taboo topics of the time and accomplish real good of the world. the press turned on a time. she was di-vine. eight years into her marriage, she s come a long way in the time. she feels strong enough to confront the major tournament in her life and that s the other wo woman. she acompanies prince charless to a birthday parai and among the gusts is camilla parker bowls. she got a special outfit and special lingerie because she decided so she told me she would make charles realize what she s missing. dianna still thought as late as
said, di-vine. diana s eight years into her marriage. she has come a really long way in that time. she now feels strong enough to confront the major torment in her life, and that s the other woman. she accompanies prince charles to a birthday party and among the guests is camilla parker bowles. nobody expected me to turn up but a voice inside me said just go for the hell of it. she got a stunning outfit and got very special lingerie. she had decided so she told me she was going to make charles realize what he was missing. diana still thought as late as 1989 there might be a chance to salvage something. it s like entering the lion s den, like going into enemy territory where everyone else is