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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20190111

gone. she was found flagging down a woman walking her dog. her family was beyond grateful. >> unbelievable. it's what we've been waiting for 488 days. it is the complete opposite of what we have been feeling. it's unreal, man. >> bill: live in baron wisconsin. a far northern part of the state. let's begin with you. >> good morning, bill. in less than an hour, we expect to hear from police for the first time about 13-year-old jayme closs, who has been found after vanishing in october. you can only imagine what this young teenage girl has gone for police say that her parents were shot to death. this young girl likely witnessed her parents being executed, then she vanished. jayme closs' family says that she is receiving medical treatment and the fears appeare okay. she apparently escaped from where she was. she flagged down a woman walking her dog, telling that woman or man killed her parents. she took her to a neighbors house, pounded on the door, and screamed "this is jayme closs!" she was described as skinny, disheveled, and wearing shoes too big for her. they took an unidentified suspect into custody. the entire community rallied around her. they taped the funeral of her parents because they always believe she would come back alive. >> she's home. it just happy, with lots of emotions and tears domain. so happy. i can't wait to hug the little girl. >> bill: so many reports of this entire region rejoicing because as you can imagine, the suspected killer was on the loose. a young girl was missing. now, and a short while, we expect to learn what will likely be some gruesome details about this young girl's recovery. >> bill: it is a roller coaster ride. before she had been found, was chaos. put that together. >> yesterday, around 4:30 p.m. local time, share fitzgerald here was forced to release an alert that there was a lot of activity, police activity about 100 miles away from here. he was forced to clarify that that police activity had nothing to do is jayme closs, then fast-forward just a few short hours, and share fitzgerald releases a new report that jayme closs has been found alive in a completely separate incident. bill. >> bill: matt finn live there in barron, wisconsin. thanks. 3 minutes past they are now. >> sandra: meanwhile, metalworkers waking up without paychecks as the president continues to see him for him, saying he has the absolute right to declare a national emergency. >> many of the people that aren't getting their checks, they get it, they are going to get it soon. many of the people, they are with us 100%. these people want us to win. everybody wants us to win. it's common sense. >> sandra: : gurkhas at the white house this morning. good friday morning to you, kevin. >> good friday morning to you, my friend. just about every friday morning, i get a text from an official that effectively, it says no wall, no deal in one way or another, but i do get the sense that there is a bit of a pivot happening in the message, certainly in the way that the white house is talking about this broader issue of border security. less about the wall and more about the consequences of illegal immigration. as seen through the eyes of the women and the men who face real danger and for that matter, live along the southern border. there is also a larger immigration debates that president is eager to tackle. "they can rest assured that changes are soon coming, which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. we want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the u.s.." the president went to the lone star state where he was asked yesterday about the pain that some federal workers will feel as though shut down between the g.o.p. and the democrats rages on. >> you know who has more human pain? the parents of people who had children killed by an illegal immigrant that should have never been in the country. you know who has more human pain? the husband that lost the wife to an illegal immigrant that came in five or six times that shouldn't be here. that's the human pain. >> that's the present, of course, just prior to departure there. here at home. could declare a national emergency to get the funding of the democrats refused to pay up. >> we have the absolute right to declare a national emergency. this is security stuff. this is a national emergency. we don't make a deal with conference, most likely i will do that. i can't imagine any reason why. it's the law is 100% on my side. >> and the conversation continues. the present will host a roundtable on border security. of course, i will have all of the coverage here. now back to you. >> sandra: we appreciate that. >> bill: senator lindsey graham weighing in and it taking it too hard after the president appealed what he considered appropriate a proposal to end though shut down. >> i have never been more depressed about moving forward right now. somebody has got to get some energy to fix this. >> bill: we are going to send him some red bull. commentary. it good morning to you. here are the tweets from senator graham's earlier today. democrats are not working in good faith with you. and declare an emergency, build a wall now. >> it's not exactly that simple. the president can get some money through an emergency declaration, but he can't go around seizing land from people on the border that would be necessary through eminent domain or purchase that is needed to make the wall go the whole length. so part of what is going on, the president trying to show his willingness to take extreme measures in the hopes that that will make democrats move. i don't think it will. i think they are very happy to let trump do whatever he is going to do, grab some power, take him to court. the democrats want a fight. >> bill: and they want a fight, and they want to feel some pain, then. >> that's exactly right. the democrats want a fight. the best way to rile up the democratic bases to oppose donald trump on anything. if you were to give a merry christmas wish, they would oppose that. fighting against trump's where their base gets the energy. they want a fight. so it is hard for him to say i'm going to make it painful for you. they are happy to go to court and fight him over an emergency declaration. >> bill: he is a trump campaign manager for 2020. i think this answer is quite revealing. we will go ahead and play it. >> you go back and you look, the people who are kind of swing voters, possibly not liking him for his personality, the number one reason they will vote for him is because of his stance on border security. >> bill: that right there is the base. >> now that's odd, there is a very fine line. people want border security. anybody who puts too much emphasis on the issue of cracking down on illegal immigration runs the risk of turning away exactly those swing voters that he is talking about. the suburban voters who swung from voting republican to voting democrat in 2018, they might be withdrawn basically on the issue, but if he's willing to go so far as to shut down the government for what will be the longest government shut down in history, that i think could end up backfiring. >> bill: one more quick question for you. kind of a bit of a turn here. kamala harris was on the colbert report last night. seems like she's running as wel well. and then you have beto o'rourke yesterday, who was live streaming his dentist visits. online. is this the example of the overture for a politician? >> i think it is. so i most struck by the guys who are doing it differently. he is the governor of washington. a half of your viewers have probably never heard of him because he's just sort of a regular, boring, white guy democrat. my theory is that that's the best path. again, you don't need to rile up the base if you are the democrat because trump does that for you. to be a regular, boring guy, who doesn't rile up the republican base, i think that could be the stronger thing. the most exciting democrats might be undermining their own -- >> bill: you don't get as many likes. >> it's all about the likes. it's >> bill: thank you, sir. i go to the dentist, you're going to love it. my hygienist, she is so nice. outstanding. you are going to see it all. >> sandra: live stream that for us, bill. meanwhile, we've got this for you. michael cohen will testify publicly on capitol hill. >> we have tried to get to the bottom of what the fbi did. all these hearings come all these depositions, we try to ask questions about that. who are the democrats bringing in? the star witness. you would laugh if it wasn't so serious. >> sandra: what do democrats expect to learn from michael cohen? details on that straight ahead. >> bill: mike pompeo announcing a major summit on iran. when it will take place and who will be there is critical. we will tell you about that. >> sandra: plus, syria, slowly underway. on deck. he will join us to discuss all of that next. >> the syrian people will ultimately decide who is going to leave that country. the political process is the way that weight and power those people inside of syria. i can breathe again! ughh! vicks sinex. breathe on. >> sandra: president trump's former attorney, michael cohen, will testify publicly february 7th, that will be happening. lawmakers are speaking with robert mueller, to ensure that it is not -- will come one month before he starts serving a prison sentence after pleading guilty to campaign finance and tax charges. >> bill: will begin the process of withdrawing troops out of syria. confirming that earlier today but declining to give details. this comes as mike pompeo announces an international summit on iran. it will happen next month. telling fox news in this exclusive interview that the summit will focus on curbing iran's influence throughout the middle east. >> we view the malign activity, this revolutionary force. iran has created it enormous instability here in the region. part of that is making sure that they do not destabilize or continue to destabilize syria. yes, we will use the full power of the united states to achieve that outcome. >> bill: of the foreign affairs committee, thank you, sir. good morning to you. dozens of countries will attend, poland, february 13th and 14th. what is the objective? it seems like mike pompeo is driving it. >> it's american leadership. this is american exceptionalism. you have an important initiative to bring dozens of countries together. when you make a decision to withdraw from the iran nuclear deal, sanctions are reimposed, there is a difference between just having them reimposed, versus the international community re-imposing sanctions as well. u.s. sanctions alone, very powerful. having more countries on board is important. additionally, you have other middle eastern countries that also view i ran aggression as an existential threat to their region. beyond just bilateral diplomacy, ramping up economic pressure, is the need for coalitions and leadership on the parts of other nations and involvement. so you have different levels of support from dozens of countries that will be participating, but hopefully, a product of communication, working together, cooperation. you come out of the summit with increase to support where you are able to have a more powerful position. >> bill: there was a mixed results, i think, so far. we can conclude that at the moment. >> it's interesting because iran versus north korea, both cases, we do have an incredible amount of economic never leverage right now. they are economy is suffering. but you rely more on china in the case of north korea, then we are relying on china's involvement as it relates to iran. the united states has many different options on the table to be able to effectively push back on iranian aggression. >> bill: lets the end time whether or not that is the case. i am sorry to move ahead, but i want to get along in. we are moving ahead with this withdrawal. sir, do you support that? >> yes, as long as we continue moving forward to ensure that the conditions are right. the objectives are being met, the desire to withdraw our troops because the fact is you do have a situation on the ground where isis is nearly wiped off of the map. i think it is important to continue to have the flexibility to carry out operations where you are taking out high-value targets, where you are supporting others in this coalition, what they are trying to defeat isis. so that is important. turkey just comes in. >> bill: there is a big blueprint out there. you hope for the best. coming back to the speech from pompeo yesterday, we watched a 20 hours ago. this is critical. listen. >> one america retreats, chaos often follows. when we neglect our friends, resentment builds. when we partner with our enemies, they advance. the good news, the good news is this, the age of self-inflicted american shame is over. and so are the policies that produce so much needless suffering. >> bill: the age of self-inflicted american shaming is over. why is this important? >> you had a year's worth, secretary john kerry, especially over his time as secretary of state, traveling the world, whether at the united stations, apologizing for american exceptionalism, when we are engaging in negotiations with iran, cuba, taking the position of weakness. a saying that we were sorry for the fact that we are as great as a nation as we are. i knew present comes in, new strategy, we are a leader. we will assume our position of strength. we will do the right thing with it. we also need to understand the reality that when we withdraw from a particular nation that we can't assume that the good guys are going to fill the vacuum. oftentimes, it is the aggressors i do so. so if we withdraw from syria, that really gets to that point of resentment that builds. why with the kurds or some other country, some other group, want to fight with us, if they know that we are just going to leave them behind and get wiped out after? it is an important lesson learned. >> bill: thank you for your time on a quiet day in washington. not many people around. thank you for your time your time. >> thank you, bill. >> sandra: answered prayers in wisconsin after a 13-year-old girl missing for months is found alive. we are awaiting a police update on jayme closs. her parents murder three months ago, and then she vanished. in minutes, we will speak to you the neighbor answered the door when jayme emerged and asked for help. