Seated at a table with his wife and a colleague in the small town of Leskovac, Dragan Marinovic was looking forward to a meal at his favorite restaurant. Then a stranger approached and started to threaten Marinovic, who is executive editor of the Serbian news website Resetka. The reason, Marinovic told VOA’s Serbian Service: a…
AfricaFocus Bulletins with Material on Politics and Human Rights April 19, 2021 Confronting Global Apartheid Demands Global Solidarity
The COVID-19 pandemic has both revealed and deepened structural
inequalities around the world. Nearly every country has been hit by
economic downturn, but the impacts are unevenly felt. Within and
across countries, the people who have suffered most are those already
disadvantaged by race, class, gender, or place of birth, reflecting
the harsh inequality that has characterized our world for centuries. March 8, 2021 USA/Global: Taxing the Tech Giants
How should we determine the corporate tax a big tech company should