, we re not going to have the american dream. we have another voter here tonight from huxley, iowa, a republican who is undecided in this race.
being able to do it? and when it come to the backwardness of laws in a way. let s say the death packs. if it s retroactive, if it was judged unconstitutional, as an example, wouldn t we want that to be retroact testify everyone, every family that had to 58 death tax. but there s a reason we don t have laws, retroactive. either criminal law or in the sense of tax law, and especially when it s being used as a political pedule to separate out and isolate once again, another group that the democrats say they own, in pandering to individuals and it s an insult to us. i think, obviously, i ve always believed, i know many people have in america. that all-americans deserve the right of every other american butt attempt to continue to have us be looking at each other as threats or as the enemy as got to stop. that s what she s pandering to now.
the ethanol but what really kill me and that is the death tax. the republicans allow a 35 percent death tax to go through. that is not a compromise. that is a failure to live up to the promise. the cavalry is coming. rubio, rand paul, all coming to the senate. and they went that way on the death tax? that is bad. neil: but the death packs would have been 55 percent on a smaller estate, and now it is 35 percent on on the estate and could you overplay the card? guest: you always risk over playing your cards if you do not understand your power. i disagree with that on the death tax. it did not go down from 55 to 35 but from 0 to 35 percent. neil: but it would have phased out. on its own.