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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 1230 PM 20150121

look outside from sky 6 hd this is the jersey shore line from atlantic city, this is the calm before the storm. meteorologist, david murphy is outside tracking the timing of the snowfall and joins us now with the very latest. what are we seeing right now? >> temperatures down at the freezing mark, if we get snow in here it won't have trouble sticking, no flurries yet here on city avenue we look at stormtracker 6 live double scan there is some fairly light precipitation making its way into delaware county and toward philadelphia the leading edge is not doing much and in some cases it's evaporating before it hit its the ground a similar story with the rain in cape may all highlights in lighter shades of green and where you get beneath the brighter shades of white in wilmington the snow is making its way to the ground and that is where the roads are becoming snow covered, this is moving to the east and over the next couple of hours it's making its presence known and as we look at several model i will give you an i'd of how much trouble models have with these fast moving systems. this nam model has a lot in lancaster, over 3 inches and some want to keep us on the 1 to 2 inches and maybe 3 inches out to the west and others still that really just want to back off and give us a coating to an inch on i-95, it's hard for the models to pick up on that. 2 to 3 inches down in the area, south of philadelphia and jersey shore and delaware some going to 4 and 1 to 2 up north and some will have intense uplift and we think we may go higher there. relatively light snow but a news an because it will continue to fall during the evening rush hour with all the cars on the road slippery road conditions are developing. we'll talk more about the other chances for precipitation in the exclusive accuweather forecast. meantime penndot says their trucks are stocked and ready to roll when the snow starts falling crews got ahead of the storm brining the highways as soon as the flakes start falling today more than 300 state and private trucks will be on the roadways, despite the even commute, they say they are prepared. >> we have concerns but people and trucks are in place to deal with it during that time frame. penndot is reminding drivers to reduce their speed and leave space during the snowfall. if you need to go out allow extra time to get to your destination, penndot cars are rolling through the night for the morning commute as well. our coverage of the wintery weather continues on we have the future tracker maps to show you the maps of the snow and can you see the latest weather reports from "action news" along with the hourly and seven-day forecast. it's all right there right now, and this programming note, the "action news" morning team will be on the air early tomorrow to help you navigate through the snow after imagine accuweather and school delays tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. in the news former sportscaster sportscaster, don tollefson on accusations that he bilked people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. chad pradelli is live now with the latest. >> reporter: rick after nine hours of deliberations it appears that this jury is close to a verdict though there is still work to be done. about an hour ago jurors ask the judge what should they do if they can't come to a verdict on one of the charges, he said go back and deliberate. tollefson arrived in good spirits, he said it's good to be alive, he is accused of stealing more than $300,000 from 200 victims in the name of charity. he calls himself a bad businessman addicted to drugs and alcohol. prosecutors call him a thief and said he basically ran a ponzi scheme. >> we are all anxious and want this case to come to a good resolution both sides i am confident in this jury and they got the message we were trying to convey throughout the trial and i'm hopeful we'll reach the resolution today. >> and jurors are expected to break for lunch here shortly and the deliberations will continue later on this afternoon, tollefson if convicted could face 30 years behind bars and what is troubling for many legal experts he was offered a plea deal where he would spend 7 months in jail and the remaining 14 months in a halfway house and he turned the plea deal down, and he is representing himself and now his future is in the hands of jurors we'll see what happens later on this afternoon and have more updates on later editions of "action news." live in doylestown, chad pradelli channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. a large scale prescription drug ring that encompassed most of pennsylvania and was run out of philadelphia is now out of business, attorney general, kathleen kane announced the arrest of 200 people they say that the ring stole the prescription pads from 100 doctors all told the ring made nearly $1.7 million, kane says prescription drug abuse by children is on the rise. >> they get them from their parents and put them into a hat, and they don't know what they are taking and they are hooked on oxycodone and they can't afford them any longer and they turn to heroin. >> kane went on to say that 14 of the 16 counties were part of the rack the. a woman from bucks county is accused of stealing three credit card numbers from dunkin' donuts customers, police claim she stole the cards after they were swiped, and she would reach for the receipt and do a second swipe, she ran up 800 there's on a debit card for just one victim. a vigil is going to be held at 7:30 for the baby set on fire by her mother and killed. she was formerly charged with murder yesterday and prosecutors say she gave birth on friday and doused her with wd 40 and set her on fire in pemberton township. a paterson new jersey man is facing charges in delaware after police say