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. great news for anyone wh- uh uh - i'm the one who delivers the news around here. ♪ liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh... thanks, phoebe. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ [ ] it's bedtime. peace of mind should never be out of reach. 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asking for help? >> there was a neighbor lady who was the one that found her. she was out walking her dog. but she knew that we were home and it was a safe place for jayme to be. so she knocked on our door, her dog came in, the woman, the neighbor lady helped jayme into the house. she said this is jayme. call 911. i mean, my jaw hit the floor. you know. >> sandra: and you did what? picked up the phone, called police, and authorities arrived at your home? >> i was standing in the kitchen, cleaning fish from a fishing trip. my wife was there, i said that's jayme closs. call 911. my wife called 911 immediately and talk to the dispatcher. >> sandra: what was the condition of jayme when she was standing there? what did she look like, and what did she say? speak up she looked just like her pictures but center. same hair color, same length. she looked like she wasn't able to take a bath and take care of herself. >> sandra: did she say anything? >> else she was kind of deadpan. kind of probably in a shock. didn't really say a whole lot. >> sandra: what did she say? >> we asked her if she knew who the person was, and she told us his name. she told us what color his car was. my wife was on the phone with the police, she told the police the name and the make of the vehicle, and select color. >> sandra: so she was able to describe the suspect, her kidnapper? >> what was that? >> sandra: so she was describing her kidnapper? >> yes. >> sandra: did you get any details about that suspect? because there's very few available. >> we just know who he was, and that's about it. >> sandra: you know the person, personally? >> we don't know him personally. we know who he is. >> sandra: wow. as we know, that suspect is currently in custody. she entered into your home. you were awaiting police authorities. there were stories out there that you have a dog. she was actually somewhat playful with the pet at your home. >> oh, yes. we just wanted her to feel really comfortable and safe and relaxed, so we have this little chihuahua puppy, and my wife asked would you like to meet the puppy? we brought the puppy into sit on her lap. dogs are a little miracle workers. she just kind of mellowed out. kind of was really relaxed after we brought out the puppy. >> sandra: do you have any idea how she ended up in your neighborhood? >> no idea. no clue. i mean, yeah, she came from baron to gordon. it is probably about an hour and a half from here. there is no way that we know how to connect the dots yet. >> sandra: i don't want to ask you to speculate, obviously, but based on everything that you saw and the condition that you saw jayme and the location in which she turnedly you and your wife know the story of her missing for three months, were you able to draw any conclusions yourself as to what has gone on here? >> you're breaking up. i'm having a hard time. >> sandra: you and your wife, from what you have seen and experienced, were you able to draw any conclusions as to what has happened here and why she went missing? >> why she was with him? >> sandra: why she went missing? >> she didn't really say any details. >> sandra: do you think that she knew him? >> no, she did not know him before she was taken. >> sandra: all right. thank you, peter, for your time. thank you for calling in this morning. obviously, the entire country wants to know what happened to this girl. prayers have been answered. she emerged in your neighborhood, knocked on your door with the person walking the dog. it's an unbelievable story. we appreciate in tim gallagher, former head of the fbi's crimes against children program. you've been listening to all of that. what did you think? >> well, what you heard the neighbors explained there, a stranger abduction. it is very rare in the united states. we only see about 100 of them a year. every parent's worst nightre dia law enforcement standpoint to investigate. you are dealing with a pattern where you have to draw a circle around the victim and see who they came into contact with. enlisted the help of the community to try to bring her home. >> sandra: how rare is it that the person actually walks out of the situation alive? >> that is absolutely tremendous. it is a very sad fact pattern, but it is a tremendous win for everybody in the community and for law enforcement when the child walks in alive. we never give up in these cases. of all law enforcement community, case is gone sometimes for years. still looking for that lead, like the national center for missing and exploited children. what does this child look like now? here, as the case grows colder, keeping it in the media, and listing the community. >> sandra: really interesting details from the neighbor there. she was able to describe in detail the suspect. and what happened to her while she was gone. we will likely get more details from the police at the news conference shortly. not only did she disappear three months ago, she and now has returned, but her parents were shot that day and murdered. >> correct. what we are dealing with, to separate fact patterns. homicide, double homicide. if the individual who is responsible for the homicide, chances are pretty good, looking into working backwards now to develop evidence in the homicide case as well. >> sandra: jayme closs, the missing 13-year-old girl found alive in wisconsin. hopefully we learn more soon. >> i hope we do. >> sandra: do you expect the police will share details with us at the news conference at the top of the 11:00 hour? >> i am sure that there are facts that they want to get into the press because there are people out there who know stuff and we want them to come forward. >> bill: wow. what a story. tragedy strikes again for law enforcement. she was only 22. she had just joined the force, and now she is gone. plus, will president trump make a national emergency for the wall? andy mccarthy on how this will play out. coming up. >> we need to do something. we need to have an end game. emergency declaration by the president, do it, do it now. something else. standing up here, doing nothing is a disservice to everybody. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet? little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> bill: fox news alert now. second time and i wake that a police officer was shot to death on duty. natalie corona killed yesterday. live in l.a. top story today. william, good morning. >> well, bill, this is at least the fourth police officer shot recently. she had just graduated from the police academy. responding to a traffic accident last night, the suspect fired and fled. officers from around sacramento surrounded a home in nearby davis, california. found the suspect at of an apparent suicide. >> i have never seen this. usually a pretty quiet community. it's pretty jarring. i was at aaa when it happened, i go outside, all of the streets are blocked. we didn't realize how serious it was. >> she was just 22. her father had spent 22 years. her facebook includes a photo that says "my gratitude for all of those law-enforcement men and women who have served, are serving, have died in the line of duty protecting our liberties in this great country." >> our daughter, our friends. this is absolutely devastating. >> bill: first officer to die and the line of duty in 60 years. one is too many. how many officers do we lose every year? >> on average, about 60 forms are shot each year. it is double that if you include traffic fatalities. in louisiana, 23-year-old, she was shot wednesday as she was leaving for work. as of last night, no suspect in custody. in utah, fugitive hiding in parking lot fatally shot him as police approached his vehicle. then in north carolina, 23-year-old man wanted in a string of robberies, shot raleigh officer who did survive and is recovering from his wounds. is there a thread here, bill? yes and no. felons have no problem obtaining weapons. some have a police record, some have not. back to you. >> bill: william, thank you. >> sandra: president trump says he may declare a national emergency at the border with no end in sight she was stalemate over the shutdown. the president says he has the absolute right to take action on this issue. democrats worn it could trigger a legal battle. >> of the law is very clear. we have the absolute right to declare a national emergency. this is security stuff. this is a national emergency. >> the president, it seems to me that the only way is for him to emphasize that authority. >> for the president to use emergency powers, and our armed forces to construct a border wall, it is not a good precedent to set. i suspect that the president listens to that advice, he will end up in court fairly quickly. >> sandra: and andy mccarthy, fox news contributor. he joins us. andy, what challenges does the president face if he decides to go this route? >> well, sandra, if he goes this route, he will be in court and a matter of minutes. that will probably show the whole effort. there will be an expensive litigation. the problem here is that when congress in 1996, the national emergency act, there was a check on the president in the act. that was the legislative veto. if they had a resolution by both houses of congress passed to show that there was no emergency, that would be the end of the emergency. the problem i guess is that in 1983, seven years later, the supreme court invalidated the legislative veto, so what you have left in the law is the president's ability, according to the law, i think this is very constitutionally dubious, but it is undoubtedly on the law, that the president has the authority to declare a national emergency and to take action. the question is what is the check on my power? does he get to decide that, or can the courts the court second-guess them? i guess that is what we are going to find out if he declares emergency. >> sandra: national emergencies act of 1975. to restrain the the power of te presidency. he can declare a national emergency. has to outline the specific emergency power that he is asking, that he is using under existing statutes. so my question to you is can he justify his actions? does he have enough under the law to do this? >> i think he does, but i think it's a terrible way, number one. it is not the way that our government is supposed to work. congress is supposed to pass the laws. the president is supposed to carry them out. if we have a national emergency just short of a real emergency situation, sandra, where congress is out of town, and they can convene, there is no reason that congress shouldn't be the one that is declaring the emergency, giving the president legislative authority. this is a counter constitutional weights to govern, but it is unquestionably in the law. it is ingrained in the law because among other things, this 1975-76 legislation that we are both discussing, now. so yes, he has got the power. but i think what is unsettling is what is the check on the power? i think you have a very aggressive judiciary. or at least you have had one, since trump has been in. and i think they will stay. the board is that he gives. >> sandra: we will see where it goes. andy mccarthy, thank you. >> bill: see you in three years if that's the case. some reporters getting a firsthand look at border security yesterday. here is one of those. >> the president has been talking about it right here. as you can see, yes, you can see through these slots to the other side of the u.s.-mexico border. >> bill: why did not get the reaction that some thought. we will have more on that. >> sandra: silly arguments that democrats are using against the wall. the attorney general was with the president at the border yesterday. he is with us next. it's billions of mouths. billions of problems. sore gums? bleeding gums? painful flossing? