In a bizarre and tragic incident reported from Maharashtra's Pune, a man poured petrol during the cremation and the act left at least 11 people injured with severe burns, reported PTI.
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Mundhwa Police Face Allegations Of Violence On 2 Men In Custody
Mundhwa Police Face Allegations Of Violence On 2 Men In Custody
ByArchana MoreArchana More / Updated: Apr 6, 2021, 06:00 IST
Their sister says she was also verbally abused in filthy language, moves CP, state home dept and NHRC; zonal DCP refutes accusations as false, baseless, and an afterthought
When Pune commissioner of police (CP) Amitabh Gupta had taken charge as the city’s top cop last year, among his many assurances to the people was the diktat that custodial
violence would be eliminated.
However, in a case that seems to shatter that promise,
Mundhwa police have been accused of mercilessly thrashing and abusing two youths accused in a forgery case, allegedly leaving one of them with grievous injuries to his waist, legs and hands.