they found 15,000 bags of heroin in his car during a traffic stop. they pulled off devon tucker yesterday and noticed a marijuana odor coming from the car and he turned over a plastic bag of pot from the center console, but during a search they found 15,000 small wax paper baggies with a street value of $150,000. tucker is now held on $122,000 cash bail. pennsylvania governor tom wolf, gets to work today on his first full day in office. he took the oath yesterday in harrisburg and the democrat did not sugar coat his vision. >> for the next four years my administration is dedicated to three simple things jobs that pay and schools that teach and a government that works. >> at his gala, he said it's time to fulfill his promises and he must negotiate with a republican led legislate your and deal with a deficit. and the gop is already pushing back on wolf's plan to tax natural gas drilling to boost education funding. after the state of the union address president obama is hitting the road to gain support for the plans he outlined last night. but the reviews of speech are still coming in. >> reporter: after pitching an ambitious set of proposals president obama hit the road this morning taking his message from washington to the heartland in the speech the president took credit for a host of achievements for democratic policies. >> the shadow crisis has past, since 2010, america has put more people back to work than europe and japan and all advanced economies combined. >> it includes free sick leave and free community college education and child care help for the middle class all paid for by tax increases on wealthiest americans and called for a resolution from congress to authorize force against isis. >> i have no more campaigns to run. my only agenda -- [ applause ] i know because i won both of them. >> house speaker, john boehner, says that the president has the wrong priorities. >> he offered more taxes and more government, the same approach that has failed the middle class for decades. >> vice president joe biden says that some of the republican criticism are overblown, some are now taking credit for the recovery, they must have thought something we did went pretty well. >> the president will stop in kansas and idaho hopping to shore up support for his proposals. >> there is much more ahead or "action news" at 12:30 a measles scare in disney land. the cases are growing. and a long lost letter is reuniting a son and his father for the first time. and david murphy is back with the wintery accuweather forecast. it doesn't get much easier than picking 2 things. you pick 2, and... you're basically done. look for pick 2. coming soon from the pennsylvania lottery. easy to play. simple to say. five employees at disneyland are diagnosed with the measles and this brings the total number of cases to 53 a measles outbreak has been traced to people that visited disney land between december 15th and 20th cases are reported in other states and even mexico. an elderly michigan man is reunited with his son thanks to a recent discovery of a long lost letter at 81 years old tony feels like a new dad his 61-year-old son is in his arms for the first time. his wife recently passed away and he was cleaning out one of her old file cabinets it was from samuel's mother saying her then 5-year-old son was his. tony's wife had intercepted the letter and kept it hidden. it's called deflate-gate espn revealed that the patriots did in fact use underinflated footballs in their blowout win last weekend. >> touch down! >> overnight a major deflate-gate development sources tell espn 11 of the 12 game balls in sunday's win over the colts were underdeflated by 2 pounds per square inch. >> they probably don't know how they became that way but the fact that it was 11 out of 12 balls was a big disappointment. >> they became suspicious after jackson intercepted tom brady late in the second quarter and they gave the ball to the equipment staff who immediately notified the manager. with the patriots leading 17-7 and the ref switched out the game ball and they went on to outscore the colts 45-7. over two hours before kickoff, each of the team's 12 game balls were required to be inspected by the referee and then no alterations are allowed and all teams use their own footballs while on offense. they are allowed to slightly alter them to their preferences but not underinflating because it makes them easier to catch. cheating allegations are nothing new for belichick he was taped taping the opposing team's sideline signals in 2009. >> this is a dumb thing it doesn't matter it will mean more to the legacy than the actual infraction. and still ahead on "action news" at 12:30 we'll introduce to you facebook's oldest user. not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve 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artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once-a-day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options, download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto or visit meteorologist, david murphy is back inside not a lot of accumulations but the the timing. >> this could be around the evening commute and that could make things dicey as we look at stormtracker 6 live double scan the atmosphere is moistening up and we have precipitation building in and a lot of it is snow west of philadelphia the early onset of this in some cases is not hitting the grown and it has dry air to defeat and as we get into parts of chester county and oxford and brighter shades of white and snow is reaching the ground and some of you are tweeting about it and saying i don't know, we are in a dry spot, it's a gradual progress and over the next couple of hours we'll see a bit of this coming in and compromising road conditions here, a lot of the main roads are pretreated and up towards allentown and reading this is an area where we get steadier snow building