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. >> sandra: dramatic video showing the moment that a wisconsin bus driver shows that a baby in the road. she stops the bus, gets out, picks him up, brings him back inside. a little boy, less than a year old. you can see him and being wrapped up. waited for authorities. the baby is okay. just cold and tired, we are told. police say that his mother may have had a mental health crisis. >> what they need more than anything is a barrier. call it whatever you want, whether it is steel or concrete, we need a barrier. >> bill: president trump yesterday doubling down that argument that a strong barrier is critical to securing the border. ken paxton is with me now. live in austin here with the president yesterday. what did you learn? do you want their viewers to understand about that part of the wall. >> i think it is very important to see what is actually going on. you can have your arguments, but until you actually see what is being dealt with down there, hearing the stories of what they have to deal with everyday. meet with some of the victims who have lost loved ones because of illegal immigration. you have to meet with some of our u.s. senators and other leaders along the border. that is really important. >> bill: what about this emergency declaration? did that come up? >> not at all. he did not bring that up. he talked about obviously the wall and what the consequences of not having a wall would be. a lot of introduction of drugs and other weapons that we have in front of us. what we're doing on a day-to-day basis. >> bill: here is dan crenshaw, new congressman from texas. your home state. this is just one argument he is making here. it is called the silly arguments against the border wall. they will just go around it, exactly, that is the point, he writes. a deterrent would allow more effective allocation of manpower. if a mile of the border is walled off, that is one the smile at the border patrol needs to worry about. what do you think of that? >> it's hard to argue with common sense. congressman crenshaw makes a very good and compelling argument that obviously you would have to go around the wal wall. we have put waltz, at least offense in el paso. from one of the highest crime rate cities to one of the lowest in america. we know it works, it has worked in other parts of the world. >> bill: when did that happen in el paso? what year was that? >> i think it was 2010 that they built it. 131 miles of wall or fence. it has worked magnificently well. it has done exactly what they hoped it would do. >> bill: that's interesting. and only eight years, you are here to say that all wall in el paso cut crime by that much. >> they will talk about it all day long. now it is one of the lowest in america as a result of the fence or the wall. >> bill: what about the argument that they will just build tunnels? >> you will always have to have border patrol agents that are going along the border. there is always going to be people getting around it. definitely a wall makes it more difficult for people to walk across. >> bill: last question. does that happen? if so, what does it look like? what is it called? >> i don't know what it is called. they will market it the way that they want to market it. but i do think eventually, it is going to happen. i think the president is committed, it was one of the campaign promises. obviously, democrats don't want it. i don't think it is good rationale for not building a wall along certain parts of the border. ultimately, i am always optimistic. it to happen for the people of my state and the rest of the country. >> bill: do we have a way how this is the result? shutdown my government? the battle over this, what is the resolution? >> the president seemed very resolved. typically, presidents that have a result, i think like this, shut the government down, congress usually ends up holding the bag on that one. >> bill: ken paxton, thank you for your time. interesting visit yesterday. things were coming back to austin, texas. >> thank you. >> sandra: dark side of the men in a whole new light. the stunning new photos from a historic lunar landing. ♪ 's and as one of the largest us gold coin distributors in the country, us money reserve has proudly served hundreds of thousands of clients worldwide. there may have never been a better time to start diversifying your assets with physical gold and silver. and right now, it's easy to get started. just pick up the phone and call toll free to request the complete guide to buying gold with hundreds of pages of important information. don't put it off another day. call now. - of all my years involvement with buying gold, it's only gotten better in my faith in the company, u.s. money reserve. that's the company i do business with, and i don't see doing business with anyone else. - don't wait until the next crisis. get started securing you financial future today. call and request your copy of the complete guide to buying gold. absolutely free. we're one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. give us a call today to get started. ♪ >> sandra: china unveiling panoramic images from the dark side of the moon. it's the first look at the far side from up close after china landed a probe there earlier this month. greg has more from london. greg. >> hi, sandra. yes, it's our time seems to be focused on the earth, but the chinese continue to make some spectacular gains out in outer space. spectacular high-resolution panoramic views of the surface of the moon, that is the far surface of the moon. taken from on top of the lander craft. send packet via a chinese communications satellite, circling the moon. and of course, posted on chinese social media. the rover, called a jade rabbit, was sent out again today for some exploration away from the main landing grab. it has been taking a nap for the last five days, basically, staying in the shade, with temperatures on the far side. during the lunar day, reaching 390 degrees fahrenheit. that rover will be doing experiments over the coming days, weeks, maybe months. 110-mile wide crater where they set foot on lunar soil. again, ten days ago. this is near the south pole. again, all of this is yet one more step by china to try to catch up with the united states. they are planning space station around earth. there is talk of a chinese mission to the moon. and then there is mars. that's another race. we will be watching all of that very closely. back to you. >> sandra: thank you. bill, you love that stuff. >> bill: i think it causes a little consternation. that word. it they have pulled something off here that has to get the attention of a lot of people. he is going to come up in about two hours from now. he will tell us what it all means because the space race is well underway. >> sandra: take it all in. >> bill: the far side of the moon. we are awaiting a news conference now. serious story. there is new information on a missing teenager, found alive months after her parents were shot and killed inside their own home. we talked it to an eyewitness about it earlier today. the story is getting deeper by the hour, so please are going to have a conference. you will see a life. meanwhile, the pentagon makes it official. mike pompeo talking about plans for our future policy regarding the middle east. this is a critical issue as well. we will get to it. top of the hour on a friday morning here in america's newsroom. come on back. prestige creams not living up to the hype? one jar shatters the competition. olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay. tap one little bumper and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> sandra: fox news alert. we are awaiting a news conference about the 13-year-old missing girl, jayme closs, as she has now been found. she was the missing wisconsin girl. she was gone for three months after vanishing from her home where her parents were found shot dead. her remaining family overjoyed it to learn she is alive. >> she is coming home. just happy with lots of emotions and it tears tonight, but so happy. and i can't wait to hug that little girl. >> sandra: jayme approached a girl walking her dog about 65 miles from her home. police say a suspect is in custody. a news conference will take place an hour from now. 11:00 a.m. eastern. meanwhile, also breaking right now, confirming the pentagon is pushing ahead to withdraw u.s. troops from syria. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." friday morning. i'm sandra smith. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. the president gave the order, setting the stage to pull out of syria. live and egypt, traveling with a u.s. department. we go to you now. hello. >> well, bill, the pentagon is now confirming that the u.s. has begun the deliberate withdrawal of troops out of syria. secretary of state mike pompeo was traveling in the region, coordinating those details. he refuses to discuss timelines as to when the united states will fully get out of syria. we spoke with the second this morning and asked him about the political future of syria and whether bashar al-assad has any role in it. >> we are very hopeful that we will get the russians and the iranians to come to the table, along with their regime, and all of the other stakeholders, to have conversations about what a post-civil war and political structure might look like. we want to make sure all of the options are open as the political discourse begins. >> in 2017, rex tillerson said that al-assad had no role and their political future. the secretary also announced the next phase in the campaign of combating iranian's influence in this region. the u.s. and poland will cohost a summit in warsaw. dozens of countries from around the world will be there. >> from asia, from africa, from the western hemisphere countries. europe too appear the middle is, of course. countries will come together to focus on middle east stability, peace, security here in this region. that includes an important element of making sure that iran is not a destabilizing influence. >> we are now hearing that the associated press is hearing troops not withdrawing, equipment is being withdrawn. that is something that is breaking right now. as for that summit, there is a question as to which countries specifically will be attending, specifically those that are still remaining in the iran nuclear deal. remember, the u.s. got out of that. they want to say ended. we did speak with a source within the british government who says that they got an invitation, but they are only considering it right now. bill. >> bill: so for right now, not true. live there. >> sandra: another big story we are watching. president trump is hitting the southern border, he has the absolute right to do a national emergency. >> if we don't make a deal with congress, most likely i will do that here the law is 100% on my side. they show empty field, people just running through. you can't let them run through. >> sandra: life on capitol hill. good morning. >> sandra, good morning. sources say the president trump rejected an attempt at a bargain. lindsey graham, one of the driving forces behind it, says that the president should declare a national emergency and build his wall. >> i always said it will be the last resort. we are there. there is no pathway forward that i can see. the president believes that his power seems to be the only way left is for him to exercise that authority. >> the pessimism is because the top democrats in congress have not shown any interest in negotiating with a presence on border security money. the house majority leader says that the president should not go on congress. because this is a challenge. there is no doubt about that. it is a challenge that we have to to be working together to make border secure. but is not a national emergency anymore than it would be a national emergency during the campaign when the president said we were being invaded by this large group of people. >> the house is once again debating an individual spending bill. part of this partial shutdown. some democrats argue that the border is not that bad. >> i live at the border. i will tell you that if you look at the latest fps statistics, mcallen, which is part of my area, has 4.8 murders per 100,000. washington, d.c., here, it's a 16.7. so it's almost four times more dangerous here in washington, d.c., when you look at those crime statistics. >> after president trump's tour of the border, texas senator expressed his frustration with this fight. >> we have a lot to govern. didn't get elected to preside over a shutdown. to me, that is a failure of government. but unfortunately, washington, d.c., is so polarized now, people are so fixated on who is going to win or lose this argument, that they forget the people that get hurt. >> pressure should be building at some 800,000 federal workers are not receiving their paychecks today. sandra. >> sandra: mike emanuel on capitol hill. thank you. >> bill: he is the one. he is juan's in a million. fresh and ready to go. it he is david avella. and she is shelby holliday. hello, atm, how are you? it is friday. what's next? i speak of the president is going to continue to make his case that we need a border wall. it is interesting now seeing the cracks. democrats are starting to say. now you have democratic congressmen and senators who are saying well, fence is okay. it is worth noting that the democratic congressman most in favor of saying that the fences okay are those from california. why? because that's where the most border wall is, and they know it works. >> i am not sure that that is the message that is resonating in the media. we are hearing from a lot of republicans who are breaking with her present on this, saying that the government has got to open. there are a number of republicans who voted for bills yesterday to reopen certain departments. sided with the democrats. beyond the legal questions about whether or not on a national emergency can get this done, there are some huge political risks for the president. there could be challenges that mean the wall doesn't get done. there could be fractures in the party because some republicans may not like the executive overreach. they may not like the diversion of funds from the pentagon or from these disaster projects. ultimately, you're kicking the can down the road. it cut up on a big can of worms with other presidents, declaring national emergencies for things republicans don't agree with. >> bill: you know who does have a solution for all of this? this one. >> i think a solution would be a republican stop with this dream about a wall when you have democrats that control the congress. you had two years where you had republicans in control. it didn't get done. you had a republican in the white house. it didn't get done. it's not going to get done now, but i think that what you are seeing is an effort by the present to get out of this box. in this morning's "wall street journal," shelby's newspaper reports that jared kushner is looking for ways in which you could