long time now. the american people s top priority is the creation of jobs. creating jobs for the american people. create jobs in america. create jobs. create jobs. job creation. focus on jobs. new jobs. jobs. jobs. jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. jobs. talking about jobs. are talking about jobs. and now it s time to talk about jobs. well, they re all talking about jobs. the president included. the question is, what are they actually doing about it? this afternoon cnn s wolf blitzer spoke one-on-one with mr. obama. he asked why wait until september for a new push on jobs? he pointed to initiatives already pending before congress. then he asked if the president may be planning something much bigger. you have something more ambitious for september. there s been reports that you want to create a new department of jobs, something along those lines. is that true? you know, that is not true. but what is true is that i think we missed an opportunity a