in west of harrisburg putting some on the grown but not doing much yet. down the shore a few people down the coast saying despite light rain on radar it's not hitting the ground everywhere. dry air at surface defeating a lot of this, and are you coming under the threat of the west and south of philadelphia and all of this is marching through and getting a little pronounced over the next couple of hours as we look outside, cloudy skies are overhead and the action cam is out and about and clouds are getting thick since early this morning since we saw sunshine at dawn and clouds started to fill in, winds are out of the east at 6 miles per hour so not all that strong, as we go through the afternoon and evening rush hour. we fill in with more snow showers and i think actually there might be something happening down here in south jersey as well. the model may be missing that and it's right when we were talking that all the cars are on the roads and then later into the evening it looks to fall apart by 10:00 and 11:00 cecily and adam may have a little bit to show you on radar in the form of a flurry or light snow shower but things knock off later into the evening, snowfall projects are looking good to 2 to 3 inches in south jersey and delaware and 1 to 2 in philadelphia and if the breaks happen in the snow showers you go a little less and farther to the north and east there is less and dry air is digging down to the north and are you farther away from the center of support that producing precipitation amounts. in northern bucks a coating to an inch of this, we do expect delays that are wet on the roads with poor visibility and snow falling and overpasses and bridges and secondary roads all have a problem and tomorrow morning we'll be on early at 4:00 a.m., because there could be snow covers roads and icy patches and karen and i will have all of that bright and early. or dark and early. clouds and snow arriving during the afternoon and evening we'll get small accumulations and it knocks off later tonight. cloud to sun on thursday and saturday a high of 38 a coastal system that looked to miss us and fow it's closer and the temperature profile is such that some of us could see snow, it could start early in the morning before you wake up. a wintery mix possible on saturday and sunny sun and monday night into tuesday, another round of potential snow. >> batten down the hatches. >> it feels like winter all of a sudden. >> our weather continues at, we have the maps to show you the path of snow, and you can see the latest weather reports from "action news" along with the hourly and seven-day forecast by going to topping our people scene at 12:30 millions of people who haven't seen the int view will get to see the movie this weekend, netflix will preview the movie it has north korea up in arms, having millions in sales one of the most profitable online releases in history. facebook's oldest user ead edge turns 107 this weekend. kirkmeyer uses they are status to bring awareness to bringing medical assistance to people all around the world she has more than 55000 facebook followers. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue 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advisory and it's at that point when we taper off to flurries anywhere from 1 to 3 inches by the time it sends the evening commute could be slicely and dicey out there. a look at stories coming up on "action news" beginning at 4:00, we showed you earlier the deadly shooting involving police officers in south jersey a news conference is scheduled for this afternoon where we expect to learn more and we'll have complete coverage on "action news" at 4:00, and it turns out that a hug is more than just a comfortable, it's one of the best things you can do to improve your health. that will do it for "action news" at noon, don't forget to join us for "action news" at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. for meteorologist, david murphy and the entire "action news" team i'm rick williams be careful on the roadways we'll see you back here beginning at 4:00, take care. i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a 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Transcripts For WPVI Action News 5PM 20150121

showing on "action news" at 11:00 avoid philadelphia and heavier bans of snow across south jersey and this is really the focus of the highest uplift we are getting a burst of energy, you can see the pink right there near mays landing and tuckahoe and some into speed well and 22 and these bands are not sitting there they are moving and the snow is falling at a pretty good slip, the rate of snowfall the bands are falling from 1 to 2 inches per hour, this is the focus of the heavier snow, that being said as we switch back to radar mode, fltd and areas to the north we are dealing with light snow, and gray, and jenkintown is fighting the moisture and florence is dry and north town, light snow and steadier in the north and west suburbs of malvern and reading and pottstown and honey brook and lancaster whatever snow you have the snow is shutting off and visibilities are the story the higher rate of snowfall. and in philadelphia the visibility has adopted to less than a mile and millville one mile. visible is a factor for the morning commute. and another factor is the falling temperatures lets go outside to meteorologist, adam joseph for that. >> we look at the freezing point if surfaces are not treated, that can crest over and ice over and become a concern, as we look at the numbers, pretty much everybody below freezing at this point. philadelphia 38 degrees and 28 in allentown and 28 in millville and atlantic city 31 degrees. and it's crucial now that the sun has set if surfaces are not treated. overnight tonight expect the slippery travel and the snow ends by midnight and the temperatures remain and back off into the lower 20s and it will go well below