Rather than change a law that safeguards the liberties of U.S.citizens, the principles of federalism, and the balance ofcivil-military relations, Congress and the Administration shouldimprove integration of the Guard Reserve, create a Navy Guard, andreorganize part of the National Guard for new missions. These stepswill make the nation better prepared for the next Katrina.
As Congress and the nation consider how to rebuild shattered lives and destroyed neighborhoods and businesses after the Katrina disaster, it is important that the need to take action swiftly does not lead to steps that cause dollars to be used inefficiently or to unwise decisions that frustrate rather than achieve long-term success. This makes it imperative that Congress keep the following guidelines firmly in mind.
Members of Congress head home this week with precious little to show for their months of grandstanding on the Hill. However, as the clock counted down to August recess, lawmakers were able to get one "signature" bill off to the president, an act purporting to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.