Express News Service
BENGALURU: A five-month-old girl child, who suffered Covid along with dengue co-infection, acute leukoencephalopathy (disease of white matter in the brain) and West syndrome (epileptic/infantile spasms, abnormal brain wave patterns), was successfully treated for Covid and dengue. Doctors from the Department of Paediatrics at the Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute have now published a case study on this in the Journal of Tropical Paediatrics.
The infant was presented with fever, refusal of feeding, developing altered sensorium, decreased responsiveness and convulsions. On day 10, an RT-PCR test was conducted for Covid, which turned positive. Dengue and Covid co-infection surmounted a massive cytokine storm leading to Acute Leukoencephalopathy with Restricted Diffusion, the studym titled “Acute Leukoencephalopathy with Restricted Diffusion in an Infant with Severe Covid-19 and Dengue Co-infection Progressing to West Syndrome’’, said.