Featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks in the lead, Catch Me If You Can was released in 2002. In this column, we write about actors we think can play the parts from the original, if its remake is ever made in India.
Screenshot: Star Trek: TNG/Paramount+
At a time when our daily lives are consumed by stressing out over the way the people in power are screwing up our lives and our planet, there’s a certain kind of pleasure in sinking into a narrative in which all of the characters are incredibly good at what they do whether that’s exploring space, playing chess, carrying out skillful assassinations, or getting their asses to (or off) of Mars.
If you too seek to be inspired by watching a bunch of smart people manage not to absolutely fuck everything up, the Lifehacker staff admirers of innovation and efficiency that we are have come together to share our favorite films (and a few TV shows) that are basically explicit competence porn. That’s hot.