a number of people. this was after a football game in texas. you see the effort going on there to try to stop this runaway cart. they finally did. questions this morning about why it was going on its own in the first place. also, many of you need to be prepping for a major winter storm that s expected to drop up to 15 inches of snow. our reynolds wolf is all over this. he ll be along in a moment. it started as shock and awe nearly nine years ago. it s ended with sand and dust on a desert highway headed into kuwait. the last convoy of u.s. troops has left iraq. watch. [ horn ] a much different scene from the shock and awe that we saw of nine years ago almost. the pictures from overnight, cover of darkness going through the middle of the desert. about 500 u.s. service members from ft. hood, texas, traveling. about 110 military vehicles made a five-hour nighttime trip from camp adder into kuwait. the route was cleared of any roadside bombs by the first elements of the conv