freezing and that develops areas of black ice even after the snow stops. winter weather advisory remains in affect until 10:00 tonight, by 10:00 all the snow is out of here and time to clean things up by tomorrow morning's rush hour all areas south and montgomery county and trenton and north of there in the lehigh valley and it's not in the advisory because that is where the snow totals are less, tonight the snow totals from allentown to trenton 1 to 2 inches from lancaster county and philadelphia and the bull's-eye zone, we see 2 to 3 inches of snow, and that is where we are going to stop and not anything more than the 3 inch mark. monica and rick, when meteorologist cecily tynan comes back she'll talk about the upcoming weekend, a bigger one for part of your weekend. >> thanks adam. the storm is hitting at the worst time during the evening rush hour, lets find out how the traffic is moving in the "action news" traffic report. autumn marisa is in the traffic center with the very latest. >> this is the 42 freeway, this is southbound, we do see some intense snow here in new jersey and that is where we see more of the snowfall and in delaware we are watching those roadways the bigger issue is the visibility, this is the ben franklin bridge take a look the headlights coming into new jersey the taillights you condition see are making their way into philadelphia. reduced speed there's and visibility is one of our issues right now. the new jersey turnpike has reduced speeds of 45 miles per hour as well as the garden state parkway. and in millville carmel road and hook road a car into a tree, so again slick conditions in new jersey, keep that in mind. the 42 freeway off ramp an accident at route 534. >> thank you. lets take a live look from sky 6 hd from philadelphia international airport, there are delays of over an hour, if you plan to fly out or if you are picking someone up at the airport, you should check with your airline before you do. lets check in live with reporter, dann cuellar, he is in claymont claymont, delaware with the situation there. >> reporter: it's snowing here since 2:00 this afternoon, you can see it's accumulating on the grass alongside naaman's road but as far as the roadway itself, it's just wet, that is about it no ice or snow that is good news, del/dot says there was residual salt left over from sunday's ice event so pretreating the roads with salt was not necessary. earlier this afternoon people were stocking up with whatever this little clipper brings to the delaware area. >> you are getting ready for a little snow. >> yes very to get ready. i am a person that lives by myself, i have to get the salt down i zone want to slip down. >> you are ready? >> i'm going to try. >> you are putting down before the sun goes down? >> yeah sure. >> the paper said 3 inches today. >> that is good enough to put salt down on the sidewalk before it starts piling up it will melt what is coming down. route 1 in delaware city, the visibility was low ands snow was coming down pretty good. people were taking it slow. and the salt trucks were staying ahead of things. >> what are you experiencing? >> on the roadways it's not icy you can get to where you are going. as the temperatures drops i will be in the house. >> you don't want to be on the roads. >> no. >> and you have this nice car? >> i want to be safe. >> back live along naaman's road, del/dot says when the snow reaches an inch or more in depth, they will start plowing on roadways. we are live in claymont dann cuellar channel 6 "action news" back to you guys. >> lets switch to john rawlins live in chadds ford. >> a similar situation to what dan is reporting snow is falling since 2:00 and it's starting to accumulate a bit on my coat, if you look on the ground and the grass here it's different from an hour ago if you look at 202 northbound heading towards westchester traffic is moving just beautifully, at least so far. regionally penndot has 300 trucks on the road, they were on stand by in chester, not the amount of snow expected but the projected timing. >> we are concerned because it looks like we'll have an ongoing event going through the evening rush hour. >> rush hour congestion can delay salt trucks letting road conditions deteriorate. >> at this ace hardware plenty of winter supplies going out the door bags of salt among other things. >> a 50 pond bag of sun flower seeds to feed the birds today. >> jennifer came looking for snow boots for this little guy ron. >> his little toes get cold. >> and little boots that fit him. but he is not entirely on board with the idea. >> the boots could take time to get used to. >> i wonder if he got used to the boots or if he buried them in the backyard. the snow continues to fall but as far as traffic on 202 it's been smooth sailing, john rawlins channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. our coverage of this wintery weather continues on for you, we have the future tracker maps to show you the panel of the snow, and of course you can see the latest weather reports on "action news" along with the hourly and seven-day forecast, it's there at also, tomorrow our "action news" morning team will be on the air earlier than usual to help you get out the door and navigate your way matt, and tam and david will have your information. a stop that ended with a passenger shot to death. it happened in bridgeton new jersey. >> show me your [ bleep ] hands. >> the newly released footage from a police dash-cam photo shows the police officers in a december stop that escalated quickly after he warning his partner about seeing a gun in the glove department, he can be heard ordering jerome reed not to move on seconds later both officers fired shots towards reed and he later died. it set off protests in bridgeton and led to activists asking that the case be turned over to the cumberland prosecutors office. >> it gives a face to an atmosphere that