make a case to the base that we have tried, we have done everything, and we will continue to try them. potentially, it will be an issue for 2020. >> bill: let's come back. on a personal level, first of all, reggie is saying that brother of a murdered officer. >> at 33 years old, he was cremated, and i had to pick up his remains. it breaks my heart. no one should ever, ever go through that. looking for his dad, no one should ever go through that on christmas day. >> it should be a big part of the message. the reality is why can't democrats be for comprehensive border security, which includes having more agents, having more technology on the border. having all wall. we do know that it does work. we should be for comprehensive border security. yet, we have nancy pelosi acting like she wants to be the secretary of homeland security. the problem is that job, she should let secretary nielsen do her job. >> the president has taken to the media. i think i have gone this thing that bill hemmer has gotten this week. excuse me. the president has taken a lot of opportunities to take the media on. well, he sort of flipped things on mr. jim acosta from cnn yesterday. watch. watch this moment. >> the steel slats at the present has been talking about, as we are walking along here, we are not seeing any kind of imminent danger. no migrants trying to rush towards this fence here in the texas area. no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about. as a matter of fact, it is pretty tranquil down here. >> sandra: so there was that moment that got a lot of attention. immediately, the white house did respond. press secretary tweeted this out. "when i went with president trump to the border today, i never imagined jim acosta would be there doing our job for us. so clearly, explaining why walls work. thanks, jim." this back and forth continues throughout the day. >> i think she is engaged in jiu-jitsu. trying to flip him by saying hey, look, there is no problem because there is a wall. it is interesting to me, i think oh, gee, there is no invasion. i don't see people on the other side trying to climb any wall. it's all there. this fits with the idea that we are in terms of immigration, illegal crossing, at a 20 year low, but you wouldn't know it from all of the talk of crisis coming from the white house. they are trying to make the case for the democrats are the ones who are refusing. again, we come back to the point, republicans had the opportunity over the last year to get this job done and did no not. >> this is a perfect example of how this has become a messaging battle. both sides think that they are winning, republicans or democrats. ultimately, the american people are losing. this messaging battle playing out, 21 points about "the wall street journal" article, jared kushner is cautioning the president, as are some other aides, kellyanne conway, don't just declare an emergency. if you are not ready to build this within the next few days, this will be a big public perception backfire on you because you declared an emergency and nothing ever got done. so we will see how this plays out. >> bill: just react to this. the president retweeted this. i think the rnc put it out nationally. in the following message about border security. >> we now have a humanitarian courses that underscores the need to drop the crisis and fix our crisis once and for all. >> bill: it went on from there. the point is that a lot of his message is what we are hearing from president trump. if it's worth about the border and not 2020, we would have a funding bill that funded every agency, irs treasury, all the ones that are closer now, that would put all of them back up. we would be dealing with the one agency that would deal with his border security. we are not doing that. they have to have all of the agencies shutdown to keep the pressure on. hold on just a second, juan. what he has to do to keep himself level 42020 is do something on health care to help him with the suburbs. this is not a base problem for him. the as to whether republicans right now, we need to make sure that we do something. >> sandra: what republicans unite behind the president if he did go with declaring a national emergency? >> it may be the only option that we have. are we going to have everybody on board? well, nothing is 100% in america. >> bill: if you declare a national emergency, probably a court case in a matter of 5 minutes, which freezes the order. three years down the road. now you have an issue in 2020. that the president runs on. >> he has tweeted. if you look at at this, very interesting, eight congressional districts alone. none of the congress people representing those eight districts voted for this, including the lone republican, and texas. they say that the wall is an inefficient waste. i am fascinated by what they said, getting him to move on to suburban voters and health care. but on the immigration, what you see is tremendous support for the president on this issue. i don't think that it is a base issue. it may be a media issue with and culture and the like. it >> juan and the democrats didn't have a problem when present obama did appear now all of a sudden, you have the president trying to move what he has made very clear -- look at, to quote our dear president obama, elections have consequences. president trump one, saying that he was going to work on border security, which included a bord. they have voted for the border wall, we have congressman who now say that they are for fences. why we suddenly now can tell border security, it is because chuck schumer and nancy pelosi think that they can get a victory by not giving it to him for 2020. >> you bring up a good point. elections have consequences, and republicans did not win the house in the past election. that is making it very difficult. you have a house full of democrats who just do not want to budge. >> who have voted for it in the past. >> there is backpedaling on both sides. >> i tell you who is backpedaling, the guy who said that mexico is paying for this wall. >> we have more money now coming into the treasury. >> the american taxpayer controls our treasury. >> bill: did you see juan's facial reaction? >> we got him fired up. >> get me going. >> it is friday morning, i am looking forward to cocooning. it's [laughs] >> bill: standby, guys. >> sandra: meanwhile, in the middle of the shutdown, 800,000 federal workers are waking up without a paycheck this morning. >> we are all hurting here. this is beyond any specific party. all we want is we want to work. i walked to work, i want to support my country. >> sandra: it drags on, but lawmakers are doing something to help these workers out. sean patrick maloney is one of them leading that charge. >> bill: elizabeth warren has thrown her hat into the ring for president. guess where she is going next. we will tell you, and we will take you to the dentist. we will explain both momentarily. >> are you going to run for president? [cheers and applause] >> i might. 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>> well, look, the legislation you're talking about is important. people are not getting a paycheck. it is outrageous. i am not taking a paycheck during the shutdown. i think if every member of congress didn't get paid, you would see this get fixed quick. i do think that we are getting near the end of this thing, but it may get ugly even if it gets fixed. >> bill: i think a lot of people might be surprised of the senate left yesterday afternoon. and the house is going to get out of town. there doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency to move forward. why not? >> and fairness, what the house did this week, we passed a bunch of republican bills. the new democratic house has a bunch of republican bills i would reopen the government. they have previously either sailed through the sentiments with unanimous consent or with wide bipartisan margins. they would do so in a second. the only holdup here is the president. big bipartisan majorities that appear on the hill to do the job. we have already passed to the bills. >> sandra: what you say to lindsey graham, he says i have never been more depressed about moving forward then i am right now. i just don't see a path forward. somebody has got to have the energy to fix this. >> oh, for god's sakes, can i just stop you right there. if i hear one more republican senator one, they should open up the constitution and look at article one. coequal branch. as they could pass the spending bills right now. if all of them feel the way that they say on tv, this thing would be over. we can override the presidential veto. there are the numbers to do it on the bills that have already passed. so i would say it to my friend, lindsey graham, and every other republican, talk is cheap. just pass the bill. >> bill: maybe we could get senator graham to respond to that. we have democrats who supported this and voted for it in 2013. >> they voted for it in 2006. >> you're right. there was support. where are they now? >> border security, you bet. if what we are talking about is smart border security about the experts say is needed, like you want to build a bunch of loading dock so we can inspect the trucks that are carrying all of the drugs coming into our country, i am for it. cell towers, roads, electronic fencing. some physical barriers where it is needed, we have already built 600 miles of fencing. we are all for border security. what we are not for his destroying the construction projects that i represent, taking the barracks away from the next military leaders by reading the construction budget with an emergency declaration to build a vanity project that is by no means necessary. >> bill: that is an option, you could take money from there. you are exactly right about tha that. >> by the way, it is the republicans -- excuse me, it is the republicans who oppose the emergency declaration. >> bill: here's a question. ken paxton, the attorney general down there in texas, he was with us 30 minutes ago. he said it 2010 in el paso, crime was rampant. they built a wall, crime dropped 90%. how can you refute that? >> nobody is talking about open borders except the president. a lot of support all of the common sense measures of the border, including the hundreds of miles of physical barrier that we have already built. what we are talking about now is whether we blow 5 billion on a vanity project and do it by stealing money from the military construction budget. that's a stupid idea. and you don't have to take my word for it. you can listen to mac thornberry, that republican chair of the house armed services committee. it is also an abuse of presidential authority. republicans used to care about that. we want on a compromise, and passing republican bills as a compromise. that is what we have done to reopen the government. >> bill: here's another compromise. maybe it's not 5 billion. 1.3 or 1.6 on the table right now, meet him halfway. call at 2.5 and everything goes back the way it was. >> we already have. you may have noticed that we passed 1.3 billion last year. they haven't spent it. then there was smart border security measures. that gets you to 2.9. you are over halfway. this is a manufactured crisis, and that government should not be shut down. >> sandra: 's hold on. obviously, that didn't include money for specifically spending on a barrier at the southern border, but you are responding to republican comments. go back to president obama talking about an actual humanitarian crisis on the border. underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration once and for all. why do democrats keep talking about a manufactured crisis of the border? >> what is manufactured is a shutdown of the government. that is the manufactured crisis. the humanitarian crisis has been made worse by policies that include separating kids from their parents by treating political asylum seekers as though they were criminals when we can run them through legal process, and if they don't qualify, they will be sent back. i humanitarian crisis is real, but we have made it worse, not better. and the shutdown of the government takes it to a whole other level, which is a responsible and unnecessary. >> bill: sean patrick maloney, i hope you come back. you are a spirited, you are a spirited guest. thank you for your time today. i hope to find out whether or not some of your ideas find dominic work out. >> sandra: capitol hill. >> we plan to do with the american people have asked for. to conduct hearings. >> sandra: michael cohen's agreement to testify, setting the stage for a blockbuster hearing. brand-new details and what that will look like straight ahead. >> bill: the rock has some choice words for what he calls "a snowflake generation of americans." our atm weighs in on that as well. stop fearing your alarm clock... with zzzquil pure zzzs. a drug-free blend of botanicals with melatonin that supports your natural sleep cycle so you can seize the morning. zzzquil pure zzzs. - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [voiceover] with your gift of just $25, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. this round's on me. hey, can you spot me? come on in! find your place, today, with silver sneakers... included with many medicare plans. call the number on the screen now or visit your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> sandra: we are awaiting a news conference out of wisconsin from the barron county sheriff's office. 