They eat. Oh and cheese and truffle and thank you so much for joining us as we find out more about what exactly happened at the time of the acts again anger continues to grow among families of the victims ip and is thus in a studio to tell us by the end. That evening i just did a brief recap of what exactly happened during that time of the acid in the face of what the American Police have said all fifteen crew members along with the captain had been hiding in the steel mill until the rescue team arrived in that room there were sixteen lifeboats but none of them and even cars. Even the passengers in the room the pasta from the funeral was calling out for help and he rescued us and as a rescue boat to ride the crew were the first one to get online while the coast guard official caught on the sinking ship and went to meet the life flow of the basilica able to take a look alike with the embassy now along with the comments from the Maritime Police clean shot off the site of the acting confi