exists here every day when you guys leave the atmosphere will still be here. >> after the makeup of those involved, both of the men in the car are black and one officer is black and one is white. a vigil will be held tonight in south jersey for the newborn baby who police say was set on fire by her own mother. she was formerly charged with murder yesterday prosecutors say she gave birth to the baby girl friday and then doused her with wd 40 and set her on fire in pemberton township. she is held on half million dollars bail, the vigil is set tonight at the browns mills methodist church. pennsylvania's attorney general speaks out about allegations that she leaked secret grand jury material. why she says she is not stepping down. >> out live in bridgeton cecily tynan will tell us about the wet conditions and the snowfall coming up and a reminder send us your pictures using the hash hark 6 abc snow. pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane is speaking out blasting allegations that she leaked controversial information to embarrass a political rival. today she spoke in philadelphia defending her innocence and squashing suggestions that she would step down. >> wendy saltzman talks about the criminal charges. >> the new records were released in the special grand jury documents. kathleen kane asked them to be released to show what left the state's top prosecutors accused of multifelony charges. >> we have work to do and i want to get back to work. >> she was speaking about a statewide drug bust, kathleen kane fielded an onslaught of questions. >> i promised people of pennsylvania that i would fight corruption and that is exactly what this is it's court systems are being used to overturn the election of someone they just don't like. >> kane the first female elected to this high-profile position and a democrat has been attacked because of her political party. >> they go and make things up that is exactly what this is. >> the grand jury is investigating allegations that they leaked controversial documents to discredit a long time rifral. >> the truth is the truth that is what it is. there was no crime committed and there were no documents leaked and i went in and told exactly that. kane called the charges false and absurd. i'm not giving up, because if they can do it to me they can do it to someone else. it's up to the district attorney to go forward with the suggestions to indict kane on the charges and in the meantime kane petitioned the state supreme court to throw out the charges because the -- was illegal. >> getting interesting. time for tonight's health check, health officials say that a measles at first linked to two california's theme parks are spreading beyond them. orange county has six cases with no connection to disneyland or the california convention park at either. it does indicate measles exposure is more widespread, nearly 60 cases is linked to the outbreak, most recently in oregon and new mexico. and students from honey beach high school are sent home until the end of the month because they are not vaccinated. an infected student was at the school earlier this month. parents can opt out because of personal beliefs or medical grounds but the pool of unvaccinated people is fueling this outbreak. from our new jersey newsroom, some developers are talking about building a home, how the contraction of the casino market here is a boon to the next phase and hope that baby boomers and people at the shore would like to live in new apartments there as well. it's hard to beat the sister act of two north philadelphia women they are sisters, and they gave birth to baby daughters just five hours apart on monday. how about that for the cousins and that is how things go and the sisters expect their daughters now to grow up at best friends. time for accuweather the "action news" big board now, cecily tynan is here and the snow is on time and on point just as predicted. it's moving out by midnight and it's pretty much acting like expected, and viewers in buck county are saying where is the snow and the dry air is keeping the snow away from buck county and we have areas of heavier snow across south jersey and this is really a southern system and where you see the pink is the heavier bands. now it's right along the garden state parkway and edging east of the garden state parkway near atlantic city. we have another area of enhanced snowfall near fortescue this is the heavier snow right now between the atlantic city expressway and the garden state parkway and atlantic city. and it's beginning to move out. this storm system is a fast moving storm system and it's dropping some pretty i don't want to say significant but noticeable amounts of precipitation. this is from millville you can see inches accumulating on the patio furniture and a nice picture from delaware that is coating the ground and trees and you want to be careful if you are driving in delaware that is the most snowfall that is it falling. this is not an epic storm by any stretch of the imagination and harrington delaware a half inch and port penn a half inch and huff church reporting a half inch of snow. the problem is temperatures are dropping and we are below freezing and millville 29 and philadelphia 29 and wildwood 32 and reading 27 degrees, and now that the sun has set, the temperatures are dropping quickly. satellite 6 along with action radar showing that low pressure is off the coast and will continue to push away. there is a piece of upper level energy that is swinging through tonight and that could bring us a few additional snow showers and i don't expect a lot of accumulation from that, future tracker 6 showing some snow showers around and it's out of here by midnight there is plenty of time for the roads to be cleared out. but drivers alert for the next few hours the main roads are fine they are treated very well, bee careful of the bridges and the ramps and the