13-year-old jayme closs has been found alive after vanishing nearly three months ago. from her parents home in which they were found shot and murdered. we understand that a suspect is in custody at this time, and that's all that we know. for now, we hope to get an update at 11:00 a.m. eastern time when the news conference is supposed to begin. we obviously have that for you alive when it begins a half hour from now. >> all these hearings, all these depositions that we have, asking questions about that. can't answer. doj lawyer, can't answer. now, who are the democrats bringing in? the star witness from the investigation. you would laugh if this wasn't so serious. >> bill: reacting to news that president trump's former attorney, michael cohen, will testify in the house publicly. the first part of february, now run by democrats. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge looking at this today. katherine, good morning. >> good morning. almost exactly a month before michael cohen reports to prison for campaign finance violations, tax evasion, and lying to congress about moscow trump project that never materialized. a democratic chairman elijah cummings, "in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide at the american people with answers, i look forward to having the privilege of being afforded a platform with which to give a full account of the events which have transpired." he has said that his team is speaking with robert mueller, interfering with the ongoing pr pro. mueller handed off the cohen case to the new york attorney months ago. he will be appearing voluntarily after pleading guilty to campaign violations. on the texas border yesterday. the president took questions on the cohen developments. >> has agreed to testify before the house democrats next month. what do you think about that? are you worried? >> i'm not worried about it at all, no. >> rudy giuliani told fox news cohen is "a thoroughly discredited layer, adding democrats may be overplaying their hand by opening a congressional investigation with cohen before the mueller report is finalized." >> bill: thank you. >> i think right now, and a 20 presidential primary, that as democrats, we have a chance to strengthen democracy. >> sandra: that was senator elizabeth warren, the first in the nation primary state following a three-day trip around iowa. we are back with our friday atm. juan williams is here. david avella, good morning to him. elizabeth warren, heading to new hampshire, following that big iowa trip. juan, what are you thinking? >> i think that from the republican perspective, pocahontas is out there. does she really have the ability to get past that whole controversy? but i would say that it is interesting that when you look at the polls out in iowa, it is still joe biden by far. then bernie sanders. only then do you get to elizabeth warren. >> sandra: what would you like to see? who has a patch on your pending? >> opinion doesn't matter. the polls indicate the basis for my thinking. responding to bill, and obviously, joe biden looks like a guy who could flip states like wisconsin, pennsylvania. >> bill: you think biden is running, right? >> i don't think there is much doubt. >> bill: you have beto o'rourke, he live streamed his trip to the dentist. i don't know, i mean, what's next? >> sandra: who knows what's next? there are more than two dozen candidates. [laughs] >> i? >> i don't know. i don't know if anyone got it. people on twitter work serious yesterday that they had to watch this dental appointment. boycotting twitter for the day because they didn't want to see it. >> shall be, help us. why did we have to watch? >> nobody had to watch it. it shows you, though, there is a serious race. many of them are saying we haven't decided. they have decided that they are dipping a toe. they have decided they have on fund-raising, traveling, heading to these key swing states. more than two dozen people are thinking about it. they have to compete for staff, donors, for laying the groundwork in these states. so there we started months ago, and if these people are really serious about running, if beto is serious, he has to do more than stream his dental appointments. >> bill: the media likes to cover this like a horse race. so let me give you two names. as can drug and -- they didn't even get to run the race. there will be a lot of democrats who will talk about running who aren't even going to make it out of the gate. let's just enjoy the craziness of all of this. it doesn't mean that they are legitimate candidates. even for the democrats, it's hard to see them nominates a very clear religious bigot in kamala harris. >> sandra: wow. why do you say that? >> she opposed it because of his catholic views being part of the knights of columbus. his being a part of the knights of columbus disqualifies you from serving in an administration, we have reached a new era in america. >> bill: we will see how she handles it. in the meantime, question for you. i mean, what events in your life would you put online? >> i know people are -- this isn't an important question. okay, i am telling you, that what i see, when i was talking to shelley about this dental appointment thing, i see that we have a new media world. that is the way that you build relationships with people. beto o'rourke has taken folks into his kitchen for cooking dinner. i think how absurd, but on the other hand, guess what? thousands of people watch, and they think this guy is authentic, i feel comfortable with him. i know him. >> sandra: and you know how many cavities he has. >> donald trump, his mastery of social media, it is now part of it. >> juan has a good point. the journal reported that beto o'rourke is getting done my going on this tour. he's not going with the media. he is encouraging people that he meets two postings on social media, but he's not doing at the typical way as you see with camera crews, reporters. he wants to go out there and do it and what looks like a very authentic way. he is popping into places like diners. of course, it is very orchestrated. it will not be the same type of media to her. >> bill: did you see the news out of california this week, about bill de blasio, singh medicare for all? is this a race to the left? if so, what kind of candidate does emerge? >> it's not our race. >> if not a race to the left. that is where the democratic party is. if you are a moderate democrat, this is now, we are really starting to hear from democrats, maybe now they were the press for a number of years. this new round of candidates, that they don't want borders. she went to brazil and said i can't wait until we have no borders. now you have an entire group of candidates who can go run on that. broke that open and her last -- >> he was talking about trade. how do you explain that joe biden is leaving a lot of these polls when you say that -- >> because it is the name that most people know. >> bill: what's he got? >> that is a tv show, i think. he says that the millennial generation is offended by everything. he said thankfully, we now live in a world that has progressed. people can be who they want, be with who they want, live how they want. they can only be a good thing. but generation snowflake or whatever you want to call it, they are actually putting us backwards. what will that do? >> i don't know, i apologize. i am not very well read on the squad of his. he is promoting i believe a new television show. he is all about toughness, muscles. strong will, getting things done. i get it. [laughs] >> bill: thank you, dave. >> i will say, an interesting week with kevin hart and the oscars, saying that he has apologized enough. i think what the rock is getting out his people should stop looking for something to be offended about as opposed to expressing opportunities for genuine offense. congressman steve king talks about what's this about white nationalism? i think what is going on? >> bill: something that david actually -- >> again, kudos to juan for doing this. twitter has built an entire business model out of our reach, people getting on and screaming at one another. the rocks point, and juan's point is that maybe it is time to just start stepping back. people can have different opinions. >> i think people like to try to offend on twitter. you can take it how you want. it's it is true. you have the power to be offended. >> bill: have a good weekend. to juan in a million. >> what a wonderful day. >> bill: we are going to go to wisconsin in a moment here for the news conference. top of the hour and a startling case i broke overnight. wisconsin teenager jayme closs, she's 13. she vanished three months ago, the day that her parents were found dead. she has now turned up alive, so keep it here for that update in northern wisconsin. >> sandra: plus the power ranking, ed rawlins calling mitch mcconnell "the smartest man in washington." he's here to tell us why next. 4s or more to pay credit card debt, or just put money in the bank. it even lowers your payments by over 600 dollars a month. as a veteran, you've earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100 percent of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. and because newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va, they can say yes when banks say no. and they'll do all the va paperwork for you. we all know some of life's most important financial decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. so, if you're a veteran and need cash, calling newday usa could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. go to, or call 1-877-423-5734. ensure max protein... to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. 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what did the president say? it's going to be a beauty? >> sandra: he did comment. now those text messages have emerged. >> bill: and the senate majority leader is the most powerful man in washington other than the president himself. here to explain, reagan campaign manager of 1984, fox news contributor. the most powerful, you say? and the smartest. >> he is going to run for some of the term. think about that. he got elected in 1984 by 5,000 votes in kentucky. roger ailes was his campaign consultant. came from behind. he is the longest leading republican leader in the congress. and he basically is kind of like the adults when everything else is chaotic. i wrote the piece about him the other night. one of the great features. certainly the debacle afterwards between nancy and chuck schumer. didn't reinforce any of my sense as he is staying out of this fray. you will have to bring it back together again. basically, he has done some significant things. >> sandra: you write a lot in this piece about the chuck and nancy show. what is the future there? >> there is no future. her big challenge, she had her most important day, she got re-inaugurated as the speaker. she has a very diverse group to hold together. lots of infighting going on among the new fighters, the younger members, who are not going to take it. she has got to go out and defend her time and effort there. humor will be the minority leader for the foreseeable future. she has to go do her thing, he does his thing. separation again. they have tried this before, that you minority leaders. democratic leaders. it doesn't work out. >> bill: here is like what you read about online. the missing man was mitch mcconnell. this is from rawlins. he is now the most powerful man in d.c. other than the president. the fact that he was missing shows that he may also be one of the smartest. what hand is he playing? >> he has to play the president's hand. he doesn't have 60 votes. he has to get some help from democrats. he is not going to try to move anything. it comes down one way or the other. he will make it happen. the hard part here is the 800,000 people that are unemployed. basically out of work. that is going to be a more serious problem as we go along. >> sandra: he is right about promises made, promises kept. that is what tuesday night and that address was all about. >> his constituency, which is the basis, it has not moved one iota. this is a most sacred promise that he made. to that we care deeply about. secondly, he is going to build a wall. he basically has to make every effort to build this wall. >> bill: what is the way out of it? >> the only way out, clearly, the democrats are not going to move. that is where the money is controlled. so if he does this emergency act, go to the courts, they need to clean this up. basically say this is what executive powers. this is what the daca effort that obama pushed forward. it gets to the supreme court. they say that this is the president's power. >> bill: it could take a year or two. if not more. from nancy pelosi's perspective, she could say hey, we stopped at. >> that is what she will say. they will try to move a bunch of stuff there. i don't think that there will be any activity at all. you have a meal or report, bipartisan, no bipartisanship at all. and for the foreseeable future, to have it again, the selection, starting all over again with the 2020 presidential campaigns. you have 50 members of the hous house, decided by 5% or less. those are the targets. >> bill: flip it around. what does president trump argue? if you are locked up in the courts, do you say hey, i tried? >> and i'm going to continue to do what i can to stop the illegal immigration. >> sandra: that could certainly happen. i rawlins, great to have you here. a new study is giving reason for hope when it comes to fighting cancer. plus, birth rates hitting 30-year low. we discussed all of this next. ♪ maybe you'd mellow out a bit if you got geico to help you with your renters insurance. oh, geico helps with renters insurance? good to know. yeah, and they could save you a lot of money. wow, suddenly i feel so relieved. you guys are fired. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. >> sandra: much needed good news and the fight against cancer. in a report from the american cancer society shows that cancer-related deaths have declined to 27% over the last 25 years. let's bring in dr. manny alvarez. good morning. >> good morning. good morning. you know, five years ago, five or six years ago, we did a special where we interviewed a lot of scientist, we call it "winning the war on cancer." everyone predicted that we would win, and indeed, now in 2018, when the numbers came out, you see a 27% reduction in cancer rates. that is over 2 million people that did not die from cancer. >> bill: how come? >> a lot of factors. i think smoking for sure went out the window. smoking rates are gone. a better screening tools now. we have different screening protocols for let's say lung cancer and things like that. chemotherapy, or the treatment of cancer, it radically changed since the genome project. now we do immunotherapy, we can take cells from your body, tell them what you do when it comes to a cancer cell, put them back in your body. the cure rates are very elevated. so the combination of social issues improving, better screening, better treatment has reduced these cancers. >> sandra: still, the big killer for men and women is lung cancer. >> remember, we still have some cancers on the rise. we just wrote a story for and also, liver cancer. we have an obesity problem in this country. so there are some pockets of cancer that we still have not controlled. overall, the numbers are very much improving. >> sandra: i want to hit this number as well. "wall street journal" reporting a 30-year low for the u.s. birth rate. >> yeah, i know. [laughs] as an obstetrician, i'm not happy. for the last 70 years, if you look at the birth rates, they going down. >> sandra: and america. >> typically, 1,000 women would have 2100 babies in combination. now it is about 1700 babies per 1,000 women. a lot of things are happening. women are dealing childbirth, which again is their choice, but by the time they get around to deciding to have a child, maybe they're having fertility issue. teen pregnancy rates have dropped dramatically, which is a great thing. and there is a lot of contraception out there. now you have birth control which is basically not being regulated -- >> bill: two exceptions. south dakota and utah. >> there you go. there you go. new jersey wasn't on the list. new york was not on the list. the problem is that we continue on this trend, we are going to have difficulty fulfilling the 4 million kids that we need every year. >> bill: have a great weekend. it's nice to see you. we are only moments away now from hearing from police. the missing girl was found alive late yesterday. authorities are about to give us the latest information. 13-year-old jayme closs is a life. her parents were murdered and their home back in october. we will go there next. the only h concentrated gain, oxi boost, and febreze odor remover. try new improved gain flings. this round's on me. hey, can you spot me? come on in! find your place, today, with silver sneakers... included with many medicare plans. call the number on the screen now or visit ito address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. call now: 1-855-376-1361. >> sandra: fox news alert. we are awaiting news conference to begin in wisconsin. set to update us on jayme closs, the 13-year-old girl that has been missing since october. she was found alive yesterday. a suspect is in her kidnapping is now in custody. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm sandra smith. >> bill: and i'm bill hemmer. this began in mid-october, after her parents were shot dead in their october home. now lie from barron, wisconsin. >> i can report, she is in the comforting embrace of the law enforcement. 88 days ago, we stood before you speaking about the unthinkable tragedy and ask you to help us find 13-year-old jayme closs. 488 days, you called in tips, brought us food, searched arm in arm with us, wrote us knows, and never give up hope. as the days and weeks were on, you still continue to call. law enforcement locally and across the country continue to come through over 3500 tips, and the family never gave up hope. last night, our collective promise was fulfilled with jayme's safe recovery. thank you all. joining me today, fbi special agent justin pella male, wisconsin attorney general, brian o'keefe from the wisconsin department of criminal investigation, barron county district attorney d.a., ryan rice. douglas county sheriff, captain nick from the wisconsin state patrol, and a diane trembley, superintendent of the barron school district. jayme is safe, and the family is requesting that you please respect their privacy at this extremely emotional time. also in a few minutes, you will hear from superintendent diane trembley on a message from the school and please respect the respective no media on school property today please. this case remains a team effort from the beginning. and i will never be able to thank all of the agencies, individuals, that helped on this case with their singular focus to bring jayme home. yesterday, there was a lot of confusion with an erroneous social media post about 3:30 p.m. in walworth county. this was an incident, but it in no way had a connection to this case, as reported on facebook. shortly after i posted that jayme was not involved in the incident, my detectives were alerted, a 911 call was being given out in douglas county. responding to a person claiming they had found jayme. i am not going to bring up sheriff tom dall back, and he will address this part of the incident. >> thank you. my agency received a 911 call about 4:30 yesterday afternoon from the individual who was out walking her dog. said she was approached by a young female claiming to be jayme closs. this lady immediately went to a nearby house, notified that neighbor of the flame to my claim. this neighbor called 911. my deputies responded en masse immediately, and identified jayme as the person that approached the neighbor. took control of her, possession of her, put her in safekeeping. and a short time later, one of my patrol surgeons happen to find a vehicle that matched the description that jayme gave my deputies of the suspect. pulled the vehicle over, took the suspect into custody at that time. beyond that, jayme was taken to a local hospital in the duluth-superior area. where she was looked over, examined, she was held overnight for observation. the suspect was interviewed and subsequently brought back down here to barron county. that's all i have right now. speaking to thank you, sheriff tom dalbec. thank you for the deputies and the work that they did in this case. the suspect was arrested and is currently being held in barron county jail. that suspect is jake thomas patterson. he is 21 years old. from gordon wisconsin. he is currently being held on two counts of first-degree intentional homicide for the murder of jamie's parents and one count of kidnapping. it he will give a brief comment next. >> thank you, sheriff israel. first of all, i want to thank everyone with law enforcement for the tremendous work that they did to bring jayme home. that starts with sheriff fitzgerald and the barron county sheriff's department. it includes the fbi, the division of criminal investigation, and the hundreds of officers who came to barron county to assist in this investigation. i saw firsthand how brave, determined, and a dedicated these men and women are. it has truly been an honor to see you the work that they have performed as public servants. to this community. it was only a few months ago that we as a community gathered to pray for jayme safe return. at barron high school. got his god has answered those . it will now be referred to the district attorney office. our office will review the reports and then make a charging decision. it is my intent to have a criminal complaint filed by next week. it is our job and prosecuting this case to obtain justice for james, denise, and jayme closs. >> thank you. >> thank you. this case remains a very active and fluid as we stand before you today. we have fbi, state patrol, douglas county, investigators and the barron county detectives actively working the scene and conducting interviews. we do plan a media update with more details to be released at this time right here. as you hurt, the charges of the suspect, the suspect is being charged with kidnapping. it jayme was taken against her will and escape from a residence at which she was being held and found help. we also do not believe that the suspect had any contact with the family. we do believe that jimmy was the only target. i can tell you that the subject plant his actions and it took many proactive steps to hide his identity from the general public. i do want to invite some of our partners to make a few comments. these agencies stepped forward coming here, never give up hope, became part of our community. i can never thank them enough. first, i will bring up special agent paul male. >> thank you, sheriff. again, i am the fbi special agent in charge of the milwaukee division which covers all of wisconsin. we are so pleased to stand here today with our fellow law enforcement partners to celebrate jimmy's recovery. it is an incredible day. as the sheriff said it, this case was challenging, given the proactive steps that the suspect took to avoid detection. we often need a big break. it was jayme herself who gave us that break. we would like to thank the citizens who came forward to help save jayme, and the dougla douglas county sheriff's office to bring her home. i also want to recognize the tireless efforts of agents, deputies, staff who spent the last three months never giving up on jayme. this is all the outcomes that we like to have one a child goes missing. this is all that we want to see. and it happened in this case. thanks again to the family and to the entire community of barron for never giving up on jayme. today, we can finally say jayme closs is home. thank you. >> thank you. next, i want to bring up josh. >> thank you, sheriff . first, let me thank sheriff fitzgerald for his incredible leadership. throughout this process. people across wisconsin, and i suspect across the country are overjoyed that jayme is finally safe. this was an effort that involved numerous law enforcement agencies. more than i have time to name. and i want to thank everybody who participated in this investigation. i want to thank everybody in the community who volunteered, who played a role, who supported this investigation, and who supported law enforcement. i want to say that i am incredibly proud of the work that the department of justice played in assisting with this investigation. the department of justice will continue to assist as needed with the investigation and with the prosecution of this case. thank you again. >> next, we will bring up wisconsin department of criminal investigation demonstrator, brian o'keefe. >> thank you, sheriff. good morning. a lot of thank used today for everybody. i want to say first thank you to the media also for helping out. you guys have been present here, but you have also been a great resource to law enforcement, getting it the information out, in regards to jayme. i also want to say say thank you to our agents. this case had so many technical aspects that were very challenging for law enforcement. everybody never blinks about putting aside their personal lives to bring a little girl home. the work that got done, it really -- i don't think i have seen this much work done on any one case have been involved in in my entire career. the friendships and the professionalism of all agencies at the local, state, and federal level have just been beyond what anybody could really expect. the fbi brought in resources from all over the country. of the doj had our resources. we will hear from him today, trying to help the community recover. along with those from the local and federal level. there's a lot of people that are very emotional about the recovery of jayme. it is a happy thing. but now we will work on the recovery process. we have reached out to a lot of professionals to help this young lady and her family as they are reunited. she goes through a new healing. we ask that you just please respect the family today as we try to get this worked through. there will be time for questions and interviews on that later. but thank you again for everything. >> thank you, brian. >> lastly, i want to bring up barons school superintendent to talk about the school plans. >> hello. my name is diane tremblay, and i have the honor to serve as superintendent of the barron area school district in barron county. what a glorious day. this will certainly never be forgotten. there is so much love and hugs in our district today. it's just insurmountable. jayme has been found save and has been reunited with her famiy and friends. there is truly nothing in the world better than that. now i would like to take time to address a few of the common questions that have come our way last night end of this morning it from all of you. what has it been like in the barron area school district in the past month? it has been 88 days of hope for her safe return, 80 days of prayers for jayme, her family, friends, student, staff, and community. 