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Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140621

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 (mother vo) when i was pregnant ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back. but it's okay, it's just a new kind of adventure. and really, who wants to look backwards when you can look forward? neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground byting e air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the world. wondering what that is? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? and with that in mind... trwith secure wifie for your business. it also comes with public wifi for your customers. not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together the fastest internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! he has a phaser! it's not a phaser! it's my phone! he can use his voice to control the tv. you can use your woice? my voice. your woice. my voice. "vuh," voice. his voice. your woice? look. watch sci-fi. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. it. neil: i think we have far more important things to be dealing with and whether the washington redskins should lose their trademark but the patent office has decided all now resisting and argon. so harry reid takes to the floor is the good thing the owner should get rid of it once and for all but what to call them? once you were said now the time has come to be renamed the team but we were getting tweets back-and-forth just to call them though washington deficits. >> the id d.c. unemployed. the washington bin jackass. >> now to our all-star is. >> i tried to think of the perfect name that would stand through the politically correct a multi-cultural gender neutral and unicorns all gender covered even with an animal. [laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. 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[ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. if ...hey breathing's hard... know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? don't tell him to stop just yet. there could be a scholarship really. humans. even when we cross our "ts" and dot our "i's", we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. if you qualify, your rates won't go up due to your first accident. because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. we also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, we'll give you the money for a new one. call liberty mutual insurance at... and ask us all about our auto features, like guaranteed repairs, where if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, the repairs are guaranteed for life. so call... to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas tax? hello? kingin the nationte numbeo in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. 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>> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like one. try nickelodeon, that seems more your speed. have a great weekend. kennedy: where did you come from? chances are that you or someone from a few generations removed wants away from the american dream. immigration has taken center stage in the national conversation once again. but what does it mean to be in america and how has immigration become such a contentious issue with folks were typically flows aligning themselves on either side of the debate? is it a false debate reisinger on rhesus contradictions? from kids ... order and a shocking situation. this is "the


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140621

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. of taking action. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. 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[ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the #cavuto and share with the world. when folks think about what they get from alaska, #cavuto and share with the world. they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. the numbers are impressive.y to new york state. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. 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[laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. if ...hey breathing's hard... know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? on-line games? don't tell him to stop just when folks think about what they get from alaska, on-line games? don't tell him to stop just they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas but to just raise the gas tax? we're moving our company to new york state. but to just raise the gas the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. 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>> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like one. try nickelodeon, that seems more your speed. have a great weekend. kennedy: where did you come from? chances are that you or someone from a few generations removed wants away from the american dream. immigration has taken center stage in the national conversation once again. but what does it mean to be in america and how has immigration become such a contentious issue with folks were typically flows aligning themselves on either side of the debate? is it a false debate reisinger on rhesus contradictions? from kids ... order and a shocking situation. this is "the


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140621

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the #cavuto and share with the world. ♪ ♪ (music playing) swimming introduces kids to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy kid is a confident kid ♪ (music playing) that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. it. neil: i think we have far more important things to be dealing with and whether the washington redskins should lose their trademark but the patent office has decided all now resisting and argon. so harry reid takes to the floor is the good thing the owner should get rid of it once and for all but what to call them? once you were said now the time has come to be renamed the team but we were getting tweets back-and-forth just to call them though washington deficits. >> the id d.c. unemployed. the washington bin jackass. >> now to our all-star is. >> i tried to think of the perfect name that would stand through the politically correct a multi-cultural gender neutral and unicorns all gender covered even with an animal. [laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it ♪ i tried to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks ♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest ♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ i reckon it's again my turn ♪ to win some or learn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free you'll find that the sky'snd yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. ♪you fill up my senses ♪like a night in a forest ♪like the mountains in springtime♪ ♪like a sleepy blue ocean ♪you fill up my senses ♪come fill me again ♪come let me love you ♪let me always be with you ♪come let me love you ♪come love me again benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? don't tell him to stop just [ rippling ] [ male announcer ] what if... [ crunching, rumbling ] were possible... [ low-pitched scraping, thud ] to capture... [ trilling ] the precision... [ sloshing ] passion... [ low-pitched scraping, thud ] [ whoosh ] ...and beauty... that goes into what you do? [ camera shutter clicks ] ♪ a better web starts with your website. create yours at squarespace. ♪ neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator buthen i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who ang x bi tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas tax? >> what is the deal? >> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like . coming up next is lou dobbs. lou: it evening, everyone from a , a number of developing stories at this hour. the irs commissioner was defined as he appeared before the house ways and means committee today. the irs had refused to give any apology for failing to tell congress that for five months these lois learn enough have been lost. and the only reason the internal revenue service admitted that her hard drive had been destroyed, was because congress finally asked. >> what i didn't hear and that was an apogy