overpasses and the secondary roads this is where you need to take it easy the best chance of icing snowfall north of philadelphia, a coating to an inch and philadelphia a range of 1 to 2 inches, i'm leaning closer to the 1 inch but south jersey and delaware this is where we expect the higher amounts, still not all that much generally 2 to 3 inches of snow when all is said and done. the sun returns tomorrow with a lot of cloud cover 32 degrees and friday loads of sun and 40 i'm focused on saturday. this is when we have a shot of a major nor'easter moving up the eastern seaboard will it be snow or sleet or rain or a combination. we'll talk about that coming up in the full accuweather forecast. >> i'm looking forward to that. >> blame adam it was fine until he came back. >> meantime fans of "action news" facebook page got special updates every hour, including the accuweather forecast in 15 seconds. get critical information as well as breaking news and fun information as well. go to abc "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph. and monica malpass. here is what is happening on "action news" tonight. taking a live pictures of the conditions in bridgeton new jersey, and it's impacting the afternoon and evening commute as well. meantime a major prescription drug ring that stretched to every part of pennsylvania is out of business. and we'll show you surveillance video of this robbery at a convenience store. and snowfall continues to fall in our region a live look at sky 6 hd in wilmington, delaware, it tells the story. >> as accuweather predicted the snow started falling at 2:00 and at midnight it's expected to be finished. drivers are not taking chances and we are taking a live look at conditions along the platt bridge from mobile 6 and traffic is moving at a pretty steady pace and it's soggy out there and the roadway s ares are glistening and that could be a problem as well slow down and leave space in front of the car in front of you. nora muchanic has conditions in south jersey and autumn marisa has an update on the roads but lets go to adam joseph with the latest from accuweather. >> yes monica and rick, the temperatures are below freezing and the sun has set and if roads have not been treated they will ice over during it's evening hours as we look at double scan live radar the heavier snow is south and east of philadelphia closer to a low pressure center developing east of atlantic city, a clipper system came through and as it's low is intensifying to the east, you can see the lightning strikes over the atlantic just showing that the power of the storm is developing a little too late to bring us a large amount of snow, nonetheless, especially in southern and interior new jersey, it's slushy and wet this afternoon and this evening, hammonton, new jersey it's much lighter than earlier, the heavier band is in atlantic city pushing off the coast and flirting with southern parts of cape may county with sleet and rain at times. as you take a look at the visibility. allentown 1 mile and wilmington 1.5 visibility so visibilities are low and temperatures are below freezing a bad combination for the tail end of the rush, we'll talk about black ice developing overnight coming up in just a little bit. now lets switch live to reporter, nora muchanic live in hammonton with more conditions in the garden state. >> hi they rick, it's snowing for 2.5 hours now, sometimes heavy and sometimes not so much, this is bellevue avenue the main thoroughfare in hammonton they are moving through here just fine, we knew this was a blast of snow that was coming and folks are coping justs fine. >> we have had unusually warm winters so this is not really bad after all. >> can't complain. the snow began falling at 2:53 in hammonton and hasn't let up since it's coming down hard but not sticking to the roads yet. >> what was that like? >> it was rough. >> a little slippery? >> yes, hopefully school will not happen tomorrow should be fun. >> i think you'll be disappointed tomorrow. >> yeah, unfortunately. >> hammonton's highway department is preparing for the snow and making sure salt trucks and other equipment is ready to go if the snow starts accumulating. >> we make sure there is a base of salt so when the snow comes it doesn't bind to the asphalt. and this picture at the flower shop may be of things to come. >> it smells so good and looks so beautiful. >> i left early and maybe the ice. >> the hardware is prepared with all the snow essentials and customers are ready to deal with the snow too. >> i have a snow blower and a shovel and i have rock salt and my daughter who does the snow blowing. >> it looks pretty but people getting to work tomorrow is what i worry about. >> and getting home tonight. >> you should be able to do that without much of a problem, the roads are not snow covered at this point. it's not sticking there it's sticking a little bit on the sidewalks, and take a look at these bushes they are holding on to the snow, this is not a huge event in south jersey and everyone is ready for it. live in hammonton i'm nora muchanic, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you nora, sky 6 hd looking live at philadelphia international airport the weather has delayed incoming flights and several departing flights, travellers check with your airlines before heading to the airport. as we mentioned the snow is impacting the commute home. lets get the latest from autumn marisa. >> well, we want to watch the bridges ramps and it's overpasses and secondary roads we are seeing the major roads becoming slick as well. this is the schuylkill expressway eastbound at montgomery we had this vehicle spin out here and luckily a plow was nearby and police as well. it's disabled now taking out the right hand lane in the eastbound lanes use caution on all the roadways. and the ben franklin bridge visibility is down to a mile and speeds are reduced. all the highways