88 days of holding onto the faith that our authorities would never give up, and they certainly did not. finally, 88 days of our close-knit community with the same goal in mind. that was to bring jayme home and back into our arms. i would like to thank everyone for your overflow of support that continues to come to us from local, state, federal agencies. businesses, families, along with the incredible small town connection that we have. we are truly a beautiful family. most importantly, we want to think jayme for being so courageous and for achieving an opportunity to find her way back to us. what an extraordinary young lad lady. what is the support like in our district? another common question. support for our barron area school district has been nothing less than exceptional. the teamwork from our administration, our sro, supervisors, school psychologis psychologist, partners from our district as well as other neighboring districts, has and continues to address the distinguished needs of our students, teachers, bus drivers, support staff, as well as their entire community. the department of justice team was the second call i received last evening. they came to me minutes after i received that miraculous call from sheriff fitzgerald. who was immediately assessing our needs. after they gave me this news. the doj office of school safety has partnered with us to ensure that our student, staff, and the larger school community receive the support that we need to feel safe during this investigation. the office of school safety has provided on-site support to barron school districts in the form of crisis response, therapy dogs from the wausau police department, additional school resource officers, and emergency management guidance. at the office of school safety is also contacting their partners to help us deliver training and provide support to our school community, regarding crisis response, trauma, as well as recovery. in addition to the doj office of school safety, we are also grateful to the wausau police department, eau claire police department, national association of school development. it's one last question that has been asked for that would like to address, will our district be holding a celebration or ceremony in the community of any sort? all i can say to that at this time is you better believe it. [laughs] you better believe it. jayme, we missed you and we are so grateful you are home. thank you. >> before i to questions, we will get to them. don't worry. i have some thank-yous. again, my thank-yous will never be enough. thank you to jayme for having the will to survive. jamie's family for their patients and keeping their faith in us. the people who rescue jayme yesterday, the douglas county sheriff's office and all of their work yesterday. all other agencies that helped with the tips. the general public for their support of jayme. jamie's facebook groups, the posters that went up on semi trailers, around town, the school, all of the students. the beautiful tree lighting. the fbi, state patrol, all of the other agencies that assisted us. the members of my team, the dispatchers that took all of the tips. patrol officers for following up on all of the tips. as they continue to work in the field today. lastly, my family, for all of their support and understanding over the past three months. this has been an awesome day, and i can't thank you guys, the media, enough either. i got lots of tips, text messages last night, tips of support. not looking for information, just saying that our newsroom is trying with you. that was pretty awesome. we will be posting pictures, handing them out very quickly and, of suspect. we also will email this out. this is the suspect currently in the barron county jail. our pao from the fbi, will be faxing these out. we will also email that you are press. put it on the facebook page. so with that, many of us are available to answer questions. again, let's try to do it and someone -- >> talk to us, what did she look like, sound like, and the description? >> she is good. she has been cleared. there is a reunification process in place, going on right now that includes medical, mental evaluations. questioning by detectives. and reunification with family. we are working on that process. it is in place right now. part of that is in place. we hope to have her back here in barron county this morning or early this afternoon. >> what happened to her the last three months? >> we do not know that. this group behind me does not have that information. this is a very active and fluid case. we are serving search warrants at this moment in gordon and other areas for vehicles, looking for evidence. again, we hope to release a lot more of that information at 4:0 4:00. >> sheriff , you said that jaye was the target. what contacted the suspect talk with her? >> that is what we are trying to figure out, but we believe that it was really -- that it was really none. >> do you know if they knew each other prior to this? >> i don't know that. we are waiting. we think that at 4:00, we can release more information. >> is their criminal history? >> jake petterson had zero criminal history in the state of wisconsin. we are not looking for any additional suspects. >> was gordon on our radar? no. first court appearance? >> we don't have that yet. that will be after we file our criminal complaint. >> sometime next week. we believe it will be. >> did she explain how she was able to get away? >> she is currently doing that with our detectives now. i just know that she did escape from the home and did find help. >> 88 days, to escape by herself, what does that mean? >> that is the will of a kid to survive. it's unthinkable. you guys know, i wasn't done. she is an douglas county. how can that be? as you guys have seen for the last 80 days, it is amazing, the will of that 13-year-old girl to survive. at that comes from the hope and the prayers in this community. she was recognized immediately by both the female's walking the dog, the work that the media did. that can go on talked about her here. that was remarkable. people recognize her. just what we wanted to happen. [indistinct question] >> the suspect has several vehicles that we are currently evaluating those vehicles. >> how did she become the target of this alleged suspect? >> we were just briefed on that. that is what they're trying to figure out right now. interviews of the person that we have arrested, mr. patterson, and interviews with jayme. >> does he have a tie to barron county? >> yes, he does have a type two barron county. >> any signs of physical abuse? >> i do not know the answer to that. all i know is that she is medically cleared at this time, so she is available to our detectives to start the second part of the reunification process, which is the interview that they are conducting at this time so that we can bring her home. >> we can't comment on that because we haven't been briefed on that. we just know that he has taken some measures to avoid detectio detection. >> was he and one area one time the whole time with jayme? >> we can't confirm that yet. >> there was a 911 call made from the home. do we know who made that call? >> at that time, i haven't been told. >> with the emotions -- >> i mean, it was at first unreal. then when we confirmed with cher dalbec's team, confirmed it was her, you know, my leg started to shake it, man it was awesome. it was just at the and release. it was awesome. i don't have a different word. it was just fabulous. it was just great. i don't know. i mean, my wife and kids are here, so i have to be careful. [laughter] it ranks right up there. i will tell you that. it was awesome to call diane, to talk to these guys that have been -- they are just not cops. they are part of this community. special agent in charge, he said we are part of this community. brian o'keefe's guys come off, they have been part of it for eight days. they didn't come here monday, come back on friday, they work every single day of the week on this case. it was tremendous effort by these people behind me. this is a team. you guys are part of it. there was no one else in the home when we went there yesterday. he was arrested. i'm going to let sheriff dalbec answer that because i don't kno know. >> where did mr. patterson get arrested? >> he was just down the road from the residence. >> was he looking for her? >> no, i don't believe so. >> at this point, has he confess to anything? >> he is being interviewed. i don't know the answer to that question either. >> does he own the house? >> i don't know the answer to that. >> do you know if jayme was inside the home? >> jayme was inside the home when her parents were killed. i don't know that answer. that is what the search warrant is for right now. as we speak, it is being served. good question. my chief deputy. >> the family's reaction, we were able to coordinate an effort on that. we had a vacation -- we were able to do the family in ladysmith, some of that family was at a basketball game here in barron. we sent three teams out. i got to tell jennifer smith. we have the rest county sheriff tell the family and ladysmith, and then my cheap stomach chief deputy told the family at the basketball game here. they broke down. because they had heard about the fake news. so they thought that we were coming to confirm that it wasn't her. don't worry, but when we said that she was found safe and alive, tears and lots of hugs. based on some limited information i have, i believe that she was the target from our detectives. i don't know how they got that information. >> does he have any contact on social media? >> it doesn't appear to be. expand on that. what did the suspect do? [indistinct question] >> i don't know what he did right afterwards. what he did with jayme immediately after, i don't know. where they went, i don't know if there is a secondary location. >> how we recovered a weapon? i don't know. >> why did you never lose hope that she was alive. >> she's a 13-year-old girl. on the sheriff of this county. my job is to make sure that everybody is safe. these guys all take the same oath. there was no reason to give up hope. we didn't have any evidence to show that she was injured or hurt at the scene. there was no reason to give up hope. that's relating ceremony at the school, the kids believed, and when kids believe, it's easy for adults to believe. >> does he have mental health issues? speak i have no idea. [indistinct question] >> it's all home in a remote area, that's all i know. outside of court in wisconsin. we don't know that answer. [indistinct question] >> i don't have an answer of how long. >> did the suspect or know who jayme was in the first place? >> i don't know that. our detectives are figuring that out as we speak. we don't believe that there was contact. any relationship. it doesn't appear to be. >> he went there with the intention of adopting her and whatever he had to do? >> it appears that way. >> did that 911 call pick up any audio? >> two more questions. >> why was the investigation so difficult? >> i think because of the steps he took. what we have been briefed on. again, i can't comment until we confirm. i don't want to tell you something and have to change my story. but it's a remote area. there aren't a lot of houses in that area. you know, he not only conceal his identity from us. he concealed it -- it appears he concealed her from other people also. his friends. i don't know the answer to that. [indistinct question] >> he was not employed at this current time. >> how far did she have to walk from where she was held? >> sheriff, do you know how far she had to walk? >> i don't know. >> we don't have that answer. doesn't appear to have any connection to jenny-o. >> do we know -- >> i have not seen her, talk to her. we will be back at 4:00. thank you guys all again. appreciate it. >> bill: this was a remarkable press conference you have been listening to from barron, wisconsin, for northern reaches of the state. here's what we know. 80 days, the entire community has been on the lookout for this 13-year-old girl, and they have found her and found her life. what a will to live on behalf of that young lady right there. the suspect, age 21, jake thomas patterson. first time he has been identified. first degree homicide and kidnapping. she had been treated and released at a dilute hospital. you heard the briefing at 5:00 eastern time, 4:00 local. she was taken again, that is what the sheriff described it. how did she escape? we don't know. but she showed up on a rural street sometime yesterday afternoon, apparently in a heavily forested area of northern wisconsin were several cabins are located. to what extent these cabins have facilities or any sort of electricity or internet access, is something that is not clear at the moment. the suspect, patterson, has your criminal history. they are not looking for any other suspects. he apparently had some sort of connection to her hometown. the sheriff said of this is the act, this is the will of a kid to survive. that is from wisconsin as we watch it together. >> sandra: let's bring in fox news contributor, retired of police detective, mark fuhrman. it is amazing, the will of a young child like that. she emerged in this neighborhood, asked for help, authorities came in. what did you make of what you just heard and learned? >> actually, there was a lot of information in this press conference. it was repeated, i believe three times, how the suspect actually covered his tracks. i truly believe that is about the crime scene. i don't think he left a footprint forensically, whether it was bodily fluids, blood, sweat, trace evidence. footprints. he didn't leave anything there for them to work on. he had no criminal record. so even if you left dna, he wouldn't be in a database. if he left fingerprints, wouldn't be in a database. so i think they were presented with a very difficult case, no criminal record. and yet, he committed a double homicide to obtain that this little girl, to kidnap her. that seems extreme, and in my opinion, i think he has committed other crimes, and/or, he has a mental defect. some prior history summary here, and i'm sure they're working on that right now. >> sandra: mark, there were a lot of questions answered, but we still don't know what happened to her. three months since she went missing. >> that's true. i think it is kind of a delicate subject. i don't think that they would address that even if they knew. i think that is going to be kept under wraps, and quite possibly not released until there is a court proceeding. there is a lot of interviews to be done here. i certainly hope the suspect is talking to detectives. i certainly hope he doesn't have a mental defect and he can actually be cooperative enough to actually describe other crimes or other crimes that he knows about. unemployed, 21, a