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140621

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 when folks think about what they get from alaska, breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the world. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. cshe is the greatest thing ever. one little smile. one little laugh. honey bunny... (laughter) we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. (baby noise...laughter) we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you'd take that test, right? well, what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. it. neil: i think we have far more important things to be dealing with and whether the washington redskins should lose their trademark but the patent office has decided all now resisting and argon. so harry reid takes to the floor is the good thing the owner should get rid of it once and for all but what to call them? once you were said now the time has come to be renamed the team but we were getting tweets back-and-forth just to call them though washington deficits. >> the id d.c. unemployed. the washington bin jackass. >> now to our all-star is. >> i tried to think of the perfect name that would stand through the politically correct a multi-cultural gender neutral and unicorns all gender covered even with an animal. [laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. 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[laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? on-line games? don't tell him to stop just on-line games? don't tell him to stop just [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪ smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamerut they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son featuretivity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas but to just raise the gas tax? thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. test test but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. >> what is the deal? >> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like . ladies and gentlemen, "imus in the morning." >> we're going to send 300 what to iraq? what are we going to do? >> advisers. >> anybody seen this movie before? >> right. >> what, are they nuts? the president even said, to allay our fierce not to worry about mission creep. oh, my god.


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140622

washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. ♪ neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? this is an sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the world. 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[laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. the numbers are impressive.y to new york state. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. so i can reach ally bank 24/7 but there are no branches? 24/7 i'm sorry- i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? you feel that in your muscles? yeah...i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. experience a new way to bank where no branches = great rates. ally bank. your money needs an ally. benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? don't tell him to stop just neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas tax? if you've got copd like me... ...hey breathing's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. >> what is the deal? >> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like . >> robots that is stand in for humans are under development. >> they are fast and intelligent. john: what will that mean? eternal life? >> also, will robots takeover the workplace. >> a robot is easier to employees than a human being, they are never late for work, and never ask for a raise. john: it would be good to replace drivers. >> a car that drivers itself. john: and designer babies. >> giving parents a opportunity to build a baby, choosing eye color, and skin tone and more. john: come on, we have to be willing to say, not everything that i can do should. >> i should we, can we? a new word is


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140622

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with ir it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 so i can reach ally bank 24/7 but there are no branches? 24/7 i'm sorry- i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? you feel that in your muscles? yeah...i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. experience a new way to bank where no branches = great rates. ally bank. your money needs an ally. my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. ♪ i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy. neil: you know, this region far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the #cavuto and share with the world. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? it. neil: i think we have far more important things to be dealing with and whether the washington redskins should lose their trademark but the patent office has decided all now resisting and argon. so harry reid takes to the floor is the good thing the owner should get rid of it once and for all but what to call them? once you were said now the time has come to be renamed the team but we were getting tweets back-and-forth just to call them though washington deficits. >> the id d.c. unemployed. the washington bin jackass. >> now to our all-star is. >> i tried to think of the perfect name that would stand through the politically correct a multi-cultural gender neutral and unicorns all gender covered even with an animal. [laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people:to no. it is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. 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[laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? don't tell him to stop just (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it but if you were listening, keep playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas tax? thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. ♪ smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. >> what is the deal? >> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write lik ♪ ♪ welcome to the best of the imus in the morning program from new york city. over the next hour, some terrific imus interviews, few laughs with the icrew. i'm connell mcshannon at the midtown studios. blond on blond has become a staple of the imus in the morning program over the last few years and we're going at it about all the subjects of the day. topics in this particular edition of blond on blond that you'll see here in a minute or two include a woman who wanted to sell her virginity and