have reduced speed and low visibility at this time. and here are southbound cars on 55 and northbound towards the area bridges and again there is not a lot of volume out there but speeds are slow and more snow in the new jersey area than some of our other areas 45 miles per hour on the garden state parkway. >> thank you autumn. the "action news" morning team will be on early tomorrow by the way with the latest road conditions and snow totals for you join matt tam, david and karen to find out everything you need to know before you head out the door. in other news, pennsylvania officials have busted a major prescription drug ring being run out of philadelphia attorney general, kathleen kane announced the bust, the operation involving 22 people stole the identities of more than 100 pennsylvania doctors and they allegedly forged principleses for 159,000 oxycodone pills and raked in over a million dollars, 15 counties were impacted by the ring and issued a warning to the dealers. >> we'll find you and find your network and dismantle you and you will go to jail. >> four of the 22 suspects are currently in custody and authorities have active arrest warrants for the rest of them. a paterson new jersey man is facing charges in delaware after police found 15,000 baggies of heroin in his car during a traffic stop. troopers pulled over 32-year-old devon tucker for speeding in milton yesterday and the trooper noticed the marijuana odor coming from the car and tucker allegedly turned over a plastic bag with 3 ounces of pot from the center console and during an ensuing search they found 15,000 wax paper baggy of heroin worth $150,000. tucker is held on $122,000 bail. the coverage of these drug busts continues at you can find out more about the statewide investigation and see the details about the nearly 2 dozen suspects in the case. >> the search is on for the two men is that used a gun to rob a logan mini market last night. the to men walked in and one immediately pulled out a gun and pointed it at the clerk and demanded money and went a step further and cocked the hand back like he was ready to fire. the thieves took off. the driver was killed in a crash in doylestown, buck county the scene at 3:00 p.m. the driver lost control and slam nood a tree the driver was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved. a furniture moving company with a warehouse in delaware is out of business and now customers have to go pick up their own belongings, owned by florida pastor jerry jones put out the announcement on their website after delays and miscommunications, officials say that all furniture is wrapped and intact customers can pim up their things in wilmington until next friday. investigators in maryland release new information about the devastating mansion fire, including what may have happened to the family that lived there. and a local philanthropist is making sure that senior care continues, and lisa thomas-laury has that story coming up. we are tracking the snow in our region but watching moisture gather in the deep south in texas and that arrives on saturday. what type of precip? we'll let you know in the full accuweather forecast. >> and jeff skversky with sports and the latest on the patriots and deflate-gate. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with efficiency? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. authorities in st. louis county are looking for 180 suspects in the looting of a market following the michael brown grand jury decision this newly released video shows the hoard of people tearing down the ply board and once inside it was a free for all. and the crowd took everything that was not nailed down and took everything in shambles. >> two bodies were found today in a mansion that burned down in annapolis, maryland they did not say which of the six vick testimonies they could be. tech executive don pyle and his wife and four grandchildren were inside at the time. atf agents are among the team trying to determine the cause. turning to sports the deflate-gate involving the patriots. jeff skversky is here with more. >> the ball is now in the nfl's court over this whole patriots ball scandal. did they or did they not intentionally deflate footballs to give them an advantage the nfl found that 11 of the 12 used by the patriots were inflated below what they are suppose to be and that could make it easier for the quarterback to grip and throw, they are prohibited to alter the balls after inspected and approved by the refs. and now the flyers are 11 points out of a playoff spot and they don't continue until next tuesday what a fight last night against the penguins zach rin ald oh they may lose him after this. it led to a 93 total penalties last night but the flyers won a fight on the ice what a finish in overtime that is claude giroux the walk-off winner against their biggest and most heated rival. sixers and knicks doesn't have the heat it used to. the two worst teams go head to head in philadelphia. >> just another game for us and we want to go out there and you know try to perform the way we are capable of playing and try to get the win. >> sixers are without nerlins knoll because of a cold, but you'll see a familiar fast, the undrafted rookie will play in his sixth career game tonight. >> i have to continue to play hard and show i belong in this league. >> it's a great story another example of a young guy taking an environment and opportunity and grabbing it. >> more on galloway coming up at 6:00. now back to you in the studio monica. the childrens hospital in philadelphia announced a $50 million gift from philanthropist gary fellman. lisa thomas-laury has more on that tonight. >> the extraordinary endowment will eventually establish the raymond g. pearlman campus at chop. it will serve as i hub of pediatric research taking on the most challenging illnesses and it has a global center for pediatric study. >> we