Having a resident as a code enforcement officer risks conflict, Alna First Selectman Ed Pentaleri said. The statement Sept. 27 was in response to Third Selectman Coreysha Stone’s asking if two possible candidates, both residents, would be considered.
Alna selectmen on May 18 agreed to hold a hearing on a resident’s complaint that one selectman broke the board’s ethics policy. Second Selectman Steve Graham said Ralph Hilton has brought the complaint against First Selectman Ed Pentaleri. “I’ve.
The new year stands to bring Alna its new town clerk. Selectmen agreed Dec. 28 to hire Sarah Perkins of Pittston as clerk, tax collector and registrar of voters. No start date was announced. The date will be mutually agreed on, First Selectman Ed.
Alna is getting an interim town clerk and an interim code enforcement officer. Selectmen announced Dec. 14, Deputy Town Clerk Lynette Eastman will be interim clerk now that Michelle Cameron is taking Nobleboro’s treasurer job. Cameron, Alna’s clerk.
The railings at Head Tide Dam had broken cables again and selectmen Sept. 7 made a move they expect will serve for years, if more incidents occur. The board decided to tap the dam site’s maintenance account for $2,000 to buy enough parts for years.