Transcripts For FBC Cavuto 20140623

is not the problem but washington is for iraq will not defend their energy bills the washington will because robert murray says iraq will die down but the epa is getting fired up to regulate and dick kelley -- to dictate and it to spread of a hike in the gasoline tax and resurrecting the carbon tax. all this time you thought the insurgents were the problem but a bureaucratic insurgents are the far bigger problem. that is my take years #cavuto to tell me yours if you don't i have no idea. it could go to o'reilly but then i don't care. steve, what you make of this? he is giving all america energy uses the thinkers. >> what i'd like to is the people that get hurt most when you raise the price of which is a the end of gasoline the regulations and what is going on with iraq it is like a tax on poor people and a regressive tax that that. i am not sure which is more important i rapport the epa regulations but, counting each other but then washington at the time with gas price is right the it is all done by a executive by fiat to hike utility bills. >> then to perpetuate falsehoods to say energy costs will go down by 8%. put those regulations will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. that is the fact. neil: then we are no longer polluting the air. >> i just had a feeling i would get gang up on. [laughter] i see west virginia with the old coal refineries and if there were no regulations we would be like china. >> it goes a little too far. >> but when i see happening is the coal industry has cleaned up its act. he could argue they had more room but also to argue that we have that energy here 40% of utility consumption. so limited that or put a cost on that for that and at the same time we are beholden to the funds the. >> there has to be a landlord of the environment in the united states but the epa has been coming down way too harshly on the coal industry. as pointed out still our low-cost so it is a horrible policy. >> i want to make very clear talk about regulations on carbon dioxide. you don't get sick to breathe in carbon dioxide breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 when folks think about what they get from alaska, breathe in carbon dioxide q5t carbon monoxide1 they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. neil: something is going on with this iraq thing first petraeus now senator rand paul says we should not get involved. and echoing the plane to entering a sectarian war. now to retired general, particularly with petraeus? >> you have appointed the sectarian civil war one of the bloodiest we have seen in the last 100 years. said it your advisers and with the intelligence report but with an air campaign is totally different didn't have the intelligence in place to discriminate between the bad guys and the civilians. neil: that raises an interesting point that the west should not commit forces from the west with clear intent of winning. but to be committed only with political and military objectives in a reasonable assurance of support from congress and the public. what you make of that? >> absolutely right. if you applied in the air campaign but then the doctor and kicks in. that is no big deal. but to cross the line when you bomb the city's we may very well drive the sunni into the arms of the enemy: youn far better than i. but we don't know who our friends or enemies are. we don't like these guys. we hate to these guys so to cease and desist and to wash our hands altogether? >> this is a fight between sunni and shia. a sectarian civil war. neil: it has been going on 1300 years. >> the last thing the united states should do is restart the boots on the ground by conducting of large-scale air campaign. >> what did you make of russia lecturing? >> the russians in afghanistan? but to take pot shots you deserve everything that is coming to you? >> what we have done in the world is create a vacuum military strategy 101 if you create a vacuum someone fills it. it is strange all the sudden they becomes the world's great peacemakers. neil: maybe the two of us can come together. >> they must me doing studies on this left and right but it is not a good idea the last thing we want to do to get the participation. >> so in order to help us they will demand? >> absolutely. don't let them do that. this is the iraqi verses' iraqi sadly as iraq has to bleed out before this is sorted out. neil: general thank you very much. there was so much going this week leaving aside that harry reid decided to go to the senate floor, we thought we would get involved to give you the chance. the redskins have been removed what would you reid nagle -- rename them? #cavuto and share with the world. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. 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[ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. it. neil: i think we have far more important things to be dealing with and whether the washington redskins should lose their trademark but the patent office has decided all now resisting and argon. so harry reid takes to the floor is the good thing the owner should get rid of it once and for all but what to call them? once you were said now the time has come to be renamed the team but we were getting tweets back-and-forth just to call them though washington deficits. >> the id d.c. unemployed. the washington bin jackass. >> now to our all-star is. >> i tried to think of the perfect name that would stand through the politically correct a multi-cultural gender neutral and unicorns all gender covered even with an animal. [laughter] >> but you know they are not real. [laughter] >> i think we