State Security Minister Dlodlo orders probe into allegations of judges being bribed
By Mayibongwe Maqhina
Johannesburg – State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo has ordered a forensic investigation into allegations of judges being bribed.
Speaking during a question and answer session in the National Assembly, Dlodlo said she had made every effort to obtain information regarding the impugned projects.
“I have as a matter of fact directed the head of intelligence in the domestic branch to initiate a forensic investigation into the allegations as these alleged transgressions occurred in the domestic branch,” she said.
Dlodlo was responding to questions from EFF MP Quinton Ndlozi, who asked for the names of judges and amounts paid to them as part of the Project Justice, which was revealed at the Zondo Commission during the testimonies of former minister Sydney Mufamadi and acting director-general of State Security Agency Loyiso Jafta.