fairly young, but i just don't think that he escalated to a double homicide and a kidnapping as his first crime. >> sandra: this has been going on, as we sat, three months. that is the first image that we have gotten of jake thomas patterson, gordon wisconsin. he has right now being held in the barron county jail. two murder charges, one kidnapping charge. it is really something, though, that we just learned he had zero criminal history. something else that we just learned, because you have to bring it back into the picture here, she has emerged alive, but has no parents. her parents were murdered the day that she was kidnapped from her home there, mark. what they said was that jayme was the target. what does that tell you? we know that the investigation turned up without the suspect was only in her home for 4 minutes. shot both of her parents dead. left with her. >> it certainly shows that he knew the targets. the target was jayme. he knew that he was going to go into the home. for what reason, the 13-year-old is really out and about quite a bit. she is a really young child. walking around the neighborhood. why he had to go into the home and kill the parents is going to be a question that quite possibly want to be answer, but he was planning this. and by their description, he covered his tracks. that means that he forensically hid his evidence when he went into that home, and he shot both parents. he used an automatic, i would assume he took the casings. he wore some kind of clothing that kept all of his hair from actually falling or being a torn from his body, his arms. he made some careful and calculated plans before he went into that home. 4 minutes, he knew where everybody was. he knew how to take them out. he knew how many people were in the family. it was a very well-planned crime. >> sandra: what does that tell you? >> it's obvious that he had some kind of obsession and some kind of target in jayme that was driving him to the point of a double homicide to obtain the little girl. quite possibly, that was part of the fantasy that he was involved in with the little girl. we don't know what the object of jayme actually meant to him. was it a sister? was it a girlfriend? was it -- you know, a child? we don't know. >> sandra: yeah, we don't know. something else we learned there, the suspect, the authorities confirm, had no contact with the family. but there seem to be some gray line there. we couldn't really make out what they were saying, if there had been any kind of contact between the suspect and of jayme. did you take anything away from that? >> well, i did and i didn't. certainly jayme could have contact with male adults that she does not remember, whether it is at a grocery store, movie theater, just walking the street. he would remember. and it's interesting, the case here in idaho, joseph duncan is simply driving down i 90 at 65 miles per hour and looks to his left mc's two children playing on a playset in the backyard of a home off of the freeway. he sticks it out and ultimately kills the family with a claw hammer. actually keeps shasta, who was found with him at a restaurant months later. what was the driving force there? it all lived in the suspect's head. >> sandra: will come of the suspect is in custody now. of the barron county sheriff just said we never gave up. she has been in the comforting embrace of law enforcement. we are so happy to learn that she has been found. she could have a rough road ahead. we don't know what her mental status. she has since been released from the hospital. now in the custody of police. we wish her the very best after three months have been missing. the suspect is in custody. mark fuhrman, thank you. >> thank you. >> i always said it would be the last resort. we are there. there is no pathway for that i can see. seems to be the only way left is for him to exercise that authority. i don't see any action in the congress. >> bill: parts of the government shutdown, no end in sight. thousands of federal workers not getting a paycheck today. weighing the possibility of declaring a national emergency that would pay for the wall and the end of standoff. house republican conference, how are you? welcome back. the house is going to break around noon eastern time today. what then? >> it's an issue. it's a huge issue. with wetlands he was saying, that this is the last resort, shame on congress. is it lawful for the president to do this? maybe out of appropriations or defense funding, the construction side of things. maybe so, but just because of lawful doesn't make it expedien expedient. ultimately, it's a sign that congress did not feel their responsibility. >> bill: here is the from yesterday. >> we want to help the dreamers. i was ready to help the dreamer dreamers. the folks representing the dreamers very strongly, which is too. if you want to know the truth. they said we don't have to do it anymore. now it is before the supreme court. we will see what happens. if the supreme court rules against president obama decision, which he knew would not hold up, we will have a deal with the dreamers. we could do it early. >> bill: twice this week he has referred to that. what are we to take from that? >> i believe that the president is showing that he is willing to put some things on the table. i was at the oval office, talking about the potential. meet us halfway. something that we can do. i'm sitting here listening to your story on this 13-year-old jayme, and what a crisis it is, but it made me think of this, bill. as a former minister of working in refugee camps, i thought about the 15,000 missing migrants trying to cross the border. many of those the same age as jayme. i thought about the 16,000 families this past christmas that had an open seat at the dinner table. why in the world are we calling this a manufactured crisis? this is an fabricated. i am usually a pretty measured person. if this doesn't rile you up, i can walk behind this wall that i am looking at. members of congress are sitting there right now. if you would pull mike ten democrats, six or seven of them would acknowledge that the structure would deter. if nothing else, completely stop some of the drugs that we are seeing as well as the human trafficking. not even counting the illegal access. that is wrong. and i am a little emotional about it, as you can tell. we are leaving today. i'm trying to follow my example. i am not going to receive $1 as long as the federal workers on being paid. but this is a huge failure on behalf of the united states congress. >> bill: for the furloughed workers, perhaps the bill passes, they get paid eventually. when that happens, we do not know. what gives? >> we hope that there is enough pressure put on some of our democratic colleagues and friends on the leadership who have made this more about posturing than it is about human life and other travesties. i hope we don't get to the place that this wall has to be built with a tombstone so that the lives lost on lost unnecessarily due to this political interaction and political posturing. >> bill: do you go to 2.5 billion? does the president go to national emergency? >> we would do it in a heartbeat. >> bill: you would do what in a heartbeat? >> i would say 2.5 million. any kind of deal. but here is the deal. we continue to go to the table. i have been to the white house. we continue to reach out, and there is a flat, rebellious spirit coming from nancy because she has promised a very progressive wing of her party that she will have nothing to do with what she calls and immoral structure. what's immoral is congress not doing their job. >> bill: mark walker, north carolina. thank you, sir, for your time. >> sandra: the pentagon beginning to plan. how the military is moving forward. jack keane will join us. but first, secretary of state mike pompeo. >> we are very hopeful that we'll get the bad actors in the region, the russians, iranians, to come to the table, along with the regime. all of the other stakeholders in there. we will have conversations about what post-civil war political structure might look like. only one in ten veterans use their valuable va home loan benefit. but i've got some good news that will change that. newday's operation home. it lets veterans buy a home with no down payment and without paying one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. no down payment and not one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. why rent when you can buy? 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"what a miracle. i am so thrilled to hear the news. what has been such a heart-wrenching tragedy has some happiness. i am praying for jayme and all of her family that they can have a joyous reunion." a much different life that she comes home to, but jayme closs is now with her family and officials in northern wisconsin. well done. >> sandra: fox news alert, defense official, has started pulling equipment out. joining us is retired agent, strategic analyst. almost afternoon. how do you hope to see this withdrawal go? >> i think that conditions that the president has established will be the pacing items for the withdrawal. let's finish isis once and for all. there are remnants of him still there. the fighting has already been accomplished. make certain that the syrian kurds are protected. that is what ambassador bolton, what they were all about. i think there is likely some agreement there to establish a 30-mile buffer between turkey and syria that would afford the kurds an opportunity to be south of that. and certainly not get entangled with the turkish military or militia. the third thing is not to permit the iranians to salvage the land bridge and syria, to encroach on israel, and not commit them to seize those oil fields. which would be a significant boost for the iranians. where we are imposing sanctions. there is no timetable establish for it. >> sandra: secretary of state mike pompeo, and an interview on fox news channel said this. >> we view the malign activity from the islamic republic of iran a revolutionary force in iran. creating enormous instability. part of that is making sure that they do not destabilize or continue to. so yes, we will use the full power of the united states to achieve that outcome. >> sandra: does not satisfy you? that response? >> oh, yeah. what the administration is clearly demonstrating here is that despite the decision to withdraw from syria according to the conditions that the president hasn't post, we are not withdrawing from the middle east. we are providing indispensable leadership to stand up and confront the iranians, threat to the middle east. look at what they have accomplished. starting a civil war in yemen, and rushing on saudi arabia. we have got to work with our allies to confront that threat, and what secretary pompeo is doing, i certainly applaud. he is bringing countries from asia, europe, africa, the western hemisphere, and obviously together to deal with this imposing threat to the region. they are not just a regional threat. they are a global threat interprets of sponsoring terrorism around the world. >> sandra: this international summit on iran. i just want to get your thoughts on that. "bring together dozens of countries from all around the world. february 13th and 14th. this event will be in poland. what do you hope can be accomplished there? >> the administration has been trying to you stitch to gather a political military alliance to stand up against the iranians. similar to what we have a nato, standing up against russia. this will go a long way, i think to achieving that, getting support for it. not just in their region, but this will appeal also to the president quite a bit. he has been frustrated that we do all the heavy lifting. particularly in terms of that. making those contributions as well. this is something that is absolutely needed. they have got to be the leader in this. doesn't mean that we have to provide all the troops with the money, but we have to provide the leadership. >> sandra: asia, africa, the western hemisphere. we will look forward to that. always good to see you. >> bill: the young police officer killed in the line of duty. at what we are now learning about the suspect accused in the death of this 22-year-old woman. amazon prime video is now on xfinity x1. so when you say words like... show me best of prime video into this... you'll see awesome stuff like this. discover prime originals like the emmy-winning the marvelous mrs. maisel... tom clancy's jack ryan... and the man in the high castle. all in the same place as your live tv. its all included with your amazon prime membership. that's how xfinity makes tv... simple. easy. awesome. joined the davis california police department at christmas. i suspect fires. apparent suicide. corona was just 22. her father, a deputy. here seen probably pinning her police badge. representing the thin blue line separating the law from the lawless. protecting our liberties in this great country. >> i heard her describe the officer, our daughter, our friend. just the sister that we all wanted. this is just an absolutely devastating loss to the police department. another rookie year. she died wednesday after being shot as she left for work. north carolina, a man wanted in a string of robberies, was shot multiple times. he survived. a fugitive hiding in a parking lot, fatally shot. joseph reimers as he approached his vehicle. friends and family held a vigil, saying that he sometimes hug those on their way to jail, offering compassion and hope. >> love. >> he was about love. family, friends. and the citizens. >> on average, 64 officers diet each year, double that if you count traffic fatalities. >> bill: tough story. thank you in los angeles. >> sandra: partial government shutdown reaching day 21 for those keeping track. is it going to be a national emergency? 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