should go the ugly rich white a angry old man that is a leading political you can get away with. [laughter] neil: the t-shirts? ; is nailed the white guy. >> i wanted to keep that. [laughter] but yet it's i am a little surprised the. >> i want to be the washington in red tape because it gets to the heart as what they are good at not winning games neil: then it comes back to haunt you? to review are the cleveland indians are the atlanta braves? >> we are too sensitive for lee. they call it washington. >> and for them to come out of the locker room. i am just saying. >> is absolutely absurd. in 2000 for 90 percent of native americans said it was not a derogatory so where do we get this? >> if it became an issue suddenly. the last couple of years it is an issue but now really nearly this is a big deal when you break into contract law, to representative trademarks away from the government it is like chrysler with bankruptcy and the bondholders move to the front of the line that should be scaring people not if we are of sending a certain people but it is to the constitution. >> but this is the way the government works made to this since they took over. they know all and tell us what to eat or what to drive for to spend our money on this is one more way and hopefully will be over with the next round of presidential elections. neil: i don't know. you will sleep with the fishes campaign? >> we just get in deeper. [laughter] neil: wed may comeback something with that deal with starbucks offering a college education to a the workers for i got this wrong but i was a little suspicious when i started to think shareholders might not like this idea. they didn't and it was not what it appeared. my vehicle buses a lot about a company if it tells the truth. after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. imagine what they can do for yours. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. so i can reach ally bank 24/7 but there are24/7branches? i'm sorry- i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? you feel that in your muscles? yeah...i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. experience a new way to bank where no branches = great rates. ally bank. your money needs an ally. neil: the plan that starbucks would offer online courses and i bought it hook line and sinker. if i am a shareholder i see the company pays for college education with my shareholder money? then restarted to look into this. the university had to clarify that starbucks is not putting up money they're getting discounts. we are looking at helping kids with tuition juniors and seniors will get one-half depressant coverage but the fact is it was not what it appears. now who blinked? what happened? >> arizona state blanked. starbucks evaded the details from the beginning and the mediates its out of their hands they follow them down the trail. neil: but i screwed up as well and i said if i am a shareholder i am not happy. >> that is probably why they were e base of it is a very good program for employees but thank goodness for gumshoed journalism because the associated press got the story that starbucks did not want to tell that they don't pay anything for freshmen and sophomores. it is later at the junior and senior year. neil: then to get the discount. but who pays for that? parent university pays for the discount all for your ears. starbucks reimburse the junior and senior your with dollars. neil: i am more confused than i was. but it was not what it originally appeared. >> he is spawn an even brought the starbucks coffee with him. >> i am thrilled with the ceo but not this case. it is a great program they're doing with the legislature cannot to bring down the cost of college. neil: he does have a generous heart but i cannot prove it but i think shareholders say we like your big part but not on our time. >> they now have to backtrack and now they should pay for it to. how much is one of those cups? ten dollars and? [laughter] to say we are going back we will pay for it all. neil: how many times have you reminded me if it is to look good to be true it probably is? they are helping out but for all of those kids working there, that's is not the case. so with this boomeranged? >> i don't think so. people will see the headlines but they have moved on. that starbucks is helping college kids that sounds positive purpose they went into all the details and said i still don't understand that. [laughter] but they could say we help college kids in to read the fine print. no. they just said we hell about the college kids that is all people: is a positive move:. >> i would have set a free latte for life. [laughter] >> but in the future when they have the big announcement or a crisis like today that they raise prices in four days they will have less credibility with journalists. neil: issuing a statement to offer a clear path to finishing college in to increase taxes with the higher education through the starbucks college achievement scholarship. they have it both ways. >> they're not transparent. and a big corporation doesn't reveal the details this is what happens then get tripped up because a reporter finds the story on a scale of a crisis viscid is of small. but they have not come now to say here is exactly what we pay and here is the shareholders. >> it is encouraging to see private enterprise to come in where it the government leaves a gaping hole. i will take it. neil: would rather accompanied and the government? >> camera rather the government but they will not so please, be my guest. >> is a great program but they messed up communications terribly. neil: you don't want to get me going on santa claus. the lois lerner emails finished? >> her hard drive failed meeting all of her emails were lost at that point. is that true? been extraordinary efforts were made to retrieve those from her hard drive. >> not so fast. we can find them. