something unusual in the trunk of that vehicle. we now know that prosecutors allege that s where the body of caylee was. is it, wendy, an attempt to get, i don t know, the jury to look at george anthony for some reason? one of the best tactics in any case, if you re a defense attorney with a tough case, use two family members and point the finger at each other. they can almost agree as a family to let reasonable doubt be built on the backs of each other. it s a nice tactic, family members agree to it. the jury doesn t know who they like less and that can create a kind of reasonable doubt just because you come to really dislike both of them and they both seem capable of killing, so it s reasonable doubt, which one did it? she gets a walk. that s the defense hope. the other hope of the defense you have, with the cause of death, they never concluded a cause of death with little caylee anthony and now the defense is throwing out this option that she wasn t killed, that she drowned, and