Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson has been elected to serve as secretary of the Congressional Black Caucus. Wilson, previously an at-large member of the group, will step into her new leadership role Jan. 3, 2021.
Five other Black Caucus members were elected to the executive committee. Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio will serve as the new chair; Steven Horsford of Nevada will serve as first vice chair; Brenda Lawrence of Michigan was reelected as second vice chair; Hank Johnson of Georgia will serve as whip; and Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas will serve as parliamentarian.
Wilson was also elected by her Congressional Region VIII colleagues, who represent districts in Florida and Georgia, to serve a second term as their representative on the Democratic Caucus powerful Steering and Policy Committee to advocate on their behalf for preferred committee assignments, including those with jurisdiction over the issues of utmost importance to their constituents and their shared poli
December 11, 2020 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman-elect Nikema Williams of Georgia delivered the Weekly Democratic Address. In this week’s address, the Congresswoman-elect discussed the power of the Democratic Caucus’ diversity and unity in our fight to deliver a more just nation for all Americans. Video and audio of the Weekly Democratic Address can be downloaded here.
Below is a full transcript of the address:
“Hello, I am Congresswoman-elect Nikema Williams. In November, the people of Georgia’s 5th Congressional District elected me to serve the district represented by my friend and mentor and our hero, Congressman John Lewis.
“Just over a month ago, the American people went to the ballot box. With a record-shattering 81 million votes, including Georgia’s sixteen Electoral College votes, Americans chose to send Joe Biden and my soror Kamala Harris to the White House, while delivering a strong Democratic House Majority to Cong