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. crestor lowered bad cholesterol in it's a fact. high-risk patients more than lipitor. bad cholesterol... you're going down! yeah! lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. i'm down with crestor! crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. are you down with crestor!? ask your doctor if crestor could help you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. benefices of most corrupt in the stiefel irs. >> americans frustrated with the agency above the law seven years of the personal information in case they're audited you cannot keep six months' worth of the employee emails? neil: it depends how you lose all these emails but i have a fellow here who is an expert. of forensic technician. we were chatting during the break it stretches the mind choose think that they just disappeared and that the irs and no less. is that realistic? >> not in the slightest. an organization that has years and years of personal data on any one of us but it seems unlikely they would lose for such a high profile employee. neil: that is a little weird how did they disappear? explained the process to me. how would that happen? >> if they disappear that the company instituted a new policy to clear up space they could be deleted that a certain time like 3:00 a.m. and clear out the emails of weber that being said there is back up after backup after backup especially an organization like this before is off site. so if the emails were to disappear in would be very difficult. neil: also zero of a chain of command. i could not do it it would be the administrator then they have to be clear. >> no possible way accidentally. they would have had to have permissions from his boss and his boss. >> even give minister raiders needed -- administrator needs the administrator. neil: talk about what we talked about the other day the you could subpoena as a the hard drive if you get your hands on the computer what can you tell? >> when it happens we take this back to our lab of sanitary conditions. neil: this is the actual computer. [laughter] >> of course, . sometimes it is the whole tower we take it apart, we plugging it in to a very clean and sterile machine to use of forensic program that takes a copy so there is no evidence tampering fed we see what is on the hard drive from the free space to the programs that were last installed. i can tell when the program was installed by what user and at what time of the time was changed or any information it could possibly be found. neil: can you find a divi-divi males? >> absolutely. neil: can you find the time? >> yes. neil: you could track all of that. >> absolutely. neil: and why are we not pursuing fact? but use said given the hard drive and looking at the hard drive you can tell if they were truly deleted but who did what and when and how. >> generally has been every case is different however the majority of cases can see that user deleted emails at 7:45 p.m. it will save that. neil: what if they cycled through bastard x number of days to make room for new ones? in make you can see that on the hard drive. neil: attwood verify what the lois lerner people are saying. >> but is seen as it is to convenience to years of emails disappearing at once does not happen. we have done work where we have seen seven years worth of emails. it just seems way too convenient and considering how many steps it would take to can rid of all of that through the chain of custody , legal bout and everything? neil: i thought if i lose a document but it is gone we cannot retrieve it. >> almost anything can be retrieved it just depends how much effort. if you lose the simple word document to hire a forensic company to find one little document but you would go through the necessary step with each individual step to regain the e-mail. neil: i appreciate your expertise. it is of little weird. does your kid play a lot of on-line games? don't tell him to stop just neil: using this skill comes naturally? tonight businesses said employees to comedy clubs to learn communication skills. there must be something. >> day think comedy clubs are easy? >> but to make it in business i would bring a heckler. >> i don't know if you are the guys to do that. >> i am at the comedy club this thursday a and i will tell you they keep it clean but they are tough. neil: then what about a bunch of accountants? >> i put them on stage cold. it to put them under pressure it is the toughest thing to do to cut your teeth. is the cute idea. >> one that could benefit is barack obama could send a joe biden. [laughter] neil: how created she is. [laughter] >> but with the accountants they walk into a room. bird you go with that? >>. [laughter] i think it'd say tough environment and on the flip side the kid is graduating from college that i have interviewed for. the chair recruiting they have prayed for communication skills. i was not a good communicator but when i shoot left graduate school they will train you to be a good communicator to be a flip chart presentation in practice sales calls they spent time on that but i don't think companies are doing that these days spinning people will not believe this. [laughter] but what do you do? you put them on stage. >> is a good communication skills i traveled north america for corporate shows and to look like stem cells and a peach tree dash - - 83 dash. [laughter] >> i am onstage. >> but the comedy myth is