are talking about doctors and scientists and clinicians coming together. >> yes that is where we see medicine going into the future. >> the pearlman campus is built on the sold site of the civic center and extending east. >> the $50 million gift established the raymond pearlman gift fund for cellular and molecular therapeutics. this lab is focused on inherited brain diseases and the discovery of medications to treat them and cure them. >> these affect children and are fatal disorders and in the hopes that we can bring them in years rather than decades. >> the impact of pearlman's gift will be felt well into the future and help children lead elthier lives. i know grandma's house isn't the most exciting, but it's only for a few hours. look what i've got. when you get verizon fios, you get beautiful hd picture quality, super fast internet, and america's most reliable network. so you won't miss a second of that movie that game they love, or those moments with family. can we sleep over? please! come on! see why fios is rated #1 in customer satisfaction in hd picture quality based on customer satisfaction studies. call today to make your house, the house. right now we are taking a live look from the sky 6 hd cameras moving along i-95 with both directions and no problems to report here and the roads are wet and the snow not yet sticking to the highways there. and still a good idea to take it easy. and get to your destination safely. >> south jersey is getting the brunt of this? >> that is where it was steadier for a longer period of time, and accumulating on the secondary roads even though the roadways are damp it could turn to black isolator. are you not totally out of woods, the snow is ending in chester and lancaster and dover to wilmington, shutting off but still dealing with heavy bands of snow in eastern and southern new jersey you can see right here through pottstown and norristown and parts of montgomery and buck county near quakertown and the lehigh valley, light snow showers passing through near route 100 as you head west of philadelphia and delaware county and we are still dealing with a batch of moderate snowfall west of sea isle city and it will continue to push to the east, just a couple more hours we can see moving across the region. tim sent this in to cecily tynan's twitter account and she shared it with us it's between the 2 and 3 inches we said in southern new jersey you may add a little more before it ends. >> this could be a whole lot worse it's all relative last year we saw 13.5 inches of snow in philadelphia it was one of our top 20 snow storms in philadelphia's history. temperatures are below freezing and same for millville and 28 in allentown and anything that is wet and hasn't frozen over and hasn't been treated, as we go through the overnight hours and the temperatures fall into the lower 20s by tomorrow morning. clipper system passed through with limited moisture and a potent storm is coming and as we look to the west there is light rain showers in pittsburgh and that could bring us a shower or two. and the bulk of the steady snow showers will exit quickly and you can see it pulling north of the lehigh valley, speaking of the lehigh valley a coating of snow is what you will see and what we have seen so far reading to philadelphia the total snow for this particular system so the south wilmington and dover and hammonton and smyrna between 2 to 3 inches of snow. that was the jack path area for this particular system. we are tracking one for the beginning of the weekend, coming out of the gulf of mexico and it has gulf of mexico moisture and then the atlantic gets involved and it becomes a likely nor'easter as it tries to hug the coastline the key question here is how close to the coast is it. there is not a lot of cold air leading up to it so the precipitation type is uncertain and the closer it is the warmer solution, the further to the east the more snow and sleet for some. >> and areas of black ice tonight as temperatures go between 24 and 26 degrees and it's quiet with melting snow and brighter on friday and 40 degrees and we'll see snow and sleet and rain and the question is, who sees what, we'll fine tune this tomorrow and we have a decent amount of moisture for the weekend and we salvage sunday and light accumulation monday before more arctic air on tuesdayand wednesday in the 20s. >> thank you adam. welcome back. don't leave. >> sorry. >> it's not your fault. right now jim gardner and the "action news" team is continuing coverage of the snowfall next. >> and the verdict is in the decision made in the fraud trial of former philadelphia sportscaster, don tollefson. we'll have that as well. for the entire "action news" team i'm rick williams have a nice evening. >> be careful. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rogers meteorologist cecily tynan, and jim gardner. yes it is snowing and the farther south and east you are the more snow you are likely to get. this is the scene in mays landing, in atlanta county, and bridgeton in cumberland county so how much snow do we expect? well we are about to tell you. wednesday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is the snowy evening in most of the tri-state area, and we'll be checking in with kenneth moton john rawlins in chadds ford but first latest facts and figures from meteorologist, cecily tynan and adam joseph. >> as we say all along this is a light snow event and the relatively heavier snow amounts were across south jersey i'm in a wide view of stormtracker 6 live double scan to show that you this clipper is a fast moving system and it's offshore it's intensifying indicating by the lightning strikes we have more than 150 lightning strikes in the past 15 minutes but they are all over the ocean, it's pulling away and we are just really dealing with the left overs right now it's dropping


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