in this country, a new debt ceiling compromise seems to be getting traction in washington. six senators, three republicans, and three democrats are offering a plan to cut the nation s debt by about $3.7 trillion over the next decade. it includes spending cuts and about a trillion dollars in new tax revenue. republicans have insisted on deep cuts and no tax increases before they ll agree to raise the country s borrowing limit. that debt ceiling deds line is now just 13 days away. minnesota s three-week government shutdown is over. democratic governor park dayton signed a budget bill today. he and republican lawmakers finally agreed to use accounting gimmicks to close the state s $5 billion shortfall. republicans refused to raise taxes. the shutdown left 22,000 state workers without a paycheck. and memphis public schools may not open august 8th as scheduled because of a budget fight. the school board says no classes till the city pace $55 million. the board says the city ow