the great way to break the barriers down. neil: abraham lincoln had a great sense of humor. but even those boys who are big into playing x box i tell them to stop it butwere lip playing. the university may just offer you a scholarship. it is true. of illinois institution will give a scholarship this is a big promising area of. >> this is college says glamorizing something that should not be. it is not the place to get your video game accolades. neil: what is news lawrence? >> i'd like no athletic scholarships are no academic scholarship solely the based that is where the money needs to go. for the kids that earn their way but cannot afford to. >> i like it. guy was never a gamer but they do bring skills to today's environment like resource management, the logic in decision and theory you have to be adept mentally to be a good game for. -- teamers. >> when the utah king about? >> to be a gamer? if nothing else is like chaos theory to make decisions under pressure. [laughter] >> if there is a scholarship for that? >> do not show my kid and this story please. you are absolutely right for befalls level of achievement >> like mine craft? >> colleges about educating and other countries educate their students. neil: you sound like you are old but. [laughter] was never the skill set. son feature creativity. >> if you are paid. [laughter] but i did the little league to put them on a false cover >> but to do with it is the real world spinning to a new that she would be the one to come out to sound like grandpa. but to just raise the gas tax? (mother vo) when i was pregnant ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. 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[ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. >> what is the deal? >> and what is the deal with this angry ceo. you hurt yourself. a president he said it's targeting his interest. >> what he is doing is destroying the most lowest-cost carbon. >> it's an issue to me because my employees lives are being destroyed. >> and apparently a lot of you agree. enough is enough. attacking the coal industry with phony claims about reducing air pollutants. the the grand finale can't come soon enough area maybe he should have shut his mouth years of back and not made himself a target. and harvey says that's what happens when you speak your mind. indeed, it is. and elizabeth at aol, this guy has every right to be annoyed. it's clear that he's been singled out. and if only you had a solar energy division. >> we have so much about. the president is laughing at him. he is targeting him as well. and what is the deal in the middle of all of this? geary in california threats, let's just talk about this. about 100%, this way we can finish off beating the off the horse and kiddie rides, hello, we are already paying through the nose. good point. and do they bother to see how expensive filling up building up is now? they haven't a clue. and gary says, what happens to all the money that we have been paying over the years? is anyone going to account for that? and glenn writes, one more fact that these people have no idea what americans are going through, and they really don't care, even if they do. and tom says no need to raise the gas tax. and any on facebook right, maybe they can figure out how to cut spending so they can quit relying on more money. they are horrible at being responsible with the way that they love money. but don't hold your breath on that one. and matthew says, we need to be doing whatever is needed to lower the gas taxes and not raise them. and this happens a lot. we get e-mails based on something i wrote not for any of my shows, but for our fox business website. and this one concerned trust and how we have lost the in washington and in politicians in general who say one thing to another. we liken it to the wizard of oz. and we finally see the great leader and actually all of these. and i just read your post i couldn't agree more. alex says it's even worse when herriot repos off on the washington redskins and going off on saving our skins. they are older clueless pranks themselves. and porter, would you feel differently if they were named the washington greasy italians? well, you just shot your argument with the greasy italian comment. and by the way, i am not greasy. and jeremiah said the thing about changing political winds as the politicians keep shifting and they can't keep up with themselves. i have no idea what you're talking about, but i agree wholeheartedly. and one thing is for certain, that he will always be made fun of, so don't be expecting harry reid to come to your defense on the senate floor. just saying. and patricia writes that you are the man, we love the show. and another says a number can write to compliment you, but thanks for giving charles payne his own fresh show. you are just a little bit hotter though, and doesn't kill charles payne. and what do you mean by a little bit? >> anyway, sometimes you sound like a 7-year-old. well, sometimes you write like . >> robots that is stand in for humans are under development. >> they are fast and intelligent. john: what will that mean? eternal life? >> also, will robots takeover the workplace. >> a robot is easier to employees than a human being, they are never late for work, and never ask for a raise. john: it would be good to replace drivers. >> a car that drivers itself. john: and designer babies. >> giving parents a opportunity to build a baby, choosing eye color, and skin tone and more. john: come on, we have to be willing to say, not everything that i can do should. >> i should we, can we? a new word


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