Devanshh Chakraborty and Sanskar Chandra dedicated their win to their friends Souradeep Chatterjee and Pushan Sadhukhan, with whom they might possibly have rowed for the title on Wednesday had the fierce storm not snatched them away
The Delhi High Court Bench comprising of Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav, while adjudicating a petition filed in Vineet Saraf v Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., has refused to issue a Writ.
Day 1 (Kolkata to Gangtok, 15 hours, 700 km)
Three cars met at the Dankuni toll at 4 pm on 1st April. The date being the 1st April, I was relieved to see that the rest of the cars were waiting and the trip was actually on!
It was smooth sailing through Burdwan, SH7 and we reached Moregram BP by 8 pm. We took a tea break for about an hour, since having dinner by 8 pm would have been too early.
So we decided to have dinner at the Pardesi Dhaba, in Malda. Reached the Pardesi Dhaba by 10-45 pm and their piping hot Chicken Biriyani managed our hunger.