22/09/2023 - Alexis Manenti and Mara Taquin lead the cast of the filmmaker’s second feature, a Western drama set in Corsica, produced by Koro Films and sold by Be For Films
17/01/2022 - Emmanuelle Devos and Raphaël Thiéry will star in the movie now supported by the French film centre, which is also backing first feature films by Akihiro Hata, Jean-Gabriel Leynaud and Hélène Harder
17/01/2022 - Emmanuelle Devos and Raphaël Thiéry will star in the movie now supported by the French film centre, which is also backing first feature films by Akihiro Hata, Jean-Gabriel Leynaud and Hélène Harder
17/01/2022 - Emmanuelle Devos and Raphaël Thiéry will star in the movie now supported by the French film centre, which is also backing first feature films by Akihiro Hata, Jean-Gabriel Leynaud and Hélène Harder