regulations, cut the topon corporate and individual tax rate to 25%, cut trillions incu spending. why is that a better way toy create jobs?o well, we ve seen that these other way doesn t work.en t we ve seen the stimulus bill tht president put forward in the beginning of his term. i think certainly it did not reach the promises that he madee there s too many people unemployed in this we believe in private enterprise. we believe in small business. b our agenda does just that. we want the president to workid with we want him to stop thehi campaigning, let s go find the things that are in commond between this plan and his, and inn fact, chris, i think you ll see within the next month we ll take portions of this plan that match up with his, put them across the floor to help small businesses. all right. but here s the issue.hris the president points out that moody s, one of the top economic consulting firms, scored hisored plan, figured what impact it would have, and sa
u.s. should take militaryy action. here he is. i would start with targeting the force who has been using h these proxies to conduct action against us. u i would conduct covert actionsag against them and kill them and take their bases away from them. chris: why not go after them? that s perhaps more difficulm than it s said to be. i think this is a large operation.op it s in the thousands.ds it s an elite branch.te how you go after them, how do you do it? i ve never seen a plan to do it. it probably would escalate intoi a war, and the question is do wo want to go to war with iran at this time? my judgment is no.g we have our hands full with iraq, with afghanistan, with the deteriorating relationship with pakistan. i mean, i think this is not
end up with the triggers? i think the odds are that we ll have a deal. i think one of the places you ve got bi-partisan support or got agreement, for example, is the triggered cuts in the defenseha budget would just be devastating. panetta said it would be the equivalent of shooting ourselves in the head. i think we ll get an agreement on spending. i think the republicans havein actually put forward a responset on this issue of thef t millionaire s tax which is the notion you ve got a vast majority of st. pau small busin the country pay taxes asid individuals at the highest tax rates. those are the job creators. g we ve got the super committee that will get something don dond avoid triggers, but the rest of it has got to be a set of policies put in place by a new president that understands you ve got to get the private p sector going again. i think in terms of president obama, you know, what he s doing politically, he may think itcall makes sense. i think it s actually scarier than t
jobs plans which was blocked inb the senate this week. here it is. $245 billion in tax cuts and incentives, $140 billion in new spending on infrastructure and aid to states.lion what s wrong with the plan? > well, the plan in total was one met with lots of resistance when the president unveiled it in september. so when the president spoke that night, i said let s work together, stop the all or nothing approach. we re not going to be for taxle increases on smal small busines he knows that. the senate just killed the bill this week, so we ve said since the beginning when the presideni has come to my district, i saidm again an again mr. president, we want to work with you. we ve got our plan here. this is the plan for america s job creators. there are things the presidentin said he believes in. let s work together.he let s find some of the things ii his plan that we agree with and let s go ahead and do that for
governor romney has been very r impressive in the debates. i don t think you can say any our candidates, frankly, at this point have managed toy consolidate support across the board. i think that one of the things that s been fascinating is hows important the debates have been. they re very important in terms of governor romney s ability to lay out his plan, and they ve p given a platform to people likea cain and gingrich and santorum. a number of folks have benefitted from also what is important and what you see in the rise of somebody like cain is ideas and the fact that the voters are hungry. they re hungry for bold change.r when herman cain got his 999n plan, surely people are going to shoot at it surely people will say well, p it s got flaws. it may well have many flaws, but it s a very interesting plan. i think it shows the appetite out there for somebody s who s not obama, for somebody who will actually help to support the private sector and who is