Speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you. Mdm. Clerk can we take the litigation items five through seven out of order . Yes. Item number five is a resolution approving the settlement of unmitigated comp file by any scott against San Francisco. Item number six is a resolution of the settlement of unmitigated claims byobrien against the city and county of San Francisco and item number seven is a ordinance authorizing final settlement of claim number 162314 filed by ronald and Patricia Martel against the city and county of San Francisco thank you mdm. Clerk. Colleagues ive read as im sure you have the confidential Attorney Client privilege document related to these three settlements. Colleagues, do either of you desire a close session on these matters . No. If not is the recommendation to send these items to the full board with a recommendation on item number seven as
Yes please make sure to silence all cell phones electronic devices. Complete speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you. Mdm. Clerk can we take the litigation items five through seven out of order . Yes. Item number five is a resolution approving the settlement of unmitigated comp file by any scott against San Francisco. Item number six is a resolution of the settlement of unmitigated claims byobrien against the city and county of San Francisco and item number seven is a ordinance authorizing final settlement of claim number 162314 filed by ronald and Patricia Martel against the city and county of San Francisco thank you mdm. Clerk. Colleagues ive read as im sure you have the confidential Attorney Client privilege document related to these three settlements. Colleagues, do either of you desire a close session on these matters . No. If not is the recommendation to sen
Additional feedback from various parts of the city and requests for future further amendment which are before you right now. Theto summarize these additional amendment responding to a request from the mta reedit members of the Parking Authority commission as form 700 filers. Even though the mta board sits at the Parking Authority its our preference to not remove those positions from the code altogether. Ive deleted the members of the Produce Market Corporation Board of directors and executive director from the code. They were actually removed from the code altogether [cough] i needed to be changed in the cycle. I also needed to make some additional changes that dph had previously requested and needed to be reflected in the person before you. These are merely deleting positions. It sort of part of their effort to streamline their section of the code. Fourth, ive added a few positions to the Public Utilities commission that i initially missed adding when i was behind the legislation. The
[gavel] good morning and welcome to the government audit and Oversight Committee of San Francisco board of supervisors im the chairman of the committee arun peskin and joined by supervisor norman yee and by Committee Member and board president to my left london breed are clerk i want to thank the folks at sfgov tv for streaming this session. Mdm. Clerk any announcements yes please make sure to silence all cell phones electronic devices. Complete speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you. Mdm. Clerk can we take the litigation items five through seven out of order . Yes. Item number five is a resolution approving the settlement of unmitigated comp file by any scott against San Francisco. Item number six is a resolution of the settlement of unmitigated claims byobrien against the city and county of San Francisco and item number seven is a ordinance authorizing final se
Corridor who are seeing their work and their custom dramatically deteriorate because people afraid to go by mission and excelsior avenue in the excelsior district. My other item for introduction is a hearing request based on the budget Analyst Report of prosac, park recreation open space advisory committee, and the open space fund and the rec and Park Departments acquisition code. Over the past few years we have approved five acquisitions of private property for the from the open space fund, for the public uses. The most recent one was 24th street, noe valley, i approved that, i voted to approve that acquisition, but i also in the process noted that there are a lot of parts of San Francisco that are considered high needs areas that actually are in need of being able to find greater open space for recreation in the city. I want to make sure that as the city budget Analyst Report indicates there is a discrepancy between the actual Acquisition Policy and the rec and Park Department and wh